List of usage examples for java.nio.file Path endsWith
default boolean endsWith(String other)
From source
public static void downloadAndInstall(String url, String archiveFileName, Path installPath, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException { Exception error = null;/*from w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ for (int retries = 3; retries > 0 && !monitor.isCanceled(); --retries) { try { URL dl = new URL(url); Path dlDir = ArduinoPreferences.getArduinoHome().resolve("downloads"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Files.createDirectories(dlDir); Path archivePath = dlDir.resolve(archiveFileName); URLConnection conn = dl.openConnection(); conn.setConnectTimeout(10000); conn.setReadTimeout(10000); Files.copy(conn.getInputStream(), archivePath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); boolean isWin = Platform.getOS().equals(Platform.OS_WIN32); // extract ArchiveInputStream archiveIn = null; try { String compressor = null; String archiver = null; if (archiveFileName.endsWith("tar.bz2")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ compressor = CompressorStreamFactory.BZIP2; archiver = ArchiveStreamFactory.TAR; } else if (archiveFileName.endsWith(".tar.gz") || archiveFileName.endsWith(".tgz")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ compressor = CompressorStreamFactory.GZIP; archiver = ArchiveStreamFactory.TAR; } else if (archiveFileName.endsWith(".tar.xz")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ compressor = CompressorStreamFactory.XZ; archiver = ArchiveStreamFactory.TAR; } else if (archiveFileName.endsWith(".zip")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ archiver = ArchiveStreamFactory.ZIP; } InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(archivePath.toFile())); if (compressor != null) { in = new CompressorStreamFactory().createCompressorInputStream(compressor, in); } archiveIn = new ArchiveStreamFactory().createArchiveInputStream(archiver, in); for (ArchiveEntry entry = archiveIn.getNextEntry(); entry != null; entry = archiveIn .getNextEntry()) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { continue; } // Magic file for git tarballs Path path = Paths.get(entry.getName()); if (path.endsWith("pax_global_header")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ continue; } // Strip the first directory of the path Path entryPath; switch (path.getName(0).toString()) { case "i586": case "i686": // Cheat for Intel entryPath = installPath.resolve(path); break; default: entryPath = installPath.resolve(path.subpath(1, path.getNameCount())); } Files.createDirectories(entryPath.getParent()); if (entry instanceof TarArchiveEntry) { TarArchiveEntry tarEntry = (TarArchiveEntry) entry; if (tarEntry.isLink()) { Path linkPath = Paths.get(tarEntry.getLinkName()); linkPath = installPath.resolve(linkPath.subpath(1, linkPath.getNameCount())); Files.deleteIfExists(entryPath); Files.createSymbolicLink(entryPath, entryPath.getParent().relativize(linkPath)); } else if (tarEntry.isSymbolicLink()) { Path linkPath = Paths.get(tarEntry.getLinkName()); Files.deleteIfExists(entryPath); Files.createSymbolicLink(entryPath, linkPath); } else { Files.copy(archiveIn, entryPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } if (!isWin && !tarEntry.isSymbolicLink()) { int mode = tarEntry.getMode(); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(entryPath, toPerms(mode)); } } else { Files.copy(archiveIn, entryPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } } } finally { if (archiveIn != null) { archiveIn.close(); } } return; } catch (IOException | CompressorException | ArchiveException e) { error = e; // retry } } // out of retries if (error instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) error; } else { throw new IOException(error); } }
From source
/** * erstellt fuer jeden running step einen watchkey * es soll jedes stepverzeichnis mit dem status 'working' observiert werden bis das file ".exit" erscheint * @param process//from w ww . j a v a 2s . c o m * @throws IOException */ private static void createWatchKeysForAllRunningSteps(Process process) throws IOException { // diesen Thread ablegen, damit er vom zyklischen thread gekillt werden kann watcherThread = Thread.currentThread(); // einen neuen map erzeugen fuer die watchKeys keys = new HashMap<WatchKey, Path>(); WatchService watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService(); // Anlegen des WatchKeys fuer den Prozess (falls er gestoppt wird, erfolgt die Komunikation mit diesem manager ueber das binaerfile) Path processDir = Paths.get(process.getRootdir()); System.err.println("info: creating a watchkey for the process path " + process.getRootdir()); WatchKey keyProcess = processDir.register(watcher, ENTRY_MODIFY); keys.put(keyProcess, processDir); // Anlegen der WatchKeys fuer jeden laufenden Step for (Step actStep : process.getStep()) { if (actStep.getStatus().equals("working")) { Path stepDir = Paths.get(actStep.getAbsdir()); try { System.err.println("info: step " + actStep.getName() + " is working -> creating a watchkey for its path " + actStep.getAbsdir()); System.err.println("debug: creating..."); WatchKey key = stepDir.register(watcher, ENTRY_CREATE); System.err.println("debug: creating...done. putting to the map"); keys.put(key, stepDir); System.err.println("debug: creating...done. putting to the map...done"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } stepDirExitFile = new + "/.exit"); stepDirStatusFile = new + "/.status"); // falls die datei bereits existiert, wird sofort erneut der Prozess weitergeschoben // dies ist dann der fall, wenn ein step gestartet wurde, und danach der manager neu gestartet wurde if (stepDirExitFile.exists()) { System.err.println("info: .exit file already exists -> shortcutting to pushing the process"); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } // falls der step ein process ist, bibts dort kein .exit file sondern ein .status file else if (stepDirStatusFile.exists()) { System.err.println("info: .status file already exists."); try { java.util.List<String> statusInhalt = Files.readAllLines(stepDirStatusFile.toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset()); if (statusInhalt.size() > 0) { String firstLine = statusInhalt.get(0); System.err.println("info: status changed to: " + firstLine); System.err.println("info: .status file contains status " + firstLine); // wenn ein finaler status, dann soll manager aufgeweckt werden if (firstLine.equals("error") || firstLine.equals("finished")) { System.err.println("info: --> shortcutting to pushing process"); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.err.println( "IOException: trying to read file: " + stepDirStatusFile.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { System.err.println("ExceptionInInitializerError: trying to read file: " + stepDirStatusFile.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } process.log("info", "now into the watchloop"); // warten auf ein Signal von einem WatchKey for (;;) { WatchKey key; try { key = watcher.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- watcher thread: interrupted! returning to alternativer Thread"); return; } Path dir = keys.get(key); if (dir == null) { System.err.println("WatchKey not recognized!!"); continue; } for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents()) { // System.err.println("debug: poll event " + event); WatchEvent.Kind kind = event.kind(); WatchEvent<Path> ev = (WatchEvent<Path>) event; Path name = ev.context(); // dieses logging fuehrt zur aenderung von stderr.txt und .log, was wiederum ein ENTRY_MODIFY ausloest etc. endlosschleife bis platte volllaeuft // System.err.println("debug: poll context " + name); Path child = dir.resolve(name); // System.err.println("debug: poll child " + child); if (kind == ENTRY_CREATE) { if (child.endsWith(".exit")) { System.err.println("info: waking up, because file created: " + child.toString()); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } } if ((kind == ENTRY_MODIFY) && (child.endsWith("process.pmb"))) { // System.err.println("info: waking up, because process binary file has been modified: " + child.toString()); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } if (kind == ENTRY_CREATE || kind == ENTRY_MODIFY) { if (child.endsWith(".status")) { try { java.util.List<String> statusInhalt = Files.readAllLines(child, Charset.defaultCharset()); if (statusInhalt.size() > 0) { String firstLine = statusInhalt.get(0); System.err.println("info: status changed to: " + firstLine); // wenn ein finaler status, dann soll manager aufgeweckt werden if (firstLine.equals("error") || firstLine.equals("finished")) { System.err.println("info: waking up, because status changed to: " + firstLine); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.err.println("IOException: trying to read file: " + child.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { System.err.println( "ExceptionInInitializerError: trying to read file: " + child.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } // reset the triggered key key.reset(); } } }
From source
@Override public void deleteSandbox(final SandboxData sandbox) { File copyDir = sandbox.getBaseDir(); try {// w ww . j a va 2s .c om final AtomicInteger depth = new AtomicInteger(0); Files.walkFileTree(copyDir.toPath(), new FileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path path, BasicFileAttributes basicFileAttributes) throws IOException { int d = depth.getAndIncrement(); // see whether the mounts are gone if (1 == d) { for (Mount m : sandbox) { if (path.endsWith(m.getMountPoint().substring(1))) { if (0 != path.toFile().listFiles().length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( path.getFileName() + " has not been unmounted."); } } } } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path path, BasicFileAttributes basicFileAttributes) throws IOException { Files.delete(path); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path path, IOException e) throws IOException { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path path, IOException e) throws IOException { Files.delete(path); depth.decrementAndGet(); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SandboxException(e); } }
From source
protected SignalKServer(String configDir) throws Exception { // init config Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.setProperty("", "true"); System.setProperties(props);//ww w . j a va2 s . c o m Util.getConfig(); // make sure we have all the correct dirs and files now ensureInstall();"SignalKServer starting...."); // do we have a USB drive connected? //"USB drive " + Util.getUSBFile()); // create a new Camel Main so we can easily start Camel Main main = new Main(); //main.setApplicationContextUri("classpath:META-INF/spring/camel-context.xml"); // enable hangup support which mean we detect when the JVM terminates, // and stop Camel graceful main.enableHangupSupport(); // Start activemq broker BrokerService broker = ActiveMqBrokerFactory.newInstance(); broker.start(); //DNS-SD, zeroconf mDNS startMdns(); configureRouteManager(main); // and run, which keeps blocking until we terminate the JVM (or stop // CamelContext) main.start(); WatchService service = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService(); Path dir = Paths.get("./conf"); dir.register(service, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY); WatchKey key = null; while (true) { key = service.take(); // Dequeueing events Kind<?> kind = null; for (WatchEvent<?> watchEvent : key.pollEvents()) { // Get the type of the event kind = watchEvent.kind(); logger.debug( "SignalKServer conf/ event:" + watchEvent.kind() + " : " + watchEvent.context().toString()); if (StandardWatchEventKinds.OVERFLOW == kind) { continue; //loop } else if (StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY == kind) { // A new Path was created @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Path newPath = ((WatchEvent<Path>) watchEvent).context(); // Output if (newPath.endsWith("signalk-restart")) {"SignalKServer conf/signalk-restart changed, stopping.."); main.stop(); main.getCamelContexts().clear(); main.getRouteBuilders().clear(); main.getRouteDefinitions().clear(); // so now shutdown serial reader and server RouteManager routeManager = RouteManagerFactory.getInstance(); routeManager.stopNettyServers(); routeManager.stopSerial(); if (server != null) { server.stop(); server = null; } RouteManagerFactory.clear(); configureRouteManager(main); main.start(); } } } if (!key.reset()) { break; //loop } } stopMdns(); broker.stop(); // write out the signalk model; System.exit(0); }
From source
private void execute(Path indexFile, Path rootDir, Path statusFile) throws IOException { int count = 0; BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(statusFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); InputStream is = null;//from w w w. java 2 s . c o m try { if (indexFile.endsWith(".gz")) { is = new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(Files.newInputStream(indexFile))); } else { is = new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(indexFile)); } try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { processRow(line, rootDir, writer); if (++count % 100 == 0) { + ": " + count); } line = reader.readLine(); } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); try { writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
From source
@Test public void testRenameFile() throws Exception { Path sourceFilePath = Files.createTempFile("test", null); Path parentFilePath = sourceFilePath.getParent(); String sourceFilePathFileName = String.valueOf(sourceFilePath.getFileName()); Path targetFilePath = parentFilePath.resolve(sourceFilePathFileName.toUpperCase()); FileUtil.moveFile(sourceFilePath, targetFilePath); Path realFilePath = targetFilePath.toRealPath(); Path realFilePathFileName = realFilePath.getFileName(); Assert.assertFalse(sourceFilePath.endsWith(realFilePathFileName)); Assert.assertTrue(targetFilePath.endsWith(realFilePathFileName)); }
From source
private long searchAndAppendAfter(final ServletConfig config, final Element agglomerateElement, final String scriptSrc, final String pathPrefix, final String pathSuffix, final String urlAttribute, long lastModified) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, URISyntaxException { if (mode == Mode.DEVELOPMENT) { // add a watch for that directory final Path path = Paths.get(config.getServletContext().getRealPath(scriptSrc)); path.register(watchService, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE); }/* w w w . j av a 2 s. co m*/ final Set<String> childrenPaths = config.getServletContext().getResourcePaths(scriptSrc); for (final String path : childrenPaths) { if (path.endsWith(pathSuffix)) { // add that JS final StringBuilder targetScript = new StringBuilder("<"); targetScript.append(agglomerateElement.tagName()); // copy all the origin attributes for (final Attribute attribute : agglomerateElement.attributes()) { final String key = attribute.getKey(); if (!ATTRIBUTE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(key) && !urlAttribute.equalsIgnoreCase(key) && !URL_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { targetScript.append(" ").append(attribute.html()); } } // specify the src path final String childUrl = StringUtils.removeStart(path, pathPrefix); targetScript.append(" ").append(new Attribute(urlAttribute, childUrl).html()).append(" />"); agglomerateElement.after(targetScript.toString()); lastModified = Math.max( config.getServletContext().getResource(childUrl).openConnection().getLastModified(), lastModified); } else if (path.endsWith("/")) { // it's a directory, recurse search & append lastModified = Math.max(searchAndAppendAfter(config, agglomerateElement, path, pathPrefix, pathSuffix, urlAttribute, lastModified), lastModified); } } return lastModified; }
From source
@Override public void doDump(OutputStream out) throws IOException { final ZipOutputStream zout = new ZipOutputStream(out); final int cutLength = this.repositoryRoot.toString().length() + 1; Files.walkFileTree(this.repositoryRoot, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override/*from ww w . j a va 2s. co m*/ public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) { if (dir.endsWith(".git")) { return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE; } else { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) { String name = file.toString().substring(cutLength); ZipEntry ze = new ZipEntry(name); try { ze.setTime(Files.getLastModifiedTime(file).toMillis()); ze.setSize(Files.size(file)); zout.putNextEntry(ze); Files.copy(file, zout); zout.closeEntry(); } catch (IOException e) { FilebasedRepository.logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); zout.close(); }
From source
private void setup(String ddfHomeStr, String tag, String productVersion) throws IOException { ddfHome = tempDir.newFolder(ddfHomeStr).toPath().toRealPath(); Path binDir = ddfHome.resolve("bin"); Files.createDirectory(binDir); System.setProperty(DDF_HOME_SYSTEM_PROP_KEY, ddfHome.toRealPath().toString()); setupBrandingFile(SUPPORTED_BRANDING); setupVersionFile(productVersion);/*w w w . j av a2 s . c o m*/ setupMigrationProperties(SUPPORTED_PRODUCT_VERSION); for (Path path : PROPERTIES_FILES) { Path p = ddfHome.resolve(path); Files.createDirectories(p.getParent()); Files.createFile(p); if (p.endsWith(Paths.get("server", ""))) { writeProperties(p, CRL_PROP_KEY, CRL.toString(), String.format("%s&%s", p.toRealPath().toString(), tag)); } else { writeProperties(p, "something", "else", String.format("%s&%s", p.toRealPath().toString(), tag)); } } Files.createDirectory(ddfHome.resolve(PDP_POLICIES_DIR)); setupCrl(tag); setupPdpFiles(tag); Files.createDirectory(ddfHome.resolve(SECURITY_POLICIES_DIR)); setupPolicyFiles(tag); }
From source
public int execute(String[] args) { try {/* w w w. ja v a2s .c om*/ CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); String inputFile = null; boolean interactive = false; boolean token = false; String outputFile = null; String keyStoreFile = null; String producerUID = null; String ownerUID = null; String appName = null; long ttl = 0L; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); if (cmd.hasOption(HELP)) { help(); return 0; } if (cmd.hasOption(VERSION)) { version(out); return 0; } if (cmd.hasOption(VERBOSE)) { verbose = true; } if (cmd.hasOption(INTERACTIVE)) { interactive = true; } if (cmd.hasOption(OUTPUT)) { outputFile = cmd.getOptionValue(OUTPUT); } if (cmd.hasOption(KEYSTORE)) { keyStoreFile = cmd.getOptionValue(KEYSTORE); } if (cmd.hasOption(TOKEN)) { token = true; // PRODUCER UUID OPTION (mandatory) // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cmd.hasOption(UUIDGEN_PRODUCER)) { producerUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } else if (cmd.hasOption(P_UUID)) { producerUID = cmd.getOptionValue(P_UUID); UUID.fromString(producerUID); } // OWNER UUID OPTION (mandatory) // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cmd.hasOption(UUIDGEN_OWNER)) { ownerUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } else if (cmd.hasOption(O_UUID)) { ownerUID = cmd.getOptionValue(O_UUID); UUID.fromString(ownerUID); } else { ownerUID = producerUID; } if (cmd.hasOption(APPNAME)) { appName = cmd.getOptionValue(APPNAME); } if (cmd.hasOption(TTL)) { ttl = Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue(TTL)); long ttlMax = Long.MAX_VALUE - System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ttl >= ttlMax) { throw new WorfException("TTL can not be upper than " + ttlMax + " ms"); } } else { throw new WorfException("The option 'ttl' is missing "); } } // get the input file name switch (cmd.getArgs().length) { case 0: throw new WorfException("Config or template file missing."); case 1: inputFile = cmd.getArgs()[0]; break; default: throw new WorfException("Too many arguments, only one config or template file expected."); } // load the interactive mode if (interactive) { return runInteractive(inputFile); } Properties config = Worf.readConfig(inputFile, out); // // TEMPLATE CONFIGURATION // if (WorfTemplate.isTemplate(config)) { // load keystore if needed WorfKeyMaster templateKeyMaster = null; if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(keyStoreFile)) { // read config Properties keyStoreConfig = Worf.readConfig(keyStoreFile, out); // load key master templateKeyMaster = new WorfKeyMaster(keyStoreConfig); if (!templateKeyMaster.loadKeyStore()) { throw new WorfException("Template Keystore not loaded"); } } WorfTemplate tpl = new WorfTemplate(config, inputFile); // GENERATE CRYPTO KEYS for (String cryptoKey : tpl.getCryptoKeys()) { String keySize = tpl.generateCryptoKey(cryptoKey); if (keySize != null) { out.println(keySize + " bits secured key for " + cryptoKey + " generated"); } else { throw new WorfException("Unable to generate " + cryptoKey + ", template error"); } } // read defaults if (token) { Properties defaultProperties = Worf.readDefault(inputFile, out); appName = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, appName, APPNAME); producerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, producerUID, P_UUID); ownerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, ownerUID, O_UUID); } // GENERATE TOKENS for (String tokenKey : tpl.getTokenKeys()) { if (!token) { throw new WorfException("Unable to generate template tokens missing -t option"); } if (templateKeyMaster == null) { throw new WorfException("Unable to generate template tokens missing -ks option"); } String tokenIdent = tpl.generateTokenKey(tokenKey, appName, ownerUID, producerUID, ttl, templateKeyMaster); out.println("Token generated key=" + tokenKey + " ident=" + tokenIdent); } // GET INTERACTIVE CONFIGURATION if (tpl.getFieldsStack().size() > 0) { throw new WorfException("Unable the update template, you are not in interactive mode"); } // save the template if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(outputFile)) { Path inputConfigurationPath = Paths.get(inputFile); String outputFileName = inputConfigurationPath.getFileName().toString(); outputFileName = outputFileName.replace("template", "conf"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(inputConfigurationPath.getParent().toString()); if (!inputConfigurationPath.endsWith(File.separator)) { sb.append(File.separator); } sb.append(outputFileName); outputFile = sb.toString(); } tpl.saveConfig(outputFile); out.println("Warp configuration saved (" + outputFile + ")"); out.flush(); inputFile = outputFile; // Keystore is given as input //end of the job if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(keyStoreFile)) { out.println("Warp configuration file used for tokens generation in templates"); out.println("For generate tokens, reload Worf without 'ks' option"); out.flush(); System.exit(0); } } // // GENERATE TOKEN // if (token) { // read config config = Worf.readConfig(inputFile, out); // load key master WorfKeyMaster keyMaster = new WorfKeyMaster(config); if (!keyMaster.loadKeyStore()) { throw new WorfException("Keystore not loaded"); } Properties defaultProperties = Worf.readDefault(inputFile, out); appName = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, appName, APPNAME); producerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, producerUID, P_UUID); ownerUID = Worf.getDefault(defaultProperties, out, ownerUID, O_UUID); // save default if (defaultProperties == null) { Worf.saveDefault(inputFile, appName, producerUID, ownerUID); } // deliver token String readToken = keyMaster.deliverReadToken(appName, producerUID, ownerUID, ttl); String writeToken = keyMaster.deliverWriteToken(appName, producerUID, ownerUID, ttl); // write outputformat JSONObject jsonOutput = new JSONObject(); JSONObject jsonToken = new JSONObject(); jsonToken.put("token", readToken); jsonToken.put("tokenIdent", keyMaster.getTokenIdent(readToken)); jsonToken.put("ttl", ttl); jsonToken.put("application", appName); jsonToken.put("owner", ownerUID); jsonToken.put("producer", producerUID); jsonOutput.put("read", jsonToken); jsonToken = new JSONObject(); jsonToken.put("token", writeToken); jsonToken.put("tokenIdent", keyMaster.getTokenIdent(writeToken)); jsonToken.put("ttl", ttl); jsonToken.put("application", appName); jsonToken.put("owner", ownerUID); jsonToken.put("producer", producerUID); jsonOutput.put("write", jsonToken); System.out.println(jsonOutput.toString()); } } catch (Exception we) { if (verbose) { we.printStackTrace(); } else { System.out.println(we.getMessage() + "\n"); } help(); return -1; } return 0; }