Java tutorial
package de.prozesskraft.pkraft; import de.prozesskraft.commons.MyLicense; import de.prozesskraft.commons.WhereAmI; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind; import java.nio.file.WatchKey; import java.nio.file.WatchService; import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.*; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.ini4j.Ini; import org.ini4j.InvalidFileFormatException; import; public class Manager { /*---------------------------- structure ----------------------------*/ static CommandLine line; static Ini ini; static boolean weiterlaufen = true; static boolean pradar = true; static Double managerid = null; volatile static Long lastRun = null; volatile static boolean exit = false; volatile static int loopMinutes = 1; static int fuzzyness = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(-2000, 2000 + 1); static float factorSleepBecauseOfLoadAverage = 1.0f; static fileBinary = null; static Map<WatchKey, Path> keys = null; static Thread watcherThread = null; /*---------------------------- constructors ----------------------------*/ // public static void main(String[] args) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException public static void main(String[] args) throws org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException, CloneNotSupportedException { // try // { // if (args.length != 1) // { // System.out.println("Please specify Inputfile and Outputfile (prozessinstanz.lri)"); // } // // } // catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) // { // System.out.println("***ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Please specify procesdefinition.lrd and processinstance.lri\n" + e.toString()); // } /*---------------------------- get options from ini-file ----------------------------*/ File inifile = new WhereAmI.getInstallDirectoryAbsolutePath(Manager.class) + "/" + "../etc/pkraft-manager.ini"); if (inifile.exists()) { try { ini = new Ini(inifile); } catch (InvalidFileFormatException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } } else { System.err.println("ini file does not exist: " + inifile.getAbsolutePath()); System.exit(1); exit = true; } /*---------------------------- create boolean options ----------------------------*/ Option help = new Option("help", "print this message"); Option v = new Option("v", "prints version and build-date"); /*---------------------------- create argument options ----------------------------*/ Option instance = OptionBuilder.withArgName("instance").hasArg() .withDescription("[mandatory] process instance file") // .isRequired() .create("instance"); Option stop = OptionBuilder.withArgName("stop") // .hasArg() .withDescription("[optional] stops a running manager for given instance") // .isRequired() .create("stop"); Option kill = OptionBuilder.withArgName("kill") // .hasArg() .withDescription("[optional] kills all applications that have been started by steps") // .isRequired() .create("kill"); /*---------------------------- create options object ----------------------------*/ Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(help); options.addOption(v); options.addOption(instance); options.addOption(stop); options.addOption(kill); /*---------------------------- create the parser ----------------------------*/ CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { // parse the command line arguments line = parser.parse(options, args); } // catch ( ParseException exp ) catch (Exception exp) { // oops, something went wrong System.err.println("Parsing failed. Reason: " + exp.getMessage()); exiter(); } /*---------------------------- usage/help ----------------------------*/ if (line.hasOption("help")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("manager", options); exit = true; System.exit(0); } else if (line.hasOption("v")) { System.out.println("author:"); System.out.println("version: [% version %]"); System.out.println("date: [% date %]"); exit = true; System.exit(0); } else if (!(line.hasOption("instance"))) { exiter(); } /*---------------------------- die lizenz ueberpruefen und ggf abbrechen ----------------------------*/ // check for valid license ArrayList<String> allPortAtHost = new ArrayList<String>(); allPortAtHost.add(ini.get("license-server", "license-server-1")); allPortAtHost.add(ini.get("license-server", "license-server-2")); allPortAtHost.add(ini.get("license-server", "license-server-3")); MyLicense lic = new MyLicense(allPortAtHost, "1", "user-edition", "0.1"); // lizenz-logging ausgeben for (String actLine : (ArrayList<String>) lic.getLog()) { System.err.println(actLine); } // abbruch, wenn lizenz nicht valide if (!lic.isValid()) { exit = true; System.exit(1); } /*---------------------------- business logic ----------------------------*/ Process actualProcess = null; try { Process p1 = new Process(); // die dauer des loops festlegen. Dies soll kein standardwert sein, da sonst bei vielen subprozessen die Prozessorlast stark oszilliert // zwischen 12 und 17 sekunden // Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); // int loop_period_seconds = rand.nextInt((17 - 12) + 1) + 12; // System.err.println("loop period is randomly set to: "+loop_period_seconds); fileBinary = new"instance")); String pathBinary = ""; if (fileBinary.exists()) { pathBinary = fileBinary.getAbsolutePath(); System.err.println("file does exist: " + pathBinary); } else { System.err.println("file does not exist: " + fileBinary.getAbsolutePath()); exiter(); } if (line.hasOption("stop") || line.hasOption("kill")) { p1.setInfilebinary(pathBinary); Process p2 = p1.readBinary(); p2.log("debug", "setting new manager-Id (0) to signal actual manager (" + p2.getManagerid() + ") that he is no longer in charge "); System.err.println("info: stopping instance"); System.err.println("debug: setting new manager-Id (0) to signal actual manager (" + p2.getManagerid() + ") that he is no longer in charge "); p2.setManagerid(0); = false; p2.setOutfilebinary(pathBinary); p2.writeBinary(); if (line.hasOption("kill")) { System.err.println("info: killing all steps of instance"); String returnStringOfKills = p2.kill(); System.err.println("info: killing returns: " + returnStringOfKills); } boolean pradar = (!(p2.isWrapper())); // pradar checkout if (pradar) { pradarAttend(p2.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb"); // pradarCheckout(p2.getId(), p2.getName(), "0"); } exit = true; System.exit(0); } startZyklischerThread(0); // prozessinstanz einlesen p1.setInfilebinary(pathBinary); managerid = p1.genManagerid(); Process p2; p2 = p1.readBinary(); // beim aufruf des programms wird erstmal die instanz occupiert p2.setManagerid(managerid); System.err.println("debug: manager " + managerid + ": occupying instance."); p2.log("info", "manager " + managerid + ": occupying instance."); p2.log("debug", "manager " + managerid + ": setting new manager-id to signal other running managers that they are not longer needed."); p2.log("debug", "manager " + managerid + ": setting binary file for input to: " + pathBinary); // System.out.println("setting binary file for input to: "+line.getOptionValue("instance")); p2.log("debug", "manager " + managerid + ": reading binary file: " + pathBinary); p2.setInfilebinary(pathBinary); p2.setOutfilebinary(pathBinary); p2.log("debug", "manager " + managerid + ": setting binary file for output: " + pathBinary); // instanz auf platte schreiben (um anderen managern zu signalisieren, dass sie nicht mehr gebraucht werden // System.out.println("setting manager-id to: "+managerid); p2.log("debug", "manager " + managerid + ": writing process to binary file to occupy instance."); // wenn es kein wrapper-prozess ist, dann soll die komunikation mit pradar vom manager uebernommen werden boolean pradar = (!(p2.isWrapper())); System.err.println("debug: setting instance to run"); = true; // pradar checkin if (pradar && && p2.touchInMillis == 0) { pradarAttend(p2.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb"); // p2.log("debug", "pradar-checkin id="+p2.getId()+", process="+p2.getName()+", processversion="+p2.getVersion()+", id2="+p2.getId2()+", parentid="+p2.getParentid()+", resource="+p2.getRootdir()+"/process.pmb"); // pradarCheckin(p2.getId(), p2.getName(), p2.getVersion(), p2.getId2(), p2.getParentid(), getPid(), p2.getRootdir()+"/process.pmb"); } System.err.println("debug: writing binary"); p2.writeBinary(); // process weiter schubsen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(pathBinary, false); // try // { // // der thread soll so lange schlafen, wie die periode lang ist. die schlafdauer wird mit der anzahl multipliziert, wie oft das loadAverage zu hoch war (max 5) // int faktorForPeriod = Math.min(10, p2.counterLoadAverageTooHigh + 1); // // int secondsToSleep = loop_period_seconds * faktorForPeriod; // System.err.println("debug: sleeping for " + secondsToSleep + " seconds"); // // int millisecondsToSleep = secondsToSleep*1000; // System.err.println("debug: sleeping for " + millisecondsToSleep + " milliseconds"); // // Thread.sleep(millisecondsToSleep); // } // catch (InterruptedException e) // { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // // // ausgabe in das debugLogFile // exiterException(actualProcess.getOutfilebinary(), e); // } } catch (Exception e) { if (actualProcess != null) { actualProcess.log("fatal", e.getMessage() + "\n" + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); updateFile(actualProcess); e.printStackTrace(); // ausgabe in das debugLogFile exiterException(actualProcess.getOutfilebinary(), e); } exit = true; System.exit(10); } } private static void pradarAttend(String pathToInstance) { String[] argsForProgress = { ini.get("apps", "pradar-attend"), "-instance " + pathToInstance }; try { java.lang.Process sysproc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(StringUtils.join(argsForProgress, " ")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // ausgabe in das debugLogFile exiterException(pathToInstance, e); } } /** * ermittelt die pid dieses manager-laufs * @return */ private static String getPid() { String fullPid = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); String[] splitPid = fullPid.split("@"); return splitPid[0]; } private static void updateFile(Process process) { // alle log-eintraege in die entsprechenden files auslagern (und aus den elementen entfernen) System.err.println("relocating all logs to .debug files in the step directories"); process.logRelocate(); System.err.println("relocation done"); // die prozess instanz schreiben // process.setDatetonow(); process.touch(); // process.detStatus(); process.writeBinary(); // die timeserie(n) rausschreiben try { // statistics verzeichnis erstellen, falls noch nicht existent statisticsDirectory = new; if (!statisticsDirectory.exists()) { statisticsDirectory.mkdirs(); } // die statisticsfiles rausschreiben process.getTimeSerieLoadAverage().writeFile(process.getStatisticDir() + "/serieLoadAverage.txt"); process.getTimeSerieBinarySize().writeFile(process.getStatisticDir() + "/serieBinarySizeInKB.txt"); process.getTimeSerieStepSize().writeFile(process.getStatisticDir() + "/serieStepSize.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); // ausgabe in das debugLogFile exiterException(process.getOutfilebinary(), e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); // ausgabe in das debugLogFile exiterException(process.getOutfilebinary(), e); } // debugging // die groesse aller steps rausschreiben } /** * es soll so lange der process weitergetrieben werden, bis es keine veraenderung in den stati mehr gibt */ private static void pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(String pathBinary, boolean onlyPush) { // zeitmarker setzen fuer timerThread lastRun = System.currentTimeMillis(); // prozess instanz frisch einlesen System.err.println("debug: rereading instance"); Process p1 = new Process(); p1.setInfilebinary(pathBinary); p1.setOutfilebinary(pathBinary); Process process = p1.readBinary(); System.err.println("debug: rereading instance done"); process.log("debug", "rereading instance done"); // falls managerIds nicht zusammenpassen, soll beendet werden // und dem alternativen thread mit flag signalisieren, dass es vorbei ist if (!managerid.equals(process.getManagerid())) { System.err.println("i'm manager " + managerid + " - another instance of pkraft-manager took over " + process.getManagerid() + ". killing myself."); exit = true; System.exit(0); } // beenden, falls == false ist if (! { System.err.println("info: process manager exits, because is false"); exit = true; System.exit(0); } // 1) timeSerie loadAverage double actLoadAverage = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean().getSystemLoadAverage(); process.getTimeSerieLoadAverage().addValue(String.valueOf(actLoadAverage)); if ((process.getStepStartLoadAverageBelow() != null) && (actLoadAverage > process.getStepStartLoadAverageBelow())) { // warte-faktor erhoehen factorSleepBecauseOfLoadAverage += 0.5; } else { // warte faktor resetten factorSleepBecauseOfLoadAverage = 1.0f; } // 2) die groesse des binary-files festhalten long fileSizeInKB = fileBinary.length() / 1024; System.err.println("debug: file size is now " + String.valueOf(fileSizeInKB) + " kB"); process.getTimeSerieBinarySize().addValue(String.valueOf(fileSizeInKB)); //p3.fileBinary.length() / 1024; // DEBUGGING // 3) die groesse der einzelnen steps festhalten String dieGroessenAlsString = ""; for (Step actStep : process.getStep()) { dieGroessenAlsString += " " + actStep.getName() + "=" + ObjectGraphMeasurer.measure(actStep); } process.getTimeSerieStepSize().addValue(dieGroessenAlsString); // DEBUGGING process.log("debug", "manager " + managerid + ": actual infilexml is: " + process.getInfilexml()); process.log("debug", "manager " + managerid + ": reading binary file: " + process.getInfilebinary()); // die manager-id mit eigener vergleichen. wenn nicht gleich, dann beenden. if (!(process.getManagerid() == managerid)) { // p3.log("warn", "manager "+managerid+": it appears that another manager (id: "+p3.getManagerid()+") took over. killing myself. bye."); System.err.println("it appears another instance of manager (id: " + process.getManagerid() + ") took over. so i'm (id: " + managerid + ") not longer needed. killing myself. byebye."); exit = true; System.exit(0); } boolean imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert = true; System.err.println( "debug: variable imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert manuell gesetzt auf " + imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert); process.log("debug", "variable imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert manuell gesetzt auf " + imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert); while ( && imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert) { System.err.println("debug: deshalb wird die while schleife erst mal durchlaufen"); process.log("debug", "deshalb wird die while schleife erst mal durchlaufen"); // prozess laufen lassen process.doIt(ini.get("apps", "pkraft-syscall"), ini.get("apps", "pkraft-manager"), ini.get("process", "domain-installation-directory")); // setzen der schlafdauer sleepMinutes. richtet sich nach dem feld stepStartDelayMinutes falls dieses existiert if (process.stepStartDelayMinutesMinimumOfInitializedSteps() != null) { loopMinutes = process.stepStartDelayMinutesMinimumOfInitializedSteps(); if (loopMinutes < 1) { loopMinutes = 1; } } else { loopMinutes = 5; } // hat sich was geaendert? imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert = process.isStepStatusChangedWhileLastDoIt(); System.err.println("debug: did some step changed its status? " + imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert); process.log("debug", "did some step changed its status? " + imProzessHatSichWasGeaendert); // finished if (process.getStatus().equals("finished")) { System.err.println("debug: status is finished"); // wenn der prozess den status 'finished' hat, soll dieses programm beendet werden = false; process.log("info", "manager " + managerid + ": process instance is finished. goodbye from manager id " + process.getManagerid()); process.setTimeOfProcessFinishedOrError(System.currentTimeMillis()); } // error else if (process.getStatus().equals("error")) { System.err.println("debug: status is error"); = false; process.log("info", "error in process detected. setting run = false"); process.log("info", "stopping manager " + process.getManagerid()); process.setTimeOfProcessFinishedOrError(System.currentTimeMillis()); // errorcode string erzeugen String exitCode = "error-in-steps:"; for (Step actStep : process.getStepError()) { exitCode = exitCode + "," + actStep.getName(); } } } // binary und statistik files updaten updateFile(process); // pradar updaten pradarAttend(process.getInfilebinary()); if (! { exit = true; System.exit(0); } // da prozess nicht mehr weiterging, werden watchKeys auf laufende steps erstellt if (!onlyPush) { process.log("info", "creating WatchKeys on every working step"); System.err.println("info: creating WatchKeys on every working step"); try { createWatchKeysForAllRunningSteps(process); } // falls das scheitert, soll einfach 1 minute gewartet werden catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.err.println("error: failed to register file watchers. sleeping 1 minute instead"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * erstellt fuer jeden running step einen watchkey * es soll jedes stepverzeichnis mit dem status 'working' observiert werden bis das file ".exit" erscheint * @param process * @throws IOException */ private static void createWatchKeysForAllRunningSteps(Process process) throws IOException { // diesen Thread ablegen, damit er vom zyklischen thread gekillt werden kann watcherThread = Thread.currentThread(); // einen neuen map erzeugen fuer die watchKeys keys = new HashMap<WatchKey, Path>(); WatchService watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService(); // Anlegen des WatchKeys fuer den Prozess (falls er gestoppt wird, erfolgt die Komunikation mit diesem manager ueber das binaerfile) Path processDir = Paths.get(process.getRootdir()); System.err.println("info: creating a watchkey for the process path " + process.getRootdir()); WatchKey keyProcess = processDir.register(watcher, ENTRY_MODIFY); keys.put(keyProcess, processDir); // Anlegen der WatchKeys fuer jeden laufenden Step for (Step actStep : process.getStep()) { if (actStep.getStatus().equals("working")) { Path stepDir = Paths.get(actStep.getAbsdir()); try { System.err.println("info: step " + actStep.getName() + " is working -> creating a watchkey for its path " + actStep.getAbsdir()); System.err.println("debug: creating..."); WatchKey key = stepDir.register(watcher, ENTRY_CREATE); System.err.println("debug: creating...done. putting to the map"); keys.put(key, stepDir); System.err.println("debug: creating...done. putting to the map...done"); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } stepDirExitFile = new + "/.exit"); stepDirStatusFile = new + "/.status"); // falls die datei bereits existiert, wird sofort erneut der Prozess weitergeschoben // dies ist dann der fall, wenn ein step gestartet wurde, und danach der manager neu gestartet wurde if (stepDirExitFile.exists()) { System.err.println("info: .exit file already exists -> shortcutting to pushing the process"); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } // falls der step ein process ist, bibts dort kein .exit file sondern ein .status file else if (stepDirStatusFile.exists()) { System.err.println("info: .status file already exists."); try { java.util.List<String> statusInhalt = Files.readAllLines(stepDirStatusFile.toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset()); if (statusInhalt.size() > 0) { String firstLine = statusInhalt.get(0); System.err.println("info: status changed to: " + firstLine); System.err.println("info: .status file contains status " + firstLine); // wenn ein finaler status, dann soll manager aufgeweckt werden if (firstLine.equals("error") || firstLine.equals("finished")) { System.err.println("info: --> shortcutting to pushing process"); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.err.println( "IOException: trying to read file: " + stepDirStatusFile.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { System.err.println("ExceptionInInitializerError: trying to read file: " + stepDirStatusFile.getAbsolutePath()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } } process.log("info", "now into the watchloop"); // warten auf ein Signal von einem WatchKey for (;;) { WatchKey key; try { key = watcher.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- watcher thread: interrupted! returning to alternativer Thread"); return; } Path dir = keys.get(key); if (dir == null) { System.err.println("WatchKey not recognized!!"); continue; } for (WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents()) { // System.err.println("debug: poll event " + event); WatchEvent.Kind kind = event.kind(); WatchEvent<Path> ev = (WatchEvent<Path>) event; Path name = ev.context(); // dieses logging fuehrt zur aenderung von stderr.txt und .log, was wiederum ein ENTRY_MODIFY ausloest etc. endlosschleife bis platte volllaeuft // System.err.println("debug: poll context " + name); Path child = dir.resolve(name); // System.err.println("debug: poll child " + child); if (kind == ENTRY_CREATE) { if (child.endsWith(".exit")) { System.err.println("info: waking up, because file created: " + child.toString()); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } } if ((kind == ENTRY_MODIFY) && (child.endsWith("process.pmb"))) { // System.err.println("info: waking up, because process binary file has been modified: " + child.toString()); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } if (kind == ENTRY_CREATE || kind == ENTRY_MODIFY) { if (child.endsWith(".status")) { try { java.util.List<String> statusInhalt = Files.readAllLines(child, Charset.defaultCharset()); if (statusInhalt.size() > 0) { String firstLine = statusInhalt.get(0); System.err.println("info: status changed to: " + firstLine); // wenn ein finaler status, dann soll manager aufgeweckt werden if (firstLine.equals("error") || firstLine.equals("finished")) { System.err.println("info: waking up, because status changed to: " + firstLine); // alle keys loeschen keys = null; // den prozess weiter pushen pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(process.getRootdir() + "/process.pmb", false); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block System.err.println("IOException: trying to read file: " + child.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) { System.err.println( "ExceptionInInitializerError: trying to read file: " + child.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } // reset the triggered key key.reset(); } } } /** * startet einen thread, der zeitgesteuert aufwacht und den prozess weiterschiebt */ private static void startZyklischerThread(int initialWaitSecond) { // falls dieser thread von hier aus gestartet wird, soll kurz gewartet werden try { Thread.sleep(initialWaitSecond * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // einen timer thread erstellen, der regelmaessig den prozess aufweckt, auch wenn sehr langlaufende steps gerade aktiv sind new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // flag, ob dieser thread einen neuen gestartet hat boolean spawn = false; System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: start"); while (!exit && !spawn) { long tatsaechlicheSleepDauer = (long) (factorSleepBecauseOfLoadAverage * ((loopMinutes * 60 * 1000) + fuzzyness)); try { System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: sleeping " + tatsaechlicheSleepDauer / 1000 + " seconds (loopMinutes=" + loopMinutes + ", faktorSleepBecauseOfLoadAverage=" + factorSleepBecauseOfLoadAverage + ", fuzzyness=" + fuzzyness + ")"); Thread.sleep(tatsaechlicheSleepDauer); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // war der letzte zugriff laenger als der haelfte der regulaeren wartezeit her? Dann Prozess pushen if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastRun) > (0.5 * tatsaechlicheSleepDauer)) { System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: last process push has been MORE than 0.5 * " + tatsaechlicheSleepDauer / 1000 + " seconds ago at " + new Timestamp(lastRun)); System.err.println( new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: waking up"); if (watcherThread != null) { System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: interrupting watcherThread"); watcherThread.interrupt(); watcherThread = null; } // ein neuer startZyklischerThread(5); spawn = true; pushProcessAsFarAsPossible(line.getOptionValue("instance"), false); System.err.println( new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ----- alternative thread: end"); } else { System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: last process push has been LESS than 0.5 * " + tatsaechlicheSleepDauer / 1000 + " seconds ago at " + new Timestamp(lastRun)); System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: going to sleep again"); } } // thread beenden System.err.println(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ": ---- alternative thread: exit"); } }).start(); } private static void exiter() { System.out.println("try -help for help."); exit = true; System.exit(1); } private static void exiterException(String pathToInstance, Exception e) { try { writer = new FileWriter(pathToInstance + ".pkraft-manager.stacktrace", true); writer.write(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString() + "\n"); writer.write(e.getMessage() + "\n"); writer.write(e.getStackTrace() + "\n"); writer.write("--------------" + "\n"); writer.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } exit = true; System.exit(1); } }