List of usage examples for java.nio.file Files walkFileTree
public static Path walkFileTree(Path start, FileVisitor<? super Path> visitor) throws IOException
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/** * Copies a directory/file from one path to another * /* w ww.ja v a 2 s .com*/ * @param sourcePath * source path * @param targetPath * target path * @param replaceExisting * true if the target directory/file should be replaced if it already * exists; false otherwise * @throws AlreadyExistsException * @throws GenericException */ public static void copy(final Path sourcePath, final Path targetPath, boolean replaceExisting) throws AlreadyExistsException, GenericException { // check if we can replace existing if (!replaceExisting && FSUtils.exists(targetPath)) { throw new AlreadyExistsException("Cannot copy because target path already exists: " + targetPath); } // ensure parent directory exists or can be created try { if (targetPath != null) { Files.createDirectories(targetPath.getParent()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new GenericException("Error while creating target directory parent folder", e); } if (FSUtils.isDirectory(sourcePath)) { try { Files.walkFileTree(sourcePath, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(final Path dir, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.createDirectories(targetPath.resolve(sourcePath.relativize(dir))); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(final Path file, final BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.copy(file, targetPath.resolve(sourcePath.relativize(file))); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GenericException("Error while copying one directory into another", e); } } else { try { CopyOption[] copyOptions = replaceExisting ? new CopyOption[] { StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING } : new CopyOption[] {}; Files.copy(sourcePath, targetPath, copyOptions); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GenericException("Error while copying one file into another", e); } } }
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static Deque<Path> discoverWarcFiles(Path p, final String suffix) { final Deque<Path> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); FileVisitor<Path> fv = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override// w w w . j a v a2s . c o m public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Path name = file.getFileName(); if (name != null && name.toString().endsWith(suffix)) stack.add(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) { if ("OtherData".equals(dir.getFileName().toString())) {"Skipping: " + dir); return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE; } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException ioe) { LOG.error("Visiting failed for " + file.toString(), ioe); return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE; } }; try { Files.walkFileTree(p, fv); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("IOException during file visiting", e); } return stack; }
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private Set<File> walkDirectory(Path directory) { final Set<File> walkedFiles = new LinkedHashSet<File>(); try {//from w ww .j ava 2 s . co m registerWatch(directory); Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { FileVisitResult fileVisitResult = super.preVisitDirectory(dir, attrs); // No need to monitor the git metadata if (dir.toFile().getPath().contains(".git")) { return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE; } registerWatch(dir); return fileVisitResult; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { FileVisitResult fileVisitResult = super.visitFile(file, attrs); walkedFiles.add(file.toFile()); return fileVisitResult; } }); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed to walk directory: " + directory.toString(), e); } return walkedFiles; }
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/** * This Method generates the command required to start the compiler. It * generates a list of strings that can be passed to a process builder. * /*from w w w .j av a 2s . c o m*/ * @param pathToProgramFile * Where to look for the main file that will be compiled. * @param compilerName * Which compiler to call * @param compilerFlags * User supplied flags to be passed * @throws BadCompilerSpecifiedException * When no compiler is given. * @throws FileNotFoundException * When the file to be compiled does not exist * @return List of string with the command for the process builder. */ private List<String> createCompilerInvocation(Path pathToProgramFile, String compilerName, List<String> compilerFlags) throws BadCompilerSpecifiedException, FileNotFoundException { List<String> compilerInvocation = new LinkedList<>(); // We need a compiler name. Without it we cannot compile anything and // abort. if (("".equals(compilerName)) || (compilerName == null)) { throw new BadCompilerSpecifiedException("No compiler specified."); } else { // search for a makefile Path programDirectory = null; if (!Files.isDirectory(pathToProgramFile)) { programDirectory = pathToProgramFile.getParent(); } else { programDirectory = pathToProgramFile; } Collection<File> fileList = FileUtils.listFiles(programDirectory.toFile(), FileFilterUtils.fileFileFilter(), null); boolean hasMakefile = false; for (File f : fileList) { if (f.getName().matches("[Mm][Aa][Kk][Ee][Ff][Ii][Ll][Ee]")) { hasMakefile = true; } } if (hasMakefile) { // add the necessary flags for make and return the invocation - // we don't need more flags or parameters"Found make-file. Compiling c-code with make."); compilerInvocation.add("make"); compilerInvocation.add("-k"); compilerInvocation.add("-s"); return compilerInvocation; } else { compilerInvocation.add(compilerName);"Compiling c-code with " + compilerName); } } // If compiler flags are passed, append them after the compiler name. // If we didn't get any we append nothing. if ((compilerFlags != null) && !(compilerFlags.isEmpty())) { if (!compilerFlags.contains("-c")) { compilerFlags.add("-c"); } compilerInvocation.addAll(compilerFlags); } // Check for the existance of the program file we are trying to // compile. if ((pathToProgramFile == null) || (pathToProgramFile.compareTo(Paths.get("")) == 0)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("No file to compile specified"); } else { if (Files.isDirectory(pathToProgramFile, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) { // we have to be able to compile several .c files at the same // time so we need to find them RegexDirectoryWalker dirWalker = new RegexDirectoryWalker(".+\\.[Cc][Pp]?[Pp]?"); try { Files.walkFileTree(pathToProgramFile, dirWalker); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.severe("Could not walk submission " + pathToProgramFile.toString() + " while building compiler invocation: " + e.getMessage()); } for (Path matchedFile : dirWalker.getFoundFiles()) { compilerInvocation .add(matchedFile.toString().substring(pathToProgramFile.toString().length() + 1)); } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Program file that should be compiled does not exist." + "Filename : \"" + pathToProgramFile.toString() + "\""); } } return compilerInvocation; }
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public static boolean emptyDir(File file) { Path directory = file.toPath(); if (!Files.isDirectory(directory)) { return true; }// ww w. j av a 2s .com try { Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.delete(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { if (exc == null) { Files.delete(dir); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE; } }); } catch (IOException e) { IOUtils.log.error(format("error while trying to empty the directory %s", directory.toString()), e); return false; } return true; }
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@Override public void recalculateChecksums() throws OwncloudResourceException { ResourceServiceProperties resourceProperties = properties.getResourceService(); try {/*from w w w.ja v a2 s . c om*/ Files.walkFileTree(resourceProperties.getLocation(), getFileVisitor()); } catch (IOException e) { val logMessage = String.format( "Cannot recalculate the Checksum of all Files and Directories of Directory %s", resourceProperties.getLocation()); log.error(logMessage, e); throw new OwncloudLocalResourceChecksumServiceException(logMessage, e); } }
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private static void createArchiveOfDirectory(final String archiveFile, final File srcDirectory, final String rootPathPrefix, final String archiveStreamFactoryConstant, final String encoding, final ArchiverCreateProcessor archiverCreateProcessorIn) throws IOException { /*/* w ww . j a v a2 s.c om*/ * NOTE ON CHARSET ENCODING: Traditionally the ZIP archive format uses CodePage 437 as encoding for file name, * which is not sufficient for many international character sets. * Over time different archivers have chosen different ways to work around the limitation - the * packages simply uses UTF-8 as its encoding for example. * Ant has been offering the encoding attribute of the zip and unzip task as a way to explicitly specify the * encoding to use (or expect) since Ant 1.4. It defaults to the platform's default encoding for zip and UTF-8 * for jar and other jar-like tasks (war, ear, ...) as well as the unzip family of tasks. */ final ArchiverCreateProcessor archiveCreateProcessor = (null != archiverCreateProcessorIn) ? archiverCreateProcessorIn : new ArchiverCreateProcessor(); ArchiveOutputStream aos = null; try { final ArchiveStreamFactory archiveStreamFactory = new ArchiveStreamFactory(encoding); final FileOutputStream archiveFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(archiveFile); final OutputStream decoratedArchiveFileOutputStream = archiveCreateProcessor .decorateFileOutputStream(archiveFileOutputStream); aos = archiveStreamFactory.createArchiveOutputStream(archiveStreamFactoryConstant, decoratedArchiveFileOutputStream); archiveCreateProcessor.processArchiverPostCreate(aos, encoding); final String normalizedRootPathPrefix = (null == rootPathPrefix || rootPathPrefix.isEmpty()) ? "" : normalizeName(rootPathPrefix, true); if (!normalizedRootPathPrefix.isEmpty()) { final ArchiveEntry archiveEntry = aos.createArchiveEntry(srcDirectory, normalizedRootPathPrefix); aos.putArchiveEntry(archiveEntry); aos.closeArchiveEntry(); } final Path srcRootPath = Paths.get(srcDirectory.toURI()); final ArchiverFileVisitor visitor = new ArchiverFileVisitor(srcRootPath, normalizedRootPathPrefix, aos); Files.walkFileTree(srcRootPath, visitor); aos.flush(); } catch (ArchiveException e) { throw new IOException("Error creating archive", e); } finally { if (null != aos) { aos.close(); } } }
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/** * Find a file matching with the defined pattern from the source directory. * * @return/*from w ww. ja va 2s.c o m*/ * @throws IOException */ private Path getNextFile() throws IOException { if (matchedFileSet.size() == 0) { CommonUtils.sleepQuietly(fileCheckDelayMillis); finder.reset(); Files.walkFileTree(srcDirPath, finder); List<Path> files = finder.getMatchedFiles(); for (Path f : files) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("found " + f.toString()); matchedFileSet.add(f); } } if (matchedFileSet.size() > 0) { Path ans = null; Iterator<Path> it = matchedFileSet.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { ans =; it.remove(); } return ans; } return null; }
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private void cleanTempDir(Path path) throws IOException { Files.walkFileTree(path, new FileVisitor<Path>() { @Override/* www . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { Files.delete(dir); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.delete(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); }
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/** * Create a jar file from the given directory. * @param dir source directory/*from w w w. ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ * @param jarFile jar file name * @throws IOException when file cannot be created */ public static void createJar(File dir, File jarFile) throws IOException { final Map<String, ?> env = Collections.singletonMap("create", "true"); if (jarFile.exists() && !jarFile.delete()) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to remove " + jarFile); } URI uri = URI.create("jar:" + jarFile.toURI()); try (final FileSystem zipfs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env)) { File manifestFile = new File(dir, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME); Files.createDirectory(zipfs.getPath("META-INF")); try (final OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(zipfs.getPath(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME))) { if (!manifestFile.exists()) { new Manifest().write(out); } else { FileUtils.copyFile(manifestFile, out); } } final java.nio.file.Path root = dir.toPath(); Files.walkFileTree(root, new java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { String relativePath; @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { relativePath = root.relativize(dir).toString(); if (!relativePath.isEmpty()) { if (!relativePath.endsWith("/")) { relativePath += "/"; } if (!relativePath.equals("META-INF/")) { final Path dstDir = zipfs.getPath(relativePath); Files.createDirectory(dstDir); } } return super.preVisitDirectory(dir, attrs); } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { String name = relativePath + file.getFileName(); if (!JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME.equals(name)) { try (final OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(zipfs.getPath(name))) { FileUtils.copyFile(file.toFile(), out); } } return super.visitFile(file, attrs); } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { relativePath = root.relativize(dir.getParent()).toString(); if (!relativePath.isEmpty() && !relativePath.endsWith("/")) { relativePath += "/"; } return super.postVisitDirectory(dir, exc); } }); } }