List of usage examples for java.nio.file Files walkFileTree
public static Path walkFileTree(Path start, FileVisitor<? super Path> visitor) throws IOException
From source
@AfterClass public static void tearDownMongo() throws IOException { if (mongoLauncher != null) { mongoLauncher.stopMongo();//from www. j ava 2 s . c o m // wait for it to stop long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (mongoLauncher.serverRunning(mongoHost, mongoPort, (e) -> { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > 120000) throw new RuntimeException(e); })) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > 120000) { throw new RuntimeException("mongod process still seems to be running (2m timeout)"); } try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Interrupted!"); } } // now delete the data dir except log file Files.walkFileTree(new File(mongoLauncher.getDbPath()).toPath(), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (!file.startsWith(mongoLauncher.getLogPath())) { Files.delete(file); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { try { Files.delete(dir); } catch (DirectoryNotEmptyException ignored) { } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); mongoLauncher = null; } }
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@Override public List<T> fetchAll() { File target = new File(Settings.instance().getTargetFolder()); if (!target.isDirectory()) { if (getItemController().isWritable()) { target.mkdirs();/*w w w. j a v a 2s . c om*/ } else { throw new ConfigException(String.format( "The JSON bucket %s (path %s) is read-only, but does not exist in the file system. Either create the folder, make it writable, or remove it from the configuration.", getItemController().getBucket(), getBucketFolderPath())); } } TreeVisitor visitor = new TreeVisitor(); Path folderPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(getBucketFolderPath()); try { Files.walkFileTree(folderPath, visitor); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } List<T> objects = new ArrayList<>(); for (Path path : visitor.getPaths()) { if (!matchesExtension(path.toString())) { continue; } if (path.toString().contains(".#")) { continue; } if (path.getFileName().startsWith(".")) { continue; } T o = fetchOne(path.toString()); if (o != null) { objects.add(o); } } objects.sort(new PropertyComparator<T>(sortField)); if (sortDirection.toLowerCase().equals("desc")) { Collections.reverse(objects); } return objects; }
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public static void chmodReadOnly(@Nonnull Path path) throws RuntimeIOException { SimpleFileVisitor<Path> setReadOnlyFileVisitor = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override//www.j a v a 2 s . c om public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (Files.isDirectory(file)) { throw new IllegalStateException("no dir expected here"); } else { Files.setPosixFilePermissions(file, PERMISSION_R); } return super.visitFile(file, attrs); } @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.setPosixFilePermissions(dir, PERMISSION_RX); return super.preVisitDirectory(dir, attrs); } }; try { Files.walkFileTree(path, setReadOnlyFileVisitor); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException("Exception changing permissions to readonly for " + path, e); } }
From source
/** * Answer provided by yawn./*from w w w . j a va 2 s.c o m*/ * * This method uses a {@link FileVisitor} implementation that counts files * and directories. * * This test uses NIO {@link Files#walkFileTree(Path, FileVisitor)}. * * @see <a href="">Stack-Overflow answer by yawn</a> */ // @Test public void testWalkFileTree() { System.out.println("\nTEST: Walk File Tree"); time(() -> { PathCounterFileVisitor counter = new PathCounterFileVisitor(); try { Files.walkFileTree(startPath, counter); } catch (IOException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } System.out.format("Files: %d, dirs: %d. ", counter.getFiles(), counter.getDirs()); }); }
From source
public static void parseZip(String zipFile) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"?ZIP" + zipFile); try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(Paths.get(zipFile), WordClassifier.class.getClassLoader())) { for (Path path : fs.getRootDirectories()) {"?" + path); Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override//from ww w . ja v a2 s. c o m public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {"?" + file); // ? Path temp = Paths.get("target/it-software-domain-temp.pdf"); Files.copy(file, temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); parseFile(temp.toFile().getAbsolutePath()); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("?", e); } long cost = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;"?" + cost + ""); }
From source
/** * This causes iteration over all .aut files in the baseCaseInput path, * calling SingleUserCaseConverter.importCase() for each one. */// w ww. j ava2s . c om public void importCases() throws Exception { openLog(baseCaseOutput.toFile()); log(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.StartingBatch") + baseCaseInput.toString() + " " + NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "") + " " + baseCaseOutput.toString()); //NON-NLS // iterate for .aut files FindDotAutFolders dotAutFolders = new FindDotAutFolders(); try { Path walked = Files.walkFileTree(baseCaseInput, dotAutFolders); } catch (IOException ex) { log(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.ErrorFindingAutFiles") + " " + ex.getMessage()); //NON-NLS } ArrayList<ImportCaseData> ableToProcess = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<ImportCaseData> unableToProcess = new ArrayList<>(); SingleUserCaseConverter scc = new SingleUserCaseConverter(); // validate we can convert the .aut file, one by one for (FoundAutFile f : dotAutFolders.getCandidateList()) { this.oldCaseName = f.getPath().getFileName().toString(); // Test image output folder for uniqueness, find a unique folder for it if we can File specificOutputFolder = baseImageOutput.resolve(oldCaseName).toFile(); String newImageName = oldCaseName; if (specificOutputFolder.exists()) { // Not unique. add numbers before timestamp to specific image output name String timeStamp = TimeStampUtils.getTimeStampOnly(oldCaseName); newImageName = TimeStampUtils.removeTimeStamp(oldCaseName); int number = 1; String temp = ""; //NON-NLS while (specificOutputFolder.exists()) { if (number == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // It never became unique, so give up. throw new Exception(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.NonUniqueOutputFolder") + newImageName); //NON-NLS } temp = newImageName + "_" + Integer.toString(number) + timeStamp; //NON-NLS specificOutputFolder = baseImageOutput.resolve(temp).toFile(); ++number; } newImageName = temp; } Path imageOutput = baseImageOutput.resolve(newImageName); imageOutput.toFile().mkdirs(); // Create image output folder // Test case output folder for uniqueness, find a unique folder for it if we can specificOutputFolder = baseCaseOutput.resolve(oldCaseName).toFile(); newCaseName = oldCaseName; if (specificOutputFolder.exists()) { // not unique. add numbers before timestamp to specific case output name String timeStamp = TimeStampUtils.getTimeStampOnly(oldCaseName); //NON-NLS newCaseName = TimeStampUtils.removeTimeStamp(oldCaseName); int number = 1; String temp = ""; //NON-NLS while (specificOutputFolder.exists()) { if (number == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // It never became unique, so give up. throw new Exception(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.NonUniqueOutputFolder") + newCaseName); //NON-NLS } temp = newCaseName + "_" + Integer.toString(number) + timeStamp; //NON-NLS specificOutputFolder = baseCaseOutput.resolve(temp).toFile(); ++number; } newCaseName = temp; } Path caseOutput = baseCaseOutput.resolve(newCaseName); caseOutput.toFile().mkdirs(); // Create case output folder /** * Test if the input path has a corresponding image input folder and * no repeated case names in the path. If both of these conditions * are true, we can process this case, otherwise not. */ // Check that there is an image folder if they are trying to copy it boolean canProcess = true; Path imageInput = null; String relativeCaseName = TimeStampUtils .removeTimeStamp(baseCaseInput.relativize(f.getPath()).toString()); Path testImageInputsFromOldCase = Paths.get(baseImageInput.toString(), relativeCaseName); if (copyImages) { if (!testImageInputsFromOldCase.toFile().isDirectory()) { // Mark that we are unable to process this item canProcess = false; } else { imageInput = testImageInputsFromOldCase; } if (imageInput == null) { throw new Exception(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.SourceImageMissing") + " " + f.getPath()); //NON-NLS } // If case name is in the image path, it causes bad things to happen with the parsing. Test for this. for (int x = 0; x < imageInput.getNameCount(); ++x) { if (oldCaseName.toLowerCase().equals(imageInput.getName(x).toString().toLowerCase())) { // Mark that we are unable to process this item canProcess = false; } } } else { imageInput = testImageInputsFromOldCase; } // Create an Import Case Data object for this case SingleUserCaseConverter.ImportCaseData icd = ImportCaseData(imageInput, f.getPath(), imageOutput, caseOutput, oldCaseName, newCaseName, f.getAutFile().toString(), f.getFolderName().toString(), copyImages, deleteCase); if (canProcess) { ableToProcess.add(icd); } else { unableToProcess.add(icd); } } // Create text to be populated in the confirmation dialog StringBuilder casesThatWillBeProcessed = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder casesThatWillNotBeProcessed = new StringBuilder(); casesThatWillBeProcessed .append(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.WillImport")) .append(SEP); // NON-NLS if (ableToProcess.isEmpty()) { casesThatWillBeProcessed .append(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.None")) .append(SEP); // NON-NLS } else { for (ImportCaseData i : ableToProcess) { casesThatWillBeProcessed.append(i.getCaseInputFolder().toString()).append(SEP); } } if (!unableToProcess.isEmpty()) { casesThatWillNotBeProcessed.append( NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.WillNotImport")) .append(SEP); // NON-NLS for (ImportCaseData i : unableToProcess) { casesThatWillNotBeProcessed.append(i.getCaseInputFolder().toString()).append(SEP); } } JTextArea jta = new JTextArea( casesThatWillBeProcessed.toString() + SEP + casesThatWillNotBeProcessed.toString()); jta.setEditable(false); JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(jta) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(700, 480); } }; // Show confirmation dialog SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { userAnswer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(WindowManager.getDefault().getMainWindow(), jsp, NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.ContinueWithImport"), // NON-NLS OK_CANCEL_OPTION); synchronized (threadWaitNotifyLock) { threadWaitNotifyLock.notify(); } }); // Wait while the user handles the confirmation dialog synchronized (threadWaitNotifyLock) { try { threadWaitNotifyLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SingleUserCaseImporter.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Threading Issue", ex); //NON-NLS throw new Exception(ex); } } // If the user wants to proceed, do so. if (userAnswer == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { boolean result = true; // if anything went wrong, result becomes false. // Feed .aut files in one by one for processing for (ImportCaseData i : ableToProcess) { try { log(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.StartedProcessing") + i.getCaseInputFolder() + " " + NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "") + " " + i.getCaseOutputFolder()); //NON-NLS SingleUserCaseConverter.importCase(i); handleAutoIngestLog(i); log(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.FinishedProcessing") + i.getCaseInputFolder() + " " + NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "") + " " + i.getCaseOutputFolder()); //NON-NLS } catch (Exception ex) { log(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.FailedToComplete") + i.getCaseInputFolder() + " " + NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "") + " " + i.getCaseOutputFolder() + " " + ex.getMessage()); //NON-NLS result = false; } } log(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.CompletedBatch") + baseCaseInput.toString() + " " + NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "") + " " + baseCaseOutput.toString()); //NON-NLS closeLog(); if (notifyOnComplete != null) { notifyOnComplete.importDoneCallback(result, ""); // NON-NLS } } else { // The user clicked cancel. Abort. log(NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.AbortingBatch") + baseCaseInput.toString() + " " + NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "") + " " + baseCaseOutput.toString()); //NON-NLS closeLog(); if (notifyOnComplete != null) { notifyOnComplete.importDoneCallback(false, NbBundle.getMessage(SingleUserCaseImporter.class, "SingleUserCaseImporter.Cancelled")); // NON-NLS } } }
From source
@Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException { if (!inputDirectory.exists() || !inputDirectory.isDirectory()) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Path doesn't exist or isn't a folder: " + inputDirectory); }/* ww w . j av a 2s .co m*/ if (module == null) { throw new MojoExecutionException("You must provide a module or namespace for filtering"); } moduleStrings_.add(module + ""); outputDirectory.mkdirs(); File temp = new File(outputDirectory, inputDirectory.getName()); temp.mkdirs(); Path source = inputDirectory.toPath(); Path target = temp.toPath(); try { getLog().info("Reading from " + inputDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); getLog().info("Writing to " + outputDirectory.getCanonicalPath()); summary_.append("This content was filtered by an RF2 filter tool. The parameters were module: " + module + " software version: " + converterVersion); summary_.append("\r\n\r\n"); getLog().info("Checking for nested child modules"); //look in sct2_Relationship_ files, find anything where the 6th column (destinationId) is the //starting module ID concept - and add that sourceId (5th column) to our list of modules to extract Files.walkFileTree(source, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if (file.toFile().getName().startsWith("sct2_Relationship_")) { //don't look for quotes, the data is bad, and has floating instances of '"' all by itself CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file.toFile())), '\t', CSVParser.NULL_CHARACTER); String[] line = csvReader.readNext(); if (!line[4].equals("sourceId") || !line[5].equals("destinationId")) { csvReader.close(); throw new IOException("Unexpected error looking for nested modules"); } line = csvReader.readNext(); while (line != null) { if (line[5].equals(moduleStrings_.get(0))) { moduleStrings_.add(line[4]); } line = csvReader.readNext(); } csvReader.close(); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); log("Full module list (including detected nested modules: " + Arrays.toString(moduleStrings_.toArray(new String[moduleStrings_.size()]))); Files.walkFileTree(source, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Path targetdir = target.resolve(source.relativize(dir)); try { //this just creates the sub-directory in the target Files.copy(dir, targetdir); } catch (FileAlreadyExistsException e) { if (!Files.isDirectory(targetdir)) throw e; } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { handleFile(file, target.resolve(source.relativize(file))); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); Files.write(new File(temp, "FilterInfo.txt").toPath(), summary_.toString().getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Failure", e); } getLog().info("Filter Complete"); }
From source
public static void parseZip(String zipFile) {"?ZIP" + zipFile); try (FileSystem fs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(Paths.get(zipFile), WordClassifierForYouDao.class.getClassLoader())) { for (Path path : fs.getRootDirectories()) {"?" + path); Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override//from ww w. j a v a 2 s . c o m public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException {"?" + file); // ? Path temp = Paths.get("target/origin-html-temp.txt"); Files.copy(file, temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); parseFile(temp.toFile().getAbsolutePath()); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("?", e); } }
From source
private static void readFiles() throws Exception { Optional<String> path ="java.class.path").split(File.pathSeparator)) .filter(e -> e.endsWith("/scripts")).findFirst(); assertThat(path).as("The scripts directory was not found on the classpath.").isPresent(); List<Path> unexpectedFiles = new ArrayList<>(); MutableInt depth = new MutableInt(); files = new ArrayList<>(); Files.walkFileTree(Paths.get(path.get()), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override//from w ww . j a va2s . c o m public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { depth.increment(); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) { if (depth.intValue() != SCRIPT_TYPE_DIR_DEPTH) { unexpectedFiles.add(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } if (!isExpectedNonScriptFile(file)) { files.add(file); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { depth.decrement(); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); assertThat(unexpectedFiles).as("Files found not in a script type directory.").isEmpty(); Collections.sort(files); }
From source
private long collect(final List<SourceWithPath> collectedFiles, final Path source, final IOFileFilter directoryFilter, final IOFileFilter fileFilter, final Cancellable cancellable) throws IOException { final long[] totalSize = { 0L }; SimpleFileVisitor<Path> visitor = new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override/*ww w . j av a2s . co m*/ public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { super.preVisitDirectory(dir, attrs); if ((directoryFilter == null) || source.equals(dir) || directoryFilter.accept(dir.toFile())) { return CONTINUE; } else { return SKIP_SUBTREE; } } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { if ((cancellable != null) && cancellable.isCancelled()) { return TERMINATE; } super.visitFile(file, attrs); if (!Files.isSymbolicLink(file)) { if ((fileFilter == null) || fileFilter.accept(file.toFile())) { LOG.trace("visitFile {}", file.toAbsolutePath()); collectedFiles.add(new SourceWithPath(source, file)); totalSize[0] += Files.size(file); } } return CONTINUE; } }; Files.walkFileTree(source, visitor); return totalSize[0]; }