Example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer reset

List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer reset


In this page you can find the example usage for java.nio ByteBuffer reset.


public final Buffer reset() 

Source Link


Resets the position of this buffer to the mark.


From source file:org.apache.nifi.processor.util.listen.handler.socket.StandardSocketChannelHandler.java

public void run() {
    boolean eof = false;
    SocketChannel socketChannel = null;

    try {/*  w  ww.ja  v a 2 s .  co m*/
        int bytesRead;
        socketChannel = (SocketChannel) key.channel();

        final SocketChannelAttachment attachment = (SocketChannelAttachment) key.attachment();
        final ByteBuffer socketBuffer = attachment.getByteBuffer();

        // read until the buffer is full
        while ((bytesRead = socketChannel.read(socketBuffer)) > 0) {
            // prepare byte buffer for reading
            // mark the current position as start, in case of partial message read
            // process the contents that have been read into the buffer
            processBuffer(socketChannel, socketBuffer);

            // Preserve bytes in buffer for next call to run
            // NOTE: This code could benefit from the  two ByteBuffer read calls to avoid
            // this compact for higher throughput
            logger.debug("bytes read {}", new Object[] { bytesRead });

        // Check for closed socket
        if (bytesRead < 0) {
            eof = true;
            logger.debug("Reached EOF, closing connection");
        } else {
            logger.debug("No more data available, returning for selection");
    } catch (ClosedByInterruptException | InterruptedException e) {
        logger.debug("read loop interrupted, closing connection");
        // Treat same as closed socket
        eof = true;
    } catch (ClosedChannelException e) {
        // ClosedChannelException doesn't have a message so handle it separately from IOException
        logger.error("Error reading from channel due to channel being closed", e);
        // Treat same as closed socket
        eof = true;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error reading from channel due to {}", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e);
        // Treat same as closed socket
        eof = true;
    } finally {
        if (eof == true) {
        } else {

From source file:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.segment.file.TarReader.java

 * Loads the optional pre-compiled graph entry from the given tar file.
 * @return graph buffer, or {@code null} if one was not found
 * @throws IOException if the tar file could not be read
 *//*  w  ww .  j  a  v a  2 s .  c o m*/
private ByteBuffer loadGraph() throws IOException {
    // read the graph metadata just before the tar index entry
    int pos = access.length() - 2 * BLOCK_SIZE - getEntrySize(index.remaining());
    ByteBuffer meta = access.read(pos - 16, 16);
    int crc32 = meta.getInt();
    int count = meta.getInt();
    int bytes = meta.getInt();
    int magic = meta.getInt();

    if (magic != GRAPH_MAGIC) {
        return null; // magic byte mismatch

    if (count < 0 || bytes < count * 16 + 16 || BLOCK_SIZE + bytes > pos) {
        log.warn("Invalid graph metadata in tar file {}", file);
        return null; // impossible uuid and/or byte counts

    // this involves seeking backwards in the file, which might not
    // perform well, but that's OK since we only do this once per file
    ByteBuffer graph = access.read(pos - bytes, bytes);

    byte[] b = new byte[bytes - 16];

    CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
    if (crc32 != (int) checksum.getValue()) {
        log.warn("Invalid graph checksum in tar file {}", file);
        return null; // checksum mismatch

    return graph;

From source file:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.file.TarReader.java

 * Loads the optional pre-compiled graph entry from the given tar file.
 * @return graph buffer, or {@code null} if one was not found
 * @throws IOException if the tar file could not be read
 *///from www. j a  v  a2 s . c o m
private ByteBuffer loadGraph() throws IOException {
    // read the graph metadata just before the tar index entry
    int pos = access.length() - 2 * BLOCK_SIZE - getEntrySize(index.remaining() + 16);
    ByteBuffer meta = access.read(pos - 16, 16);
    int crc32 = meta.getInt();
    int count = meta.getInt();
    int bytes = meta.getInt();
    int magic = meta.getInt();

    if (magic != GRAPH_MAGIC) {
        return null; // magic byte mismatch

    if (count < 0 || bytes < count * 16 + 16 || BLOCK_SIZE + bytes > pos) {
        log.warn("Invalid graph metadata in tar file {}", file);
        return null; // impossible uuid and/or byte counts

    // this involves seeking backwards in the file, which might not
    // perform well, but that's OK since we only do this once per file
    ByteBuffer graph = access.read(pos - bytes, bytes);

    byte[] b = new byte[bytes - 16];

    CRC32 checksum = new CRC32();
    if (crc32 != (int) checksum.getValue()) {
        log.warn("Invalid graph checksum in tar file {}", file);
        return null; // checksum mismatch

    hasGraph = true;
    return graph;

From source file:io.Text.java

 * Finds any occurence of <code>what</code> in the backing
 * buffer, starting as position <code>start</code>. The starting
 * position is measured in bytes and the return value is in
 * terms of byte position in the buffer. The backing buffer is
 * not converted to a string for this operation.
 * @return byte position of the first occurence of the search
 *         string in the UTF-8 buffer or -1 if not found
 *//*ww  w. ja  va  2  s  . c o  m*/
public int find(String what, int start) {
    try {
        ByteBuffer src = ByteBuffer.wrap(this.bytes, 0, this.length);
        ByteBuffer tgt = encode(what);
        byte b = tgt.get();

        while (src.hasRemaining()) {
            if (b == src.get()) { // matching first byte
                src.mark(); // save position in loop
                tgt.mark(); // save position in target
                boolean found = true;
                int pos = src.position() - 1;
                while (tgt.hasRemaining()) {
                    if (!src.hasRemaining()) { // src expired first
                        found = false;
                    if (!(tgt.get() == src.get())) {
                        found = false;
                        break; // no match
                if (found)
                    return pos;
        return -1; // not found
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        // can't get here
        return -1;

From source file:org.cloudata.core.common.io.CText.java

 * Finds any occurence of <code>what</code> in the backing
 * buffer, starting as position <code>start</code>. The starting
 * position is measured in bytes and the return value is in
 * terms of byte position in the buffer. The backing buffer is
 * not converted to a string for this operation.
 * @return byte position of the first occurence of the search
 *         string in the UTF-8 buffer or -1 if not found
 *//* ww  w.jav  a  2  s.  c  o m*/
public int find(String what, int start) {
    try {
        ByteBuffer src = ByteBuffer.wrap(this.bytes);
        ByteBuffer tgt = encode(what);
        byte b = tgt.get();

        while (src.hasRemaining()) {
            if (b == src.get()) { // matching first byte
                src.mark(); // save position in loop
                tgt.mark(); // save position in target
                boolean found = true;
                int pos = src.position() - 1;
                while (tgt.hasRemaining()) {
                    if (!src.hasRemaining()) { // src expired first
                        found = false;
                    if (!(tgt.get() == src.get())) {
                        found = false;
                        break; // no match
                if (found)
                    return pos;
        return -1; // not found
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        // can't get here
        return -1;

From source file:org.apache.arrow.vector.util.Text.java

 * Finds any occurence of <code>what</code> in the backing buffer, starting as position <code>start</code>. The
 * starting position is measured in bytes and the return value is in terms of byte position in the buffer. The backing
 * buffer is not converted to a string for this operation.
 * @return byte position of the first occurence of the search string in the UTF-8 buffer or -1 if not found
 *///ww w  .j  a  v  a2s.com
public int find(String what, int start) {
    try {
        ByteBuffer src = ByteBuffer.wrap(this.bytes, 0, this.length);
        ByteBuffer tgt = encode(what);
        byte b = tgt.get();

        while (src.hasRemaining()) {
            if (b == src.get()) { // matching first byte
                src.mark(); // save position in loop
                tgt.mark(); // save position in target
                boolean found = true;
                int pos = src.position() - 1;
                while (tgt.hasRemaining()) {
                    if (!src.hasRemaining()) { // src expired first
                        found = false;
                    if (!(tgt.get() == src.get())) {
                        found = false;
                        break; // no match
                if (found) {
                    return pos;
        return -1; // not found
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        // can't get here
        return -1;

From source file:com.offbynull.portmapper.natpmp.NatPmpController.java

 * Constructs a {@link NatPmpController} object.
 * @param gatewayAddress address of router/gateway
 * @param listener a listener to listen for all NAT-PMP packets from this router
 * @throws NullPointerException if any argument is {@code null}
 * @throws IOException if problems initializing UDP channels
 *///w ww.j a v a  2 s.  c  om
public NatPmpController(InetAddress gatewayAddress, final NatPmpControllerListener listener)
        throws IOException {

    this.gateway = new InetSocketAddress(gatewayAddress, 5351);

    List<DatagramChannel> channels = new ArrayList<>(3);

    try {
        unicastChannel = DatagramChannel.open();
        unicastChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(0));

        ipv4MulticastChannel = DatagramChannel.open(StandardProtocolFamily.INET);
        ipv4MulticastChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, true);
        ipv4MulticastChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(5350));

        ipv6MulticastChannel = DatagramChannel.open(StandardProtocolFamily.INET6);
        ipv6MulticastChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, true);
        ipv6MulticastChannel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(5350));
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw ioe;


    this.communicator = new UdpCommunicator(channels);

    if (listener != null) {
        this.communicator.addListener(new UdpCommunicatorListener() {

            public void incomingPacket(InetSocketAddress sourceAddress, DatagramChannel channel,
                    ByteBuffer packet) {
                CommunicationType type;
                if (channel == unicastChannel) {
                    type = CommunicationType.UNICAST;
                } else if (channel == ipv4MulticastChannel || channel == ipv6MulticastChannel) {
                    type = CommunicationType.MULTICAST;
                } else {
                    return; // unknown, do nothing

                try {
                    listener.incomingResponse(type, new ExternalAddressNatPmpResponse(packet));
                } catch (BufferUnderflowException | IllegalArgumentException e) { // NOPMD
                    // ignore
                } finally {

                try {
                    listener.incomingResponse(type, new UdpMappingNatPmpResponse(packet));
                } catch (BufferUnderflowException | IllegalArgumentException e) { // NOPMD
                    // ignore
                } finally {

                try {
                    listener.incomingResponse(type, new TcpMappingNatPmpResponse(packet));
                } catch (BufferUnderflowException | IllegalArgumentException e) { // NOPMD
                    // ignore
                } finally {

From source file:net.ymate.platform.serv.nio.datagram.NioUdpServer.java

public synchronized void start() throws IOException {
    if (!__isStarted) {
        __isStarted = true;//from   w  w  w  .  j  av a2 s . c  o  m
        __eventGroup = new NioEventGroup<NioUdpListener>(__serverCfg, __listener, __codec) {
            protected SelectableChannel __doChannelCreate(INioServerCfg cfg) throws IOException {
                DatagramChannel _channel = DatagramChannel.open();
                _channel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(cfg.getServerHost(), cfg.getPort()));
                return _channel;

            protected String __doBuildProcessorName() {
                return StringUtils.capitalize(name()).concat("UdpServer-NioEventProcessor-");

            protected void __doInitProcessors() throws IOException {
                __processors = new NioEventProcessor[__selectorCount];
                for (int _idx = 0; _idx < __selectorCount; _idx++) {
                    __processors[_idx] = new NioEventProcessor<NioUdpListener>(this,
                            __doBuildProcessorName() + _idx) {
                        protected void __doExceptionEvent(SelectionKey key, final Throwable e) {
                            final INioSession _session = (INioSession) key.attachment();
                            if (_session != null) {
                                __eventGroup.executorService().submit(new Runnable() {
                                    public void run() {
                                        try {
                                            __eventGroup.listener().onExceptionCaught(e, _session);
                                        } catch (Throwable ex) {
                                            _LOG.error(e.getMessage(), RuntimeUtils.unwrapThrow(ex));
                            } else {
                                _LOG.error(e.getMessage(), RuntimeUtils.unwrapThrow(e));

            protected void __doRegisterEvent() throws IOException {
                for (NioEventProcessor _processor : __processors) {
                    _processor.registerEvent(__channel, SelectionKey.OP_READ,
                            new NioSession<NioUdpListener>(this, __channel) {
                                protected int __doChannelRead(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
                                    SocketAddress _address = ((DatagramChannel) __channel).receive(buffer);
                                    if (_address != null) {
                                        attr(SocketAddress.class.getName(), _address);
                                        return __buffer.remaining();
                                    return 0;

                                protected int __doChannelWrite(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
                                    SocketAddress _address = attr(SocketAddress.class.getName());
                                    if (_address != null) {
                                        return ((DatagramChannel) __channel).send(buffer, _address);
                                    return 0;
        _LOG.info("UdpServer [" + __eventGroup.name() + "] started at " + __serverCfg.getServerHost() + ":"
                + __serverCfg.getPort());

From source file:org.commoncrawl.util.TextBytes.java

 * Finds any occurence of <code>what</code> in the backing buffer, starting as
 * position <code>start</code>. The starting position is measured in bytes and
 * the return value is in terms of byte position in the buffer. The backing
 * buffer is not converted to a string for this operation.
 * //from w  w w.ja  v  a  2s  .  c om
 * @return byte position of the first occurence of the search string in the
 *         UTF-8 buffer or -1 if not found
public int find(String what, int start) {
    try {
        ByteBuffer src = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes.get(), bytes.getOffset(), bytes.getCount());
        ByteBuffer tgt = encode(what);
        byte b = tgt.get();

        while (src.hasRemaining()) {
            if (b == src.get()) { // matching first byte
                src.mark(); // save position in loop
                tgt.mark(); // save position in target
                boolean found = true;
                int pos = src.position() - 1;
                while (tgt.hasRemaining()) {
                    if (!src.hasRemaining()) { // src expired first
                        found = false;
                    if (!(tgt.get() == src.get())) {
                        found = false;
                        break; // no match
                if (found)
                    return pos;
        return -1; // not found
    } catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
        // can't get here
        return -1;

From source file:byps.http.HWireClient.java

protected RequestToCancel createRequestForMessage(BMessage msg, BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult,
        int timeoutSecondsRequest) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("createRequestForMessage(" + msg);
    ByteBuffer requestDataBuffer = msg.buf;

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        requestDataBuffer.mark();//  w  ww .  j ava2 s. c  om
        BBufferJson bbuf = new BBufferJson(requestDataBuffer);

    final RequestToCancel requestToCancel = new RequestToCancel(msg.header.messageId, 0L, 0L, asyncResult);

    final boolean isNegotiate = BNegotiate.isNegotiateMessage(requestDataBuffer);
    final boolean isJson = isNegotiate
            || BMessageHeader.detectProtocol(requestDataBuffer) == BMessageHeader.MAGIC_JSON;
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("isJson=" + isJson);

    try {
        StringBuilder destUrl = null;

        // Negotiate?
        if (isNegotiate) {

            // Send a GET request and pass the negotiate string as parameter

            String negoStr = new String(requestDataBuffer.array(), requestDataBuffer.position(),
                    requestDataBuffer.limit(), "UTF-8");
            negoStr = URLEncoder.encode(negoStr, "UTF-8");

            String negoServlet = getServletPathForNegotiationAndAuthentication();
            destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder(negoServlet);

            // Clear session Cookie

        // Reverse request (long-poll) ?
        else if ((msg.header.flags & BMessageHeader.FLAG_RESPONSE) != 0) {

            String longpollServlet = getServletPathForReverseRequest();
            destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder(longpollServlet);

            timeoutSecondsRequest = 0; // timeout controlled by server, 10min by
                                       // default.

        // Ordinary request
        else {
            destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder("");

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("open connection, url=" + destUrl);
        final HHttpRequest httpRequest = isNegotiate ? httpClient.get(destUrl.toString(), requestToCancel)
                : httpClient.post(destUrl.toString(), requestDataBuffer, requestToCancel);

        httpRequest.setTimeouts(timeoutSecondsClient, timeoutSecondsRequest);


    } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("received Throwable: " + e);
        BException bex = new BException(BExceptionC.IOERROR, "IO error", e);
        asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, bex);

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug(")createRequestForMessage=" + requestToCancel);
    return requestToCancel;