Java tutorial
package byps.http; /* USE THIS FILE ACCORDING TO THE COPYRIGHT RULES IN LICENSE.TXT WHICH IS PART OF THE SOURCE CODE PACKAGE */ import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import byps.BApiDescriptor; import byps.BAsyncResult; import byps.BBufferJson; import byps.BContentStream; import byps.BContentStreamAsyncCallback; import byps.BException; import byps.BExceptionC; import byps.BHashMap; import byps.BMessage; import byps.BMessageHeader; import byps.BNegotiate; import byps.BSyncResult; import byps.BTargetId; import byps.BTestAdapter; import byps.BTransport; import byps.BTransportFactory; import byps.BWire; import byps.http.client.HHttpClient; import byps.http.client.HHttpClientFactory; import byps.http.client.HHttpRequest; import byps.http.client.jcnn.JcnnClientFactory; import byps.ureq.BApiDescriptor_BUtilityRequests; import byps.ureq.BClient_BUtilityRequests; import byps.ureq.BRegistry_BUtilityRequests; import byps.ureq.JRegistry_BUtilityRequests; /** * BWire implementation for HTTP. * By default, this class uses HttpURLConnection to communicate with the server. * Set * <code>System.setProperty(HWireClient.SYSTEM_PROPERTY_HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY, "byps.http.client.asf.AsfClientFactory");</code> * in order to send messages by Apache HTTP Components 4.3.2. */ public class HWireClient extends BWire { /** * Full qualified name of the HTTP client factory class. The constructor reads * this value by System.getProperty() and instantiates an object in order to * create a HTTP client object and other necessary objects. If this system * property is not set, the factory * {@link byps.http.client.jcnn.JcnnClientFactory} is used. * The value of this property is "byps.http.client.factory". */ public final static String SYSTEM_PROPERTY_HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY = "byps.http.client.factory"; protected final static long MESSAGEID_CANCEL_ALL_REQUESTS = -1; protected final static long MESSAGEID_DISCONNECT = -2; protected final String surl; protected final static int CHUNK_SIZE = 10 * 1000; protected final static int MAX_STREAM_PART_SIZE = 1000 * CHUNK_SIZE; // should // be a // multiple // of // CHUNK_SIZE protected final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HWireClient.class); protected final BHashMap<RequestToCancel, Boolean> openRequestsToCancel = new BHashMap<RequestToCancel, Boolean>(); // protected final Map<RequestToCancel, Boolean> openRequestsToCancel = // Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<RequestToCancel, Boolean>()); protected final Executor threadPool; protected final boolean isMyThreadPool; protected final HTestAdapter testAdapter; protected volatile boolean isDone; protected final HHttpClient httpClient; protected Statistics stats = null; protected int timeoutSecondsClient; private enum ERequestDirection { FORWARD, REVERSE }; /** * Initializes a new client-side HTTP communication. * * @param url * URL to server. * @param flags * A combination of BWire.FLAG_* values. * @param timeoutSeconds * Read timeout in seconds. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an * infinite timeout. * @param threadPool * Optional: A thread pool. If null, a thread pool is internally * created. * @see BWire#FLAG_GZIP */ public HWireClient(String url, int flags, int timeoutSeconds, Executor threadPool) { super(flags); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("HWireClient(" + url + ", flags=" + flags + ", timeoutSeconds=" + timeoutSeconds + ", threadPool=" + threadPool); if (url == null || url.length() == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Missing URL"); this.surl = url; this.timeoutSecondsClient = timeoutSeconds; this.isMyThreadPool = threadPool == null; if (threadPool == null) { threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); } this.threadPool = threadPool; this.testAdapter = new HTestAdapter(this); // Create HTTP client object by a HHttpClientFactory. ---------------- // The class name of the HHttpClientFactory is taken from the // String factName = System.getProperty(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("factory from[" + SYSTEM_PROPERTY_HTTP_CLIENT_FACTORY + "]=" + factName); if (factName == null || factName.length() == 0) factName = JcnnClientFactory.class.getName(); // Create a client factory object HHttpClientFactory fact = null; try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("instantiate factName=" + factName); Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(factName); fact = (HHttpClientFactory) clazz.newInstance(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("fact=" + fact); } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("failed to create factory, factName=" + factName, e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("createHttpClient..."); this.httpClient = fact.createHttpClient(url); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("createHttpClient OK, " + this.httpClient); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")HWireClient"); } protected class AsyncResultAfterAllRequests implements BAsyncResult<BMessage> { final BAsyncResult<BMessage> innerResult; final long messageId; int nbOfOutstandingResults; BMessage result; Throwable ex; public AsyncResultAfterAllRequests(long messageId, BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult, final int nbOfRequests) { this.innerResult = asyncResult; this.messageId = messageId; this.nbOfOutstandingResults = nbOfRequests; } @Override public void setAsyncResult(BMessage msg, Throwable ex) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("setAsyncResult(msg=" + msg + ", ex=" + ex); boolean cancelMessage = false; boolean isLastResult = false; BMessage innerMsg = null; Throwable innerEx = null; synchronized (this) { isLastResult = --nbOfOutstandingResults == 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("isLastResult=" + isLastResult); if (ex != null) { cancelMessage = this.ex == null; if (cancelMessage) this.ex = ex; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("cancelMessage=" + cancelMessage); } if (msg != null && msg.buf != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("set result=" + msg); this.result = msg; } else { // Stream result OK } if (isLastResult) { innerMsg = this.result; innerEx = this.ex; } } if (isLastResult) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("innerResult.setAsyncResult(result=" + innerMsg + ", ex=" + innerEx); innerResult.setAsyncResult(innerMsg, innerEx); } if (cancelMessage && !isLastResult) { sendCancelMessage(messageId); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")setAsyncResult"); } } @Override public synchronized void send(final BMessage msg, final BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult) { internalSendMessageAndStreams(msg, asyncResult); } @Override public void sendR(BMessage msg, BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult) { internalSendMessageAndStreams(msg, asyncResult); } protected void executeRequest(RequestToCancel r) throws BException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("executeRequest(" + r); if (isDone) { BException e = new BException(BExceptionC.CANCELLED, "HTTP Client already disconnected."); throw e; } for (int retry = 0; retry < 10 && !isDone; retry++) { try { threadPool.execute(r); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")executeRequest"); return; } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("rejected execution, thread pool exausted? retry=" + retry); int retryAfterMillis = rand.nextInt(100); try { Thread.sleep((long) retryAfterMillis); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { break; } } } BException e = new BException(BExceptionC.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, "Failed to send method or stream because too many requests are currently active."); throw e; } @Override public void putStreams(List<BContentStream> streams, BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult) { try { for (BContentStream stream : streams) { RequestToCancel req = createRequestForPutStream(stream, asyncResult); executeRequest(req); } } catch (BException e) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } } private synchronized void internalSendMessageAndStreams(final BMessage msg, final BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("send(" + msg + ", asyncResult=" + asyncResult); try { // If the BMessage contains streams, the given asyncResult is wrapped into a // BAsyncRequest object that sets the asynchronous result after the // message and all streams // have been sent. BAsyncResult<BMessage> outerResult = asyncResult; if (msg.streams != null && msg.streams.size() != 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("wrap asyncResult"); outerResult = new AsyncResultAfterAllRequests(msg.header.messageId, asyncResult, msg.streams.size() + 1); } // Eval timeout for message. // If the message is sent with streams, it does not return before all streams are sent. // If large streams are uploaded, the message could cause a timeout error on the client side. // In order to prevent this situation, set an infinite timeout (=0). boolean hasStreams = msg.streams != null && msg.streams.size() != 0; int timeoutSecondsRequest = hasStreams ? 0 : this.timeoutSecondsClient; // Create RequestToCancel for message RequestToCancel req = createRequestForMessage(msg, outerResult, timeoutSecondsRequest); executeRequest(req); // Create RequestToCancel objects for each stream. if (hasStreams) { putStreams(msg.streams, outerResult); } } catch (BException e) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")send"); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private synchronized void internalSendStreamsThenMessage(final BMessage msg, final BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("internalSendStreamsThenMessage(" + msg + ", asyncResult=" + asyncResult); // Convert the BMessage into RequestToCancel objects. // One RequestToCancel is created for msg.buf. // For each stream in msg.streams further RequestToCancel objects are // created. int nbOfStreams = msg.streams != null ? msg.streams.size() : 0; final ArrayList<RequestToCancel> requests = new ArrayList<RequestToCancel>( nbOfStreams != 0 ? nbOfStreams : 1); // Does the message contains streams? if (nbOfStreams != 0) { // Send the streams first and then send the message. // If the message is sent before the streams, // a timeout happens for the message if it takes // more than timeoutMillisRequest to send the streams. // Create an BAsyncResult that sends the message on setAsyncResult BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncSendMessage = new BAsyncResult<BMessage>() { @Override public void setAsyncResult(BMessage result, Throwable exception) { if (exception != null) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, exception); } else { // Send the message try { RequestToCancel messageRequest = createRequestForMessage(msg, asyncResult, timeoutSecondsClient); executeRequest(messageRequest); } catch (BException e) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } } } }; // Create requests for each stream BAsyncResult<BMessage> outerResult = new AsyncResultAfterAllRequests(msg.header.messageId, asyncSendMessage, nbOfStreams); for (BContentStream stream : msg.streams) { RequestToCancel streamRequest = createRequestForPutStream(stream, outerResult); requests.add(streamRequest); } } else { // Create RequestToCancel for msg.buf RequestToCancel req = createRequestForMessage(msg, asyncResult, timeoutSecondsClient); requests.add(req); } // Execute the RequestToCancel objects in the thread pool if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("put requests into thread pool"); try { for (RequestToCancel r : requests) { executeRequest(r); } } catch (BException e) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")internalSendStreamsThenMessage"); } protected RequestToCancel createRequestForMessage(BMessage msg, BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult, int timeoutSecondsRequest) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("createRequestForMessage(" + msg); ByteBuffer requestDataBuffer = msg.buf; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { requestDataBuffer.mark(); BBufferJson bbuf = new BBufferJson(requestDataBuffer); log.debug(bbuf.toDetailString()); requestDataBuffer.reset(); } final RequestToCancel requestToCancel = new RequestToCancel(msg.header.messageId, 0L, 0L, asyncResult); final boolean isNegotiate = BNegotiate.isNegotiateMessage(requestDataBuffer); final boolean isJson = isNegotiate || BMessageHeader.detectProtocol(requestDataBuffer) == BMessageHeader.MAGIC_JSON; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("isJson=" + isJson); try { StringBuilder destUrl = null; // Negotiate? if (isNegotiate) { // Send a GET request and pass the negotiate string as parameter String negoStr = new String(requestDataBuffer.array(), requestDataBuffer.position(), requestDataBuffer.limit(), "UTF-8"); negoStr = URLEncoder.encode(negoStr, "UTF-8"); String negoServlet = getServletPathForNegotiationAndAuthentication(); destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder(negoServlet); destUrl.append("&negotiate=").append(negoStr); // Clear session Cookie httpClient.clearHttpSession(); } // Reverse request (long-poll) ? else if ((msg.header.flags & BMessageHeader.FLAG_RESPONSE) != 0) { String longpollServlet = getServletPathForReverseRequest(); destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder(longpollServlet); timeoutSecondsRequest = 0; // timeout controlled by server, 10min by // default. } // Ordinary request else { destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder(""); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("open connection, url=" + destUrl); final HHttpRequest httpRequest = isNegotiate ? httpClient.get(destUrl.toString(), requestToCancel) :, requestDataBuffer, requestToCancel); httpRequest.setTimeouts(timeoutSecondsClient, timeoutSecondsRequest); requestToCancel.setHttpRequest(httpRequest); addRequest(requestToCancel); } catch (Throwable e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("received Throwable: " + e); BException bex = new BException(BExceptionC.IOERROR, "IO error", e); asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, bex); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")createRequestForMessage=" + requestToCancel); return requestToCancel; } protected RequestToCancel createRequestForPutStream(BContentStream stream, BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("createRequestForPutStream(" + stream); final long messageId = stream.getTargetId().getMessageId(); final long streamId = stream.getTargetId().getStreamId(); StringBuilder destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder(""); destUrl.append("&messageid=").append(messageId).append("&streamid=").append(streamId); final RequestToCancel requestToCancel = new RequestToCancel(messageId, streamId, 0L, asyncResult); final HHttpRequest httpRequest = httpClient.putStream(destUrl.toString(), stream, requestToCancel); requestToCancel.setHttpRequest(httpRequest); addRequest(requestToCancel); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")createRequestForPutStream=" + requestToCancel); return requestToCancel; } protected RequestToCancel createRequestForGetStream(final BTargetId targetId, final BAsyncResult<BContentStream> asyncResult) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("createRequestForGetStream(" + targetId); final long messageId = targetId.getMessageId(); final long streamId = targetId.getStreamId(); StringBuilder destUrl = getUrlStringBuilder(""); destUrl.append("&serverid=").append(targetId.getServerId()).append("&messageid=").append(messageId) .append("&streamid=").append(streamId); final RequestToCancel requestToCancel = new RequestToCancel(messageId, streamId, 0L, null); final HHttpRequest httpRequest = httpClient.getStream(destUrl.toString(), new BAsyncResult<BContentStream>() { public void setAsyncResult(BContentStream stream, Throwable ex) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(stream, ex); requestToCancel.setAsyncResult(null, ex); } }); requestToCancel.setHttpRequest(httpRequest); addRequest(requestToCancel); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")createRequestForGetStream=" + requestToCancel); return requestToCancel; } protected RequestToCancel createRequestForCancelMessage(long messageId) { final RequestToCancel requestToCancel = new RequestToCancel(0L, 0L, messageId, new BAsyncResult<BMessage>() { public void setAsyncResult(BMessage msg, Throwable ex) { } }); String destUrl = surl + "?messageid=" + messageId + "&cancel=1"; final HHttpRequest httpRequest = httpClient.get(destUrl, requestToCancel); requestToCancel.setHttpRequest(httpRequest); addRequest(requestToCancel); return requestToCancel; } protected class RequestToCancel implements Runnable, BAsyncResult<ByteBuffer>, Comparable<RequestToCancel> { final ERequestDirection requestDirection; final long messageId; final long streamId; final long cancelMessageId; final BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult; final AtomicBoolean isOpen = new AtomicBoolean(true); final int timeoutSecondsRequest; HHttpRequest httpRequest; protected RequestToCancel(long messageId, long streamId, long cancelMessageId, BAsyncResult<BMessage> asyncResult) { this.requestDirection = ERequestDirection.FORWARD; this.messageId = messageId; this.streamId = streamId; this.cancelMessageId = cancelMessageId; this.timeoutSecondsRequest = 0; this.asyncResult = asyncResult; } public void setHttpRequest(HHttpRequest httpRequest) { this.httpRequest = httpRequest; } @Override public void run() {; } public void setAsyncResult(ByteBuffer buf, Throwable e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("setAsyncResult" + this + "("); try { if (isOpen.getAndSet(false) && asyncResult != null) { if (e == null && buf != null && buf.remaining() != 0) { BMessageHeader header = new BMessageHeader(); try { if (BNegotiate.isNegotiateMessage(buf)) { BNegotiate nego = new BNegotiate();; header.messageObject = nego; header.messageId = messageId; applyNegotiateForUtilityRequests(nego); } else {; } BMessage msg = new BMessage(header, buf, null); asyncResult.setAsyncResult(msg, null); } catch (BException ex) { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, ex); } } else { asyncResult.setAsyncResult(null, e); } } } finally { // Remove request from HWireClient's internal map of requests. HWireClient.this.removeRequest(this); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")setAsyncResult"); } public void cancel() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("cancel" + this + "("); httpRequest.cancel(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")cancel"); } @Override public int compareTo(RequestToCancel o) { if (messageId < o.messageId) return -1; if (messageId > o.messageId) return 1; if (streamId < o.streamId) return -1; if (streamId > o.streamId) return 1; if (cancelMessageId < o.cancelMessageId) return -1; if (cancelMessageId > o.cancelMessageId) return 1; return 0; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); sbuf.append("[").append(messageId); if (cancelMessageId != 0) sbuf.append(",cancelMessageId=").append(cancelMessageId); sbuf.append(",httpRequest=").append(System.identityHashCode(httpRequest)); sbuf.append("]"); return sbuf.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode(); result = prime * result + (int) (cancelMessageId ^ (cancelMessageId >>> 32)); result = prime * result + (int) (messageId ^ (messageId >>> 32)); result = prime * result + (int) (streamId ^ (streamId >>> 32)); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; RequestToCancel other = (RequestToCancel) obj; if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType())) return false; if (cancelMessageId != other.cancelMessageId) return false; if (messageId != other.messageId) return false; if (streamId != other.streamId) return false; return true; } private HWireClient getOuterType() { return HWireClient.this; } } protected class MyInputStream extends InputStreamWrapper implements BAsyncResult<BContentStream> { // Implementierung ist so kompliziert, damit die HTTP-Verbindung abgebrochen // werden kann. // Die Exception durch RequestToCancel.cancle() wird nur in openStream // ausgewertet. Aber da // msste das cancel schon whrend des openStream kommen. volatile RequestToCancel request; volatile HttpURLConnection conn; volatile Throwable ex; public MyInputStream(BTargetId targetId) { super(targetId); } @Override public void setAsyncResult(BContentStream stream, Throwable e) { this.ex = e; if (e == null) { this.innerStream = stream; this.copyProperties(stream); } } void throwExceptionIf() throws IOException { Throwable e = ex; if (e == null) return; if (e instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) e; } else { throw new BException(BExceptionC.CANCELLED, "", e); } } @Override public InputStream ensureStream() throws IOException { throwExceptionIf(); return super.ensureStream(); } @Override protected InputStream openStream() throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("openStream("); InputStream is = null; final BContentStreamAsyncCallback streamCallback = getAsyncCallback(); if (streamCallback != null) { BAsyncResult<BContentStream> asyncResult = new BAsyncResult<BContentStream>() { public void setAsyncResult(BContentStream stream, Throwable ex) { if (ex == null) { try { streamCallback.onReceivedContentType(stream.getContentType()); streamCallback.onReceivedContentLength(stream.getContentLength()); byte[] buf = new byte[10 * 1000]; int len = 0; boolean succ = true; while ((len = != -1) { if (succ) { succ = streamCallback.onReceivedData(buf, len); } } } catch (Throwable e) { streamCallback.onReceivedException(e); } } else { streamCallback.onReceivedException(ex); } streamCallback.onFinished(); } }; internalOpenStream(asyncResult); // Return empty stream to prevent NPE is = new InputStream() { public int read() throws IOException { return -1; } }; } else { BSyncResult<BContentStream> syncResult = new BSyncResult<BContentStream>() { public void setAsyncResult(BContentStream stream, Throwable ex) { // Set members this.innerStream, this.contentType, // this.contentLength MyInputStream.this.setAsyncResult(stream, ex); // Release thread which is waiting in syncResult.getResult() super.setAsyncResult(stream, ex); } }; internalOpenStream(syncResult); is = syncResult.getResult(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")openStream=" + is); return is; } protected void internalOpenStream(BAsyncResult<BContentStream> asyncResult) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("internalOpenStream("); RequestToCancel requestToCancel = createRequestForGetStream(targetId, asyncResult); executeRequest(requestToCancel); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")internalOpenStream"); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); } } @Override public BContentStream getStream(BTargetId targetId) throws IOException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("getStream(" + targetId); BContentStream is = new MyInputStream(targetId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")getStream=" + is); return is; } protected void internalCancelAllRequests(long cancelMessageId) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("internalCancelAllRequests("); ArrayList<RequestToCancel> arr = new ArrayList<RequestToCancel>(openRequestsToCancel.keys()); openRequestsToCancel.clear(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("cancel requests on client, #requests=" + arr.size()); for (RequestToCancel robj : arr) { robj.cancel(); } // Notify the server about the canceled messages if (cancelMessageId != 0) { sendCancelMessage(cancelMessageId); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")internalCancelAllRequests"); } @Override public void done() { internalCancelAllRequests(MESSAGEID_DISCONNECT); isDone = true; if (isMyThreadPool) { if (threadPool instanceof ExecutorService) { ExecutorService tp = (ExecutorService) threadPool; tp.shutdown(); } } } protected void addRequest(RequestToCancel robj) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("addRequest(robj=" + robj); openRequestsToCancel.put(robj, Boolean.TRUE); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")addRequest=" + robj); } protected void removeRequest(RequestToCancel robj) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("removeRequest(" + robj); if (robj == null) return; openRequestsToCancel.remove(robj); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")removeRequest"); } /** * Cancel a message on the server side. * * @param messageId * Either a message ID or -1, if all messages of the session should * be canceled */ protected void sendCancelMessage(final long messageId) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("sendCancelMessage(messageId=" + messageId); try { BClient_BUtilityRequests bclientU = clientUtilityRequests; if (bclientU != null) { bclientU.getBUtilityRequests().cancelMessage(messageId); } else { RequestToCancel r = createRequestForCancelMessage(messageId); executeRequest(r); } } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Exception", e); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")sendCancelMessage"); } String testAdapter(String fnct, String[] args) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("testAdapter(fnct=" + fnct + ", " + Arrays.toString(args)); String ret = ""; if (fnct.equals(HTestAdapter.KILL_CONNECTIONS)) { internalCancelAllRequests(0); return ret; } try { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (args != null) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { map.put(args[i], i < args.length - 1 ? args[i + 1] : ""); } } BClient_BUtilityRequests bclientU = clientUtilityRequests; Map<String, String> rmap = bclientU.getBUtilityRequests().testAdapter(fnct, map); ret = rmap != null && rmap.size() != 0 ? rmap.entrySet().iterator().next().getValue() : ""; } catch (IOException ignored) { log.debug("ignored=" + ignored); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(")testAdapter=" + ret); return ret; } @Override public synchronized Statistics getStatistics() { return new Statistics(stats); } @Override public synchronized void clearStatistics() { stats = new Statistics(); } @Override public BTestAdapter getTestAdapter() { return testAdapter; } /** * Gets the servlet path for negotiation and authentication. A request for * HTTP authentication should be sent to a different sub directory of the web * application. E.g. while http://server/app/byps is the URL for BYPS * communication, authentication requests are sent to * http://server/app/bypsauth/auth. The reason for this is that some browsers * initiate the authentication handshake in each request if the first one has * had to be authenticated. * In order to support HTTP authentication, this function has to be overridden. * The default implementation returns the servlet path. * * @return servlet path of the URL that was passed in the constructor, e.g. "/byps". */ public String getServletPathForNegotiationAndAuthentication() { String authUrl = surl; int p = authUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); if (p >= 0) { authUrl = authUrl.substring(p); } return authUrl; } /** * Gets the servlet path for reverse HTTP requests. Reverse requests can be * sent to a different sub directory of the web application. This is useful if * a load balancer or proxy redirects the requests, because it allows to * specify a special timeout for long polls. * * @return servlet path of the URL that was passed in the constructor, e.g. * /byps */ public String getServletPathForReverseRequest() { String longUrl = surl; int p = longUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); if (p >= 0) { longUrl = longUrl.substring(p); } return longUrl; } private StringBuilder getUrlStringBuilder(String servletPath) { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); if (servletPath.length() != 0) { int p = surl.lastIndexOf("/"); if (p < 0) p = surl.length(); sbuf.append(surl.substring(0, p)); sbuf.append(servletPath); } else { sbuf.append(surl); } // We always want to start adding new parameters with '&'. // That's why somthing has to be added to the url which currently ends with '?' sbuf.append("?a=a"); return sbuf; } public String toString() { return "[url=" + surl + ", #openreq=" + openRequestsToCancel.size() + ", done=" + isDone + "]"; } public HHttpClient getHttpClient() { return this.httpClient; } private volatile BClient_BUtilityRequests clientUtilityRequests; public void applyNegotiateForUtilityRequests(BNegotiate nego) throws BException { if (nego.sessionId != null && nego.sessionId.length() != 0 && !nego.sessionId.equals(BTargetId.SESSIONID_ZERO)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("utility requests supported"); BApiDescriptor apiDesc = BApiDescriptor_BUtilityRequests.instance(); apiDesc.addRegistry(new BRegistry_BUtilityRequests()); apiDesc.addRegistry(new JRegistry_BUtilityRequests()); final BTransportFactory transportFactory = new HTransportFactoryClient(apiDesc, this, 0); BClient_BUtilityRequests bclient = BClient_BUtilityRequests.createClient(transportFactory); BTransport utransport = bclient.getTransport(); utransport.applyNegotiate(nego); clientUtilityRequests = bclient; } } }