List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer remaining
public final int remaining()
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/** * Reads the requested number of bytes or fail if there are not enough left. * <p/>/* w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * This allows for the possibility that {@link ReadableByteChannel#read(ByteBuffer)} may * not read as many bytes as requested (most likely because of reaching EOF). * * @param input the byte channel to read * @param buffer byte buffer destination * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the file * @throws EOFException if the number of bytes read was incorrect * @since 2.2 */ public static void readFully(final ReadableByteChannel input, final ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { final int expected = buffer.remaining(); final int actual = read(input, buffer); if (actual != expected) { throw new EOFException("Length to read: " + expected + " actual: " + actual); } }
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/** * Reads bytes from a ReadableByteChannel. * <p/>/*from www. j av a 2s. c om*/ * This implementation guarantees that it will read as many bytes * as possible before giving up; this may not always be the case for * subclasses of {@link ReadableByteChannel}. * * @param input the byte channel to read * @param buffer byte buffer destination * @return the actual length read; may be less than requested if EOF was reached * @throws IOException if a read error occurs * @since 2.2 */ public static int read(final ReadableByteChannel input, final ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { final int length = buffer.remaining(); while (buffer.remaining() > 0) { final int count =; if (EOF == count) { // EOF break; } } return length - buffer.remaining(); }
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/** * Add an entry to a ledger as specified by handle. *///from w ww .ja v a2 s .c o m private void addEntryInternal(LedgerDescriptor handle, ByteBuffer entry, WriteCallback cb, Object ctx) throws IOException, BookieException { long ledgerId = handle.getLedgerId(); entry.rewind(); long entryId = handle.addEntry(entry); entry.rewind(); writeBytes.add(entry.remaining()); LOG.trace("Adding {}@{}", entryId, ledgerId); journal.logAddEntry(entry, cb, ctx); }
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protected void recordTrain(@Nonnull final Feature[] x, final double y) throws HiveException { if (_iterations <= 1) { return;//from w w w. ja v a 2s.c o m } ByteBuffer inputBuf = _inputBuf; NioStatefullSegment dst = _fileIO; if (inputBuf == null) { final File file; try { file = File.createTempFile("hivemall_fm", ".sgmt"); file.deleteOnExit(); if (!file.canWrite()) { throw new UDFArgumentException("Cannot write a temporary file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); }"Record training examples to a file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new UDFArgumentException(ioe); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new UDFArgumentException(e); } this._inputBuf = inputBuf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1024 * 1024); // 1 MiB this._fileIO = dst = new NioStatefullSegment(file, false); } int xBytes = Feature.requiredBytes(x); int recordBytes = (Integer.SIZE + Double.SIZE) / 8 + xBytes; int requiredBytes = (Integer.SIZE / 8) + recordBytes; int remain = inputBuf.remaining(); if (remain < requiredBytes) { writeBuffer(inputBuf, dst); } inputBuf.putInt(recordBytes); inputBuf.putInt(x.length); for (Feature f : x) { f.writeTo(inputBuf); } inputBuf.putDouble(y); }
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/** * Write request to channel//from w w w. j a va2 s .c o m * @param call to write */ private void writeRequest(final AsyncCall call) { try { final RPCProtos.RequestHeader.Builder requestHeaderBuilder = RPCProtos.RequestHeader.newBuilder(); requestHeaderBuilder.setCallId( .setRequestParam(call.param != null); if (Trace.isTracing()) { Span s = Trace.currentSpan(); requestHeaderBuilder.setTraceInfo( TracingProtos.RPCTInfo.newBuilder().setParentId(s.getSpanId()).setTraceId(s.getTraceId())); } ByteBuffer cellBlock = client.buildCellBlock(call.cellScanner()); if (cellBlock != null) { final RPCProtos.CellBlockMeta.Builder cellBlockBuilder = RPCProtos.CellBlockMeta.newBuilder(); cellBlockBuilder.setLength(cellBlock.limit()); requestHeaderBuilder.setCellBlockMeta(; } // Only pass priority if there one. Let zero be same as no priority. if (call.getPriority() != PayloadCarryingRpcController.PRIORITY_UNSET) { requestHeaderBuilder.setPriority(call.getPriority()); } requestHeaderBuilder .setTimeout(call.rpcTimeout > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : (int) call.rpcTimeout); RPCProtos.RequestHeader rh =; int totalSize = IPCUtil.getTotalSizeWhenWrittenDelimited(rh, call.param); if (cellBlock != null) { totalSize += cellBlock.remaining(); } ByteBuf b = channel.alloc().directBuffer(4 + totalSize); try (ByteBufOutputStream out = new ByteBufOutputStream(b)) { call.callStats.setRequestSizeBytes(IPCUtil.write(out, rh, call.param, cellBlock)); } channel.writeAndFlush(b).addListener(new CallWriteListener(this,; } catch (IOException e) { close(e); } }
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@Override public FsInode inodeFromBytes(byte[] handle) throws ChimeraFsException { FsInode inode;/* w w w . ja v a 2 s . com*/ if (handle.length < MIN_HANDLE_LEN) { throw new FileNotFoundHimeraFsException("File handle too short"); } ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.wrap(handle); int fsid = b.get(); int type = b.get(); int len = b.get(); // eat the file id size. long ino = b.getLong(); int opaqueLen = b.get(); if (opaqueLen > b.remaining()) { throw new FileNotFoundHimeraFsException("Bad Opaque len"); } byte[] opaque = new byte[opaqueLen]; b.get(opaque); FsInodeType inodeType = FsInodeType.valueOf(type); switch (inodeType) { case INODE: int level = Integer.parseInt(new String(opaque)); inode = new FsInode(this, ino, level); break; case ID: inode = new FsInode_ID(this, ino); break; case TAGS: inode = new FsInode_TAGS(this, ino); break; case TAG: String tag = new String(opaque); inode = new FsInode_TAG(this, ino, tag); break; case NAMEOF: inode = new FsInode_NAMEOF(this, ino); break; case PARENT: inode = new FsInode_PARENT(this, ino); break; case PATHOF: inode = new FsInode_PATHOF(this, ino); break; case CONST: inode = new FsInode_CONST(this, ino); break; case PSET: inode = new FsInode_PSET(this, ino, getArgs(opaque)); break; case PCUR: inode = new FsInode_PCUR(this, ino); break; case PLOC: inode = new FsInode_PLOC(this, ino); break; case PCRC: inode = new FsInode_PCRC(this, ino); break; default: throw new FileNotFoundHimeraFsException("Unsupported file handle type: " + inodeType); } return inode; }
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private void recordTrainingInput(final int itemI, @Nonnull final Int2ObjectMap<Int2FloatMap> knnItems, final int numKNNItems) throws HiveException { ByteBuffer buf = this._inputBuf; NioStatefulSegment dst = this._fileIO; if (buf == null) { // invoke only at task node (initialize is also invoked in compilation) final File file; try {//from w ww . j a v a 2 s .com file = File.createTempFile("hivemall_slim", ".sgmt"); // to save KNN data file.deleteOnExit(); if (!file.canWrite()) { throw new UDFArgumentException("Cannot write a temporary file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new UDFArgumentException(ioe); } this._inputBuf = buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(8 * 1024 * 1024); // 8MB this._fileIO = dst = new NioStatefulSegment(file, false); } int recordBytes = SizeOf.INT + SizeOf.INT + SizeOf.INT * 2 * knnItems.size() + (SizeOf.INT + SizeOf.FLOAT) * numKNNItems; int requiredBytes = SizeOf.INT + recordBytes; // need to allocate space for "recordBytes" itself int remain = buf.remaining(); if (remain < requiredBytes) { writeBuffer(buf, dst); } buf.putInt(recordBytes); buf.putInt(itemI); buf.putInt(knnItems.size()); for (Int2ObjectMap.Entry<Int2FloatMap> e1 : Fastutil.fastIterable(knnItems)) { int user = e1.getIntKey(); buf.putInt(user); Int2FloatMap ru = e1.getValue(); buf.putInt(ru.size()); for (Int2FloatMap.Entry e2 : Fastutil.fastIterable(ru)) { buf.putInt(e2.getIntKey()); buf.putFloat(e2.getFloatValue()); } } }
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protected final void runIterativeTraining(@Nonnegative final int iterations) throws HiveException { final ByteBuffer buf = this.inputBuf; final NioStatefulSegment dst = this.fileIO; assert (buf != null); assert (dst != null); final long numTrainingExamples = model.getDocCount(); long numTrain = numTrainingExamples / miniBatchSize; if (numTrainingExamples % miniBatchSize != 0L) { numTrain++;/*w ww.ja v a2 s . co m*/ } final Reporter reporter = getReporter(); final Counters.Counter iterCounter = (reporter == null) ? null : reporter.getCounter("hivemall.topicmodel.ProbabilisticTopicModel$Counter", "iteration"); try { if (dst.getPosition() == 0L) {// run iterations w/o temporary file if (buf.position() == 0) { return; // no training example } buf.flip(); int iter = 2; float perplexity = cumPerplexity / numTrain; float perplexityPrev; for (; iter <= iterations; iter++) { perplexityPrev = perplexity; cumPerplexity = 0.f; reportProgress(reporter); setCounterValue(iterCounter, iter); while (buf.remaining() > 0) { int recordBytes = buf.getInt(); assert (recordBytes > 0) : recordBytes; int wcLength = buf.getInt(); final String[] wordCounts = new String[wcLength]; for (int j = 0; j < wcLength; j++) { wordCounts[j] = NIOUtils.getString(buf); } update(wordCounts); } buf.rewind(); // mean perplexity over `numTrain` mini-batches perplexity = cumPerplexity / numTrain;"Mean perplexity over mini-batches: " + perplexity); if (Math.abs(perplexityPrev - perplexity) < eps) { break; } }"Performed " + Math.min(iter, iterations) + " iterations of " + NumberUtils.formatNumber(numTrainingExamples) + " training examples on memory (thus " + NumberUtils.formatNumber(numTrainingExamples * Math.min(iter, iterations)) + " training updates in total) "); } else {// read training examples in the temporary file and invoke train for each example // write training examples in buffer to a temporary file if (buf.remaining() > 0) { writeBuffer(buf, dst); } try { dst.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HiveException("Failed to flush a file: " + dst.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), e); } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { File tmpFile = dst.getFile(); "Wrote " + numTrainingExamples + " records to a temporary file for iterative training: " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + " (" + FileUtils.prettyFileSize(tmpFile) + ")"); } // run iterations int iter = 2; float perplexity = cumPerplexity / numTrain; float perplexityPrev; for (; iter <= iterations; iter++) { perplexityPrev = perplexity; cumPerplexity = 0.f; setCounterValue(iterCounter, iter); buf.clear(); dst.resetPosition(); while (true) { reportProgress(reporter); // TODO prefetch // writes training examples to a buffer in the temporary file final int bytesRead; try { bytesRead =; } catch (IOException e) { throw new HiveException("Failed to read a file: " + dst.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), e); } if (bytesRead == 0) { // reached file EOF break; } assert (bytesRead > 0) : bytesRead; // reads training examples from a buffer buf.flip(); int remain = buf.remaining(); if (remain < SizeOf.INT) { throw new HiveException("Illegal file format was detected"); } while (remain >= SizeOf.INT) { int pos = buf.position(); int recordBytes = buf.getInt(); remain -= SizeOf.INT; if (remain < recordBytes) { buf.position(pos); break; } int wcLength = buf.getInt(); final String[] wordCounts = new String[wcLength]; for (int j = 0; j < wcLength; j++) { wordCounts[j] = NIOUtils.getString(buf); } update(wordCounts); remain -= recordBytes; } buf.compact(); } // mean perplexity over `numTrain` mini-batches perplexity = cumPerplexity / numTrain;"Mean perplexity over mini-batches: " + perplexity); if (Math.abs(perplexityPrev - perplexity) < eps) { break; } }"Performed " + Math.min(iter, iterations) + " iterations of " + NumberUtils.formatNumber(numTrainingExamples) + " training examples on a secondary storage (thus " + NumberUtils.formatNumber(numTrainingExamples * Math.min(iter, iterations)) + " training updates in total)"); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw new HiveException("Exception caused in the iterative training", e); } finally { // delete the temporary file and release resources try { dst.close(true); } catch (IOException e) { throw new HiveException("Failed to close a file: " + dst.getFile().getAbsolutePath(), e); } this.inputBuf = null; this.fileIO = null; } }
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/** * This is a wrapper around {@link java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel#write(java.nio.ByteBuffer)}. * If the amount of data is large, it writes to channel in smaller chunks. * This is to avoid jdk from creating many direct buffers as the size of * buffer increases. This also minimizes extra copies in NIO layer * as a result of multiple write operations required to write a large * buffer.// w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m * * @param channel writable byte channel to write to * @param buffer buffer to write * @return number of bytes written * @throws e * @see java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel#write(java.nio.ByteBuffer) */ protected int channelWrite(WritableByteChannel channel, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { int count = (buffer.remaining() <= NIO_BUFFER_LIMIT) ? channel.write(buffer) : channelIO(null, channel, buffer); if (count > 0) {; } return count; }
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/** * This is a wrapper around {@link java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer)}. * If the amount of data is large, it writes to channel in smaller chunks. * This is to avoid jdk from creating many direct buffers as the size of * ByteBuffer increases. There should not be any performance degredation. * * @param channel writable byte channel to write on * @param buffer buffer to write/* w w w .java 2 s . co m*/ * @return number of bytes written * @throws e * @see java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel#read(java.nio.ByteBuffer) */ protected int channelRead(ReadableByteChannel channel, ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { int count = (buffer.remaining() <= NIO_BUFFER_LIMIT) ? : channelIO(channel, null, buffer); if (count > 0) {; } return count; }