List of usage examples for java.nio ByteBuffer remaining
public final int remaining()
From source
private static OrcTail createOrcTailFromMs(HdfsFileStatusWithId file, ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException { if (bb == null) return null; FileStatus fs = file.getFileStatus(); ByteBuffer copy = bb.duplicate(); try {// www .ja v a 2 s. co m OrcTail orcTail = ReaderImpl.extractFileTail(copy, fs.getLen(), fs.getModificationTime()); // trigger lazy read of metadata to make sure serialized data is not corrupted and readable orcTail.getStripeStatistics(); return orcTail; } catch (Exception ex) { byte[] data = new byte[bb.remaining()]; System.arraycopy(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + bb.position(), data, 0, data.length); String msg = "Failed to parse the footer stored in cache for file ID " + file.getFileId() + " " + bb + " [ " + Hex.encodeHexString(data) + " ]"; LOG.error(msg, ex); return null; } }
From source
private static String byteToString(ByteBuffer byteBufferFromNeighbor, MessageInfo messageInfoFromNeighbor) { byteBufferFromNeighbor.position(0);//from w w w . j a v a2 s .co m byteBufferFromNeighbor.limit(messageInfoFromNeighbor.bytes()); byte[] bufArr = new byte[byteBufferFromNeighbor.remaining()]; byteBufferFromNeighbor.get(bufArr); return new String(bufArr); }
From source
public static byte[] toByteArray(ByteBuffer buffer) { byte[] ret = new byte[buffer.remaining()]; buffer.get(ret, 0, ret.length);//from ww w. j a v a 2s. c o m return ret; }
From source
private static void testFallbackImpl(InputStream stream, byte original[]) throws Exception { RestrictedAllocatingByteBufferPool bufferPool = new RestrictedAllocatingByteBufferPool( stream instanceof ByteBufferReadable); ByteBuffer result = ByteBufferUtil.fallbackRead(stream, bufferPool, 10); Assert.assertEquals(10, result.remaining()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(original, 0, 10), byteBufferToArray(result)); result = ByteBufferUtil.fallbackRead(stream, bufferPool, 5000); Assert.assertEquals(5000, result.remaining()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(original, 10, 5010), byteBufferToArray(result)); result = ByteBufferUtil.fallbackRead(stream, bufferPool, 9999999); Assert.assertEquals(11375, result.remaining()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(original, 5010, 16385), byteBufferToArray(result)); result = ByteBufferUtil.fallbackRead(stream, bufferPool, 10); Assert.assertNull(result);/* w w w . j ava 2s . co m*/ }
From source
public static InputStream inputStream(ByteBuffer bytes) { final ByteBuffer copy = bytes.duplicate(); return new InputStream() { public int read() { if (!copy.hasRemaining()) { return -1; }/* w w w. ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ return copy.get() & 0xFF; } @Override public int read(byte[] bytes, int off, int len) { if (!copy.hasRemaining()) { return -1; } len = Math.min(len, copy.remaining()); copy.get(bytes, off, len); return len; } @Override public int available() { return copy.remaining(); } }; }
From source
public static String bufferToString(ByteBuffer buf) { try {//from ww w . j a v a 2 s .co m boolean isString = true; byte[] arr = buf.array(); for (int i = 0; i < buf.remaining(); i++) { byte c = arr[i]; if (c <= 127 || ((c & 0xC0) == 0x80) || ((c & 0xE0) == 0xC0)) continue; isString = false; break; } if (isString) { return new String(buf.array(), 0, buf.remaining(), "UTF-8"); } else { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); sbuf.append("byte[] bytes = new byte[] {"); for (int i = 0; i < buf.remaining(); i++) { if (i != 0) sbuf.append(", "); if ((i % 10) == 0) sbuf.append("\r\n"); sbuf.append("(byte)0x"); int c = arr[i] & 0xFF; String s = Integer.toHexString(c); if (s.length() < 2) sbuf.append("0"); sbuf.append(s); } sbuf.append("};"); return sbuf.toString(); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }
From source
/** * Get the next code point from the ByteBuffer. Moves the position in the * ByteBuffer forward to the next code point. * @param param the source of bytes// www. ja v a2s . com * @param defaultValue if there are no bytes left, use this value * @return the code point that was found at the front of the buffer. */ static int getNextCodepoint(ByteBuffer param, int defaultValue) { if (param.remaining() == 0) { return defaultValue; } else { return Text.bytesToCodePoint(param); } }
From source
/** * Reads all the bytes from the given input stream and stores them in the specified buffer. * If the input buffer is <code>null</code> or does not have the capacity to store all the input, a * new buffer is created and returned. The input stream is closed regardless of whether an * <code>IOException</code> is thrown. * // w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m * * @param in the <code>InputStream</code> to read * @param buf a <code>ByteBuffer</code> to use for storage or <code>null</code> to just allocate a new one * If <code>buf</code> is not large enough it will be expanded using {@link #growBuffer(ByteBuffer, int)} * @return the buffer containing the read data * @throws IOException */ public static ByteBuffer readBytes(InputStream in, ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { try { if (buf == null) buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(READ_BUFFER_SIZE); // note the input position int startPos = buf.position(); byte[] tmp = new byte[NETWORK_BYTE_SIZE]; int read; // read until end of file while ((read = > 0) { if (buf.remaining() < read) { buf = ByteUtils.growBuffer(buf, buf.limit() + (read - buf.remaining())); } buf.put(tmp, 0, read); } buf.flip(); // reset starting position to be that of input buffer buf.position(startPos); return buf; } finally { MiscUtils.closeStream(in); } }
From source
/** * Return the concatenation of the SHA-1 hashes of a file's pieces. * * <p>/* ww w . j a va 2s. c o m*/ * Hashes the given file piece by piece using the default Torrent piece * length (see {@link #PIECE_LENGTH}) and returns the concatenation of * these hashes, as a string. * </p> * * <p> * This is used for creating Torrent meta-info structures from a file. * </p> * * @param file The file to hash. */ public /* for testing */ static byte[] hashFiles(Executor executor, List<File> files, long nbytes, int pieceLength) throws InterruptedException, IOException { int npieces = (int) Math.ceil((double) nbytes / pieceLength); byte[] out = new byte[Torrent.PIECE_HASH_SIZE * npieces]; CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(npieces); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(pieceLength); long start = System.nanoTime(); int piece = 0; for (File file : files) {"Hashing data from {} ({} pieces)...", new Object[] { file.getName(), (int) Math.ceil((double) file.length() / pieceLength) }); FileInputStream fis = FileUtils.openInputStream(file); FileChannel channel = fis.getChannel(); int step = 10; try { while ( > 0) { if (buffer.remaining() == 0) { buffer.flip(); executor.execute(new ChunkHasher(out, piece, latch, buffer)); buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(pieceLength); piece++; } if (channel.position() / (double) channel.size() * 100f > step) {" ... {}% complete", step); step += 10; } } } finally { channel.close(); fis.close(); } } // Hash the last bit, if any if (buffer.position() > 0) { buffer.flip(); executor.execute(new ChunkHasher(out, piece, latch, buffer)); piece++; } // Wait for hashing tasks to complete. latch.await(); long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - start;"Hashed {} file(s) ({} bytes) in {} pieces ({} expected) in {}ms.", new Object[] { files.size(), nbytes, piece, npieces, String.format("%.1f", elapsed / 1e6) }); return out; }
From source
/** * Read the list of ranges from the file. * @param file the file to read//from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c om * @param base the base of the stripe * @param range the disk ranges within the stripe to read * @return the bytes read for each disk range, which is the same length as * ranges * @throws IOException */ static DiskRangeList readDiskRanges(FSDataInputStream file, HadoopShims.ZeroCopyReaderShim zcr, long base, DiskRangeList range, boolean doForceDirect) throws IOException { if (range == null) return null; DiskRangeList prev = range.prev; if (prev == null) { prev = new MutateHelper(range); } while (range != null) { if (range.hasData()) { range =; continue; } int len = (int) (range.getEnd() - range.getOffset()); long off = range.getOffset(); if (zcr != null) { + off); boolean hasReplaced = false; while (len > 0) { ByteBuffer partial = zcr.readBuffer(len, false); BufferChunk bc = new BufferChunk(partial, off); if (!hasReplaced) { range.replaceSelfWith(bc); hasReplaced = true; } else { range.insertAfter(bc); } range = bc; int read = partial.remaining(); len -= read; off += read; } } else { // Don't use HDFS ByteBuffer API because it has no readFully, and is buggy and pointless. byte[] buffer = new byte[len]; file.readFully((base + off), buffer, 0, buffer.length); ByteBuffer bb = null; if (doForceDirect) { bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(len); bb.put(buffer); bb.position(0); bb.limit(len); } else { bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer); } range = range.replaceSelfWith(new BufferChunk(bb, range.getOffset())); } range =; } return; }