List of usage examples for URLClassLoader URLClassLoader
URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, AccessControlContext acc)
From source
private URLClassLoader buildApplicationClassLoader(List<Path> libraryPaths, String applicationClassName) throws IOException, InterruptedException { List<URL> libraries = processLibraries(libraryPaths, applicationClassName); ClassLoader parent = configuration.getClassLoader(); URLClassLoader application = AccessController .doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction<URLClassLoader>) () -> new URLClassLoader( libraries.toArray(new URL[libraries.size()]), parent)); this.applicationResources.add(application); configuration.setClassLoader(application); return application; }
From source
private void findClasses(ArrayList<JNIClass> jni, ArrayList<JNIClass> structs) throws UsageException { ArrayList<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); for (String classpath : classpaths) { String[] fileNames = classpath.replace(';', ':').split(":"); for (String fileName : fileNames) { try { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.isDirectory()) { urls.add(new URL(url(file) + "/")); } else { urls.add(new URL(url(file))); }// w w w .j a v a2 s . co m } catch (Exception e) { throw new UsageException("Invalid class path. Not a valid file: " + fileName); } } } LinkedHashSet<Class<?>> jniClasses = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(); try { URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(array(URL.class, urls), JniClass.class.getClassLoader()); UrlSet urlSet = new UrlSet(classLoader); urlSet = urlSet.excludeJavaHome(); ClassFinder finder = new ClassFinder(classLoader, urlSet.getUrls()); collectMatchingClasses(finder, JniClass.class, jniClasses); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (Class<?> clazz : jniClasses) { ReflectClass rc = new ReflectClass(clazz); if (rc.getFlag(ClassFlag.STRUCT)) { structs.add(rc); } if (!rc.getNativeMethods().isEmpty()) { jni.add(rc); } } }
From source
private ClassLoader getClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) throws MojoExecutionException { List<URL> classpath = new ArrayList<URL>(); if (classpathElements != null) { for (String element : classpathElements) { try { File f = new File(element); classpath.add(f.toURI().toURL()); log.debug("Added to classpath " + element); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Error setting classpath " + element + " " + e.getMessage()); }/*from w w w.j av a 2 s .c o m*/ } } URL[] urls = classpath.toArray(new URL[classpath.size()]); return new URLClassLoader(urls, classLoader); }
From source
private static byte[] getClassAsByteArray(String name) { String classAsPath = name.replace('.', '/') + ".class"; URLClassLoader classLoader = null; InputStream stream = null;/*from ww w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ try { //dynamically load compiled class URL runDir = CodegenUtils.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation(); classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new File(_workingDir).toURI().toURL(), runDir }, CodegenUtils.class.getClassLoader()); stream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(classAsPath); return IOUtils.toByteArray(stream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DMLRuntimeException(e); } finally { IOUtilFunctions.closeSilently(classLoader); IOUtilFunctions.closeSilently(stream); } }
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private ClassLoader getBaseClassloader() throws MalformedURLException { final ClassLoader retVal; String hadoopHome = System.getenv("HADOOP_HOME"); if (hadoopHome == null) {"HADOOP_HOME not set, using default hadoop config."); retVal = getClass().getClassLoader(); } else {/* ww w . j av a 2s . co m*/"Using hadoop config found in " + hadoopHome); retVal = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new File(hadoopHome, "conf").toURI().toURL() }, getClass().getClassLoader()); } return retVal; }
From source
private ClassLoader addToClassPath(ClassLoader classLoader, String[] newPaths) throws ExecutorException { URLClassLoader loader = (URLClassLoader) classLoader; List<URL> curPath = Arrays.asList(loader.getURLs()); List<URL> newPath = Lists.newArrayList(); for (URL onePath : curPath) { newPath.add(onePath);//from w ww.j a va2 s .com } curPath = newPath; if (newPaths != null) { for (String onestr : newPaths) { if (StringUtils.indexOf(onestr, FILE_PREFIX) == 0) { onestr = StringUtils.substring(onestr, CQLConst.I_7); } URL oneurl = getFileURL(onestr); if (!curPath.contains(oneurl)) { curPath.add(oneurl); } } } return new URLClassLoader(curPath.toArray(new URL[0]), loader); }
From source
public Remote lookup(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException, AccessException { Statement stmt = null;// ww w .ja v a 2 s . c om ResultSet rset = null; try { checkConnection(); stmt = _connection.createStatement(); rset = stmt.executeQuery("select STUB_HEX,CODEBASE from SERVANTS where NAME='" + name + "'"); if ( { final String stubHex = rset.getString(1); final String codeBaseStr = rset.getString(2); final ClassLoader cl = (codeBaseStr != null ? new URLClassLoader(PoolUtils.getURLS(codeBaseStr), DBLayer.class.getClassLoader()) : DBLayer.class.getClassLoader()); System.out.println("codeBaseStr ::" + codeBaseStr); final Object[] resultHolder = new Object[1]; Runnable lookupRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { resultHolder[0] = hexToStub(stubHex, cl); } catch (Exception e) { final boolean wasInterrupted = Thread.interrupted(); if (wasInterrupted) { resultHolder[0] = new LookUpInterrupted(); } else { resultHolder[0] = e; } } } }; Thread lookupThread = InterruptibleRMIThreadFactory.getInstance().newThread(lookupRunnable); lookupThread.start(); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (resultHolder[0] == null) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) > PoolUtils.LOOKUP_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC) { lookupThread.interrupt(); resultHolder[0] = new LookUpTimeout(); registerPingFailure(name); break; } Thread.sleep(10); } if (resultHolder[0] instanceof Throwable) { if (resultHolder[0] instanceof NotBoundException) throw (NotBoundException) resultHolder[0]; else throw (RemoteException) resultHolder[0]; } return (Remote) resultHolder[0]; } else { throw new NotBoundException(); } } catch (NotBoundException nbe) { throw nbe; } catch (AccessException ae) { throw ae; } catch (LookUpTimeout lue) { throw lue; } catch (LookUpInterrupted lui) { throw lui; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (isNoConnectionError(sqle) && canReconnect()) { return lookup(name); } else { throw new RemoteException("", (sqle)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } finally { if (rset != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } if (stmt != null) try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RemoteException("", (e)); } } }
From source
/** * @param extension The File instance of the extension we want to load * * @return a URLClassLoader that loads all the jars on which the extension is dependent * * @throws MalformedURLException//from w ww . j av a2s . c om */ public static URLClassLoader getClassLoaderForExtension(File extension) throws MalformedURLException { URLClassLoader loader = loadersMap.get(extension); if (loader == null) { final Collection<File> jars = FileUtils.listFiles(extension, new String[] { "jar" }, false); final URL[] urls = new URL[jars.size()]; int i = 0; for (File jar : jars) { final URL url = jar.toURI().toURL();"added URL[%s]", url); urls[i++] = url; } loadersMap.putIfAbsent(extension, new URLClassLoader(urls, Initialization.class.getClassLoader())); loader = loadersMap.get(extension); } return loader; }
From source
/** * Set Classloader of Context to be sane (needed for JSTL) JSP requires a * non-System classloader, this simply wraps the embedded System classloader * in a way that makes it suitable for JSP to use *//*from ww w . ja va 2 s. c o m*/ private ClassLoader getUrlClassLoader() { ClassLoader jspClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], this.getClass().getClassLoader()); // jspClassLoader=Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // //??? return jspClassLoader; }
From source
/** * Modify configuration according user-specified generic options * @param conf Configuration to be modified * @param line User-specified generic options */// w w w.j a v a2 s . com private void processGeneralOptions(Configuration conf, CommandLine line) throws IOException { if (line.hasOption("fs")) { FileSystem.setDefaultUri(conf, line.getOptionValue("fs")); } if (line.hasOption("jt")) { String optionValue = line.getOptionValue("jt"); if (optionValue.equalsIgnoreCase("local")) { conf.set("", optionValue); } conf.set("yarn.resourcemanager.address", optionValue, "from -jt command line option"); } if (line.hasOption("conf")) { String[] values = line.getOptionValues("conf"); for (String value : values) { conf.addResource(new Path(value)); } } if (line.hasOption("libjars")) { conf.set("tmpjars", validateFiles(line.getOptionValue("libjars"), conf), "from -libjars command line option"); //setting libjars in client classpath URL[] libjars = getLibJars(conf); if (libjars != null && libjars.length > 0) { conf.setClassLoader(new URLClassLoader(libjars, conf.getClassLoader())); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( new URLClassLoader(libjars, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())); } } if (line.hasOption("files")) { conf.set("tmpfiles", validateFiles(line.getOptionValue("files"), conf), "from -files command line option"); } if (line.hasOption("archives")) { conf.set("tmparchives", validateFiles(line.getOptionValue("archives"), conf), "from -archives command line option"); } if (line.hasOption('D')) { String[] property = line.getOptionValues('D'); for (String prop : property) { String[] keyval = prop.split("=", 2); if (keyval.length == 2) { conf.set(keyval[0], keyval[1], "from command line"); } } } conf.setBoolean("mapreduce.client.genericoptionsparser.used", true); // tokensFile if (line.hasOption("tokenCacheFile")) { String fileName = line.getOptionValue("tokenCacheFile"); // check if the local file exists FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); Path p = localFs.makeQualified(new Path(fileName)); if (!localFs.exists(p)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + fileName + " does not exist."); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("setting conf tokensFile: " + fileName); } UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().addCredentials(Credentials.readTokenStorageFile(p, conf)); conf.set("mapreduce.job.credentials.json", p.toString(), "from -tokenCacheFile command line option"); } }