Example usage for java.net JarURLConnection getJarFileURL

List of usage examples for java.net JarURLConnection getJarFileURL


In this page you can find the example usage for java.net JarURLConnection getJarFileURL.


public URL getJarFileURL() 

Source Link


Returns the URL for the Jar file for this connection.


From source file:org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.SyncSupervisorEvent.java

private void downloadLocalStormCode(Map conf, String stormId, String masterCodeDir, Localizer localizer)
        throws Exception {

    String tmproot = ConfigUtils.supervisorTmpDir(conf) + Utils.FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR + Utils.uuid();
    String stormroot = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormDistRoot(conf, stormId);
    BlobStore blobStore = Utils.getNimbusBlobStore(conf, masterCodeDir, null);
    FileOutputStream codeOutStream = null;
    FileOutputStream confOutStream = null;
    try {/*w ww. j  a va 2 s. c o  m*/
        FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(tmproot));
        String stormCodeKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormCodeKey(stormId);
        String stormConfKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormConfKey(stormId);
        String codePath = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormCodePath(tmproot);
        String confPath = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormConfPath(tmproot);
        codeOutStream = new FileOutputStream(codePath);
        blobStore.readBlobTo(stormCodeKey, codeOutStream, null);
        confOutStream = new FileOutputStream(confPath);
        blobStore.readBlobTo(stormConfKey, confOutStream, null);
    } finally {
        if (codeOutStream != null)
        if (confOutStream != null)
    FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(tmproot), new File(stormroot));
    SupervisorUtils.setupStormCodeDir(conf, ConfigUtils.readSupervisorStormConf(conf, stormId), stormroot);
    ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

    String resourcesJar = resourcesJar();

    URL url = classloader.getResource(ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR);

    String targetDir = stormroot + Utils.FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR + ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR;

    if (resourcesJar != null) {
        LOG.info("Extracting resources from jar at {} to {}", resourcesJar, targetDir);
        Utils.extractDirFromJar(resourcesJar, ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR, stormroot);
    } else if (url != null) {

        LOG.info("Copying resources at {} to {} ", url.toString(), targetDir);
        if (url.getProtocol() == "jar") {
            JarURLConnection urlConnection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            Utils.extractDirFromJar(urlConnection.getJarFileURL().getFile(), ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR,
        } else {
            FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(url.getFile()), (new File(targetDir)));

From source file:org.apache.storm.localizer.LocallyCachedTopologyBlob.java

public long downloadToTempLocation(ClientBlobStore store)
        throws IOException, KeyNotFoundException, AuthorizationException {
    if (isLocalMode && type == TopologyBlobType.TOPO_JAR) {
        LOG.debug("DOWNLOADING LOCAL JAR to TEMP LOCATION... {}", topologyId);
        //This is a special case where the jar was not uploaded so we will not download it (it is already on the classpath)
        ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        String resourcesJar = resourcesJar();
        URL url = classloader.getResource(ServerConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR);
        Path extractionDest = topologyBasicBlobsRootDir
        if (resourcesJar != null) {
            LOG.info("Extracting resources from jar at {} to {}", resourcesJar, extractionDest);
            extractDirFromJar(resourcesJar, ServerConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR, extractionDest);
        } else if (url != null) {
            LOG.info("Copying resources at {} to {}", url, extractionDest);
            if ("jar".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
                JarURLConnection urlConnection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                extractDirFromJar(urlConnection.getJarFileURL().getFile(), ServerConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR,
            } else {
                fsOps.copyDirectory(new File(url.getFile()), extractionDest.toFile());
            }//from w w  w  .  jav  a 2  s  .  c o m
        return LOCAL_MODE_JAR_VERSION;

    long newVersion;
    Path tmpLocation;
    String key = type.getKey(topologyId);
    try (InputStreamWithMeta in = store.getBlob(key)) {
        newVersion = in.getVersion();
        long expectedSize = in.getFileLength();
        if (newVersion == version) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "The version did not change, but we tried to download it. " + version + " " + key);
        tmpLocation = topologyBasicBlobsRootDir.resolve(type.getTempFileName(newVersion));
        long totalRead = 0;
        //Make sure the parent directory is there and ready to go
        try (OutputStream outStream = fsOps.getOutputStream(tmpLocation.toFile())) {
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            int read = 0;
            while ((read = in.read(buffer)) > 0) {
                outStream.write(buffer, 0, read);
                totalRead += read;
        if (totalRead != expectedSize) {
            throw new IOException(
                    "We expected to download " + expectedSize + " bytes but found we got " + totalRead);

    if (type.needsExtraction()) {
        Path extractionDest = topologyBasicBlobsRootDir.resolve(type.getTempExtractionDir(newVersion));
        extractDirFromJar(tmpLocation.toAbsolutePath().toString(), ServerConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR,
    return newVersion;

From source file:org.apache.struts2.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache.java

 * Scans the given JarURLConnection for TLD files located in META-INF
 * (or a subdirectory of it), adding an implicit map entry to the taglib
 * map for any TLD that has a <uri> element.
 * @param conn The JarURLConnection to the JAR file to scan
 * @param ignore true if any exceptions raised when processing the given
 * JAR should be ignored, false otherwise
 *//*from w  w  w .  j  av a  2 s .  c  o m*/
private void scanJar(JarURLConnection conn, boolean ignore) throws JasperException {

    JarFile jarFile = null;
    String resourcePath = conn.getJarFileURL().toString();
    try {
        if (redeployMode) {
        jarFile = conn.getJarFile();
        Enumeration entries = jarFile.entries();
        while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
            JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();
            String name = entry.getName();
            if (!name.startsWith("META-INF/"))
            if (!name.endsWith(".tld"))
            InputStream stream = jarFile.getInputStream(entry);
            try {
                String uri = getUriFromTld(resourcePath, stream);
                // Add implicit map entry only if its uri is not already
                // present in the map
                if (uri != null && mappings.get(uri) == null) {
                    mappings.put(uri, new String[] { resourcePath, name });
            } finally {
                if (stream != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable t) {
                        // do nothing
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        if (!redeployMode) {
            // if not in redeploy mode, close the jar in case of an error
            if (jarFile != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    // ignore
        if (!ignore) {
            throw new JasperException(ex);
    } finally {
        if (redeployMode) {
            // if in redeploy mode, always close the jar
            if (jarFile != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    // ignore

From source file:org.b3log.latke.ioc.ClassPathResolver.java

 * scan the jar to get the URLS of the Classes.
 * @param rootDirResource which is "Jar"
 * @param subPattern      subPattern/*from  w ww. jav a  2  s .c  o m*/
 * @return the URLs of all the matched classes
private static Collection<? extends URL> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(final URL rootDirResource,
        final String subPattern) {

    final Set<URL> result = new LinkedHashSet<URL>();

    JarFile jarFile = null;
    String jarFileUrl;
    String rootEntryPath = null;
    URLConnection con;
    boolean newJarFile = false;

    try {
        con = rootDirResource.openConnection();

        if (con instanceof JarURLConnection) {
            final JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con;

            jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile();
            jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm();
            final JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry();

            rootEntryPath = jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : "";
        } else {
            // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing.
            // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the
            // protocol
            // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format.
            // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:"
            // prefix.
            final String urlFile = rootDirResource.getFile();
            final int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(JAR_URL_SEPARATOR);

            if (separatorIndex != -1) {
                jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
                rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length());
                jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl);
            } else {
                jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile);
                jarFileUrl = urlFile;
                rootEntryPath = "";
            newJarFile = true;


    } catch (final IOException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "reslove jar File error", e);
        return result;
    try {
        if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper
            // matching.
            // The Sun JRE does not return a slash here, but BEA JRockit
            // does.
            rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/";
        for (final Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            final JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) entries.nextElement();
            final String entryPath = entry.getName();

            String relativePath = null;

            if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath)) {
                relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length());

                if (AntPathMatcher.match(subPattern, relativePath)) {
                    if (relativePath.startsWith("/")) {
                        relativePath = relativePath.substring(1);
                    result.add(new URL(rootDirResource, relativePath));
        return result;
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.ERROR, "parse the JarFile error", e);
    } finally {
        // Close jar file, but only if freshly obtained -
        // not from JarURLConnection, which might cache the file reference.
        if (newJarFile) {
            try {
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARN, " occur error when closing jarFile", e);
    return result;

From source file:org.codehaus.groovy.grails.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver.java

 * Find all resources in jar files that match the given location pattern
 * via the Ant-style PathMatcher./*  w  w  w .  j  av  a 2s  . c  o  m*/
 * @param rootDirResource the root directory as Resource
 * @param subPattern the sub pattern to match (below the root directory)
 * @return the Set of matching Resource instances
 * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors
 * @see java.net.JarURLConnection
protected Set<Resource> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(Resource rootDirResource, String subPattern)
        throws IOException {

    URLConnection con = rootDirResource.getURL().openConnection();
    JarFile jarFile;
    String jarFileUrl;
    String rootEntryPath;
    boolean newJarFile = false;

    if (con instanceof JarURLConnection) {
        // Should usually be the case for traditional JAR files.
        JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con;
        jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile();
        jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm();
        JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry();
        rootEntryPath = (jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : "");
    } else {
        // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing.
        // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the protocol
        // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format.
        // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:" prefix.
        String urlFile = rootDirResource.getURL().getFile();
        int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR);
        if (separatorIndex != -1) {
            jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
            rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length());
            jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl);
        } else {
            jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile);
            jarFileUrl = urlFile;
            rootEntryPath = "";
        newJarFile = true;

    try {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Looking for matching resources in jar file [" + jarFileUrl + "]");
        if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper matching.
            // The Sun JRE does not return a slash here, but BEA JRockit does.
            rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/";
        Set<Resource> result = new LinkedHashSet<Resource>(8);
        for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            String entryPath = entry.getName();
            if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath)) {
                String relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length());
                if (getPathMatcher().match(subPattern, relativePath)) {
        return result;
    } finally {
        // Close jar file, but only if freshly obtained -
        // not from JarURLConnection, which might cache the file reference.
        if (newJarFile) {

From source file:org.grails.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver.java

 * Find all resources in jar files that match the given location pattern
 * via the Ant-style PathMatcher./*  w ww . java2s.  c  o  m*/
 * @param rootDirResource the root directory as Resource
 * @param subPattern the sub pattern to match (below the root directory)
 * @return the Set of matching Resource instances
 * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors
 * @see java.net.JarURLConnection
protected Set<Resource> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(Resource rootDirResource, String subPattern)
        throws IOException {

    URLConnection con = rootDirResource.getURL().openConnection();
    JarFile jarFile;
    String jarFileUrl;
    String rootEntryPath;
    boolean newJarFile = false;

    if (con instanceof JarURLConnection) {
        // Should usually be the case for traditional JAR files.
        JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con;
        jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile();
        jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm();
        JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry();
        rootEntryPath = (jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : "");
    } else {
        // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing.
        // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the protocol
        // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format.
        // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:" prefix.
        String urlFile = rootDirResource.getURL().getFile();
        int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR);
        if (separatorIndex != -1) {
            jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
            rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + GrailsResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR.length());
            jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl);
        } else {
            jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile);
            jarFileUrl = urlFile;
            rootEntryPath = "";
        newJarFile = true;

    try {
        if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper matching.
            // The Sun JRE does not return a slash here, but BEA JRockit does.
            rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/";
        Set<Resource> result = new LinkedHashSet<Resource>(8);
        for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            String entryPath = entry.getName();
            if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath)) {
                String relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length());
                if (getPathMatcher().match(subPattern, relativePath)) {
        return result;
    } finally {
        // Close jar file, but only if freshly obtained -
        // not from JarURLConnection, which might cache the file reference.
        if (newJarFile) {

From source file:org.jbpm.bpel.tools.WscompileTool.java

 * Gets the directory, JAR file or remote URL from which the given class was loaded.
 * @param c the class to be located//  ww  w.j ava2 s  .c  o  m
 * @return the location from which the class was loaded, or <code>null</code> if the origin of
 * the class is unknown
private static String getLocation(Class c) {
    CodeSource codeSource = c.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
    if (codeSource == null) {
         * The code source of a domain may be null. This is the case for classes included in the Java
         * platform. For example, the javax.xml.soap package is part of Java SE 6. Not much more can
         * be done here, so we just tell the caller the location is unknown.
         * Thanks to Bernd Ruecker of Camunda GmbH for catching this one.
        return null;
    URL url = codeSource.getLocation();

    if ("jar".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
        try {
            JarURLConnection urlConnection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            url = urlConnection.getJarFileURL();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.debug("could not open connection to " + url, e);

    if (!"file".equals(url.getProtocol()))
        return url.toString();

    String fileName = url.getFile();
    try {
        fileName = URLDecoder.decode(fileName, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        log.debug("UTF-8 not supported", e);
    return new File(fileName).getAbsolutePath();

From source file:org.nuxeo.theme.jsf.facelets.vendor.Util.java

public static long getLastModified(URL url) {
    long lastModified;
    URLConnection conn;//from ww w  . j a va2 s  .c om
    InputStream is = null;

    try {
        conn = url.openConnection();

        if (conn instanceof JarURLConnection) {
             * Note this is a work around for JarURLConnection since the getLastModified method is buggy. See
             * JAVASERVERFACES-2725 and JAVASERVERFACES-2734.
            JarURLConnection jarUrlConnection = (JarURLConnection) conn;
            URL jarFileUrl = jarUrlConnection.getJarFileURL();
            URLConnection jarFileConnection = jarFileUrl.openConnection();
            lastModified = jarFileConnection.getLastModified();
        } else if (conn instanceof Connection) {
            // Nuxeo patch: do not bother opening connection to get last
            // modified time
            lastModified = conn.getLastModified();
        } else {
            is = conn.getInputStream();
            lastModified = conn.getLastModified();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new FacesException(LAST_MODIFIED_ERROR + url, e);
    } finally {
    return lastModified;

From source file:org.springframework.core.io.support.PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver.java

 * Find all resources in jar files that match the given location pattern
 * via the Ant-style PathMatcher.//from  ww  w.  jav  a 2  s .co m
 * @param rootDirResource the root directory as Resource
 * @param rootDirURL the pre-resolved root directory URL
 * @param subPattern the sub pattern to match (below the root directory)
 * @return a mutable Set of matching Resource instances
 * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors
 * @since 4.3
 * @see java.net.JarURLConnection
 * @see org.springframework.util.PathMatcher
protected Set<Resource> doFindPathMatchingJarResources(Resource rootDirResource, URL rootDirURL,
        String subPattern) throws IOException {

    URLConnection con = rootDirURL.openConnection();
    JarFile jarFile;
    String jarFileUrl;
    String rootEntryPath;
    boolean closeJarFile;

    if (con instanceof JarURLConnection) {
        // Should usually be the case for traditional JAR files.
        JarURLConnection jarCon = (JarURLConnection) con;
        jarFile = jarCon.getJarFile();
        jarFileUrl = jarCon.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm();
        JarEntry jarEntry = jarCon.getJarEntry();
        rootEntryPath = (jarEntry != null ? jarEntry.getName() : "");
        closeJarFile = !jarCon.getUseCaches();
    } else {
        // No JarURLConnection -> need to resort to URL file parsing.
        // We'll assume URLs of the format "jar:path!/entry", with the protocol
        // being arbitrary as long as following the entry format.
        // We'll also handle paths with and without leading "file:" prefix.
        String urlFile = rootDirURL.getFile();
        try {
            int separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(ResourceUtils.WAR_URL_SEPARATOR);
            if (separatorIndex == -1) {
                separatorIndex = urlFile.indexOf(ResourceUtils.JAR_URL_SEPARATOR);
            if (separatorIndex != -1) {
                jarFileUrl = urlFile.substring(0, separatorIndex);
                rootEntryPath = urlFile.substring(separatorIndex + 2); // both separators are 2 chars
                jarFile = getJarFile(jarFileUrl);
            } else {
                jarFile = new JarFile(urlFile);
                jarFileUrl = urlFile;
                rootEntryPath = "";
            closeJarFile = true;
        } catch (ZipException ex) {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("Skipping invalid jar classpath entry [" + urlFile + "]");
            return Collections.emptySet();

    try {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Looking for matching resources in jar file [" + jarFileUrl + "]");
        if (!"".equals(rootEntryPath) && !rootEntryPath.endsWith("/")) {
            // Root entry path must end with slash to allow for proper matching.
            // The Sun JRE does not return a slash here, but BEA JRockit does.
            rootEntryPath = rootEntryPath + "/";
        Set<Resource> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(8);
        for (Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries(); entries.hasMoreElements();) {
            JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
            String entryPath = entry.getName();
            if (entryPath.startsWith(rootEntryPath)) {
                String relativePath = entryPath.substring(rootEntryPath.length());
                if (getPathMatcher().match(subPattern, relativePath)) {
        return result;
    } finally {
        if (closeJarFile) {

From source file:org.springframework.extensions.config.source.UrlConfigSource.java

 * Processes the given JAR file pattern source. The classpath
 * will be searched for JAR files that contain files that match
 * the given pattern./*from  w w  w . j  a  v a  2 s  .c om*/
 * NOTE: Currently only files within the META-INF folder are supported
 * i.e. patterns that look like "jar:*!/META-INF/[filename]"
 * @param sourcePattern The wildcard pattern for files to find within JARs
protected void processWildcardJarSource(String sourcePattern) {
    String file = sourcePattern.substring(7);

    if (file.startsWith(META_INF) == false) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Only JAR file wildcard searches within the META-INF folder are currently supported");

    try {
        if (applicationContext == null) {
            // get a list of all the JAR files that have the META-INF folder
            Enumeration<URL> urls = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResources(META_INF);
            while (urls.hasMoreElements()) {
                URL url = urls.nextElement();
                // only add the item if is a reference to a JAR file
                if (url.getProtocol().equals(JarConfigSource.JAR_PROTOCOL)) {
                    URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
                    if (conn instanceof JarURLConnection) {
                        // open the jar file and see if it contains what we're looking for
                        JarURLConnection jarConn = (JarURLConnection) conn;
                        JarFile jar = ((JarURLConnection) conn).getJarFile();
                        ZipEntry entry = jar.getEntry(file);
                        if (entry != null) {
                            if (logger.isInfoEnabled())
                                logger.info("Found " + file + " in " + jarConn.getJarFileURL());

                            String sourceString = JarConfigSource.JAR_PROTOCOL + ":"
                                    + jarConn.getJarFileURL().toExternalForm()
                                    + JarConfigSource.JAR_PATH_SEPARATOR + file;

                        } else if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            logger.debug("Did not find " + file + " in " + jarConn.getJarFileURL());
        } else {
            Resource[] resources = applicationContext.getResources(PREFIX_CLASSPATH_ALL + file);

            for (Resource resource : resources) {
                URL resourceUrl = resource.getURL();
                if (ResourceUtils.isJarURL(resourceUrl)
                        || ResourceUtils.URL_PROTOCOL_VFSZIP.equals(resourceUrl.getProtocol())) {
                    URL jarURL = extractJarFileURL(resourceUrl);

                    String sourceString = JarConfigSource.JAR_PROTOCOL + ":" + jarURL.toString()
                            + JarConfigSource.JAR_PATH_SEPARATOR + file;

                } else if (ResourceUtils.URL_PROTOCOL_VFS.equals(resourceUrl.getProtocol())) {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
            logger.debug("Failed to process JAR file wildcard: " + sourcePattern, ioe);