Example usage for java.math BigInteger toString

List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigInteger toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns the decimal String representation of this BigInteger.


From source file:com.coinprism.wallet.fragment.SendTab.java

private void onSend() {
    final String to = toAddress.getText().toString();
    final String unitString = amount.getText().toString();
    final BigDecimal decimalAmount;

    final AssetDefinition selectedAsset = (AssetDefinition) assetSpinner.getSelectedItem();

    final ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog();

    try {/*from ww w.j av a 2  s .c  o  m*/
        decimalAmount = new BigDecimal(unitString);
    } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {

    AsyncTask<Void, Void, Transaction> getTransaction = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Transaction>() {
        private String subCode;

        protected Transaction doInBackground(Void... _) {
            try {
                SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager

                String value = sharedPreferences.getString(UserPreferences.defaultFeesKey,

                BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(value);
                long fees = decimal.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).toBigInteger().longValue();

                if (selectedAsset == null) {
                    // Send uncolored bitcoins
                    return WalletState.getState().getAPIClient().buildTransaction(
                            WalletState.getState().getConfiguration().getAddress(), to,
                            decimalAmount.scaleByPowerOfTen(8).toBigInteger().toString(), null, fees);
                } else {
                    // Send an asset
                    BigInteger unitAmount = decimalAmount.scaleByPowerOfTen(selectedAsset.getDivisibility())
                    return WalletState.getState().getAPIClient().buildTransaction(
                            WalletState.getState().getConfiguration().getAddress(), to, unitAmount.toString(),
                            selectedAsset.getAssetId(), fees);
            } catch (APIException exception) {
                // The API returned an error
                subCode = exception.getSubCode();
                return null;
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(Transaction result) {

            if (!progressDialog.getIsCancelled()) {
                if (result != null)
                    onConfirm(result, decimalAmount, selectedAsset, to);
                else if (subCode == null)
                else if (subCode.equals("InsufficientFunds"))
                else if (subCode.equals("InsufficientColoredFunds"))
                else if (subCode.equals("AmountUnderDustThreshold")
                        || subCode.equals("ChangeUnderDustThreshold"))

            getString(R.string.tab_send_dialog_verifying_balance), true);
    progressDialog.show(this.getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), "");


From source file:test.unit.be.fedict.trust.service.PersistenceTest.java

public void testFindRevokedCertificate() throws Exception {
    // setup/*w w  w. j a v  a2 s.  c  o  m*/
    String issuerName = "CN=Test CA";
    BigInteger serialNumber = new BigInteger("21267647932558966653497436382356969621");
    BigInteger crlNumber = new BigInteger("123465789");
    RevokedCertificateEntity revokedCertificateEntity = new RevokedCertificateEntity(issuerName, serialNumber,
            new Date(), crlNumber);


    // operate
    Query query = this.entityManager.createNamedQuery(RevokedCertificateEntity.QUERY_WHERE_ISSUER_SERIAL);
    query.setParameter("issuer", issuerName);
    query.setParameter("serialNumber", serialNumber.toString());
    RevokedCertificateEntity resultRevokedCertificate = (RevokedCertificateEntity) query.getSingleResult();

    // verify
    assertEquals(resultRevokedCertificate.getPk().getIssuer(), issuerName);
    assertEquals(resultRevokedCertificate.getPk().getSerialNumber(), serialNumber.toString());
    assertEquals(resultRevokedCertificate.getCrlNumber(), crlNumber);


    Query deleteQuery = this.entityManager
    deleteQuery.setParameter("issuer", issuerName);
    deleteQuery.setParameter("crlNumber", crlNumber);
    int zeroDeleteResult = deleteQuery.executeUpdate();
    assertEquals(0, zeroDeleteResult);


    deleteQuery.setParameter("crlNumber", crlNumber.add(new BigInteger("1")));
    int deleteResult = deleteQuery.executeUpdate();
    assertEquals(1, deleteResult);

From source file:mil.jpeojtrs.sca.util.AnyUtils.java

 * Attempts to convert the string value to the appropriate Java type.
 * /*from   w  ww.j a  va  2 s  . c  o m*/
 * @param stringValue the string form of the value
 * @param type the string form of the TypeCode
 * @return A Java object of theString corresponding to the typecode
private static Object primitiveConvertString(final String stringValue, final String type) {
    if (stringValue == null) {
        return null;
    if ("string".equals(type)) {
        return stringValue;
    } else if ("wstring".equals(type)) {
        return stringValue;
    } else if ("boolean".equals(type)) {
        if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(stringValue) || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(stringValue)) {
            return Boolean.parseBoolean(stringValue);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(stringValue + " is not a valid boolean value");
    } else if ("char".equals(type)) {
        switch (stringValue.length()) {
        case 1:
            return stringValue.charAt(0);
        case 0:
            return null;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(stringValue + " is not a valid char value");
    } else if ("wchar".equals(type)) {
        return stringValue.charAt(0);
    } else if ("double".equals(type)) {
        return Double.parseDouble(stringValue);
    } else if ("float".equals(type)) {
        return Float.parseFloat(stringValue);
    } else if ("short".equals(type)) {
        return Short.decode(stringValue);
    } else if ("long".equals(type)) {
        return Integer.decode(stringValue);
    } else if ("longlong".equals(type)) {
        return Long.decode(stringValue);
    } else if ("ulong".equals(type)) {
        final long MAX_UINT = 2L * Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1L;
        final Long retVal = Long.decode(stringValue);
        if (retVal < 0 || retVal > MAX_UINT) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "ulong value must be greater than '0' and less than " + MAX_UINT);
        return retVal;
    } else if ("ushort".equals(type)) {
        final int MAX_USHORT = 2 * Short.MAX_VALUE + 1;
        final Integer retVal = Integer.decode(stringValue);
        if (retVal < 0 || retVal > MAX_USHORT) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "ushort value must be greater than '0' and less than " + MAX_USHORT);
        return retVal;
    } else if ("ulonglong".equals(type)) {
        final BigInteger MAX_ULONG_LONG = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(2))
        final BigInteger retVal = AnyUtils.bigIntegerDecode(stringValue);
        if (retVal.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0 || retVal.compareTo(MAX_ULONG_LONG) > 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "ulonglong value must be greater than '0' and less than " + MAX_ULONG_LONG.toString());
        return retVal;
    } else if ("objref".equals(type)) {
        if ("".equals(stringValue)) {
            return null;
        final List<String> objrefPrefix = Arrays.asList("IOR:", "corbaname:", "corbaloc:");
        for (final String prefix : objrefPrefix) {
            if (stringValue.startsWith(prefix)) {
                return stringValue;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(stringValue + " is not a valid objref value");
    } else if ("octet".equals(type)) {
        final short MIN_OCTET = 0;
        final short MAX_OCTET = 0xFF;
        final short val = Short.decode(stringValue);
        if (val <= MAX_OCTET && val >= MIN_OCTET) {
            return Short.valueOf(val);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(stringValue + " is not a valid octet value");
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown CORBA Type: " + type);

From source file:com.niroshpg.android.gmail.CronHandlerServlet.java

private void storeStartHistoryId(BigInteger startHistoryId) {
    Key startHistoryEntityKey = KeyFactory.createKey("StartHistroyEntityKey", "StartHistoryEntityValue");
    Entity startHistroyEntity = new Entity("StartHistroyEntity", startHistoryEntityKey);
    startHistroyEntity.setProperty("id", startHistoryId.toString());

    DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
    logger.warning("stored value : " + startHistoryId.toString());
    datastore.put(startHistroyEntity); //save it

From source file:com.netscape.cms.publish.publishers.FileBasedPublisher.java

 * Publishes a object to the ldap directory.
 * @param conn a Ldap connection/*from w  ww .jav a 2  s  .co  m*/
 *            (null if LDAP publishing is not enabled)
 * @param dn dn of the ldap entry to publish cert
 *            (null if LDAP publishing is not enabled)
 * @param object object to publish
 *            (java.security.cert.X509Certificate or,
 *            java.security.cert.X509CRL)
public void publish(LDAPConnection conn, String dn, Object object) throws ELdapException {
    CMS.debug("FileBasedPublisher: publish");

    try {
        if (object instanceof X509Certificate) {
            X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) object;
            BigInteger sno = cert.getSerialNumber();
            String name = mDir + File.separator + "cert-" + sno.toString();
            if (mDerAttr) {
                FileOutputStream fos = null;
                try {
                    String fileName = name + ".der";
                    fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
                } finally {
                    if (fos != null)
            if (mB64Attr) {
                String fileName = name + ".b64";
                PrintStream ps = null;
                Base64OutputStream b64 = null;
                FileOutputStream fos = null;
                try {
                    fos = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
                    ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    b64 = new Base64OutputStream(new PrintStream(new FilterOutputStream(output)));
                    ps = new PrintStream(fos);
                } finally {
                    if (ps != null) {
                    if (b64 != null) {
                    if (fos != null)
        } else if (object instanceof X509CRL) {
            X509CRL crl = (X509CRL) object;
            String[] namePrefix = getCrlNamePrefix(crl, mTimeStamp.equals("GMT"));
            String baseName = mDir + File.separator + namePrefix[0];
            String tempFile = baseName + ".temp";
            ZipOutputStream zos = null;
            byte[] encodedArray = null;
            File destFile = null;
            String destName = null;
            File renameFile = null;

            if (mDerAttr) {
                FileOutputStream fos = null;
                try {
                    fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
                    encodedArray = crl.getEncoded();
                } finally {
                    if (fos != null)
                if (mZipCRL) {
                    try {
                        zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(baseName + ".zip"));
                        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(baseName + ".der"));
                        zos.write(encodedArray, 0, encodedArray.length);
                    } finally {
                        if (zos != null)
                destName = baseName + ".der";
                destFile = new File(destName);

                if (destFile.exists()) {
                renameFile = new File(tempFile);

                if (mLatestCRL) {
                    String linkExt = ".";
                    if (mLinkExt != null && mLinkExt.length() > 0) {
                        linkExt += mLinkExt;
                    } else {
                        linkExt += "der";
                    String linkName = mDir + File.separator + namePrefix[1] + linkExt;
                    createLink(linkName, destName);
                    if (mZipCRL) {
                        linkName = mDir + File.separator + namePrefix[1] + ".zip";
                        createLink(linkName, baseName + ".zip");

            // output base64 file
            if (mB64Attr == true) {
                if (encodedArray == null)
                    encodedArray = crl.getEncoded();
                FileOutputStream fos = null;
                try {
                    fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
                    fos.write(Utils.base64encode(encodedArray, true).getBytes());
                } finally {
                    if (fos != null)
                destName = baseName + ".b64";
                destFile = new File(destName);

                if (destFile.exists()) {
                renameFile = new File(tempFile);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
                CMS.getLogMessage("PUBLISH_FILE_PUBLISHER_ERROR", e.toString()));
    } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
        mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
                CMS.getLogMessage("PUBLISH_FILE_PUBLISHER_ERROR", e.toString()));
    } catch (CRLException e) {
        mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
                CMS.getLogMessage("PUBLISH_FILE_PUBLISHER_ERROR", e.toString()));

From source file:be.fedict.eid.pkira.blm.model.contracthandler.services.FieldValidatorBean.java

protected void validateValidityPeriod(BigInteger validityPeriodMonths, List<String> messages) {
    // Null check is done elsewhere
    if (validityPeriodMonths == null) {
        return;// w  ww.j ava  2s.c om

    // Get valid periods
    String periodsStr = configurationEntryQuery.findByEntryKey(ConfigurationEntryKey.VALIDITY_PERIODS)
    if (periodsStr == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Validity periods not set in the configuration");
    String[] periods = periodsStr.split(",");

    // Check if it is there
    String thePeriod = validityPeriodMonths.toString();
    for (String period : periods) {
        if (period.trim().equals(thePeriod)) {

    messages.add("invalid validity period");

From source file:dap4.dap4.Dap4Print.java

protected String valueString(Object value, DapType basetype) throws DataException {
    if (value == null)
        return "null";
    AtomicType atype = basetype.getAtomicType();
    boolean unsigned = atype.isUnsigned();
    switch (atype) {
    case Int8:/*  w  w w.ja  v a2s .c  om*/
    case UInt8:
        long lvalue = ((Byte) value).longValue();
        if (unsigned)
            lvalue &= 0xFFL;
        return String.format("%d", lvalue);
    case Int16:
    case UInt16:
        lvalue = ((Short) value).longValue();
        if (unsigned)
            lvalue &= 0xFFFFL;
        return String.format("%d", lvalue);
    case Int32:
    case UInt32:
        lvalue = ((Integer) value).longValue();
        if (unsigned)
            lvalue &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
        return String.format("%d", lvalue);
    case Int64:
    case UInt64:
        lvalue = ((Long) value).longValue();
        if (unsigned) {
            BigInteger b = BigInteger.valueOf(lvalue);
            b = b.and(DapUtil.BIG_UMASK64);
            return b.toString();
        } else
            return String.format("%d", lvalue);
    case Float32:
        return String.format("%f", ((Float) value).floatValue());
    case Float64:
        return String.format("%f", ((Double) value).doubleValue());
    case Char:
        return "'" + ((Character) value).toString() + "'";
    case String:
    case URL:
        return "\"" + ((String) value) + "\"";
    case Opaque:
        ByteBuffer opaque = (ByteBuffer) value;
        String s = "0x";
        for (int i = 0; i < opaque.limit(); i++) {
            byte b = opaque.get(i);
            char c = hexchar((b >> 4) & 0xF);
            s += c;
            c = hexchar((b) & 0xF);
            s += c;
        return s;
    case Enum:
        return valueString(value, ((DapEnum) basetype).getBaseType());
    throw new DataException("Unknown type: " + basetype);

From source file:org.alfresco.wcm.client.impl.WebSiteServiceImpl.java

private void refreshWebsiteCache() {
    Map<String, WebSite> newCache = new HashMap<String, WebSite>(5);

    Session session = CmisSessionHelper.getSession();

    // Execute query
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("About to run CMIS query: " + QUERY_WEB_ROOTS);
    }/*from www . jav  a 2 s .  c  o  m*/
    ItemIterable<QueryResult> results = session.query(QUERY_WEB_ROOTS, false);
    for (QueryResult result : results) {
        // Get the details of the returned object
        String id = result.getPropertyValueById(PropertyIds.OBJECT_ID);
        String hostName = result.getPropertyValueById(WebSite.PROP_HOSTNAME);
        BigInteger hostPort = result.getPropertyValueById(WebSite.PROP_HOSTPORT);
        String context = result.getPropertyValueById(WebSite.PROP_CONTEXT);
        if (context == null) {
            context = "";
        if (context.startsWith("/")) {
            context = context.substring(1);
        if (hostPort == null) {
            // Default to port 80 if not set
            hostPort = new BigInteger("80");
        String key = (hostName + ":" + hostPort.toString()).toLowerCase() + "/" + context;

        String title = result.getPropertyValueById(Asset.PROPERTY_TITLE);
        String description = result.getPropertyValueById(Asset.PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION);
        List<String> configList = result.getPropertyMultivalueById(WebSite.PROP_SITE_CONFIG);
        Map<String, String> configProperties = parseSiteConfig(configList);

        WebsiteInfo siteInfo = getWebsiteInfo(id);

        WebSiteImpl webSite = new WebSiteImpl(id, hostName, hostPort.intValue(),
        webSite.setUgcService(createUgcService(session, siteInfo));

        newCache.put(key, webSite);

        // Find the logo asset id
        Asset logo = assetFactory.getSectionAsset(siteInfo.rootSectionId, logoFilename, true);

    webSiteCacheRefeshedAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
    webSiteCache = newCache;

From source file:com.xerox.amazonws.sqs.MessageQueue.java

 * Internal implementation of receiveMessages.
 * @param numMessages the maximum number of messages to return
 * @param visibilityTimeout the duration (in seconds) the retrieved message is hidden from
 *                          subsequent calls to retrieve.
 * @return an array of message objects//from  w w  w .j a va 2s .c o m
protected Message[] receiveMessages(BigInteger numMessages, BigInteger visibilityTimeout) throws SQSException {
    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    if (numMessages != null) {
        params.put("NumberOfMessages", numMessages.toString());
    if (visibilityTimeout != null) {
        params.put("VisibilityTimeout", visibilityTimeout.toString());
    GetMethod method = new GetMethod();
    try {
        ReceiveMessageResponse response = makeRequest(method, "ReceiveMessage", params,
        if (response.getMessages() == null) {
            return new Message[0];
        } else {
            ArrayList<Message> msgs = new ArrayList();
            for (com.xerox.amazonws.typica.jaxb.Message msg : response.getMessages()) {
                String decodedMsg = enableEncoding
                        ? new String(Base64.decodeBase64(msg.getMessageBody().getBytes()))
                        : msg.getMessageBody();
                msgs.add(new Message(msg.getMessageId(), decodedMsg));
            return msgs.toArray(new Message[msgs.size()]);
    } catch (JAXBException ex) {
        throw new SQSException("Problem parsing returned message.", ex);
    } catch (HttpException ex) {
        throw new SQSException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new SQSException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } finally {

From source file:org.opendaylight.vpnservice.elan.utils.ElanUtils.java

 * Builds the list of actions to be taken when sending the packet over an
 * external VxLan tunnel interface, such as stamping the VNI on the VxLAN
 * header, setting the vlanId if it proceeds and output the packet over the
 * right port.//from  ww w. j  a v  a 2 s .  co m
 * @param srcDpnId
 *            Dpn where the tunnelInterface is located
 * @param torNode
 *            NodeId of the ExternalDevice where the packet must be sent to.
 * @param vni
 *            Vni to be stamped on the VxLAN Header.
 * @return the external itm egress action
public static List<Action> getExternalItmEgressAction(BigInteger srcDpnId, NodeId torNode, long vni) {
    List<Action> result = Collections.emptyList();

    GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameInput input = new GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameInputBuilder()
    Future<RpcResult<GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameOutput>> output = itmRpcService
    try {
        if (output.get().isSuccessful()) {
            GetExternalTunnelInterfaceNameOutput tunnelInterfaceNameOutput = output.get().getResult();
            String tunnelIfaceName = tunnelInterfaceNameOutput.getInterfaceName();
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Received tunnelInterfaceName from getTunnelInterfaceName RPC {}",

            result = buildItmEgressActions(tunnelIfaceName, vni);

    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
        logger.error("Error in RPC call getTunnelInterfaceName {}", e);

    return result;