List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger toString
public String toString()
From source
public HashMap<String, Object> processRenewal(CertEnrollmentRequest data, HttpServletRequest request, AuthCredentials credentials) throws EBaseException { try {//from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m if (CMS.debugOn()) { HashMap<String, String> params = data.toParams(); printParameterValues(params); } CMS.debug("RenewalProcessor: processRenewal()"); startTiming("enrollment"); request.setAttribute("reqType", "renewal"); // in case of renew, "profile" is the orig profile // while "renewProfile" is the current profile used for renewal String renewProfileId = (this.profileID == null) ? data.getProfileId() : this.profileID; CMS.debug("RenewalProcessor: profile: " + renewProfileId); IProfile renewProfile = ps.getProfile(renewProfileId); if (renewProfile == null) { CMS.debug(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND", CMSTemplate.escapeJavaScriptStringHTML(renewProfileId))); throw new BadRequestDataException(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND", CMSTemplate.escapeJavaScriptStringHTML(renewProfileId))); } if (!ps.isProfileEnable(renewProfileId)) { CMS.debug("RenewalProcessor: Profile " + renewProfileId + " not enabled"); throw new BadRequestDataException("Profile " + renewProfileId + " not enabled"); } BigInteger certSerial = null; // get serial number from <SerialNumber> element (no auth required) CertId serial = data.getSerialNum(); if (serial != null) { CMS.debug("RenewalProcessor: serial number: " + serial); certSerial = serial.toBigInteger(); } // if not found, get serial number from profile input (no auth required) if (certSerial == null) { IPluginRegistry registry = (IPluginRegistry) CMS.getSubsystem(CMS.SUBSYSTEM_REGISTRY); // find SerialNumRenewInput for (ProfileInput input : data.getInputs()) { String inputId = input.getId(); if (inputId == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Missing input ID"); } String classId = input.getClassId(); if (classId == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Missing class ID in input " + inputId); } IPluginInfo pluginInfo = registry.getPluginInfo("profileInput", classId); if (pluginInfo == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Unregistered class ID " + classId + " in input " + inputId); } String className = pluginInfo.getClassName(); if (!SerialNumRenewInput.class.getName().equals(className)) { // check the next input continue; } CMS.debug("RenewalProcessor: found SerialNumRenewInput"); ProfileAttribute attribute = input.getAttribute(SerialNumRenewInput.SERIAL_NUM); if (attribute == null) { throw new BadRequestException( "Missing attribute " + SerialNumRenewInput.SERIAL_NUM + " in input " + inputId); } String value = attribute.getValue(); CMS.debug("RenewalProcessor: profile input " + SerialNumRenewInput.SERIAL_NUM + " value: " + value); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { serial = new CertId(value); certSerial = serial.toBigInteger(); break; } } } // if still not found, get serial number from client certificate (if provided) if (certSerial == null) { if (!request.isSecure()) { throw new BadRequestException("Missing serial number"); } // ssl client auth is to be used // this is not authentication. Just use the cert to search // for orig request and find the right profile CMS.debug("RenewalProcessor: get serial number from client certificate"); certSerial = getSerialNumberFromCert(request); } CMS.debug("processRenewal: serial number of cert to renew:" + certSerial.toString()); ICertRecord rec = certdb.readCertificateRecord(certSerial); if (rec == null) { CMS.debug("processRenewal: cert record not found for serial number " + certSerial.toString()); throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR")); } // check to see if the cert is revoked or revoked_expired if ((rec.getStatus().equals(ICertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED)) || (rec.getStatus().equals(ICertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED_EXPIRED))) { CMS.debug("processRenewal: cert found to be revoked. Serial number = " + certSerial.toString()); throw new BadRequestDataException(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_CA_CANNOT_RENEW_REVOKED_CERT")); } X509CertImpl origCert = rec.getCertificate(); if (origCert == null) { CMS.debug("processRenewal: original cert not found in cert record for serial number " + certSerial.toString()); throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR")); } Date origNotAfter = origCert.getNotAfter(); CMS.debug("processRenewal: origNotAfter =" + origNotAfter.toString()); String origSubjectDN = origCert.getSubjectDN().getName(); CMS.debug("processRenewal: orig subj dn =" + origSubjectDN); IRequest origReq = getOriginalRequest(certSerial, rec); if (origReq == null) { CMS.debug("processRenewal: original request not found"); throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR")); } String profileId = origReq.getExtDataInString(IRequest.PROFILE_ID); CMS.debug("RenewalSubmitter: renewal original profileId=" + profileId); String aidString = origReq.getExtDataInString(IRequest.AUTHORITY_ID); Integer origSeqNum = origReq.getExtDataInInteger(IEnrollProfile.REQUEST_SEQ_NUM); IProfile profile = ps.getProfile(profileId); if (profile == null) { CMS.debug(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND", CMSTemplate.escapeJavaScriptStringHTML(profileId))); throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage(locale, "CMS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND", CMSTemplate.escapeJavaScriptStringHTML(profileId))); } if (!ps.isProfileEnable(profileId)) { CMS.debug("RenewalSubmitter: Profile " + profileId + " not enabled"); throw new BadRequestDataException("Profile " + profileId + " not enabled"); } IProfileContext ctx = profile.createContext(); if (aidString != null) ctx.set(IEnrollProfile.REQUEST_AUTHORITY_ID, aidString); IProfileAuthenticator authenticator = renewProfile.getAuthenticator(); IProfileAuthenticator origAuthenticator = profile.getAuthenticator(); if (authenticator != null) { CMS.debug("RenewalSubmitter: authenticator " + authenticator.getName() + " found"); setCredentialsIntoContext(request, credentials, authenticator, ctx); } // for renewal, this will override or add auth info to the profile context if (origAuthenticator != null) { CMS.debug("RenewalSubmitter: for renewal, original authenticator " + origAuthenticator.getName() + " found"); setCredentialsIntoContext(request, credentials, origAuthenticator, ctx); } // for renewal, input needs to be retrieved from the orig req record CMS.debug("processRenewal: set original Inputs into profile Context"); setInputsIntoContext(origReq, profile, ctx, locale); ctx.set(IEnrollProfile.CTX_RENEWAL, "true"); ctx.set("renewProfileId", renewProfileId); ctx.set(IEnrollProfile.CTX_RENEWAL_SEQ_NUM, origSeqNum.toString()); // for ssl authentication; pass in servlet for retrieving // ssl client certificates SessionContext context = SessionContext.getContext(); context.put("profileContext", ctx); context.put("sslClientCertProvider", new SSLClientCertProvider(request)); CMS.debug("RenewalSubmitter: set sslClientCertProvider"); if (origSubjectDN != null) context.put("origSubjectDN", origSubjectDN); // before creating the request, authenticate the request IAuthToken authToken = null; Principal principal = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (principal instanceof PKIPrincipal) authToken = ((PKIPrincipal) principal).getAuthToken(); if (authToken == null) authToken = authenticate(request, origReq, authenticator, context, true, credentials); // authentication success, now authorize authorize(profileId, renewProfile, authToken); /////////////////////////////////////////////// // create and populate requests /////////////////////////////////////////////// startTiming("request_population"); IRequest[] reqs = profile.createRequests(ctx, locale); populateRequests(data, true, locale, origNotAfter, origSubjectDN, origReq, profileId, profile, ctx, authenticator, authToken, reqs); endTiming("request_population"); /////////////////////////////////////////////// // submit request /////////////////////////////////////////////// String errorCode = submitRequests(locale, profile, authToken, reqs); String errorReason = null; List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); if (errorCode != null) { for (IRequest req : reqs) { String error = req.getError(locale); if (error != null) { String code = req.getErrorCode(locale); errors.add(codeToReason(locale, code, error, req.getRequestId())); } } errorReason = StringUtils.join(errors, '\n'); } HashMap<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ret.put(ARG_REQUESTS, reqs); ret.put(ARG_ERROR_CODE, errorCode); ret.put(ARG_ERROR_REASON, errorReason); ret.put(ARG_PROFILE, profile); CMS.debug("RenewalSubmitter: done serving"); endTiming("enrollment"); return ret; } finally { SessionContext.releaseContext(); endAllEvents(); } }
From source
protected Response invoke(UrlBuilder url, String method, String contentType, Map<String, String> headers, final Output writer, final BindingSession session, BigInteger offset, BigInteger length) { int respCode = -1; try {/* w ww.j a va 2 s .c o m*/ // log before connect if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Session {}: {} {}", session.getSessionId(), method, url); } // get HTTP client object from session DefaultHttpClient httpclient = (DefaultHttpClient) session.get(HTTP_CLIENT); if (httpclient == null) { session.writeLock(); try { httpclient = (DefaultHttpClient) session.get(HTTP_CLIENT); if (httpclient == null) { httpclient = createHttpClient(url, session); session.put(HTTP_CLIENT, httpclient, true); } } finally { session.writeUnlock(); } } HttpRequestBase request = null; if ("GET".equals(method)) { request = new HttpGet(url.toString()); } else if ("POST".equals(method)) { request = new HttpPost(url.toString()); } else if ("PUT".equals(method)) { request = new HttpPut(url.toString()); } else if ("DELETE".equals(method)) { request = new HttpDelete(url.toString()); } else { throw new CmisRuntimeException("Invalid HTTP method!"); } // set content type if (contentType != null) { request.setHeader("Content-Type", contentType); } // set other headers if (headers != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> header : headers.entrySet()) { request.addHeader(header.getKey(), header.getValue()); } } // authenticate AuthenticationProvider authProvider = CmisBindingsHelper.getAuthenticationProvider(session); if (authProvider != null) { Map<String, List<String>> httpHeaders = authProvider.getHTTPHeaders(url.toString()); if (httpHeaders != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> header : httpHeaders.entrySet()) { if (header.getKey() != null && isNotEmpty(header.getValue())) { String key = header.getKey(); if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("user-agent")) { request.setHeader("User-Agent", header.getValue().get(0)); } else { for (String value : header.getValue()) { if (value != null) { request.addHeader(key, value); } } } } } } } // range if ((offset != null) || (length != null)) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("bytes="); if ((offset == null) || (offset.signum() == -1)) { offset = BigInteger.ZERO; } sb.append(offset.toString()); sb.append('-'); if ((length != null) && (length.signum() == 1)) { sb.append(offset.add(length.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).toString()); } request.setHeader("Range", sb.toString()); } // compression Object compression = session.get(SessionParameter.COMPRESSION); if ((compression != null) && Boolean.parseBoolean(compression.toString())) { request.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate"); } // locale if (session.get(CmisBindingsHelper.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) instanceof String) { request.setHeader("Accept-Language", session.get(CmisBindingsHelper.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE).toString()); } // send data if (writer != null) { Object clientCompression = session.get(SessionParameter.CLIENT_COMPRESSION); final boolean clientCompressionFlag = (clientCompression != null) && Boolean.parseBoolean(clientCompression.toString()); if (clientCompressionFlag) { request.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); } AbstractHttpEntity streamEntity = new AbstractHttpEntity() { @Override public boolean isChunked() { return true; } @Override public boolean isRepeatable() { return false; } @Override public long getContentLength() { return -1; } @Override public boolean isStreaming() { return false; } @Override public InputStream getContent() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void writeTo(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException { OutputStream connOut = null; if (clientCompressionFlag) { connOut = new GZIPOutputStream(outstream, 4096); } else { connOut = outstream; } OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(connOut, BUFFER_SIZE); try { writer.write(out); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } out.flush(); if (connOut instanceof GZIPOutputStream) { ((GZIPOutputStream) connOut).finish(); } } }; ((HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) request).setEntity(streamEntity); } // connect HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); // get stream, if present respCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); InputStream inputStream = null; InputStream errorStream = null; if ((respCode == 200) || (respCode == 201) || (respCode == 203) || (respCode == 206)) { if (entity != null) { inputStream = entity.getContent(); } else { inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); } } else { if (entity != null) { errorStream = entity.getContent(); } else { errorStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); } } // collect headers Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (Header header : response.getAllHeaders()) { List<String> values = responseHeaders.get(header.getName()); if (values == null) { values = new ArrayList<String>(); responseHeaders.put(header.getName(), values); } values.add(header.getValue()); } // log after connect if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Session {}: {} {} > Headers: {}", session.getSessionId(), method, url, responseHeaders.toString()); } // forward response HTTP headers if (authProvider != null) { authProvider.putResponseHeaders(url.toString(), respCode, responseHeaders); } // get the response return new Response(respCode, response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase(), responseHeaders, inputStream, errorStream); } catch (Exception e) { String status = (respCode > 0 ? " (HTTP status code " + respCode + ")" : ""); throw new CmisConnectionException("Cannot access \"" + url + "\"" + status + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
From source
private BigInteger addDataServiceRunForAllMessageTypes(Object message, int md5CollisionId, Authentication authentication, SoftwareIdentification dataServiceSoftwareId, int sourceSoftwareId) throws ApolloDatabaseException, Md5UtilsException { String userName = authentication.getRequesterId(); String password = authentication.getRequesterPassword(); String[] userIdTokens = parseUserId(userName); userName = userIdTokens[0];//from w w w . j av a 2 s. co m int softwareKey = getSoftwareIdentificationKey(dataServiceSoftwareId); int userKey = getUserKey(userName, password); try (Connection conn = datasource.getConnection()) { BigInteger simulationGroupId = getNewSimulationGroupId(); String query = "INSERT INTO run (md5_hash_of_run_message, software_id, requester_id, last_service_to_be_called, simulation_group_id, md5_collision_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setString(1, md5Utils.getMd5(message)); pstmt.setInt(2, softwareKey); pstmt.setInt(3, userKey); pstmt.setInt(4, 1); pstmt.setInt(5, simulationGroupId.intValue()); pstmt.setInt(6, md5CollisionId); pstmt.execute(); ResultSet rs = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys(); BigInteger runId; if ( { runId = new BigInteger(rs.getString(1)); } else { throw new ApolloDatabaseRecordNotInsertedException("Record not inserted!"); } // ALSO NEED TO ADD serialized run data service message (JSON) to // run_data_content table... // use insertDataContentForRun for this int dataContentKey = addTextDataContent(jsonUtils.getJSONString(message)); int runDataDescriptionId = getRunDataDescriptionId(ContentDataFormatEnum.TEXT, "data_retrieval_request_message.json", ContentDataTypeEnum.RUN_MESSAGE, sourceSoftwareId, getSoftwareIdentificationKey(dataServiceSoftwareId)); // int runDataId = the following line returns the runDataId, but // it's not used at this point. associateContentWithRunId(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(runId)), dataContentKey, runDataDescriptionId); List<BigInteger> runIdsForDataService = new ArrayList<>(); runIdsForDataService.add(runId); addRunIdsToSimulationGroup(simulationGroupId, runIdsForDataService); updateStatusOfRun(runId, MethodCallStatusEnum.LOADED_RUN_CONFIG_INTO_DATABASE, "Adding config information to the database for runId: " + runId.toString()); return runId; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new ApolloDatabaseException("SQLException attempting to add simulation run: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
public BigInteger[] addSimulationRun(RunMessage runMessage, int md5CollisionId, SoftwareIdentification identificationOfSoftwareToRun, int sourceSoftwareIdKey, SoftwareIdentification destinationSoftwareForRunSimulationMessage, Authentication authentication) throws ApolloDatabaseException, Md5UtilsException { String userName = authentication.getRequesterId(); String password = authentication.getRequesterPassword(); runMessage.setAuthentication(new Authentication()); String[] userIdTokens = parseUserId(userName); userName = userIdTokens[0];//from www .j a v a 2 s. c om Integer softwareKey = null; if (identificationOfSoftwareToRun != null) { softwareKey = getSoftwareIdentificationKey(identificationOfSoftwareToRun); } int userKey = getUserKey(userName, password); BigInteger simulationGroupId = null; String additionalInsertField = ""; String additionalParamHolder = ""; BigInteger[] runIdSimulationGroupId = new BigInteger[2]; String md5 = md5Utils.getMd5(runMessage); try (Connection conn = datasource.getConnection()) { simulationGroupId = getNewSimulationGroupId(); runIdSimulationGroupId[1] = simulationGroupId; additionalInsertField = ", simulation_group_id"; additionalParamHolder = ",?"; String query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO run (md5_hash_of_run_message, software_id, requester_id, last_service_to_be_called, md5_collision_id " + additionalInsertField + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ? " + additionalParamHolder + ")"; PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); pstmt.setString(1, md5); if (softwareKey != null) { pstmt.setInt(2, softwareKey); } else { pstmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); } pstmt.setInt(3, userKey); pstmt.setInt(4, 1); pstmt.setInt(5, md5CollisionId); pstmt.setLong(6, simulationGroupId.longValue()); ResultSet rs; int rowsAffected = pstmt.executeUpdate(); if (rowsAffected > 0) { rs = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys(); } else { query = "SELECT id FROM run WHERE md5_hash_of_run_message = ? and md5_collision_id = ?"; pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setString(1, md5); pstmt.setInt(2, md5CollisionId); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); } BigInteger runId; if ( { runId = new BigInteger(rs.getString(1)); } else { throw new ApolloDatabaseRecordNotInsertedException("Record not inserted!"); } List<BigInteger> runIds = new ArrayList<>(); runIds.add(runId); if (!(runMessage instanceof RunSimulationsMessage)) { addRunIdsToSimulationGroup(simulationGroupId, runIds); } // ALSO NEED TO ADD serialized runSimulationMessage(JSON) to // run_data_content table... // use insertDataContentForRun for this int dataContentKey = addTextDataContent(jsonUtils.getJSONString(runMessage)); int runDataDescriptionId = getRunDataDescriptionId(ContentDataFormatEnum.TEXT, "run_message.json", ContentDataTypeEnum.RUN_MESSAGE, sourceSoftwareIdKey, getSoftwareIdentificationKey(destinationSoftwareForRunSimulationMessage)); // int runDataId = the following line returns the runDataId, but // it's not used at this point. associateContentWithRunId(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(runId)), dataContentKey, runDataDescriptionId); runIdSimulationGroupId[0] = runId; if (runIdSimulationGroupId.length == 2) { runIdSimulationGroupId[1] = simulationGroupId; } updateStatusOfRun(runId, MethodCallStatusEnum.LOADED_RUN_CONFIG_INTO_DATABASE, "Adding config information to the database for runId: " + runId.toString()); return runIdSimulationGroupId; // } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { // throw new ApolloDatabaseException( // "ClassNotFoundException attempting to add simulation run: " // + ex.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new ApolloDatabaseException("SQLException attempting to add simulation run: " + ex.getMessage()); } }
From source
/** * Process the custom path list and create .cmf files for each folder path using the template folders that come with PDTool. * /*from w ww. java 2s. co m*/ * @param customPathList * @param templateFolderPath * @param forceCopy * @param toFilePath */ public static void processTemplateFolder(String customPathList, String templateFolderPath, String toFilePath, boolean forceCopy) { // Initialize variables. String templateSharedFolder = getFileAsString(templateFolderPath + "/sharedFolder.cmf"); String templateVirtualFolder = getFileAsString(templateFolderPath + "/virtualFolder.cmf"); String templateDatabase = getFileAsString(templateFolderPath + "/database.cmf"); String templateCatalog = getFileAsString(templateFolderPath + "/catalog.cmf"); String templateSchema = getFileAsString(templateFolderPath + "/schema.cmf"); String templateText = null; String pathStart = null; String remainderPath = null; String resourcePath = null; String resourcePathEncoded = null; String resourceName = null; String resourceNameEncoded = null; String fsPath = null; BigInteger bigIntTime = null; String regexSize = "200000"; String regexReplacePatternDoubleQuote = "\\,(?=[^\"]{0," + regexSize + "}\"(?:[^\"\\r\\n]{0," + regexSize + "}\"[^\"]{0," + regexSize + "}\"){0," + regexSize + "}[^\"\\r\\n]{0," + regexSize + "}$)"; // Replace commas within double quotes with encoded commas customPathList = customPathList.replaceAll(regexReplacePatternDoubleQuote, "_002c"); // Iterate over the comma separated paths StringTokenizer pst = new StringTokenizer(customPathList, ","); while (pst.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = pst.nextToken(); // Make sure all paths have forward slashes token = token.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\\\"), "/"); token = token.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"), "/"); // Make sure all paths have a single forward slash token = token.replaceAll("//", "/"); // Make sure no paths have double quotes token = token.replaceAll("\"", ""); // Replace encoded commas with real commas token = token.replaceAll("_002c", ","); // Create custom shared folders // e.g. /shared/My Folder,/shared/My Folder/My.Folder/My-Folder/""My,Folder"" pathStart = "/shared/"; if (token.startsWith(pathStart)) { remainderPath = token.replaceFirst(pathStart, ""); resourcePath = pathStart; resourcePathEncoded = pathStart; fsPath = toFilePath; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(remainderPath, "/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { resourceName = st.nextToken(); resourceNameEncoded = ResourceNameCodec.encode(resourceName); templateText = templateSharedFolder; // CIS resource path resourcePath = (resourcePath + "/" + resourceName).replaceAll("//", "/"); resourcePathEncoded = (resourcePathEncoded + "/" + resourceNameEncoded).replaceAll("//", "/"); // Files system path fsPath = (toFilePath + "/" + resourcePathEncoded).replaceAll("//", "/"); mkdirs(fsPath); /* * Create File content */ // Encode name resourceName = encodePath(resourceName); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$RESOURCE_NAME"), resourceName); // Encode path resourcePath = encodePath(resourcePath); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$RESOURCE_PATH"), resourcePath); bigIntTime = TimestampToBigint(getCurrentDateAsString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$CREATE_DATE_LONG"), bigIntTime.toString()); // Decode path templateText = decodePath(templateText); // Write out the file fsPath = fsPath + "/" + resourceNameEncoded + ".cmf"; boolean fileExists = fileExists(fsPath); if (!fileExists) { CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(fsPath, templateText); } if (fileExists && forceCopy) { removeFile(fsPath); CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(fsPath, templateText); } } } // Create custom database folders // e.g. /services/databases/My Database{TYPE:DATABASE}/My.Catalog{TYPE:CATALOG}/My$Schema{TYPE:SCHEMA} pathStart = "/services/databases/"; if (token.startsWith(pathStart)) { remainderPath = token.replaceFirst(pathStart, ""); resourcePath = pathStart; resourcePathEncoded = pathStart; fsPath = toFilePath; int pathCount = 0; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(remainderPath, "/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); ++pathCount; // Convert square bracket characters to angle bracket characters if (token.contains("[")) token = token.replace("[", "<"); if (token.contains("]")) token = token.replace("]", ">"); // If this is the first path extracted then assume it is a database token if (pathCount == 1) templateText = templateDatabase; // Determine if the token is a database type token: "/services/databases/My Database[TYPE=DATABASE]/My Catalog[type=catalog]/My Schema[Type=Schema]" if (token.toUpperCase().trim().contains("<TYPE=DATABASE>")) { int beg = token.toUpperCase().indexOf("<"); int end = token.toUpperCase().indexOf(">"); resourceName = token.substring(0, beg); if (end + 1 < token.length()) resourceName = resourceName + token.substring(end + 1); templateText = templateDatabase; } // Determine if the token is a catalog type token: "/services/databases/My Database[TYPE=DATABASE]/My Catalog[type=catalog]/My Schema[Type=Schema]" else if (token.toUpperCase().trim().contains("<TYPE=CATALOG>")) { int beg = token.toUpperCase().indexOf("<"); int end = token.toUpperCase().indexOf(">"); resourceName = token.substring(0, beg); if (end + 1 < token.length()) resourceName = resourceName + token.substring(end + 1); templateText = templateCatalog; } // Determine if the token is a schema type token: "/services/databases/My Database[TYPE=DATABASE]/My Catalog[type=catalog]/My Schema[Type=Schema]" else if (token.toUpperCase().trim().contains("<TYPE=SCHEMA>")) { int beg = token.toUpperCase().indexOf("<"); int end = token.toUpperCase().indexOf(">"); resourceName = token.substring(0, beg); if (end + 1 < token.length()) resourceName = resourceName + token.substring(end + 1); templateText = templateSchema; // Otherwise default to a folder token } else { resourceName = token; templateText = templateVirtualFolder; } resourceNameEncoded = ResourceNameCodec.encode(resourceName); // CIS resource path resourcePath = (resourcePath + "/" + resourceName).replaceAll("//", "/"); resourcePathEncoded = (resourcePathEncoded + "/" + resourceNameEncoded).replaceAll("//", "/"); // Files system path fsPath = (toFilePath + "/" + resourcePathEncoded).replaceAll("//", "/"); mkdirs(fsPath); /* * Create File content */ // Encode name resourceName = encodePath(resourceName); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$RESOURCE_NAME"), resourceName); // Encode path resourcePath = encodePath(resourcePath); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$RESOURCE_PATH"), resourcePath); bigIntTime = TimestampToBigint(getCurrentDateAsString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$CREATE_DATE_LONG"), bigIntTime.toString()); // Decode path templateText = decodePath(templateText); // Write out the file fsPath = fsPath + "/" + resourceNameEncoded + ".cmf"; boolean fileExists = fileExists(fsPath); if (!fileExists) { CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(fsPath, templateText); } if (fileExists && forceCopy) { removeFile(fsPath); CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(fsPath, templateText); } } } // Create custom web services folders // e.g. /services/webservices/My Folder/My.Folder/My-Folder pathStart = "/services/webservices/"; if (token.startsWith(pathStart)) { remainderPath = token.replaceFirst(pathStart, ""); resourcePath = pathStart; resourcePathEncoded = pathStart; fsPath = toFilePath; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(remainderPath, "/"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { resourceName = st.nextToken(); resourceNameEncoded = ResourceNameCodec.encode(resourceName); templateText = templateVirtualFolder; // CIS resource path resourcePath = (resourcePath + "/" + resourceName).replaceAll("//", "/"); resourcePathEncoded = (resourcePathEncoded + "/" + resourceNameEncoded).replaceAll("//", "/"); // Files system path fsPath = (toFilePath + "/" + resourcePathEncoded).replaceAll("//", "/"); mkdirs(fsPath); /* * Create File content */ // Encode name resourceName = encodePath(resourceName); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$RESOURCE_NAME"), resourceName); // Encode path resourcePath = encodePath(resourcePath); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$RESOURCE_PATH"), resourcePath); bigIntTime = TimestampToBigint(getCurrentDateAsString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")); templateText = templateText.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement("$CREATE_DATE_LONG"), bigIntTime.toString()); // Decode path templateText = decodePath(templateText); // Write out the file fsPath = fsPath + "/" + resourceNameEncoded + ".cmf"; boolean fileExists = fileExists(fsPath); if (!fileExists) { CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(fsPath, templateText); } if (fileExists && forceCopy) { removeFile(fsPath); CommonUtils.createFileWithContent(fsPath, templateText); } } } } }
From source
/** * Set the given value as a parameter to the statement. *///w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m public void setBigInteger(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, BigInteger val, Column col) throws SQLException { if ((col != null && col.isCompatible(Types.VARCHAR, null, 0, 0)) || (col == null && storeLargeNumbersAsStrings)) setString(stmnt, idx, val.toString(), col); else setBigDecimal(stmnt, idx, new BigDecimal(val), col); }
From source
public void processMessages() throws Exception { // Look on received messages int _size = 0; synchronized (this) { _size = messages.size();//from ww w. j a va 2 m } while (_size > 0) { short[] message = null; synchronized (this) { message = messages.remove(0); } ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(2); bb.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); bb.put((byte) message[0]); bb.put((byte) message[1]); short _command = bb.getShort(0); /* APSDE-DATA.Indication */ if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSDEDataIndication) { final APSMessageEvent messageEvent = new APSMessageEvent(); short destAddressMode = message[3]; messageEvent.setDestinationAddressMode((long) destAddressMode); BigInteger _ieee = null; Address address = new Address(); switch (destAddressMode) { case 0x00: // Reserved (No source address supplied) if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Message Discarded: found reserved 0x00 as Destination Address Mode "); } // Error found, we don't proceed and discard the // message return; case 0x01: // Value16bitgroupfordstAddr (DstEndpoint not // present) // No destination end point (so FF broadcast), // present // short // address on 2 bytes address.setNetworkAddress( DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); _ieee = gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_ieee != null) address.setIeeeAddress(_ieee); messageEvent.setDestinationAddress(address); messageEvent.setDestinationEndpoint((short) 0xff); break; case 0x02: // Value16bitAddrandDstEndpoint (16 bit address // supplied) address.setNetworkAddress( DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); _ieee = gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_ieee != null) address.setIeeeAddress(_ieee); messageEvent.setDestinationAddress(address); messageEvent.setDestinationEndpoint(message[6]); break; default: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { logger.error("Message Discarded: not valid Destination Address Mode"); } // Error found, we don't proceed and discard the // message return; } messageEvent.setSourceAddressMode((long) message[7]); address = new Address(); address.setNetworkAddress(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8])); _ieee = gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_ieee != null) address.setIeeeAddress(_ieee); messageEvent.setSourceAddress(address); messageEvent.setSourceEndpoint(message[10]); messageEvent.setProfileID(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[12], (byte) message[11])); messageEvent.setClusterID(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[14], (byte) message[13])); if (gal.getGatewayStatus() == GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING && gal.get_GalNode() != null) { /* Update The Node Data */ int _indexOnCache = -1; _indexOnCache = gal.existIntoNetworkCache(address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache != -1) { /* The node is already into the DB */ if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold() > 0) { if (!gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).isSleepy()) { gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).reset_numberOfAttempt(); gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache) .setTimerFreshness(gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold()); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { //System.out.println("\n\rPostponing timer Freshness by Aps.Indication for node:" + gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).get_node().getAddress().getNetworkAddress() + "\n\r");"Postponing timer Freshness by Aps.Indication for node:" + gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).get_node().getAddress() .getNetworkAddress()); } } } } else { // 0x8034 is a LeaveAnnouncement, 0x0013 is a // DeviceAnnouncement, 0x8001 is a IEEE_Addr_Rsp if ((gal.getPropertiesManager().getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes() > 0) && (!(messageEvent.getProfileID() == 0x0000 && (messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x0013 || messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x8034 || messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x8001)))) { if (address.getNetworkAddress() != gal.get_GalNode().get_node().getAddress() .getNetworkAddress()) { Runnable thr = new MyThread(address) { @Override public void run() { Address _address = (Address) this.getParameter(); int _indexOnCache = -1; _indexOnCache = gal.existIntoNetworkCache(_address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache == -1) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { //System.out.println("\n\rAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes procedure of Node:" + messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress() + "\n\r");"AutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes procedure of Node:" + messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress()); } try { // Insert the node into cache, // but with the // discovery_completed flag a // false BigInteger ieee = null; WrapperWSNNode o = new WrapperWSNNode(gal); WSNNode _newNode = new WSNNode(); o.set_discoveryCompleted(false); _newNode.setAddress(_address); o.set_node(_newNode); gal.getNetworkcache().add(o); Thread.sleep(500); /* * Reading the IEEEAddress of * the new node */ if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) "Sending IeeeReq to:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); System.out.println( "Sending IeeeReq to:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); ieee = readExtAddress(INTERNAL_TIMEOUT, _address.getNetworkAddress().shortValue()); _address.setIeeeAddress(ieee); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Readed Ieee of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Ieee: " + ieee.toString()); System.out.println("Readed Ieee of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Ieee: " + ieee.toString()); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled())"Sending NodeDescriptorReq to:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); NodeDescriptor _ndesc = getNodeDescriptorSync(INTERNAL_TIMEOUT, _address); _newNode.setCapabilityInformation(_ndesc.getMACCapabilityFlag()); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Readed NodeDescriptor of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); System.out.println("Readed NodeDescriptor of the new node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress()); } o.reset_numberOfAttempt(); o.set_discoveryCompleted(true); if (!o.isSleepy()) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold() > 0) { o.setTimerFreshness( gal.getPropertiesManager().getKeepAliveThreshold()); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getForcePingTimeout() > 0) { o.setTimerForcePing( gal.getPropertiesManager().getForcePingTimeout()); } } _indexOnCache = gal.existIntoNetworkCache( _newNode.getAddress().getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache > -1) { gal.getNetworkcache().remove(_indexOnCache); } // Updating the node // informations gal.getNetworkcache().add(o); o.set_discoveryCompleted(true); Status _st = new Status(); _st.setCode((short) GatewayConstants.SUCCESS); gal.get_gatewayEventManager().nodeDiscovered(_st, _newNode); } catch (GatewayException e) { logger.error("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); _indexOnCache = gal .existIntoNetworkCache(_address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache > -1) { gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).abortTimers(); gal.getNetworkcache().remove(_indexOnCache); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); System.out.println("Error on getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes for node:" + _address.getNetworkAddress() + " Error:" + e.getMessage()); _indexOnCache = gal .existIntoNetworkCache(_address.getNetworkAddress()); if (_indexOnCache > -1) { gal.getNetworkcache().get(_indexOnCache).abortTimers(); gal.getNetworkcache().remove(_indexOnCache); } } } } }; Thread _thr0 = new Thread(thr); _thr0.setName("Thread getAutoDiscoveryUnknownNodes:" + address.getNetworkAddress()); _thr0.start(); } } } } int lastAsdu = 16 + message[15] - 1; messageEvent.setData(DataManipulation.subByteArray(message, 16, lastAsdu)); messageEvent.setAPSStatus(message[lastAsdu + 1]); // ASK Jump WasBroadcast // Security Status switch (message[lastAsdu + 3]) { case 0x00: messageEvent.setSecurityStatus(SecurityStatus.UNSECURED); break; case 0x01: messageEvent.setSecurityStatus(SecurityStatus.SECURED_NWK_KEY); break; case 0x02: messageEvent.setSecurityStatus(SecurityStatus.SECURED_LINK_KEY); break; // ASK 0x03 not present on telecomitalia object default: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Message Discarded: not valid Security Status"); } // Error found, we don't proceed and discard the // message return; } messageEvent.setLinkQuality(message[lastAsdu + 4]); messageEvent.setRxTime((long) DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[(lastAsdu + 8)], (byte) message[(lastAsdu + 5)])); // ASK: jumped iMsgType, pNext, iDataSize, pData, // iBufferNumber if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSDE-DATA.Indication", message); if ((messageEvent.getDestinationAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.ADDRESS_MODE_SHORT) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getIeeeAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().setIeeeAddress(gal.getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache( messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getNetworkAddress())); if ((messageEvent.getDestinationAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.EXTENDED_ADDRESS_MODE) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getNetworkAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().setNetworkAddress(gal.getShortAddress_FromNetworkCache( messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getIeeeAddress())); if ((messageEvent.getSourceAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.ADDRESS_MODE_SHORT) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getIeeeAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getSourceAddress().setIeeeAddress(gal .getIeeeAddress_FromNetworkCache(messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress())); if ((messageEvent.getSourceAddressMode() == GatewayConstants.EXTENDED_ADDRESS_MODE) && (messageEvent.getDestinationAddress().getNetworkAddress() == null)) messageEvent.getSourceAddress().setNetworkAddress( gal.getShortAddress_FromNetworkCache(messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getIeeeAddress())); if (messageEvent.getProfileID().equals(0)) {/* * ZDO Command */ if (messageEvent.getClusterID() == 0x8031) { String __key = ""; __key = String.format("%04X", messageEvent.getSourceAddress().getNetworkAddress()); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.LQI_REQ) && __key.equalsIgnoreCase(pl.get_Key())) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode((short) messageEvent.getAPSStatus()); Mgmt_LQI_rsp _res = new Mgmt_LQI_rsp(messageEvent.getData()); pl.set_objectOfResponse(_res); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } // profileid == 0 gal.getZdoManager().ZDOMessageIndication(messageEvent); } else { // profileid > 0 ZCLMessage _zm = new ZCLMessage(); _zm.setAPSStatus(messageEvent.getAPSStatus()); _zm.setClusterID(messageEvent.getClusterID()); _zm.setDestinationEndpoint(messageEvent.getDestinationEndpoint()); _zm.setProfileID(messageEvent.getProfileID()); _zm.setRxTime(messageEvent.getRxTime()); _zm.setSourceAddress(messageEvent.getSourceAddress()); _zm.setSourceAddressMode(messageEvent.getSourceAddressMode()); _zm.setSourceEndpoint(messageEvent.getSourceEndpoint()); byte[] data = messageEvent.getData(); // ZCL Header // Frame control 8bit // Manufacturer code 0/16bits // Transaction sequence number 8bit // Command identifier 8 bit ByteArrayObject _header = new ByteArrayObject(); ByteArrayObject _payload = new ByteArrayObject(); if ((data[0] & 0x04) == 1)/* Check manufacturer code */ { _header.addByte(data[0]);// Frame control _header.addByte(data[1]);// Manufacturer Code(1/2) _header.addByte(data[2]);// Manufacturer Code(2/2) _header.addByte(data[3]);// Transaction sequence number _header.addByte(data[4]);// Command Identifier for (int i = 5; i < data.length; i++) _payload.addByte(data[i]); } else { _header.addByte(data[0]);// Frame control _header.addByte(data[1]);// Transaction sequence number _header.addByte(data[2]);// Command Identifier for (int i = 3; i < data.length; i++) _payload.addByte(data[i]); } _zm.setZCLHeader(_header.getRealByteArray()); _zm.setZCLPayload(_payload.getRealByteArray()); gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyZCLCommand(_zm); gal.getApsManager().APSMessageIndication(messageEvent); } } /* APSDE-DATA.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSDEDataConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSDE-DATA.Confirm", message); /* DestAddress + DestEndPoint + SourceEndPoint */ long destAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10], (byte) message[9], (byte) message[8], (byte) message[7], (byte) message[6], (byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); byte destEndPoint = (byte) message[12]; byte sourceEndPoint = (byte) message[13]; String Key = String.format("%016X", destAddress) + String.format("%02X", destEndPoint) + String.format("%02X", sourceEndPoint); // Found APSDE-DATA.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { /* DestAddress + DestEndPoint + SourceEndPoint */ /* * if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) *"APSDE-DATA.Confirm KEY SEND: " + * pl.get_Key() + " -- KEY Received: " + Key); */ if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.APS) && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(Key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[14]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-Error.event */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCErrorevent) { byte len = (byte) message[2]; String MessageStatus = ""; if (len > 0) { int status = message[3]; switch (status) { case 0x00: MessageStatus = "0x00: gSuccess_c (Should not be seen in this event.)"; break; case 0xF4: MessageStatus = "0xF4: gZtcOutOfMessages_c (ZTC tried to allocate a message, but the allocation failed.)"; break; case 0xF5: MessageStatus = "0xF5: gZtcEndPointTableIsFull_c (Self explanatory.)"; break; case 0xF6: MessageStatus = "0xF6: gZtcEndPointNotFound_c (Self explanatory.)"; break; case 0xF7: MessageStatus = "0xF7: gZtcUnknownOpcodeGroup_c (ZTC does not recognize the opcode group, and there is no application hook.)"; break; case 0xF8: MessageStatus = "0xF8: gZtcOpcodeGroupIsDisabled_c (ZTC support for an opcode group is turned off by a compile option.)"; break; case 0xF9: MessageStatus = "0xF9: gZtcDebugPrintFailed_c (An attempt to print a debug message ran out of buffer space.)"; break; case 0xFA: MessageStatus = "0xFA: gZtcReadOnly_c (Attempt to set read-only data.)"; break; case 0xFB: MessageStatus = "0xFB: gZtcUnknownIBIdentifier_c (Self explanatory.)"; break; case 0xFC: MessageStatus = "0xFC: gZtcRequestIsDisabled_c (ZTC support for an opcode is turned off by a compile option.)"; break; case 0xFD: MessageStatus = "0xFD: gZtcUnknownOpcode_c (Self expanatory.)"; break; case 0xFE: MessageStatus = "0xFE: gZtcTooBig_c (A data item to be set or retrieved is too big for the buffer available to hold it.)"; break; case 0xFF: MessageStatus = "0xFF: gZtcError_c (Non-specific, catchall error code.)"; break; default: break; } } String logMessage = "Extracted ZTC-ERROR.Event Status:" + MessageStatus; if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix(logMessage, message); } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Nwk_Update.Notify */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmt_Nwk_UpdateNotify) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Nwk_Update.Notify", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NWK_UPDATE) { EnergyScanResult _result = new EnergyScanResult(); int _address = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[4], (byte) message[3]); short _status = message[5]; if (_status == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { byte[] _scannedChannel = new byte[4]; _scannedChannel[0] = (byte) message[9]; _scannedChannel[1] = (byte) message[8]; _scannedChannel[2] = (byte) message[7]; _scannedChannel[3] = (byte) message[6]; int _totalTrasmission = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10]); int _trasmissionFailure = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[13], (byte) message[12]); short _scannedChannelListCount = message[14]; for (int i = 0; i < _scannedChannelListCount; i++) { ScannedChannel _sc = new ScannedChannel(); // _sc.setChannel(value) _sc.setEnergy(message[15 + i]); _result.getScannedChannel().add(_sc); } synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[7]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(_result); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } } /* ZDP-SimpleDescriptor.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPSimpleDescriptorResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-ExtendedSimpleDescriptor.Response", message); /* Address + EndPoint */ Address _add = new Address(); _add.setNetworkAddress(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); byte EndPoint = (byte) message[7]; String Key = String.format("%04X", _add.getNetworkAddress()) + String.format("%02X", EndPoint); // Found ZDP-SimpleDescriptor.Response. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { /* Address + EndPoint */ if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.GET_SIMPLE_DESCRIPTOR) && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(Key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); if (pl.getStatus().getCode() == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { SimpleDescriptor _sp = new SimpleDescriptor(); _sp.setApplicationProfileIdentifier( DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8])); _sp.setApplicationDeviceIdentifier(DataManipulation .toIntFromShort((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10])); _sp.setApplicationDeviceVersion(message[12]); int _index = 14; short _numInpCluster = message[13]; for (int i = 0; i < _numInpCluster; i++) { _sp.getApplicationInputCluster().add(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort( (byte) message[_index + 1], (byte) message[_index])); _index = _index + 2; } short _numOutCluster = message[_index++]; for (int i = 0; i < _numOutCluster; i++) { _sp.getApplicationOutputCluster().add(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort( (byte) message[_index + 1], (byte) message[_index])); _index = _index + 2; } ServiceDescriptor _toRes = new ServiceDescriptor(); _toRes.setAddress(_add); _toRes.setEndPoint(EndPoint); _toRes.setSimpleDescriptor(_sp); pl.set_objectOfResponse(_toRes); } pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-GetEndPointIdList.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSGetEndPointIdListConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APS-GetEndPointIdList.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.GET_END_POINT_LIST)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); NodeServices _res = new NodeServices(); if (pl.getStatus().getCode() == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { short length = message[4]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ActiveEndpoints _ep = new ActiveEndpoints(); _ep.setEndPoint(message[5 + i]); _res.getActiveEndpoints().add(_ep); } } pl.set_objectOfResponse(_res); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-BIND.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmtBindResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-BIND.Response", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.ADD_BINDING)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); switch (pl.getStatus().getCode()) { case GatewayConstants.SUCCESS: break; case 0x84: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_SUPPORTED (NOT SUPPORTED)"); break; case 0x8C: pl.getStatus().setMessage("TABLE_FULL (TABLE FULL)"); break; case 0x8D: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_AUTHORIZED (NOT AUTHORIZED)"); break; } pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-UNBIND.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPUnbindResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-UNBIND.Response", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.REMOVE_BINDING)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); switch (pl.getStatus().getCode()) { case GatewayConstants.SUCCESS: break; case 0x84: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_SUPPORTED (NOT SUPPORTED)"); break; case 0x88: pl.getStatus().setMessage("No_Entry (No Entry)"); break; case 0x8D: pl.getStatus().setMessage("NOT_AUTHORIZED (NOT AUTHORIZED"); break; } pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Bind.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmt_BindResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Bind.Response", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.GET_BINDINGS)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); BindingList _res = new BindingList(); if (pl.getStatus().getCode() == GatewayConstants.SUCCESS) { short length = message[6]; int _index = 6; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Binding _b = new Binding(); long src_longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[_index + 8], (byte) message[_index + 7], (byte) message[_index + 6], (byte) message[_index + 5], (byte) message[_index + 4], (byte) message[_index + 3], (byte) message[_index + 2], (byte) message[_index + 1]); short _srcEP = message[_index + 9]; int _cluster = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[_index + 11], (byte) message[_index + 10]); short _DestinationMode = message[_index + 12]; Device _dev = new Device(); if (_DestinationMode == 0x03) { long dst_longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong( (byte) message[_index + 20], (byte) message[_index + 19], (byte) message[_index + 18], (byte) message[_index + 17], (byte) message[_index + 16], (byte) message[_index + 15], (byte) message[_index + 14], (byte) message[_index + 13]); short _dstEP = message[_index + 21]; _dev.setAddress(BigInteger.valueOf(dst_longAddress)); _dev.setEndpoint(_dstEP); _index = _index + 21; } else if (_DestinationMode == 0x01) { int _groupId = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort( (byte) message[_index + 14], (byte) message[_index + 13]); _dev.setAddress(BigInteger.valueOf(_groupId)); _index = _index + 10; } _b.setClusterID(_cluster); _b.setSourceEndpoint(_srcEP); _b.setSourceIEEEAddress(BigInteger.valueOf(src_longAddress)); _b.getDeviceDestination().add(_dev); _res.getBinding().add(_b); } } pl.set_objectOfResponse(_res); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-DeregisterEndPoint.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSDeRegisterEndPointConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APS-DeregisterEndPoint.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.DEREGISTER_END_POINT)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-ZDP-Mgmt_Lqi.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmtLqiResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix( "Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Lqi.Response... waiting the related Indication ZDO", message); } /* ZTC-ReadExtAddr.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCReadExtAddrConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZTC-ReadExtAddr.Confirm", message); long longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10], (byte) message[9], (byte) message[8], (byte) message[7], (byte) message[6], (byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); BigInteger _bi = BigInteger.valueOf(longAddress); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.READ_EXT_ADDRESS)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.set_objectOfResponse(_bi); pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-IEEE_addr.response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPIeeeAddrResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-IEEE_addr.response", message); long longAddress = DataManipulation.toLong((byte) message[11], (byte) message[10], (byte) message[9], (byte) message[8], (byte) message[7], (byte) message[6], (byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); BigInteger _bi = BigInteger.valueOf(longAddress); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.READ_IEEE_ADDRESS)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.set_objectOfResponse(_bi); pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Leave.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmtLeaveResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Leave.Response", message); } /* ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPActiveEpResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response", message); short Status = message[3]; Address _add = new Address(); _add.setNetworkAddress(DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4])); String Key = String.format("%04X", _add.getNetworkAddress()); List<Short> _toRes = null; NodeServices _node = new NodeServices(); _node.setAddress(_add); switch (Status) { case 0x00: _toRes = new ArrayList<Short>(); int _EPCount = message[6]; for (int i = 0; i < _EPCount; i++) { _toRes.add(message[7 + i]); ActiveEndpoints _aep = new ActiveEndpoints(); _aep.setEndPoint(message[7 + i]); _node.getActiveEndpoints().add(_aep); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:00 - Success"); } break; case 0x80: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:80 - Inv_RequestType"); } break; case 0x89: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:89 - No_Descriptor"); } break; case 0x81: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response status:81 - Device_Not_found"); } break; } // Found ZDP-Active_EP_rsp.response. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { /* DestAddress */ if ((pl.getType() == TypeMessage.ACTIVE_EP) && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(Key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.set_objectOfResponse(_toRes); pl.getStatus().setCode(Status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-StopNwkEx.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCStopNwkExConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-StopNwkEx.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.STOP_NETWORK) { if (message[3] == 0x00) { gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStopResult(makeStatusObject( "The stop command has been processed byt ZDO with success.", (short) 0x00)); synchronized (gal) { gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STOPPING); } } synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* NLME-GET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEGetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-GET.Confirm", message); String _Key = String.format("%02X", message[4]); // Found APSDE-DATA.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NMLE_GET && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(_Key)) { short _Length = (short) DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8]); byte[] _res = DataManipulation.subByteArray(message, 10, _Length + 9); if (_Length >= 2) _res = DataManipulation.reverseBytes(_res); synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(DataManipulation.convertBytesToString(_res)); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APSME_GET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSMEGetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSME_GET.Confirm", message); String _Key = String.format("%02X", message[4]); // Found APSME_GET-DATA.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.APSME_GET && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(_Key)) { short _Length = (short) DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[9], (byte) message[8]); byte[] _res = DataManipulation.subByteArray(message, 10, _Length + 9); if (_Length >= 2) _res = DataManipulation.reverseBytes(_res); synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(DataManipulation.convertBytesToString(_res)); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } // ZDP-StartNwkEx.Confirm else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCStartNwkExConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-StartNwkEx.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.START_NETWORK) { if (message[3] == 0x00) { gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STARTED); } synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-RegisterEndPoint.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSRegisterEndPointConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APS-RegisterEndPoint.Confirm", message); // Found APS-RegisterEndPoint.Confirm. Remove the lock synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CONFIGURE_END_POINT) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-ModeSelect.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCModeSelectConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZTC-ModeSelect.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.MODE_SELECT) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* MacGetPIBAttribute.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacGetPIBAttributeConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacGetPIBAttribute.Confirm", message); } /* MacBeaconNotify.Indication */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacBeaconNotifyIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacBeaconNotify.Indication", message); } /* MacBeaconStart.Indication */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacPollNotifyIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacBeaconStart.Indication", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Confirmn */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENETWORKFORMATIONConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-START-ROUTER.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMESTARTROUTERRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Confirm", message); } /* MacStart.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacStartRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacStart.Request", message); } /* MacStart.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacStartConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacStart.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-START-ROUTER.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMESTARTROUTERConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-START-ROUTER.Confirm", message); } /* NWK-ProcessSecureFrame.Report */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NWKProcessSecureFrameReport) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NWK-ProcessSecureFrame.Report", message); } /* ZDP-Nwk-ProcessSecureFrame.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPNwkProcessSecureFrameConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Nwk-ProcessSecureFrame.Confirm", message); } /* BlackBox.WriteSAS.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.BlackBoxWriteSASConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted BlackBox.WriteSAS.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.WRITE_SAS) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-GetChannel.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCGetChannelConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZTC-GetChannel.Confirm", message); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CHANNEL_REQUEST) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]); pl.set_objectOfResponse(message[4]); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-NodeDescriptor.Response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPNodeDescriptorResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-NodeDescriptor.Response", message); int _NWKAddressOfInterest = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[5], (byte) message[4]); Address _addressOfInterst = new Address(); _addressOfInterst.setNetworkAddress(_NWKAddressOfInterest); NodeDescriptor _node = new NodeDescriptor(); /* First Byte */ byte _first = (byte) message[6]; byte _Logical_byte = (byte) (_first & 0x07);/* Bits 0,1,2 */ byte _ComplexDescriptorAvalilable = (byte) ((_first & 0x08) >> 3);/* Bit3 */ byte _UserDescriptorAvalilable = (byte) ((_first & 0x0A) >> 4);/* Bit4 */ switch (_Logical_byte) { case FreescaleConstants.LogicalType.Coordinator: _node.setLogicalType(LogicalType.COORDINATOR); break; case FreescaleConstants.LogicalType.Router: _node.setLogicalType(LogicalType.ROUTER); break; case FreescaleConstants.LogicalType.EndDevice: _node.setLogicalType(LogicalType.END_DEVICE); break; default: throw new Exception("LogicalType is not valid value"); } _node.setComplexDescriptorAvailable((_ComplexDescriptorAvalilable == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setUserDescriptorAvailable((_UserDescriptorAvalilable == 1 ? true : false)); /* Second Byte */ byte _second = (byte) message[7]; /* Aps flags bits 0,1,2 */ byte _FrequencyBand = (byte) ((_second & 0xF8) >> 0x03);/* * bits * 3 * ,4,5, * 6,7 */ switch (_FrequencyBand) { case 0x01: _node.setFrequencyBand("868MHz"); break; case 0x04: _node.setFrequencyBand("900MHz"); break; case 0x08: _node.setFrequencyBand("2400MHz"); break; default: _node.setFrequencyBand("Reserved"); break; } /* MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE Byte */ byte _MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE = (byte) message[8]; MACCapability _maccapability = new MACCapability(); byte _AlternatePanCoordinator = (byte) (_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x01);/* Bit0 */ byte _DeviceIsFFD = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x02) >> 1);/* Bit1 */ byte _MainsPowered = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x04) >> 2);/* Bit2 */ byte _ReceiverOnWhenIdle = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x08) >> 3);/* Bit3 */ // bit 4-5 reserved byte _SecuritySupported = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x40) >> 6);/* Bit6 */ byte _AllocateAddress = (byte) ((_MACcapabilityFlags_BYTE & 0x80) >> 7);/* Bit7 */ _maccapability.setAlternatePanCoordinator((_AlternatePanCoordinator == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setDeviceIsFFD((_DeviceIsFFD == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setMainsPowered((_MainsPowered == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setReceiverOnWhenIdle((_ReceiverOnWhenIdle == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setSecuritySupported((_SecuritySupported == 1 ? true : false)); _maccapability.setAllocateAddress((_AllocateAddress == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setMACCapabilityFlag(_maccapability); /* ManufacturerCode_BYTES */ int _ManufacturerCode_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[10], (byte) message[9]); _node.setManufacturerCode(_ManufacturerCode_BYTES); /* MaximumBufferSize_BYTE */ short _MaximumBufferSize_BYTE = message[11]; _node.setMaximumBufferSize(_MaximumBufferSize_BYTE); /* MaximumTransferSize_BYTES */ int _MaximumTransferSize_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[13], (byte) message[12]); _node.setMaximumIncomingTransferSize(_MaximumTransferSize_BYTES); /* ServerMask_BYTES */ int _ServerMask_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[15], (byte) message[14]); ServerMask _serverMask = new ServerMask(); byte _PrimaryTrustCenter = (byte) (_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x01);/* Bit0 */ byte _BackupTrustCenter = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x02) >> 1);/* Bit1 */ byte _PrimaryBindingTableCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x04) >> 2);/* Bit2 */ byte _BackupBindingTableCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x08) >> 3);/* Bit3 */ byte _PrimaryDiscoveryCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x10) >> 4);/* Bit4 */ byte _BackupDiscoveryCache = (byte) ((_ServerMask_BYTES & 0x20) >> 5);/* Bit5 */ _serverMask.setPrimaryTrustCenter((_PrimaryTrustCenter == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setBackupTrustCenter((_BackupTrustCenter == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setPrimaryBindingTableCache((_PrimaryBindingTableCache == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setBackupBindingTableCache((_BackupBindingTableCache == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setPrimaryDiscoveryCache((_PrimaryDiscoveryCache == 1 ? true : false)); _serverMask.setBackupDiscoveryCache((_BackupDiscoveryCache == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setServerMask(_serverMask); /* MaximumOutTransferSize_BYTES */ int _MaximumOutTransferSize_BYTES = DataManipulation.toIntFromShort((byte) message[17], (byte) message[16]); _node.setMaximumOutgoingTransferSize(_MaximumOutTransferSize_BYTES); /* CapabilityField_BYTES */ byte _CapabilityField_BYTES = (byte) message[18]; DescriptorCapability _DescriptorCapability = new DescriptorCapability(); byte _ExtendedActiveEndpointListAvailable = (byte) (_CapabilityField_BYTES & 0x01);/* Bit0 */ byte _ExtendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable = (byte) ((_CapabilityField_BYTES & 0x02) >> 1);/* Bit1 */ _DescriptorCapability.setExtendedActiveEndpointListAvailable( (_ExtendedActiveEndpointListAvailable == 1 ? true : false)); _DescriptorCapability.setExtendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable( (_ExtendedSimpleDescriptorListAvailable == 1 ? true : false)); _node.setDescriptorCapabilityField(_DescriptorCapability); String _key = String.format("%04X", _NWKAddressOfInterest); synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NODE_DESCRIPTOR && pl.get_Key().equalsIgnoreCase(_key)) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(message[3]);/* Status */ pl.set_objectOfResponse(_node); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* NMLE-SET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NMLESETConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NMLE-SET.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.NMLE_SET) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APSME-SET.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSMESetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted APSME-SET.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.APSME_SET) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZDP-Mgmt_Permit_Join.response */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDPMgmt_Permit_JoinResponse) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted ZDP-Mgmt_Permit_Join.response", message); short status = message[3]; String mess = ""; switch (status) { case 0x00: break; case 0x80: mess = "InvRequestType"; break; case 0x84: mess = "Not Supported"; break; case 0x87: mess = "Table Full"; break; case 0x8D: mess = "NOT AUTHORIZED"; break; case 0xC5: mess = "Already present in the network"; break; } synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.PERMIT_JOIN) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.getStatus().setMessage(mess); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* APS-ClearDeviceKeyPairSet.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.APSClearDeviceKeyPairSetConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("APS-ClearDeviceKeyPairSet.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; String mess = ""; switch (status) { case 0x00: break; } synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CLEAR_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_SET) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.getStatus().setMessage(mess); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* ZTC-ClearNeighborTableEntry.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZTCClearNeighborTableEntryConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("ZTC-ClearNeighborTableEntry.Confirm", message); short status = message[3]; String mess = ""; switch (status) { case 0x00: break; } synchronized (listLocker) { for (ParserLocker pl : listLocker) { if (pl.getType() == TypeMessage.CLEAR_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_ENTRY) { synchronized (pl) { pl.getStatus().setCode(status); pl.getStatus().setMessage(mess); pl.notify(); } break; } } } } /* NLME-JOIN.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEJOINConfirm) { short _status = message[8]; switch (_status) { case 0x00: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: SUCCESS (Joined the network)"); } break; case 0xC2: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: INVALID_REQUEST (Not Valid Request)"); } break; case 0xC3: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NOT_PERMITTED (Not allowed to join the network)"); } break; case 0xCA: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_NETWORKS (Network not found)"); } break; case 0x01: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: PAN_AT_CAPACITY (PAN at capacity)"); } break; case 0x02: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: PAN_ACCESS_DENIED (PAN access denied)"); } break; case 0xE1: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE (Transmission failed due to activity on the channel)"); } break; case 0xE4: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: FAILED_SECURITY_CHECK (The received frame failed security check)"); } break; case 0xE8: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: INVALID_PARAMETER (A parameter in the primitive is out of the valid range)"); } break; case 0xE9: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_ACK (Acknowledgement was not received)"); } break; case 0xEB: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_DATA (No response data was available following a request)"); } break; case 0xF3: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: UNAVAILABLE_KEY (The appropriate key is not available in the ACL)"); } break; case 0xEA: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: NO_BEACON (No Networks)"); } break; default: throw new Exception("Extracted NLME-JOIN.Confirm: Invalid Status - " + _status); } if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("NLME-JOIN.Confirm", message); } /* ZDO-NetworkState.Event */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.ZDONetworkStateEvent) { short _status = message[3]; String mess; switch (_status) { case 0x00: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {"Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceInitialized (Device Initialized)"); } break; case 0x01: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinNetworkDiscoveryState (Device in Network Discovery State)"); } break; case 0x02: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceJoinNetworkstate (Device Join Network state)"); } break; case 0x03: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinCoordinatorstartingstate (Device in Coordinator starting state)"); } gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STARTING); break; case 0x04: mess = "ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinRouterRunningstate (Device in Router Running state)"; gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStartResult(makeStatusObject(mess, _status)); gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {; } break; case 0x05: mess = "ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinEndDeviceRunningstate (Device in End Device Running state)"; gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStartResult(makeStatusObject(mess, _status)); gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {; } break; case 0x09: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinleavenetworkstate (Device in leave network state)"); } gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STOPPING); break; case 0x0A: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinauthenticationstate (Device in authentication state)"); } break; case 0x0B: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinstoppedstate (Device in stopped state)"); } gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_STOPPED); break; case 0x0C: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinOrphanjoinstate (Device in Orphan join state)"); } break; case 0x10: mess = "ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinCoordinatorRunningstate (Device is Coordinator Running state)"; gal.get_gatewayEventManager().notifyGatewayStartResult(makeStatusObject(mess, _status)); gal.setGatewayStatus(GatewayStatus.GW_RUNNING); if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) {; } break; case 0x11: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceinKeytransferstate (Device in Key transfer state)"); } break; case 0x12: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Deviceinauthenticationstate (Device in authentication state)"); } break; case 0x13: if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) { "Extracted ZDO-NetworkState.Event: DeviceOfftheNetwork (Device Off the Network)"); } break; default: throw new Exception("ZDO-NetworkState.Event: Invalid Status - " + _status); } } /* MacSetPIBAttribute.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacSetPIBAttributeConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacSetPIBAttribute.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEENERGYSCANRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.Request", message); } /* MacScan.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacScanRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacScan.Request", message); } /* MacScan.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacScanConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacScan.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMEENERGYSCANconfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-ENERGY-SCAN.confirm", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENETWORKDISCOVERYRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Request", message); } /* MacScan.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.MacScanRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted MacScan.Request", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENetworkDiscoveryConfirm) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.Confirm", message); } /* NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENETWORKFORMATIONRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-NETWORK-FORMATION.Request", message); } /* NLME-SET.Request */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMESetRequest) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted NLME-SET.Request", message); } /* NLME-NWK-STATUS.Indication */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENwkStatusIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("NLME-NWK-STATUS.Indication", message); } /* NLME-ROUTE-DISCOVERY.confirm */ else if (_command == FreescaleConstants.NLMENWKSTATUSIndication) { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("NLME-ROUTE-DISCOVERY.confirm", message); } else { if (gal.getPropertiesManager().getDebugEnabled()) DataManipulation.logArrayHexRadix("Extracted a Message not in Message Management", message); } synchronized (this) { _size = messages.size(); } } }
From source
private String bigInteger2JsonDefault(FieldData objectDTO) { BigInteger valueToReturn = json2BigIntegerDefault(objectDTO); if (valueToReturn == null) { return null; }//from w w w. ja v a 2 s. c om return valueToReturn.toString(); }