List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger BigInteger
private BigInteger(long val)
From source
@Test public void should_persist_and_find_all_types() throws Exception { // Given//from w w w . j ava2s .com Long id = RandomUtils.nextLong(); byte[] bytes = "toto".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8); Date now = new Date(); InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddresses.forString(""); EntityWithAllTypes entity = new EntityWithAllTypes(); entity.setId(id); entity.setPrimitiveByte((byte) 7); entity.setObjectByte((byte) 7); entity.setByteArray(bytes); entity.setByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)); entity.setPrimitiveBool(true); entity.setObjectBool(true); entity.setDate(now); entity.setPrimitiveDouble(1.0d); entity.setObjectDouble(1.0d); entity.setBigDecimal(new BigDecimal(1.11)); entity.setPrimitiveFloat(1.0f); entity.setObjectFloat(1.0f); entity.setInetAddress(inetAddress); entity.setBigInt(new BigInteger("10")); entity.setPrimitiveInt(10); entity.setObjectInt(10); entity.setPrimitiveLong(10L); // When manager.persist(entity); EntityWithAllTypes found = manager.find(EntityWithAllTypes.class, id); // Then assertThat(found.getPrimitiveByte()).isEqualTo((byte) 7); assertThat(found.getObjectByte()).isEqualTo((byte) 7); assertThat(found.getByteArray()).isEqualTo(bytes); assertThat(found.getByteBuffer()).isEqualTo(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)); assertThat(found.isPrimitiveBool()).isTrue(); assertThat(found.getObjectBool()).isTrue(); assertThat(found.getDate()).isEqualTo(now); assertThat(found.getPrimitiveDouble()).isEqualTo(1.0d); assertThat(found.getObjectDouble()).isEqualTo(1.0d); assertThat(found.getBigDecimal()).isEqualTo(new BigDecimal(1.11)); assertThat(found.getPrimitiveFloat()).isEqualTo(1.0f); assertThat(found.getObjectFloat()).isEqualTo(1.0f); assertThat(found.getInetAddress()).isEqualTo(inetAddress); assertThat(found.getBigInt()).isEqualTo(new BigInteger("10")); assertThat(found.getPrimitiveInt()).isEqualTo(10); assertThat(found.getObjectInt()).isEqualTo(10); assertThat(found.getPrimitiveLong()).isEqualTo(10L); }
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/** * Encodes the byte array to a String consisting of all readable characters. *///from ww w .j a v a 2s . com public static String toMaxRadix(byte[] bytes) { Check.notNull(bytes, "bytes"); /* * We need to make sure that the BigInteger will be positive and that any starting zero (0) bytes * are not removed. */ byte[] pos = ArrayUtils.addAll(new byte[] { 1 }, bytes); BigInteger bigInt = new BigInteger(pos); return bigInt.toString(Character.MAX_RADIX); }
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public static KksEntryClassType toWsType(KksEntryClass entryClass) { KksEntryClassType kksEntryClassType = new KksEntryClassType(); kksEntryClassType.setId("" + entryClass.getEntryClassId()); kksEntryClassType.setDescription(entryClass.getDescription()); kksEntryClassType.setDataType(entryClass.getDataType()); kksEntryClassType.setGroupId("" + entryClass.getGroupId()); kksEntryClassType.setMultiValue(entryClass.isMultiValue()); kksEntryClassType.setName(entryClass.getName()); kksEntryClassType.setSortOrder(new BigInteger("" + entryClass.getSortOrder())); KksTagsType kksTagsType = new KksTagsType(); if (entryClass.getTags() != null) { for (KksTag tag : entryClass.getTags()) { KksTagType t = new KksTagType(); t.setId("" + tag.getTagId()); t.setName(tag.getName());//from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m t.setDescription(tag.getDescription()); kksTagsType.getKksTag().add(t); } } kksEntryClassType.setKksTags(kksTagsType); ValueSpacesType valueSpacesType = new ValueSpacesType(); if (entryClass.getValueSpaces() != null) { String tmp[] = entryClass.getValueSpaces().split(","); for (String s : tmp) { valueSpacesType.getValueSpace().add(s.trim()); } } else { valueSpacesType.getValueSpace().add(""); } kksEntryClassType.setValueSpaces(valueSpacesType); return kksEntryClassType; }
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/** * Adds an offset and padding to a number * * @param value//from w w w .j a va 2 s . c om * the number as {@link String} * @return the padded string with the added offset. */ public String pad(String value) { String integralPart = value; String fractionalPart = ""; if (value.contains(".")) { int indexOfDecimalSeparator = value.indexOf('.'); integralPart = value.substring(0, indexOfDecimalSeparator); fractionalPart = value.substring(indexOfDecimalSeparator); } // The max allowed length of the integral part depends on the presence of a '-' as first character. // If it is present 21 characters are allowed, otherwise 20 (This is done by applying indexOf magic). if (integralPart.length() > (PAD_LENGTH + integralPart.indexOf('-'))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given value has more than " + (PAD_LENGTH - 1) + " digits."); } integralPart = new BigInteger(integralPart).add(BIG_OFFSET).toString(); integralPart = Strings.padStart(integralPart, PAD_LENGTH, '0'); return integralPart + fractionalPart; }
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public SMSTransactionPojo(String base64EncodedJSONString) { byte[] decoded = Base64.decode(base64EncodedJSONString.getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP); String jsonString = new String(decoded); try {/*from www . j a v a2 s .c om*/ JSONObject object = new JSONObject(jsonString); this.phoneNumber = object.getString("number"); = object.getString("name"); this.amount = new BigInteger(object.getString("amount")); this.btcAddress = object.getString("address"); this.timestamp = new Long(object.getString("timestamp")).longValue(); this.status = new Integer(object.getString("status")).intValue(); this.tag = object.getString("tag"); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } }
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@Test public void samplePrecompiledContractMethod1Ok() { DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR); SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts .getContractForAddress(addr); String funcJson = "{\n" + " 'constant':false, \n" + " 'inputs':[{'name':'param0','type':'int'}, \n" + " {'name':'param1','type':'bytes'}, \n" + " {'name':'param2','type':'int'}], \n" + " 'name':'Method1', \n" + " 'outputs':[{'name':'output0','type':'int'}], \n" + " 'type':'function' \n" + "}\n"; funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\""); CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson); byte[] bytes = new byte[] { (byte) 0xab, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0xef }; byte[] data = function.encode(111, bytes, 222); contract.init(null, null, new RepositoryImpl(), null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>()); byte[] result = contract.execute(data); Object[] results = function.decodeResult(result); assertEquals(new BigInteger("1"), results[0]); }
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/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void unmarshallParameters(AssociationRequest request, ParameterMap parameters) throws UnmarshallingException { SessionType sessionType = SessionType.getType(parameters.get(Parameter.session_type.QNAME)); request.setAssociationType(AssociationType.getType(parameters.get(Parameter.assoc_type.QNAME))); if (sessionType != null) { request.setSessionType(sessionType); if (sessionType.equals(SessionType.DH_SHA1) || sessionType.equals(SessionType.DH_SHA256)) { String encodedGen = parameters.get(Parameter.dh_gen.QNAME); String encodedModulus = parameters.get(Parameter.dh_modulus.QNAME); BigInteger gen;//from w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m if (!DatatypeHelper.isEmpty(encodedGen)) { gen = new BigInteger(Base64.decodeBase64(encodedGen.getBytes())); } else { gen = OpenIDConstants.DEFAULT_DH_GEN; } BigInteger modulus; if (!DatatypeHelper.isEmpty(encodedModulus)) { modulus = new BigInteger(Base64.decodeBase64(encodedModulus.getBytes())); } else { modulus = OpenIDConstants.DEFAULT_DH_MODULUS; } DHParameterSpec dhParameters = new DHParameterSpec(modulus, gen); request.setDHParameters(dhParameters); String encodedKey = parameters.get(Parameter.dh_consumer_public.QNAME); if (!DatatypeHelper.isEmpty(encodedKey)) { try { DHPublicKey publicKey = EncodingUtils.decodePublicKey(encodedKey, dhParameters); request.setDHConsumerPublic(publicKey); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new UnmarshallingException(e); } catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) { throw new UnmarshallingException(e); } } } } }
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static BigInteger findIntegerRoot(BigInteger base, BigInteger power) { BigInteger maxBits = BigInteger.valueOf(base.bitLength() + 1); // base < 2 ^ (maxBits + 1) // => base ^ ( 1 / power ) < 2 ^ ( (maxBits + 1) / power ) BigInteger[] divResult = maxBits.divideAndRemainder(power); if (divResult[1].signum() == 0) // i.e. divResult[1] == 0 maxBits = divResult[0];/*from w w w. j a va 2 s.c o m*/ else maxBits = divResult[0].add(BigInteger.ONE); if (maxBits.bitLength() > 31) throw new RuntimeException("Too many bits..."); int targetBitsNumber = maxBits.intValue(); int resultLengthM1 = targetBitsNumber / 8 + 1; //resultLength minus one byte[] result = new byte[resultLengthM1]; resultLengthM1--; int bitNumber = targetBitsNumber; int cValue; BigInteger testValue; while ((--bitNumber) >= 0) { //setting bit result[resultLengthM1 - (bitNumber >> 3)] |= 1 << (bitNumber & 0x7); //Testing testValue = new BigInteger(result); cValue = ArithmeticUtils.pow(testValue, power).compareTo(base); if (cValue == 0) return testValue; if (cValue > 0) result[resultLengthM1 - (bitNumber >> 3)] &= ~(1 << (bitNumber & 0x7)); } return null; }
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@Override public Collection<SummarizedLeaveStatement> getLeaveStatements(String emplid) { if (emplIdToSummarizedLeaveStatements.containsKey(emplid)) { return emplIdToSummarizedLeaveStatements.get(emplid); }//from ww w . j av a m int howManyLeaveStatements = random.nextInt(20); List<String> payPeriodLabels = payPeriodGenerator.payPeriods(howManyLeaveStatements); Collection<SummarizedLeaveStatement> leaveStatements = new LinkedList<SummarizedLeaveStatement>(); for (String payPeriodLabel : payPeriodLabels) { SummarizedLeaveStatement leaveStatement = new SummarizedLeaveStatement(); BigInteger randomDocId = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(random.nextInt())); leaveStatement.setLeaveStatementDocId(randomDocId); leaveStatement.setLeaveStatementTitle("What's a leave statement title?"); leaveStatement.setPayPeriod(payPeriodLabel); int howManyFurloughReports = random.nextInt(4); for (int i = 0; i < howManyFurloughReports; i++) { Report report = new Report(); report.setTitle("What's a furlough report title?"); BigInteger randomDocIdForFurlough = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(random.nextInt())); report.setDocId(randomDocIdForFurlough); leaveStatement.getLeaveFurloughReports().add(report); } int howManyMissingLeaveReports = random.nextInt(4); for (int i = 0; i < howManyMissingLeaveReports; i++) { Report report = new Report(); report.setTitle("What's a missing leave report title?"); BigInteger randomDocIdForFurlough = new BigInteger(Integer.toString(random.nextInt())); report.setDocId(randomDocIdForFurlough); leaveStatement.getMissingReports().add(report); } leaveStatements.add(leaveStatement); } this.emplIdToSummarizedLeaveStatements.put(emplid, leaveStatements); return leaveStatements; }
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@Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 1; hash = hash * 17 + timestamp;/*from w w w. ja v a2 s . c o m*/ hash = hash * 31 + (new BigInteger(value)).intValue(); return hash; }