Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of RskJ
 * Copyright (C) 2017 RSK Labs Ltd.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.

package co.rsk.peg;

import co.rsk.db.RepositoryImpl;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.ethereum.core.CallTransaction;
import org.ethereum.core.Repository;
import org.ethereum.vm.DataWord;
import org.ethereum.vm.LogInfo;
import org.ethereum.vm.PrecompiledContracts;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;

 * Created by adrian.eidelman on 3/15/2016.
public class SamplePrecompiledContractTest {
    public void samplePrecompiledContractMethod1Ok() {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[{'name':'param0','type':'int'}, \n"
                + "               {'name':'param1','type':'bytes'}, \n"
                + "               {'name':'param2','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'name':'Method1', \n"
                + "   'outputs':[{'name':'output0','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] bytes = new byte[] { (byte) 0xab, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0xef };
        byte[] data = function.encode(111, bytes, 222);

        contract.init(null, null, new RepositoryImpl(), null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());
        byte[] result = contract.execute(data);

        Object[] results = function.decodeResult(result);
        assertEquals(new BigInteger("1"), results[0]);

    public void samplePrecompiledContractMethod1WrongData() {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[{'name':'param0','type':'int'}, \n"
                + "               {'name':'param1','type':'bytes'}, \n"
                + "               {'name':'param2','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'name':'Method1', \n"
                + "   'outputs':[{'name':'output0','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] data = new byte[] { (byte) 0xab, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0xef };

        contract.init(null, null, new RepositoryImpl(), null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());
        byte[] result = contract.execute(data);


    public void samplePrecompiledContractMethodDoesNotExist() {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[{'name':'param0','type':'int'}, \n"
                + "               {'name':'param1','type':'bytes'}, \n"
                + "               {'name':'param2','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'name':'UnexistentMethod', \n"
                + "   'outputs':[{'name':'output0','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] bytes = new byte[] { (byte) 0xab, (byte) 0xcd, (byte) 0xef };
        byte[] data = function.encode(111, bytes, 222);

        contract.init(null, null, new RepositoryImpl(), null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());
        byte[] result = contract.execute(data);


    public void samplePrecompiledContractMethod1LargeData() {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[{'name':'param0','type':'int'}, \n"
                + "               {'name':'param1','type':'string'}], \n" + "    'name':'Method1', \n"
                + "   'outputs':[{'name':'output0','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] data = function.encode(111, StringUtils.leftPad("foobar", 1000000, '*'));

        contract.init(null, null, new RepositoryImpl(), null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());
        byte[] result = contract.execute(data);

        Object[] results = function.decodeResult(result);
        assertEquals(new BigInteger("1"), results[0]);

    public void samplePrecompiledContractAddBalanceOk() {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[], \n" + "    'name':'AddBalance', \n"
                + "   'outputs':[], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] data = function.encode();

        Repository repository = new RepositoryImpl();
        contract.init(null, null, repository, null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());

        int balance = this.GetBalance(repository);
        assertEquals(50000, balance);

    public void samplePrecompiledContractGetBalanceInitialBalance() {
        int balance = this.GetBalance(new RepositoryImpl());
        assertEquals(0, balance);

    public void samplePrecompiledContractIncrementResultOk() {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[], \n"
                + "    'name':'IncrementResult', \n" + "   'outputs':[], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] data = function.encode();

        Repository repository = new RepositoryImpl();
        Repository track = repository.startTracking();
        contract.init(null, null, track, null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());

        int result = this.GetResult(repository);
        assertEquals(1, result);

    public void samplePrecompiledContractGetResultInitialValue() {
        int result = this.GetResult(new RepositoryImpl());
        assertEquals(0, result);

    private int GetBalance(Repository repository) {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[], \n" + "    'name':'GetBalance', \n"
                + "   'outputs':[{'name':'balance','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] data = function.encode();

        contract.init(null, null, repository, null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());
        byte[] result = contract.execute(data);

        Object[] results = function.decodeResult(result);

        return ((BigInteger) results[0]).intValue();

    private int GetResult(Repository repository) {
        DataWord addr = new DataWord(PrecompiledContracts.SAMPLE_ADDR);
        SamplePrecompiledContract contract = (SamplePrecompiledContract) PrecompiledContracts

        String funcJson = "{\n" + "   'constant':false, \n" + "   'inputs':[], \n" + "    'name':'GetResult', \n"
                + "   'outputs':[{'name':'result','type':'int'}], \n" + "    'type':'function' \n" + "}\n";
        funcJson = funcJson.replaceAll("'", "\"");

        CallTransaction.Function function = CallTransaction.Function.fromJsonInterface(funcJson);

        byte[] data = function.encode();

        contract.init(null, null, repository, null, null, new ArrayList<LogInfo>());
        byte[] result = contract.execute(data);

        Object[] results = function.decodeResult(result);

        return ((BigInteger) results[0]).intValue();