List of usage examples for java.math BigInteger and
public BigInteger and(BigInteger val)
From source
private byte[] pseudonymize(final byte[] ipAddress, final int bitCount, final int mask, final int changeBitCount) { final BigInteger ipBigInt = new BigInteger(1, ipAddress); final String ipString = ipBigInt.toString(RADIX); final BigInteger bigIntMask = BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(bitCount - mask).subtract(BigInteger.ONE); final String bitStringToEncrypt = ipBigInt.and(bigIntMask).toString(RADIX); final String bitStringToEncryptPadded = Util.padZeroLeft(bitStringToEncrypt, changeBitCount - bitStringToEncrypt.length()); final String encrypted = _encrypter.encrypt(TWEAK, bitStringToEncryptPadded); final int keptBitCount = ipString.length() - changeBitCount; // keptBitCount is how many (string) bits to keep there are left in the original string // this is not necessarily equal to the mask, due to the conversion from BigInteger // since it will get converted to a number, take those left and concat, or if none, just use encrypted final String rebuiltBitString = keptBitCount > 0 ? ipString.substring(0, keptBitCount).concat(encrypted) : encrypted;//w w w .j a v a2 s . co m return toIPAddressOfSize(new BigInteger(rebuiltBitString, RADIX), ipAddress.length); }
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/** * Convert a (positive) BigInteger into a byte array representing its magnitude. * If remainder is true, an additional byte with the high order bit enabled * will be added to the end of the array *//*from w w w . j a va2 s . c om*/ private byte[] bytesForBig(BigInteger big, int sigbytes, boolean remainder) { byte[] bytes = new byte[sigbytes + (remainder ? 1 : 0)]; if (remainder) { // remaining bit is the most significant in the last byte bytes[sigbytes] |= 0x80; } // bitmask for a single byte for (int i = 0; i < sigbytes; i++) { int maskpos = 8 * (sigbytes - (i + 1)); // apply bitmask and get byte value bytes[i] = (byte) (big.and(BYTE_MASK.shiftLeft(maskpos)).shiftRight(maskpos).intValue() & 0xFF); } return bytes; }
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/** * Gets a list of tags using the TagSelectors. * //from ww w . jav a 2s .c om * @param arg * @param asr * @return */ public CommandObject readIDs(CommandObject arg, AbstractReaderSharedResources asr) { String[] nameSplit = arg.getCurrentQueryName().split("\\."); String name = nameSplit[0]; GenericRadio newRadio = asr.getRadio(); EPCTagMemory memory; Set<Integer> antennaKeySet = new HashSet<Integer>(); Integer z; for (String x : asr.getSourceMap().get(name).getReadPoints()) { z = Integer.valueOf(x); antennaKeySet.add(z); } memory = (EPCTagMemory) asr.getTagMemory(); newRadio.scan(antennaKeySet, memory); Collection<RifidiTag> tagList = memory.getTagReport(); Set<String> tagListSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (RifidiTag t : tagList) { tagListSet.add(ByteAndHexConvertingUtility.toHexString(t.getTag().readId()).replace(" ", "")); } for (TagSelector selector : asr.getSourceMap().get(name).getTagSelectors().values()) { ArrayList<String> removeString = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String tag : tagListSet) { BigInteger mask = new BigInteger(selector.getMask(), 16); BigInteger value = new BigInteger(selector.getValue(), 16); BigInteger tagBig = new BigInteger(tag, 16); if (selector.getInclusiveFlag()) { if (!tagBig.and(mask).equals(tagBig.and(value))) { removeString.add(tag); } } else { if (tagBig.and(mask).equals(tagBig.and(value))) { removeString.add(tag); } } } for (String i : removeString) { tagListSet.remove(i); } } arg.getReturnValue().clear(); EPCCommon.format_echo(arg, asr); String retVal = ""; for (String tag : tagListSet) { retVal += tag + EPCCommon.NEWLINE; } if (tagListSet.size() == 0) { retVal += "(no tags)" + EPCCommon.NEWLINE; } arg.getReturnValue().add(retVal); arg.getReturnValue().add(EPCCommon.NEWLINE); EPCCommon.prompt(arg, asr); return arg; }
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protected String valueString(Object value, DapType basetype) throws DataException { if (value == null) return "null"; AtomicType atype = basetype.getAtomicType(); boolean unsigned = atype.isUnsigned(); switch (atype) { case Int8://from ww w . j a v a 2s . c o m case UInt8: long lvalue = ((Byte) value).longValue(); if (unsigned) lvalue &= 0xFFL; return String.format("%d", lvalue); case Int16: case UInt16: lvalue = ((Short) value).longValue(); if (unsigned) lvalue &= 0xFFFFL; return String.format("%d", lvalue); case Int32: case UInt32: lvalue = ((Integer) value).longValue(); if (unsigned) lvalue &= 0xFFFFFFFFL; return String.format("%d", lvalue); case Int64: case UInt64: lvalue = ((Long) value).longValue(); if (unsigned) { BigInteger b = BigInteger.valueOf(lvalue); b = b.and(DapUtil.BIG_UMASK64); return b.toString(); } else return String.format("%d", lvalue); case Float32: return String.format("%f", ((Float) value).floatValue()); case Float64: return String.format("%f", ((Double) value).doubleValue()); case Char: return "'" + ((Character) value).toString() + "'"; case String: case URL: return "\"" + ((String) value) + "\""; case Opaque: ByteBuffer opaque = (ByteBuffer) value; String s = "0x"; for (int i = 0; i < opaque.limit(); i++) { byte b = opaque.get(i); char c = hexchar((b >> 4) & 0xF); s += c; c = hexchar((b) & 0xF); s += c; } return s; case Enum: return valueString(value, ((DapEnum) basetype).getBaseType()); default: break; } throw new DataException("Unknown type: " + basetype); }
From source
/** * Gets and sets the type of the tag to return. * /*w ww.j av a2 s . c o m*/ * @param arg * The CommandObject which contains the information from the * method. * @param asr * An Alien Shared Resources Object which is needed for access to * Radio, TagMemory and so on * @return The CommandObject, unmodified if the command was a get, modified * if the command is a set. */ public CommandObject tagType(CommandObject arg, AbstractReaderSharedResources asr) { ArrayList<Object> retValArray = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (arg.getArguments().size() > 0) { if (!AlienCommon.checkIntegerArg(arg)) { ArrayList<Object> retVal; String i = arg.getCurrentQueryName(); ArrayList<Object> tempVal = new ArrayList<Object>(); tempVal.add(i); retVal = new AlienExceptionHandler().invalidCommandError(tempVal, "Integer", arg); arg.setReturnValue(retVal); return arg; } Integer intVal = new Integer(((String) arg.getArguments().get(0))); if (intVal < 1 || intVal > 31) { // Here we have to catch a possible range-based error if (!arg.getPromptSuppress()) { retValArray.add(arg.getCurrentQueryName() + AlienCommon.NEWLINE + "Error 10: Value out of range. Legal limits" + " are between 1 and 31." + AlienCommon.NEWLINE + AlienCommon.ENDOFREPLY + AlienCommon.NONZEROPROMPT); } else { retValArray.add(arg.getCurrentQueryName() + AlienCommon.NEWLINE + "Error 10: Value out of range. Legal limits" + " are between 1 and 31." + AlienCommon.ENDOFREPLY); } arg.setReturnValue(retValArray); return arg; } BigInteger newInt = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(intVal.intValue())); BigInteger sixteen = new BigInteger("16"); BigInteger four = new BigInteger("4"); BigInteger two = new BigInteger("2"); BigInteger one = new BigInteger("1"); HashSet<TagGen> types = new HashSet<TagGen>(); // Doing bitwise operations with BigInteger. If any of the 3 least // significant bits are 1, we read gen1 tags if (newInt.and(four).intValue() != 0 || newInt.and(two).intValue() != 0 || newInt.and(one).intValue() != 0) { types.add(TagGen.GEN1); } // If the most significant bit is 1, we read gen2 tags if (newInt.and(sixteen).intValue() != 0) { types.add(TagGen.GEN2); } AlienTagMemory tm = (AlienTagMemory) asr.getTagMemory(); tm.setTagTypeSelection(types); } return AlienCommon.getter_setter(arg, asr); }
From source
public static List<InetAddress> getDns(Context context) { List<InetAddress> listDns = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> sysDns = Util.getDefaultDNS(context); // Get custom DNS servers SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); String vpnDns1 = prefs.getString("dns", null); String vpnDns2 = prefs.getString("dns2", null); Log.i(TAG, "DNS system=" + TextUtils.join(",", sysDns) + " VPN1=" + vpnDns1 + " VPN2=" + vpnDns2); if (vpnDns1 != null) try {/*from w w w .j av a 2 s . co m*/ InetAddress dns = InetAddress.getByName(vpnDns1); if (!(dns.isLoopbackAddress() || dns.isAnyLocalAddress())) listDns.add(dns); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } if (vpnDns2 != null) try { InetAddress dns = InetAddress.getByName(vpnDns2); if (!(dns.isLoopbackAddress() || dns.isAnyLocalAddress())) listDns.add(dns); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } // Use system DNS servers only when no two custom DNS servers specified if (listDns.size() <= 1) for (String def_dns : sysDns) try { InetAddress ddns = InetAddress.getByName(def_dns); if (!listDns.contains(ddns) && !(ddns.isLoopbackAddress() || ddns.isAnyLocalAddress())) listDns.add(ddns); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } // Remove local DNS servers when not routing LAN boolean lan = prefs.getBoolean("lan", false); if (lan) { List<InetAddress> listLocal = new ArrayList<>(); try { Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); if (nis != null) while (nis.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement(); if (ni != null && ni.isUp() && !ni.isLoopback()) { List<InterfaceAddress> ias = ni.getInterfaceAddresses(); if (ias != null) for (InterfaceAddress ia : ias) { InetAddress hostAddress = ia.getAddress(); BigInteger host = new BigInteger(1, hostAddress.getAddress()); int prefix = ia.getNetworkPrefixLength(); BigInteger mask = BigInteger.valueOf(-1) .shiftLeft(hostAddress.getAddress().length * 8 - prefix); for (InetAddress dns : listDns) if (hostAddress.getAddress().length == dns.getAddress().length) { BigInteger ip = new BigInteger(1, dns.getAddress()); if (host.and(mask).equals(ip.and(mask))) { Log.i(TAG, "Local DNS server host=" + hostAddress + "/" + prefix + " dns=" + dns); listLocal.add(dns); } } } } } } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } List<InetAddress> listDns4 = new ArrayList<>(); List<InetAddress> listDns6 = new ArrayList<>(); try { listDns4.add(InetAddress.getByName("")); listDns4.add(InetAddress.getByName("")); listDns6.add(InetAddress.getByName("2001:4860:4860::8888")); listDns6.add(InetAddress.getByName("2001:4860:4860::8844")); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } for (InetAddress dns : listLocal) { listDns.remove(dns); if (dns instanceof Inet4Address) { if (listDns4.size() > 0) { listDns.add(listDns4.get(0)); listDns4.remove(0); } } else { if (listDns6.size() > 0) { listDns.add(listDns6.get(0)); listDns6.remove(0); } } } } // Prefer IPv4 addresses Collections.sort(listDns, new Comparator<InetAddress>() { @Override public int compare(InetAddress a, InetAddress b) { boolean a4 = (a instanceof Inet4Address); boolean b4 = (b instanceof Inet4Address); if (a4 && !b4) return -1; else if (!a4 && b4) return 1; else return 0; } }); return listDns; }
From source
public static List<InetAddress> getDns(Context context) { List<InetAddress> listDns = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> sysDns = Util.getDefaultDNS(context); // Get custom DNS servers SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); boolean ip6 = prefs.getBoolean("ip6", true); String vpnDns1 = prefs.getString("dns", null); String vpnDns2 = prefs.getString("dns2", null); Log.i(TAG, "DNS system=" + TextUtils.join(",", sysDns) + " VPN1=" + vpnDns1 + " VPN2=" + vpnDns2); if (vpnDns1 != null) try {//from w w w .j a v a2 s . co m InetAddress dns = InetAddress.getByName(vpnDns1); if (!(dns.isLoopbackAddress() || dns.isAnyLocalAddress()) && (ip6 || dns instanceof Inet4Address)) listDns.add(dns); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } if (vpnDns2 != null) try { InetAddress dns = InetAddress.getByName(vpnDns2); if (!(dns.isLoopbackAddress() || dns.isAnyLocalAddress()) && (ip6 || dns instanceof Inet4Address)) listDns.add(dns); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } // Use system DNS servers only when no two custom DNS servers specified if (listDns.size() <= 1) for (String def_dns : sysDns) try { InetAddress ddns = InetAddress.getByName(def_dns); if (!listDns.contains(ddns) && !(ddns.isLoopbackAddress() || ddns.isAnyLocalAddress()) && (ip6 || ddns instanceof Inet4Address)) listDns.add(ddns); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } // Remove local DNS servers when not routing LAN boolean lan = prefs.getBoolean("lan", false); boolean use_hosts = prefs.getBoolean("filter", false) && prefs.getBoolean("use_hosts", false); if (lan && use_hosts) { List<InetAddress> listLocal = new ArrayList<>(); try { Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); if (nis != null) while (nis.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement(); if (ni != null && ni.isUp() && !ni.isLoopback()) { List<InterfaceAddress> ias = ni.getInterfaceAddresses(); if (ias != null) for (InterfaceAddress ia : ias) { InetAddress hostAddress = ia.getAddress(); BigInteger host = new BigInteger(1, hostAddress.getAddress()); int prefix = ia.getNetworkPrefixLength(); BigInteger mask = BigInteger.valueOf(-1) .shiftLeft(hostAddress.getAddress().length * 8 - prefix); for (InetAddress dns : listDns) if (hostAddress.getAddress().length == dns.getAddress().length) { BigInteger ip = new BigInteger(1, dns.getAddress()); if (host.and(mask).equals(ip.and(mask))) { Log.i(TAG, "Local DNS server host=" + hostAddress + "/" + prefix + " dns=" + dns); listLocal.add(dns); } } } } } } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } List<InetAddress> listDns4 = new ArrayList<>(); List<InetAddress> listDns6 = new ArrayList<>(); try { listDns4.add(InetAddress.getByName("")); listDns4.add(InetAddress.getByName("")); if (ip6) { listDns6.add(InetAddress.getByName("2001:4860:4860::8888")); listDns6.add(InetAddress.getByName("2001:4860:4860::8844")); } } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } for (InetAddress dns : listLocal) { listDns.remove(dns); if (dns instanceof Inet4Address) { if (listDns4.size() > 0) { listDns.add(listDns4.get(0)); listDns4.remove(0); } } else { if (listDns6.size() > 0) { listDns.add(listDns6.get(0)); listDns6.remove(0); } } } } return listDns; }
From source
private void updateInstructionUsingBochs(BigInteger address) { try {/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ final int maximumLine = 400; String command; jStatusLabel.setText("Updating instruction"); if (address == null) { BigInteger cs = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jCSTextField.getText()); BigInteger eip = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.eipTextField.getText()); eip = eip.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xffffffffffffffff")); command = "disasm cs:0x" + eip.toString(16) + " 0x" + cs.toString(16) + ":0x" + eip.add(BigInteger.valueOf(0x400)).toString(16); } else { command = "disasm " + address + " " + address.add(BigInteger.valueOf(0x400)); } commandReceiver.clearBuffer(); commandReceiver.shouldShow = false; sendCommand(command); commandReceiver.waitUntilHaveLine(30); String result = commandReceiver.getCommandResultUntilEnd(); String lines[] = result.split("\n"); if (lines.length > 0) { InstructionTableModel model = (InstructionTableModel) instructionTable.getModel(); jStatusProgressBar.setMaximum(lines.length - 1); for (int x = 0; x < lines.length && x < maximumLine; x++) { jStatusProgressBar.setValue(x); try { lines[x] = lines[x].replaceFirst("\\<.*\\>", ""); String strs[] = lines[x].split(":"); int secondColon = lines[x].indexOf(":", lines[x].indexOf(":") + 1); // load cCode String pcStr = strs[0].trim(); BigInteger pc = CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0x" + pcStr); if (pc == null) { continue; } String s[] = getCCode(pc, false); String lineNo[] = getCCode(pc, true); if (s != null && lineNo != null) { for (int index = 0; index < s.length; index++) { model.addRow(new String[] { "", "cCode : 0x" + pc.toString(16) + " : " + lineNo[index], s[index], "" }); } } // end load cCode model.addRow(new String[] { "", "0x" + pc.toString(16), lines[x].substring(secondColon + 1).trim().split(";")[0].trim(), lines[x].split(";")[1] }); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } model.removeNonOrderInstruction(); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
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private void jRefreshAddressTranslateButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { AddressTranslateTableModel model = (AddressTranslateTableModel) this.jAddressTranslateTable2.getModel(); if (jSearchAddressRadioButton1.isSelected()) { if (!this.jAddressTextField.getText().contains(":") || this.jAddressTextField.getText().replaceAll("[^:]", "").length() != 1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Error, please input <segment selector>:<offset>\n\ne.g. : 0x10:0x12345678", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; }/* www . java 2 s. c o m*/ BigInteger segSelector = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText().split(":")[0]); BigInteger address = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText().split(":")[1]); // for (int x = 0; x < model.getRowCount(); x++) { // if (model.searchType.get(x).equals(1) && // model.searchSegSelector.get(x).equals(segSelector) && // model.searchAddress.get(x).equals(address)) { // return; // } // } model.searchType.add(1); model.searchSegSelector.add(segSelector); model.searchAddress.add(address); model.virtualAddress.add(address); BigInteger segNo = segSelector.shiftRight(3); model.segNo.add(segNo); // read GDT descriptor int descriptor[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jGDTRTextField.getText()) .add(segNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(8))), 8); BigInteger baseAddress = CommonLib.getBigInteger(descriptor[2], descriptor[3], descriptor[4], descriptor[7], 0, 0, 0, 0); BigInteger linearAddress = baseAddress.add(address); model.baseAddress.add(baseAddress); model.linearAddress.add(linearAddress); BigInteger pdNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 31, 22); model.pdNo.add(pdNo); int pdeBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jCR3TextField.getText()) .add(pdNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pde = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pdeBytes, 0); model.pde.add(pde); BigInteger ptNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 21, 12); model.ptNo.add(ptNo); BigInteger pageTableBaseAddress = pde.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); int pteBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(pageTableBaseAddress.add(ptNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pte = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pteBytes, 0); BigInteger pagePhysicalAddress = pte.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); model.pte.add(pte); BigInteger physicalAddress = pagePhysicalAddress.add(CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 11, 0)); model.physicalAddress.add(physicalAddress); int bytesAtPhysicalAddress[] = PeterBochsCommonLib.getMemoryFromBochs(physicalAddress, 8); model.bytes.add(PeterBochsCommonLib.convertToString(bytesAtPhysicalAddress)); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } else if (jSearchAddressRadioButton2.isSelected()) { // for (int x = 0; x < model.getRowCount(); x++) { // if (model.searchType.get(x).equals(2) && // model.searchAddress.get(x).equals(CommonLib.string2long(this.jAddressTextField.getText()))) // { // return; // } // } BigInteger address = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText()); model.searchType.add(2); model.searchAddress.add(address); BigInteger baseAddress = BigInteger.ZERO; BigInteger linearAddress = baseAddress.add(address); model.baseAddress.add(baseAddress); model.linearAddress.add(linearAddress); BigInteger pdNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 31, 22); model.pdNo.add(pdNo); int pdeBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.registerPanel.jCR3TextField.getText()) .add(pdNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pde = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pdeBytes, 0); model.pde.add(pde); BigInteger ptNo = CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 21, 12); model.ptNo.add(ptNo); BigInteger pageTableBaseAddress = pde.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); int pteBytes[] = PeterBochsCommonLib .getMemoryFromBochs(pageTableBaseAddress.add(ptNo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(4))), 4); BigInteger pte = CommonLib.getBigInteger(pteBytes, 0); BigInteger pagePhysicalAddress = pte.and(CommonLib.string2BigInteger("0xfffff000")); model.pte.add(pte); BigInteger physicalAddress = pagePhysicalAddress.add(CommonLib.getBigInteger(linearAddress, 11, 0)); model.physicalAddress.add(physicalAddress); int bytesAtPhysicalAddress[] = PeterBochsCommonLib.getMemoryFromBochs(physicalAddress, 8); model.bytes.add(PeterBochsCommonLib.convertToString(bytesAtPhysicalAddress)); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } else if (jSearchAddressRadioButton3.isSelected()) { for (int x = 0; x < model.getRowCount(); x++) { if (model.searchType.get(x).equals(3) && model.searchAddress.get(x) .equals(CommonLib.string2long(this.jAddressTextField.getText()))) { return; } } BigInteger addr = CommonLib.string2BigInteger(this.jAddressTextField.getText()); model.searchType.add(3); model.searchSegSelector.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.searchAddress.add(addr); model.virtualAddress.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.segNo.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.linearAddress.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.pdNo.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.ptNo.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.physicalAddress.add(BigInteger.ZERO); model.bytes.add(""); model.fireTableDataChanged(); } }