Example usage for java.math BigDecimal toString

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns the string representation of this BigDecimal , using scientific notation if an exponent is needed.


From source file:org.egov.works.contractorbill.service.ContractorBillRegisterService.java

public void validateRefundAmount(final ContractorBillRegister contractorBillRegister,
        final BindingResult resultBinder) {
    int index = 0;
    for (final EgBilldetails egBillDetail : contractorBillRegister.getRefundBillDetails()) {
        if (egBillDetail.getGlcodeid() != null && egBillDetail.getDebitamount() == null)
            resultBinder.rejectValue("refundBillDetails[" + index + "].debitamount",
        if (egBillDetail.getDebitamount() != null && egBillDetail.getGlcodeid() == null)
            resultBinder.rejectValue("refundBillDetails[" + index + "].glcodeid",
        if (egBillDetail.getGlcodeid() != null && egBillDetail.getDebitamount() != null) {
            final CChartOfAccounts coa = chartOfAccountsHibernateDAO
                    .findById(egBillDetail.getGlcodeid().longValue(), false);
            final String amounts = getTotalDebitAndCreditAmountByAccountCode(
                    contractorBillRegister.getWorkOrderEstimate().getId(), new BigDecimal(coa.getId()),
                    contractorBillRegister.getId() != null ? contractorBillRegister.getId() : -1);
            if (!org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank(amounts)) {
                final String[] creditDebitAmounts = amounts.split(",");
                BigDecimal withheldAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                BigDecimal refundedAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                if (!creditDebitAmounts[0].equals("0"))
                    withheldAmount = new BigDecimal(creditDebitAmounts[0]);
                if (!creditDebitAmounts[1].equals("0"))
                    refundedAmount = new BigDecimal(creditDebitAmounts[1]);

                if (withheldAmount.equals("0"))
                            new String[] { coa.getGlcode() }, null);
                else {

                    final BigDecimal validRefundAmount = egBillDetail.getDebitamount().add(refundedAmount);
                    final BigDecimal diffAmount = validRefundAmount.subtract(withheldAmount);
                    if (validRefundAmount.compareTo(new BigDecimal(creditDebitAmounts[0])) == 1
                            && !contractorBillRegister.getWorkOrderEstimate().getEstimate()
                                new String[] { coa.getGlcode(), diffAmount.toString() }, null);
                }//from  w  ww .java 2  s . c  o  m


From source file:org.nd4j.linalg.util.BigDecimalMath.java

 * The natural logarithm./*w  ww  . jav  a2 s .c  o m*/
 * @param x the argument.
 * @return ln(x).
 * The precision of the result is implicitly defined by the precision in the argument.
static public BigDecimal log(BigDecimal x) {
    /* the value is undefined if x is negative.
    if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot take log of negative " + x.toString());
    } else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
        /* log 1. = 0. */
        return scalePrec(BigDecimal.ZERO, x.precision() - 1);
    } else if (Math.abs(x.doubleValue() - 1.0) <= 0.3) {
        /* The standard Taylor series around x=1, z=0, z=x-1. Abramowitz-Stegun 4.124.
         * The absolute error is err(z)/(1+z) = err(x)/x.
        BigDecimal z = scalePrec(x.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE), 2);
        BigDecimal zpown = z;
        double eps = 0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() / Math.abs(x.doubleValue());
        BigDecimal resul = z;
        for (int k = 2;; k++) {
            zpown = multiplyRound(zpown, z);
            BigDecimal c = divideRound(zpown, k);
            if (k % 2 == 0) {
                resul = resul.subtract(c);
            } else {
                resul = resul.add(c);
            if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < eps) {
        MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), eps));
        return resul.round(mc);
    } else {
        final double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
        final double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue();
        /* Map log(x) = log root[r](x)^r = r*log( root[r](x)) with the aim
         * to move roor[r](x) near to 1.2 (that is, below the 0.3 appearing above), where log(1.2) is roughly 0.2.
        int r = (int) (Math.log(xDbl) / 0.2);
        /* Since the actual requirement is a function of the value 0.3 appearing above,
         * we avoid the hypothetical case of endless recurrence by ensuring that r >= 2.
        r = Math.max(2, r);
        /* Compute r-th root with 2 additional digits of precision
        BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
        BigDecimal resul = root(r, xhighpr);
        resul = log(resul).multiply(new BigDecimal(r));
        /* error propagation: log(x+errx) = log(x)+errx/x, so the absolute error
         * in the result equals the relative error in the input, xUlpDbl/xDbl .
        MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), xUlpDbl / xDbl));
        return resul.round(mc);

From source file:org.apache.pig.data.BinInterSedes.java

private void writeBigDecimal(DataOutput out, BigDecimal bd) throws IOException {
    writeDatum(out, bd.toString());

From source file:org.nd4j.linalg.util.BigDecimalMath.java

 * The inverse trigonometric sine./*from  w w  w. j  av a2 s  . co m*/
 * @param x the argument.
 * @return the arcsin(x) in radians.
static public BigDecimal asin(final BigDecimal x) {
    if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) > 0 || x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE.negate()) < 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("Out of range argument " + x.toString() + " of asin");

    } else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
        return BigDecimal.ZERO;
    } else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
        /* arcsin(1) = pi/2
        double errpi = Math.sqrt(x.ulp().doubleValue());
        MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(3.14159, errpi));

        return pi(mc).divide(new BigDecimal(2));

    } else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
        return asin(x.negate()).negate();

    } else if (x.doubleValue() > 0.7) {
        final BigDecimal xCompl = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(x);
        final double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
        final double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.;
        final double eps = xUlpDbl / 2. / Math.sqrt(1. - Math.pow(xDbl, 2.));

        final BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(xCompl, 3);
        final BigDecimal xhighprV = divideRound(xhighpr, 4);
        BigDecimal resul = BigDecimal.ONE;
        /* x^(2i+1) */
        BigDecimal xpowi = BigDecimal.ONE;
        /* i factorial */
        BigInteger ifacN = BigInteger.ONE;
        BigInteger ifacD = BigInteger.ONE;

        for (int i = 1;; i++) {
            ifacN = ifacN.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i - 1)));
            ifacD = ifacD.multiply(new BigInteger("" + i));

            if (i == 1) {
                xpowi = xhighprV;
            } else {
                xpowi = multiplyRound(xpowi, xhighprV);
            BigDecimal c = divideRound(multiplyRound(xpowi, ifacN),
                    ifacD.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i + 1))));
            resul = resul.add(c);
            /* series started 1+x/12+... which yields an estimate of the sums error

            if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < xUlpDbl / 120.) {

        /* sqrt(2*z)*(1+...)
        xpowi = sqrt(xhighpr.multiply(new BigDecimal(2)));
        resul = multiplyRound(xpowi, resul);
        MathContext mc = new MathContext(resul.precision());
        BigDecimal pihalf = pi(mc).divide(new BigDecimal(2));
        mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), eps));

        return pihalf.subtract(resul, mc);

    } else {
        /* absolute error in the result is err(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) to lowest order
        final double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
        final double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.;
        final double eps = xUlpDbl / 2. / Math.sqrt(1. - Math.pow(xDbl, 2.));
        final BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
        final BigDecimal xhighprSq = multiplyRound(xhighpr, xhighpr);
        BigDecimal resul = xhighpr.plus();
        /* x^(2i+1) */
        BigDecimal xpowi = xhighpr;
        /* i factorial */
        BigInteger ifacN = BigInteger.ONE;
        BigInteger ifacD = BigInteger.ONE;

        for (int i = 1;; i++) {
            ifacN = ifacN.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i - 1)));
            ifacD = ifacD.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i)));
            xpowi = multiplyRound(xpowi, xhighprSq);
            BigDecimal c = divideRound(multiplyRound(xpowi, ifacN),
                    ifacD.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i + 1))));
            resul = resul.add(c);

            if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < 0.1 * eps) {

        MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), eps));

        return resul.round(mc);


From source file:org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_forms.Fact.java

 * Create Source Line for Suspense Balancing. Only if Suspense Balancing is enabled and not a
 * multi-currency document (double check as otherwise the rule should not have fired) If not
 * balanced create balancing entry in currency of the document
 * /*from w ww .  j ava2  s . co m*/
 * @return FactLine
public FactLine balanceSource(ConnectionProvider conn) {
    if (!m_acctSchema.isSuspenseBalancing() || m_doc.MultiCurrency)
        return null;
    if (m_lines.size() == 0) {
        log4jFact.error("balanceSouce failed.");
        return null;
    FactLine fl = (FactLine) m_lines.get(0);
    BigDecimal diff = getSourceBalance();
    log4jFact.debug("balanceSource = " + diff);
    // new line
    FactLine line = new FactLine(m_doc.AD_Table_ID, m_doc.Record_ID, "", fl.m_Fact_Acct_Group_ID, fl.m_SeqNo,
            fl.m_DocBaseType);// antes
    // "0".
    line.setDocumentInfo(m_doc, null);
    // Amount
    if (diff.compareTo(ZERO) < 0) // negative balance => DR
        line.setAmtSource(m_doc.C_Currency_ID, diff.abs().toString(), ZERO.toString());
        // positive balance => CR
        line.setAmtSource(m_doc.C_Currency_ID, ZERO.toString(), diff.toString());
    // Convert
    line.convert(m_acctSchema.getC_Currency_ID(), m_doc.DateAcct, m_acctSchema.getCurrencyRateType(), conn);
    line.setAccount(m_acctSchema, m_acctSchema.getSuspenseBalancing_Acct());
    log4jFact.debug("balanceSource - ");
    log4jFact.debug("****************** fact - balancesource -  m_lines.size() - " + m_lines.size());
    return line;

From source file:org.egov.wtms.application.service.ConnectionDemandService.java

public void createMeteredDemandDetails(EgDemand demandObj, WaterConnectionDetails waterConnectionDetails,
        BigDecimal billAmount, Installment installment) {
    Boolean demandDetailExists = false;
    for (EgDemandDetails demandDetails : demandObj.getEgDemandDetails())
        if (demandDetails.getEgDemandReason().getEgInstallmentMaster().equals(installment)) {
            demandDetailExists = true;// w  ww .  j  av a  2  s .  c o  m
    if (!demandDetailExists) {
        Set<EgDemandDetails> dmdDetailSet = new HashSet<>();
                METERED_CHARGES_REASON_CODE, installment));
        demandObj.setModifiedDate(new Date());
        final WaterDemandConnection waterDemandConnection = waterDemandConnectionService
                .findByWaterConnectionDetailsAndDemand(waterConnectionDetails, demandObj);
        if (demandObj.getId() != null && waterDemandConnection == null) {
            final WaterDemandConnection waterdemandConnection = new WaterDemandConnection();

From source file:it.govpay.web.rs.dars.monitoraggio.versamenti.PagamentiHandler.java

public Map<String, Voce<String>> getVoci(Pagamento entry, BasicBD bd) throws ConsoleException {
    Map<String, Voce<String>> valori = new HashMap<String, Voce<String>>();
    Date dataPagamento = entry.getDataPagamento();
    String statoPagamento = Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage())
            .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".statoPagamento.ok");
    BigDecimal importo = entry.getImportoPagato() != null ? entry.getImportoPagato() : BigDecimal.ZERO;
    String statoPagamentoLabel = Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage()).getMessageWithParamsFromResourceBundle(
            this.nomeServizio + ".label.sottotitolo.ok", this.sdf.format(dataPagamento));

    valori.put(/*from w  w  w.jav  a 2  s  .c o  m*/
                    .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".statoPagamento.id"),
            new Voce<String>(statoPagamentoLabel, statoPagamento));

                    .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".importoPagato.id"),
            new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage()).getMessageFromResourceBundle(
                    this.nomeServizio + ".importoPagato.label"), importo.toString() + ""));

    if (dataPagamento != null) {
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".dataPagamento.id"),
                new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage()).getMessageFromResourceBundle(
                        this.nomeServizio + ".dataPagamento.label"), this.sdf.format(dataPagamento)));

    if (entry.getIur() != null) {
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".iur.id"),
                new Voce<String>(Utils.getInstance(this.getLanguage())
                        .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".iur.label"), entry.getIur()));

    try {
        SingoloVersamento singoloVersamento = entry.getSingoloVersamento(bd);
        if (singoloVersamento != null) {
                            .getMessageFromResourceBundle(this.nomeServizio + ".codSingoloVersamentoEnte.id"),
                    new Voce<String>(
                                    this.nomeServizio + ".codSingoloVersamentoEnte.label"),
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        throw new ConsoleException(e);
    return valori;

From source file:org.yes.cart.web.page.component.cart.ShoppingCartPaymentVerificationView.java

 * Construct payment form verification view, that
 * shows deliveries, items in deliveries and prices.
 * @param id         component id//from   w  ww  . ja  v a  2 s  . c o m
 * @param orderGuid  order guid
public ShoppingCartPaymentVerificationView(final String id, final String orderGuid,
        final boolean enableProductLinks) {

    final CustomerOrder customerOrder = checkoutServiceFacade.findByGuid(orderGuid);
    final Total grandTotal = checkoutServiceFacade.getOrderTotal(customerOrder);

    final String selectedLocale = getLocale().getLanguage();
    final Set<String> allPromos = checkoutServiceFacade.getOrderPromoCodes(customerOrder);
    for (final CustomerOrderDelivery delivery : customerOrder.getDelivery()) {
    for (final CustomerOrderDet orderDet : customerOrder.getOrderDetail()) {

    final String deliveryAddress = customerOrder.getShippingAddress();
    final String billingAddress = customerOrder.getBillingAddress();

    final Pair<String, String> imageSize = categoryServiceFacade.getThumbnailSizeConfig(0L,

    add(new ListView<CustomerOrderDelivery>(DELIVERY_LIST,
            new ArrayList<CustomerOrderDelivery>(customerOrder.getDelivery())) {

        protected void populateItem(ListItem<CustomerOrderDelivery> customerOrderDeliveryListItem) {

            final CustomerOrderDelivery delivery = customerOrderDeliveryListItem.getModelObject();
            final CarrierSla sla = delivery.getCarrierSla();

            final String slaName = getI18NSupport().getFailoverModel(sla.getDisplayName(), sla.getName())

            final List<CustomerOrderDeliveryDet> deliveryDet = new ArrayList<CustomerOrderDeliveryDet>(

            final Total total = checkoutServiceFacade.getOrderDeliveryTotal(customerOrder, delivery);

            customerOrderDeliveryListItem.add(new Label(DELIVERY_CODE, delivery.getDeliveryNum())).add(

                    new ListView<CustomerOrderDeliveryDet>(ITEM_LIST, deliveryDet) {

                        protected void populateItem(
                                ListItem<CustomerOrderDeliveryDet> customerOrderDeliveryDetListItem) {

                            final CustomerOrderDeliveryDet det = customerOrderDeliveryDetListItem

                            final ProductSkuDecorator productSkuDecorator = getDecoratorFacade().decorate(
                                    getWicketUtil().getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath(), true);

                            final String width = imageSize.getFirst();
                            final String height = imageSize.getSecond();

                            final String lang = getLocale().getLanguage();
                            final String defaultImageRelativePath = productSkuDecorator.getDefaultImage(width,
                                    height, lang);

                            final BigDecimal itemTotal = det.getPrice().multiply(det.getQty())
                                    .setScale(Constants.DEFAULT_SCALE, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);

                            final LinksSupport links = getWicketSupportFacade().links();

                                    .add(links.newProductSkuLink(ITEM_NAME_LINK, productSkuDecorator.getId())
                                            .add(new Label(ITEM_NAME_LINK_NAME,
                                    .add(new Label(ITEM_NAME, productSkuDecorator.getName(selectedLocale))
                                    .add(new Label(ITEM_CODE, det.getProductSkuCode()))
                                    .add(new Label(ITEM_PRICE, det.getPrice().toString()))
                                    .add(new Label(ITEM_QTY, det.getQty().toString()))
                                    .add(new Label(ITEM_TOTAL, itemTotal.toString()))
                                    .add(new ContextImage(DEFAULT_IMAGE, defaultImageRelativePath).add(
                                            new AttributeModifier(BaseComponent.HTML_WIDTH, width),
                                            new AttributeModifier(BaseComponent.HTML_HEIGHT, height)));


            ).add(new Label(DELIVERY_SUB_TOTAL, total.getSubTotal().toString()))
                    .add(new Label(DELIVERY_SUB_TOTAL_TAX, total.getSubTotalTax().toString()))
                    .add(new Label(DELIVERY_SUB_TOTAL_AMOUNT, total.getSubTotalAmount().toString()))
                    .add(new Label(DELIVERY_COST, total.getDeliveryCost().toString()))
                    .add(new Label(DELIVERY_COST_TAX, total.getDeliveryTax().toString()))
                    .add(new Label(DELIVERY_COST_AMOUNT, total.getDeliveryCostAmount().toString()))
                    .add(new Label(DELIVERY_METHOD, slaName)).add(new Label(DELIVERY_ADDRESS, deliveryAddress));

    add(new Label(DELIVERY_GRAND_TOTAL, grandTotal.getTotal().toString()));
    add(new Label(BILLING_ADDRESS, billingAddress));
    add(new Label(DELIVERY_GRAND_TAX, grandTotal.getTotalTax().toString()));
    add(new PriceView(DELIVERY_GRAND_AMOUNT,
            new Pair<BigDecimal, BigDecimal>(grandTotal.getListTotalAmount(), grandTotal.getTotalAmount()),
            customerOrder.getCurrency(), StringUtils.join(allPromos, ", "), true, true));


From source file:net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.credits.util.DepartmentCreditsPoolBean.java

public void editUnitCredits() {
    BigDecimal newAssignedCredits = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    for (DepartmentExecutionCourse departmentExecutionCourse : otherDepartmentSharedExecutionCourses) {
        BigDecimal newExecutionCourseCLE = departmentExecutionCourse.getDepartmentEffectiveLoad()
        newAssignedCredits = newAssignedCredits.add(newExecutionCourseCLE);
    }//  w w  w .j a va 2s .  c o m

    for (DepartmentExecutionCourse departmentExecutionCourse : departmentSharedExecutionCourses) {
        newAssignedCredits = setExecutionCourseUnitCredit(departmentExecutionCourse,
                getCanEditSharedUnitCredits(), newAssignedCredits, true);
    for (DepartmentExecutionCourse departmentExecutionCourse : departmentExecutionCourses) {
        newAssignedCredits = setExecutionCourseUnitCredit(departmentExecutionCourse, getCanEditUnitCredits(),
                newAssignedCredits, false);
    if (newAssignedCredits.compareTo(getDepartmentCreditsPool().getCreditsPool()) > 0) {
        throw new DomainException("label.excededDepartmentCreditsPool",
                getDepartmentCreditsPool().getCreditsPool().toString(), newAssignedCredits.toString());

From source file:net.shopxx.plugin.abcPayment.AbcPaymentController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/update", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String update(String paymentName, String merchantId, MultipartFile keyFile, String keyPassword,
        PaymentPlugin.FeeType feeType, BigDecimal fee, String logo, String description,
        @RequestParam(defaultValue = "false") Boolean isEnabled, Integer order,
        RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
    PluginConfig pluginConfig = abcPaymentPlugin.getPluginConfig();
    Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
    attributes.put(PaymentPlugin.PAYMENT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, paymentName);
    attributes.put("merchantId", merchantId);
    if (keyFile != null && !keyFile.isEmpty()) {
        InputStream inputStream = null;
        try {//from w  w  w  . j  a  va 2  s.  c o m
            inputStream = keyFile.getInputStream();
            PrivateKey privateKey = (PrivateKey) RSAUtils.getKey("PKCS12", inputStream, keyPassword);
            attributes.put("key", RSAUtils.getKeyString(privateKey));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            addFlashMessage(redirectAttributes, Message.warn("admin.plugin.abcPayment.keyInvalid"));
            return "redirect:setting.jhtml";
        } finally {
    } else {
        attributes.put("key", pluginConfig.getAttribute("key"));
    attributes.put(PaymentPlugin.FEE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, feeType.toString());
    attributes.put(PaymentPlugin.FEE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, fee.toString());
    attributes.put(PaymentPlugin.LOGO_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, logo);
    attributes.put(PaymentPlugin.DESCRIPTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, description);
    addFlashMessage(redirectAttributes, SUCCESS_MESSAGE);
    return "redirect:/admin/payment_plugin/list.jhtml";