Example usage for java.math BigDecimal toString

List of usage examples for java.math BigDecimal toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.math BigDecimal toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns the string representation of this BigDecimal , using scientific notation if an exponent is needed.


From source file:com.salesmanager.core.module.impl.integration.payment.MonerisTransactionImpl.java

public GatewayTransactionVO refundTransaction(IntegrationKeys keys, IntegrationProperties props,
        MerchantStore store, Order order, GatewayTransactionVO trx, Customer customer, CoreModuleService cis,
        BigDecimal amount) throws TransactionException {

    try {/*from   w w  w  .java 2 s  . c  o  m*/

        String uniqueOrderId = trx.getInternalGatewayOrderId();

        String host = cis.getCoreModuleServiceDevDomain();
        if (props.getProperties2().equals(String.valueOf(PaymentConstants.PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT))) {

            host = cis.getCoreModuleServiceProdDomain();

        String store_id = keys.getUserid();
        String api_token = keys.getTransactionKey();
        String order_id = trx.getInternalGatewayOrderId();
        String amnt = amount.toString();
        String txn_number = trx.getTransactionID();
        String crypt = "7";

        // For saving the amount in the transaction tables
        // order.setTotal(amount);

        HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest(host, store_id, api_token,
                new Refund(uniqueOrderId, amnt, txn_number, crypt));


        Receipt receipt = null;

        receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

         * System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
         * System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
         * System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
         * System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
         * System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
         * System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " +
         * receipt.getReferenceNum()); System.out.println("ResponseCode = "
         * + receipt.getResponseCode()); System.out.println("ISO = " +
         * receipt.getISO()); System.out.println("BankTotals = " +
         * receipt.getBankTotals()); System.out.println("Message = " +
         * receipt.getMessage()); System.out.println("AuthCode = " +
         * receipt.getAuthCode()); System.out.println("Complete = " +
         * receipt.getComplete()); System.out.println("TransDate = " +
         * receipt.getTransDate()); System.out.println("TransTime = " +
         * receipt.getTransTime()); System.out.println("Ticket = " +
         * receipt.getTicket()); System.out.println("TimedOut = " +
         * receipt.getTimedOut());

        if (receipt.getComplete().equals("false")) {
            log.error("Cannot proceed to refund " + receipt.getMessage());
            TransactionException e = new TransactionException(
                    "Cannot proceed to refund " + receipt.getMessage());
            throw e;

        return this.parseResponse(PaymentConstants.REFUND, uniqueOrderId, mpgReq, order, amount, receipt);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Error while processing the transaction" + e.getMessage());
        // throw new Exception("Error while processing the transaction",e);
        TransactionException pe = new TransactionException(
                "Error while processing the transaction" + e.getMessage());
        throw pe;


From source file:com.konakart.bl.modules.payment.cyberpac.Cyberpac.java

 * Return a payment details object for Cyberpac
 * //  www .j  a  v a2  s . c o  m
 * @param order
 * @param info
 * @return Returns information in a PaymentDetails object
 * @throws Exception
public PaymentDetails getPaymentDetails(Order order, PaymentInfo info) throws Exception {
    StaticData sd = staticDataHM.get(getStoreId());
     * The CyberpacZone zone, if greater than zero, should reference a GeoZone. If the
     * DeliveryAddress of the order isn't within that GeoZone, then we throw an exception
    if (sd.getZone() > 0) {
        checkZone(info, sd.getZone());

    // Get the scale for currency calculations
    int scale = new Integer(order.getCurrency().getDecimalPlaces()).intValue();

    // Get the resource bundle
    ResourceBundle rb = getResourceBundle(mutex, bundleName, resourceBundleMap, info.getLocale());
    if (rb == null) {
        throw new KKException(
                "A resource file cannot be found for the country " + info.getLocale().getCountry());

    PaymentDetails pDetails = new PaymentDetails();

    // Return now if the full payment details aren't required. This happens when the manager
    // just wants a list of payment gateways to display in the UI.
    if (info.isReturnDetails() == false) {
        return pDetails;


    List<NameValue> parmList = new ArrayList<NameValue>();

     * Parameters posted to gateway

    // Total
    BigDecimal total = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < order.getOrderTotals().length; i++) {
        OrderTotal ot = (OrderTotal) order.getOrderTotals()[i];
        if (ot.getClassName().equals(OrderTotalMgr.ot_total)) {
            total = ot.getValue().setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    if (total == null) {
        throw new KKException("An Order Total was not found in the order id = " + order.getId());
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_Amount", total.toString()));

    // Currency
    String currCode = null;
    if (order.getCurrency().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("EUR")) {
        currCode = "978";
    } else if (order.getCurrency().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("USD")) {
        currCode = "840";
    } else if (order.getCurrency().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("GBP")) {
        currCode = "826";
    } else if (order.getCurrency().getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("JPY")) {
        currCode = "392";
    } else {
        throw new KKException("The currency with code = " + order.getCurrency().getCode()
                + " is not supported by the Cyberpac payment gateway.");
    String ds_Merchant_Currency = currCode;
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_Currency", ds_Merchant_Currency));

    // Various
    String ds_Merchant_Order = Integer.toString(order.getId());
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_Order", ds_Merchant_Order));
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_ProductDescription",
            rb.getString(MODULE_PAYMENT_CYBERPAC_CUSTOMER_MSG) + " " + order.getId()));
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_Cardholder", order.getBillingName()));
    String ds_Merchant_MerchantCode = sd.getMerchantCode();
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_MerchantCode", ds_Merchant_MerchantCode));
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_MerchantURL", sd.getCallbackUrl()));
    if (sd.getRedirectKOUrl() != null && sd.getRedirectKOUrl().length() > 0) {
        parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_UrlKO", sd.getRedirectKOUrl()));
    if (sd.getRedirectOKUrl() != null && sd.getRedirectOKUrl().length() > 0) {
        parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_UrlOK", sd.getRedirectOKUrl()));

    String lang = "001"; // Default Spanish Castellano
    String langCode = order.getLocale().substring(0, 2);
    if (order.getLocale().equalsIgnoreCase("ca_ES")) {
        lang = "003";
    } else if (langCode.equalsIgnoreCase("en")) {
        lang = "002";
    } else if (langCode.equalsIgnoreCase("fr")) {
        lang = "004";
    } else if (langCode.equalsIgnoreCase("de")) {
        lang = "005";
    } else if (langCode.equalsIgnoreCase("it")) {
        lang = "007";
    } else if (langCode.equalsIgnoreCase("pt")) {
        lang = "009";
    } else if (order.getLocale().equalsIgnoreCase("eu_ES")) {
        lang = "013";
    } else if (langCode.equalsIgnoreCase("ru")) {
        lang = "014";
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_ConsumerLanguage", lang));

    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_Terminal", sd.getTerminalNumber()));

    if (sd.getTransactionType() != null && sd.getTransactionType().length() > 0) {
        parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_TransactionType", sd.getTransactionType()));
    } else {
        parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_TransactionType", "2"));

    // Data passed to us in callback. Need to create a session
    SSOTokenIf ssoToken = new SSOToken();
    String sessionId = getEng().login(sd.getCallbackUsername(), sd.getCallbackPassword());
    if (sessionId == null) {
        throw new KKException(
                "Unable to log into the engine using the Cyberpac Callback Username and Password");
    // Save the SSOToken with a valid sessionId and the order id in custom1
    String uuid = getEng().saveSSOToken(ssoToken);
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_MerchantData", uuid));

    // Sign the data
    // Digest=SHA-1(Ds_Merchant_Amount + Ds_Merchant_Order +Ds_Merchant_MerchantCode
    // + DS_Merchant_Currency + SECRET CODE)
    String ds_Merchant_Amount = (total.multiply(new BigDecimal(100))).toString();
    String stringToSign = ds_Merchant_Amount + ds_Merchant_Order + ds_Merchant_MerchantCode
            + ds_Merchant_Currency + sd.getSecretSigningCode();
    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
    byte[] digest = md.digest(stringToSign.getBytes("UTF8"));
    String hexEncodedDigest = (Hex.encodeHex(digest)).toString();
    parmList.add(new NameValue("Ds_Merchant_MerchantSignature", hexEncodedDigest));
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
        str.append("Parameters to sign:").append("\n");
        str.append("Ds_Merchant_Amount        = ").append(ds_Merchant_Amount).append("\n");
        str.append("Ds_Merchant_Order         = ").append(ds_Merchant_Order).append("\n");
        str.append("Ds_Merchant_MerchantCode  = ").append(ds_Merchant_MerchantCode).append("\n");
        str.append("Ds_Merchant_Currency      = ").append(ds_Merchant_Currency).append("\n");
        str.append("Secret Code               = ").append(sd.getSecretSigningCode()).append("\n");
        str.append("String to sign            = ").append(stringToSign).append("\n");
        str.append("SHA-1 result              = ").append(hexEncodedDigest).append("\n");

    // Put the parameters into an array
    NameValue[] nvArray = new NameValue[parmList.size()];

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

    return pDetails;

From source file:org.nd4j.linalg.util.BigDecimalMath.java

 * The square root.//from  w ww .  j  a  v  a  2s  . c o m
 * @param x the non-negative argument.
 * @return the square root of the BigDecimal rounded to the precision implied by x.
static public BigDecimal sqrt(final BigDecimal x) {
    if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("negative argument " + x.toString() + " of square root");
    return root(2, x);

From source file:org.openvpms.esci.adapter.map.invoice.InvoiceMapperImpl.java

 * Returns the package size.//from ww w .  j a  v a  2 s. c  o  m
 * @param line the invoice line
 * @param pkg  the expected package, or <tt>null</tt> if it is not known
 * @return the package size, or <tt>0</tt> if it is not known
 * @throws ESCIAdapterException if the package size is incorrectly specified
private int getPackageSize(UBLInvoiceLine line, Package pkg) {
    int result;
    BigDecimal packageSize = line.getPackSizeNumeric();
    int expectedSize = (pkg != null) ? pkg.getPackageSize() : 0;
    int invoiceSize;
    try {
        invoiceSize = packageSize.intValueExact();
    } catch (ArithmeticException exception) {
        ErrorContext context = new ErrorContext(line, "PackSizeNumeric");
        String intValue = Integer.toString(packageSize.intValue());
        throw new ESCIAdapterException(ESCIAdapterMessages.ublInvalidValue(context.getPath(), context.getType(),
                context.getID(), intValue, packageSize.toString()));
    if (expectedSize != 0) {
        if (invoiceSize != 0 && invoiceSize != expectedSize) {
            log.warn("Different package size received for invoice. Expected package size=" + expectedSize
                    + ", invoiced package size=" + invoiceSize); // TODO - log context
        result = expectedSize;
    } else {
        result = invoiceSize;
    return result;

From source file:org.nd4j.linalg.util.BigDecimalMath.java

 * The inverse hyperbolic cosine./*from w  w  w  .  j ava 2s  .  com*/
 * @param x The argument.
 * @return The arccosh(x) .
static public BigDecimal acosh(final BigDecimal x) {
    if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) < 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("Out of range argument cosh " + x.toString());
    } else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
        return BigDecimal.ZERO;
    } else {
        BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
        /* arccosh(x) = log(x+sqrt(x^2-1))
        BigDecimal logx = log(sqrt(xhighpr.pow(2).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE)).add(xhighpr));
        /* The absolute error in arcsinh x is err(x)/sqrt(x^2-1)

        double xDbl = x.doubleValue();

        double eps = 0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() / Math.sqrt(xDbl * xDbl - 1.);
        MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(logx.doubleValue(), eps));

        return logx.round(mc);


From source file:org.nd4j.linalg.util.BigDecimalMath.java

 * The integer root.//from  w w w .  j  a va2s  . c o  m
 * @param n the positive argument.
 * @param x the non-negative argument.
 * @return The n-th root of the BigDecimal rounded to the precision implied by x, x^(1/n).
static public BigDecimal root(final int n, final BigDecimal x) {
    if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("negative argument " + x.toString() + " of root");
    if (n <= 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("negative power " + n + " of root");
    if (n == 1) {
        return x;
    /* start the computation from a double precision estimate */
    BigDecimal s = new BigDecimal(Math.pow(x.doubleValue(), 1.0 / n));
    /* this creates nth with nominal precision of 1 digit
    final BigDecimal nth = new BigDecimal(n);
    /* Specify an internal accuracy within the loop which is
     * slightly larger than what is demanded by eps below.
    final BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
    MathContext mc = new MathContext(2 + x.precision());
    /* Relative accuracy of the result is eps.
    final double eps = x.ulp().doubleValue() / (2 * n * x.doubleValue());
    for (;;) {
        /* s = s -(s/n-x/n/s^(n-1)) = s-(s-x/s^(n-1))/n; test correction s/n-x/s for being
         * smaller than the precision requested. The relative correction is (1-x/s^n)/n,
        BigDecimal c = xhighpr.divide(s.pow(n - 1), mc);
        c = s.subtract(c);
        MathContext locmc = new MathContext(c.precision());
        c = c.divide(nth, locmc);
        s = s.subtract(c);
        if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue() / s.doubleValue()) < eps) {
    return s.round(new MathContext(err2prec(eps)));

From source file:org.mifos.accounts.servicefacade.WebTierAccountServiceFacade.java

public void applyHistoricalAdjustment(String globalAccountNum, Integer paymentId, String adjustmentNote,
        Short personnelId, AdjustedPaymentDto adjustedPaymentDto) {
    try {/*from   w w  w . ja  v  a2  s .  c o m*/
        AccountBO accountBO = accountBusinessService.findBySystemId(globalAccountNum);
        PersonnelBO personnelBO = personnelPersistence.findPersonnelById(personnelId);

        AccountPaymentEntity accountPaymentEntity = accountBO.findPaymentById(paymentId);
        if (accountPaymentEntity == null) {
            throw new AccountException(AccountExceptionConstants.CANNOTADJUST);

        PaymentDto otherTransferPayment = accountPaymentEntity.getOtherTransferPaymentDto();

        transactionHelper.flushAndClearSession(); //flush to avoid proxy casting problems

        Integer newSavingsPaymentId = null;
        if (otherTransferPayment != null) {
            SavingsAdjustmentDto savingsAdjustment = new SavingsAdjustmentDto(
                    (adjustedPaymentDto == null) ? 0 : Double.valueOf(adjustedPaymentDto.getAmount()),
                    adjustmentNote, otherTransferPayment.getPaymentId(),
                    (adjustedPaymentDto == null) ? otherTransferPayment.getPaymentDate()
                            : new LocalDate(adjustedPaymentDto.getPaymentDate()));
            PaymentDto newSavingsPayment = this.savingsServiceFacade.adjustTransaction(savingsAdjustment, true);
            newSavingsPaymentId = (newSavingsPayment == null) ? null : newSavingsPayment.getPaymentId();

        //reload after flush & clear
        accountBO = accountBusinessService.findBySystemId(globalAccountNum);

        AccountPaymentEntity adjustedPayment = null;
        Integer adjustedId;
        Stack<PaymentData> paymentsToBeReapplied = new Stack<PaymentData>();

        Map<Integer, Stack<PaymentData>> memberPaymentsToBeReappliedMap = new HashMap<Integer, Stack<PaymentData>>();
        if (accountBO.isGroupLoanAccount()) {
            for (LoanBO memberAccount : ((LoanBO) accountBO).getMemberAccounts()) {
                Stack<PaymentData> memberPaymentsToBeReapplied = new Stack<PaymentData>();
                memberPaymentsToBeReappliedMap.put(memberAccount.getAccountId(), memberPaymentsToBeReapplied);

        do {
            adjustedPayment = accountBO.getLastPmntToBeAdjusted();

            if (adjustedPayment == null) {

            adjustedId = adjustedPayment.getPaymentId();
            if (!accountPaymentEntity.getPaymentId().equals(adjustedId)) {
                PersonnelBO paymentCreator = (adjustedPayment.getCreatedByUser() == null) ? personnelBO
                        : adjustedPayment.getCreatedByUser();

                PaymentData paymentData = accountBO.createPaymentData(adjustedPayment.getAmount(),
                        adjustedPayment.getPaymentDate(), adjustedPayment.getReceiptNumber(),
                        adjustedPayment.getReceiptDate(), adjustedPayment.getPaymentType().getId(),


                // handling new Group Loan Members payments
                for (AccountPaymentEntity memberAdjustedPayment : adjustedPayment.getMemberPayments()) {
                    PaymentData memberPaymentData = memberAdjustedPayment.getAccount().createPaymentData(
                            memberAdjustedPayment.getAmount(), adjustedPayment.getPaymentDate(),
                            adjustedPayment.getReceiptNumber(), adjustedPayment.getReceiptDate(),
                            adjustedPayment.getPaymentType().getId(), paymentCreator);


            //reload after flush & clear
            accountBO = accountBusinessService.findBySystemId(globalAccountNum);
            accountBO.adjustLastPayment(adjustmentNote, personnelBO);


            //adjust New Group Loan member payments
            if (accountBO.isGroupLoanAccount()) {
                for (LoanBO memberAccount : ((LoanBO) accountBO).getMemberAccounts()) {

                    AccountPaymentEntity memberPayment = memberAccount.getLastPmntToBeAdjusted();
                    if (memberPayment.getParentPaymentId() == null || !memberPayment.getParentPaymentId()
                            .getPaymentId().equals(accountPaymentEntity.getPaymentId())) {

                    memberAccount.adjustLastPayment(adjustmentNote, personnelBO);
        } while (!accountPaymentEntity.getPaymentId().equals(adjustedId));

        if (adjustedPaymentDto != null) {
            //reapply adjusted payment
            PersonnelBO paymentCreator = (accountPaymentEntity.getCreatedByUser() == null) ? personnelBO
                    : accountPaymentEntity.getCreatedByUser();
            Money amount = new Money(accountBO.getCurrency(), adjustedPaymentDto.getAmount());

            PaymentData paymentData = accountBO.createPaymentData(amount, adjustedPaymentDto.getPaymentDate(),
                    accountPaymentEntity.getReceiptNumber(), accountPaymentEntity.getReceiptDate(),
                    adjustedPaymentDto.getPaymentType(), paymentCreator);

            //new adjusted savings payment must be tied to this payment
            if (newSavingsPaymentId != null) {
                AccountPaymentEntity newSvngPayment = legacyAccountDao.findPaymentById(newSavingsPaymentId);

            // handling new Group Loan Members payments
            if (accountBO.isGroupLoanAccount()) {
                for (AdjustedPaymentDto adjustedMemberPayment : adjustedPaymentDto.getMemberPayments()) {
                    AccountBO memberAccount = ((LoanBO) accountBO)
                    BigDecimal adjustedMemberPaymentAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
                    if (!StringUtils.isBlank(adjustedMemberPayment.getAmount())) {
                        adjustedMemberPaymentAmount = new BigDecimal(adjustedMemberPayment.getAmount());
                    Money memberAmount = new Money(memberAccount.getCurrency(),

                    PaymentData memberPaymentData = memberAccount.createPaymentData(memberAmount,
                            adjustedPaymentDto.getPaymentDate(), accountPaymentEntity.getReceiptNumber(),
                            accountPaymentEntity.getReceiptDate(), adjustedPaymentDto.getPaymentType(),

        while (!paymentsToBeReapplied.isEmpty()) {
            PaymentData paymentData = paymentsToBeReapplied.pop();
            //avoid lazy loading exception
            if (paymentData.getOtherTransferPayment() != null) {

            if (accountBO.isGroupLoanAccount()) {
                for (LoanBO memberAccount : ((LoanBO) accountBO).getMemberAccounts()) {
                    PaymentData memberPaymentData = memberPaymentsToBeReappliedMap

    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        throw new MifosRuntimeException(e);
    } catch (AccountException e) {
        throw new MifosRuntimeException(e);
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        throw new MifosRuntimeException(e);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw new MifosRuntimeException(e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.nd4j.linalg.util.BigDecimalMath.java

 * Power function.//from w w w. ja v a  2  s.  c  o  m
 * @param x Base of the power.
 * @param y Exponent of the power.
 * @return x^y.
 * The estimation of the relative error in the result is |log(x)*err(y)|+|y*err(x)/x|
static public BigDecimal pow(final BigDecimal x, final BigDecimal y) {
    if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot power negative " + x.toString());
    } else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
        return BigDecimal.ZERO;
    } else {
        /* return x^y = exp(y*log(x)) ;
        BigDecimal logx = log(x);
        BigDecimal ylogx = y.multiply(logx);
        BigDecimal resul = exp(ylogx);
        /* The estimation of the relative error in the result is |log(x)*err(y)|+|y*err(x)/x|
        double errR = Math.abs(logx.doubleValue() * y.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.)
                + Math.abs(y.doubleValue() * x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2. / x.doubleValue());
        MathContext mcR = new MathContext(err2prec(1.0, errR));
        return resul.round(mcR);

From source file:org.nd4j.linalg.util.BigDecimalMath.java

 * The trigonometric co-tangent.//from  w w w  .  ja v a 2  s .  c  o m
 * @param x the argument in radians.
 * @return the cot(x)
static public BigDecimal cot(final BigDecimal x) {
    if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
        throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot take cot of zero " + x.toString());
    } else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
        return cot(x.negate()).negate();
    } else {
        /* reduce modulo pi
        BigDecimal res = modpi(x);
        /* absolute error in the result is err(x)/sin^2(x) to lowest order
        final double xDbl = res.doubleValue();
        final double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.;
        final double eps = xUlpDbl / 2. / Math.pow(Math.sin(xDbl), 2.);
        final BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(res, 2);
        final BigDecimal xhighprSq = multiplyRound(xhighpr, xhighpr);
        MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(xhighpr.doubleValue(), eps));
        BigDecimal resul = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(xhighpr, mc);
        /* x^(2i-1) */
        BigDecimal xpowi = xhighpr;
        Bernoulli b = new Bernoulli();
        /* 2^(2i) */
        BigInteger fourn = new BigInteger("4");
        /* (2i)! */
        BigInteger fac = BigInteger.ONE;
        for (int i = 1;; i++) {
            Rational f = b.at(2 * i);
            fac = fac.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i))).multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i - 1)));
            f = f.multiply(fourn).divide(fac);
            BigDecimal c = multiplyRound(xpowi, f);
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
                resul = resul.add(c);
            } else {
                resul = resul.subtract(c);
            if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < 0.1 * eps) {
            fourn = fourn.shiftLeft(2);
            xpowi = multiplyRound(xpowi, xhighprSq);
        mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), eps));
        return resul.round(mc);

From source file:com.citrix.cpbm.portal.fragment.controllers.AbstractSubscriptionController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/taxable_amount", method = RequestMethod.GET)
@ResponseBody// ww  w.  jav  a  2 s .co m
public String getTaxableAmount(@RequestParam("amount") final String amount) {
    logger.debug("getTaxableAmount method starting...");
    BigDecimal taxableAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO;
    try {
        if (amount != null) {
            taxableAmount = billingAdminService.getTaxableAmount(new BigDecimal(amount));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Failed to get taxable amount", e);
    logger.debug("getTaxableAmount method end");
    return taxableAmount.toString();