List of usage examples for java.lang Throwable getLocalizedMessage
public String getLocalizedMessage()
From source
public ExceptionResponse(final Throwable exception) { super();/* w w w .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ // TODO the locale should be taken from user preferences final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); if (exception instanceof LocalizedException) { final LocalizedException localizedException = (LocalizedException) exception; code = localizedException.getMessageCode(); message = localizedException.getMessage(locale); userAction = localizedException.getUserAction(locale); explanation = localizedException.getExplanation(locale); timeStamp = localizedException.getTimeStamp(); } else if (exception instanceof DMgrException) { final DMgrException dmgrException = (DMgrException) exception; message = dmgrException.getMessage(locale); if (message != null && message.startsWith(Configuration.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_PREFIX)) { // Extract message code code = message.substring(0, Configuration.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_PREFIX.length() + 5); message = message.substring(Configuration.DEFAULT_MESSAGE_PREFIX.length() + 7); } userAction = dmgrException.getMessageUseraction(locale); explanation = dmgrException.getMessageExplanation(locale); } else { final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(exception.getClass().getCanonicalName()); if (exception.getLocalizedMessage() != null) { buffer.append(": "); buffer.append(exception.getLocalizedMessage()); } message = buffer.toString(); } if (exception.getCause() != null) { cause = new ExceptionResponse(exception.getCause()); } }
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/** * Connect to the server specified when we were instantiated * * @param options//from w w w . ja va2 s.c o m * timeout, etc * @param invocationContext * arbitrary data to be passed back to the application * @param activityToken * arbitrary identifier to be passed back to the Activity */ public void connect(MqttConnectOptions options, String invocationContext, String activityToken) { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 1"); connectOptions = options; reconnectActivityToken = activityToken; if (options != null) { cleanSession = options.isCleanSession(); Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 2"); } if (connectOptions.isCleanSession()) { // if it's a clean session, // discard old data service.messageStore.clearArrivedMessages(clientHandle); Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 3"); } Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 4"); service.traceDebug(TAG, "Connecting {" + serverURI + "} as {" + clientId + "}"); final Bundle resultBundle = new Bundle(); resultBundle.putString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ACTIVITY_TOKEN, activityToken); resultBundle.putString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_INVOCATION_CONTEXT, invocationContext); resultBundle.putString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ACTION, MqttServiceConstants.CONNECT_ACTION); try { if (persistence == null) { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 5"); // ask Android where we can put files File myDir = service.getExternalFilesDir(TAG); // Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 5a "+myDir.getAbsolutePath()); /*File myDir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/MqttConnection"); Log.v("mqtt","MqttConnection myDir.getAbsolutePath(): "+myDir.getAbsolutePath()); boolean success = true; if (!myDir.exists()) { success = myDir.mkdir(); } if (success) { // Do something on success } else { // Do something else on failure }*/ if (myDir == null) { // No external storage, use internal storage instead. myDir = service.getDir(TAG, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 6"); if (myDir == null) { //Shouldn't happen. Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 7"); resultBundle.putString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ERROR_MESSAGE, "Error! No external and internal storage available"); resultBundle.putSerializable(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION, new MqttPersistenceException()); service.callbackToActivity(clientHandle, Status.ERROR, resultBundle); return; } } Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 8"); // use that to setup MQTT client persistence storage persistence = new MqttDefaultFilePersistence(myDir.getAbsolutePath()); } IMqttActionListener listener = new MqttConnectionListener(resultBundle) { @Override public void onSuccess(IMqttToken asyncActionToken) { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 9 onSuccess"); doAfterConnectSuccess(resultBundle); service.traceDebug(TAG, "connect success!"); } @Override public void onFailure(IMqttToken asyncActionToken, Throwable exception) { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 9 onFailure"); resultBundle.putString(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_ERROR_MESSAGE, exception.getLocalizedMessage()); resultBundle.putSerializable(MqttServiceConstants.CALLBACK_EXCEPTION, exception); service.traceError(TAG, "connect fail, call connect to reconnect.reason:" + exception.getMessage()); doAfterConnectFail(resultBundle); } }; Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 10"); if (myClient != null) { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 11"); if (isConnecting) { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 12"); service.traceDebug(TAG, "myClient != null and the client is connecting. Connect return directly."); service.traceDebug(TAG, "Connect return:isConnecting:" + isConnecting + ".disconnected:" + disconnected); return; } else if (!disconnected) { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 13"); service.traceDebug(TAG, "myClient != null and the client is connected and notify!"); doAfterConnectSuccess(resultBundle); } else { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 14"); service.traceDebug(TAG, "myClient != null and the client is not connected"); service.traceDebug(TAG, "Do Real connect!"); setConnectingState(true); myClient.connect(connectOptions, invocationContext, listener); } } // if myClient is null, then create a new connection else { Log.v("mqtt", "MqttConnection connect trace 15"); myClient = new MqttAsyncClient(serverURI, clientId, persistence, new AlarmPingSender(service)); myClient.setCallback(this); service.traceDebug(TAG, "Do Real connect!"); setConnectingState(true); myClient.connect(connectOptions, invocationContext, listener); } } catch (Exception e) { handleException(resultBundle, e); } }
From source
private void actOnPopup(View viewForMessages, PopupAction popupAction) { String errorMessage = null;//from w ww . ja v a2 m Throwable errorThrowable = null; if (null != popupContainer) { final Popup popup = popupContainer.getCurrentPopup(); final PopupInfo popupInfo = popup.getPopupInfo(); if (popupInfo instanceof FeatureTablePopupInfo) { FeatureTablePopupInfo ftPopupInfo = (FeatureTablePopupInfo) popupInfo; final FeatureTable table = ftPopupInfo.getTable(); if (null != table) { try { popupAction.takeAction(popup, table); } catch (Throwable t) { errorMessage = String.format(popupAction.getActionErrorMessageTemplate(), t.getLocalizedMessage()); errorThrowable = t; } } else { errorMessage = getString(R.string.popup_feature_table_null); } } else { errorMessage = getString(R.string.popup_without_feature_table, popupInfo.getClass().getSimpleName(), FeatureTablePopupInfo.class.getSimpleName()); } popup.setEditMode(false); } else { errorMessage = getString(R.string.popup_container_null); } if (null != errorMessage) { Snackbar.make(viewForMessages, errorMessage, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show(); if (null == errorThrowable) { Log.e(TAG, errorMessage); } else { Log.e(TAG, errorMessage, errorThrowable); } } }
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protected void generateTheStackTrace(final Throwable exception, final ITestNGMethod method, final String title, final StringBuffer contentBuffer, final String lastline) { contentBuffer.append(" <div class='stContainer' >" + exception.getClass() + ":" + escape(title) + "(<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='exceptionlnk'>stacktrace</a>)"); contentBuffer.append("<div class='exception' style='display:none'>"); final StackTraceElement[] s1 = exception.getStackTrace(); Throwable t2 = exception.getCause(); if (t2 == exception) { t2 = null;//from ww w . java 2 s .c om } for (int x = 0; x < s1.length; x++) { contentBuffer.append((x > 0 ? "<br/>at " : "") + escape(s1[x].toString())); } if (t2 != null) { generateExceptionReport(t2, method, "Caused by " + t2.getLocalizedMessage(), contentBuffer, ""); // jerry } contentBuffer.append("</div></div>"); }
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private void closeIndexObjects() { try {/*www . j ava 2 s .c o m*/ if (catalog != null) { catalog.dispose(); } } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catalog = null; }
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protected void createObject() { String fieldName = null;/* w w w. j av a 2 s . c om*/ switch (mFoclStructLayerType) { case FoclConstants.LAYERTYPE_FOCL_REAL_OPTICAL_CABLE_POINT: if (null == mLayingMethod.getValue()) { fieldName = getActivity().getString(R.string.laying_method); } break; case FoclConstants.LAYERTYPE_FOCL_REAL_FOSC: // if (null == mFoscType.getValue()) { // fieldName = getActivity().getString(R.string.fosc_type); // break; // } if (null == mFoscPlacement.getValue()) { fieldName = getActivity().getString(R.string.fosc_placement); } break; case FoclConstants.LAYERTYPE_FOCL_REAL_OPTICAL_CROSS: // if (null == mOpticalCrossType.getValue()) { // fieldName = getActivity().getString(R.string.optical_cross_type); // } break; case FoclConstants.LAYERTYPE_FOCL_REAL_ACCESS_POINT: break; case FoclConstants.LAYERTYPE_FOCL_REAL_SPECIAL_TRANSITION_POINT: if (null == mSpecialLayingMethod.getValue()) { fieldName = getActivity().getString(R.string.special_laying_method); break; } if (null == mMarkType.getValue()) { fieldName = getActivity().getString(R.string.mark_type); } break; } if (null != fieldName) { YesNoDialog dialog = new YesNoDialog(); dialog.setKeepInstance(true).setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_warning).setTitle(R.string.warning) .setMessage(String.format(getString(R.string.empty_field_warning), fieldName)) .setPositiveText(R.string.ok) .setOnPositiveClickedListener(new YesNoDialog.OnPositiveClickedListener() { @Override public void onPositiveClicked() { // cancel } }).show(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), FoclConstants.FRAGMENT_YES_NO_DIALOG + "FieldsNotNull"); return; // we do not need logcat here } if (!mNewStartPoint && 0 < mObjectCount && FoclConstants.LAYERTYPE_FOCL_REAL_OPTICAL_CABLE_POINT == mFoclStructLayerType && null != mDistance && FoclConstants.MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_PREV_POINT < mDistance) { showDistanceExceededDialog(); return; // we do not need logcat here } if (null == mObjectPhotoFileAdapter || mObjectPhotoFileAdapter.getItemCount() == 0) { YesNoDialog dialog = new YesNoDialog(); dialog.setKeepInstance(true).setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_warning).setTitle(R.string.warning) .setMessage(getString(R.string.take_photos_to_confirm)).setPositiveText(R.string.ok) .setOnPositiveClickedListener(new YesNoDialog.OnPositiveClickedListener() { @Override public void onPositiveClicked() { // cancel } }).show(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), FoclConstants.FRAGMENT_YES_NO_DIALOG + "TakePhotos"); return; // we do not need logcat here } LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(getActivity()); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_waiting, null); final YesNoDialog waitProgressDialog = new YesNoDialog(); waitProgressDialog.setKeepInstance(true).setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_data_usage).setTitle(R.string.waiting) .setView(view, true); waitProgressDialog.setCancelable(false);, FoclConstants.FRAGMENT_YES_NO_DIALOG + "WaitProgress"); final Handler handler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case CREATE_OBJECT_DONE: waitProgressDialog.dismiss(); break; case CREATE_OBJECT_OK: getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(); break; case CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED: Toast.makeText(getActivity(), (String) msg.obj, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); waitProgressDialog.dismiss(); break; } } }; RunnableFuture<Void> future = new FutureTask<Void>(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { createObjectTask(); return null; } }) { @Override protected void done() { super.done(); handler.sendEmptyMessage(CREATE_OBJECT_DONE); } @Override protected void set(Void aVoid) { super.set(aVoid); handler.sendEmptyMessage(CREATE_OBJECT_OK); } @Override protected void setException(Throwable t) { super.setException(t); Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(CREATE_OBJECT_FAILED, t.getLocalizedMessage()); msg.sendToTarget(); } }; new Thread(future).start(); }
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public void getCause(Throwable t, List<String> elist) { while (t.getCause() != null) { t = t.getCause();/*from w w w. j ava2 m*/ } log.warn("error saving or updating: " + t.toString()); elist.add(t.getLocalizedMessage()); }
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protected void generateExceptionReport(Throwable exception, ITestNGMethod method, PrintWriter pw) { pw.flush();//from w ww .ja va 2s . c om generateExceptionReport(exception, method, exception.getLocalizedMessage(), pw); }
From source
public boolean generateErrorMessage(Throwable e, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, IRequest protocolRequest) throws Throwable { if (protocolRequest == null) { throw e;/*from ww w .ja v a2s . com*/ } if (!(protocolRequest instanceof PVPTargetConfiguration)) { throw e; } PVPTargetConfiguration pvpRequest = (PVPTargetConfiguration) protocolRequest; Response samlResponse = SAML2Utils.createSAMLObject(Response.class); Status status = SAML2Utils.createSAMLObject(Status.class); StatusCode statusCode = SAML2Utils.createSAMLObject(StatusCode.class); StatusMessage statusMessage = SAML2Utils.createSAMLObject(StatusMessage.class); ErrorResponseUtils errorUtils = ErrorResponseUtils.getInstance(); String moaError = null; if (e instanceof NoPassivAuthenticationException) { statusCode.setValue(StatusCode.NO_PASSIVE_URI); statusMessage.setMessage(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(e.getLocalizedMessage())); } else if (e instanceof NameIDFormatNotSupportedException) { statusCode.setValue(StatusCode.INVALID_NAMEID_POLICY_URI); statusMessage.setMessage(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(e.getLocalizedMessage())); } else if (e instanceof SLOException) { //SLOExecpetions only occurs if session information is lost return false; } else if (e instanceof PVP2Exception) { PVP2Exception ex = (PVP2Exception) e; statusCode.setValue(ex.getStatusCodeValue()); String statusMessageValue = ex.getStatusMessageValue(); if (statusMessageValue != null) { statusMessage.setMessage(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(statusMessageValue)); } moaError = errorUtils.mapInternalErrorToExternalError(ex.getMessageId()); } else { statusCode.setValue(StatusCode.RESPONDER_URI); statusMessage.setMessage(StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(e.getLocalizedMessage())); moaError = errorUtils.getResponseErrorCode(e); } if (MiscUtil.isNotEmpty(moaError)) { StatusCode moaStatusCode = SAML2Utils.createSAMLObject(StatusCode.class); moaStatusCode.setValue(moaError); statusCode.setStatusCode(moaStatusCode); } status.setStatusCode(statusCode); if (statusMessage.getMessage() != null) { status.setStatusMessage(statusMessage); } samlResponse.setStatus(status); String remoteSessionID = SAML2Utils.getSecureIdentifier(); samlResponse.setID(remoteSessionID); samlResponse.setIssueInstant(new DateTime()); Issuer nissuer = SAML2Utils.createSAMLObject(Issuer.class); nissuer.setValue(PVPConfiguration.getInstance().getIDPPublicPath()); nissuer.setFormat(NameID.ENTITY); samlResponse.setIssuer(nissuer); IEncoder encoder = null; if (pvpRequest.getBinding().equals(SAMLConstants.SAML2_REDIRECT_BINDING_URI)) { encoder = new RedirectBinding(); } else if (pvpRequest.getBinding().equals(SAMLConstants.SAML2_ARTIFACT_BINDING_URI)) { // TODO: not supported YET!! //binding = new ArtifactBinding(); } else if (pvpRequest.getBinding().equals(SAMLConstants.SAML2_POST_BINDING_URI)) { encoder = new PostBinding(); } else if (pvpRequest.getBinding().equals(SAMLConstants.SAML2_SOAP11_BINDING_URI)) { encoder = new SoapBinding(); } if (encoder == null) { // default to redirect binding encoder = new RedirectBinding(); } String relayState = null; if (pvpRequest.getRequest() != null) relayState = pvpRequest.getRequest().getRelayState(); encoder.encodeRespone(request, response, samlResponse, pvpRequest.getConsumerURL(), relayState); return true; }
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/** * Decodes the newlink request parameter if possible.<p> * * @param newLink the parameter to decode * * @return the decoded value/*from w w w. j a va 2 s. com*/ */ protected String decodeNewLink(String newLink) { String result = newLink; if (result == null) { return null; } try { result = CmsEncoder.decode(result); try { result = CmsEncoder.decode(result); } catch (Throwable e) {, e); } } catch (Throwable e) {, e); } return result; }