Java tutorial
package; import; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.testng.IReporter; import org.testng.ISuite; import org.testng.ISuiteResult; import org.testng.ITestContext; import org.testng.ITestNGMethod; import org.testng.ITestResult; import org.testng.Reporter; import org.testng.TestListenerAdapter; import org.testng.internal.Utils; import org.testng.reporters.util.StackTraceTools; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; import; /** * Description: Class to generate customized reports. * ***************************************************************************** * TableSorter Algorithm Author: Christian Bach Version: 2.0.5 License: Dual * licensed under MIT or GPL licenses. * ***************************************************************************** * */ public class CustomizedReporter extends TestListenerAdapter implements IReporter { private PrintWriter out, e_out; private boolean doneOutputToConsole = false; private boolean disableCss = TestHelper.getTestConfig("DISABLE_CSS_REPORT").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); private String warnColor = "#FAAC58", passColor = "#00CC00", failColor = "#CC0000", skipColor = "#CCA300", passPercentageColor = "#A35200", titleColor = "#A35200"; // private String classParam = "class=\"param\""; // private String classDetails = "class=\"details\""; private String classParam = "border=\"1\" color=\"#333300\" text-align=\"center\" font-family=\"Georgia,\"Times New Roman\",Times,serif;\""; private String classDetails = "border=\"0\" color=\"#333300\" text-align=\"left\" font-family=\"Georgia,\"Times New Roman\",Times,serif;\""; synchronized public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> arg0, List<ISuite> suites, String outdir) { TestHelper.threadSleep(10000); // Try to avoid ConcurrentModificationException when deal with ITestResult, it's a known testng report issue if (TestHelper.enableEmailableReport) { e_out = TestHelper.createFileWriter(TestHelper.emailableReportFile); e_startHtmlPage(e_out); generateAdditionalInfoReport(true, suites, e_out); generateTestExecutionStatus(true, suites, e_out); e_endHtmlPage(e_out); e_out.flush(); } if (TestHelper.enableCustomeReport) { out = TestHelper.createFileWriter(TestHelper.customReportFile); startHtmlPage(out, TestHelper.cssFolderName + "/"); generateAdditionalInfoReport(suites, out); generateTestExecutionStatus(suites, out); endHtmlPage(out); out.flush(); } //System.exit(0); } synchronized private void generateTestExecutionStatus(List<ISuite> suites, PrintWriter f_out) { generateTestExecutionStatus(false, suites, f_out); } synchronized private void generateTestExecutionStatus(boolean emailable, List<ISuite> suites, PrintWriter f_out) { String testName = ""; int totalPassedMethods = 0; int totalFailedMethods = 0; int totalSkippedMethods = 0; int totalSkippedConfigurationMethods = 0; int totalFailedConfigurationMethods = 0; int totalAutomationErrors = 0; int totalMethods = 0; int suite_totalPassedMethods = 0; int suite_totalFailedMethods = 0; int suite_totalSkippedMethods = 0; int suite_totalAutomationErrors = 0; String suite_passPercentage = ""; String suiteName = ""; ITestContext overview = null; HashMap<String, String> dashboardReportMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); String dashboardAppGroup = ""; for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName();">> " + suiteName + " <<"); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); testName = overview.getName(); totalPassedMethods = overview.getPassedTests().getAllMethods().size(); totalFailedMethods = overview.getFailedTests().getAllMethods().size(); totalAutomationErrors = overview.getFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTests().getAllMethods().size(); totalSkippedMethods = overview.getSkippedTests().getAllMethods().size(); totalFailedConfigurationMethods = overview.getFailedConfigurations().getAllMethods().size(); // this should be 0 as redirected to automation error // totalMethods = overview.getAllTestMethods().length; totalMethods = totalPassedMethods + totalFailedMethods; nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nf.setGroupingUsed(true); String includedModule = ""; String includedGroup = ""; ITestNGMethod[] allTestMethods = overview.getAllTestMethods(); for (ITestNGMethod testngMethod : allTestMethods) { String[] modules = testngMethod.getGroups(); for (String module : modules) { for (String moduleName : TestHelper.MODULES) { if (module.equalsIgnoreCase(moduleName)) { if (!(includedModule.contains(module))) { includedModule = includedModule + " " + module; } } } for (String groupName : TestHelper.TEST_GROUPS) { if (module.equalsIgnoreCase(groupName)) { if (!(includedGroup.contains(module))) { includedGroup = includedGroup + " " + module; } } } } } String[] nodeInfo = getNodeInfo(overview, testName); String browser = nodeInfo[1]; String browser_version = nodeInfo[2]; String platform = nodeInfo[0]; //String nodeIp = nodeInfo[3]; if (platform == null || platform.trim().length() == 0) { platform = "N/A"; } if (browser_version == null || browser_version.trim().length() == 0) { browser_version = "N/A"; } if (browser == null || browser.trim().length() == 0) { browser = "N/A"; } if (!(dashboardReportMap.containsKey(includedModule))) { if (browser_version.equalsIgnoreCase("N/A")) { browser_version = ""; } dashboardReportMap.put(includedModule, "os1~" + platform + "|browser1~" + browser + browser_version + "|testcase_count_1~" + totalMethods + "|pass_count_1~" + totalPassedMethods + "|fail_count_1~" + totalFailedMethods + "|skip_count_1~" + totalSkippedMethods + "|skip_conf_count_1~" + totalSkippedConfigurationMethods + "|fail_conf_count_1~" + totalFailedConfigurationMethods + "|fail_automation_count_1~" + totalAutomationErrors); } else { for (String key : dashboardReportMap.keySet()) { if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(includedModule)) { if (browser_version.equalsIgnoreCase("N/A")) { browser_version = ""; } String value = dashboardReportMap.get(key); int index = StringUtils.countMatches(value, "#") + 1; index += 1; value = value + "#" + "os" + index + "~" + platform + "|browser" + index + "~" + browser + browser_version + "|testcase_count_" + index + "~" + totalMethods + "|pass_count_" + index + "~" + totalPassedMethods + "|fail_count_" + index + "~" + totalFailedMethods + "|skip_count_" + index + "~" + totalSkippedMethods + "|skip_conf_count_" + index + "~" + totalSkippedConfigurationMethods + "|fail_conf_count_" + index + "~" + totalFailedConfigurationMethods + "|fail_automation_count_~" + totalAutomationErrors; dashboardReportMap.put(key, value); } } } dashboardAppGroup = includedGroup; suite_totalPassedMethods += totalPassedMethods; suite_totalFailedMethods += totalFailedMethods; suite_totalAutomationErrors += totalAutomationErrors; suite_totalSkippedMethods += totalSkippedMethods; suite_passPercentage = getPercentage(nf, suite_totalPassedMethods, suite_totalPassedMethods + suite_totalFailedMethods); } } if (!doneOutputToConsole) { //**************************** report to console as status ****************** int suite_totalTestedMethods = suite_totalPassedMethods + suite_totalFailedMethods; System.out.println("[TOTAL_METHODS]: " + (suite_totalTestedMethods)); System.out.println("[PASSED_METHODS]: " + suite_totalPassedMethods); if (suite_totalFailedMethods > 0 || suite_totalPassedMethods == 0) System.out.println("[FAILED_METHODS]: " + suite_totalFailedMethods); if (suite_totalAutomationErrors > 0) System.out.println("[AUTOMATION_ERRORS]: " + suite_totalAutomationErrors); if (suite_totalSkippedMethods > 0) System.out.println("[SKIPPED_METHODS]: " + suite_totalSkippedMethods); System.out.println("[PASSED%]: " + suite_passPercentage); TestHelper.setReportProperties(suite_totalTestedMethods, suite_totalPassedMethods, suite_totalFailedMethods, suite_totalSkippedMethods, suite_passPercentage, suite_totalAutomationErrors); //******************************************************************************** } StringBuilder dashboardResults = new StringBuilder(); if (!emailable) { dashboardResults.append( "<table id=\"myTable\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=\"tablesorter\">"); } else { dashboardResults.append("<table " + classParam + " cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"91%\">"); } dashboardResults // .append("<thead><tr> <th>Test Name</th><th>" .append("<thead><tr> <th>Module Name</th><th>" + " # Unique TestCases</th><th>" + " # Combinations</th><th>" + " # Passed</th><th>" + " # Failed</th><th>" + " # Warning</th><th>" + " # Skipped</th><th>" + "# Total</th><th>" + "Success Rate</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>"); int total_browser_combinations = 0; int total_unique_testcases = 0; for (String key : dashboardReportMap.keySet()) { String fileName = key.trim() + "-Overall" + "-customized-report.html"; if (!emailable) { try { generateModuleOverallTestReport(testName, key, suites, fileName); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String value = dashboardReportMap.get(key); String[] values = value.split("#"); int testcase_count = 0; //******************************************* int pass_count = 0; int fail_count = 0; int fail_automation_count = 0; int skip_count = 0; int skip_conf_count = 0; int fail_conf_count = 0; String appKey = "TEST_APP"; String appName = TestHelper.getTestConfig(appKey); if (dashboardAppGroup.contains("Smoke") && !appName.equalsIgnoreCase("webmail")) { appName = appName + "_" + "Smoke"; } else if (dashboardAppGroup.contains("Regression")) { appName = appName + "_" + "Regression"; } String dashboardModule = key; // // if (dashboardModule.contains("Compose")) // { // dashboardModule = dashboardModule.replace("Compose", "ComposeMail"); // } else if (dashboardModule.contains("Read")) // { // dashboardModule = dashboardModule.replace("Read", "ReadMail"); // } // int countMatches = StringUtils.countMatches(value, "#") + 1; for (String val : values) { String[] tokens = val.split("\\|"); for (String token : tokens) { if (token.contains("testcase_count")) { testcase_count = testcase_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]); } if (token.contains("pass_count")) { pass_count = pass_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]); } if (token.contains("fail_count")) { fail_count = fail_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]); } if (token.contains("fail_automation_count")) { fail_automation_count = fail_automation_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]); } if (token.contains("skip_count")) { skip_count = skip_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]); } if (token.contains("skip_conf_count")) { skip_conf_count = skip_conf_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]); } if (token.contains("fail_conf_count")) { fail_conf_count = fail_conf_count + Integer.parseInt(token.split("~")[1]); } } testcase_count -= skip_count + skip_conf_count + fail_conf_count; } NumberFormat nformat = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nformat.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nformat.setGroupingUsed(true); String passPercent = getPercentage(nformat, pass_count, pass_count + fail_count); String finalStr = "["; String[] val = dashboardReportMap.get(key).split("#"); int unique_testcase = 0; int limit = val.length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {//TODO - unique_testcase is the max num cases among tests, not the total for the module across tests - Steven String testCaseCount = (val[i].split("\\|")[2]).split("~")[1]; int next = Integer.parseInt(testCaseCount); if (next > unique_testcase) { unique_testcase = next; } finalStr = finalStr + testCaseCount + " T * 1 B]"; if (i != limit) { finalStr += " + ["; } } //unique_testcase = String finalString = ""; // if ((unique_testcase * values.length) != (pass_count + fail_count + skip_count)) // { // finalString = "<a href=\"#\" title=\"" + finalStr + "\">" + (pass_count + fail_count + skip_count) // + "</a>"; // // } else { finalString = String.valueOf((pass_count + fail_count + fail_automation_count + skip_count)); } String passCount = ""; String failCount = ""; String automationErrorCount = ""; String skipCount = ""; if (pass_count > 0) { passCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + passColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + pass_count + "</b></font></td>"; } else { passCount = "<td>" + pass_count + "</td>"; } if (fail_count > 0) { failCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + failColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + fail_count + "</b></font></td>"; } else { failCount = "<td>" + fail_count + "</td>"; } if (fail_automation_count > 0) { automationErrorCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + warnColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + fail_automation_count + "</b></font></td>"; } else { automationErrorCount = "<td>" + fail_automation_count + "</td>"; } if (skip_count > 0) { skipCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + skipColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + skip_count + "</b></font></td>"; } else { skipCount = "<td>" + skip_count + "</td>"; } if (!emailable || !disableCss) { dashboardResults.append("<tr><td><b><a href='" + TestHelper.jenkinsBuildUrl + TestHelper.jenkinsCustomReportTitle + TestHelper.customReportDirLink + fileName + "'>" + dashboardModule + "</b></td><td>" // + testName + "</b></td><td>" + unique_testcase + "</td><td>" + values.length + "</td>" + passCount + failCount + automationErrorCount + skipCount + "<td>" + finalString + "</td><td><font color=\"" + passPercentageColor + "\"><b>" + passPercent + " %" + "</b></font></td></tr>"); } else { dashboardResults.append("<tr><td><b>" + dashboardModule + "</b></td><td>" //+ testName + "</b></td><td>" + unique_testcase + "</td><td>" + values.length + "</td><td>" + pass_count + "</td><td>" + fail_count + "</td><td>" + fail_automation_count + "</td><td>" + skip_count + "</td><td>" + finalString + "</td><td><b>" + passPercent + " %" + "</td></tr>"); } if (total_browser_combinations < values.length) { total_browser_combinations = values.length; } total_unique_testcases += unique_testcase; } dashboardResults.append("</tbody></table>"); if (!emailable || !disableCss) { String suite_pass = ""; String suite_fail = ""; String suite_automation_error = ""; String suite_skip = ""; if (suite_totalPassedMethods > 0) { suite_pass = "<td bgcolor=\"" + passColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + suite_totalPassedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { suite_pass = "<td>" + suite_totalPassedMethods + "</td>"; } if (suite_totalFailedMethods > 0) { suite_fail = "<td bgcolor=\"" + failColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + suite_totalFailedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { suite_fail = "<td>" + suite_totalFailedMethods + "</td>"; } if (suite_totalAutomationErrors > 0) { suite_automation_error = "<td bgcolor=\"" + warnColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + suite_totalAutomationErrors + "</b></font></td>"; } else { suite_automation_error = "<td>" + suite_totalAutomationErrors + "</td>"; } if (suite_totalSkippedMethods > 0) { suite_skip = "<td bgcolor=\"" + skipColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + suite_totalSkippedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { suite_skip = "<td>" + suite_totalSkippedMethods + "</td>"; } // Summary Table f_out.println("<p><b>Overall Execution Summary</b></p>"); if (!emailable) { f_out.println("<table class=\"tablesorter\" width=\"100%\">"); } else { f_out.println("<table " + classParam + " cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"91%\">"); } f_out.println(//"<table class=\"param\" width=\"100%\">"+ "<thead><tr><th>Test Suite Name</th><th>" + "# Unique TestCases</th><th>" + "# Combinations</th> <th>" + "# Passed</th> <th>" + "# Failed</th> <th>" + "# Warning</th> <th>" + "# Skipped</th><th>" + "# Total</th> <th>" + "Success Rate</th> </tr> </thead>" + " <tbody> <tr><td><b>" + suiteName + "</b></td><td>" + total_unique_testcases + "</td><td>" + total_browser_combinations + "</td>" + suite_pass + suite_fail + suite_automation_error + suite_skip + "<td>" + (suite_totalPassedMethods + suite_totalFailedMethods + suite_totalSkippedMethods + suite_totalAutomationErrors) + "</td><td><font color=\"" + passPercentageColor + "\"><b>" + suite_passPercentage + " %" + "</b></font></td></tr></tbody></table>"); } else { f_out.println("<b><font color=\"" + titleColor + "\">Overall Execution Summary</font></b><br/><br/>"); f_out.println("<table " + classParam + " cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"91%\">" + "<thead><tr><th>Test Suite Name</th><th>" + "# Unique TestCases</th><th>" + "# Combinations</th> <th>" + "# Passed</th> <th>" + "# Failed</th> <th>" + "# Warning</th> <th>" + "# Skipped</th><th>" + "# Total</th> <th>" + "Success Rate</th> </tr> </thead>" + " <tbody> <tr><td><b>" + suiteName + "</b></td><td>" + total_unique_testcases + "</td><td>" + total_browser_combinations + "</td><td>" + suite_totalPassedMethods + "</td><td>" + suite_totalFailedMethods + "</td><td>" + suite_totalAutomationErrors + "</td><td>" + suite_totalSkippedMethods + "</td><td>" + (suite_totalPassedMethods + suite_totalFailedMethods + suite_totalSkippedMethods + suite_totalAutomationErrors) + "</td><td>" + suite_passPercentage + " %" + "</td></tr></tbody></table>"); } f_out.flush(); f_out.println("<br/>"); f_out.println("<p><b>Modulewise Execution Summary</b></p>"); f_out.println(dashboardResults); // if(!emailable){ // f_out.println("<br/><h4>Legend:</h4>"); // f_out.print("<ul>"); // f_out.println("<li>T: Unique Testcase</li>"); // f_out.println("<li>B: Unique Browser Combination</li>"); // f_out.print("</ul>"); // }else{ f_out.println("<br/><br/><br/><br/>"); // } f_out.flush(); } synchronized private void generateModuleOverallTestReport(String testName, String moduleVar, List<ISuite> suites, String newFileName) throws Exception { StringBuilder moduleResults = new StringBuilder(); final PrintWriter pw = TestHelper.createFileWriter(TestHelper.customReportDir + newFileName); startHtmlPage(pw); pw.println("<button class=\"sexybutton sexysimple sexylarge sexyblack\" onClick=\"location.href='" + TestHelper.customizedReportFileLink//customized-test-run-report.html+ + "'\"><span class=\"prev\">Back to Overall Execution Summary</span></button>"); pw.println("<br/><br/><br/><fieldset><legend><b>Testwise Overall Execution Details</b></legend><br/>" + "<table class=\"details\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><b>Module Name: </b></td><td>" + moduleVar + "</td></tr></table></fieldset><br/><br/>"); moduleResults .append("<table id=\"myTable\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=\"tablesorter\">"); moduleResults.append("<thead><tr><th>Test Name</th> " + //"<th>Module</th> <th>Group</th>"+ "<th>Browser</th> <th>Version</th> <th>OS</th>" + "<th>Node IP</th><th># Passed</th> <th># Failed</th> <th># Warning</th> <th># Skipped</th>" + "<th># Total</th> <th>Success Rate</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody>"); int totalPassedMethods = 0; int totalFailedMethods = 0; int totalAutomationErrors = 0; int totalSkippedMethods = 0; String passPercentage = ""; String suiteName = ""; ITestContext overview = null; try { for (ISuite suite : suites) { suiteName = suite.getName();">> " + suiteName + " <<"); Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); testName = overview.getName(); totalPassedMethods = overview.getPassedTests().getAllMethods().size(); totalFailedMethods = overview.getFailedTests().getAllMethods().size(); totalAutomationErrors = overview.getFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTests().getAllMethods() .size(); totalSkippedMethods = overview.getSkippedTests().getAllMethods().size(); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nf.setGroupingUsed(true); passPercentage = getPercentage(nf, totalPassedMethods, totalPassedMethods + totalFailedMethods); String includedModule = ""; String includedGroup = ""; ITestNGMethod[] allTestMethods = overview.getAllTestMethods(); for (ITestNGMethod testngMethod : allTestMethods) { String[] modules = testngMethod.getGroups(); for (String module : modules) { for (String moduleName : TestHelper.MODULES) { if (module.equalsIgnoreCase(moduleName)) { if (!(includedModule.contains(module))) { includedModule = includedModule + " " + module; } } } for (String groupName : TestHelper.TEST_GROUPS) { if (module.equalsIgnoreCase(groupName)) { if (!(includedGroup.contains(module))) { includedGroup = includedGroup + " " + module; } } } } } String[] nodeInfo = getNodeInfo(overview, testName); String browser = nodeInfo[1]; String browser_version = nodeInfo[2]; String platform = nodeInfo[0]; String nodeIp = nodeInfo[3]; if (platform == null || platform.trim().length() == 0) { platform = "N/A"; } if (browser_version == null || browser_version.trim().length() == 0) { browser_version = "N/A"; } if (browser == null || browser.trim().length() == 0) { browser = "N/A"; } if (browser.equalsIgnoreCase("firefox")) { browser = "Firefox"; } else if (browser.equalsIgnoreCase("chrome")) { browser = "Chrome"; } else if (browser.equalsIgnoreCase("internet explorer")) { browser = "IE"; } if (platform.equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) { platform = "XP"; } else if (platform.equalsIgnoreCase("windows7")) { platform = "Win 7"; } else if (platform.equalsIgnoreCase("mac")) { platform = "Mac"; } else { } if (includedModule.equalsIgnoreCase(moduleVar)) { String fileName = testName + "-customized-report.html"; if (nodeIp == null || nodeIp.trim().length() == 0) { nodeIp = "?"; } try { generateModuleWiseTestReport(testName, suites, fileName, moduleVar, nodeIp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String passCount = ""; String failCount = ""; String automationErrorCount = ""; String skipCount = ""; if (totalPassedMethods > 0) { passCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + passColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + totalPassedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { passCount = "<td>" + totalPassedMethods + "</td>"; } if (totalFailedMethods > 0) { failCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + failColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + totalFailedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { failCount = "<td>" + totalFailedMethods + "</td>"; } if (totalAutomationErrors > 0) { automationErrorCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + warnColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + totalAutomationErrors + "</b></font></td>"; } else { automationErrorCount = "<td>" + totalAutomationErrors + "</td>"; } if (totalSkippedMethods > 0) { skipCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + skipColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + totalSkippedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { skipCount = "<td>" + totalSkippedMethods + "</td>"; } moduleResults.append( "<tr><td><b><a href=\"" + fileName + "\">" + testName + "</a></b></td>" + "<td>" //+ includedModule + "</td><td>" + includedGroup + "</td><td>" + browser + "</td><td>" + browser_version + "</td><td>" + platform + "</td><td>" + nodeIp + "</td>" + passCount + failCount + automationErrorCount + skipCount + "</td><td>" + (totalPassedMethods + totalFailedMethods + +totalAutomationErrors + totalSkippedMethods) + "</td><td><font color=\"" + passPercentageColor + "\"><b>" + passPercentage + " %" + "</b></font></td></tr>"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();//"Exception in report!!!: "+e); } moduleResults.append("</tbody></table>"); pw.println(moduleResults); endHtmlPage(pw); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } synchronized private void generateModuleWiseTestReport(String testName, List<ISuite> suites, String newFileName, String passedModule, String nodeIp) throws IOException { final PrintWriter pw = TestHelper.createFileWriter(TestHelper.customReportDir + newFileName); startHtmlPage(pw); pw.println("<button class=\"sexybutton sexysimple sexylarge sexyblack\" onClick=\"location.href='" + passedModule + "-Overall-customized-report.html" + "'\"><span class=\"prev\">Back to Modulewise Test Execution Summary</span></button>"); pw.println( "<br/><br/><br/><fieldset><legend><b>Modulewise Execution Details</b></legend><br/><table class=\"details\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><b>Test Name: </b></td><td>" + testName + "</td></tr>"); pw.println("<tr><td><b>Node IP: </b></td><td>" + nodeIp + "</td></tr></table></fieldset><br/><br/>"); pw.println("<table id=\"myTable\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=\"tablesorter\">"); pw.println("<thead><tr><th>Module Name</th><th># Passed</th>" + "<th># Failed</th><th># Warning</th>" + "<th># Skipped</th><th># Total</th><th>Success Rate</th></tr></thead>"); HashMap<String, ArrayList<ITestNGMethod>> moduleMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ITestNGMethod>>(); ITestContext overview = null; for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if ((overview.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(testName)) { ITestNGMethod[] testngMethods = overview.getAllTestMethods(); ArrayList<HashMap<String, ITestNGMethod>> moduleMethods = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, ITestNGMethod>>(); for (ITestNGMethod testngMethod : testngMethods) { String[] groups = testngMethod.getGroups(); for (String group : groups) { for (String module : TestHelper.MODULES) { if (group.equalsIgnoreCase(module)) { HashMap<String, ITestNGMethod> tempMap = new HashMap<String, ITestNGMethod>(); tempMap.put(module, testngMethod); moduleMethods.add(tempMap); } } } } for (String module : TestHelper.MODULES) { ArrayList<ITestNGMethod> moduleTestMethods = new ArrayList<ITestNGMethod>(); Iterator<HashMap<String, ITestNGMethod>> it = moduleMethods.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String moduleName = ""; ITestNGMethod testMethod = null; HashMap<String, ITestNGMethod> moduleWithTestMethod =; if (moduleWithTestMethod.containsKey(module)) { moduleName = module; testMethod = moduleWithTestMethod.get(module); } if (module.equalsIgnoreCase(moduleName)) { moduleTestMethods.add(testMethod); } } moduleMap.put(module, moduleTestMethods); } } } } Set<String> keySet = moduleMap.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = keySet.iterator(); for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult r : tests.values()) { overview = r.getTestContext(); if ((overview.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(testName)) { while (it.hasNext()) { String moduleName =; int totalPassedMethods = 0; int totalFailedMethods = 0; int totalAutomationErrors = 0; int totalSkippedMethods = 0; int totalSkippedConfigurations = 0; int totalFailedConfigurations = 0; ArrayList<ITestNGMethod> values = moduleMap.get(moduleName); ListIterator<ITestNGMethod> it2 = values.listIterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { ITestNGMethod method =; int failedMethods = overview.getFailedTests().getResults(method).size(); int failedAutomationErrors = overview.getFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTests() .getResults(method).size(); int passedMethods = overview.getPassedTests().getResults(method).size(); int skippedMethods = overview.getSkippedTests().getResults(method).size(); int failedConfiguration = overview.getFailedConfigurations().getResults(method).size(); int skippedConfiguration = overview.getSkippedConfigurations().getResults(method) .size(); totalPassedMethods += passedMethods; totalFailedMethods += failedMethods; totalAutomationErrors += failedAutomationErrors; totalSkippedMethods += skippedMethods; totalFailedConfigurations += failedConfiguration; totalSkippedConfigurations += skippedConfiguration; } if (values.size() > 0) { String fileName = testName + "-" + moduleName + "-customized-report.html"; try { generateModuleTestMethodSummary(testName, moduleName, suites, fileName, values, nodeIp); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int totalMethods = totalPassedMethods + totalFailedMethods + totalAutomationErrors + totalSkippedMethods; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); nf.setGroupingUsed(false); String passPercentage = getPercentage(nf, totalPassedMethods, totalMethods); generateModulesRow(pw, fileName, moduleName, totalPassedMethods, totalFailedMethods, totalAutomationErrors, totalSkippedMethods, totalSkippedConfigurations, totalFailedConfigurations, totalMethods, passPercentage); } } break; } } } pw.println("</table>"); endHtmlPage(pw); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } synchronized private void generateModuleTestMethodSummary(String testName, String modulename, List<ISuite> suites, String fileName, ArrayList<ITestNGMethod> testngMethods, String nodeIp) throws IOException { final PrintWriter pw = TestHelper.createFileWriter(TestHelper.customReportDir + fileName); startHtmlPage(pw); String htmlFile = testName + "-customized-report.html"; String modulewiseTestFileName = testName + "-" + modulename + "-customized-report.html"; pw.println("<button class=\"sexybutton sexysimple sexylarge sexyblack\" onClick=\"location.href='" + htmlFile + "'\"><span class=\"prev\">Back to Modulewise Execution Summary</span></button>"); pw.println("<br/><br/><br/><fieldset><legend><b>Details</b></legend><br/>" + "<table class=\"details\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td><b>Test Name: </b></td><td>" + testName + "</td></tr>"); pw.println("<tr><td><b>Module Name: </b></td><td>" + modulename + "</td></tr>"); pw.println("<tr><td><b>Node IP: </b></td><td>" + nodeIp + "</td></tr></table></fieldset><br/><br/>"); pw.println("<table id=\"myTable\" width=\"100%\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=\"tablesorter\">"); pw.println("<thead><tr><th style=\"text-align:left\">Method Name</th>" + "<th>Total Time (ms)</th>" + "<th>Status</th>" + "<th style=\"text-align:center\">Stack Trace | Test Parameters</th></tr></thead>"); for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult re : tests.values()) { ITestContext overview = re.getTestContext(); if ((overview.getName()).equalsIgnoreCase(testName)) { Iterator<ITestNGMethod> it = testngMethods.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ITestNGMethod method =; String[] allGroups = method.getGroups(); String methodName = ""; //String className = ""; for (String grp : allGroups) { if (grp.equalsIgnoreCase(modulename)) { methodName = method.getMethodName(); //className = method.getTestClass().getName(); ArrayList<Set<ITestResult>> statusResult = new ArrayList<Set<ITestResult>>(); Set<ITestResult> failedTestAutomationStatus = overview .getFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTests().getResults(method); if (!(failedTestAutomationStatus.isEmpty())) { statusResult.add(setTestStatus(failedTestAutomationStatus, ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE)); } //TODO -- these 2 sets are somehow missing from the report, not sure they are attached // with @test method or @BeforeMethod, so could be commented out if they are always empty Set<ITestResult> confFailedTestStatus = overview.getFailedConfigurations() .getResults(method); if (!(confFailedTestStatus.isEmpty())) { statusResult.add(setTestStatus(confFailedTestStatus, ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE)); } Set<ITestResult> confSkippedTestStatus = overview.getSkippedConfigurations() .getResults(method); if (!(confSkippedTestStatus.isEmpty())) { statusResult.add(setTestStatus(confSkippedTestStatus, ITestResult.SKIP)); } // *************************************************************************************************** Set<ITestResult> skippedTestStatus = overview.getSkippedTests().getResults(method); if (!(skippedTestStatus.isEmpty())) { statusResult.add(setTestStatus(skippedTestStatus, ITestResult.SKIP)); } Set<ITestResult> passedTestStatus = overview.getPassedTests().getResults(method); if (!(passedTestStatus.isEmpty())) { statusResult.add(setTestStatus(passedTestStatus, ITestResult.SUCCESS)); } Set<ITestResult> failedTestStatus = overview.getFailedTests().getResults(method); if (!(failedTestStatus.isEmpty())) { statusResult.add(setTestStatus(failedTestStatus, ITestResult.FAILURE)); } if (methodName == null || methodName.trim() == "") { methodName = " Empty ?"; } // ________________________________________________________ String test_tag = ""; pw.print("<tr><td style=\"text-align:left\" colspan=\"3\"><b>" + methodName.toUpperCase() + "</b>"); pw.println("" + "</td>" + "<td bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"border: 0px;\"></td>" + "</tr>"); Iterator<Set<ITestResult>> statusIterator = statusResult.iterator(); while (statusIterator.hasNext()) { Set<ITestResult> status =; StringBuilder stackTrace; StringBuilder failedConf; Iterator<ITestResult> it2 = status.iterator(); List<String> msgs = new ArrayList<String>(); String executionStatus = ""; long time_start = Long.MAX_VALUE; long time_end = Long.MIN_VALUE; Throwable exception = null; String screenshotFileLink = ""; String currentTestUrl = ""; String jsError = ""; ITestResult result = null; while (it2.hasNext()) { // pw.println("<tr><td style=\"text-align:left\"><b>" // + methodName.toUpperCase() + "</b></td>"); stackTrace = new StringBuilder(); failedConf = new StringBuilder(); result =; time_start = result.getStartMillis(); time_end = result.getEndMillis(); Object[] params = result.getParameters(); // // if(test_tag.equals("")){ // test_tag = getTestTag(params); // if(status.size()==1){ // pw.println( " ["+test_tag+"]" // +"</td>" // + "<td bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"border: 0px;\"></td>" // + "</tr>"); // }else { // pw.println( "" // +"</td>" // + "<td bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"border: 0px;\"></td>" // + "</tr>"); // } // } // String test_para = getTestPara(params,status.size()>1?0:1); String test_para = getTestPara(params, 0); int execStatus = result.getStatus(); if (execStatus == ITestResult.SUCCESS) { executionStatus = "PASS"; } else if (execStatus == ITestResult.FAILURE) { executionStatus = "FAIL"; } else if (execStatus == ITestResult.SKIP) { executionStatus = "SKIP"; } else if (execStatus == ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE) { executionStatus = "WARN"; } // if (execStatus == ITestResult.SKIP) // { // status = overview.getFailedConfigurations().getAllResults(); // it2 = status.iterator(); // failedConf.append("<br/>"); // while (it2.hasNext()) // { // result =; // failedConf.append("<b>Failed Configuration - " // + result.getMethod().getMethodName() + "</b>"); // failedConf.append("<br/>"); // } // // status = overview.getSkippedConfigurations().getAllResults(); // it2 = status.iterator(); // failedConf.append("<br/>"); // while (it2.hasNext()) // { // result =; // failedConf.append("<b>Skipped Configuration - " // + result.getMethod().getMethodName() + "</b>"); // failedConf.append("<br/>"); // } // exception = result.getThrowable(); // } else { exception = result.getThrowable(); if (exception == null) { if (execStatus == ITestResult.SKIP) { status = overview.getFailedConfigurations().getAllResults(); it2 = status.iterator(); failedConf.append("<br/>"); while (it2.hasNext()) { result =; failedConf.append("<b>Failed Configuration - " + result.getMethod().getMethodName() + "</b>"); failedConf.append("<br/>"); } status = overview.getSkippedConfigurations().getAllResults(); it2 = status.iterator(); failedConf.append("<br/>"); while (it2.hasNext()) { result =; failedConf.append("<b>Skipped Configuration - " + result.getMethod().getMethodName() + "</b>"); failedConf.append("<br/>"); } exception = result.getThrowable(); } } } msgs = Reporter.getOutput(result); /* * If enable logs is false, then only * take the screenshot. */ if (//(TestHelper.getTestConfig("ENABLE_LOGS_IN_CUSTOM_REPORT").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) && (msgs != null)) { for (String line : msgs) { if (line.contains(TestHelper.jsErrorMarkerInOutputFile)) { jsError = line.substring(line .indexOf(TestHelper.jsErrorMarkerInOutputFile) + (TestHelper.jsErrorMarkerInOutputFile.length()), line.length()).trim(); } if (line.contains(TestHelper.testUrlMarkerInOutputFile)) { currentTestUrl = line.substring(line .indexOf(TestHelper.testUrlMarkerInOutputFile) + (TestHelper.testUrlMarkerInOutputFile.length()), line.length()); } if (line.contains(TestHelper.testScreenshotMarkerInOutputFile)) { screenshotFileLink = line.substring(line .indexOf(TestHelper.testScreenshotMarkerInOutputFile) + (TestHelper.testScreenshotMarkerInOutputFile .length()), line.length()); break; } } } /* * If enable logs is true, take the * whole log along with screenshot. */ if ((TestHelper.getTestConfig("ENABLE_LOGS_IN_CUSTOM_REPORT") .equalsIgnoreCase("true")) && (msgs != null)) { // if(currentTestUrl!=null && currentTestUrl.trim().length()!=0){ // stackTrace // .append("<br/><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" // + currentTestUrl // + "\"><u><b>URL</b></u> - " // + currentTestUrl // + "</a>"); // } for (String line : msgs) { stackTrace.append("<br/>" + line); } } else if (screenshotFileLink != null && screenshotFileLink.trim().length() != 0) { stackTrace.append( "<br/><div id=\"screenshot-div\" style=\"cursor:pointer;color:blue;\"><u><b>Enlarge Screenshot</b></u> - " + currentTestUrl + "</div><br/>" // +(jsError.equals("")?jsError:"<b>JS Error:</b>"+jsError+"<br/>") + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + screenshotFileLink + "\"><b>View Screenshot in New Window/Tab</b></a><br/><br/><img id=\"screenshot\" src='" + screenshotFileLink + "' height='300' width='300' border=\"1\" style=\"position: relative; left: 0px;\"/>" + (jsError.equals("") ? jsError : "<br/><br/><b>JS Error:</b><br/>" + jsError + "<br/>")); } if (msgs != null) { msgs.clear(); } Random randomGenerator = new Random(); int randomInt = randomGenerator.nextInt(100000); String stackTraceFile = testName + "-" + modulename + "-" + methodName + "-" + randomInt + "-" + "custom-report.html"; stackTrace.append("<br/>" + failedConf.toString()); generateStackTraceReport(modulewiseTestFileName, stackTraceFile, stackTrace, exception, method, nodeIp, result); String link = "<button class=\"sexybutton sexysimple sexyblack\" onClick=\"location.href='" + stackTraceFile + "'\"><span class=\"info\">" + "View StackTrace/Screenshots" + "</span></button>"; if (executionStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("pass")) { executionStatus = "<td bgcolor=\"" + passColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + executionStatus + "</b></font></td>"; } else if (executionStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("fail")) { executionStatus = "<td bgcolor=\"" + failColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + executionStatus + "</b></font></td>"; } else if (executionStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("warn")) { executionStatus = "<td bgcolor=\"" + warnColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + executionStatus + "</b></font></td>"; } else if (executionStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("skip")) { executionStatus = "<td bgcolor=\"" + skipColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + executionStatus + "</b></font></td>"; } else { executionStatus = "<td>" + executionStatus + "</td>"; } pw.println(//"<tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">" + "[Class Name] " + className "<tr><td style=\"text-align:left\">" + "[Test Params] " + test_para + "</td><td>" + (time_end - time_start) + "</td>" + executionStatus + "<td bgcolor=\"white\" style=\"text-align:center;border: 0px;\">" + link + "</td></tr>"); pw.flush(); } } } } } } } } pw.println("</table>"); endHtmlPage(pw); pw.flush(); pw.close(); } private void generateStackTraceReport(String fileName, String stackTraceFile, StringBuilder stackTrace, Throwable exception, ITestNGMethod method, String _nodeIp, ITestResult result) throws IOException { final PrintWriter fw = TestHelper.createFileWriter(TestHelper.customReportDir + stackTraceFile); startHtmlPage(fw); fw.println("<button class=\"sexybutton sexysimple sexylarge sexyblack\" onClick=\"location.href='" + fileName + "'\"><span class=\"prev\">Back to Methodwise Execution Summary</span></button>"); fw.println("<br/><br/><br/>"); if (result != null) { fw.println("<fieldset><legend><font color=\"blue\"><b>Test Parameters</b></font></legend><br/>"); fw.println("<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=\"details\" "); Object[] params = result.getParameters(); if (params != null) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { /* * if (params[i].toString().length() > 80) { params[i] = * params[i].toString().substring(0, 78) + " ..."; } */ if (i == 1 && params.length > 3 && !((String) params[i]).trim().equals("")) { fw.println("<tr><td><b>[Parameter " + i + "]</b></td><td bgcolor=\"" + warnColor + "\"><font color=\"white\">" + "KnownBug: " + params[i] + "</font></td></tr>"); } else { fw.println("<tr><td><b>[Parameter " + i + "]</b></td><td>" + params[i] + "</td></tr>"); } } } fw.println("</table>"); fw.println("</fieldset>"); fw.println("<br/>"); } fw.println("<fieldset><legend><font color=\"green\"><b>Console Log/Screenshot</b></font></legend><br/>"); if (TestHelper.getTestConfig("ENABLE_LOGS_IN_CUSTOM_REPORT").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { fw.println( "<p><b>[Debug] - </b>Console logs in custom report is disabled. To view the Console logs please set the ENABLE_LOGS_IN_CUSTOM_REPORT as true in properties file!</p>"); } String[] nodeInfo = getNodeInfo(result.getTestContext(), result.getTestContext().getName() + method.getMethodName()); String browser = nodeInfo[1]; String browser_version = nodeInfo[2]; String platform = nodeInfo[0]; String nodeIp = nodeInfo[3]; // Date endDate = new Date(); // try{ // endDate = result.getTestContext().getEndDate(); // }catch(Exception e){ // // } fw.println("<p><b>[Platform] - </b>" + platform + "</p>"); fw.println("<p><b>[Browser] - </b>" + browser + "</p>"); fw.println("<p><b>[Browser Version] - </b>" + browser_version + "</p>"); fw.println("<p><b>[Node IP] - </b>" + nodeIp + "</p>"); //fw.println("<p><b>[Timestamp] : </b>" + (endDate) + "</p>"); fw.println(stackTrace + "<br/>"); fw.println("</fieldset>"); fw.println("<br/>"); if (exception != null) { fw.println("<fieldset><legend><font color=\"red\"><b>Stack Trace</b></font></legend><br/>"); generateExceptionReport(exception, method, fw); fw.println("</fieldset>"); } endHtmlPage(fw); fw.flush(); fw.close(); } protected void generateExceptionReport(Throwable exception, ITestNGMethod method, PrintWriter pw) { pw.flush(); generateExceptionReport(exception, method, exception.getLocalizedMessage(), pw); } private void generateExceptionReport(Throwable exception, ITestNGMethod method, String title, PrintWriter m_out) { m_out.println("<p>" + exception.getClass() + ": " + title + "</p><p>"); StackTraceElement[] s1 = exception.getStackTrace(); Throwable t2 = exception.getCause(); if (t2 == exception) { t2 = null; } int maxlines = Math.min(100, StackTraceTools.getTestRoot(s1, method)); for (int x = 0; x <= maxlines; x++) { m_out.println((x > 0 ? "<br/>at " : "") + Utils.escapeHtml(s1[x].toString())); } if (maxlines < s1.length) { m_out.println("<br/>" + (s1.length - maxlines) + " lines not shown"); } if (t2 != null) { generateExceptionReport(t2, method, "Caused by " + t2.getLocalizedMessage(), m_out); } m_out.println("</p>"); m_out.flush(); } private void generateModulesRow(PrintWriter pw, String fileName, String moduleName, int passedMethods, int failedMethods, int failedAutomationErrors, int skippedMethods, int skippedConfiguration, int failedConfiguration, int totalMethods, String passPercentage) { String passCount = ""; String failCount = ""; String failAutomationCount = ""; String skipCount = ""; if (passedMethods > 0) { passCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + passColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + passedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { passCount = "<td>" + passedMethods + "</td>"; } if (failedMethods > 0) { failCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + failColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + failedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { failCount = "<td>" + failedMethods + "</td>"; } if (failedAutomationErrors > 0) { failAutomationCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + warnColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + failedAutomationErrors + "</b></font></td>"; } else { failAutomationCount = "<td>" + failedAutomationErrors + "</td>"; } if (skippedMethods > 0) { skipCount = "<td bgcolor=\"" + skipColor + "\"><font color=\"white\"><b>" + skippedMethods + "</b></font></td>"; } else { skipCount = "<td>" + skippedMethods + "</td>"; } pw.println("<tr><td><b><a href=\"" + fileName + "\">" + moduleName + "</a></b></td>" + passCount + failCount + failAutomationCount + skipCount + "<td>" + totalMethods + "</td><td><font color=\"" + passPercentageColor + "\"><b>" + passPercentage + " %" + "</b></font></td></tr>"); pw.flush(); } private void generateAdditionalInfoReport(List<ISuite> suites, PrintWriter f_out) { generateAdditionalInfoReport(false, suites, f_out); } private void generateAdditionalInfoReport(boolean emailable, List<ISuite> suites, PrintWriter f_out) { if (!emailable) { f_out.println("<fieldset><legend><b>Configuration Details</b></legend><br/>"); // used for custom report f_out.println("<table class=\"details\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0"); } else { f_out.println("<b><font color=\"" + titleColor + "\">Configuration Details</font></b><br/><br/>"); f_out.println("<table " + classDetails + " cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0"); } f_out.println("<tr><td>Test Application: " + "</td><td>" + TestHelper.testApp + "</td></tr>"); //f_out.println("<tr><td>Test Environment: " + "</td><td>" + TestHelper.getTestConfig("TEST_ENVIRONMENT") + "</td></tr>"); f_out.println("<tr><td>Test Application URL: </td><td>" + "<a href=\"" + TestHelper.suiteTestUrl + "\">" + TestHelper.suiteTestUrl + "</a></td></tr>"); for (ISuite suite : suites) { Map<String, ISuiteResult> tests = suite.getResults(); for (ISuiteResult re : tests.values()) { ITestContext testContext = re.getTestContext(); f_out.println("<tr><td>Test Application Build No: </td><td>" + testContext.getAttribute("RevNo") + "</td></tr>"); break; } f_out.println("<tr><td>Run Suite Parallel: </td><td>" + suite.getParallel() + "</td></tr>"); break; } // f_out.println("<tr><td>Using GRID: </td><td>" + "" + TestHelper.useGrid + "</td></tr>"); // String enableLogsInReport = TestHelper.getTestConfig("ENABLE_LOGS_IN_CUSTOM_REPORT"); // if (enableLogsInReport.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) // { // enableLogsInReport = "enabled"; // } else if (enableLogsInReport.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) // { // enableLogsInReport = "disabled"; // } // // f_out.println("<tr><td>Console Logs in Report: </td><td>" + "" + enableLogsInReport + "</td></tr>"); if (emailable) { if (TestHelper.isJenkinsTest) { f_out.println("<tr><td><i>Jenkins Report: </i></td><td>" + "<a href=\"" + TestHelper.jenkinsBuildUrl//+TestHelper.customReportFileName + TestHelper.jenkinsCustomReportTitle + "\">" + "Customized HTML Report" + "</a></td></tr>"); f_out.println("<tr><td><i>Test History: </i></td><td>" + "<a href=\"" + TestHelper.jenkinsJOBUrl + "\">" + TestHelper.jenkinsJOBUrl + "</a></td></tr>"); } // // + "" // + "<a href=\"" + "" + TestHelper.jenkinsBuildUrl+TestHelper.customReportFileName + "</td></tr>"); // } } f_out.println("</table>"); f_out.println("<br/>"); f_out.flush(); } public static String[] getNodeInfo(ITestContext overview, String testName) { String[] nodeInfo = new String[4]; try { String[] temp = TestHelper.testNodeProxy.get(testName).split("~"); return temp; } catch (Exception e) { nodeInfo[0] = overview.getCurrentXmlTest().getParameter("platform"); nodeInfo[1] = overview.getCurrentXmlTest().getParameter("browser"); nodeInfo[2] = overview.getCurrentXmlTest().getParameter("browser_version"); nodeInfo[3] = "N/A"; } return nodeInfo; } //***************************************************** // ********** Static HTML **************************** //***************************************************** /** Starts HTML Stream */ private static void startHtmlPage(PrintWriter out) { startHtmlPage(out, TestHelper.cssDir); } private static void startHtmlPage(PrintWriter out, String cssDir) { out.println( "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\">"); out.println("<html xmlns=\"\">"); out.println("<head>"); out.println("<title>AOL Automation Test Results Summary</title>"); /* Include Java Script and JQuery */ out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + cssDir + "jquery-latest.js\"></script>"); out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + cssDir + "jquery.tablesorter.js\"></script>"); out.println( "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> $(document).ready(function(){$(\"#myTable\").tablesorter({sortList:[[1,0],[3,0],[4,0]], widgets: ['zebra']}) ;});</script>"); out.println( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">function goConfirm(title, link){if(confirm(title) == true){ window.location.href = link; return true;} else { return false;}}</script>"); out.println( "<script type=\"text/javascript\">$(document).ready(function(){ $('#screenshot-div').click(function() { $('#screenshot').animate({ width: 900,height: 650}, 5000, function() { });});});</script>"); /* Include Style Sheets */ out.println("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + cssDir + "sexybuttons.css\" type=\"text/css\" />"); out.println("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + cssDir + "custom-report-stylesheet.css\" type=\"text/css\" />"); out.println("</head>"); out.println("<body><br/>"); out.println( "<div class=\"layout\"> <div class=\"box\"><div class=\"silver\"> <div class=\"corner TL\"></div> <div class=\"corner TR\"></div><div class=\"corner BL\"></div><div class=\"corner BR\"></div> <div class=\"inner\">"); out.println("<div id=\"content\">"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); out.println("<br/><br/><br/><h1>AOL AUTOMATION TEST REPORT</h1>"); out.println("<br/><div align=\"right\">Report generated on: " + cal.getTime() + "</div><br/><br/>"); out.flush(); } /** Finishes HTML Stream */ private static void endHtmlPage(PrintWriter out) { out.println("<font color=\"#B2ADAD\">"); out.println("<br/><h4>Legend:</h4>"); out.print("<ul>"); out.println("<li><b>Fail</b>: possible product issue(s)</li>"); out.println("<li><b>Warn</b>: possible known bugs or non-product issue(s)</li>"); out.println("<li><b>Skip</b>: ignorable enviromnet issue(s) </li>"); out.println("<li><b>Combination</b>: Browser(Test) Combinations</li>"); out.print("</ul>"); out.println("</font>"); out.println("</div></div></div></div>"); out.println("<div class=\"footer\"> © <a href=\"\">2015 AOL Inc.</a></div>"); out.println("</body></html>"); out.flush(); } /** Starts emailable HTML Stream */ private void e_startHtmlPage(PrintWriter out) { out.println( "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\">"); out.println("<html xmlns=\"\">"); out.println("<head>"); out.println("<title>AOL Automation Test Results Summary</title>"); out.println("<style type=\"text/css\">"); out.println( "body { margin-left:2cm; margin-right:2cm; background: white; color: #333300 ; font-size: 100%; font-family: Georgia, \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif; }"); out.println( "table.details{ margin-bottom:10px;border:0px solid white;border-collapse:collapse;empty-cells:hide;width=\"40%\"; }"); out.println( "table.details td { border:0px solid white; color: #333300;font-family:Georgia, \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif; font-size: 100%; text-align: left; }"); out.println( "table.param td { border:1px solid #333300; color: #333300 ;font-family:Georgia, \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif; font-size: 100%; text-align: center; }"); out.println("table.param tr{ height: 35px;}"); out.println( "table.param th { border:0px solid #333300; color: white;font-family:Georgia, \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif; font-size: 100%; text-align: center; background-color: #333300; }"); out.println("table.param tr:nth-of-type(odd){background: #F0F0F0;}"); out.println("table.param tr:nth-of-type(even){background: #B4B4B4 ;}"); out.println("table.param tr:hover{ background-color: #79830D;}"); out.println("table.details tr:hover{background-color: #9AEBA5;}"); out.println("#content {margin-left:1.5cm; margin-right:1.5cm;margin-top:1.5; margin-bottom:1.5cm}"); out.println("</style>"); out.println("</head>"); out.println("<body>"); // out.println("<div id=\"content\">"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); out.println("<br/><h1>AOL AUTOMATION TEST REPORT</h1>"); out.println("<br/><div align=\"right\">Report generated on: " + cal.getTime() + "</div><br/><br/>"); out.flush(); } private String getTestTag(Object[] params) { int indexOfTag = 0; String testTag = "You should add a description to your test method"; if (params.length < indexOfTag + 1) return testTag; testTag = params[indexOfTag].toString().trim(); if (testTag.length() > 80) { testTag = testTag.substring(0, 79) + "..."; } return testTag; } private String getTestPara(Object[] params) { return getTestPara(params, 1); } private String getTestPara(Object[] params, int indexOfPara) { String testPara = ""; if (params.length < indexOfPara + 1) return testPara; testPara = params[indexOfPara].toString().trim(); for (int i = indexOfPara + 1; i < params.length; i++) { testPara += ", " + params[i].toString().trim(); } if (testPara.length() > 80) { testPara = testPara.substring(0, 79) + "..."; } return testPara; } public String getPercentage(NumberFormat nf, float num, float total) { String percentage = "0"; if (total < 1) return percentage; try { percentage = nf.format((num / total) * 100); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return percentage; } // TODO // Seems testng listener failed to update actually status for tests, we are trying to provided a workaround synchronized public static Set<ITestResult> setTestStatus(Set<ITestResult> testResultSet, int status) { try {//TBD, use array Object[] trs = testResultSet.toArray(); for (Object tro : trs) { ITestResult tr = (ITestResult) tro; int cStatus = tr.getStatus(); if (cStatus != status) { testResultSet.remove(tr); tr.setStatus(status); testResultSet.add(tr); } } // for(ITestResult tr: testResultSet){ // int cStatus = tr.getStatus(); // if(cStatus!=status){ // boolean done = false; // int num = 0, maxTime = 3; // Exception ex = null; // do{ // try{ // testResultSet.remove(tr); // tr.setStatus(status); // testResultSet.add(tr); // done = true; // }catch(ConcurrentModificationException e){ // ex = e; // TestHelper.threadSleep(1000); // }catch(Exception e){ // ex = e; // num = maxTime; // } // }while(!done&&++num<maxTime); // // if(!done){ // ex.printStackTrace(); // } // } // // // System.out.println(cStatus +" - " +(cStatus = tr.getStatus())); // } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Failed to resetTestStatus: " + e); } return testResultSet; } /** Finishes emailable HTML Stream */ private void e_endHtmlPage(PrintWriter out) { out.println("<font color=\"#B2ADAD\">"); out.println("<br/><h4>Legend:</h4>"); out.print("<ul>"); out.println("<li><b>Fail</b>: possible product issue(s)</li>"); out.println("<li><b>Warn</b>: possible known bugs or non-product issue(s)</li>"); out.println("<li><b>Skip</b>: ignorable enviromnet issue(s) </li>"); out.println("<li><b>Combination</b>: Browser(Test) Combinations</li>"); out.print("</ul>"); out.print("</font>"); out.println("</body></html>"); out.flush(); } }