List of usage examples for java.lang Thread yield
public static native void yield();
From source
/** * Gets attributes of given items. This method threads off the get requests and * aggregates the responses./*from ww w. j ava2 s .c o m*/ * * @param items the list of items to get attributes for * @param listener class that will be notified when items are ready * @throws SDBException wraps checked exceptions */ public void getItemsAttributes(List<String> items, ItemListener listener) throws SDBException { ThreadPoolExecutor pool = getThreadPoolExecutor(); pool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new RejectionHandler()); Counter running = new Counter(0); for (String item : items) { while (pool.getActiveCount() == pool.getMaximumPoolSize()) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } synchronized (running) { running.increment(); } pool.execute(new AttrWorker(getItem(item), running, null, listener)); Thread.yield(); } while (true) { if (running.getValue() == 0) { break; } try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { } } if (this.executor == null) { pool.shutdown(); } }
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@Test(timeout = 60000) public void testPreemptTask() throws Exception {"testPreemptTask"); SplitLogCounters.resetCounters();//from w w w .j a va 2 m final ServerName SRV = ServerName.valueOf("tpt_svr,1,1"); final String PATH = ZKSplitLog.getEncodedNodeName(zkw, "tpt_task"); RegionServerServices mockedRS = getRegionServer(SRV); SplitLogWorker slw = new SplitLogWorker(zkw, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(), mockedRS, neverEndingTask); slw.start(); try { Thread.yield(); // let the worker start Thread.sleep(1000); waitForCounter(SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_grabing, 0, 1, WAIT_TIME); // this time create a task node after starting the splitLogWorker zkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper().create(PATH, new SplitLogTask.Unassigned(MANAGER).toByteArray(), Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT); waitForCounter(SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_task_acquired, 0, 1, WAIT_TIME); assertEquals(1, slw.taskReadySeq); byte[] bytes = ZKUtil.getData(zkw, PATH); SplitLogTask slt = SplitLogTask.parseFrom(bytes); assertTrue(slt.isOwned(SRV)); slt = new SplitLogTask.Owned(MANAGER); ZKUtil.setData(zkw, PATH, slt.toByteArray()); waitForCounter(SplitLogCounters.tot_wkr_preempt_task, 0, 1, WAIT_TIME); } finally { stopSplitLogWorker(slw); } }
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public void executeTest() throws Throwable { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount); Set<URI> fromOntologies = new HashSet<URI>(25); Set<URI> toOntologies = new HashSet<URI>(25); Set<? extends OWLOntologyIRIMapper> bioTopLiteMapper = null; if (null != bioTopLiteURI) { bioTopLiteMapper = Collections.singleton(new SimpleIRIMapper( IRI.create(""), IRI.create(bioTopLiteURI))); }/* www . ja v a2 s . c o m*/ OntologyCache cache = OntologyCache.setupSharedCache(bioTopLiteMapper, getIgnoredImports(), threadCount); NormalizerChainFactory chain = new NormalizerChainFactory();/* new NormalizerChainFactory(importer, intersector, namer, decomposer, subsumer);*/ cache.setNormalizerFactory(chain); fromOntologies.addAll(groupAOntologies); if (globalConfig.getBoolean("one-way", false)) { /* * If one way comparisons are requested, we only compare group A to * group B (and model). */ toOntologies.addAll(groupBOntologies); } else { /* * By default, we do cross-comparisons between the groups, so we * create a global set for both. For simplicity, this just * means adding the second set to fromOntologies and aliasing it * as toOntologies. */ fromOntologies.addAll(groupBOntologies); toOntologies = fromOntologies; } if (null != modelOntology) { toOntologies.add(modelOntology); }"Running comparisons for test '" + getTestName() + "'."); for (URI u1 : fromOntologies) { for (URI u2 : toOntologies) { if (u1.equals(u2)) { continue; } /* * Working with the ontologies is resource intensive. We want * to handle more than one at a time, especially on multicore * machines, but neigher starving ourselves from I/O nor * generating massive cache or memory churn is very smart. */ int waitCount = 0; while (inProgressCount.get() > threadCount) { if (0 == ++waitCount % 8) { /* * Thight loop a few times, then yield in order to let * the other threads finish. */ Thread.yield(); } } comparisonStarted(); try { OntologyPair p = new OntologyPair(cache, u1, u2); executor.execute(new ComparisonRunner(u1, u2, p)); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("Could not compare " + u1.toString() + " and " + u2.toString() + ".", e); Set<URI> values = failedComparisons.get(u1); if (null != values) { values.add(u2); } else { values = new HashSet<URI>(); values.add(u2); failedComparisons.put(u2, values); } } } } executor.shutdown(); while (false == executor.isTerminated()) { // wait until we're done. }"Comparisons on '" + getTestName() + "' completed."); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { writeNormalizedOntologiesTo(fromOntologies, cache, new File(System.getProperty(""))); } cache.teardown(); cache = null; }
From source
public void detectChanges(ChangeProcessor changeProcessor) { Clock c = new Clock(); try {/*from ww w . j av a 2 m*/ int lowestLevel = 0; try { lowestLevel = directoryListFileCreator.createDirectoryListFiles(directoryToProcess); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GradleException("failed to create directory list files", e); } // Calculate the digests of files and directories Map<String, DirectoryState> previousLevelDirectoryStates = Collections .unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, DirectoryState>()); Map<String, DirectoryState> currentLevelDirectoryStates = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DirectoryState>(); for (int levelIndex = lowestLevel; levelIndex >= 0; levelIndex--) { final File directoryLevelListFile = stateFileUtil.getDirsListFile(levelIndex); threadPool = ThreadUtils.newFixedThreadPool(4); if (directoryLevelListFile.exists()) { final File stateFile = stateFileUtil .getNewDirsStateFile(stateFileUtil.getDirsStateFilename(levelIndex)); final StateFileWriter newDirectoriesStateFileWriter = new StateFileWriter(ioFactory, stateFile); BufferedReader directoryListFileReader = null; try { directoryListFileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(directoryLevelListFile)); String absoluteDirectoryPath = null; while ((absoluteDirectoryPath = directoryListFileReader.readLine()) != null) { final DirectoryState directoryState = directoryStateBuilder .directory(new File(absoluteDirectoryPath)).getDirectoryState(); final DirectoryStateDigestCalculator digestCalculator = new DirectoryStateDigestCalculator( directoryState, digesterCache, digesterUtil, this, currentLevelDirectoryStates, previousLevelDirectoryStates, ioFactory); threadPool.submit(digestCalculator); } // each directory level has to be processed before continueing with the next(higher) level ThreadUtils.shutdown(threadPool); final List<DirectoryState> currentLevelDirectoryStatesList = new ArrayList<DirectoryState>( currentLevelDirectoryStates.values()); Collections.sort(currentLevelDirectoryStatesList); // if one of the directory state processors failed -> change detection fails // This is a simple not so efficient way, we could fail earlier but that will make everything more complicated for (final DirectoryState directoryState : currentLevelDirectoryStatesList) { final Throwable failureCause = directoryState.getFailureCause(); if (failureCause != null) throw new GradleException("Failed to detect changes", failureCause); else { newDirectoriesStateFileWriter.addDigest(directoryState.getRelativePath(), directoryState.getDigest()); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new GradleException("failed to detect changes (dirs." + newDirectoriesStateFileWriter.getStateFile().getAbsolutePath() + ".state write failed)", e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(directoryListFileReader); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(directoryLevelListFile); newDirectoriesStateFileWriter.close(); } } previousLevelDirectoryStates = Collections .unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, DirectoryState>(currentLevelDirectoryStates)); currentLevelDirectoryStates = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DirectoryState>(); } // Compare new and old directory state + notify DirectoryStateChangeDetecterListener try { boolean keepComparing = true; int currentLevel = 0; final StateChangeEventDispatcher stateChangeEventDispatcher = new StateChangeEventDispatcher( stateChangeEventQueue, 100L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, changeProcessor); final Thread changeProcessorEventThread = new Thread(stateChangeEventDispatcher); changeProcessorEventThread.start(); threadPool = ThreadUtils.newFixedThreadPool(4); while (keepComparing && currentLevel <= lowestLevel) { keepComparing = stateComparator.compareState(this, currentLevel); currentLevel++; } ThreadUtils.shutdown(threadPool); while (!stateChangeEventQueue.isEmpty()) { Thread.yield(); } stateChangeEventDispatcher.stopConsuming(); ThreadUtils.join(changeProcessorEventThread); for (DirectoryStateDigestComparator directoryStateDigestComparator : directoryStateDigestComparators) { final Throwable failureCause = directoryStateDigestComparator.getFailureCause(); if (failureCause != null) throw new GradleException("failed to compare directory state", failureCause); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new GradleException("failed to compare new and old state", e); } // Remove old directory state try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(stateFileUtil.getOldDirectoryStateDir()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GradleException("failed to clean old state", e); } // Move new to old directory state try { FileUtils.moveDirectory(stateFileUtil.getNewDirectoryStateDir(), stateFileUtil.getOldDirectoryStateDir()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GradleException("failed to transfer current state to old state", e); } } finally { System.out.println(c.getTime()); } }
From source
private void runParallelTest(String testName, Runnable runnable) throws InterruptedException { StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(testName); stopWatch.start(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " dumping thread info"); threadSet.clear();/*w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ ThreadMonitor.getInstance().setActivated(true); ThreadMonitor.getInstance().setDebugLogging(enabledDebugLogging); ThreadMonitor.getInstance().setMinimalIntervalBetweenDumps(minimalIntervalBetweenDumps); for (int i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++) { Thread newThread = new Thread(runnable, testName + i); threadSet.add(newThread); Thread.yield(); Thread.sleep(50); newThread.start(); }"Waiting for test completion..."); Thread.yield(); while (ThreadMonitor.getInstance().isDumping()) { Thread.sleep(100); } for (Thread curThread : threadSet) { curThread.join(); } ThreadMonitor.shutdownInstance(); stopWatch.stop();; Thread.sleep(minimalIntervalBetweenDumps * 2); }
From source
/** * Captures count packets using an open capture session. Once the capture * session has been closed it can not be opened again. * /*from w ww. j a va2 s .com*/ * @param count * @throws IOException */ private void start(final int count) throws IOException { if (isOpen() == false) { throw new IOException("Capture session is closed"); } /** * Check if we still have running workers */ if (workers != null) { return; } this.dispatched = 0; if (workers == null) { workers = new Thread[devices.length]; /* * Initialize with dummy data, so that the array is not full of nulls, * which would break the below loop if early workers start exitting * quickly and reseting workers back to null as well. */ Arrays.fill(workers, Thread.currentThread()); } for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { final int index = i; final String name = "Live-" + devices[i].getDisplayName(); /* * Our capture session worker thread. Closes the LiveCapture when its done */ workers[i] = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { capture(count, index); } catch (IOException e) { /* * The IO exception will be reported at next available opportunity * such as in LiveIterator's next or hasNext method calls. */ ioError.set(e); } finally { workers[index] = null; /* * Now check if there are any workers left, if not then reset the * workers variable, as a flag */ int j = 0; for (; j < workers.length; j++) { if (workers[j] != null) { break; } } if (j == workers.length) { workers = null; } Thread.yield(); } } }, name); workers[i].start(); } }
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public void testRoundTripMultiPartKorean() throws Exception { String msgId = UUIDGenerator.getUUID(); Options options = new Options(); options.setTo(new EndpointReference("")); options.setReplyTo(new EndpointReference("")); options.setAction(Constants.AXIS2_NAMESPACE_URI + "/echoOMElement"); options.setMessageId(msgId);// ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m options.setProperty(MailConstants.TRANSPORT_MAIL_FORMAT, MailConstants.TRANSPORT_FORMAT_MP); ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(getClientCfgCtx(), null); sender.setOptions(options); sender.fireAndForget(createKoreanPayload()); Thread.yield(); Thread.sleep(1000 * 10); Object reply = null; boolean replyNotFound = true; int retryCount = 3; while (replyNotFound) { log.debug("Checking for response ... with MessageID : " + msgId); reply = getMessage(msgId); if (reply != null) { replyNotFound = false; } else { if (retryCount-- > 0) { Thread.sleep(10000); } else { break; } } } if (reply != null && reply instanceof String) { log.debug("Result Body : " + reply); XMLStreamReader reader = StAXUtils.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader((String) reply)); SOAPEnvelope env = new StAXSOAPModelBuilder(reader).getSOAPEnvelope(); if (env != null) { AXIOMXPath xpath = new AXIOMXPath("//my:myValue"); xpath.addNamespace("my", "http://localhost/axis2/services/EchoXMLService"); Object result = xpath.evaluate(env); if (result != null && result instanceof OMElement) { assertEquals("omTextValue", ((OMElement) result).getText()); } } } else { fail("Did not receive the reply mail"); } }
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@Test public void testUnloadOnInterpreterUnbind() throws IOException { // given//from www . j av a 2s .c o m HeliumPackage pkg1 = new HeliumPackage(HeliumType.APPLICATION, "name1", "desc1", "", HeliumTestApplication.class.getName(), new String[][] {}, "", ""); Note note1 = notebook.createNote(anonymous); notebook.bindInterpretersToNote("user", note1.getId(), interpreterSettingManager.getDefaultInterpreterSettingList()); Paragraph p1 = note1.addParagraph(AuthenticationInfo.ANONYMOUS); // make sure interpreter process running p1.setText("%mock1 job"); p1.setAuthenticationInfo(anonymous);; while (p1.isTerminated() == false || p1.getResult() == null) Thread.yield(); assertEquals(0, p1.getAllApplicationStates().size()); String appId = heliumAppFactory.loadAndRun(pkg1, p1); ApplicationState app = p1.getApplicationState(appId); while (app.getStatus() != ApplicationState.Status.LOADED) { Thread.yield(); } // when unbind interpreter notebook.bindInterpretersToNote("user", note1.getId(), new LinkedList<String>()); // then assertEquals(ApplicationState.Status.UNLOADED, app.getStatus()); // clean notebook.removeNote(note1.getId(), anonymous); }
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/** * Shut down the cluster// w ww. j a v a 2 s .com * * @param string */ public void killTopology(String string) { if (quit.getAndSet(true) == false) { while (!quit.get()) Thread.yield(); } System.out.println(context.getMapOutputs() + " local map outputs and " + context.getReduceOutputs() + " local reduce outputs."); for (String key : context.getSendOutputs().keySet()) System.out.println("Sent " + context.getSendOutputs().get(key) + " to " + key); }
From source
@Test public void testCloneNote() throws IOException, CloneNotSupportedException, InterruptedException { Note note = notebook.createNote();/* w ww. java2s . c om*/ note.getNoteReplLoader().setInterpreters(factory.getDefaultInterpreterSettingList()); final Paragraph p = note.addParagraph(); p.setText("hello world"); note.runAll(); while (p.isTerminated() == false || p.getResult() == null) Thread.yield(); p.setStatus(Status.RUNNING); Note cloneNote = notebook.cloneNote(note.getId(), "clone note"); Paragraph cp = cloneNote.paragraphs.get(0); assertEquals(cp.getStatus(), Status.READY); assertNotEquals(cp.getId(), p.getId()); assertEquals(cp.text, p.text); assertEquals(cp.getResult().message(), p.getResult().message()); }