Java tutorial
/** Copyright (C) 2011 The University of Rostock. Written by: Niels Grewe <> Created: 17.12.2011 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package de.uni_rostock.goodod.evaluator; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.SubnodeConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager; import; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.SimpleIRIMapper; import de.uni_rostock.goodod.owl.*; import de.uni_rostock.goodod.owl.comparison.Comparator; import de.uni_rostock.goodod.owl.comparison.ComparisonResult; import de.uni_rostock.goodod.owl.comparison.FMeasureComparisonResult; import de.uni_rostock.goodod.owl.normalization.NormalizerChainFactory; import; /** * This class encapsulates a single ontology test. * * @author Niels Grewe <> * */ public class OntologyTest { private final int threadCount; private final Constructor<? extends Comparator> compCtor; private static ClassLoader loader = OntologyTest.class.getClassLoader(); private Configuration globalConfig; private HierarchicalConfiguration testConfig; private URI rawOntology; private URI modelOntology; private Set<URI> groupAOntologies; private Set<URI> groupBOntologies; private Map<URI, Set<URI>> failedComparisons; private URI bioTopLiteURI; private Set<IRI> testIRIs; private Map<URI, Map<URI, ComparisonResult>> resultMap; private boolean considerImports; private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(OntologyTest.class); private AtomicInteger inProgressCount; public OntologyTest(HierarchicalConfiguration testDescription) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, OWLOntologyCreationException, ConfigurationException { // Get a reference to the global configuration: globalConfig = Configuration.getConfiguration(); threadCount = globalConfig.getInt("threadCount"); compCtor = getComparatorConstructor(globalConfig.getString("similarity")); testConfig = testDescription; inProgressCount = new AtomicInteger(); // Gather URIs for the raw, model and student ontologies. String repoRoot = globalConfig.getString("repositoryRoot"); if (null == repoRoot) { repoRoot = ""; } String testDir = repoRoot + File.separator + globalConfig.getString("testDir"); String groupADir = ""; String groupBDir = ""; if (false == testConfig.getBoolean("notInRepository", false)) { groupADir = repoRoot + File.separator + globalConfig.configurationAt("groupDirs").getString("groupA") + File.separator; groupBDir = repoRoot + File.separator + globalConfig.configurationAt("groupDirs").getString("groupB") + File.separator; } File rawFile = null; if (testConfig.containsKey("rawOntology")) { rawFile = new File(testDir + File.separator + testConfig.getString("rawOntology")); rawOntology = rawFile.toURI(); } File modelFile = null; if (testConfig.containsKey("modelOntology")) { modelFile = new File(testDir + File.separator + testConfig.getString("modelOntology")); modelOntology = modelFile.toURI(); } groupAOntologies = new HashSet<URI>(12); groupBOntologies = new HashSet<URI>(12); failedComparisons = new HashMap<URI, Set<URI>>(); SubnodeConfiguration studentOntConf = testConfig.configurationAt("studentOntologies"); for (String fileName : studentOntConf.getStringArray("groupA")) { File studFile = new File(groupADir + fileName); groupAOntologies.add(studFile.toURI()); } for (String fileName : studentOntConf.getStringArray("groupB")) { File studFile = new File(groupBDir + fileName); groupBOntologies.add(studFile.toURI()); } // create the result map: resultMap = new HashMap<URI, Map<URI, ComparisonResult>>(25); // Get URIs for BioTopLite and the ignored imports. File biotopF = new File(globalConfig.getString("repositoryRoot") + File.separator + globalConfig.getString("bioTopLiteSource")); if (false == biotopF.canRead()) { logger.warn("Could not read BioTopLite."); } else { bioTopLiteURI = biotopF.toURI(); } testIRIs = getIRIsToTest(); considerImports = true; } public void setConsiderImports(boolean withImports) { considerImports = withImports; } public boolean getConsiderImports() { return considerImports; } public Set<IRI> getIgnoredImports() { Set<IRI> IRIs = new HashSet<IRI>(); for (String s : globalConfig.getStringArray("ignoredImports")) { IRIs.add(IRI.create(s)); } return IRIs; } public void executeTest() throws Throwable { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount); Set<URI> fromOntologies = new HashSet<URI>(25); Set<URI> toOntologies = new HashSet<URI>(25); Set<? extends OWLOntologyIRIMapper> bioTopLiteMapper = null; if (null != bioTopLiteURI) { bioTopLiteMapper = Collections.singleton(new SimpleIRIMapper( IRI.create(""), IRI.create(bioTopLiteURI))); } OntologyCache cache = OntologyCache.setupSharedCache(bioTopLiteMapper, getIgnoredImports(), threadCount); NormalizerChainFactory chain = new NormalizerChainFactory();/* new NormalizerChainFactory(importer, intersector, namer, decomposer, subsumer);*/ cache.setNormalizerFactory(chain); fromOntologies.addAll(groupAOntologies); if (globalConfig.getBoolean("one-way", false)) { /* * If one way comparisons are requested, we only compare group A to * group B (and model). */ toOntologies.addAll(groupBOntologies); } else { /* * By default, we do cross-comparisons between the groups, so we * create a global set for both. For simplicity, this just * means adding the second set to fromOntologies and aliasing it * as toOntologies. */ fromOntologies.addAll(groupBOntologies); toOntologies = fromOntologies; } if (null != modelOntology) { toOntologies.add(modelOntology); }"Running comparisons for test '" + getTestName() + "'."); for (URI u1 : fromOntologies) { for (URI u2 : toOntologies) { if (u1.equals(u2)) { continue; } /* * Working with the ontologies is resource intensive. We want * to handle more than one at a time, especially on multicore * machines, but neigher starving ourselves from I/O nor * generating massive cache or memory churn is very smart. */ int waitCount = 0; while (inProgressCount.get() > threadCount) { if (0 == ++waitCount % 8) { /* * Thight loop a few times, then yield in order to let * the other threads finish. */ Thread.yield(); } } comparisonStarted(); try { OntologyPair p = new OntologyPair(cache, u1, u2); executor.execute(new ComparisonRunner(u1, u2, p)); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("Could not compare " + u1.toString() + " and " + u2.toString() + ".", e); Set<URI> values = failedComparisons.get(u1); if (null != values) { values.add(u2); } else { values = new HashSet<URI>(); values.add(u2); failedComparisons.put(u2, values); } } } } executor.shutdown(); while (false == executor.isTerminated()) { // wait until we're done. }"Comparisons on '" + getTestName() + "' completed."); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { writeNormalizedOntologiesTo(fromOntologies, cache, new File(System.getProperty(""))); } cache.teardown(); cache = null; } private void writeNormalizedOntologiesTo(Set<URI> URIs, OntologyCache cache, File directory) { if ((false == directory.isDirectory()) || (false == directory.canWrite())) { logger.warn("Cannot write to directory '" + directory + "'."); return; }"Writing normalized ontologies to" + directory); for (URI u : URIs) { try { writeNormalizedOntologyTo(u, cache.getOntologyAtURI(u).get(), directory); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("Error writing ontology.", e); } } } private void writeNormalizedOntologyTo(URI u, OWLOntology ont, File directory) throws OWLOntologyStorageException { int fileNameIndex = u.getPath().lastIndexOf(File.separator); String name = "Normalized-" + u.getPath().substring((fileNameIndex + 1)); File file = new File(directory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + name); ont.getOWLOntologyManager().saveOntology(ont, IRI.create(file.toURI())); } private class ComparisonRunner implements Runnable { private URI o1; private URI o2; private OntologyPair pair; ComparisonRunner(URI ont1, URI ont2, OntologyPair thePair) { o1 = ont1; o2 = ont2; pair = thePair; } public void run() { Comparator comp = getComparator(pair, considerImports); ComparisonResult res = null; try { if (null == testIRIs) { res =; } else { res =; } } catch (Throwable e) { logger.warn("Problem in comparison", e); return; } finally { pair = null; comparisonDone(); } pushResult(o1, o2, res); } } private synchronized void comparisonStarted() { inProgressCount.incrementAndGet(); } private synchronized void comparisonDone() { inProgressCount.decrementAndGet(); } private synchronized void pushResult(URI o1, URI o2, ComparisonResult res) { Map<URI, ComparisonResult> innerMap = resultMap.get(o1); if (null == innerMap) { innerMap = new HashMap<URI, ComparisonResult>(25); resultMap.put(o1, innerMap); } innerMap.put(o2, res); } private String getTestName() { return testConfig.getString("testName", "Unnamed Test"); } private Set<IRI> getIRIsToTest() { if (rawOntology == null) { //TODO: Load from test configuration return null; } OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration config = new OWLOntologyLoaderConfiguration(); config = config.setMissingImportHandlingStrategy(MissingImportHandlingStrategy.SILENT); OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); FileDocumentSource rawSource = new FileDocumentSource(new File(rawOntology)); OWLOntology o = null; try { o = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(rawSource, config); } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e) { logger.warn("Could not load raw test classes", e); } Set<OWLClass> classes = o.getClassesInSignature(); //Find the test class for (OWLClass c : classes) { String fragment = c.getIRI().getFragment(); if ((null != fragment) && (fragment.equalsIgnoreCase("Test"))) { Set<OWLClassExpression> subClasses = c.getSubClasses(o); Set<IRI> subIRIs = new HashSet<IRI>(subClasses.size()); for (OWLClassExpression ce : subClasses) { if (ce instanceof OWLClass) { subIRIs.add(ce.asOWLClass().getIRI()); } } return subIRIs; } } return null; } public TestResult getTestResultBetween(Set<URI> computed, Set<URI> reference) { if (computed.isEmpty() || reference.isEmpty()) { return null; } //FIXME: Ignore failed comparisons int iPre = 0; int iRec = 0; double pre = 0; double rec = 0; boolean isPrecisionRecall = resultMap.values().iterator().next().values().iterator() .next() instanceof FMeasureComparisonResult; for (Map.Entry<URI, Map<URI, ComparisonResult>> e1 : resultMap.entrySet()) { if (computed.contains(e1.getKey())) { for (Map.Entry<URI, ComparisonResult> e2 : e1.getValue().entrySet()) { if (reference.contains(e2.getKey()) && (false == e1.getKey().equals(e2.getKey()))) { if (isPrecisionRecall) { double thisPre = ((FMeasureComparisonResult) e2.getValue()).getPrecision(); if (false == Double.isNaN(thisPre)) { pre = pre + thisPre; iPre++; } double thisRec = ((FMeasureComparisonResult) e2.getValue()).getRecall(); if (false == Double.isNaN(thisRec)) { rec = rec + thisRec; iRec++; } } else { double thisSim = e2.getValue().getSimilarity(); if (false == Double.isNaN(thisSim)) { pre = pre + thisSim; iPre++; } } } } } } if (isPrecisionRecall) { return new PrecisionRecallTestResult(iPre, pre, iRec, rec, reference, computed); } return new TestResult(iPre, pre, reference, computed); } private Constructor<? extends Comparator> getComparatorConstructor(String similarity) { Class<? extends Comparator> theClass = null; Constructor<? extends Comparator> ctor = null; String className = null; if (similarity.contains(".")) { className = similarity; } else { className = "de.uni_rostock.goodod.owl.comparison." + similarity + "Comparator"; } // Assume qualified name. try { theClass = loader.loadClass(className).asSubclass(Comparator.class); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.fatal("Could not load comparator class '" + similarity); System.exit(1); } try { ctor = theClass.getDeclaredConstructor(OntologyPair.class, boolean.class); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.fatal("Class " + theClass + " has no suitable constructor"); System.exit(1); } return ctor; } private Comparator getComparator(OntologyPair pair, boolean includeImports) { try { return compCtor.newInstance(pair, includeImports); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.fatal("Could not instantiate comparator"); System.exit(1); } return null; } public TestResult getTestResultGroupAAgainstReference() { Set<URI> ref; if (null != modelOntology) { ref = Collections.singleton(modelOntology); } else { ref = Collections.emptySet(); } return getTestResultBetween(groupAOntologies, ref); } public TestResult getTestResultGroupBAgainstReference() { Set<URI> ref; if (null != modelOntology) { ref = Collections.singleton(modelOntology); } else { ref = Collections.emptySet(); } return getTestResultBetween(groupBOntologies, ref); } public TestResult getTestResultAllAgainstReference() { Set<URI> ref; if (null != modelOntology) { ref = Collections.singleton(modelOntology); } else { ref = Collections.emptySet(); } Set<URI> studentOnt = new HashSet<URI>(24); studentOnt.addAll(groupAOntologies); studentOnt.addAll(groupBOntologies); return getTestResultBetween(studentOnt, ref); } public TestResult getTestResultAllAgainstAll() { Set<URI> studentOnt = new HashSet<URI>(24); studentOnt.addAll(groupAOntologies); studentOnt.addAll(groupBOntologies); return getTestResultBetween(studentOnt, studentOnt); } public TestResult getTestResultGroupAInternal() { // It doesn't make sense to return a result for single ontologies. if (groupAOntologies.size() == 1) { return null; } return getTestResultBetween(groupAOntologies, groupAOntologies); } public TestResult getTestResultGroupBInternal() { if (groupBOntologies.size() == 1) { return null; } return getTestResultBetween(groupBOntologies, groupBOntologies); } public TestResult getTestResultGroupAAgainstGroupB() { return getTestResultBetween(groupAOntologies, groupBOntologies); } public TestResult getTestResultGroupBAgainstGroupA() { return getTestResultBetween(groupBOntologies, groupAOntologies); } @Override public String toString() { //Horrible spaghetti code stuff here, sorry. TestResult internalA = getTestResultGroupAInternal(); TestResult internalB = getTestResultGroupBInternal(); TestResult AvsB = getTestResultGroupAAgainstGroupB(); TestResult BvsA = getTestResultGroupBAgainstGroupA(); TestResult AvsRef = getTestResultGroupAAgainstReference(); TestResult BvsRef = getTestResultGroupBAgainstReference(); TestResult AllvsRef = getTestResultAllAgainstReference(); TestResult AllvsAll = getTestResultAllAgainstAll(); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( "Test result report for '" + getTestName() + "' (mean values)" + '\n'); // We are making guarantees that AllvsAll is available boolean isPrecRecall = (AllvsAll instanceof PrecisionRecallTestResult); if (isPrecRecall) { result.append( '\t' + '\t' + "Precision" + '\t' + '\t' + "Recall" + '\t' + '\t' + '\t' + "F-Measure" + '\n'); } else { result.append('\t' + "Similarity" + '\n'); } if (null != AllvsRef) { result.append("all vs. model" + '\t' + AllvsRef.toString() + '\n'); } if (null != AvsRef) { result.append("A vs. model" + '\t' + AvsRef.toString() + '\n'); } if (null != BvsRef) { result.append("B vs. model" + '\t' + BvsRef.toString() + '\n'); } if (null != AllvsAll) { result.append("All vs. all" + '\t' + AllvsAll.toString() + '\n'); } if (null != AvsB) { result.append("A vs. B" + '\t' + AvsB.toString() + '\n'); } if (null != BvsA) { result.append("B vs. A" + '\t' + BvsA.toString() + '\n'); } if (null != internalA) { result.append("A internal" + '\t' + internalA.toString() + '\n'); } if (null != internalB) { result.append("B internal" + '\t' + internalB.toString() + '\n'); } return result.toString(); } private String shortNameForURI(URI u) { File file = new File(u); String s = file.toString(); int sep = s.lastIndexOf(File.separator); String marker = ""; if (groupAOntologies.contains(u)) { marker = "A:"; } else if (groupBOntologies.contains(u)) { marker = "B:"; } s = s.substring(sep + 1); return marker + s; } private String tableHeader(List<URI> uris) { String header = "\"\","; for (URI u : uris) { String s = '"' + shortNameForURI(u) + '"'; header = header.concat(s).concat(","); } return header.substring(0, (header.length() - 1)); } private enum StatType { SIMILARITY, PRECISION, RECALL, FMEASURE }; private String writeTableLine(URI u, List<URI> ontologies, StatType type) { String line = '"' + shortNameForURI(u) + '"' + ","; for (URI u2 : ontologies) { Map<URI, ComparisonResult> column = resultMap.get(u); ComparisonResult res = null; if (null == column) { continue; } else { res = column.get(u2); } double value = 0; if (null != res) { switch (type) { case SIMILARITY: value = res.getSimilarity(); break; case PRECISION: value = ((FMeasureComparisonResult) res).getPrecision(); break; case RECALL: value = ((FMeasureComparisonResult) res).getRecall(); break; case FMEASURE: value = ((FMeasureComparisonResult) res).getFMeasure(); break; } line = line + '"' + value + '"' + ","; } else { // Empty value: line = line + '"' + '"' + ","; } } return line.substring(0, (line.length() - 1)); } private void writeTable(FileWriter writer, StatType type) throws IOException { String theTable = ""; Set<URI> allOntologies = new HashSet<URI>(25); allOntologies.addAll(groupAOntologies); allOntologies.addAll(groupBOntologies); if (null != modelOntology) { allOntologies.add(modelOntology); } List<URI> ontologyList = new ArrayList<URI>(allOntologies); theTable = tableHeader(ontologyList) + '\n'; for (URI u : ontologyList) { if ((null != modelOntology) && u.equals(modelOntology)) { continue; } if (null == resultMap.get(u)) { continue; } theTable = theTable + writeTableLine(u, ontologyList, type) + '\n'; } writer.write(theTable); writer.flush(); } public void writePrecisionTable(FileWriter w) throws IOException { writeTable(w, StatType.PRECISION); } public void writeRecallTable(FileWriter w) throws IOException { writeTable(w, StatType.RECALL); } public void writeFMeasureTable(FileWriter w) throws IOException { writeTable(w, StatType.FMEASURE); } public void writeSimilarityTable(FileWriter w) throws IOException { writeTable(w, StatType.SIMILARITY); } public boolean providesFMeasure() { if (resultMap.isEmpty()) { return false; } return resultMap.values().iterator().next().values().iterator().next() instanceof FMeasureComparisonResult; } }