List of usage examples for java.lang System identityHashCode
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static native int identityHashCode(Object x);
From source
private ColumnRowType buildColumnRowType() { this.alias = context.allTableScans.size() + "_" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)); TableRef tableRef = TblColRef.tableForUnknownModel(this.alias, olapTable.getSourceTable()); List<TblColRef> columns = new ArrayList<TblColRef>(); for (ColumnDesc sourceColumn : olapTable.getSourceColumns()) { TblColRef colRef = TblColRef.columnForUnknownModel(tableRef, sourceColumn); columns.add(colRef);//from ww w . ja v a 2 s. com } if (columns.size() != rowType.getFieldCount()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "RowType=" + rowType.getFieldCount() + ", ColumnRowType=" + columns.size()); } return new ColumnRowType(columns); }
From source
/** * public for testing purposes./*from ww w . j a va 2 s .com*/ */ public String getResultsString(Object o, IdentityHashMap<Object, String> cache) { if (o == null) { return "null"; } if (cache == null) { cache = new IdentityHashMap<Object, String>(); } else { if (cache.containsKey(o)) { return (String) cache.get(o); } } if (o instanceof Collection) { int count = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append("("); Collection c = (Collection) o; for (Object obj : (c)) { if (count > 0) { sb.append(", "); } if (count > 2) { sb.append("... "); sb.append(c.size() - 3); sb.append(" more"); break; } sb.append(obj); count++; } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } else if (o instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) o; int count = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{"); for (Object k : map.keySet()) { if (count > 0) { sb.append(", "); } if (count > 2) { sb.append("... "); sb.append(map.size() - 3); sb.append(" more"); break; } sb.append(k); sb.append("="); cache.put(o, o.getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(o)); sb.append(getResultsString(map.get(k), cache)); count++; } sb.append("}"); return sb.toString(); } else if (o.getClass().isArray()) { int length = Array.getLength(o); if (length == 0) { return "[]"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } if (i > 2) { sb.append("... "); sb.append(i - 2); sb.append(" more"); break; } sb.append(Array.get(o, i)); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } else { return o.toString(); } }
From source
@Override public void evaluate(RangerAccessRequest request, RangerRowFilterResult result) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("==> RangerDefaultPolicyEvaluator.evaluate(" + request + ", " + result + ")"); }// w w w .jav a 2s .c o m RangerPerfTracer perf = null; if (RangerPerfTracer.isPerfTraceEnabled(PERF_POLICY_REQUEST_LOG)) { perf = RangerPerfTracer.getPerfTracer(PERF_POLICY_REQUEST_LOG, "RangerPolicyEvaluator.evaluate(requestHashCode=" + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(request)) + "," + perfTag + ")"); } if (request != null && result != null && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(rowFilterEvaluators)) { if (!result.getIsAccessDetermined() || !result.getIsAuditedDetermined()) { RangerPolicyResourceMatcher.MatchType matchType = resourceMatcher != null ? resourceMatcher.getMatchType(request.getResource(), request.getContext()) : RangerPolicyResourceMatcher.MatchType.NONE; final boolean isMatched; if (request.isAccessTypeAny()) { isMatched = matchType != RangerPolicyResourceMatcher.MatchType.NONE; } else if (request .getResourceMatchingScope() == RangerAccessRequest.ResourceMatchingScope.SELF_OR_DESCENDANTS) { isMatched = matchType == RangerPolicyResourceMatcher.MatchType.SELF || matchType == RangerPolicyResourceMatcher.MatchType.DESCENDANT; } else { isMatched = matchType == RangerPolicyResourceMatcher.MatchType.SELF || matchType == RangerPolicyResourceMatcher.MatchType.ANCESTOR; } if (isMatched) { if (!result.getIsAuditedDetermined()) { if (isAuditEnabled()) { result.setIsAudited(true); result.setAuditPolicyId(getPolicy().getId()); } } if (!result.getIsAccessDetermined()) { if (hasMatchablePolicyItem(request)) { evaluatePolicyItems(request, result); } } } } } RangerPerfTracer.log(perf); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("<== RangerDefaultPolicyEvaluator.evaluate(" + request + ", " + result + ")"); } }
From source
public static String toShortString(Element element) { return element.eClass().getName() + "@" + System.identityHashCode(element); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:methodlength") @Override/*w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ public IGTScanner getGTScanner(final GTScanRequest scanRequest) throws IOException { final String toggle = BackdoorToggles.getCoprocessorBehavior() == null ? CoprocessorBehavior.SCAN_FILTER_AGGR_CHECKMEM.toString() : BackdoorToggles.getCoprocessorBehavior(); logger.debug("New scanner for current segment {} will use {} as endpoint's behavior", cubeSeg, toggle); Pair<Short, Short> shardNumAndBaseShard = getShardNumAndBaseShard(); short shardNum = shardNumAndBaseShard.getFirst(); short cuboidBaseShard = shardNumAndBaseShard.getSecond(); int totalShards = cubeSeg.getTotalShards(); ByteString scanRequestByteString = null; ByteString rawScanByteString = null; // primary key (also the 0th column block) is always selected final ImmutableBitSet selectedColBlocks = scanRequest.getSelectedColBlocks().set(0); // globally shared connection, does not require close final HConnection conn = HBaseConnection.get(cubeSeg.getCubeInstance().getConfig().getStorageUrl()); final List<IntList> hbaseColumnsToGTIntList = Lists.newArrayList(); List<List<Integer>> hbaseColumnsToGT = getHBaseColumnsGTMapping(selectedColBlocks); for (List<Integer> list : hbaseColumnsToGT) { hbaseColumnsToGTIntList.add(IntList.newBuilder().addAllInts(list).build()); } //TODO: raw scan can be constructed at region side to reduce traffic List<RawScan> rawScans = preparedHBaseScans(scanRequest.getGTScanRanges(), selectedColBlocks); int rawScanBufferSize = BytesSerializer.SERIALIZE_BUFFER_SIZE; while (true) { try { ByteBuffer rawScanBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(rawScanBufferSize); BytesUtil.writeVInt(rawScans.size(), rawScanBuffer); for (RawScan rs : rawScans) { RawScan.serializer.serialize(rs, rawScanBuffer); } rawScanBuffer.flip(); rawScanByteString = HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(rawScanBuffer.array(), rawScanBuffer.position(), rawScanBuffer.limit()); break; } catch (BufferOverflowException boe) {"Buffer size {} cannot hold the raw scans, resizing to 4 times", rawScanBufferSize); rawScanBufferSize *= 4; } } scanRequest.setGTScanRanges(Lists.<GTScanRange>newArrayList());//since raw scans are sent to coprocessor, we don't need to duplicate sending it int scanRequestBufferSize = BytesSerializer.SERIALIZE_BUFFER_SIZE; while (true) { try { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(scanRequestBufferSize); GTScanRequest.serializer.serialize(scanRequest, buffer); buffer.flip(); scanRequestByteString = HBaseZeroCopyByteString.wrap(buffer.array(), buffer.position(), buffer.limit()); break; } catch (BufferOverflowException boe) {"Buffer size {} cannot hold the scan request, resizing to 4 times", scanRequestBufferSize); scanRequestBufferSize *= 4; } } logger.debug("Serialized scanRequestBytes {} bytes, rawScanBytesString {} bytes", scanRequestByteString.size(), rawScanByteString.size()); "The scan {} for segment {} is as below with {} separate raw scans, shard part of start/end key is set to 0", Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(scanRequest)), cubeSeg, rawScans.size()); for (RawScan rs : rawScans) { logScan(rs, cubeSeg.getStorageLocationIdentifier()); } logger.debug("Submitting rpc to {} shards starting from shard {}, scan range count {}", shardNum, cuboidBaseShard, rawScans.size()); final AtomicInteger totalScannedCount = new AtomicInteger(0); final ExpectedSizeIterator epResultItr = new ExpectedSizeIterator(shardNum); // KylinConfig: use env instance instead of CubeSegment, because KylinConfig will share among queries // for different cubes until redeployment of coprocessor jar. final KylinConfig kylinConfig = KylinConfig.getInstanceFromEnv(); final boolean compressionResult = kylinConfig.getCompressionResult(); final CubeVisitProtos.CubeVisitRequest.Builder builder = CubeVisitProtos.CubeVisitRequest.newBuilder(); builder.setGtScanRequest(scanRequestByteString).setHbaseRawScan(rawScanByteString); for (IntList intList : hbaseColumnsToGTIntList) { builder.addHbaseColumnsToGT(intList); } builder.setRowkeyPreambleSize(cubeSeg.getRowKeyPreambleSize()); builder.setBehavior(toggle); builder.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); builder.setTimeout(epResultItr.getTimeout()); builder.setKylinProperties(kylinConfig.getConfigAsString()); for (final Pair<byte[], byte[]> epRange : getEPKeyRanges(cuboidBaseShard, shardNum, totalShards)) { executorService.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final String logHeader = "<sub-thread for GTScanRequest " + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(scanRequest)) + "> "; final boolean[] abnormalFinish = new boolean[1]; try { HTableInterface table = conn.getTable(cubeSeg.getStorageLocationIdentifier(), HBaseConnection.getCoprocessorPool()); final CubeVisitRequest request =; final byte[] startKey = epRange.getFirst(); final byte[] endKey = epRange.getSecond(); table.coprocessorService(CubeVisitService.class, startKey, endKey, // new Batch.Call<CubeVisitService, CubeVisitResponse>() { public CubeVisitResponse call(CubeVisitService rowsService) throws IOException { ServerRpcController controller = new ServerRpcController(); BlockingRpcCallback<CubeVisitResponse> rpcCallback = new BlockingRpcCallback<>(); rowsService.visitCube(controller, request, rpcCallback); CubeVisitResponse response = rpcCallback.get(); if (controller.failedOnException()) { throw controller.getFailedOn(); } return response; } }, new Batch.Callback<CubeVisitResponse>() { @Override public void update(byte[] region, byte[] row, CubeVisitResponse result) { if (region == null) return; totalScannedCount.addAndGet(result.getStats().getScannedRowCount()); + getStatsString(region, result)); if (result.getStats().getNormalComplete() != 1) { abnormalFinish[0] = true; return; } try { if (compressionResult) { epResultItr .append(CompressionUtils.decompress(HBaseZeroCopyByteString .zeroCopyGetBytes(result.getCompressedRows()))); } else { epResultItr.append(HBaseZeroCopyByteString .zeroCopyGetBytes(result.getCompressedRows())); } } catch (IOException | DataFormatException e) { throw new RuntimeException(logHeader + "Error when decompressing", e); } } }); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.error(logHeader + "Error when visiting cubes by endpoint", ex); // double log coz the query thread may already timeout epResultItr.notifyCoprocException(ex); return; } if (abnormalFinish[0]) { Throwable ex = new RuntimeException(logHeader + "The coprocessor thread stopped itself due to scan timeout, failing current query..."); logger.error(logHeader + "Error when visiting cubes by endpoint", ex); // double log coz the query thread may already timeout epResultItr.notifyCoprocException(ex); return; } } }); } return new EndpointResultsAsGTScanner(fullGTInfo, epResultItr, scanRequest.getColumns(), totalScannedCount.get()); }
From source
public DevCmd() { // TODO: remove super("dev", Pattern.compile("(dev)(:(?<action>([a-z0-9_]*))|)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE), CommandPriority.LOW);/* w w w .j a va 2 s. c om*/ this.setDescription("Debug"); this.setCommandExecutor((sender, command, label, matchedPattern, args) -> { final String action ="action"); final IPlayer p = (IPlayer) sender; if (action == null) { p.getNetworkManager() .sendPacket(new PacketPlayClientboundBlockChange( args.readCoordinates(0, p.getLocation().toBlockLocation()), args.asInt(3), args.asInt(4).byteValue())); return; } final IServerManager serverManager = DioriteCore.getInstance().getServerManager(); final PermissionsManager mag = serverManager.getPermissionsManager(); switch (action.toLowerCase()) { case "metadata": { final IEntity entity = p.getNearbyEntities(3, 3, 3, LookupShape.RECTANGLE).iterator().next(); final int index = args.asInt(1); switch (args.asString(0)) { case "flag": { final String s = args.asString(2); for (final String flag : s.split(",")) { entity.getMetadata().setBoolean(index, DioriteMathUtils.asInt(flag), args.asBoolean(3)); } break; } case "int": { entity.getMetadata().setInt(index, args.asInt(2)); break; } case "bool": { entity.getMetadata().setBoolean(index, args.asBoolean(2)); break; } case "float": { entity.getMetadata().setFloat(index, args.asFloat(2)); break; } case "loc": { entity.getMetadata().setBlockLocation(index, args.readCoordinates(2, p.getLocation().toBlockLocation())); break; } } break; } case "mobname": { final IEntity entity = p.getNearbyEntities(3, 3, 3, LookupShape.RECTANGLE).iterator().next(); System.out.println(args.asText()); entity.setCustomName( ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodesInString(args.asText().replace("%n", "\n"))); entity.setCustomNameVisible(true); break; } case "mob": { final IEntityFactory entityFactory = serverManager.getEntityFactory(); if (args.asString(0).equalsIgnoreCase("creeper")) { final ICreeper creeper = entityFactory.createEntity(ICreeper.class, p.getLocation()); creeper.getMetadata().setBoolean(ICreeper.META_KEY_CREEPER_POWERED, true); p.getWorld().addEntity(creeper); } else if (args.asString(0).equalsIgnoreCase("chickenArmy")) { DioriteCore.getInstance().sync(() -> { for (double x = p.getX() - 10; x <= (p.getX() + 14); x += 1.5) { for (double y = p.getY() - 6; y <= (p.getY() + 5); y += 1.5) { for (double z = p.getZ() - 3; z <= (p.getZ() + 3); z += 1.5) { final IChicken entity = entityFactory.createEntity(IChicken.class, new Location(x, y, z, p.getWorld())); p.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } } } }, p); } else if (args.asString(0).equalsIgnoreCase("zombie")) { final IZombie zombie = entityFactory.createEntity(IZombie.class, p.getLocation()); zombie.setCustomName("Custom name!"); zombie.setCustomNameVisible(true); // zombie.getMetadata().setInt(ILivingEntity.META_KEY_ARROWS_IN_BODY, args.has(1) ? args.asInt(1, 0) : 0); zombie.getMetadata().setInt(ILivingEntity.META_KEY_LIVING_POTION_EFFECT_COLOR, args.has(1) ? Integer.parseInt(args.asString(1), 16) : 0); if (args.has(3)) { String s = args.asString(2); for (final String flag : s.split(",")) { zombie.getMetadata().setBoolean(IEntity.META_KEY_ENTITY_BASIC_FLAGS, DioriteMathUtils.asInt(flag), args.asBoolean(3)); } } zombie.setAir(-5); zombie.setSilent(true); p.getWorld().addEntity(zombie); } else if (args.asString(0).equalsIgnoreCase("area")) { final IAreaEffectCloud entity = entityFactory.createEntity(IAreaEffectCloud.class, p.getLocation()); entity.setColor(Color.AQUA); entity.setRadius(30); p.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } else if (args.asString(0).equalsIgnoreCase("area2")) { final IAreaEffectCloud entity = entityFactory.createEntity(IAreaEffectCloud.class, p.getLocation()); entity.getMetadata().setInt(IAreaEffectCloud.META_KEY_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_COLOR, Integer.parseInt(args.asString(3), 16)); entity.getMetadata().setFloat(IAreaEffectCloud.META_KEY_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_RADIUS, args.asFloat(2)); entity.getMetadata().setBoolean(IAreaEffectCloud.META_KEY_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_IS_POINT, args.asBoolean(1)); if (args.has(4)) { Integer id = args.asInt(4); if (id == null) { id = Particle.getByParticleName(args.asString(4)).getParticleId(); } entity.getMetadata().setInt(IAreaEffectCloud.META_KEY_AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD_PARTICLE_ID, id); } p.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } else if (args.asString(0).equalsIgnoreCase("crystal")) { final IEnderCrystal entity = entityFactory.createEntity(IEnderCrystal.class, p.getLocation()); entity.getMetadata().setBoolean(IEnderCrystal.META_KEY_ENDER_CRYSTAL_SHOW_BOTTOM, args.asBoolean(1)); if (args.has(4)) { entity.getMetadata().setBlockLocation(IEnderCrystal.META_KEY_ENDER_CRYSTAL_TARGET, args.readCoordinates(2, p.getLocation().toBlockLocation())); } p.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } else { final IEntity entity = entityFactory.createEntity(EntityType.getByEnumName(args.asString(0)), p.getLocation()); if (entity != null) { p.getWorld().addEntity(entity); } } break; } case "sound1": { p.getNetworkManager().sendPacket( new PacketPlayClientboundSoundEffect(Sound.getById(args.asInt(0)), p.getLocation(), 2, 63)); break; } case "sound2": { p.getNetworkManager().sendPacket( new PacketPlayClientboundNamedSoundEffect(args.asString(0), p.getLocation(), 2, 63)); break; } case "eq": { // Core break; } case "bookmeta": { final ItemStack item = new BaseItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK); final BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) item.getItemMeta(); meta.setAuthor("Lel"); meta.setPages("ugh"); p.getInventory().add(item); break; } case "gib": { final ItemStack item = new BaseItemStack(Material.APPLE); item.setAmount(args.has(0) ? args.asInt(0, 1) : 1); final ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta(); meta.setDisplayName("Diorite"); p.getInventory().add(item); break; } case "potionmeta": { final ItemStack item = new BaseItemStack( new PotionMat("POTION", 373, "minecraft:potion", 1, "POTION", (short) 8193, 5, 6) { }); final PotionMeta meta = new PotionMetaImpl(null); meta.addCustomEffect(new StatusEffect(StatusEffectType.INVISIBILITY, 3, 300, false, true), false); meta.addCustomEffect(new StatusEffect(StatusEffectType.INVISIBILITY, 3, 30000, false, true), false); item.setItemMeta(meta); p.getInventory().add(item); break; } case "m2": { final ItemMeta meta = p.getInventory().getItemInHand().getItemMeta(); meta.setDisplayName(RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16)); break; } case "itemid": { final ItemMetaImpl meta = (ItemMetaImpl) p.getInventory().getItemInHand().getItemMeta(); System.out.println("Meta: " + System.identityHashCode(meta) + ", tag: " + (meta.getRawNbtData() == null ? "NULL" : System.identityHashCode(meta.getRawNbtData()) + "") + ", item: " + (!meta.getItemStack().isPresent() ? "NULL" : System.identityHashCode(meta.getItemStack().get()) + "")); break; } case "skullmeta": { final ItemStack item = new BaseItemStack(SkullMat.SKULL_PLAYER); System.out.println(item.getItemMeta()); final SkullMeta meta = (SkullMeta) item.getItemMeta(); meta.setOwner(args.asString(0)); System.out.println(meta); p.getInventory().add(item); break; } case "itemmeta": { final ItemStack item = new BaseItemStack(Material.STONE); final ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta(); meta.setDisplayName("Custom name!"); meta.setLore(Arrays.asList("North to", "gupi nup")); meta.addEnchant(EnchantmentType.AQUA_AFFINITY, 3, true); meta.addAttributeModifier(AttributeModifier.builder().setUuid(new UUID(0, 0)).setName("t") .setValue(2.25D).setType(AttributeType.GENERIC_ATTACK_DAMAGE).build()); meta.addAttributeModifier(AttributeModifier.builder().setUuid(new UUID(0, 1)).setName("t") .setValue(2.25D).setType(AttributeType.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH).build()); p.getInventory().add(item); break; } case "pextest": { sender.setOp(false); mag.getPermissibleGroups(sender).forEach(g -> mag.removePermissibleFromGroup(sender, g)); sender.sendMessage("Testing permissions: "); sender.sendMessage(" " + sender.hasPermission("")); // false sender.sendMessage("Your groups: " + mag.getPermissibleGroups(sender).stream() .map(f -> f.getGroup().getName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); // empty final PermissionsGroup group = mag.createGroup("test"); sender.sendMessage("Adding to group (" + group.getName() + "): " + mag.addPermissibleToGroup(sender, group, 1)); // true sender.sendMessage("Your groups: " + mag.getPermissibleGroups(sender).stream() .map(f -> f.getGroup().getName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); // test mag.setPermission(group, "", PermissionLevel.TRUE); sender.sendMessage(" " + sender.hasPermission("")); // true mag.removePermissibleFromGroup(sender, "test"); sender.sendMessage("Your groups: " + mag.getPermissibleGroups(sender).stream() .map(f -> f.getGroup().getName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); // empty sender.sendMessage(" " + sender.hasPermission("")); // false sender.sendMessage("Adding to group (" + group.getName() + "): " + mag.addPermissibleToGroup(sender, group, 1)); // true mag.setPermission(group, "", PermissionLevel.OP); sender.sendMessage(" " + sender.hasPermission("")); // false sender.setOp(true); sender.sendMessage(" " + sender.hasPermission("")); // true sender.setOp(false); mag.setPermission(group, "foo.{$-$}", "foo.[-100--10,25-30]", PermissionLevel.TRUE); // from -100 to -10 sender.sendMessage("foo.5: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.5")); // false sender.sendMessage("foo.-10: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.-10")); // true sender.sendMessage("foo.-25: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.-25")); // true sender.sendMessage("foo.25: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.25")); // true mag.removePermissibleFromGroup(sender, "test"); sender.sendMessage("Your groups: " + mag.getPermissibleGroups(sender).stream() .map(f -> f.getGroup().getName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); // empty sender.sendMessage("foo.5: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.5")); // false sender.sendMessage("foo.-10: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.-10")); // false sender.sendMessage("foo.-25: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.-25")); // false sender.sendMessage("foo.25: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.25")); // false sender.setOp(true); sender.sendMessage("foo.5: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.5")); // true sender.sendMessage("foo.-10: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.-10")); // true sender.sendMessage("foo.-25: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.-25")); // true sender.sendMessage("foo.25: " + sender.hasPermission("foo.25")); // true mag.addPermissibleToGroup(sender, mag.createGroup("test"), 1); mag.addPermissibleToGroup(sender, mag.createGroup("a1"), 2); mag.addPermissibleToGroup(sender, mag.createGroup("a2"), 3); mag.addPermissibleToGroup(sender, mag.createGroup("a3"), 4); sender.sendMessage("Your groups: " + mag.getPermissibleGroups(sender).stream() .map(f -> f.getGroup().getName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); // test, a1, a2, a3 mag.setPermission(mag.getGroup("test"), "test.test", PermissionLevel.FALSE); mag.setPermission(mag.getGroup("a3"), "test.test", PermissionLevel.TRUE); sender.sendMessage("test.test: " + sender.hasPermission("test.test")); // true mag.setPermission(sender, "test.test", PermissionLevel.NOT_OP); sender.sendMessage("test.test: " + sender.hasPermission("test.test")); // false mag.setPermission(mag.getGroup("a2"), "test.test2", PermissionLevel.FALSE); mag.setPermission(mag.getGroup("a1"), "test.test2", PermissionLevel.TRUE); sender.sendMessage("test.test2: " + sender.hasPermission("test.test2")); // false break; } case "pex": { if (sender.hasPermission(args.asString(0))) { sender.sendMessage("You have " + args.asString(0) + " permission!"); } else { sender.sendMessage("You don't have " + args.asString(0) + " permission!"); } break; } case "pexaddg": { final PermissionsGroup group = mag.getGroup(args.asString(0)); if (group == null) { sender.sendMessage("No group, " + args.asString(0)); return; } mag.setPermission(group, args.asString(1), args.asString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("null") ? null : PermissionLevel.valueOf(args.asString(2).toUpperCase())); sender.sendMessage("Set permission " + args.asString(1) + ":" + (args.asString(2).equalsIgnoreCase("null") ? null : PermissionLevel.valueOf(args.asString(2).toUpperCase())) + " to group " + group.getName()); break; } case "pexadd": { mag.setPermission(sender, args.asString(0), args.asString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("null") ? null : PermissionLevel.valueOf(args.asString(1).toUpperCase())); sender.sendMessage("Set permission " + args.asString(0) + ":" + (args.asString(1).equalsIgnoreCase("null") ? null : PermissionLevel.valueOf(args.asString(1).toUpperCase())) + " to you"); break; } case "pexaddu": { final boolean added = mag.addPermissibleToGroup(sender, args.asString(0), args.asInt(1)); sender.sendMessage("Added you to " + args.asString(0) + " group: " + added); break; } case "pexreg": { mag.registerPermission(mag.createPermission(args.asString(0), args.asString(0), PermissionLevel.valueOf(args.asString(1).toUpperCase()))); sender.sendMessage("Register permission " + args.asString(0) + ":" + PermissionLevel.valueOf(args.asString(1).toUpperCase()) + " to manager"); break; } case "op": { if (p.isOp()) { p.setOp(false); sender.sendMessage("You are not op anymore..."); } else { p.setOp(true); sender.sendMessage("You are now op!"); } break; } case "pexrg": { final PermissionsGroup group = mag.removeGroup(args.asString(0)); sender.sendMessage("Removed group: " + group); break; } case "pexcg": { final PermissionsGroup group = mag.createGroup(args.asString(0)); sender.sendMessage("Created group: " + group); break; } case "setlocale": { p.setPreferedLocale((args.length() == 0) ? null : Locale.forLanguageTag(args.asText())); System.out.println("Done: " + p.getPreferredLocale()); break; } case "msgr": { DioriteMessages.reload(); System.out.println("Done"); break; } case "msg": { p.setPreferedLocale(Locale.forLanguageTag("pl-PL")); DioriteMessages.broadcastMessage(args.asText(), MessageData.e("player", p), MessageData.e("test", "Meeeh")); break; } case "tc": { final TextComponent tc = ComponentBuilder.start("test <r> ing").color(ChatColor.RED) .event(new ClickEvent(Action.OPEN_URL, "<port>")) .appendLegacy("2 costam costam 8<r> dbdjs fdd").create(); sender.sendMessage(tc); System.out.println(tc.toLegacyText()); System.out.println(ComponentSerializer.toString(tc)); sender.sendMessage(tc.duplicate()); System.out.println(tc.duplicate().toLegacyText()); System.out.println(ComponentSerializer.toString(tc.duplicate())); break; } case "rep": { final TextComponent tc = ComponentBuilder.start("test <r> ing").color(ChatColor.RED) .event(new ClickEvent(Action.OPEN_URL, "<port>")) .appendLegacy("2 costam costam 8<r> dbdjs fdd").create(); sender.sendMessage(tc.duplicate()); tc.replace("<r>", ComponentBuilder.start("Replaced clickable text") .event(new ClickEvent(Action.SUGGEST_COMMAND, "YeY")).create()); tc.replace("<port>", new TextComponent("8081")); sender.sendMessage(tc); break; } case "inv": { ((InventoryHolder) sender).getInventory().update(); sender.sendMessage("Inventory updated!"); break; } case "gs": { p.getNetworkManager() .sendPacket(new PacketPlayClientboundGameStateChange(args.asInt(0), args.asFloat(1))); sender.sendSimpleColoredMessage("&3Done."); break; } case "cb": { sender.sendSimpleColoredMessage(p.getLocation().toBlockLocation().getBlock().toString()); break; } // case "en": // { // final ItemImpl item = new ItemImpl(UUID.randomUUID(), p.getCore(), IEntity.getNextEntityID(), p.getLocation().addX(3).addY(1)); // item.setItemStack(new BaseItemStack(Material.TNT)); // p.getWorld().addEntity(item); // break; // } case "ep": { for (final IEntity e : p.getNearbyEntities(args.asDouble(0), args.asDouble(0), args.asDouble(0), LookupShape.RECTANGLE)) { sender.sendSimpleColoredMessage("[" + e.getId() + "] " + e.getType() + ": " + e.getLocation()); } break; } default: { sender.sendSimpleColoredMessage("&4No action..."); break; } } }); }
From source
private boolean processAction(TMLContext context, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, TMLForm form, boolean ajax) { boolean actioncalled = false; // Location of Actionkey depends. When form available, then is located in form, else is URL parameter String actionKey = null;/*www. jav a2s . c o m*/ try { if (form != null) { actionKey = form.getformaction(); } else { actionKey = _core.getURLEncoder().decode(request.getParameter(WGPDispatcher.URLPARAM_ACTION)); } // Parse the action link and call the action TMLActionLink actionLink; if (actionKey != null && !actionKey.trim().equals("")) { // actions actionLink =, actionKey, _core); if (actionLink == null) { context.addwarning("Unable to read action link: " + actionKey); return false; } long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); TMLAction action = callAction(context, actionLink, ajax); long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (_debug && action != null) { _core.getLog().info("Request: " + System.identityHashCode(request) + ", WebTML Action: " + action.getDescription() + ", Action Mode: " + actionLink.getMode() + ", Portlet: " + (context.getportlet() != null ? context.getportlet().getportletpath() + " (" + context.getportlet().getportletkey() + ")" : "(none)") + ", Execution time: " + (endtime - starttime)); _response.addHeader("X-WGA-Request-DebugID", String.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(request))); } // We rebuild the session on the current context if the action was a master action // to be able to pick up modifications done there (F00004096) if (action != null && action.isMaster()) { context.db().reopenSession(); } //F00004242 if (actionLink.getMode() != null && actionLink.getMode().equals(TMLActionLink.MODE_AJAX_NO_PORTLET_REFRESH)) { // this is an ajax action call do not render content result but portletEvents, response type "text/javascript" (#00004413) request.setAttribute(WGACore.ATTRIB_AJAX_NOREFRESH, true); response.setContentType("text/javascript"); } actioncalled = true; } } catch (TMLInvalidActionLinkException e) { if ("true".equals(System.getProperty("de.innovationgate.license.DevelopmentModeEnabled"))) { context.addwarning("Invalid action link calling TML action: " + e.getMessage()); } } catch (TMLActionException e) { context.addwarning("Error calling TML action: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { context.addwarning("Error decoding action link: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (WGException e) { context.addwarning("Error calling TML action: " + e.getMessage()); } return actioncalled; }
From source
/** * Returns the handle of the receiver which is connected with the * specified transmitter.// w w w.j a v a2 s . c om * * @param transmitterHandle * The handle of the transmitter. * @return The handle of the receiver or 0 if none. */ public int getTransmitterReceiver(final int transmitterHandle) { final Transmitter transmitter = resolveTransmitterHandle(transmitterHandle); final Receiver receiver = transmitter.getReceiver(); return System.identityHashCode(receiver); }
From source
/** * {@inheritDoc}/* w w w . j a v*/ */ @Override public int hashCode() { if (id == null) { return System.identityHashCode(this); } return id.hashCode(); }
From source
void debugDump(final StringBuffer out) { if (out != null) { out.append(getClass().getName().concat("@").concat(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)))); out.append(EOL);/*from w ww . ja va 2s . com*/ out.append("size = " + m_size + ", bucket table size = " + m_buckets.length + ", load factor = " + m_loadFactor + EOL); out.append("size threshold = " + m_sizeThreshold + ", get clear frequency = " + m_readClearCheckFrequency + ", put clear frequency = " + m_writeClearCheckFrequency + EOL); out.append("get count: " + m_readAccessCount + ", put count: " + m_writeAccessCount + EOL); } }