List of usage examples for java.lang System gc
public static void gc()
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/** * Saves HTML Source./*from w w w .ja v a 2s. c o m*/ * * @param path * * @throws Exception */ public static void writeToFile(final String path, final String content) throws IOException { System.gc(); FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { File parentDir = new File(path).getParentFile(); if (!parentDir.exists()) { parentDir.mkdirs(); } fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(path); outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "UTF8"); bw = new BufferedWriter(outputStreamWriter); bw.write(content); } finally { if (bw != null) { try { bw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (outputStreamWriter != null) { try { outputStreamWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (fileOutputStream != null) { try { fileOutputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
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/** * <p>//www .j a va 2s .c om * Flushes all the changes made so far to the underlying file. If no changes * have been made, nothing happens. Changes are flushed to the underlying file * and the edits hierarchy is flattened. Any previously aquired change * iterators should be discarded and new ones aquired. Any attempt to use them * will throw InvalidRegionException since all changes have been invalidated. * Forwarding to the new edits tree will forward any RegionHandles to new * RegionOverlays which now contain the flattened changes. * </p> * <p> * The algorithm in this flush method is optimized for changes that simply * append record to the end. If anyother type of changes, besides the appended * records, have been applied, the changes are flushed using a more generic * algrorithm that ensure entegrity of the entire file. * </p> * * @see */ public void flush() throws IOException { if (this.isModified() == false) { return; } if (this.edits.isModifiedByAppendOnly()) { this.flushByAppendInPlace(); } else { /* * We flatten inside inorder to release any Memory MAPPED regions before * closing the source channel */ this.flushByCopy(); } final PartialLoader loader = new PartialFileLoader(, this.mode, this.headerReader, file); loader.order(this.order); this.edits.flatten(loader); System.gc(); this.totalChange = 0; }
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/** * Clean the memory */ protected void doClean() { // Run the GC System.gc(); }
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@Override public void clearMemory() { this.paragraphs = null; this.originalImage = null; this.pixelGrabber = null; this.shapeMap = null; System.gc(); }
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protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); try {//from www . j a v a 2s. c o m String type = request.getParameter("type"); System.out.println(type); if (!type.equals("") && type != null) { if (type.equals("info")) { String imgid = request.getParameter("imgid"); String uid = request.getParameter("uid"); Images img = idip.getImageDetail(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); if (img != null) { boolean k = new ImagesDAOImp().updateImageViewCount(img.getImages_id(), img.getView() + 1); if (k) { if (img.getImage_state_image_state_id() == 1) { detailObject = new JSONObject(); detailObject.put("title", img.getTitle()); detailObject.put("url", img.getImg_url()); detailObject.put("view", img.getView()); int chh = cdi.getCartDownloadCount(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); detailObject.put("dwn", chh); JSONArray subImagesArray = new JSONArray(); Credits cre; List<ImagesSub> subList = idip.getImagedescription(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); for (ImagesSub imagesSub : subList) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); cre = crdi.getCreditDetails(imagesSub.getCredits()); jo.put("sid", imagesSub.getSub_images_id()); jo.put("size", cre.getSize()); jo.put("dim", imagesSub.getDimention()); jo.put("crd", cre.getCredits()); subImagesArray.add(jo); } detailObject.put("subList", subImagesArray); User u = udi.getUser(img.getUser_user_id()); detailObject.put("uName", u.getUser_name()); List<KeyWords> keyList = kdi.getkeyWordList(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); JSONArray keyArray = new JSONArray(); for (KeyWords keyWords : keyList) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("kid", keyWords.getKey_words_id()); jo.put("key", keyWords.getKey_word()); keyArray.add(jo); } detailObject.put("keyList", keyArray); //List<CartHasImages> chiList = cdi.getRattingList(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); String sql = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE categories_category_id='" + img.getCategories_category_id() + "' AND image_state_image_state_id='1'"; PreparedStatement ps = DBFactory.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); JSONArray simImage = new JSONArray(); while ( { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); jo.put("simid", rs.getInt(1)); jo.put("url", rs.getString(15)); simImage.add(jo); } detailObject.put("imgList", simImage); System.out.println("user id " + uid); if (Integer.parseInt(uid) != (-1) && Integer.parseInt(uid) != 0) { Cart cct = cdi.getCart(Integer.parseInt(uid)); if (cct != null) { boolean have = cdi.isThisInLightBoxImage(cct.getCart_id(), 2, Integer.parseInt(imgid)); if (have) { detailObject.put("lightbox", 1); } else { detailObject.put("lightbox", 0); } } else { detailObject.put("lightbox", 0); } } else { detailObject.put("lightbox", 0); } out.write("json=" + detailObject.toJSONString()); } } else { out.write("msg=Unable to complete the action.Please try again later."); } } else { out.write("msg=Internal server error,Please try again later."); } } else if (type.equals("lightbox")) { String imgid = request.getParameter("imgid"); String uid = request.getParameter("uid"); System.out.println(imgid); System.out.println(uid); ImagesSub is = null; Credits cre = null; Cart cart = null; is = idip.getLowestQuality(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); cre = new CreditsDAOImp().getCreditDetails(is.getCredits()); cart = new CartDAOImp().getCart(Integer.parseInt(uid)); System.gc(); if (is != null) { boolean ok = new CartDAOImp().addToLightBox(Integer.parseInt(imgid), is.getSub_images_id(), 2, cart.getCart_id(), date, cre.getCredits()); if (ok) { out.write("msg=Successfully_add_lightbox"); } else { out.write("msg=Unable to complete the action,Please try again later."); } } else { out.write("msg=Internal server error,Please try again later."); } } else if (type.equals("Add_cart")) { String imgid = request.getParameter("imgid"); String sid = request.getParameter("sid"); String uid = request.getParameter("uid"); System.out.println(imgid); System.out.println(sid); System.out.println(uid); Images img = idip.getImageDetail(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); boolean update = false; boolean o = false; if (img != null) { int i = 0; int subimg_Id = Integer.parseInt(sid); ImagesSub isu = idip.getSubImage(subimg_Id); if (isu != null) { CreditsDAOImp cdi = new CreditsDAOImp(); int credits = cdi.getCredit(isu.getCredits()); CartItems ci = null; int cartCount = 0; if (uid == null) { } else { //if user signin System.out.println("signIn user"); // List<CartItems> citems; Cart b = new CartDAOImp().getCart(Integer.parseInt(uid)); // // System.out.println("cart :"+b.getCart_id()); // System.out.println("cart is null"+b==null); // if (b.getCart_id() == 0) { //if user didn't have cart in the database System.out.println("don't have a cart"); Cart c = new Cart(); c.setUser_id(Integer.parseInt(uid)); c.setCredit_count(0); c.setCredit_unit_price_id(1); c.setImage_count(0); c.setSubscription_unit_price_id(1); //creating a new cart boolean bb = new CartDAOImp().setACart(c); System.out.println("created a new cart" + bb); System.gc(); if (bb) { //getting that new cart b = new CartDAOImp().getCart(Integer.parseInt(uid)); if (b == null) { } else { CartItems cartI = new CartItems(); cartI.setImgId(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); cartI.setSubimg_Id(subimg_Id); cartI.setCredit(credits); cartI.setDate(date); boolean owner = idip.checkOwner(Integer.parseInt(uid), Integer.parseInt(imgid)); if (owner) { out.write("msg=This is your image,you can't add to cart."); } else { // boolean alreadyPur=new CartDAOImp().checkAlreadyPurchase(b.getCart_id(),cartI.getImgId()); //if(!alreadyPur){ boolean duplicat = new CartDAOImp() .checkImageDuplication(b.getCart_id(), cartI.getImgId()); if (duplicat) { boolean updated = new CartDAOImp() .updateCartHasImagesSubImageID(b.getCart_id(), cartI.getImgId(), cartI.getSubimg_Id(), cartI.getCredit()); } else { System.out.println("addingCarItems"); o = new CartDAOImp().addingCarItems(cartI, b); System.gc(); } } } } System.gc(); } else { //if user have a cart in the database System.out.println("this user have a car in the DB"); b = new CartDAOImp().getCart(Integer.parseInt(uid)); List<CartHasImages> ch = null; int imgcount = 0; int creditcount = 0; if (b == null) { } else { // CartItems cartI = new CartItems(); cartI.setImgId(Integer.parseInt(imgid)); cartI.setSubimg_Id(subimg_Id); cartI.setCredit(credits); cartI.setDate(date); boolean owner = idip.checkOwner(Integer.parseInt(uid), Integer.parseInt(imgid)); if (owner) { out.write("msg=This is your image,you can't add to cart."); } else { boolean duplicat = new CartDAOImp() .checkImageDuplication(b.getCart_id(), cartI.getImgId()); if (duplicat) { boolean updated = new CartDAOImp().updateCartHasImagesSubImageID( b.getCart_id(), cartI.getImgId(), cartI.getSubimg_Id(), cartI.getCredit()); out.write("msg=Image is added to the cart."); } else { System.out.println("addingCarItems"); o = new CartDAOImp().addingCarItems(cartI, b); System.gc(); out.write("msg=Image is added to the cart."); } } ch = new CartDAOImp().listCartHasImages(); for (CartHasImages carhi : ch) { if (carhi.getCart_id() == b.getCart_id() && carhi.getIs_purchase() == 0) { imgcount++; creditcount += carhi.getCredits(); System.out.println( "-----------------totalcount------------------------" + imgcount); System.out .println("-----------------credits------------------------" + creditcount); } } update = new CartDAOImp().updateCartQty(imgcount, creditcount, b.getCart_id()); } // System.gc(); } } System.out.println("near end"); // System.gc(); // response.sendRedirect("description.jsp?image_id=" + imgid); } else { out.write("msg=Internal server error,Please try again later."); } } else { out.write("msg=Internal server error,Please try again later."); } } } else { out.write("msg=Internal server error,Please try again later."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
/** * Builds cell xml files and saves/uploads them *///from w ww.ja va 2 s .c om @SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override protected final Boolean doInBackground(final Void... params) { ArrayList<String> wifiFiles = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> cellFiles = new ArrayList<>(); Boolean success = true; if (!mSkipUpload && mAnonymousUpload && (mExportCells || mExportWifis)) { mToken = getToken(); Log.i(TAG, "Token " + mToken); } if (mExportCells) { Log.i(TAG, "Exporting cells"); // export cells publishProgress(mAppContext.getResources().getString(R.string.please_stay_patient), mAppContext.getResources().getString(R.string.exporting_cells), 0); cellFiles = new CellSerializer(mAppContext, mSession, mTempPath, RadioBeacon.SW_VERSION).export(); // upload if (!mSkipUpload) { uploadAllCells(cellFiles); } } else { Log.i(TAG, "Cell export skipped"); } if (mExportWifis) { Log.i(TAG, "Exporting wifis"); // export wifis publishProgress(mAppContext.getResources().getString(R.string.please_stay_patient), mAppContext.getResources().getString(R.string.exporting_wifis), 50); wifiFiles = new WifiSerializer(mAppContext, mSession, mTempPath, RadioBeacon.SW_VERSION, mAnonymiseSsid) .export(); // upload if (!mSkipUpload) { uploadAllWifis(wifiFiles); } } else { Log.i(TAG, "Wifi export skipped"); } if (!mSkipUpload) { // wait max 30s for all upload tasks to finish final long startGrace = System.currentTimeMillis(); sleepTillCompleted(startGrace); // check, whether all files are uploaded if (mUploadedFiles.size() != (wifiFiles.size() + cellFiles.size())) { Log.e(TAG, "Not all files have been uploaded!"); // set state to failed on upload problems success = false; } else { Log.i(TAG, "All files uploaded"); } // and cleanup if (!mKeepXml) { // delete only successfully uploaded files Log.i(TAG, "Deleting uploaded files"); deleteXmlFiles(mUploadedFiles); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Deleting files skipped"); } } // clean up a bit wifiFiles = null; cellFiles = null; mUploadedFiles = null; System.gc(); if (mUpdateWifiCatalog) { Log.i(TAG, "Updating wifi catalog"); new CatalogUpdater(mAppContext).execute((Void[]) null); } if (mSaveGpx) { Log.i(TAG, "Exporting gpx"); publishProgress(mAppContext.getResources().getString(R.string.please_stay_patient), mAppContext.getResources().getString(R.string.exporting_gpx), 75); final String filename = GpxSerializer.suggestGpxFilename(mSession); final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mAppContext); final int verbosity = Integer .parseInt(prefs.getString(Preferences.KEY_GPX_VERBOSITY, Preferences.VAL_GPX_VERBOSITY)); final SaveGpxTask task = new SaveGpxTask(mAppContext, null, mSession, mTempPath, filename, verbosity); task.execute(); } else { Log.i(TAG, "GPX export skipped"); } return success; }
From source
private static void purgeCode(String mainClass, URL newUrl) { Class<?> clazz1 = null; for (Class<?> clazz : externalListenerClasses) { if (mainClass.equals(clazz.getCanonicalName())) { clazz1 = clazz;//w w w .j a v a2s . com break; } } if (clazz1 == null) { return; } externalListenerClasses.remove(clazz1); ExternalListener remove = null; for (ExternalListener list : externalListeners) { if (list.getClass().equals(clazz1)) { remove = list; break; } } RendererConfiguration.resetAllRenderers(); if (remove != null) { externalListeners.remove(remove); remove.shutdown(); LooksFrame frame = (LooksFrame) PMS.get().getFrame(); frame.getPt().removePlugin(remove); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { System.gc(); } URLClassLoader cl = (URLClassLoader) clazz1.getClassLoader(); URL[] urls = cl.getURLs(); for (URL url : urls) { String mainClass1 = getMainClass(url); if (mainClass1 == null || !mainClass.equals(mainClass1)) { continue; } File f = url2file(url); File f1 = url2file(newUrl); if (f1 == null || f == null) { continue; } if (!f1.getName().equals(f.getName())) { addToPurgeFile(f); } } }
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public String cleanupValues() { List<PlanProperties> ppList = em.createQuery("select p from PlanProperties p").getResultList(); int total = 0; int i = 0;/* w ww . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ for (PlanProperties pp : ppList) { int number = projectCleaner.cleanupProject(pp.getId()); FacesMessages.instance().add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Plan " + pp.getName() + ": removed " + number + " values."); total += number; i++; if ((i % 5) == 0) { System.gc(); } } FacesMessages.instance().add(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "All projects cleaned up, removed " + total + " Values objects in total"); return null; }
From source
private static void runSimulation(final BiConsumer<SimulationExecutor, StrategyGroup> consumer) { final ServiceLocator serviceLocator = ServiceLocator.instance(); serviceLocator.init(ServiceLocator.SIMULATION_BEAN_REFERENCE_LOCATION); try {/*from w w w. ja v a2 s . c om*/ StrategyGroup strategyGroup; if (serviceLocator.getContext().containsBean("strategyGroup")) { strategyGroup = serviceLocator.getContext().getBean("strategyGroup", StrategyGroup.class); } else { final ConfigParams configParams = ConfigLocator.instance().getConfigParams(); strategyGroup = StrategyGroup.single(configParams.getString("strategyName")); } SimulationExecutor executor = serviceLocator.getService("simulationExecutor", SimulationExecutor.class); consumer.accept(executor, strategyGroup); } finally { serviceLocator.shutdown(); } // run a garbage collection System.gc(); }