Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package net.sf.jclal.activelearning.algorithm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.sf.jclal.activelearning.querystrategy.AbstractQueryStrategy; import net.sf.jclal.core.IClassifier; import net.sf.jclal.core.IConfigure; import net.sf.jclal.core.IDataset; import net.sf.jclal.core.IEvaluation; import net.sf.jclal.core.IScenario; import net.sf.jclal.core.IStopCriterion; import net.sf.jclal.core.ISystem; import net.sf.jclal.core.ITool; import net.sf.jclal.util.time.TimeControl; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationRuntimeException; /** * Class that represents a Classical Active Learning Algorithm. * * @author Oscar Gabriel Reyes Pupo * @author Eduardo Perez Perdomo */ public class ClassicalALAlgorithm extends AbstractALAlgorithm implements ITool { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4075956096492062508L; /** * Max of iterations, by default it is equal to 50 */ private int maxIteration = 50; /** * Current iteration */ private int iteration; /** * Accumulative time */ private long acumulativeTime; /** * Control time */ private TimeControl timeControl; /** * Active Learning scenario */ private IScenario scenario; /** * Store the stop criterion */ private List<IStopCriterion> stopCriterionList; /** * It stores the evaluation of the current model by a passive learning * approach */ private IEvaluation passiveLearningEvaluation; /** * Returns the evaluation of the current model by passive learning * * @return The evaluation */ public IEvaluation getPassiveLearningEvaluation() { if (passiveLearningEvaluation == null) { executePasiveLearning(); } return passiveLearningEvaluation; } /** * Establishes the passive learning evaluation * * @param passiveLearningEvaluation * The evaluation of the passive learning */ public void setPassiveLearningEvaluation(IEvaluation passiveLearningEvaluation) { this.passiveLearningEvaluation = passiveLearningEvaluation; } /** * Get the scenario used * * @return The Scenario used */ @Override public IScenario getScenario() { return scenario; } /** * * Set the scenario * * @param scenario * The scenario to be used */ @Override public void setScenario(IScenario scenario) { this.scenario = scenario; } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ------------------------------------------------- Constructors // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Empty (default) constructor * */ public ClassicalALAlgorithm() { super(); this.stopCriterionList = new ArrayList<IStopCriterion>(); this.timeControl = new TimeControl(5); } // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -------------------------------------------- Protected methods // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Execution methods /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public void doInit() { // Do Control doControl(); } /** * Execute an AL iteration */ @Override protected void doIterate() { ++iteration; // Do training with base classifier over labeled instances doTraining(); // Do selection by scenario and query strategy doSelectionIntances(); // Do evaluation with base classifier over test set doEvaluationTest(); // Do label the selected instances doLabelInstances(); // Do update the labeled set and unlabeled instances doUpdateLabelledData(); // Do control doControl(); // Do clean doClean(); } /** * Returns the AL iteration * * @return The current iteration */ public int getIteration() { return iteration; } /** * Sets the AL iteration * * @param iteration * The current iteration */ public void setIteration(int iteration) { this.iteration = iteration; } /** * Label the selected instances by query strategy */ private void doLabelInstances() { scenario.labelInstances(); } /** * Executes the evaluation of the basic classifier over the test set */ private void doEvaluationTest() { timeControl.mark(); scenario.evaluationTest(); timeControl.mark(); timeControl.timeName("Test time", timeControl.timeLastOnes()); timeControl.timeName("Iteration time", timeControl.time("Training time") + timeControl.time("Instances selection time")); acumulativeTime += timeControl.time("Iteration time"); timeControl.timeName("Accumulative iteration time", acumulativeTime); scenario.getQueryStrategy().getEvaluations().get(iteration - 1).setIteration(iteration); // add the measurements to the evaluation Object[][] timeMeasures = timeControl.namesAndTimes(); for (Object[] objects : timeMeasures) { scenario.getQueryStrategy().getEvaluations().get(iteration - 1).setMetricValue((String) objects[0], (Long) objects[1]); } // reset the time timeControl.reset(); } /** * Do update the training set and unlabeled instances */ private void doUpdateLabelledData() { scenario.updateLabelledData(); } /** * Selected instances by query strategy and Scenario */ private void doSelectionIntances() { timeControl.mark(); scenario.instancesSelection(); timeControl.mark(); timeControl.timeName("Instances selection time", timeControl.timeLastOnes()); } /** * Executes the training phase. Train the base classifier */ private void doTraining() { timeControl.mark();; timeControl.mark(); timeControl.timeName("Training time", timeControl.timeLastOnes()); } /** * Check if algorithm is finished * * By default the implementation of this method performs the following * operations: * <ul> * <li>If number of iterations exceeds the maximum allowed, then the * algorithm is stopped</li> * <li>If unlabeled set is empty, then the algorithm is stopped</li> * </ul> */ protected void doControl() { // If maximum number of iterations is exceeded, the algorithm is // finished if (iteration >= maxIteration || ((AbstractQueryStrategy) (scenario.getQueryStrategy())).getUnlabelledData().isEmpty()) { state = FINISHED; return; } // the extra stop criteria are verified for (IStopCriterion iStopCriterion : stopCriterionList) { if (iStopCriterion.stop(this)) { state = FINISHED; return; } } } /** * Clean the memory */ protected void doClean() { // Run the GC System.gc(); } /** * Get the maximum number of iterations * * @return The max iteration */ public int getMaxIteration() { return maxIteration; } /** * Set the maximum number of iterations * * @param maxIteration * Set the max iteration */ public void setMaxIteration(int maxIteration) { this.maxIteration = maxIteration; } /** * Set the set used as test data * * @param testDataSet * The dataset to test */ @Override public void setTestDataSet(IDataset testDataSet) { scenario.getQueryStrategy().setTestData(testDataSet); } /** * Get the set used as test data * * @return The dataset used to test */ @Override public IDataset getTestDataSet() { return scenario.getQueryStrategy().getTestData(); } /** * Set the set used as labeled set * * @param labeledDataSet * The labeled dataset used */ @Override public void setLabeledDataSet(IDataset labeledDataSet) { scenario.getQueryStrategy().setLabelledData(labeledDataSet); } /** * Set the set used as unlabeled set * * @param unlabeledDataSet * The unlabeled dataset used */ @Override public void setUnlabeledDataSet(IDataset unlabeledDataSet) { scenario.getQueryStrategy().setUnlabelledData(unlabeledDataSet); } /** * Get the set used as labeled set * * @return The labeled dataset used */ @Override public IDataset getLabeledDataSet() { return scenario.getQueryStrategy().getLabelledData(); } /** * Get the set used as unlabeled set * * @return The unlabeled dataset used */ @Override public IDataset getUnlabeledDataSet() { return scenario.getQueryStrategy().getUnlabelledData(); } /** * @param configuration * The configuration object for the classic algorithm * * The XML labels supported are: * <ul> * <li> * <p> * <b>max-iteration= int</b> * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <b>scenario type= class.</b> * </p> * <p> * Package: net.sf.jclal.activelearning.scenario * </p> * <p> * Class: All * </p> * </li> * <li> * <p> * <b>stop-criterio type= class.</b> * <p> * Package: net.sf.jclal.activelearning.stopcriterion * </p> * <p> * Class: All * </p> * </li> * </ul> */ @Override public void configure(Configuration configuration) { super.configure(configuration); // Set max iteration int maxIterationT = configuration.getInt("max-iteration", maxIteration); setMaxIteration(maxIterationT); // Set the stop criterion configure setStopCriterionConfigure(configuration); // Set the scenario configuration setScenarioConfiguration(configuration); } /** * Establishes the configuration of the scenario * * @param configuration * The configuration object to use */ public void setScenarioConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { String scenarioError = "scenario type= "; // scenario try { // scenario classname String scenarioClassname = configuration.getString("scenario[@type]"); scenarioError += scenarioClassname; // scenario class Class<? extends IScenario> scenarioClass = (Class<? extends IScenario>) Class .forName(scenarioClassname); // scenario instance IScenario scenario = scenarioClass.newInstance(); // Configure scenario (if necessary) if (scenario instanceof IConfigure) { ((IConfigure) scenario).configure(configuration.subset("scenario")); } // Add this scenario to the algorithm setScenario(scenario); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal scenario classname: " + scenarioError, e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal scenario classname: " + scenarioError, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal scenario classname: " + scenarioError, e); } } /** * Establishes parameters for context in the algorithm * * @param context * The context to use */ @Override public void contextualize(ISystem context) { super.contextualize(context); // Attach a random generator to this object if (getScenario() instanceof ITool) { ((ITool) getScenario()).contextualize(context); } // Attach a random generator to this object if (getScenario().getQueryStrategy() instanceof ITool) { ((ITool) getScenario().getQueryStrategy()).contextualize(context); } } /** * It executes the passive learning, i.e, it trains the classifiers on the * whole training set and test the model on the test set * */ public void executePasiveLearning() { try { IClassifier classifier = getScenario().getQueryStrategy().getClassifier().makeCopy(); IDataset trainingDataset = getLabeledDataSet().copy(); trainingDataset.addAll(getUnlabeledDataSet()); TimeControl con = new TimeControl(5); con.mark(); classifier.buildClassifier(trainingDataset); con.mark(); con.timeName("Training time", con.timeLastOnes()); con.timeName("Iteration time", con.time("Training time")); con.timeName("Accumulative iteration time", con.time("Training time")); con.timeName("Instances selection time", 0); con.mark(); this.passiveLearningEvaluation = classifier.testModel(getTestDataSet()); con.mark(); con.timeName("Test time", con.timeLastOnes()); for (Object[] objects : con.namesAndTimes()) { this.passiveLearningEvaluation.setMetricValue((String) objects[0], (Long) objects[1]); } con.destroy(); con = null; classifier = null; trainingDataset.delete(); trainingDataset = null; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Logger.getLogger(ClassicalALAlgorithm.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e); } } /** * Establishes the configuration of the stop criterion * * @param configuration * The configuration object to use */ public void setStopCriterionConfigure(Configuration configuration) { // Number of defined stopCriterio int stopCriterioValue = configuration.getList("stop-criterion[@type]").size(); // For each listener in list for (int i = 0; i < stopCriterioValue; i++) { String header = "stop-criterion(" + i + ")"; // stopCriterio String stopError = "stop-criterion type= "; try { // stopCriterio classname String stopCriterioClassname = configuration.getString(header + "[@type]"); stopError += stopCriterioClassname; // stopCriterio class Class<? extends IStopCriterion> stopCriterioClass = (Class<? extends IStopCriterion>) Class .forName(stopCriterioClassname); // stopCriterio instance IStopCriterion stopCriterio = stopCriterioClass.newInstance(); // Configure stopCriterio (if necessary) if (stopCriterio instanceof IConfigure) { ((IConfigure) stopCriterio).configure(configuration.subset(header)); } // Add this stopCriterio to the algorithm addStopCriterion(stopCriterio); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal stopCriterion classname: " + stopError, e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal stopCriterion classname: " + stopError, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("\nIllegal stopCriterion classname: " + stopError, e); } } } /** * Adds a stopping criterion * * @param stopCriterion * The stop criterion to add */ public void addStopCriterion(IStopCriterion stopCriterion) { this.stopCriterionList.add(stopCriterion); } /** * Remove a stop criterion * * @param stopCriterion * The stop criterion to remove * @return If the criterion was successfully removed */ public boolean removeStopCriterion(IStopCriterion stopCriterion) { return this.stopCriterionList.remove(stopCriterion); } }