Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer substring

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer substring


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer substring.


public synchronized String substring(int start, int end) 

Source Link


From source file:raptor.util.RaptorStringUtils.java

 * Returns a comma delimited array of strings.
 *//*from   w  ww.j  a v a 2s  .  c  o  m*/
public static String toString(String[] values) {
    String valuesString = null;
    StringBuffer valuesBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    for (String value : values) {
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(valuesBuffer.toString())) {
        valuesString = valuesBuffer.substring(0, valuesBuffer.length() - 1);
    return valuesString == null ? valuesBuffer.toString() : valuesString;

From source file:Main.java

private static boolean isEncodeable(StringBuffer p_src, int index) {
    // white space
    boolean blank = false;
    boolean lt = false;
    String sub = null;//  w  w  w.  j  a va2  s.  co m

    for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        char c = p_src.charAt(i);
        String cstr = "" + c;

        if ("".equals(cstr.trim())) {
            blank = true;
        } else if (c == '<') {
            sub = p_src.substring(i, index);
            lt = true;
        // node value, encode
        else if (c == '>') {
            return true;

    // node name, do not encode
    if (lt && !blank) {
        return false;

    // comments, encode
    if (sub.startsWith("<!--")) {
        return true;

    // cdata, encode
    if (sub.startsWith("<![CDATA[")) {
        return true;

    // dtd or version, do not encode
    if (sub.startsWith("<!") || sub.startsWith("<?")) {
        return false;

    // determine attribute
    int subLen = sub.length();
    boolean eq = false;
    boolean singleQuote = false;
    boolean doubleQuote = false;
    for (int i = 1; i < subLen; i++) {
        char c = sub.charAt(i);

        if (c == '=' && !singleQuote && !doubleQuote) {
            eq = true;

        if (c == '\'' && eq && !doubleQuote) {
            singleQuote = !singleQuote;
            if (!singleQuote) {
                eq = false;

        if (c == '"' && eq && !singleQuote) {
            doubleQuote = !doubleQuote;
            if (!doubleQuote) {
                eq = false;

    if (singleQuote || doubleQuote) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

From source file:com.boyuanitsm.pay.unionpay.util.SDKUtil.java

 * Map???Keyascii???key1=value1&key2=value2? ????signature
 * //from  www .j  av  a  2 s  .co  m
 * @param data
 *            Map?
 * @return ?
public static String coverMap2String(Map<String, String> data) {
    TreeMap<String, String> tree = new TreeMap<String, String>();
    Iterator<Entry<String, String>> it = data.entrySet().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Entry<String, String> en = it.next();
        if (SDKConstants.param_signature.equals(en.getKey().trim())) {
        tree.put(en.getKey(), en.getValue());
    it = tree.entrySet().iterator();
    StringBuffer sf = new StringBuffer();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Entry<String, String> en = it.next();
        sf.append(en.getKey() + SDKConstants.EQUAL + en.getValue() + SDKConstants.AMPERSAND);
    if (sf.length() == 0) {
        return "";
    return sf.substring(0, sf.length() - 1);

From source file:Main.java

 * Convert entities to umlaute//from  w w w. j  a va 2  s. co  m
public static String decode(String value) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(value);
    int pos;
    boolean found;
    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length(); i++) {
        if (buffer.charAt(i) == '_' && buffer.charAt(i + 1) == '_') {
            pos = i + 2;
            found = false;
            while (buffer.charAt(pos) >= '0' && buffer.charAt(pos) <= '9') {
                found = true;
            if (found == true && pos > i + 2 && buffer.charAt(pos) == ';') {
                int ent = new Integer(buffer.substring(i + 2, pos)).intValue();
                buffer.replace(i, pos + 1, "" + (char) ent);
    return buffer.toString();

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.tc.core.util.ReportUtils.java

 * Converts a bipartition array into a list of class names. Parameter arrays must have the same
 * length/*from   w  w  w.  j  a  v a 2s .c om*/
 * @param labels
 * @param classNames
 * @return
public static String doubleArrayToClassNames(int[] labels, String[] classNames, Character separatorChar) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

    for (int y = 0; y < labels.length; y++) {
        if (labels[y] == 1) {
            buffer.append(classNames[y] + separatorChar);
    String classString;
    try {
        classString = buffer.substring(0, buffer.length() - 1).toString();
    } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        classString = "";
    return classString;

From source file:org.soitoolkit.commons.mule.util.MiscUtil.java

static public String parseStringValue(String strVal, Properties props) {

    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(strVal);

    int startIndex = strVal.indexOf(placeholderPrefix);
    while (startIndex != -1) {
        int endIndex = findPlaceholderEndIndex(buf, startIndex);
        if (endIndex != -1) {
            String placeholder = buf.substring(startIndex + placeholderPrefix.length(), endIndex);

            String propVal = props.getProperty(placeholder);

            if (propVal != null) {

                // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the previously resolved placeholder value.
                // E.g. a variable value like: VARIABLE1=Var${VARIABLE2}Value
                propVal = parseStringValue(propVal, props);

                buf.replace(startIndex, endIndex + placeholderSuffix.length(), propVal);
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("Resolved placeholder '" + placeholder + "'");
                }//from  w w  w. j a  v a2  s.  c  o m
                startIndex = buf.indexOf(placeholderPrefix, startIndex + propVal.length());
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve placeholder '" + placeholder + "'");
        } else {
            startIndex = -1;
    return buf.toString();

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.tools.util.DistCpUtils.java

 * Pack file preservation attributes into a string, containing
 * just the first character of each preservation attribute
 * @param attributes - Attribute set to preserve
 * @return - String containing first letters of each attribute to preserve
 *///from   w w w.jav  a2 s .c  o m
public static String packAttributes(EnumSet<FileAttribute> attributes) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(FileAttribute.values().length);
    int len = 0;
    for (FileAttribute attribute : attributes) {
    return buffer.substring(0, len);

From source file:com.flattr4android.rest.FlattrRestClient.java

private static String getParameterString(String paramName, List<String> params) {
    if ((params == null) || (params.size() <= 0)) {
        return "";
    }/*  ww w . j a v a 2s  .  c o m*/
    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("/");
    for (String s : params) {
    return result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);

From source file:org.springframework.util.SystemPropertyUtils.java

 * Resolve ${...} placeholders in the given text,
 * replacing them with corresponding system property values.
 * @param text the String to resolve/*from   w  w  w  .  j  a v a  2  s.  c  o m*/
 * @return the resolved String
public static String resolvePlaceholders(String text) {
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(text);

    // The following code does not use JDK 1.4's StringBuffer.indexOf(String)
    // method to retain JDK 1.3 compatibility. The slight loss in performance
    // is not really relevant, as this code will typically just run on startup.

    int startIndex = text.indexOf(PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX);
    while (startIndex != -1) {
        int endIndex = buf.toString().indexOf(PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX, startIndex + PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX.length());
        if (endIndex != -1) {
            String placeholder = buf.substring(startIndex + PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX.length(), endIndex);
            String propVal = System.getProperty(placeholder);
            if (propVal != null) {
                buf.replace(startIndex, endIndex + PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX.length(), propVal);
                startIndex = buf.toString().indexOf(PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, startIndex + propVal.length());
            } else {
                if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    logger.warn("Could not resolve placeholder '" + placeholder + "' in [" + text
                            + "] as system property");
                startIndex = buf.toString().indexOf(PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX, endIndex + PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX.length());
        } else {
            startIndex = -1;

    return buf.toString();

From source file:br.com.diegosilva.jsfcomponents.util.Utils.java

public static String truncateStringOnWordBoundary(String string, int length) {
    if (string.length() <= length)
        return string;

    char[] chars = string.toCharArray();
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    String result = "";
    int lastWhitespace = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
        if (chars[i] == ' ')
            lastWhitespace = i;//from w  w w . j  a v a2s  .c o  m

        if (i >= length) {
            result = buffer.substring(0, lastWhitespace);
    return result;