Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer substring

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer substring


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer substring.


public synchronized String substring(int start, int end) 

Source Link


From source file:org.egov.egf.web.actions.report.BillRegisterReportAction.java

private void getRemittancePaymentDetail(final BillRegisterReportBean billRegReport) {
    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
        LOGGER.debug("...........Getting Remitance Payment details........");
    List<EgRemittance> remittancePaymentItem = new ArrayList<EgRemittance>();
    final StringBuffer remmitPaymentVoucherNumber = new StringBuffer("");

    StringBuffer remittanceChequeNoAndDate = new StringBuffer("");
    Long paymentVhId = null;//from w ww .  j a v  a 2 s  .  co  m
    List<InstrumentVoucher> instrumentVoucherList = new ArrayList<InstrumentVoucher>();

    if (billRegReport.getVoucherNumber() != null) {

        remittancePaymentItem = persistenceService.findAllBy(getRemiitPaymentVoucherQry.toString(),
                billRegReport.getVoucherNumber(), FinancialConstants.CANCELLEDVOUCHERSTATUS,

        if (remittancePaymentItem.size() > 0) {
            paymentVhId = remittancePaymentItem.get(0).getVoucherheader().getId();
            remittanceChequeNoAndDate = new StringBuffer("");
            for (int i = 0; i < remittancePaymentItem.size(); i++) {

                // if(remittancePaymentItem.get(i).getVoucherheader().getStatus())
                        .append(remittancePaymentItem.get(i).getVoucherheader().getVoucherNumber() + "|");
                final Query qry = persistenceService.getSession()
                        .createQuery("from InstrumentVoucher iv where iv.voucherHeaderId.id=:vhId and"
                                + " iv.instrumentHeaderId.statusId.id not in(:cancelledChequeList)");
                qry.setLong("vhId", remittancePaymentItem.get(i).getVoucherheader().getId());
                qry.setParameterList("cancelledChequeList", cancelledChequeStatus);
                instrumentVoucherList = qry.list();

                if (instrumentVoucherList.size() > 0)
                    for (final InstrumentVoucher inst : instrumentVoucherList)
                        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(remittanceChequeNoAndDate.toString())) {
                            if (paymentVhId != null && paymentVhId.equals(inst.getVoucherHeaderId().getId()))
                                        .append(inst.getInstrumentHeaderId().getInstrumentNumber()).append(" ")
                                        .append(inst.getInstrumentHeaderId().getInstrumentDate() != null
                                                ? DDMMYYYYFORMATS.format(
                                                : "");
                                        .append(inst.getInstrumentHeaderId().getInstrumentNumber()).append(" ")
                                        .append(inst.getInstrumentHeaderId().getInstrumentDate() != null
                                                ? DDMMYYYYFORMATS.format(
                                                : "");
                        } else
                                    .append(" ").append(
                                            inst.getInstrumentHeaderId().getInstrumentDate() != null
                                                    ? DDMMYYYYFORMATS.format(
                                                    : "");
                paymentVhId = remittancePaymentItem.get(i).getVoucherheader().getId();
        billRegReport.setRemittanceVoucherNumber(remmitPaymentVoucherNumber.length() > 0
                ? remmitPaymentVoucherNumber.substring(0, remmitPaymentVoucherNumber.length() - 1)
                : " ");

From source file:com.xn.interfacetest.service.impl.TestCaseServiceImpl.java

private String formatParams(TestCaseDto caseDto, String contentType, TestInterfaceDto interfaceDto) {
    //?,???,???//from   w ww. j  ava  2  s  .  c o  m
    StringBuffer paramsStr = new StringBuffer("");
    if (null != caseDto.getParamsType() && ParamsGroupTypeEnum.KEY.getId() == caseDto.getParamsType()) {
        List<ParamDto> testParamsDtoList = testParamsService.listByCaseIdFromRelation(caseDto.getId());
        if (contentType.equals("application/json")) {
            logger.info("??json" + testParamsDtoList.size() + "?");
            if (null != testParamsDtoList && testParamsDtoList.size() > 0) {
                JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
                Iterator iterator = testParamsDtoList.iterator();
                Date date = new Date();

                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    ParamDto param = (ParamDto) iterator.next();
                    logger.info("?" + param.toString());
                    String value = param.getValue();
                    if (param.getFormatType() == ParamFormatTypeEnum.ENCRYPT.getId()) {
                        value = encrypt(interfaceDto.getJarPath(), interfaceDto, caseDto.getId(),
                                param.getMethodName(), date);
                        logger.info("????" + param.getName()
                                + "," + value);
                    } else if (value.equals("timestamp")) {
                        value = (date.getTime()) + "";
                    jsonObject.put(param.getName(), value);
                paramsStr = paramsStr.append(jsonObject.toString());
                logger.info("??" + paramsStr);

        } else {
            logger.info("??&?" + testParamsDtoList.size() + "?");
            if (null != testParamsDtoList && testParamsDtoList.size() > 0) {
                Iterator iterator = testParamsDtoList.iterator();
                Date date = new Date();
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    ParamDto param = (ParamDto) iterator.next();
                    String value = param.getValue();
                    if (param.getFormatType() == ParamFormatTypeEnum.ENCRYPT.getId()) {
                        value = encrypt(interfaceDto.getJarPath(), interfaceDto, caseDto.getId(),
                                param.getMethodName(), date);
                        logger.info("????" + param.getName()
                                + "," + value);
                    } else if (value.equals("timestamp")) {
                        value = (date.getTime()) + "";
                    paramsStr.append(param.getName() + "=" + param.getValue());
                paramsStr = new StringBuffer(paramsStr.substring(0, paramsStr.lastIndexOf("&")));
    } else if (null != caseDto.getParamsType()
            && ParamsGroupTypeEnum.CUSTOM.getId() == caseDto.getParamsType()) {
        logger.info("?" + caseDto.getCustomParams());
        paramsStr = new StringBuffer(caseDto.getCustomParams());

    return paramsStr.toString();

From source file:com.topsec.tsm.sim.report.web.ReportController.java

 * //w  ww .  ja v  a 2s . c o  m
public String reportQuery(SID sid, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    boolean fromRest = false;
    if (request.getParameter("fromRest") != null) {
        fromRest = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("fromRest"));
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
    ReportBean bean = new ReportBean();
    bean = ReportUiUtil.tidyFormBean(bean, request);
    String onlyByDvctype = request.getParameter("onlyByDvctype");
    String[] talCategory = bean.getTalCategory();
    RptMasterTbService rptMasterTbImp = (RptMasterTbService) SpringContextServlet.springCtx
    List<Map<String, Object>> subResult = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(ReportUiConfig.MstSubSql,
            new Object[] { StringUtil.toInt(bean.getMstrptid(), StringUtil.toInt(bean.getTalTop(), 5)) });
    StringBuffer layout = new StringBuffer();
    Map<Integer, Integer> rowColumns = ReportModel.getRowColumns(subResult);
    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    params.put("dvcType", bean.getDvctype());
    params.put("talTop", bean.getTalTop());
    params.put("mstId", bean.getMstrptid());
    params.put("eTime", bean.getTalEndTime());
    if ("Esm/Topsec/SimEvent".equals(bean.getDvctype()) || "Esm/Topsec/SystemLog".equals(bean.getDvctype())
            || "Esm/Topsec/SystemRunLog".equals(bean.getDvctype())
            || "Log/Global/Detail".equals(bean.getDvctype())) {
        onlyByDvctype = "onlyByDvctype";
    String sUrl = null;
    List<SimDatasource> simDatasources = dataSourceService.getDataSourceByDvcType(bean.getDvctype());
    Set<AuthUserDevice> devices = ObjectUtils.nvl(sid.getUserDevice(), Collections.<AuthUserDevice>emptySet());
    List<SimDatasource> dslist = new ArrayList<SimDatasource>();
    if (sid.isOperator()) {
        SimDatasource dsource = new SimDatasource();
        dslist.add(0, dsource);
    } else {
        BeanToPropertyValueTransformer trans = new BeanToPropertyValueTransformer("ip");
        Collection<String> userDeviceIPs = (Collection<String>) CollectionUtils.collect(devices, trans);
        for (SimDatasource simDatasource : simDatasources) {
            if (userDeviceIPs.contains(simDatasource.getDeviceIp())) {

    int screenWidth = StringUtil.toInt(request.getParameter("screenWidth"), 1280) - 25 - 200;

    boolean flag = "onlyByDvctype".equals(onlyByDvctype);
    SimDatasource selectDataSource = getSelectDataSource(dslist, bean, flag, request);
    AssetObject assetObject = null == selectDataSource ? null
            : AssetFacade.getInstance().getAssetByIp(selectDataSource.getDeviceIp());
    if (fromRest) {
        json.put("selectDataSourceId", selectDataSource == null ? 0 : selectDataSource.getResourceId());
        json.put("selectDataSourceName", selectDataSource == null ? "" : assetObject.getName());
    request.setAttribute("selectDataSourceId", selectDataSource == null ? 0 : selectDataSource.getResourceId());
    request.setAttribute("selectDataSourceName", selectDataSource == null ? "" : assetObject.getName());
    StringBuffer subUrl = new StringBuffer();
    Map layoutValue = new HashMap();
    for (int i = 0, len = subResult.size(); i < len; i++) {
        Map subMap = subResult.get(i);
        if (i == 0) {
            bean.setViewItem(StringUtil.toString(subMap.get("viewItem"), ""));
        Integer row = (Integer) subMap.get("subRow");
        layout.append(row + ":" + subMap.get("subColumn") + ",");
        if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subMap)) {
        boolean qushi = StringUtil.booleanVal(subMap.get("chartProperty"));
        String tableSql = StringUtil.nvl((String) subMap.get("tableSql"));
        String subName = StringUtil.nvl((String) subMap.get("subName"));
        String mstName = StringUtil.nvl((String) subMap.get("mstName"));
        String pageSql = StringUtil.nvl((String) subMap.get("pagesql"));
        String chartSql = StringUtil.nvl((String) subMap.get("chartSql"));
        String nowTime = ReportUiUtil.getNowTime(ReportUiConfig.dFormat1);
        String talEndTime = bean.getTalEndTime();
        if (qushi && (subName.contains("") || subName.contains("")
                || subName.contains("") || subName.contains("")
                || mstName.contains("") || mstName.contains("")
                || mstName.contains("") || mstName.contains(""))) {
            params.put("eTime", bean.getTalEndTime());
            if (tableSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20 || tableSql.indexOf("_hour") > 20) {
                params.put("sTime", ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("hour", bean.getTalEndTime()));
            } else if (tableSql.indexOf("Day") > 20 || tableSql.indexOf("_day") > 20) {
                params.put("sTime", ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("day", bean.getTalEndTime()));
            } else if (tableSql.indexOf("Month") > 20 || tableSql.indexOf("_month") > 20) {
                params.put("sTime", ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("month", bean.getTalEndTime()));
            } else if (pageSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20 || pageSql.indexOf("_hour") > 20
                    || chartSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20) {
                params.put("sTime", ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("hour", bean.getTalEndTime()));
            } else if (pageSql.indexOf("Day") > 20 || pageSql.indexOf("_day") > 20
                    || chartSql.indexOf("Day") > 20) {
                params.put("sTime", ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("day", bean.getTalEndTime()));
            } else if (pageSql.indexOf("Month") > 20 || pageSql.indexOf("_month") > 20
                    || chartSql.indexOf("Month") > 20) {
                params.put("sTime", ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("month", bean.getTalEndTime()));
            } else {
                params.put("sTime", bean.getTalStartTime());
        } else if (subName.indexOf("") > 1) {
            params.put("eTime", bean.getTalEndTime());
            if (tableSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20 || tableSql.indexOf("_hour") > 20) {
                params.put("sTime", ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("undefined", bean.getTalEndTime()));
            } else {
                params.put("sTime", bean.getTalStartTime());
            String startTime = params.get("sTime").toString();
            String endTime = params.get("eTime").toString();
            subName = subName + " " + startTime.substring(5) + " - "
                    + endTime.substring(10) + "";//endTime.substring(10,endTime.length()-4)+"0:00";
            subMap.put("subName", subName);
        } else {
            params.put("sTime", bean.getTalStartTime());
        sUrl = getUrl(ReportUiConfig.subUrl, request, params, bean.getTalCategory()).toString();
        subUrl.replace(0, subUrl.length(), sUrl);
        subUrl.substring(0, subUrl.length());
        int column = rowColumns.get(row);
        String width = String.valueOf((screenWidth - 10 * column) / column);
        String _column = subMap.get("subColumn").toString();
        layoutValue.put(row + _column, ReportUiUtil.createSubTitle(subMap, width, subUrl.toString(),
                bean.getTalCategory(), StringUtil.toInt(bean.getTalTop(), 5)));
    if (talCategory != null) {
        if (fromRest)
            json.put("superiorUrl", getSuperiorUrl(request, params, bean.getTalCategory()).toString());
        request.setAttribute("superiorUrl", getSuperiorUrl(request, params, bean.getTalCategory()).toString());

    if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subResult) && subResult.size() > 0) {
        if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subResult.get(0).get("mstName"))) {
            if (fromRest) {
                json.put("title", subResult.get(0).get("mstName"));
            request.setAttribute("title", subResult.get(0).get("mstName"));
    String htmlLayout = ReportModel.createMstTable(layout.toString(), layoutValue);
    StringBuffer sb = getExportUrl(request, params, talCategory);
    request.setAttribute("expUrl", sb.toString());
    request.setAttribute("layout", htmlLayout);
    request.setAttribute("bean", bean);
    request.setAttribute("dslist", dslist);
    if (fromRest) {
        json.put("expUrl", sb.toString());
        json.put("layout", htmlLayout);
        json.put("bean", JSONObject.toJSON(bean));
        json.put("dslist", JSONObject.toJSON(dslist));
        return json.toString();

    return "/page/report/base_report_detail";

From source file:org.etudes.mneme.impl.AttachmentServiceImpl.java

 * Iterates through all question types, captures responses and creates export summary spreadsheet
 * @param workbook Workbook object//w w w.ja v a 2 s .co m
 * @param assessment Assessment object
 * @return Spreadsheet with Export summary
HSSFSheet createResponsesSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook, Assessment assessment) {
    boolean isSurvey;
    if (assessment.getType() == AssessmentType.survey)
        isSurvey = true;
        isSurvey = false;

    Map<String, Integer> userRowMap = new HashMap();
    HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Submission responses");

    HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.createRow((short) 0);
    AssessmentParts part = assessment.getParts();

    List<Part> parts = part.getParts();
    if (parts == null || parts.size() == 0)
        return null;

    List<Question> questions = new ArrayList();
    for (Iterator partIt = parts.iterator(); partIt.hasNext();) {
        Part partObj = (Part) partIt.next();
        List<Question> questionsUsed = partObj.getQuestionsUsed();

    HSSFCellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle();
    HSSFFont font = workbook.createFont();
    // Printing header row and question text
    if (!isSurvey) {
        HSSFCell cell0 = headerRow.createCell((short) (0));
        cell0.setCellValue(this.messages.getFormattedMessage("export_lastname", null));
        HSSFCell cell1 = headerRow.createCell((short) (1));
        cell1.setCellValue(this.messages.getFormattedMessage("export_firstname", null));
        HSSFCell cell2 = headerRow.createCell((short) (2));
        cell2.setCellValue(this.messages.getFormattedMessage("export_username", null));

        HSSFCell cell3 = headerRow.createCell((short) (3));
        cell3.setCellValue(this.messages.getFormattedMessage("export_score", null));
    } else {
        HSSFCell cell0 = headerRow.createCell((short) (0));
        cell0.setCellValue(this.messages.getFormattedMessage("export_user", null));

    int i;
    if (isSurvey)
        i = 1;
        i = 4;
    for (Iterator it = questions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Question q = (Question) it.next();
        String quest_desc = null;

        TypeSpecificQuestion tsq = q.getTypeSpecificQuestion();
        if (tsq instanceof FillBlanksQuestionImpl) {
            quest_desc = stripHtml(((FillBlanksQuestionImpl) tsq).getText());
        } else {
            if (tsq instanceof EssayQuestionImpl || tsq instanceof TaskQuestionImpl) {
                if (tsq instanceof EssayQuestionImpl) {
                    EssayQuestionImpl eqi = (EssayQuestionImpl) tsq;
                    if (eqi.getSubmissionType() == SubmissionType.inline)
                        quest_desc = stripHtml(q.getDescription());
                if (tsq instanceof TaskQuestionImpl) {
                    TaskQuestionImpl tqi = (TaskQuestionImpl) tsq;
                    if (tqi.getSubmissionType() == SubmissionType.inline)
                        quest_desc = stripHtml(q.getDescription());
            } else {
                quest_desc = stripHtml(q.getDescription());
        if (quest_desc != null) {
            HSSFCell cell = headerRow.createCell((short) (i++));

    int j;
    if (isSurvey)
        j = 1;
        j = 4;
    boolean answersExist = false;
    for (Iterator it = questions.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        Question q = (Question) it.next();
        TypeSpecificQuestion tsq = q.getTypeSpecificQuestion();
        //Only captures inline submissions for essays and tasks
        if (tsq instanceof EssayQuestionImpl || tsq instanceof TaskQuestionImpl) {
            if (tsq instanceof EssayQuestionImpl) {
                EssayQuestionImpl eqi = (EssayQuestionImpl) tsq;
                if (eqi.getSubmissionType() != SubmissionType.inline) {
            if (tsq instanceof TaskQuestionImpl) {
                TaskQuestionImpl tqi = (TaskQuestionImpl) tsq;
                if (tqi.getSubmissionType() != SubmissionType.inline) {
        List<Answer> answers = this.submissionService.findSubmissionAnswers(assessment, q, Boolean.TRUE,
                FindAssessmentSubmissionsSort.userName_a, null, null);
        if (answers == null || answers.size() == 0)
            answersExist = true;
        for (Answer answer : answers) {
            HSSFRow row;
            try {
                String userId = answer.getSubmission().getUserId();
                String subId = answer.getSubmission().getId();
                if (userRowMap == null || userRowMap.size() == 0 || (userRowMap.get(userId + subId) == null)) {
                    int rowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum() + 1;
                    row = sheet.createRow(rowNum);
                    if (!isSurvey) {
                        User user = this.userDirectoryService.getUser(userId);
                        row.createCell((short) 0).setCellValue(user.getLastName());
                        row.createCell((short) 1).setCellValue(user.getFirstName());
                        row.createCell((short) 2).setCellValue(user.getDisplayId());
                        row.createCell((short) 3).setCellValue(
                    } else {
                        row.createCell((short) 0)
                                .setCellValue(this.messages.getFormattedMessage("export_user", null));
                    userRowMap.put(userId + subId, new Integer(rowNum));
                } else {
                    row = sheet.getRow(userRowMap.get(userId + subId).intValue());

                TypeSpecificAnswer a = answer.getTypeSpecificAnswer();
                if (a instanceof EssayAnswerImpl) {
                    EssayAnswerImpl essay = (EssayAnswerImpl) a;
                    row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue(stripHtml(essay.getAnswerData()));
                if (a instanceof TrueFalseAnswerImpl) {
                    TrueFalseAnswerImpl tf = (TrueFalseAnswerImpl) a;
                    if (!isSurvey && tf.getCompletelyCorrect().booleanValue())
                        row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue("*" + tf.getAnswer() + "*");
                        row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue(tf.getAnswer());
                if (a instanceof MultipleChoiceAnswerImpl) {
                    MultipleChoiceAnswerImpl mc = (MultipleChoiceAnswerImpl) a;
                    List<MultipleChoiceQuestionImpl.MultipleChoiceQuestionChoice> choiceList = ((MultipleChoiceQuestionImpl) mc
                    String[] ansArray = mc.getAnswers();
                    String[] choiceArray = new String[mc.getAnswers().length];
                    Set<Integer> correctAnswers = ((MultipleChoiceQuestionImpl) mc.getAnswerObject()

                    int l = 0;
                    for (Iterator chIt = choiceList.iterator(); chIt.hasNext();) {
                        MultipleChoiceQuestionImpl.MultipleChoiceQuestionChoice mq = (MultipleChoiceQuestionImpl.MultipleChoiceQuestionChoice) chIt

                        if (Arrays.asList(ansArray).contains(mq.getId())) {
                            if (!isSurvey && correctAnswers.contains(Integer.parseInt(mq.getId()))) {
                                choiceArray[l] = "*" + stripHtml(mq.getText().trim()) + "*";
                            } else {
                                choiceArray[l] = stripHtml(mq.getText().trim());

                    row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue(getCommaAnswers(choiceArray));
                if (a instanceof FillBlanksAnswerImpl) {
                    FillBlanksAnswerImpl fb = (FillBlanksAnswerImpl) a;
                    row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue(stripHtml(getCommaAnswers(checkCorrectFill(fb))));
                if (a instanceof LikertScaleAnswerImpl) {
                    LikertScaleAnswerImpl ls = (LikertScaleAnswerImpl) a;
                    LikertScaleQuestionImpl lsq = (LikertScaleQuestionImpl) ls.getAnswerObject().getQuestion()
                    List<LikertScaleQuestionImpl.LikertScaleQuestionChoice> choiceList = lsq.getChoices();
                    for (Iterator chIt = choiceList.iterator(); chIt.hasNext();) {
                        LikertScaleQuestionImpl.LikertScaleQuestionChoice lqc = (LikertScaleQuestionImpl.LikertScaleQuestionChoice) chIt
                        if (lqc.getId().equals(ls.getAnswer())) {
                            row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue(stripHtml(lqc.getText()));
                if (a instanceof MatchAnswerImpl) {
                    MatchAnswerImpl ma = (MatchAnswerImpl) a;
                    Map matchMap = (LinkedHashMap) ma.getAnswer();
                    Iterator it2 = matchMap.entrySet().iterator();
                    StringBuffer matchStrBuf = new StringBuffer();

                    List choiceList = ((MatchQuestionImpl) ma.getAnswerObject().getQuestion()
                    while (it2.hasNext()) {
                        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it2.next();
                        String key = (String) entry.getKey();
                        String value = (String) ((Value) entry.getValue()).getValue();
                        String matchVal = fetchName(choiceList, key, true);
                        boolean correctMatch = checkCorrectMatch(choiceList, key, value);
                        if (!isSurvey && correctMatch)
                        String choiceVal = fetchName(choiceList, value, false);
                        if (choiceVal == null)
                            matchStrBuf.append(this.messages.getFormattedMessage("nosel_made", null));

                        if (!isSurvey && correctMatch)
                        matchStrBuf.append(", ");
                    if (matchStrBuf.length() > 0 && matchStrBuf.charAt(matchStrBuf.length() - 2) == ',') {
                        String matchStrBufTrim = matchStrBuf.substring(0, matchStrBuf.length() - 2);
                        row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue(stripHtml(matchStrBufTrim));
                if (a instanceof TaskAnswerImpl) {
                    TaskAnswerImpl ta = (TaskAnswerImpl) a;
                    row.createCell((short) j).setCellValue(stripHtml(ta.getAnswerData()));
            } catch (UserNotDefinedException e) {
                M_log.warn("createResponsesSheet: " + e.toString());
        j = j + 1;
    if (!answersExist)
        return null;
    return sheet;

From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.ModuleDB.java

public void deleteModules(List delModules, List allModules, String courseId, String userId) throws Exception {
    long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Transaction tx = null;//from   www  .jav  a 2 s. c om

    //If not all modules of the course need to be deleted
    if (delModules.size() != allModules.size()) {
        logger.debug("delete some Modules begin");
        ArrayList<DelModuleInfo> DelModuleInfoList = new ArrayList<DelModuleInfo>(0);
        List delResourcesList;
        try {
            // Get resources for modules that need to be deleted
            delResourcesList = getActiveResourcesFromList(delModules);

            if ((delResourcesList != null) && (delResourcesList.size() > 0)) {
                List<String> allActiveResources = getActiveResourcesFromList(allModules);

                if (allActiveResources != null && delResourcesList != null) {
                    logger.debug("active list and all" + delResourcesList.size() + " ; "
                            + allActiveResources.size());

            // get all module-ids and section_ids
            // update seq_no for each deleted_module
            StringBuffer allModuleIds = new StringBuffer("(");
            StringBuffer allSectionIds = new StringBuffer("(");
            ArrayList<StringBuffer> allSectionIdsArray = new ArrayList<StringBuffer>();
            String delModuleIds = null;
            //String delSectionIds = null;
            int count = 1;
            for (Iterator dmIter = delModules.iterator(); dmIter.hasNext();) {
                Module dm = (Module) dmIter.next();
                allModuleIds.append(dm.getModuleId().toString() + ",");
                Map delSections = dm.getSections();
                if (delSections != null && !delSections.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Iterator i = delSections.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                        if (count % MAX_IN_CLAUSES == 0) {
                            allSectionIds.append(i.next() + ")");
                            allSectionIds = new StringBuffer("(");
                        } else {
                            allSectionIds.append(i.next() + ",");

                Map delDeletedSections = dm.getDeletedSections();
                if (delDeletedSections != null && !delDeletedSections.isEmpty()) {
                    for (Iterator i1 = delDeletedSections.keySet().iterator(); i1.hasNext();) {
                        if (count % MAX_IN_CLAUSES == 0) {
                            allSectionIds.append(i1.next() + ")");
                            allSectionIds = new StringBuffer("(");
                        } else {
                            allSectionIds.append(i1.next() + ",");

                // record seq_no and id
                        .add(new DelModuleInfo(dm.getModuleId().toString(), dm.getCoursemodule().getSeqNo()));

            if (allModuleIds.lastIndexOf(",") != -1)
                delModuleIds = allModuleIds.substring(0, allModuleIds.lastIndexOf(",")) + " )";

            //if (allSectionIds.lastIndexOf(",") != -1) delSectionIds = allSectionIds.substring(0, allSectionIds.lastIndexOf(",")) + " )";
            if (allSectionIds.lastIndexOf(",") != -1) {
                if (count % MAX_IN_CLAUSES != 0) {
                    allSectionIds.replace(allSectionIds.lastIndexOf(","), allSectionIds.lastIndexOf(",") + 1,

            Session session = hibernateUtil.currentSession();
            tx = session.beginTransaction();

            String delMeleteResourceStr;
            int deletedEntities;

            // delete modules and sections
            String updSectionResourceStr = "update SectionResource sr set sr.resource = null where sr.section in ";
            String delSectionResourceStr = "delete SectionResource sr where sr.section in ";
            String delBookmarksStr = "delete Bookmark bm where bm.sectionId in ";
            String delSectionStr = "delete Section s where s.moduleId in " + delModuleIds;
            String delCourseModuleStr = "delete CourseModule cm where cm.moduleId in " + delModuleIds;
            String delModuleshDatesStr = "delete ModuleShdates msh where msh.moduleId in " + delModuleIds;
            String delSpecialAccStr = "delete SpecialAccess sa where sa.moduleId in " + delModuleIds;
            String delModuleStr = "delete Module m where m.moduleId in " + delModuleIds;

            if (allSectionIdsArray != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < allSectionIdsArray.size(); i++) {
                    allSectionIds = allSectionIdsArray.get(i);
                    deletedEntities = session.createQuery(updSectionResourceStr + allSectionIds.toString())
                    deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delSectionResourceStr + allSectionIds.toString())
                    logger.debug("section resource deleted" + deletedEntities);
                    deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delBookmarksStr + allSectionIds.toString())
                    logger.debug("Boomkarks deleted " + deletedEntities);

            if (delModuleIds != null) {
                deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delSectionStr).executeUpdate();
                logger.debug("section deleted" + deletedEntities);
                deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delCourseModuleStr).executeUpdate();
                logger.debug("course module deleted" + deletedEntities);
                deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delModuleshDatesStr).executeUpdate();
                deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delSpecialAccStr).executeUpdate();
                logger.debug("special access deleted" + deletedEntities);
                deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delModuleStr).executeUpdate();
                logger.debug("module deleted" + deletedEntities);

            // delete module collection

            logger.debug("updating seq_number now");
            List<CourseModule> courseModules = new ArrayList<CourseModule>(0);
            for (ListIterator i = allModules.listIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Module mdbean = (Module) i.next();
                courseModules.add((CourseModule) mdbean.getCoursemodule());
            assignSeqs(session, courseModules);

            // delete resources
            if ((delResourcesList != null) && (delResourcesList.size() > 0)) {
                StringBuffer delResourceIds = new StringBuffer("(");
                // delete melete resource and from content resource
                for (Iterator delIter = delResourcesList.listIterator(); delIter.hasNext();) {
                    String delResourceId = (String) delIter.next();
                    if ((delResourceId == null) || (delResourceId.trim().length() == 0)) {
                        logger.warn("NULL or empty resource id found in delete process ");
                    delResourceIds.append("'" + delResourceId + "',");

                //Ensuring that there are no empty resource ids
                if ((delResourceIds.length() > 4) && (delResourceIds.lastIndexOf(",") != -1)) {
                    delResourceIds = new StringBuffer(
                            delResourceIds.substring(0, delResourceIds.lastIndexOf(",")) + " )");
                    delMeleteResourceStr = "delete MeleteResource mr where mr.resourceId in " + delResourceIds;
                    deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delMeleteResourceStr).executeUpdate();
                    logger.debug("melete resource deleted" + deletedEntities);
        } catch (HibernateException he) {
            if (tx != null)
            throw he;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (tx != null)
            throw e;
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (HibernateException he) {
                throw he;

        logger.debug("Successfully cleared Melete tables");
        logger.debug("Removing module collections now");
        for (DelModuleInfo dmi : DelModuleInfoList) {
            meleteCHService.removeCollection(courseId, "module_" + dmi.getId());

        logger.debug("Removing upload collection resources");
        for (Iterator delIter = delResourcesList.listIterator(); delIter.hasNext();) {
            String delResourceId = (String) delIter.next();
            if ((delResourceId == null) || (delResourceId.trim().length() == 0)) {
                logger.warn("NULL or empty resource id found in delete process ");
            //TypeEditor sections will have been removed already
            if (delResourceId.startsWith("/private/meleteDocs/" + courseId + "/uploads/")) {

        long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        logger.debug("delete some modules ends " + (endtime - starttime));
    } else {
        logger.debug("delete all Modules begin");
        try {
            Session session = hibernateUtil.currentSession();
            tx = session.beginTransaction();
            StringBuffer allModuleIds = new StringBuffer("(");
            String delModuleIds = null;
            for (Iterator dmIter = delModules.iterator(); dmIter.hasNext();) {
                Module dm = (Module) dmIter.next();
                allModuleIds.append(dm.getModuleId().toString() + ",");
            if (allModuleIds.lastIndexOf(",") != -1)
                delModuleIds = allModuleIds.substring(0, allModuleIds.lastIndexOf(",")) + " )";
            deleteEverything(courseId, session, delModuleIds);
            //remove entire collection
            try {
                meleteCHService.removeCollection(courseId, null);
            } catch (Exception removeColl) {
                //do nothing
        } catch (HibernateException he) {
            if (tx != null)
            throw he;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (tx != null)
            throw e;
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (HibernateException he) {
                throw he;
        long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        logger.debug("delete all modules ends " + (endtime - starttime));


From source file:org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.database.DelimitedReader.java

private String[] processQuoteCharacterOneRowData(String oneRowData) throws Exception {
    String[] elements = null;//  www. ja  v a 2 s .  c  o m
    Vector elementsVector = new Vector();
    if (oneRowData == null) {
        return elements;
    quoteCharacter = transferQuoteCharacter(quoteCharacter);
    char quote = '#';
    boolean quoted = false;
    if (quoteCharacter != null) {
        quoted = true;
        quote = quoteCharacter.charAt(0);
    char literal = '/';
    boolean literaled = false;
    if (literalCharacter != null) {
        literaled = true;
        literal = literalCharacter.charAt(0);
    if (literaled && literalCharacter.length() != 1) {
        throw new Exception("Literal Character length should be 1 character in EML");
    char currentChar = '2';
    StringBuffer fieldData = new StringBuffer();
    int length = oneRowData.length();
    int priviousDelimiterIndex = -2;
    int currentDelimiterIndex = -2;
    int delimiterLength = delimiter.length();
    boolean startQuote = false;
    boolean delimiterAtEnd = false;
    //this string buffer is only for deleting if hit a delimiter
    StringBuffer delimiterStorage = new StringBuffer(delimiter.length());
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        currentChar = oneRowData.charAt(i);
        //System.out.println("current char is "+currentChar);
        if (i < delimiterLength) {
        } else {
            delimiterStorage = shiftBuffer(delimiterStorage, currentChar);
        //System.out.println("current delimiter storage content is "+delimiterStorage.toString());
        //System.out.println("currnet value in the string buffer is "+fieldData.toString());
        // we should check if there is quoteCharacter in the string.
        if (quoted && currentChar == quote) {
            char previousChar = '1';
            boolean escapingQuote = false;
            // check if this quote is escaped
            if (literaled) {
                if ((i - 1) >= 0) {
                    previousChar = oneRowData.charAt(i - 1);
                    if (previousChar == literal) {
                        escapingQuote = true;
                        // delette the literal character
                        if (!includeLiteralCharacter) {
                            //if we don't want literal character in the data,
                            //we should delete literal character.
                            int fieldLength = fieldData.length();
                            if ((fieldLength - 1 - 1) >= 0) {
                                fieldData.deleteCharAt(fieldLength - 1 - 1);
            if (!escapingQuote) {
                if (!startQuote) {
                    //System.out.println("start quote");
                    startQuote = true;
                } else {
                    //System.out.println("end quote");
                    // at end of quote
                    //put string buffers value into vector and reset string buffer
                    startQuote = false;



        //found a delimiter
        if (delimiterStorage.indexOf(delimiter) != -1 && !startQuote) {

            //check if there is literal character before the delimiter,
            //if does, this we should skip this delmiter
            int indexOfCharBeforeDelimiter = i - delimiterLength;
            boolean escapeDelimiter = false;
            if (literaled && indexOfCharBeforeDelimiter >= 0) {
                char charBeforeDelimiter = oneRowData.charAt(indexOfCharBeforeDelimiter);
                ////there is a literal character before delimiter we should skip this demlimiter
                if (charBeforeDelimiter == literal) {
                    if (!includeLiteralCharacter) {
                        //if we don't want literal character in the data,
                        //we should delete literal character.
                        int fieldLength = fieldData.length();
                        if ((fieldLength - delimiterLength - 1) >= 0) {
                            fieldData.deleteCharAt(fieldLength - delimiterLength - 1);
                    escapeDelimiter = true;

            // check if the delimiter is in the end of the string
            if (i == (length - 1) && !startQuote && !escapeDelimiter) {
                delimiterAtEnd = true;

            ////here we should treat sequential delimiter as single delimiter
            if (collapseDelimiters) {
                priviousDelimiterIndex = currentDelimiterIndex;
                currentDelimiterIndex = i;
                //there is nothing between two delimiter, should skip it.
                if ((currentDelimiterIndex - priviousDelimiterIndex) == delimiterLength) {
                    //delete sequnced delimiter
                    fieldData = new StringBuffer();

            String value = "";
            int delimiterIndex = fieldData.lastIndexOf(delimiter);
            if (delimiterIndex == 0) {
                //this path means field data on has delimiter, no real data
                value = "";
            } else {
                value = fieldData.substring(0, delimiterIndex);

            //reset string buffer fieldData
            fieldData = new StringBuffer();

    // if startQuote is true at the end, which means there is no close quote character in this row,
    // code should throw an exception
    if (startQuote) {
        throw new Exception("There is a un-closed quote in data file");
    // add last field. If this string end of delimiter, we need add a ""
    // else, we need to add the value in string buffer.
    String lastFieldValue = null;
    if (delimiterAtEnd == true) {
        //this path means field data on has delimiter, no real data
        lastFieldValue = "";
    } else {
        lastFieldValue = fieldData.toString();

    //transform vector to string array
    int size = elementsVector.size();
    elements = new String[size];
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        elements[i] = (String) elementsVector.elementAt(i);
    return elements;

From source file:com.pari.nm.utils.db.ReportDBHelper.java

public static void createTempTableForPagination(TableDefinition tableDef, String reportId, String sessionId,
        ArrayList<String> childColNamesList) throws Exception {
    Connection c = null;//  w  ww  . j a v a  2 s  .  c o  m
    Statement st = null;
    int result = -1;
    int childResult = -1;
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuilder childTblCreateQuery = new StringBuilder();
    String childTblName = null;
    String tblName = getTempPaginationTblName(reportId, sessionId);
    if (tblName == null) {
        throw new Exception("No Table Exist with ReportId:\t" + reportId + "and SessionId:\t" + sessionId);
    System.out.println("Temporary Report Table Name:\t" + tblName);
    sb.append("CREATE TABLE \t" + tblName + " \t (");
    ColumnDefinition[] colDefs = tableDef.getColumnDefs();
    try {
        if (colDefs != null) {
            for (ColumnDefinition colDef : colDefs) {
                String identifier = colDef.getId();
                identifier = identifier.replace(' ', '_');

                String columnName = getRenderColumnName(identifier, tableDef);
                identifier = (null == columnName) ? identifier : columnName;
                if (identifier.equals("RowId")) {
                    // ProfileRunSummary Report contains RowId, which is conflicting with Oracle RowId, so
                    // appended
                    // RowId with 123
                    sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                } else if (identifier.equals("User")) {
                    // Unmanaged Device Report contains User, which is conflicting with Oracle User, so appended
                    // User with 123
                    sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                } else if (identifier.equalsIgnoreCase("Comment")) {
                    // Pending Approvals Report contains Comment, which is conflicting with Oracle Reserved Word
                    // Comment, so appended
                    // Comment with 123
                    sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                } else if (identifier.equals("Size")) {
                    // Manage script repository export contains size, which is conflicting with Oracle reserved
                    // word, and this column changed to 'size123'
                    sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                } else if (identifier.toLowerCase().equals("timestamp")) {
                    // Manage script repository export contains size, which is conflicting with Oracle reserved
                    // word, and this column changed to 'size123'
                    sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                } else if (identifier.toLowerCase().equals("violationdetails")) {
                    // Manage script repository export contains size, which is conflicting with Oracle reserved
                    // word, and this column changed to 'size123'
                    sb.append(identifier + "\tBlob,");
                } else {
                    if (identifier.toLowerCase().equals("hostname")
                            || identifier.toLowerCase().equals("ipaddress")) {

                    sb.append(identifier + "\tvarchar2(4000),");


            TableDefinition[] childDefArr = tableDef.getChildTables();
            if (childDefArr != null && childDefArr.length > 0) {
                for (TableDefinition def : childDefArr) {
                    String defName = def.getId();
                    sb.append(defName + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                    // For Hierarchical Reports we need to create a child table
                    // table name like reportId_sessionId_defName
                    manipulationTempPaginationTable(reportId, sessionId, defName, null);
                    childTblName = getTempPaginationTblName(reportId, sessionId, defName);
                    logger.info("ChildTableName:\t" + childTblName);
                    if (childTblName == null) {
                        throw new Exception("No Table Exist with ReportId:\t" + reportId + "and SessionId:\t"
                                + sessionId + "and ChildTableIdentifier:\t" + defName);
                    // childTblName = reportId+"_"+sessionId+"_"+defName;
                    logger.info("ChildTableName:\t" + childTblName);
                    childTblCreateQuery.append("CREATE TABLE \t" + childTblName + " \t (");
                    ColumnDefinition[] childAttrDescArr = def.getColumnDefs();
                    if (childAttrDescArr != null) {
                         * for (AttributeDescriptor childAttrDesc : childAttrDescArr) {
                         * logger.info("childAttrDesc.getIdentifier()====\t" + childAttrDesc.getIdentifier());
                         * childTblCreateQuery.append(childAttrDesc.getIdentifier() + "\tvarchar2(4000),"); }
                        for (String colName : childColNamesList) {
                            childTblCreateQuery.append(colName + "\tvarchar2(4000),");

                        String childTblStr = childTblCreateQuery.substring(0, childTblCreateQuery.length() - 1);
                        childTblCreateQuery = new StringBuilder();
                        logger.info("create child table in stringbuilder format is----"
                                + childTblCreateQuery.toString());
            // sb.append("PAGINATION_PK" + "\t NUMBER,");
            String tempStr = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1);
            sb = new StringBuffer();
            logger.info("create table in stringbuffer format is----" + sb.toString());

            c = DBHelper.getConnection();
            if (c == null) {
                logger.error("Unable to Obtain Connection to create Temporary Pagination Table.");
            try {
                st = c.createStatement();
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.info("Exception Occured while Creating Statement to create Temporary Pagination Table.",
            try {
                result = st.executeUpdate(sb.toString());
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                logger.info("Exception Occured while executing the Query to Create Temporary Pagination Table.",
            if (result > 0) {
                logger.info("Table:" + tblName + "\t Created Successfully.");

            try {
                childResult = st.executeUpdate(childTblCreateQuery.toString());
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                        "Exception Occured while executing the Child Table Query to Create Temporary Pagination Table.",
            if (childResult > 0) {
                logger.info("Table:" + childTblName + "\t Created Successfully.");
    } finally {
        ReportUtil.closeAll(c, st, null);


From source file:com.pari.nm.utils.db.ReportDBHelper.java

public static void createTempPaginationTable(ServiceDescriptor descriptor, TableDefinition tableDef,
        String reportId, String sessionId, ArrayList<String> childColNamesList) throws SQLException {
    Connection c = null;/*from   www  . j  a  v  a  2 s  .  c  om*/
    Statement st = null;
    int result = -1;
    int childResult = -1;

    try {
        if (descriptor == null) {
            throw new Exception("Unable to get ServiceDescriptor for ReportId:\t" + reportId + "\t SessionId:\t"
                    + sessionId);
        if (descriptor.getIdentifier().equals("extended_device_attributes_report")) {
            createTempTableForPagination(tableDef, reportId, sessionId, childColNamesList);
        } else {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            StringBuilder childTblCreateQuery = new StringBuilder();
            String childTblName = null;
            String tblName = getTempPaginationTblName(reportId, sessionId);
            if (tblName == null) {
                throw new Exception(
                        "No Table Exist with ReportId:\t" + reportId + "and SessionId:\t" + sessionId);
            System.out.println("Temporary Report Table Name:\t" + tblName);
            sb.append("CREATE TABLE \t" + tblName + " \t (");
            AttributeDescriptor[] attrDescArr = descriptor.getAllAttributeDescriptors();
            if (attrDescArr != null) {
                for (AttributeDescriptor attrDesc : attrDescArr) {
                    String identifier = attrDesc.getIdentifier();
                    identifier = identifier.replace(' ', '_');

                    String columnName = getRenderColumnName(identifier, tableDef);
                    identifier = (null == columnName) ? identifier : columnName;

                    logger.info("attrDesc.getIdentifier()====\t" + attrDesc.getIdentifier());
                    if (identifier.equals("RowId")) {
                        // ProfileRunSummary Report contains RowId, which is conflicting with Oracle RowId, so
                        // appended
                        // RowId with 123
                        sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                    } else if (identifier.equals("User")) {
                        // Unmanaged Device Report contains User, which is conflicting with Oracle User, so appended
                        // User with 123
                        sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                    } else if (identifier.equalsIgnoreCase("Comment")) {
                        // Pending Approvals Report contains Comment, which is conflicting with Oracle Reserved Word
                        // Comment, so appended
                        // Comment with 123
                        sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                    } else if (identifier.equals("Size")) {
                        // Manage script repository export contains size, which is conflicting with Oracle reserved
                        // word, and this column changed to 'size123'
                        sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                    } else if (identifier.toLowerCase().equals("timestamp")) {
                        // Manage script repository export contains size, which is conflicting with Oracle reserved
                        // word, and this column changed to 'size123'
                        sb.append(identifier + "123" + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                    } else if (identifier.toLowerCase().equals("violationdetails")) {
                        // Manage script repository export contains size, which is conflicting with Oracle reserved
                        // word, and this column changed to 'size123'
                        sb.append(identifier + "\tBlob,");
                    } else {
                        sb.append(identifier + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                Def[] childDefArr = descriptor.getAllChildRefs();
                List<StringBuffer> childBufferList = new ArrayList<>();
                if (childDefArr != null && childDefArr.length > 0) {
                    for (Def def : childDefArr) {
                        String defName = def.getName();
                        sb.append(defName + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                        // For Hierarchical Reports we need to create a child table
                        // table name like reportId_sessionId_defName
                        manipulationTempPaginationTable(reportId, sessionId, defName, null);
                        childTblName = getTempPaginationTblName(reportId, sessionId, defName);
                        logger.info("ChildTableName:\t" + childTblName);
                        if (childTblName == null) {
                            throw new Exception("No Table Exist with ReportId:\t" + reportId
                                    + "and SessionId:\t" + sessionId + "and ChildTableIdentifier:\t" + defName);
                        // childTblName = reportId+"_"+sessionId+"_"+defName;
                        logger.info("ChildTableName:\t" + childTblName);
                        // childTblCreateQuery.append("CREATE TABLE \t" + childTblName + " \t (");
                        // childTblCreateQuery.append("PAGINATION_PK" + "\t NUMBER,");
                        ServiceDescriptor childServiceDesc = descriptor
                        if (childServiceDesc != null) {
                            AttributeDescriptor[] childAttrDescArr = childServiceDesc
                            if (childAttrDescArr != null) {
                                 * for (AttributeDescriptor childAttrDesc : childAttrDescArr) {
                                 * logger.info("childAttrDesc.getIdentifier()====\t" +
                                 * childAttrDesc.getIdentifier());
                                 * childTblCreateQuery.append(childAttrDesc.getIdentifier() + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                                 * }
                                // for (String colName : childColNamesList)
                                // {
                                // childTblCreateQuery.append(colName + "\tvarchar2(4000),");
                                // }
                                // childTblCreateQuery.toString();
                                // String childTblStr = childTblCreateQuery.substring(0,
                                // childTblCreateQuery.length() - 1);
                                // childTblCreateQuery = new StringBuilder();
                                // childTblCreateQuery.append(childTblStr);
                                // childTblCreateQuery.append(")");
                                // logger.info("create child table in stringbuilder format is----"
                                // + childTblCreateQuery.toString());

                                StringBuffer childBuffer = new StringBuffer();
                                childBuffer.append("CREATE TABLE " + childTblName + " (");
                                // Multiple children was not considered in previous implementation. Now this is
                                // addressed and
                                // child table for each child entry in table definition will be created. Using child
                                // table
                                // column ids instead of childColNamesList which was used earlier.
                                TableDefinition childTable = tableDef.getChildTableById(defName);
                                ColumnDefinition[] columnDefs = childTable.getColumnDefs();
                                for (ColumnDefinition columnDef : columnDefs) {
                                    childBuffer.append(columnDef.getId() + " varchar2(4000),");
                                childBuffer.deleteCharAt(childBuffer.length() - 1);
                                logger.info("[CREATE-PAGINATION-TEMP-TABLE] Create Child Table format is "
                                        + String.valueOf(childBuffer));


                // sb.append("PAGINATION_PK" + "\t NUMBER,");
                String tempStr = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1);
                sb = new StringBuffer();
                logger.info("create table in stringbuffer format is----" + sb.toString());

                c = DBHelper.getConnection();
                if (c == null) {
                    logger.error("Unable to Obtain Connection to create Temporary Pagination Table.");
                try {
                    st = c.createStatement();
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                            "Exception Occured while Creating Statement to create Temporary Pagination Table.",
                try {
                    result = st.executeUpdate(sb.toString());
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                            "Exception Occured while executing the Query to Create Temporary Pagination Table.",
                if (result > 0) {
                    logger.info("Table:" + tblName + "\t Created Successfully.");

                // try
                // {
                // childResult = st.executeUpdate(childTblCreateQuery.toString());
                // }
                // catch (SQLException e)
                // {
                // logger.info(
                // "Exception Occured while executing the Child Table Query to Create Temporary Pagination Table.",
                // e);
                // return;
                // }

                if (childBufferList.size() > 0) {
                    for (StringBuffer childBuffer : childBufferList) {
                        if (0 != childBuffer.length()) {
                            try {
                                result = st.executeUpdate(childBuffer.toString());
                                logger.info(result <= 2
                                        ? "[CREATE-PAGINATION-TEMP-TABLE] Child Table '" + childTblName
                                                + "' created successfully."
                                        : "[CREATE-PAGINATION-TEMP-TABLE] Failed to cretae child table '"
                                                + childTblName + "'.");
                            } catch (SQLException e) {
                                        "Exception Occured while executing the Child Table Query to Create Temporary Pagination Table.",

                if (childResult > 0) {
                    logger.info("Table:" + childTblName + "\t Created Successfully.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Exception Occured while Creating Temporary Pagination Table.", e);
    } finally {
        if (st != null) {
