Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer substring

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer substring


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer substring.


public synchronized String substring(int start) 

Source Link


From source file:lcmc.cluster.ui.ClusterBrowser.java

public void parseClusterOutput(final String output, final StringBuffer clusterStatusOutput, final Host host,
        final CountDownLatch firstTime, final Application.RunMode runMode) {
    final ClusterStatus clusterStatus0 = this.clusterStatus;
    clStatusLock();/* w w  w . ja  v a2 s. com*/
    if (crmStatusCanceledByUser || clusterStatus0 == null) {
    if (output == null || "".equals(output)) {
        clusterStatus0.setOnlineNode(host.getName(), "no");
        setCrmStatus(host, false);
    } else {
        // TODO: if we get ERROR:... show it somewhere
        /* removes the string from the output. */
        int s = clusterStatusOutput.indexOf(RESET_STRING);
        while (s >= 0) {
            clusterStatusOutput.delete(s, s + RESET_STRING_LEN);
            s = clusterStatusOutput.indexOf(RESET_STRING);
        if (clusterStatusOutput.length() > 12) {
            final String e = clusterStatusOutput.substring(clusterStatusOutput.length() - 12);
            if (e.trim().equals("---done---")) {
                final int i = clusterStatusOutput.lastIndexOf("---start---");
                if (i >= 0) {
                    if (clusterStatusOutput.indexOf("is stopped") >= 0) {
                        /* TODO: heartbeat's not running. */
                    } else {
                        final String status = clusterStatusOutput.substring(i);
                        clusterStatusOutput.delete(0, clusterStatusOutput.length());
                        if (CLUSTER_STATUS_ERROR.equals(status)) {
                            final boolean oldStatus = host.isCrmStatusOk();
                            clusterStatus0.setOnlineNode(host.getName(), "no");
                            setCrmStatus(host, false);
                            if (oldStatus) {
                        } else {
                            if (clusterStatus0.parseStatus(status)) {
                                LOG.debug1("processClusterOutput: host: " + host.getName());
                                final ServicesInfo ssi = servicesInfo;
                                resourceUpdaterProvider.get().updateAllResources(ssi, ssi.getBrowser(),
                                        clusterStatus0, runMode);
                                if (firstTime.getCount() == 1) {
                                    /* one more time so that id-refs work.*/
                                    resourceUpdaterProvider.get().updateAllResources(ssi, ssi.getBrowser(),
                                            clusterStatus0, runMode);
                            final String online = clusterStatus0.isOnlineNode(host.getName());
                            if ("yes".equals(online)) {
                                setCrmStatus(host, true);
                            } else {
                                setCrmStatus(host, false);

From source file:cn.jsprun.struts.action.BasicSettingsAction.java

public ActionForward datetime(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) {/*from   w w  w . j a  v  a 2 s  . c  o m*/
    try {
        if (submitCheck(request, "settingsubmit")) {
            String variables[] = { "dateformat", "timeformat", "timeoffset", "userdateformat",
                    "visitbanperiods", "postbanperiods", "postmodperiods", "attachbanperiods",
                    "searchbanperiods", };
            Map<String, String> oldSettings = ForumInit.settings;
            Map<String, String> settings = new HashMap<String, String>();
            for (String variable : variables) {
                String value = request.getParameter(variable);
                if ("dateformat".equals(variable) || "userdateformat".equals(variable)) {
                    value = Common.htmlspecialchars(value);
                } else if ("timeformat".equals(variable)) {
                    oldSettings.put("gtimeformat", "1".equals(value) ? "hh:mm a" : "HH:mm");
                } else if ("visitbanperiods|postbanperiods|postmodperiods|attachbanperiods|searchbanperiods"
                        .contains(variable)) {
                    String[] periods = value.split("\n");
                    StringBuffer periodTemp = new StringBuffer();
                    for (String period : periods) {
                        if (period.trim().matches("^\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{2}\\-\\d{1,2}\\:\\d{2}$")) {
                            periodTemp.append("\n" + period.trim());
                    value = (periodTemp.length() > 0 ? periodTemp.substring(1) : "");
                this.putValue(variable, value, oldSettings, settings);
            this.updateSettings(settings, oldSettings);
            return this.getForward(mapping, request);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        request.setAttribute("message", e.getMessage());
        return mapping.findForward("message");
    request.setAttribute("timeZoneIDs", Common.getTimeZoneIDs());
    return mapping.findForward("setting_datetime");

From source file:lcmc.gui.ClusterBrowser.java

/** Process output from cluster. */
void processClusterOutput(final String output, final StringBuffer clusterStatusOutput, final Host host,
        final CountDownLatch firstTime, final boolean testOnly) {
    final ClusterStatus clStatus = clusterStatus;
    clStatusLock();/*ww w. j a va  2s  .c om*/
    if (clStatusCanceled || clStatus == null) {
    if (output == null || "".equals(output)) {
        clStatus.setOnlineNode(host.getName(), "no");
        setClStatus(host, false);
    } else {
        // TODO: if we get ERROR:... show it somewhere
        /* removes the string from the output. */
        int s = clusterStatusOutput.indexOf(RESET_STRING);
        while (s >= 0) {
            clusterStatusOutput.delete(s, s + RESET_STRING_LEN);
            s = clusterStatusOutput.indexOf(RESET_STRING);
        if (clusterStatusOutput.length() > 12) {
            final String e = clusterStatusOutput.substring(clusterStatusOutput.length() - 12);
            if (e.trim().equals("---done---")) {
                final int i = clusterStatusOutput.lastIndexOf("---start---");
                if (i >= 0) {
                    if (clusterStatusOutput.indexOf("is stopped") >= 0) {
                        /* TODO: heartbeat's not running. */
                    } else {
                        final String status = clusterStatusOutput.substring(i);
                        clusterStatusOutput.delete(0, clusterStatusOutput.length());
                        if (CLUSTER_STATUS_ERROR.equals(status)) {
                            final boolean oldStatus = host.isClStatus();
                            clStatus.setOnlineNode(host.getName(), "no");
                            setClStatus(host, false);
                            if (oldStatus) {
                        } else {
                            if (clStatus.parseStatus(status)) {
                                Tools.debug(this, "update cluster status: " + host.getName(), 1);
                                final ServicesInfo ssi = servicesInfo;
                                ssi.setAllResources(clStatus, testOnly);
                                if (firstTime.getCount() == 1) {
                                    /* one more time so that id-refs work.*/
                                    ssi.setAllResources(clStatus, testOnly);
                            final String online = clStatus.isOnlineNode(host.getName());
                            if ("yes".equals(online)) {
                                setClStatus(host, true);
                            } else {
                                setClStatus(host, false);

From source file:cn.jsprun.struts.action.BasicSettingsAction.java

public ActionForward basic(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) {// w w  w . ja  v a 2 s  . c  o  m
    Map<String, String> oldSettings = ForumInit.settings;
    try {
        if (submitCheck(request, "settingsubmit")) {
            String variables[] = { "forumfounders", "bbname", "sitename", "indexname", "siteurl", "icp",
                    "boardlicensed", "bbclosed", "closedreason" };
            Map<String, String> settings = new HashMap<String, String>();
            for (String variable : variables) {
                String value = request.getParameter(variable);
                if (value != null) {
                    if (variable.equals("forumfounders")) {
                        StringBuffer uids = new StringBuffer();
                        String forumfounders[] = value.split(",");
                        for (String forumfounder : forumfounders) {
                            int uid = Common.toDigit(forumfounder);
                            if (uid > 0) {
                                uids.append("," + uid);
                        StringBuffer valuebuffer = new StringBuffer();
                        if (uids.length() > 0) {
                            List<Map<String, String>> founders = dataBaseService
                                    .executeQuery("select uid,adminid from jrun_members where uid in ("
                                            + uids.substring(1) + ")");
                            if (founders != null && founders.size() > 0) {
                                for (Map<String, String> founder : founders) {
                                    if (founder.get("adminid").equals("1")) {
                                        valuebuffer.append("," + founder.get("uid"));
                        value = valuebuffer.length() > 0 ? valuebuffer.substring(1) : "";
                    this.putValue(variable, value.trim(), oldSettings, settings);
            this.updateSettings(settings, oldSettings);
            return this.getForward(mapping, request);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        request.setAttribute("message", e.getMessage());
        return mapping.findForward("message");
    boolean isfounder = (Boolean) request.getAttribute("isfounder");
    if (!isfounder) {
        String forumfounder = oldSettings.get("forumfounders");
        if (forumfounder != null && forumfounder.length() > 0) {
            List<Map<String, String>> founders = dataBaseService
                    .executeQuery("select username from jrun_members where uid in (" + forumfounder + ")");
            request.setAttribute("founderlist", founders);
    return mapping.findForward("setting_basic");

From source file:com.flexoodb.common.FlexUtils.java

static public String BufferedInputStreamToString(InputStream bufferedInput) {

    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
    byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

    try {//w  w  w  .j  av  a2 s.  com

        int bytesRead = 0;

        //Keep reading from the file while there is any content
        //when the end of the stream has been reached, -1 is returned
        while ((bytesRead = bufferedInput.read(buffer)) != -1) {

            //Process the chunk of bytes read
            //in this case we just construct a String and print it out
            String chunk = new String(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
    } finally {
        //Close the BufferedInputStream
        try {
            if (bufferedInput != null)
        } catch (IOException ex) {
    return result.substring(0);

From source file:com.flexoodb.common.FlexUtils.java

static public String getRDBMSTableStructureAsXML(String tablename, ResultSet result) {

    StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();

    try {//from  w w  w . j a  v  a2  s .  c o  m

        RecordSet rec = new RecordSet(result);
        int size = rec.size();

        if (size > 0) {
            Enumeration en = rec.getColumnNames();

            res.append("<" + tablename + ">");

            while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
                String cname = (String) en.nextElement();
                String type = rec.getColumnType(cname);

                if (type.toUpperCase().indexOf("BLOB") > -1 && type.toUpperCase().indexOf("BINARY") > -1) {
                    res.append("<" + cname + " type=\"byte[]\"/>");
                } else {
                    res.append("<" + cname + " type=\"" + type + "\"/>");

            res.append("</" + tablename + ">");
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return res.substring(0);

From source file:org.apache.poi.ss.format.CellNumberFormatter.java

private void writeScientific(double value, StringBuffer output, Set<StringMod> mods) {

    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
    FieldPosition fractionPos = new FieldPosition(DecimalFormat.FRACTION_FIELD);
    decimalFmt.format(value, result, fractionPos);
    writeInteger(result, output, integerSpecials, mods, integerCommas);
    writeFractional(result, output);/*from  www .  j  a  v  a  2 s  . c  o  m*/

    * Exponent sign handling is complex.
    * In DecimalFormat, you never put the sign in the format, and the sign only
    * comes out of the format if it is negative.
    * In Excel, you always say whether to always show the sign ("e+") or only
    * show negative signs ("e-").
    * Also in Excel, where you put the sign in the format is NOT where it comes
    * out in the result.  In the format, the sign goes with the "e"; in the
    * output it goes with the exponent value.  That is, if you say "#e-|#" you
    * get "1e|-5", not "1e-|5". This makes sense I suppose, but it complicates
    * things.
    * Finally, everything else in this formatting code assumes that the base of
    * the result is the original format, and that starting from that situation,
    * the indexes of the original special characters can be used to place the new
    * characters.  As just described, this is not true for the exponent's sign.
    * <p/>
    * So here is how we handle it:
    * (1) When parsing the format, remove the sign from after the 'e' and put it
    * before the first digit of the exponent (where it will be shown).
    * (2) Determine the result's sign.
    * (3) If it's missing, put the sign into the output to keep the result
    * lined up with the output. (In the result, "after the 'e'" and "before the
    * first digit" are the same because the result has no extra chars to be in
    * the way.)
    * (4) In the output, remove the sign if it should not be shown ("e-" was used
    * and the sign is negative) or set it to the correct value.

    // (2) Determine the result's sign.
    int ePos = fractionPos.getEndIndex();
    int signPos = ePos + 1;
    char expSignRes = result.charAt(signPos);
    if (expSignRes != '-') {
        // not a sign, so it's a digit, and therefore a positive exponent
        expSignRes = '+';
        // (3) If it's missing, put the sign into the output to keep the result
        // lined up with the output.
        result.insert(signPos, '+');

    // Now the result lines up like it is supposed to with the specials' indexes
    ListIterator<Special> it = exponentSpecials.listIterator(1);
    Special expSign = it.next();
    char expSignFmt = expSign.ch;

    // (4) In the output, remove the sign if it should not be shown or set it to
    // the correct value.
    if (expSignRes == '-' || expSignFmt == '+')
        mods.add(replaceMod(expSign, true, expSign, true, expSignRes));
        mods.add(deleteMod(expSign, true, expSign, true));

    StringBuffer exponentNum = new StringBuffer(result.substring(signPos + 1));
    writeInteger(exponentNum, output, exponentDigitSpecials, mods, false);

From source file:com.redsqirl.CanvasBean.java

public void paste() throws RemoteException {
    String error = null;/*from   w w  w.  j a  v a2s . c om*/
    if (wfCopyBuffer != null && getDf() != null) {
        error = getworkFlowInterface().copy(wfCopyBuffer.getDfCloneId(), wfCopyBuffer.getElementsToCopy(),
        if (error == null) {
            Iterator<String> elIt = getDf().getComponentIds().iterator();
            Map<String, String> idMapWf = idMap.get(getNameWorkflow());
            StringBuffer ans = new StringBuffer();
            while (elIt.hasNext()) {
                String elCur = elIt.next();
                if (!idMapWf.containsValue(elCur)) {
                    idMapWf.put(elCur, elCur);
                    ans = ans.append("," + elCur);
            if (ans.length() > 0) {

    displayErrorMessage(error, "PASTE");
