Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer lastIndexOf

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer lastIndexOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer lastIndexOf.


public int lastIndexOf(String str) 

Source Link


From source file:org.etudes.component.app.melete.SectionDB.java

public void deleteResources(Session session, List<String> delResources, boolean removeResourceFlag) {
    StringBuffer delResourceIds = new StringBuffer("(");
    // delete melete resource
    for (String delRes : delResources) {
        if (delRes == null)
        delResourceIds.append("'" + delRes + "',");
        if (removeResourceFlag == true) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("unable to delete resource.its still asociated with section." + delRes);
            }//from  w  ww. j a  v  a2 s.c  o  m

    if (delResourceIds.lastIndexOf(",") != -1)
        delResourceIds = new StringBuffer(delResourceIds.substring(0, delResourceIds.lastIndexOf(",")) + " )");

    String delMeleteResourceStr = "delete MeleteResource mr where mr.resourceId in " + delResourceIds;
    int deletedEntities = session.createQuery(delMeleteResourceStr).executeUpdate();

From source file:net.sourceforge.myvd.inserts.jdbc.JdbcInsert.java

private void createSELECT(ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, StringBuffer buf) {
    Iterator<Attribute> it = attributes.iterator();

    boolean foundRDN = false;
    boolean foundAttrib = false;
    if (attributes.size() == 0) {
        buf.append(" * ");
        return;/*from w w  w  . ja  va 2s  . c  om*/

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        foundAttrib = false;
        String attrib = it.next().getAttribute().getName();

        if (attrib.equalsIgnoreCase(this.rdn)) {
            foundRDN = true;

        if (attrib.equalsIgnoreCase("*")) {
            buf.append("* ");
        } else {

            String ldap2dbVal = ldap2db.get(attrib.toLowerCase());
            if (ldap2dbVal != null) {
                buf.append(ldap2dbVal).append(' ');
                foundAttrib = true;
            } else {

        if ((it.hasNext() || !foundRDN) && foundAttrib) {

    if (!foundRDN) {
        buf.append(this.ldap2db.get(this.rdn.toLowerCase())).append(" ,");

    if (!foundAttrib) {
        buf.setLength(buf.lastIndexOf(",") - 1);

    if (buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1) == ',') {
        buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1);


From source file:org.kuali.ole.module.purap.document.web.struts.PurchaseOrderAction.java

 * Forwards to the RetransmitForward.jsp page so that we could open 2 windows for retransmit,
 * one is to display the PO tabbed page and the other one display the pdf document.
 * @param mapping/*w  w  w .ja v  a2s .c  o m*/
 * @param form
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public ActionForward printingRetransmitPo(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    String basePath = getApplicationBaseUrl();
    String docId = ((PurchaseOrderForm) form).getPurchaseOrderDocument().getDocumentNumber();
    String methodToCallPrintRetransmitPurchaseOrderPDF = "printingRetransmitPoOnly";
    String methodToCallDocHandler = "docHandler";
    String printPOPDFUrl = getUrlForPrintPO(basePath, docId, methodToCallPrintRetransmitPurchaseOrderPDF);
    String displayPOTabbedPageUrl = getUrlForPrintPO(basePath, docId, methodToCallDocHandler);

    KualiDocumentFormBase kualiDocumentFormBase = (KualiDocumentFormBase) form;
    PurchaseOrderDocument po = (PurchaseOrderDocument) kualiDocumentFormBase.getDocument();

    StringBuffer itemIndexesBuffer = createSelectedItemIndexes(po.getItems());
    if (itemIndexesBuffer.length() > 0) {
        request.setAttribute("selectedItemIndexes", itemIndexesBuffer.toString());

    request.setAttribute("printPOPDFUrl", printPOPDFUrl);
    request.setAttribute("displayPOTabbedPageUrl", displayPOTabbedPageUrl);
    request.setAttribute("docId", docId);
    String label = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
    request.setAttribute("purchaseOrderLabel", label);
    return mapping.findForward("retransmitPurchaseOrderPDF");

From source file:org.kuali.kfs.module.purap.document.web.struts.PurchaseOrderAction.java

 * Forwards to the RetransmitForward.jsp page so that we could open 2 windows for retransmit, one is to display the PO tabbed
 * page and the other one display the pdf document.
 * @param mapping//from   www  .  j  a v a 2s . c  om
 * @param form
 * @param request
 * @param response
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public ActionForward printingRetransmitPo(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
        HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    String basePath = getApplicationBaseUrl();
    String docId = ((PurchaseOrderForm) form).getPurchaseOrderDocument().getDocumentNumber();
    String methodToCallPrintRetransmitPurchaseOrderPDF = "printingRetransmitPoOnly";
    String methodToCallDocHandler = "docHandler";
    String printPOPDFUrl = getUrlForPrintPO(basePath, docId, methodToCallPrintRetransmitPurchaseOrderPDF);
    String displayPOTabbedPageUrl = getUrlForPrintPO(basePath, docId, methodToCallDocHandler);

    KualiDocumentFormBase kualiDocumentFormBase = (KualiDocumentFormBase) form;
    PurchaseOrderDocument po = (PurchaseOrderDocument) kualiDocumentFormBase.getDocument();

    StringBuffer itemIndexesBuffer = createSelectedItemIndexes(po.getItems());
    if (itemIndexesBuffer.length() > 0) {
        request.setAttribute("selectedItemIndexes", itemIndexesBuffer.toString());

    if (itemIndexesBuffer.length() == 0) {
        return returnToPreviousPage(mapping, kualiDocumentFormBase);

    request.setAttribute("printPOPDFUrl", printPOPDFUrl);
    request.setAttribute("displayPOTabbedPageUrl", displayPOTabbedPageUrl);
    request.setAttribute("docId", docId);
    String label = SpringContext.getBean(DataDictionaryService.class)
    request.setAttribute("purchaseOrderLabel", label);
    return mapping.findForward("retransmitPurchaseOrderPDF");

From source file:com.openerp.orm.ORM.java

 * Creates the statement./* ww  w  .j a v  a 2s  .c o m*/
 * @param moduleDBHelper
 *            the module db helper
 * @return the sQL statement
public SQLStatement createStatement(BaseDBHelper moduleDBHelper) {
    this.tableName = modelToTable(moduleDBHelper.getModelName());
    this.fields = moduleDBHelper.getColumns();
    SQLStatement statement = new SQLStatement();
    StringBuffer create = new StringBuffer();

    create.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ");
    create.append(" (");
    for (Fields field : this.fields) {

        Object type = field.getType();
        if (field.getType() instanceof Many2Many) {
            handleMany2ManyCol(moduleDBHelper, field);
        if (field.getType() instanceof Many2One) {
            if (((Many2One) field.getType()).isM2OObject()) {
                BaseDBHelper m2oDb = ((Many2One) field.getType()).getM2OObject();

            type = Types.integer();


        try {
            create.append(" ");
            create.append(", ");
        } catch (Exception e) {

    this.statements.put("create", create.toString());
    return statement;


From source file:org.gbif.portal.service.log.TripletQueryLoggingInterceptor.java

 * Creates a brief message from the criteria
 * @param messagePreamble/*w  ww.j a va 2 s.co m*/
 * @param criteria
 * @return
protected void createMessagePreamble(StringBuffer messagePreamble, List<PropertyStoreTripletDTO> criteria) {
    Map<String, Set<String>> subjects = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();

    for (PropertyStoreTripletDTO dto : criteria) {
        String subject = dto.getSubject();
        String loggableSubject = getServiceKeyToBriefLoggableName().get(subject);

        // only log the ones we care about - e.g. ones we can make sense of
        if (loggableSubject != null) {
            String value = null;
            // some of them are null due to "coordinates areNot null" for example
            if (dto.getObject() != null) {
                value = dto.getObject().toString();

            // map the object to what it really is - e.g. ID -> loggable string
            if (serviceObjectToLoggableStringMappers.containsKey(subject)) {
                LoggableFromPredicateAndObject converter = serviceObjectToLoggableStringMappers.get(subject);
                value = converter.getLoggable(dto.getPredicate(), dto.getObject());
                if (value == null) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Unable to get a loggable for key[" + dto.getObject() + "] using ["
                                + converter.getClass().getSimpleName() + "] - ignoring from message");

            if (value != null) {
                if (subjects.containsKey(loggableSubject)) {
                } else {
                    Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>();
                    subjects.put(loggableSubject, values);

    for (String subject : subjects.keySet()) {
        messagePreamble.append(subject + "[");
        for (String value : subjects.get(subject)) {
            messagePreamble.append(value + ",");
        messagePreamble.delete(messagePreamble.lastIndexOf(","), messagePreamble.lastIndexOf(",") + 1);
        messagePreamble.append("] ");

From source file:weka.gui.explorer.ClassifierPanelRemoteLauncher.java

 * Purge the supplied tasks from the server
 * //from w ww .j  ava2  s  .co  m
 * @param taskIDs a list of task IDs of tasks to purge
protected void purgeTasksFromServer(List<String> taskIDs) {
    InputStream is = null;
    PostMethod post = null;
    StringBuffer tasks = new StringBuffer();
    for (String id : taskIDs) {
        tasks.append(id + ",");
    String taskList = tasks.substring(0, tasks.lastIndexOf(","));

    try {
        String service = PurgeTaskServlet.CONTEXT_PATH + "/?name=" + taskList + "&client=Y";
        post = new PostMethod(constructURL(service));
        post.addRequestHeader(new Header("Content-Type", "text/plain"));

        // Get HTTP client
        HttpClient client = WekaServer.ConnectionManager.getSingleton().createHttpClient();
        WekaServer.ConnectionManager.addCredentials(client, m_username, m_password);

        int result = client.executeMethod(post);
        if (result == 401) {
            logMessage("Unable to purge tasks from server - authentication " + "required");
        } else {
            is = post.getResponseBodyAsStream();
            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(is));
            Object response = ois.readObject();
            if (response.toString().startsWith(WekaServlet.RESPONSE_ERROR)) {

                logMessage("Server returned an error: " + "while trying to purge completed tasks: '" + taskList
                        + "'. (" + response.toString() + ")." + " Check logs on server.");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
                "An error occurred while trying to purge completed tasks from " + "server: " + ex.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (is != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

        if (post != null) {
            // Release current connection to the connection pool

From source file:org.apache.geode.internal.cache.wan.WANTestBase.java

public static void createLocator(int dsId, int port, Set<String> localLocatorsList,
        Set<String> remoteLocatorsList) {
    WANTestBase test = new WANTestBase();
    Properties props = test.getDistributedSystemProperties();
    props.setProperty(MCAST_PORT, "0");
    props.setProperty(DISTRIBUTED_SYSTEM_ID, "" + dsId);
    StringBuffer localLocatorBuffer = new StringBuffer(localLocatorsList.toString());
    localLocatorBuffer.deleteCharAt(0);//from  ww  w  . j av  a2  s  .c o m
    String localLocator = localLocatorBuffer.toString();
    localLocator = localLocator.replace(" ", "");

    props.setProperty(LOCATORS, localLocator);
            "localhost[" + port + "],server=true,peer=true,hostname-for-clients=localhost");
    StringBuffer remoteLocatorBuffer = new StringBuffer(remoteLocatorsList.toString());
    String remoteLocator = remoteLocatorBuffer.toString();
    remoteLocator = remoteLocator.replace(" ", "");
    props.setProperty(REMOTE_LOCATORS, remoteLocator);

From source file:org.egov.works.web.actions.reports.WorksGISReportAction.java

public String search() {
    List<Object[]> findAll = null;
    locationList = new ArrayList<GeoLocation>();
    GeoLatLong latlong = new GeoLatLong();
    Map<String, Object> markerdata = null;
    final String query = generateQuery();
    try {/*  www .  ja v a  2 s .c om*/
        LOGGER.info("HQl query=" + query.toString());
        findAll = persistenceService.findAllBy(query.toString());
        LOGGER.info("HQl query RESULT " + findAll.size());
        Long estId, projcodeId, contractPeriod;
        BigDecimal estLat, estLon;
        String estNumber, estWorkName, wpno, tenderDocReleasedDt, typeOfWork, subTypeOfWork, workOrderDate,
                contractorName, workCommencedDt;
        Money workValue;
        Double ovrheads;
        // Start format and push the data
        GeoLocation geoLocation = null;
        for (final Object[] columnOutput : findAll) {
            // Reset the values
            estId = projcodeId = contractPeriod = null;
            estLat = estLon = null;
            estNumber = estWorkName = wpno = tenderDocReleasedDt = typeOfWork = subTypeOfWork = workOrderDate = contractorName = workCommencedDt = null;
            workValue = null;
            ovrheads = null;

            // Set the values
            estId = (Long) columnOutput[0];
            estLat = (BigDecimal) columnOutput[1];
            estLon = (BigDecimal) columnOutput[2];
            estNumber = (String) columnOutput[3];
            estWorkName = (String) columnOutput[4];
            workValue = (Money) columnOutput[5];
            ovrheads = (Double) columnOutput[6];
            wpno = (String) columnOutput[7];
            tenderDocReleasedDt = (String) columnOutput[8];
            typeOfWork = (String) columnOutput[9];
            subTypeOfWork = (String) columnOutput[10];
            projcodeId = (Long) columnOutput[11];

            geoLocation = new GeoLocation();
            if (null != estLat && null != estLon) {
                latlong = new GeoLatLong();
            // **geoLocation.setUseNiceInfoWindow(true);
                    "../estimate/abstractEstimate!edit.action?id=" + estId + "&sourcepage=search~" + estNumber);
            String max50CharName = "";
            if (null != estWorkName && estWorkName.length() >= 50)
                max50CharName = estWorkName.substring(0, 50) + "...";
                max50CharName = estWorkName;
            geoLocation.setInfo2("Work Name=" + max50CharName);
            if (workValue != null || ovrheads != null) {
                BigDecimal amt = workValue != null ? new BigDecimal(workValue.getValue()) : BigDecimal.ZERO;
                amt = amt.add(ovrheads != null ? new BigDecimal(ovrheads) : BigDecimal.ZERO);
                geoLocation.setInfo3("Estimate Value(Rs)="
                        + NumberUtil.formatNumber(amt, NumberUtil.NumberFormatStyle.CRORES));
            } else
                geoLocation.setInfo3("Estimate Value(Rs)=0.00");
            if (wpno != null)
                geoLocation.setInfo4("Works Package Number=" + wpno);
            markerdata = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            if (typeOfWork != null) {
                geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Type of Work=" + typeOfWork);
                if (typeOfWork.equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.TYPE_OF_WORK_BRIDGES))
                    markerdata.put("icon", GeoLocationConstants.MARKEROPTION_ICON_PURPLE);
                else if (typeOfWork.equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.TYPE_OF_WORK_BUILDINGS))
                    markerdata.put("icon", GeoLocationConstants.MARKEROPTION_ICON_YELLOW);
                else if (typeOfWork.equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.TYPE_OF_WORK_ELECTRICAL))
                    markerdata.put("icon", GeoLocationConstants.MARKEROPTION_ICON_GREEN);
                else if (typeOfWork.equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.TYPE_OF_WORK_ROADS))
                    markerdata.put("icon", GeoLocationConstants.MARKEROPTION_ICON_ORANGE);
                else if (typeOfWork.equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.TYPE_OF_WORK_STORMWATER_DRAIN))
                    markerdata.put("icon", GeoLocationConstants.MARKEROPTION_ICON_BLUE);
            if (subTypeOfWork != null)
                geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Subtype of Work=" + subTypeOfWork);
            if (tenderDocReleasedDt != null)
                geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Tender Document Released Date=" + tenderDocReleasedDt);
            final String tenderAmount = getTenderAmount(estId);
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tenderAmount))
                geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Tender Finalized Value(Rs)=" + tenderAmount);
            if (contractorId != null && contractorId != -1) {
                workOrderDate = (String) columnOutput[12];
                if (columnOutput[13] != null)
                    contractPeriod = Long.parseLong(columnOutput[13].toString());
                contractorName = (String) columnOutput[14];
                workCommencedDt = (String) columnOutput[15];
                if (workOrderDate != null)
                    geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Work Order Date=" + workOrderDate);
                if (workCommencedDt != null)
                    geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Work Commenced Date=" + workCommencedDt);
                if (contractPeriod != null)
                    geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Contract Period In Days=" + contractPeriod);
                if (workCommencedDt != null && contractPeriod != null) {
                    final Date woDate = new Date(workCommencedDt);
                    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, new Long(contractPeriod).intValue());
                    geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Expected Date Of Completion =" + sdf.format(cal.getTime()));
                if (projcodeId != null) {
                    final String paymentAmt = getPaymentAmount(projcodeId);
                    if (paymentAmt != null)
                        geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Payment Released(Rs)=" + paymentAmt);
                if (contractorName != null)
                    geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Contractor Name=" + contractorName);
            } else {
                final List<WorkOrder> woList = persistenceService.findAllBy(
                        "  select woe.workOrder from WorkOrderEstimate woe where woe.estimate.id=? and upper(woe.workOrder.egwStatus.code) not in ('"
                                + WorksConstants.NEW + "','" + WorksConstants.CANCELLED_STATUS + "') ",
                if (woList != null && woList.size() > 0) {
                    final StringBuffer workOrderDatesBuf = new StringBuffer("");
                    final StringBuffer workCommencedDateBuf = new StringBuffer("");
                    final StringBuffer contractorNameBuf = new StringBuffer("");
                    final StringBuffer workExpectedCompletionDateBuf = new StringBuffer("");
                    final StringBuffer workOrderContractPeriodBuf = new StringBuffer("");
                    for (final WorkOrder wo : woList) {
                        Long workOrderContractPeriod = null;
                        workOrderDatesBuf.append(sdf.format(wo.getWorkOrderDate()) + ",");
                        contractorNameBuf.append(wo.getContractor().getName() + ",");
                        if (wo.getContractPeriod() != null) {
                            workOrderContractPeriod = Long.valueOf(wo.getContractPeriod());
                            workOrderContractPeriodBuf.append(wo.getContractPeriod() + ",");
                        } else
                        boolean workCommencedPresent = false;
                        boolean workExpectedCompletedPresent = false;
                        for (final OfflineStatus ss : wo.getOfflineStatuses())
                            if (ss.getEgwStatus().getCode()
                                    .equalsIgnoreCase(WorksConstants.WO_STATUS_WOCOMMENCED)) {
                                workCommencedDateBuf.append(sdf.format(ss.getStatusDate()) + ",");
                                workCommencedPresent = true;
                                if (workOrderContractPeriod != null) {
                                    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                                    cal.add(Calendar.DATE, workOrderContractPeriod.intValue());
                                    workExpectedCompletionDateBuf.append(sdf.format(cal.getTime()) + ",");
                                    workExpectedCompletedPresent = true;
                        if (!workCommencedPresent)
                        if (!workExpectedCompletedPresent)
                    geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Work Order Date="
                            + workOrderDatesBuf.deleteCharAt(workOrderDatesBuf.lastIndexOf(",")).toString());
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(workCommencedDateBuf.toString()))
                        geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Work Commenced Date=" + workCommencedDateBuf
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(workOrderContractPeriodBuf.toString()))
                        geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Contract Period In Days=" + workOrderContractPeriodBuf
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(workExpectedCompletionDateBuf.toString()))
                        geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Expected Date Of Completion=" + workExpectedCompletionDateBuf
                    if (projcodeId != null) {
                        final String paymentAmt = getPaymentAmount(projcodeId);
                        if (paymentAmt != null)
                            geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Payment Released(Rs)=" + paymentAmt);
                    geoLocation.appendToInfo5("Contractor Name="
                            + contractorNameBuf.deleteCharAt(contractorNameBuf.lastIndexOf(",")).toString());
        ServletActionContext.getRequest().setAttribute("kmlfilename", "coczone");
        resultStatus = AFTER_SEARCH;
        if (locationList != null && locationList.size() >= 1)
            return GMAP;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error(e, e);
    return GMAP;