Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 Marc Boorshtein * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.sourceforge.myvd.inserts.jdbc; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.cpdsadapter.DriverAdapterCPDS; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources.SharedPoolDataSource; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.AddInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.BindInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.CompareInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.DeleteInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.ExetendedOperationInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.InterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.ModifyInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.PostSearchCompleteInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.PostSearchEntryInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.RenameInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.SearchInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.core.NameSpace; import net.sourceforge.myvd.inserts.Insert; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Attribute; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Bool; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.DistinguishedName; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Entry; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.ExtendedOperation; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Filter; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.FilterNode; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.FilterType; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Int; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Password; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Results; import net.sourceforge.myvd.util.EntryUtil; import net.sourceforge.myvd.util.IteratorEntrySet; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPConstraints; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPException; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPModification; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPSearchRequest; import com.novell.ldap.util.DN; import com.novell.ldap.util.RDN; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.cpdsadapter.DriverAdapterCPDS; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources.SharedPoolDataSource; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.AddInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.BindInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.CompareInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.DeleteInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.ExetendedOperationInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.InterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.ModifyInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.PostSearchCompleteInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.PostSearchEntryInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.RenameInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.chain.SearchInterceptorChain; import net.sourceforge.myvd.core.NameSpace; import net.sourceforge.myvd.inserts.Insert; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Attribute; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Bool; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.DistinguishedName; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Entry; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.ExtendedOperation; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Filter; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.FilterNode; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.FilterType; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Int; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Password; import net.sourceforge.myvd.types.Results; import net.sourceforge.myvd.util.EntryUtil; import net.sourceforge.myvd.util.IteratorEntrySet; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPConstraints; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPException; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPModification; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints; import com.novell.ldap.LDAPSearchRequest; import com.novell.ldap.util.DN; import com.novell.ldap.util.RDN; public class JdbcInsert implements Insert, JdbcPool { static Logger logger = org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getLogger(JdbcInsert.class); public static final String MYVD_DB_CON = "MYVD_DB_CON_"; public static final String MYVD_DB_LDAP2DB = "MYVD_DB_LDAP2DB_"; public static final String MYVD_DB_DB2LDAP = "MYVD_DB_DB2LDAP_"; public static final String MYVD_DID_BIND = "MYVD_DB_DID_BIND_"; String driver; String url; String user; String pwd; boolean useSimple; int maxCons; int maxIdleCons; DataSource ds; String base; String SQL; String searchSQL; String rdn; String dbRdn; String objectClass; DN baseDN; boolean addBaseToFilter; HashMap<String, String> ldap2db, db2ldap; private String name; private boolean hasWhere; private String whereClause; private boolean hasPostWhere; private Object postWhere; NameSpace ns; private String valQuery; public void configure(String name, Properties props, NameSpace nameSpace) throws LDAPException { = name; driver = props.getProperty("driver");"Driver : " + driver); url = props.getProperty("url");"URL : " + url); user = props.getProperty("user");"User : " + user); pwd = props.getProperty("password");"Password : **********"); this.valQuery = props.getProperty("validationQuery");"Validation Query : '" + this.valQuery + "'"); this.maxCons = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("maxCons", "5"));"Max Cons : " + this.maxCons); this.maxIdleCons = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty("maxIdleCons", "5"));"maxIdleCons : " + this.maxIdleCons); DriverAdapterCPDS pool = new DriverAdapterCPDS(); try { pool.setDriver(driver); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new LDAPException("Could not load JDBC Driver", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, driver, e); } pool.setUrl(url); pool.setUser(user); pool.setPassword(pwd); pool.setMaxActive(maxCons); pool.setMaxIdle(maxIdleCons); SharedPoolDataSource tds = new SharedPoolDataSource(); tds.setConnectionPoolDataSource(pool); tds.setMaxActive(maxCons); tds.setMaxWait(50); tds.setTestOnBorrow(true); if (this.valQuery != null) { tds.setValidationQuery(this.valQuery); } this.ds = tds; base = nameSpace.getBase().toString(); rdn = props.getProperty("rdn");"RDN : " + rdn); String mapping = props.getProperty("mapping");"Mapping : " + mapping); StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(mapping, ","); this.ldap2db = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.db2ldap = new HashMap<String, String>(); while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = toker.nextToken(); String ldap = token.substring(0, token.indexOf('=')); String db = token.substring(token.indexOf('=') + 1); ldap2db.put(ldap.toLowerCase(), db.toLowerCase()); db2ldap.put(db.toLowerCase(), ldap.toLowerCase()); } this.objectClass = props.getProperty("objectClass");"objectClass : " + objectClass); this.rdn = props.getProperty("rdn"); this.dbRdn = ldap2db.get(rdn); this.useSimple = props.getProperty("useSimple", "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true");"Use Simple : " + useSimple); this.SQL = props.getProperty("sql");"SQL : " + this.SQL); int whereEnd; String fields = this.SQL.substring(this.SQL.toLowerCase().indexOf("select") + "select".length() + 1, this.SQL.toLowerCase().indexOf("from"));"fields : " + fields); int where = this.SQL.toLowerCase().indexOf("where"); String table = ""; if (where == -1) { table = this.SQL.substring(this.SQL.toLowerCase().indexOf("from") + "from".length() + 1).trim(); } else { table = this.SQL.substring(this.SQL.toLowerCase().indexOf("from") + "from".length() + 1, where).trim(); }"table - " + table); try { Class.forName(this.driver).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { } /* try { Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(this.url,this.user,this.pwd); toker = new StringTokenizer(fields,",",false); while (toker.hasMoreTokens()) { String field = toker.nextToken(); ResultSet rs = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, table, field);; String type = rs.getString("TYPE_NAME"); + " - " + type); } PreparedStatement ps = null; ps con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("Error loading db schema",e); } */ if (this.useSimple) { this.searchSQL = this.SQL.substring(this.SQL.toLowerCase().indexOf(" from ")); int whereBegin = this.searchSQL.toLowerCase().indexOf(" where "); whereEnd = this.searchSQL.toLowerCase().indexOf(" order "); this.hasPostWhere = true; if (whereEnd == -1) { whereEnd = this.searchSQL.toLowerCase().indexOf(" group "); } if (whereEnd == -1) { this.hasPostWhere = false; whereEnd = this.searchSQL.length(); } if (this.hasPostWhere) { this.postWhere = this.searchSQL.substring(whereEnd); } if (whereBegin != -1) { this.hasWhere = true; this.whereClause = "(" + this.searchSQL.substring(whereBegin + " where ".length(), whereEnd) + ") "; this.searchSQL = this.searchSQL.substring(0, whereBegin); } else { if (this.hasPostWhere) { this.searchSQL = this.searchSQL.substring(0, whereEnd); } this.hasWhere = false; } } else { this.searchSQL = "SELECT " + ldap2db.get(this.rdn.toLowerCase()) + " " + SQL.substring(SQL.indexOf(" FROM ")); } this.baseDN = new DN(base); this.addBaseToFilter = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("addBaseToFilter", "true"));"Add Base To Filter : " + this.addBaseToFilter); this.ns = nameSpace; } public void add(AddInterceptorChain chain, Entry entry, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { Connection con = null; try { con = this.getCon(); loadRequest(chain, con); chain.nextAdd(entry, constraints); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof LDAPException) { throw (LDAPException) t; } else { throw new LDAPException("Error", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, "Error", t); } } finally { unloadRequest(chain, con); returnCon(con); } } private void loadRequest(InterceptorChain chain, Connection con) { chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_CON +, con); chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_DB2LDAP +, this.db2ldap.clone()); chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_LDAP2DB +, this.ldap2db.clone()); } public void returnCon(Connection con) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } } public void bind(BindInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName dn, Password pwd, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { Connection con = null; chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DID_BIND +, false); try { con = this.getCon(); chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_CON +, con); chain.nextBind(dn, pwd, constraints); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof LDAPException) { throw (LDAPException) t; } else { throw new LDAPException("Error", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, "Error", t); } } finally { unloadRequest(chain, con); if (!((Boolean) chain.getRequest().get(MYVD_DID_BIND + { throw new LDAPException(LDAPException.resultCodeToString(LDAPException.INVALID_CREDENTIALS), LDAPException.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, "No authentication occurred"); } } } private void unloadRequest(InterceptorChain chain, Connection con) { chain.getRequest().remove(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_CON +; returnCon(con); chain.getRequest().remove(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_DB2LDAP +; chain.getRequest().remove(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_LDAP2DB +; } public void compare(CompareInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName dn, Attribute attrib, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void delete(DeleteInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName dn, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { Connection con = null; try { con = this.getCon(); chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_CON +, con); chain.nextDelete(dn, constraints); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof LDAPException) { throw (LDAPException) t; } else { throw new LDAPException("Error", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, "Error", t); } } finally { unloadRequest(chain, con); } } public void extendedOperation(ExetendedOperationInterceptorChain chain, ExtendedOperation op, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { Connection con = null; try { con = this.getCon(); chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_CON +, con); chain.nextExtendedOperations(op, constraints); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof LDAPException) { throw (LDAPException) t; } else { throw new LDAPException("Error", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, "Error", t); } } finally { unloadRequest(chain, con); } } public void modify(ModifyInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName dn, ArrayList<LDAPModification> mods, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { Connection con = null; try { con = this.getCon(); this.loadRequest(chain, con); chain.nextModify(dn, mods, constraints); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof LDAPException) { throw (LDAPException) t; } else { throw new LDAPException("Error", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, "Error", t); } } finally { unloadRequest(chain, con); } } public void search(SearchInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName base, Int scope, Filter filter, ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, Bool typesOnly, Results results, LDAPSearchConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { if (scope.getValue() == 0) { if (base.getDN().toString().equals(this.base)) { ArrayList<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Entry>(); entries.add(new Entry(EntryUtil.createBaseEntry(new DN(this.base)))); chain.addResult(results, new IteratorEntrySet(entries.iterator()), base, scope, filter, attributes, typesOnly, constraints); return; } else { filter = addBaseToFilter(base, filter); } } else if (this.addBaseToFilter && scope.getValue() == 2 && !base.getDN().equals(this.baseDN)) { filter = addBaseToFilter(base, filter); } Connection con = null; try { con = getCon(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new LDAPException(e.toString(), LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, e.toString()); } String mappedSearch; String querySQL = ""; ArrayList<Object> vals = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (this.useSimple) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (filter.getRoot().getType() == FilterType.PRESENCE && filter.getRoot().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("objectClass")) { buf.append("SELECT "); createSELECT(attributes, buf); buf.append(this.searchSQL); if (this.hasWhere) { buf.append(" WHERE ").append(this.whereClause); } if (this.hasPostWhere) { buf.append(this.postWhere); } querySQL = buf.toString(); } else { StringBuffer filterString = new StringBuffer(); this.stringFilter(filter.getRoot(), filterString, vals); buf.append("SELECT "); createSELECT(attributes, buf); buf.append(this.searchSQL).append(' '); if (this.hasWhere) { buf.append(" WHERE ").append(this.whereClause).append(" AND (").append(filterString.toString()) .append(") "); } else { buf.append(" WHERE ").append(filterString.toString()).append(" "); } if (this.hasPostWhere) { buf.append(this.postWhere); } querySQL = buf.toString(); } } else { if (filter.getRoot().getType() == FilterType.PRESENCE && filter.getRoot().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("objectClass")) { mappedSearch = this.searchSQL; } else { StringBuffer filterString = new StringBuffer(); this.stringFilter(filter.getRoot(), filterString, vals); mappedSearch = this.searchSQL + " WHERE " + filterString.toString(); } querySQL = "SELECT * FROM (" + SQL + ") X WHERE " + this.dbRdn + " IN (" + mappedSearch + ") ORDER BY " + this.dbRdn; } ////System.out.println(querySQL); //System.err.println(querySQL); try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Search SQL : \"" + querySQL + "\""); } PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(querySQL); for (int i = 0, m = vals.size(); i < m; i++) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Adding parameter '" + (i + 1) + "'='" + vals.get(i)); } ps.setObject(i + 1, vals.get(i)); } ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { chain.addResult(results, new JdbcEntrySet(con, ps, rs, this, filter, scope.getValue(), base.getDN()), base, scope, filter, attributes, typesOnly, constraints); } else { con.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new LDAPException(e.toString(), LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, e.toString()); } } private void createSELECT(ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, StringBuffer buf) { Iterator<Attribute> it = attributes.iterator(); boolean foundRDN = false; boolean foundAttrib = false; if (attributes.size() == 0) { buf.append(" * "); return; } while (it.hasNext()) { foundAttrib = false; String attrib =; if (attrib.equalsIgnoreCase(this.rdn)) { foundRDN = true; } if (attrib.equalsIgnoreCase("*")) { buf.append("* "); } else { String ldap2dbVal = ldap2db.get(attrib.toLowerCase()); if (ldap2dbVal != null) { buf.append(ldap2dbVal).append(' '); foundAttrib = true; } else { continue; } } if ((it.hasNext() || !foundRDN) && foundAttrib) { buf.append(','); } } if (!foundRDN) { buf.append(this.ldap2db.get(this.rdn.toLowerCase())).append(" ,"); } if (!foundAttrib) { buf.setLength(buf.lastIndexOf(",") - 1); } if (buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1) == ',') { buf.setLength(buf.length() - 1); } } private Filter addBaseToFilter(DistinguishedName base, Filter filter) { String rdnName, rdnVal; RDN rdn = (RDN) base.getDN().getRDNs().get(0); rdnName = rdn.getType(); rdnVal = rdn.getValue(); ArrayList<FilterNode> ands = new ArrayList<FilterNode>(); ands.add(new FilterNode(FilterType.EQUALS, rdnName, rdnVal)); try { ands.add((FilterNode) filter.getRoot().clone()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } FilterNode newroot = new FilterNode(FilterType.AND, ands); filter = new Filter(newroot); ////System.out.println("filter : " + filter.getRoot().toString()); return filter; } public Connection getCon() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { return this.ds.getConnection(); } public void rename(RenameInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName dn, DistinguishedName newRdn, Bool deleteOldRdn, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { Connection con = null; try { con = this.getCon(); chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_CON +, con); chain.nextRename(dn, newRdn, deleteOldRdn, constraints); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof LDAPException) { throw (LDAPException) t; } else { throw new LDAPException("Error", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, "Error", t); } } finally { unloadRequest(chain, con); } } public void rename(RenameInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName dn, DistinguishedName newRdn, DistinguishedName newParentDN, Bool deleteOldRdn, LDAPConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { Connection con = null; try { con = this.getCon(); chain.getRequest().put(JdbcInsert.MYVD_DB_CON +, con); chain.nextRename(dn, newRdn, newParentDN, deleteOldRdn, constraints); } catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof LDAPException) { throw (LDAPException) t; } else { throw new LDAPException("Error", LDAPException.OPERATIONS_ERROR, "Error", t); } } finally { unloadRequest(chain, con); } } public void postSearchEntry(PostSearchEntryInterceptorChain chain, Entry entry, DistinguishedName base, Int scope, Filter filter, ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, Bool typesOnly, LDAPSearchConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { //no need for post search entry code } public void postSearchComplete(PostSearchCompleteInterceptorChain chain, DistinguishedName base, Int scope, Filter filter, ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, Bool typesOnly, LDAPSearchConstraints constraints) throws LDAPException { //no need for post search complete code } private String stringFilter(FilterNode root, StringBuffer filter, ArrayList<Object> vals) { FilterType op; //filter.append('('); String comp = null; ArrayList<FilterNode> children; Iterator<FilterNode> filterIt; String attribName = null; boolean isFirst = true; op = root.getType(); switch (op) { case AND: HashMap<String, ArrayList<FilterNode>> attribs = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<FilterNode>>(); //first sort the nodes into "buckets" children = root.getChildren(); filterIt = children.iterator(); while (filterIt.hasNext()) { FilterNode node =; if (node.getType() == FilterType.AND) { ArrayList<FilterNode> ands = attribs.get("&"); if (ands == null) { ands = new ArrayList<FilterNode>(); attribs.put("&", ands); } ands.add(node); } else if (node.getType() == FilterType.OR) { ArrayList<FilterNode> ors = attribs.get("|"); if (ors == null) { ors = new ArrayList<FilterNode>(); attribs.put("|", ors); } ors.add(node); } else if (node.getType() == FilterType.NOT) { ArrayList<FilterNode> nots = attribs.get("!"); if (nots == null) { nots = new ArrayList<FilterNode>(); attribs.put("!", nots); } nots.add(node); } else { ArrayList<FilterNode> attribNodes = attribs.get(node.getName().toLowerCase()); if (attribNodes == null) { attribNodes = new ArrayList<FilterNode>(); attribs.put(node.getName(), attribNodes); } attribNodes.add(node); } } filter.append(" ( "); Iterator<String> itBuckets = attribs.keySet().iterator(); while (itBuckets.hasNext()) { String attrib =; ArrayList<FilterNode> nodes = attribs.get(attrib); if (attrib.equals("&")) { Iterator<FilterNode> itNodes = nodes.iterator(); filter.append(" ( "); while (itNodes.hasNext()) { stringFilter(, filter, vals); if (itNodes.hasNext()) { filter.append(" AND "); } } filter.append(" ) "); if (itBuckets.hasNext()) { filter.append(" AND "); } } else if (attrib.equals("|")) { Iterator<FilterNode> itNodes = nodes.iterator(); filter.append(" ( "); while (itNodes.hasNext()) { stringFilter(, filter, vals); if (itNodes.hasNext()) { filter.append(" AND "); } } filter.append(" ) "); if (itBuckets.hasNext()) { filter.append(" AND "); } } else if (attrib.equals("!")) { Iterator<FilterNode> itNodes = nodes.iterator(); filter.append(" ( "); while (itNodes.hasNext()) { stringFilter(, filter, vals); if (itNodes.hasNext()) { filter.append(" AND "); } } filter.append(" ) "); if (itBuckets.hasNext()) { filter.append(" AND "); } } else { Iterator<FilterNode> itNodes = nodes.iterator(); filter.append(" ( "); while (itNodes.hasNext()) { stringFilter(, filter, vals); if (itNodes.hasNext()) { filter.append(" OR "); } } filter.append(" ) "); if (itBuckets.hasNext()) { filter.append(" AND "); } } } filter.append(" ) "); break; case OR: filter.append(" ( "); children = root.getChildren(); filterIt = children.iterator(); while (filterIt.hasNext()) { stringFilter(, filter, vals); if (filterIt.hasNext()) { filter.append(" OR "); } } filter.append(" ) "); break; case NOT: filter.append(" NOT ( "); stringFilter(root.getNot(), filter, vals); filter.append(" ) "); break; case EQUALS: { if (root.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("objectclass")) { filter.append(" 1=1 "); } else { attribName = this.ldap2db.get(root.getName().toLowerCase()); if (attribName == null) { filter.append(" 1 = 0 "); } else { filter.append(attribName); filter.append("=?"); vals.add(root.getValue()); } } break; } case GREATER_THEN: { attribName = this.ldap2db.get(root.getName().toLowerCase()); filter.append(attribName); filter.append(">=?"); vals.add(root.getValue()); break; } case LESS_THEN: { attribName = this.ldap2db.get(root.getName().toLowerCase()); filter.append(attribName); filter.append("<=?"); vals.add(root.getValue()); break; } case PRESENCE: if (root.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("objectclass")) { filter.append(" 1=1 "); } else { filter.append(this.ldap2db.get(root.getName().toLowerCase())); filter.append(" IS NOT NULL "); } break; /*case APPROX_MATCH: filter.append((String); filter.append("~="); byte[] value = (byte[]); filter.append(byteString(value)); if (comp != null && itr.hasNext()) { filter.append(comp); } break; case LDAPSearchRequest.EXTENSIBLE_MATCH: String oid = (String); filter.append((String); filter.append(':'); filter.append(oid); filter.append(":="); filter.append((String); if (comp != null && itr.hasNext()) { filter.append(comp); } break;*/ case SUBSTR: { attribName = this.ldap2db.get(root.getName().toLowerCase()); filter.append(attribName); filter.append(" LIKE '"); boolean noStarLast = false; filter.append(root.getValue().replace('*', '%')).append('\''); break; } } if (comp != null) { filter.append(')'); } return attribName; } public String getName() { return; } public HashMap<String, String> getDB2LDAPMap() { return this.db2ldap; } public String getRDNField() { return this.rdn; } public HashMap<String, String> getLDAP2DBMap() { return this.ldap2db; } public void shutdown() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public String getObjectClass() { return this.objectClass; } }