Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer insert

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer insert


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer insert.


public StringBuffer insert(int offset, double d) 

Source Link


From source file:cn.org.awcp.core.utils.DateUtils.java

 * ?<br>/*from   w  w  w .  j  av a  2  s  .c  o  m*/
 * ??<br>
 * generate by: vakin jiang at 2012-3-1
 * @param dateStr
 * @return
public static Date parseDate(String dateStr) {
    SimpleDateFormat format = null;
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(dateStr)) {
        return null;

    String _dateStr = dateStr.trim();
    try {
        if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{1,2}[A-Z]{3}")) {
            _dateStr = _dateStr + (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - 2000);
        // 01OCT12
        if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{1,2}[A-Z]{3}\\d{2}")) {
            format = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
        } else if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{1,2}[A-Z]{3}\\d{4}.*")) {// 01OCT2012
            // ,01OCT2012
            // 1224,01OCT2012
            // 12:24
            _dateStr = _dateStr.replaceAll("[^0-9A-Z]", "").concat("000000").substring(0, 15);
            format = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyyyyHHmmss", Locale.ENGLISH);
        } else {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(_dateStr);
            String[] tempArr = _dateStr.split("\\s+");
            tempArr = tempArr[0].split("-|\\/");
            if (tempArr.length == 3) {
                if (tempArr[1].length() == 1) {
                    sb.insert(5, "0");
                if (tempArr[2].length() == 1) {
                    sb.insert(8, "0");
            _dateStr = sb.append("000000").toString().replaceAll("[^0-9]", "").substring(0, 14);
            if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{14}")) {
                format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

        Date date = format.parse(_dateStr);
        return date;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("?[" + dateStr + "]");

From source file:org.squale.squalecommon.util.mapping.Mapping.java

 * Obtention du getter d'une mtrique La mthode est recherche dans la classe correspondante, la mthode est du
 * type getXxxx//from w  w  w . j a v a  2  s . c o  m
 * @param pMetric mtrique (par exemple mccabe.class.dit)
 * @return mthode d'accs  cette mtrique (par exemple McCabeQAClassMetricsBO.getDit)
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException si pMetric mal form
public static Method getMetricGetter(String pMetric) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    Method result = null;
    int index = pMetric.lastIndexOf('.');
    if (index < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metric name should be named tool.component.name");
    String measure = pMetric.substring(0, index);
    String metric = pMetric.substring(index + 1);
    // Obtention de la classe
    Class cl = getMeasureClass(measure);
    // Un log d'erreur aura t fait par la mthode
    // auparavant, inutile d'engorger le log
    if (cl != null) {
        try {
            // On forme le nom du getter
            StringBuffer methodName = new StringBuffer(metric);
            // Respect de la norme javabean pour le caractre en majuscules
            methodName.setCharAt(0, Character.toTitleCase(methodName.charAt(0)));
            methodName.insert(0, "get");
            result = cl.getMethod(methodName.toString(), null);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            LOG.error("Getter not found " + pMetric, e);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            LOG.error("Getter not found " + pMetric, e);
    return result;

From source file:com.nloko.android.Utils.java

public static String getMd5Hash(byte[] input) {
    if (input == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("input");
    }/*www . ja v  a 2 s  .  co  m*/

    try {
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        byte[] messageDigest = md.digest(input);
        BigInteger number = new BigInteger(1, messageDigest);
        //String md5 = number.toString(16);
        StringBuffer md5 = new StringBuffer();

        while (md5.length() < 32) {
            //md5 = "0" + md5;
            md5.insert(0, "0");

        return md5.toString();
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        Log.e("MD5", e.getMessage());
        return null;

From source file:pl.baczkowicz.spy.formatting.FormattingUtils.java

 * Formats the given number into one where thousands are separated by a space.
 * //from  w w  w .  j a v  a 2 s.c  om
 * @param number The number to format
 * @return Formatted string (e.g. "1 315 124" for 1315124)
public static String formatNumber(final long number) {
    long divided = number;
    final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

    while (divided > 1000) {
        long rest = divided % 1000;
        sb.insert(0, " " + String.format("%03d", rest));

        divided = divided / 1000;

    long rest = divided % 1000;
    sb.insert(0, rest);

    return sb.toString();

From source file:org.broadinstitute.sting.queue.extensions.gatk.GATKExtensionsGenerator.java

 * Generates scala content using CLASS_TEMPLATE or TRAIT_TEMPLATE.
 * @param scalaTemplate CLASS_TEMPLATE or TRAIT_TEMPLATE
 * @param baseClass The class to extend from.
 * @param className The class name to generate.
 * @param constructor Additional logic for the constructor, or an empty string.
 * @param isScatter True if the class is scatter/gatherable.
 * @param commandLinePrefix Additional logic to prefix to the QCommandLine.commandLine, or an empty string.
 * @param argumentFields The list of argument fields for the generated class.
 * @param dependents A set that should be updated with explicit dependencies that need to be packaged.
 * @return The populated template./*w ww. ja  va  2s  .co m*/
private static String getContent(String scalaTemplate, String baseClass, String className, String constructor,
        boolean isScatter, String commandLinePrefix, List<? extends ArgumentField> argumentFields,
        Set<Class<?>> dependents) {
    StringBuilder arguments = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder commandLine = new StringBuilder(commandLinePrefix);

    Set<String> importSet = new HashSet<String>();
    boolean isGather = false;
    List<String> freezeFields = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (ArgumentField argumentField : argumentFields) {

        isGather |= argumentField.isGather();

    if (isScatter) {
        importSet.add("import org.broadinstitute.sting.queue.function.scattergather.ScatterGatherableFunction");
        baseClass += " with ScatterGatherableFunction";
    if (isGather)
        importSet.add("import org.broadinstitute.sting.commandline.Gather");

    // Sort the imports so that the are always in the same order.
    List<String> sortedImports = new ArrayList<String>(importSet);

    StringBuffer freezeFieldOverride = new StringBuffer();
    for (String freezeField : freezeFields)
    if (freezeFieldOverride.length() > 0) {
                String.format("override def freezeFieldValues() {%nsuper.freezeFieldValues()%n"));

    String importText = sortedImports.size() == 0 ? ""
            : NEWLINE + StringUtils.join(sortedImports, NEWLINE) + NEWLINE;

    return String.format(scalaTemplate, GATK_EXTENSIONS_PACKAGE_NAME, importText, className, baseClass,
            constructor, arguments, freezeFieldOverride, commandLine);

From source file:org.kuali.ext.mm.utility.BeanDDCreator.java

public static String camelCaseToString(String className) {
    StringBuffer newName = new StringBuffer(className);
    // upper case the 1st letter
    newName.replace(0, 1, newName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
    // loop through, inserting spaces when cap
    for (int i = 0; i < newName.length(); i++) {
        if (Character.isUpperCase(newName.charAt(i))) {
            newName.insert(i, ' ');
            i++;// www .j  av a 2s.co  m

    return newName.toString().trim().replace("Uc", "UC");

From source file:org.openkoala.koala.monitor.common.KoalaDateUtils.java

 * ?<br>// w  w  w . j a v  a  2 s. com
 * ??<br>
 * generate by: vakin jiang at 2012-3-1
 * @param dateStr
 * @return
public static Date parseDate(String dateStr) {
    SimpleDateFormat format = null;
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(dateStr))
        return null;

    String _dateStr = dateStr.trim();
    try {
        if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{1,2}[A-Z]{3}")) {
            _dateStr = _dateStr + (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - 2000);
        // 01OCT12
        if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{1,2}[A-Z]{3}\\d{2}")) {
            format = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyy", Locale.ENGLISH);
        } else if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{1,2}[A-Z]{3}\\d{4}.*")) {// 01OCT2012
            // ,01OCT2012
            // 1224,01OCT2012
            // 12:24
            _dateStr = _dateStr.replaceAll("[^0-9A-Z]", "").concat("000000").substring(0, 15);
            format = new SimpleDateFormat("ddMMMyyyyHHmmss", Locale.ENGLISH);
        } else if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{4}.*")) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(_dateStr);
            String[] tempArr = _dateStr.split("\\s+");
            tempArr = tempArr[0].split("-|\\/");
            if (tempArr.length == 2) {
                if (tempArr[1].length() == 1) {
                    sb.insert(5, "0");
            } else if (tempArr.length == 3) {
                if (tempArr[1].length() == 1) {
                    sb.insert(5, "0");
                if (tempArr[2].length() == 1) {
                    sb.insert(8, "0");
            _dateStr = sb.append("00000000000000").toString().replaceAll("[^0-9]", "").substring(0, 14);
            if (_dateStr.matches("\\d{14}")) {
                format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Not Support Date String format!");

        Date date = format.parse(_dateStr);
        return date;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("?[" + dateStr + "]");

From source file:Main.java

public static String toHref(String title) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(title);
    Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
    Matcher mat = pat.matcher(title);
    int index = 0;
    int index1 = 0;
    while (mat.find()) {
        String url = mat.group();
        if (url.indexOf("http://") != 0)
            url = "http://" + url;
        Object obj[] = { "'" + url + "'" };
        String a = MessageFormat.format(A1, obj);
        int l = a.length();
        index += index1;//  ww  w  .j  av a 2 s .  com
        sb.insert(mat.start() + index, a);
        index += l;
        sb.insert((mat.end()) + index, A2);
        index1 = A2.length();
    return sb.toString();

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.extensions.gatk.GATKExtensionsGenerator.java

 * Generates scala content using CLASS_TEMPLATE or TRAIT_TEMPLATE.
 * @param scalaTemplate CLASS_TEMPLATE or TRAIT_TEMPLATE
 * @param baseClass The class to extend from.
 * @param className The class name to generate.
 * @param constructor Additional logic for the constructor, or an empty string.
 * @param isScatter True if the class is scatter/gatherable.
 * @param commandLinePrefix Additional logic to prefix to the QCommandLine.commandLine, or an empty string.
 * @param argumentFields The list of argument fields for the generated class.
 * @param dependents A set that should be updated with explicit dependencies that need to be packaged.
 * @return The populated template./*  w w  w.  j  av a2s .c  om*/
private static String getContent(String scalaTemplate, String baseClass, String className, String constructor,
        boolean isScatter, String commandLinePrefix, List<? extends ArgumentField> argumentFields,
        Set<Class<?>> dependents) {
    StringBuilder arguments = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder commandLine = new StringBuilder(commandLinePrefix);

    Set<String> importSet = new HashSet<String>();
    boolean isGather = false;
    List<String> freezeFields = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (ArgumentField argumentField : argumentFields) {

        isGather |= argumentField.isGather();

    if (isScatter) {
        importSet.add("import org.broadinstitute.gatk.queue.function.scattergather.ScatterGatherableFunction");
        baseClass += " with ScatterGatherableFunction";
    if (isGather)
        importSet.add("import org.broadinstitute.gatk.utils.commandline.Gather");

    // Sort the imports so that the are always in the same order.
    List<String> sortedImports = new ArrayList<String>(importSet);

    StringBuffer freezeFieldOverride = new StringBuffer();
    for (String freezeField : freezeFields)
    if (freezeFieldOverride.length() > 0) {
                String.format("override def freezeFieldValues() {%nsuper.freezeFieldValues()%n"));

    String importText = sortedImports.size() == 0 ? ""
            : NEWLINE + StringUtils.join(sortedImports, NEWLINE) + NEWLINE;

    return String.format(scalaTemplate, GATK_EXTENSIONS_PACKAGE_NAME, importText, className, baseClass,
            constructor, arguments, freezeFieldOverride, commandLine);

From source file:ch.qos.logback.core.pattern.parser2.PatternParser.java

 * Escapes regex characters in a substring. This is used to escape any regex
 * special chars in a layout pattern, which could be unintentionally
 * interpreted by the Java regex engine.
 * @param s string buffer, containing the substring to be escaped; escape sequences are
 * inserted for literals in this buffer//  w w w.  j av a  2s  .  co  m
 * @param start zero-based starting character position within {@code s} to be escaped
 * @param length number of characters of substring
 * @return number of new characters added to string buffer
static private int escapeRegexChars(StringBuffer s, int start, int length) {
    String substr = s.substring(start, start + length);

    Matcher matcher = REGEX_CHARS_PATTERN.matcher(substr);
    int numNewChars = 0;

    while (matcher.find()) {
        s.insert(matcher.start() + numNewChars + start, ESC_SEQ);
        numNewChars += ESC_SEQ_LEN;
    return numNewChars;