Example usage for java.lang StringBuffer insert

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer insert


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuffer insert.


public StringBuffer insert(int offset, double d) 

Source Link


From source file:com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.scheduling.quartz.ReportExecutionJobMailNotificationImpl.java

protected void attachOutput(ReportExecutionJob job, MimeMessageHelper messageHelper, ReportOutput output,
        boolean useZipFormat) throws MessagingException, JobExecutionException {
    String attachmentName;//from w w w.  j a  v a 2s.  c  om
    DataContainer attachmentData;
    if (output.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
        attachmentName = output.getFilename();
        attachmentData = output.getData();
    } else if (useZipFormat) { // use zip format
        attachmentData = job.createDataContainer();
        boolean close = true;
        ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(attachmentData.getOutputStream());
        try {
            zipOutput(job, output, zipOut);
            close = false;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new JSExceptionWrapper(e);
        } finally {
            if (close) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    log.error("Error closing stream", e);

        attachmentName = output.getFilename() + ".zip";
    } else { // NO ZIP FORMAT
        attachmentName = output.getFilename();
        try {
            attachmentName = MimeUtility.encodeWord(attachmentName, job.getCharacterEncoding(), null);
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new JSExceptionWrapper(e);
        StringBuffer primaryPage = null;
        for (Iterator it = output.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            ReportOutput child = (ReportOutput) it.next();
            String childName = child.getFilename();

            // NOTE:  add the ".dat" extension to all image resources
            // email client will automatically append ".dat" extension to all the files with no extension
            // should do it in JasperReport side
            if (output.getFileType().equals(ContentResource.TYPE_HTML)) {
                if (primaryPage == null)
                    primaryPage = new StringBuffer(new String(output.getData().getData()));
                int fromIndex = 0;
                while ((fromIndex = primaryPage.indexOf("src=\"" + childName + "\"", fromIndex)) > 0) {
                    primaryPage.insert(fromIndex + 5 + childName.length(), ".dat");
                childName = childName + ".dat";

            try {
                childName = MimeUtility.encodeWord(childName, job.getCharacterEncoding(), null);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                throw new JSExceptionWrapper(e);
            messageHelper.addAttachment(childName, new DataContainerResource(child.getData()));
        if (primaryPage == null) {
            messageHelper.addAttachment(attachmentName, new DataContainerResource(output.getData()));
        } else {
                    new DataContainerResource(new MemoryDataContainer(primaryPage.toString().getBytes())));
    try {
        attachmentName = MimeUtility.encodeWord(attachmentName, job.getCharacterEncoding(), null);
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new JSExceptionWrapper(e);
    messageHelper.addAttachment(attachmentName, new DataContainerResource(attachmentData));

From source file:com.sap.research.connectivity.gw.GWOperationsUtils.java

private void addRelationshipInPersistenceMethods(JavaSourceFileEditor entityClassFile, String nav,
        String javaType, String associationType) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    ArrayList<JavaSourceMethod> globalMethodList = entityClassFile.getGlobalMethodList();
    String pluralRemoteEntity = GwUtils.getInflectorPlural(entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME, Locale.ENGLISH);
    String smallRemoteEntity = StringUtils.uncapitalize(entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME);

    for (JavaSourceMethod method : globalMethodList) {
        String methodName = method.getMethodName();
        /*/*from   w ww .j  a v a  2s  .com*/
         * We insert the relation in the persist and merge methods
        if (methodName.endsWith("persist")) {
            StringBuffer methodBody = new StringBuffer(method.getMethodBody());
            methodBody.insert(methodBody.lastIndexOf("newEntity = newEntityRequest"),
                    makeGWPersistRelationshipCode(nav, javaType, associationType, "\t\t"));
        } else if (methodName.endsWith("merge")) {
            StringBuffer methodBody = new StringBuffer(method.getMethodBody());
            methodBody.insert(methodBody.lastIndexOf("boolean modifyRequest = modifyEntityRequest"),
                    makeGWMergeRelationshipCode(nav, javaType, associationType, "\t\t"));

         * We insert the relation in the findAll and find<Entity>Entries methods
        else if (methodName.endsWith("findAll" + pluralRemoteEntity)
                || methodName.endsWith("find" + entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME + "Entries")) {
            StringBuffer methodBody = new StringBuffer(method.getMethodBody());
            int insertPosition = methodBody.indexOf("} catch (Exception relationshipsException)");
            boolean isFirstManyToMany = true;
            if ("OneToMany ManyToMany".contains(associationType)) {
                String manyToManyInsertReferenceString = StringUtils.uncapitalize(entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME)
                        + "Link.isCollection()) {";
                if (methodBody.indexOf(manyToManyInsertReferenceString) > -1) {
                    insertPosition = methodBody.indexOf(manyToManyInsertReferenceString);
                    isFirstManyToMany = false;
                    makeGWShowRelationshipCode(entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME, smallRemoteEntity + "Instance",
                            smallRemoteEntity + "Item", ODATA_KEY, nav, javaType, associationType, "\t\t",
         * We insert the relation in the find<Entity> method
        else if (methodName.endsWith("find" + entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME)) {
            StringBuffer methodBody = new StringBuffer(method.getMethodBody());
            int insertPosition = methodBody.indexOf("} catch (Exception relationshipsException)");
            boolean isFirstManyToMany = true;
            if ("OneToMany ManyToMany".contains(associationType)) {
                String manyToManyInsertReferenceString = StringUtils.uncapitalize(entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME)
                        + "Link.isCollection()) {";
                if (methodBody.indexOf(manyToManyInsertReferenceString) > -1) {
                    insertPosition = methodBody.indexOf(manyToManyInsertReferenceString);
                    isFirstManyToMany = false;
                            "virtual" + entityClassFile.CLASS_NAME, smallRemoteEntity,
                            "OEntityKey.parse(" + GwUtils.GW_CONNECTION_FIELD_NAME
                                    + ".getDecodedRemoteKey(Id))",
                            nav, javaType, associationType, "\t\t\t", isFirstManyToMany));

From source file:eu.medsea.mimeutil.detector.OpendesktopMimeDetector.java

private String getString(int offset, boolean regularExpression) {
    int position = content.position();
    content.position(offset);//from w  w  w.  j  a  v  a2s.com
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    char c = 0;
    while ((c = (char) content.get()) != 0) {
        if (regularExpression) {
            switch (c) {
            case '.':
            case '*':
            case '+':
            case '?':
    // Reset position
    content.position(position + 4);

    if (regularExpression) {
        buf.insert(0, '^');
    return buf.toString();

From source file:axiom.main.Server.java

private void shutdownDefaultDb() {
    Object apps[] = getApplications();

    for (int i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) {
        Application app = (Application) apps[i];
        File db = new File(this.getDbHome(), TransSource.TRANSACTIONS_DB_DIR + "_" + app.getName());
        StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(db.getPath());
        if (!url.toString().endsWith(File.separator)) {
        }//  w w w . jav  a2  s.  com

        url.append(app.getName() + File.separator + TransSource.TRANSACTIONS_DB_DIR);
        if (!url.toString().endsWith(File.separator)) {

        url.insert(0, TransSource.DEFAULT_URL);

        Connection conn = null;
        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
        try {
            conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url.toString());
            pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("SHUTDOWN");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // ignore, if shutdown failed, must not be using the default db
        } finally {
            if (pstmt != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                pstmt = null;
            if (conn != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                conn = null;

From source file:org.dspace.browse.BrowseDAOOracle.java

 * Get the limit clause to perform search result truncation.  Will return
 * something of the form:/*from   ww  w .  j  a  v  a  2s .  co  m*/
 * <code>
 * LIMIT [limit]
 * </code>
private void buildRowLimitAndOffset(StringBuffer queryBuf, List<Serializable> params) {
    // prepare the LIMIT clause
    if (limit > 0 || offset > 0) {
        queryBuf.insert(0, "SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS(n) */ rec.*, ROWNUM rnum  FROM (");
        queryBuf.append(") ");

    if (limit > 0) {
        queryBuf.append("rec WHERE rownum<=? ");
        if (offset > 0) {
            params.add(Integer.valueOf(limit + offset));
        } else {

    if (offset > 0) {
        queryBuf.insert(0, "SELECT * FROM (");
        queryBuf.append(") WHERE rnum>?");

From source file:com.qut.middleware.delegator.openid.authn.impl.AuthnProcessorImpl.java

private void verifyOpenIDAuthnResponse(AuthnProcessorData processorData, List<AttributeType> esoeAttributes)
        throws OpenIDException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    ParameterList response;//  www.ja  v a2s.  co m
    DiscoveryInformation discovered;
    StringBuffer receivingURL;
    String queryString;
    VerificationResult verification;
    Identifier verified;
    AuthSuccess authSuccess;

    response = new ParameterList(processorData.getHttpRequest().getParameterMap());

    /* Retrieve the stored discovery information */
    discovered = (DiscoveryInformation) processorData.getHttpRequest().getSession()

    /* Extract the receiving URL from the HTTP request */
    receivingURL = processorData.getHttpRequest().getRequestURL();

     * If a Layer 7 type device is offloading https change the recievingURL accordingly to ensure
     * correct verification
    if (httpsOffload) {
        receivingURL.delete(0, 4);
        receivingURL.insert(0, "https");

    queryString = processorData.getHttpRequest().getQueryString();
    if (queryString != null && queryString.length() > 0)

    /* Verify the response */
    this.logger.debug("About to verify response, accepted at receivingURL of " + receivingURL
            + " server set return to as " + response.toString());

    verification = manager.verify(receivingURL.toString(), response, discovered);
    verified = verification.getVerifiedId();
    if (verified != null) {
        AttributeType esoeAttribute;
        MessageDigest algorithm;
        byte messageDigest[];

        authSuccess = (AuthSuccess) verification.getAuthResponse();

         * Merge verified ID to ESOE view, OpenID identifiers aren't really compatible with most applications as an
         * identifier, so we'll md5 hash them for presentation as uid
        algorithm = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        messageDigest = algorithm.digest();

        esoeAttribute = new AttributeType();
                .add(new String(Hex.encodeHex(messageDigest)) + ConfigurationConstants.OPENID_NAMESPACE);

         * Store openID identifier in attributes for use by applications
        esoeAttribute = new AttributeType();

         * Retrieve requested attributes (if provided, given low deployments of attribute exchange currently we
         * don't fail when this isn't presented)
        if (authSuccess.hasExtension(AxMessage.OPENID_NS_AX)) {
            FetchResponse fetchResp = (FetchResponse) authSuccess.getExtension(AxMessage.OPENID_NS_AX);

            for (OpenIDAttribute attribute : this.requestedAttributes) {
                List<String> values = fetchResp.getAttributeValues(attribute.getLabel());

                /* Merge to ESOE view */
                esoeAttribute = new AttributeType();
                for (String value : values) {
                    esoeAttribute.getAttributeValues().add(attribute.getValuePrepend() + value);
    } else {
        throw new OpenIDException("Attempt by manager to verify result returned null");

From source file:com.ss.language.model.gibblda.Estimator.java

 * ???/*  ww w.j a  v  a2s  .  c om*/
 * @param docs
private void writeEachwordsEachWord(Document[] docs) {
    if (docs != null && docs.length > 0) {
        BufferedReader br = null;
        try {
            br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                    new FileInputStream(trnModel.data.localDict.getWordIdsFile()), "UTF-8"));
            for (String wordId = br.readLine(); wordId != null; wordId = br.readLine()) {
                wordId = wordId == null ? "" : wordId.trim();
                if (wordId.isEmpty()) {
                StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
                for (Document doc : docs) {
                    String[] words = doc.getAllWords();
                    if (words != null && words.length > 0) {
                        int times = 0;
                        for (String w : words) {
                            if (wordId.equals(w)) {
                                times += 1;
                        if (times > 0) {
                // ???
                if (sb.length() > 0) {
                    File file = new File(
                            option.dir + File.separator + option.wordMapFileName + "-statistic.txt");
                    sb.insert(0, "[");
                    sb.insert(sb.length() - 1, "]");
                    FileUtils.write(file, sb.subSequence(0, sb.length() - 1) + IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR, "UTF-8",
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            if (br != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.analysis.FinancialSummaryAnalysisDAOImpl.java

 * Builds the where./* w  ww. j av  a 2  s. c  o  m*/
 * @param people the people
 * @param organisations the organisations
 * @return the string
private String buildWHERE(final Collection<PersonBean> people,
        final Collection<OrganisationBean> organisations) {

    StringBuffer sqlWHERE = new StringBuffer();

    if (people != null) {
        for (PersonBean person : people) {
            if (sqlWHERE.length() > 0) {
                sqlWHERE.append(" OR ");
            sqlWHERE.append("financial_summary.PersonId = ");
    if (organisations != null) {
        for (OrganisationBean organisation : organisations) {
            if (sqlWHERE.length() > 0) {
                sqlWHERE.append(" OR ");
            sqlWHERE.append("financial_summary.OrganisationId = ");

    if (sqlWHERE.length() > 0) {
        sqlWHERE.insert(0, " AND (");
    return sqlWHERE.toString();

From source file:SignificantFigures.java

 * Formats this number.//from   w  ww  .  j a  va 2  s  .c om
 * If the number is less than 10^-3 or greater than or equal to 10^7,
 * or the number might have an ambiguous number of significant figures,
 * scientific notation will be used.
 * <p>
 * A string such as "NaN" or "Infinity" may be returned by this method.
 * @return representation of this number.
 * @since ostermillerutils 1.00.00
public String toString() {
    if (digits == null)
        return original;
    StringBuffer digits = new StringBuffer(this.digits.toString());
    int length = digits.length();
    if (mantissa <= -4 || mantissa >= 7 || (mantissa >= length && digits.charAt(digits.length() - 1) == '0')
            || (isZero && mantissa != 0)) {
        // use scientific notation.
        if (length > 1) {
            digits.insert(1, '.');
        if (mantissa != 0) {
            digits.append("E" + mantissa);
    } else if (mantissa <= -1) {
        digits.insert(0, "0.");
        for (int i = mantissa; i < -1; i++) {
            digits.insert(2, '0');
    } else if (mantissa + 1 == length) {
        if (length > 1 && digits.charAt(digits.length() - 1) == '0') {
    } else if (mantissa < length) {
        digits.insert(mantissa + 1, '.');
    } else {
        for (int i = length; i <= mantissa; i++) {
    if (!sign) {
        digits.insert(0, '-');
    return digits.toString();

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.dao.SavedSearchDAOImpl.java

 * Used to get a Collection of SearchBean details for a public.
 * @param filter the filter/* w w  w .j a v a2s. c om*/
 * @param subtype the subtype
 * @param username the username
 * @return the collection
 * @throws WhichDoctorDaoException the which doctor dao exception
public final Collection<SearchBean> load(final String filter, final String subtype, final String username)
        throws WhichDoctorDaoException {

    final StringBuffer loadSearch = new StringBuffer();

    ArrayList<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();

    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(filter)) {
        loadSearch.append(" AND (savedsearch.Name LIKE ? OR savedsearch.Description LIKE ?)");
        parameters.add("%" + filter + "%");
        parameters.add("%" + filter + "%");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subtype)) {
        loadSearch.append(" AND Type = ?");
    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username)) {
        loadSearch.append(" AND (savedsearch.UserDn = ? OR savedsearch.PublicSearch = true)");
    } else {
        loadSearch.append(" AND savedsearch.publicSearch = true");

    if (loadSearch.length() > 0) {
        /* Delete the AND from the beginning of the search if defined */
        final int subtract = 5;
        loadSearch.delete(0, subtract);
        loadSearch.insert(0, " WHERE ");
    loadSearch.insert(0, this.getSQL().getValue("search/load"));
    loadSearch.append(" ORDER BY savedsearch.Name");

    dataLogger.info("Retrieving saved public searches");

    Collection<SearchBean> savedsearches = new ArrayList<SearchBean>();

    try {
        savedsearches = this.getJdbcTemplateReader().query(loadSearch.toString(), parameters.toArray(),
                new RowMapper() {
                    public Object mapRow(final ResultSet rs, final int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                        return loadSearch(rs);

    } catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException ie) {
        dataLogger.debug("No results found for search: " + ie.getMessage());
    return savedsearches;