List of usage examples for java.lang Short shortValue
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public short shortValue()
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/** * Converts given String to short.//w ww . ja va 2 m * @param value the value to convert. * @return the converted value. */ public short toShort(@Nullable final String value) { short result = 0; @Nullable final Short t_Result = toShortIfNotNull(value); if (t_Result != null) { result = t_Result.shortValue(); } return result; }
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@Test public void testConfigurationPropertiesWithShortArray() { ConfigurationPropertiesWithArray config = prepareConfigurationPropertiesWithArray(); Short shortValue = config.shortArray[0]; assertEquals(Short.class, shortValue.getClass()); assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE, shortValue.shortValue()); assertEquals(4, config.shortArray.length); }
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@Test public void testConfigurationXMLWithShortArray() { ConfigurationXMLWithArray config = prepareConfigurationXMLWithArray(); Short shortValue = config.shortArray[0]; assertEquals(Short.class, shortValue.getClass()); assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE, shortValue.shortValue()); assertEquals(4, config.shortArray.length); }
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@Test public void testConfigurationPropertiesWithShortList() { ConfigurationPropertiesWithList config = prepareConfigurationPropertiesWithList(); Short shortValue = config.shortList.get(0); assertEquals(Short.class, shortValue.getClass()); assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE, shortValue.shortValue()); assertEquals(4, config.shortList.size()); }
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@Test public void testConfigurationXMLWithShortList() { ConfigurationXMLWithList config = prepareConfigurationXMLWithList(); Short shortValue = config.shortList.get(0); assertEquals(Short.class, shortValue.getClass()); assertEquals(Short.MAX_VALUE, shortValue.shortValue()); assertEquals(4, config.shortList.size()); }
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@Test public void testNullValue() throws EventSystemException { Event evt = createEvent();//from w w w .j a v a2 s . co m evt.setEventName("Test"); Short s = evt.getInt16("a"); assertNull(s); evt.setInt16("a", (short) 1); s = evt.getInt16("a"); assertNotNull(s); assertEquals("short value incorrect", (short) 1, s.shortValue()); }
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/** * This is internal helpher function used to build the templete this give * the childern associated with the current id * * @param activities//from w ww . j a va 2s .c om * List of all Activity object in the system * @param id * activity id whose childern we are finding * @return List of childern associated with the current activity */ private List<ActivityEntity> getChildren(List<ActivityEntity> activities, Short id) { List<ActivityEntity> l = new ArrayList<ActivityEntity>(); for (int i = 0; i < activities.size(); i++) { // if id=0 then we are looking for top level activities ActivityEntity parent = activities.get(i).getParent(); if (id.shortValue() == 0) { if (null == parent) { l.add(activities.get(i)); } } else { if (null != parent) { if (parent.getId().shortValue() == id.shortValue()) { l.add(activities.get(i)); } } } } return l; }
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@Override public void addCell(String type, String str_value, String style_name) { HSSFSheet _sheet = wb.getSheetAt(currentSheet); HSSFRow _row = _sheet.getRow(currentRow); HSSFCell _cell = _row.createCell((currentCell)); Double number_value = null;//from w ww. j ava 2 s .c o m Boolean boolean_value = null; boolean isNumber = false; boolean isBoolean = false; if (type == null) { type = (String) getDefaultParams("data_type"); } if (type != null) { if (type.equals("float") || type.equals("number")) { if (str_value != null) { try { number_value = new Double(str_value); isNumber = true; } catch (Exception e) { // the value is not number, it will be inserted as a string // System.out.println(e.toString()); } } else { isNumber = true; } } else if (type.equals("boolean")) { if (str_value != null) { try { boolean_value = new Boolean(str_value); isBoolean = true; } catch (Exception e) { // the value is not boolean, it will be inserted as a string // System.out.println(e.toString()); } } else { isBoolean = true; } } else if (type.equals("date")) { if (str_value != null) { try { // cellStyle.setDataFormat(HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("yyyymmdd")); /* * * The way how to handle user defined formats not supported right now HSSFDataFormat format = * wb.createDataFormat(); HSSFCellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); * style.setDataFormat(format.getFormat("yyyymmdd")); _cell.setCellStyle(style); */ // cellStyle.setDataFormat(new HSSFDataFormat("yyyymmdd")); /* * try{ l_value=Long.parseLong(value); System.out.println(String.valueOf(l_value)); isLong=true; } * catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(e.toString()); } */ /* * if (isLong){ Date d = new Date(); _cell.setCellStyle(cellStyle); //_cell.setCellValue(d); * _cell.setCellValue(value); //System.out.println(d.toString()); isDate=true; } else * _cell.setCellValue(value); */ // System.out.println("hh"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); } } } } if (isNumber) { if (number_value != null) { _cell.setCellValue(number_value.doubleValue()); } _cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC); } else if (isBoolean) { if (boolean_value != null) { _cell.setCellValue(boolean_value.booleanValue()); } _cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); } else { _cell.setCellType(HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING); // _cell.setEncoding(HSSFCell.ENCODING_UTF_16 );// _cell.setCellValue(str_value); } short idx = -1; if (style_name != null) { idx = getStyleIdxByName(style_name, ExcelStyleIF.STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL); } if (idx < 0) { Short short_idx = (Short) getDefaultParams("style"); if (short_idx != null) { idx = short_idx.shortValue(); } } if (idx > -1) { _cell.setCellStyle(wb.getCellStyleAt(idx)); } // calculates the col with according to the first row if (currentRow == 0 && idx > -1) { short colStyleWidth = 0; HSSFCellStyle style = wb.getCellStyleAt(idx); int f_i = style.getFontIndex(); HSSFFont font = wb.getFontAt((short) f_i); // character size short size = font.getFontHeightInPoints(); if (columns.size() > currentCell) { RowColumnDefinition column = columns.get(currentCell); String column_style_name = column.getStyleName() == null ? "" : column.getStyleName(); ExcelStyleIF definedStyle = getStyleByName(column_style_name, ExcelStyleIF.STYLE_FAMILY_TABLE_CELL); if (definedStyle != null) { colStyleWidth = definedStyle.getColumnWidth(); } } short width = (short) (_sheet.getDefaultColumnWidth() * size * 25); if (colStyleWidth > 0) { width = colStyleWidth; } else if (str_value.length() > 0) { width = (short) (str_value.length() * size * 50); } _sheet.setColumnWidth(currentCell, width); } currentCell = _cell.getColumnIndex() + 1; // System.out.println("Cell" + currentCell+ "-" + value); }
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public static String formatOptionalInt16(String separator, String attrName, Short val) { final String S_ProcName = "formatOptionalInt16"; if ((attrName == null) || (attrName.length() <= 0)) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(CFLibXmlUtil.class, S_ProcName, 1, "attrName"); }/* www .j a v a 2s . co m*/ String retval; if (val != null) { retval = formatRequiredInt16(separator, attrName, val.shortValue()); } else { retval = S_emptyString; } return (retval); }
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@Test public void putValueSohrt() { ObjectNode parent = new ObjectNode(factory); String name = "foo"; Short value = 123;/*from w w w.ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ parser.putValue(parent, name, value); JsonNode x = parent.get(name); Assert.assertNotNull(x); Assert.assertEquals(value.shortValue(), x.shortValue()); }