Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Grameen Foundation USA * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * See also for an * explanation of the license and how it is applied. */ /** * */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.mifos.application.master.MessageLookup; import org.mifos.application.servicefacade.ApplicationContextProvider; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class build the templete for the activities in the system so that user * can create of see what all activities are associated with the given role */ public class RoleTempleteBuilder { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RoleTempleteBuilder.class); /** ***********************************Fields******************** */ /** * This would hold the index map of activity id to index in activities list */ private HashMap<Short, Short> indexMap = new HashMap<Short, Short>(); Short localeId; /** * This would hold the activites of currently selected activity */ private Set<Short> currentActivites = new HashSet<Short>(); /** * This would hold the any place holder activities if needs to be checked in * ui */ private Set<Short> checkedLinks = new HashSet<Short>(); /** * This would hold the childern associated with the given activity */ private HashMap<Short, List<ActivityEntity>> childMap = new HashMap<Short, List<ActivityEntity>>(); /** * Helper varibale used to give name to the checkboxes in the ui */ private int nameHelper = 0; private Integer maxDepth = 0; /** * Default constructor */ public RoleTempleteBuilder() { } /** * This Function returns the currentActivites * * @return Returns the currentActivites. */ public Set<Short> getCurrentActivites() { return currentActivites; } /** * This function set the currentActivites * * @param currentActivites * The currentActivites to set. */ public void setCurrentActivites(Set<Short> currentActivites) { this.currentActivites = currentActivites; } public Short getLocaleId() { return localeId; } public void setLocaleId(Short localeId) { this.localeId = localeId; } /** * This is internal helpher function used to build the templete this give * the childern associated with the current id * * @param activities * List of all Activity object in the system * @param id * activity id whose childern we are finding * @return List of childern associated with the current activity */ private List<ActivityEntity> getChildren(List<ActivityEntity> activities, Short id) { List<ActivityEntity> l = new ArrayList<ActivityEntity>(); for (int i = 0; i < activities.size(); i++) { // if id=0 then we are looking for top level activities ActivityEntity parent = activities.get(i).getParent(); if (id.shortValue() == 0) { if (null == parent) { l.add(activities.get(i)); } } else { if (null != parent) { if (parent.getId().shortValue() == id.shortValue()) { l.add(activities.get(i)); } } } } return l; } /** * This function is recursive function helps in making the tree table * * @param l * List of all activities in the system * @param aid * current activity id * @param buff * StringBuffer which would hold the table * @param level * level of recursion * @param name * name to be given to control */ private void makeTable(List<ActivityEntity> l, Short aid, StringBuilder buff, int level, String name) { List<ActivityEntity> lst = childMap.get(aid); if (lst.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { buff.append("<tr >"); String name1 = name + "_" + Integer.toString(i); for (int j = 0; j < level; j++) { buff.append("<td bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" class=\"paddingleft05BottomBorder\"> </td> "); } buff.append( "<td width=\"3%\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" class=\"paddingleft05BottomBorder\"><input name=\"" + "activity(" + nameHelper++ + ")\"" + " id=\"" + name1 + "\" type=\"checkbox\" "); // check whether it is leaf List<ActivityEntity> li = childMap.get(lst.get(i).getId()); Short index = getIndex(lst.get(i).getId()); if (li.size() == 0) { buff.append("value=\"" + lst.get(i).getId().shortValue() + "\""); } else { buff.append(" value=\"checkbox\""); } // check whether checked or not if (currentActivites.contains(lst.get(i).getId())) { buff.append(" checked=true "); } else if (checkedLinks.contains(lst.get(i).getId())) { buff.append(" checked=true "); } buff.append(" onclick=\"doCheck(this)\" ></td>"); buff.append("<td colspan=\""); // adding colspan for proper formatting buff.append(maxDepth - level + "\" "); buff.append( "bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" class=\"paddingleft05BottomBorder\" ><span class=\"fontnormal\">"); ActivityEntity entity = l.get(index); String activityName = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean(MessageLookup.class) .lookup(entity.getActivityNameLookupValues()); entity.setActivityName(activityName); buff.append(l.get(index).getActivityName()); buff.append("</span></td>"); buff.append("<td width=\"50%\" bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" class=\"paddingleft05BottomLeftBorder\" >" + "<span class=\"fontnormal\">"); String description = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean(MessageLookup.class) .lookup(entity.getActivityNameLookupValues()); entity.setDescription(description); if (StringUtils.isBlank(entity.getDescription())) { buff.append(" "); } else { buff.append(entity.getDescription()); } buff.append("</span></td></tr>"); makeTable(l, lst.get(i).getId(), buff, level + 1, name1); } } } /** * This is the main function which would build the table tree for ui * * @param l * List if all the activities in the system * @return stringbuffer representatiuon of the tree */ public StringBuilder getRolesTemplete(List<ActivityEntity> l) { nameHelper = 0; // StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); // first build the map for (short k = 0; k < l.size(); k++) { indexMap.put(l.get(k).getId(), k); } // make checkmap buildCheckedItems(l); // by this time child map has been built short start = 0; List<ActivityEntity> li = childMap.get(Short.valueOf(start)); buff.append( "<script language=\"javascript\" src=\"pages/application/rolesandpermission/js/checkBoxLogic.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"> </script>"); for (int i = 0; i < li.size(); i++) { String name = Integer.toString(i); Short index = getIndex(li.get(i).getId()); buff.append( "<table width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"bluetableborder\">"); buff.append("<tr class=\"bluetablehead05\">"); buff.append("<td width=\"3%\" ><input name=\"" + "activity(" + nameHelper++ + ")\"" + " id=\"" + name + "\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"checkbox\" "); if (checkedLinks.contains(l.get(index).getId())) { buff.append(" checked=true "); } buff.append("onclick=\"doCheck(this)\" > </td>"); buff.append("<td colspan=\""); buff.append(maxDepth + 2 + "\" >"); buff.append("<span class=\"fontnormalbold\">"); ActivityEntity entity = l.get(index); String activityName = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean(MessageLookup.class) .lookup(entity.getActivityNameLookupValues()); buff.append(activityName); buff.append("</span></td></tr>"); makeTable(l, li.get(i).getId(), buff, 1, name); buff.append("</table><br>"); } return buff; } /** * This is internal helper function which would return the index of current * activity ijn the activities list * * @param id * of the activity * @return index of the activity in the list */ private short getIndex(Short id) { return indexMap.get(id); } /** * This is main internal helper function which would build the map of * checked item in the templete * * @param l * List of activities in the system */ private void buildCheckedItems(List<ActivityEntity> l) { logger.debug("size of list is" + l.size()); List<ActivityEntity> li = getChildren(l, Short.valueOf("0")); logger.debug("child list size " + li.size()); childMap.put(Short.valueOf("0"), li); int[] currentDepth = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < li.size(); i++) { currentDepth[0] = 0; makeCheckTable(l, li.get(i).getId(), currentDepth); if (currentDepth[0] > maxDepth.intValue()) { maxDepth = currentDepth[0]; } } } /** * This is internal recursive helper function used to build the map of the * checked items if some activity is selected * * @param l * list of all activities in the system * @param id * Activity id * @return whether checked or not */ private boolean makeCheckTable(List<ActivityEntity> l, Short id, int[] currentDepth) { // increment current depth by one currentDepth[0]++; boolean checked = true; List<ActivityEntity> lst = getChildren(l, id); childMap.put(id, lst); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size(); i++) { // check whether it is leaf List<ActivityEntity> li = getChildren(l, lst.get(i).getId()); // Short index = getIndex(lst.get(i).getId()); if (li.size() == 0) { // check whether checked or not if (!currentActivites.contains(lst.get(i).getId())) { checked = false; } childMap.put(lst.get(i).getId(), li); } else { if (!makeCheckTable(l, lst.get(i).getId(), currentDepth)) { checked = false; } } } if (checked) { logger.debug("item with id= " + id + "is checked"); checkedLinks.add(id); } return checked; } }