List of usage examples for java.lang SecurityException SecurityException
public SecurityException(Throwable cause)
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/** * * @see **from w ww .ja v a 2s . c o m*/ */ protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) { boolean isAcceptable = false; if (!CHECKED.containsKey(codesource.getLocation())) { Certificate[] certs = codesource.getCertificates(); if (certs == null || certs.length == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The jar at " + codesource.getLocation() + " is not signed!", "Security Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); isAcceptable = false; } else { isAcceptable = true; for (int i = 0; (i < certs.length) && isAcceptable; i++) { if (!verifyCertificate((X509Certificate) certs[i])) { isAcceptable = false; } } } CHECKED.put(codesource.getLocation(), isAcceptable); } else { isAcceptable = CHECKED.get(codesource.getLocation()); } Permissions permissions = new Permissions(); if (isAcceptable) { permissions.add(new AllPermission()); return permissions; } throw new SecurityException("Access denied to " + codesource.getLocation()); }
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/** * ??/* w w w . j av a 2 s .co m*/ * * @param ctx * * @param envelope * ? * @param privateKey * ? * @return key */ public static Key openDigitalEnvelope(SecurityContext ctx, String envelope, Key privateKey) { try { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(ctx.getAsymmetryAlgorithm(), ctx.getJceProvider()); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey); envelope = StringTools.replaceIgnoreCase(envelope, " ", ""); byte[] key = cipher.doFinal(Base64.decodeBase64(envelope)); SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(ctx.getSymmetryKeyAlgorithm(), ctx.getJceProvider()); DESKeySpec keySpec = new DESKeySpec(key); Key symmetryKey = skf.generateSecret(keySpec); return symmetryKey; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SecurityException(ex); } }
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private void checkRead() { checkClosed();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (!isReadable) { throw new SecurityException("Can't read this SharedPreferences"); } }
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public ActionForward viewFax(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {/*w ww. j a va2 s. c o m*/ if (!securityInfoManager.hasPrivilege(LoggedInInfo.getLoggedInInfoFromSession(request), "_edoc", "r", null)) { throw new SecurityException("missing required security object (_edoc)"); } try { String doc_no = request.getParameter("jobId"); String pageNum = request.getParameter("curPage"); if (pageNum == null) { pageNum = "0"; } Integer pn = Integer.parseInt(pageNum); log.debug("Document No :" + doc_no); LogAction.addLog((String) request.getSession().getAttribute("user"), LogConst.READ, LogConst.CON_DOCUMENT, doc_no, request.getRemoteAddr()); FaxJobDao faxJobDao = SpringUtils.getBean(FaxJobDao.class); FaxJob faxJob = faxJobDao.find(Integer.parseInt(doc_no)); int index; String filename; if ((index = faxJob.getFile_name().lastIndexOf("/")) > -1) { filename = faxJob.getFile_name().substring(index + 1); } else { filename = faxJob.getFile_name(); } String name = filename + "_" + pn + ".png"; log.debug("name " + name); File outfile = null; outfile = hasCacheVersion2(faxJob, pn); if (outfile != null) { log.debug("got doc from local cache "); } else { outfile = createCacheVersion2(faxJob, pn); if (outfile != null) { log.debug("create new doc "); } } response.setContentType("image/png"); ServletOutputStream outs = response.getOutputStream(); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + name); BufferedInputStream bfis = null; try { if (outfile != null) { bfis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(outfile)); int data; while ((data = != -1) { outs.write(data); // outs.flush(); } } else {"Unable to retrieve content for " + faxJob + ". This may indicate previous upload or save errors..."); } } finally { if (bfis != null) { bfis.close(); } } outs.flush(); outs.close(); } catch ( se) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", se); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("Error", e); } return null; }
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/** * This is public so that it can be unit tested easily without HTTP. */// w w w . jav a2 s. co m public String processCall(String payload) throws SerializationException { // Let subclasses see the serialized request. // onBeforeRequestDeserialized(payload); // Create a stream to deserialize the request. // ServerSerializationStreamReader streamReader = new ServerSerializationStreamReader(serializableTypeOracle); streamReader.prepareToRead(payload); // Read the service interface // String serviceIntfName = streamReader.readString(); // TODO(mmendez): need to check the signature // Verify that this very servlet implements the specified interface // name. // if (!isImplementedRemoteServiceInterface(serviceIntfName)) { // Bad payload, possible hack attempt. // throw new SecurityException("Blocked attempt to access interface '" + serviceIntfName + "', which is either not implemented by this servlet or which doesn't extend RemoteService; this is either misconfiguration or a hack attempt"); } // Actually get the service interface, so that we can query its methods. // Class serviceIntf; try { serviceIntf = getClassFromName(serviceIntfName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SerializationException("Unknown service interface class '" + serviceIntfName + "'", e); } // Read the method name. // String methodName = streamReader.readString(); // Read the number and names of the parameter classes from the stream. // We have to do this so that we can find the correct overload of the // method. // int paramCount = streamReader.readInt(); Class[] paramTypes = new Class[paramCount]; for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) { String paramClassName = streamReader.readString(); try { paramTypes[i] = getClassFromName(paramClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new SerializationException("Unknown parameter " + i + " type '" + paramClassName + "'", e); } } // For security, make sure the method is found in the service interface // and not just one that happens to be defined on this class. // Method serviceIntfMethod = findInterfaceMethod(serviceIntf, methodName, paramTypes, true); // If it wasn't found, don't continue. // if (serviceIntfMethod == null) { // Bad payload, possible hack attempt. // throw new SecurityException("Method '" + methodName + "' (or a particular overload) on interface '" + serviceIntfName + "' was not found, this is either misconfiguration or a hack attempt"); } // Deserialize the parameters. // Object[] args = new Object[paramCount]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = streamReader.deserializeValue(paramTypes[i]); } // Make the call via reflection. // String responsePayload = GENERIC_FAILURE_MSG; ServerSerializationStreamWriter streamWriter = new ServerSerializationStreamWriter(serializableTypeOracle); Throwable caught = null; try { Class returnType = serviceIntfMethod.getReturnType(); /** * The method is not invoked from <code>this</code> but from <code>this.proxy</code>; * <code>this</code> is the exporter, <code>this.proxy</code> is the actual service * implementation * @author */ Object returnVal = serviceIntfMethod.invoke(this.proxy, args); responsePayload = createResponse(streamWriter, returnType, returnVal, false); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { caught = e; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { caught = e; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // Try to serialize the caught exception if the client is expecting // it, // otherwise log the exception server-side. caught = e; Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause != null) { // Update the caught exception to the underlying cause caught = cause; // Serialize the exception back to the client if it's a declared // exception if (isExpectedException(serviceIntfMethod, cause)) { Class thrownClass = cause.getClass(); responsePayload = createResponse(streamWriter, thrownClass, cause, true); // Don't log the exception on the server caught = null; } } } if (caught != null) { responsePayload = GENERIC_FAILURE_MSG; // servletContext may be null (for example, when unit testing) /** * Our logger will not be servlet context's log (we don't have * direct access to it at this point) * @author */ if (logger != null) { // Log the exception server side logger.error("Exception while dispatching incoming RPC call", caught); } } // Let subclasses see the serialized response. // onAfterResponseSerialized(responsePayload); return responsePayload; }
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/** * Construct a new PortletDefinitionForm for the given IPortletDefinition id. * If a PortletDefinition matching this ID already exists, the form will * be pre-populated with the PortletDefinition's current configuration. If * the PortletDefinition does not yet exist, a new default form will be * created.//from w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m * * @param person user that is required to have related lifecycle permission * @param portletId identifier for the portlet definition * @return {@PortletDefinitionForm} with set values based on portlet definition * or default category and principal if no definition is found */ public PortletDefinitionForm createPortletDefinitionForm(IPerson person, String portletId) { IPortletDefinition def = portletDefinitionRegistry.getPortletDefinition(portletId); // create the new form final PortletDefinitionForm form; if (def != null) { // if this is a pre-existing portlet, set the category and permissions form = new PortletDefinitionForm(def); form.setId(def.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId()); // create a JsonEntityBean for each current category and add it // to our form bean's category list Set<PortletCategory> categories = portletCategoryRegistry.getParentCategories(def); for (PortletCategory cat : categories) { form.addCategory(new JsonEntityBean(cat)); } addSubscribePermissionsToForm(def, form); } else { form = createNewPortletDefinitionForm(); } /* TODO: Service-Layer Security Reboot (great need of refactoring with a community-approved plan in place) */ // User must have SOME FORM of lifecycle permission over AT LEAST ONE // category in which this portlet resides; lifecycle permissions are // hierarchical, so we'll test with the weakest. if (!hasLifecyclePermission(person, PortletLifecycleState.CREATED, form.getCategories())) { logger.warn("User '" + person.getUserName() + "' attempted to edit the following portlet without MANAGE permission: " + def); throw new SecurityException("Not Authorized"); } return form; }
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/** * // www. j a v a 2s.c om * * @param object * ? * @return ? */ public String encode(final Object object) { if (object == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("String could not be null"); } if (algo == null || algo.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Algo could not be null"); } try { MessageDigest messageDigest = provider == null ? MessageDigest.getInstance(algo) : MessageDigest.getInstance(algo, provider); if (object instanceof char[]) { return encode(new String((char[]) object), messageDigest); } else if (object instanceof byte[]) { return encode(new String((byte[]) object, characterEncoding), messageDigest); } else { return encode(object.toString(), messageDigest); } } catch (final NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); throw new SecurityException(e); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } return null; }
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/** * @see */// www. j ava 2 s.c o m protected handleUpdate( puntEntrada) throws java.lang.Exception { if (!canAdmin(puntEntrada)) throw new SecurityException(Messages.getString("PuntEntradaServiceImpl.UnauthorizedToUpdate")); //$NON-NLS-1$ // Validem el XML si no s buit if (puntEntrada.getXmlPUE() != null && !"".equals(puntEntrada.getXmlPUE())) { //$NON-NLS-1$ String resValida = validaXMLPUE(puntEntrada); if (resValida != null && !"".equals(resValida.trim())) //$NON-NLS-1$ throw new SeyconException( String.format(Messages.getString("PuntEntradaServiceImpl.XMLValidationError"), //$NON-NLS-1$ puntEntrada.getNom(), resValida)); } // Transformem a Entity PuntEntradaEntity entity = getPuntEntradaEntityDao().load(puntEntrada.getId()); boolean updatingRoot = entity != null && ROOT_TAG.equals(entity.getCodi()); getPuntEntradaEntityDao().puntEntradaToEntity(puntEntrada, entity, true); if (updatingRoot) { entity.setCodi(ROOT_TAG); } else { if (ROOT_TAG.equals(puntEntrada.getCodi())) { entity.setCodi(null); } } // Si s e tipus men, esborrem execucions: if ("S".equals(puntEntrada.getMenu())) { //$NON-NLS-1$ entity.setMetodesExecucio(new HashSet<ExecucioPuntEntradaEntity>()); // esborrem // execucions } // Verifiquem les icones: // ACTUALITZACIONS // UPDATE: Ja t icona, i s'ha posta una nova if (entity.getIcona1() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona1() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona1().length != 0 && puntEntrada.getIdIcona1() == null) { // Esborrem l'icona anterior getIconaEntityDao().remove(entity.getIcona1()); // Per id // S'ha actualitzat l'icona: creem una nova IconaEntity icona1 = createIcona(puntEntrada.getImgIcona1()); entity.setIcona1(icona1.getId()); } if (entity.getIcona2() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona2() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona2().length != 0 && puntEntrada.getIdIcona2() == null) { // Esborrem l'icona anterior getIconaEntityDao().remove(entity.getIcona2()); // Per id // S'ha actualitzat l'icona: creem una nova IconaEntity icona2 = createIcona(puntEntrada.getImgIcona2()); entity.setIcona2(icona2.getId()); } // ADD: NOVES ICONES (no existien abans) if (entity.getIcona1() == null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona1() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona1().length != 0) { // Creem l'icona IconaEntity icona1 = createIcona(puntEntrada.getImgIcona1()); entity.setIcona1(icona1.getId()); } if (entity.getIcona2() == null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona2() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona2().length != 0) { // S'ha actualitzat l'icona: creem una nova IconaEntity icona2 = createIcona(puntEntrada.getImgIcona2()); entity.setIcona2(icona2.getId()); } // DELETE: Esborrem l'icona assignada if (entity.getIcona1() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona1() == null) { // Esborrem l'icona anterior getIconaEntityDao().remove(entity.getIcona1()); // Per id entity.setIcona1(null); } if (entity.getIcona2() != null && puntEntrada.getImgIcona2() == null) { // Esborrem l'icona anterior getIconaEntityDao().remove(entity.getIcona2()); // Per id entity.setIcona2(null); } getPuntEntradaEntityDao().update(entity); auditarPuntEntrada("U", entity.getNom()); //$NON-NLS-1$ return getPuntEntradaEntityDao().toPuntEntrada(entity); }
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/** * Check that this request is not subject to a CSRF attack * @param request The original browser's request * @param bodySessionId The session id /*from w w w. j a va 2 s. c om*/ */ private void checkNotCsrfAttack(HttpServletRequest request, String bodySessionId) { // A check to see that this isn't a csrf attack // // if (request.isRequestedSessionIdValid() && request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()) { String headerSessionId = request.getRequestedSessionId(); if (headerSessionId.length() > 0) { // Normal case; if same session cookie is supplied by DWR and // in HTTP header then all is ok if (headerSessionId.equals(bodySessionId)) { return; } // Weblogic adds creation time to the end of the incoming // session cookie string (even for request.getRequestedSessionId()). // Use the raw cookie instead Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = cookies[i]; if (cookie.getName().equals(sessionCookieName) && cookie.getValue().equals(bodySessionId)) { return; } } // Otherwise error log.error("A request has been denied as a potential CSRF attack."); throw new SecurityException("Session Error"); } } }
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/** * @param manager The manager to set./*w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ */ final void setManager(AbstractDeviceManager manager) { if (this.manager != null) { throw new SecurityException("Cannot overwrite the device manager"); } else { this.manager = manager; } }