List of usage examples for java.lang SecurityException SecurityException
public SecurityException(Throwable cause)
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public void checkDelete(String fileName) { if (fileName != null && fileName.endsWith(".java")) { throw new SecurityException(" You are not allowed to delete " + " file names ending with .java"); }/*www .j a v a2 s . c o m*/ super.checkDelete(fileName); }
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@Override public void before(Method method, Object[] arg1, Object arg2) throws Throwable { UserInfo user = manager.getLoggedUser(); if (null == user) { System.out.println("Not authenticated"); throw new SecurityException("You must login before attempting to invoke method:" + method.getName()); } else if ("clarence".equals(user.getUserName())) { System.out.println("Logged in user `Clarence` - OKEY!"); } else {//from w w w . j ava2 s.c o m System.out.println("Logged in user " + user.getUserName() + " NOT GOOD!"); throw new SecurityException( "User: `" + user.getUserName() + "` is not allowed access to " + "method " + method.getName()); } }
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public static Encryptor getEncryptor() { if (cncryptor == null) { if (conf.get("sys.encryptor") != null) { String cncryptorClass = conf.get("sys.encryptor"); try { cncryptor = (Encryptor) ReflectUtils.instantiate(cncryptorClass); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace();/*from w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ LOG.error(cncryptorClass + " instantiate error", ex); } } if (cncryptor == null) { try { cncryptor = new DefaultEncryptor(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new SecurityException(ex); } } } return cncryptor; }
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private static byte[] encrypt(byte[] data) throws Exception { if (null == secretKey) { throw new SecurityException("secretKey is null"); }// ww w . ja v a2 s .c o m Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(secretKey.getAlgorithm()); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey); return cipher.doFinal(data); }
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/** * Gives back a unique user identifier given an X509 certificate. * /*w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ * @param signingCertificate * @return */ public static String getUserId(X509Certificate signingCertificate) { X500Principal userPrincipal = signingCertificate.getSubjectX500Principal(); String name = userPrincipal.toString(); int serialNumberBeginIdx = name.indexOf("SERIALNUMBER="); if (-1 == serialNumberBeginIdx) { throw new SecurityException("SERIALNUMBER not found in X509 CN"); } int serialNumberValueBeginIdx = serialNumberBeginIdx + "SERIALNUMBER=".length(); int serialNumberValueEndIdx = name.indexOf(",", serialNumberValueBeginIdx); if (-1 == serialNumberValueEndIdx) { serialNumberValueEndIdx = name.length(); } String userId = name.substring(serialNumberValueBeginIdx, serialNumberValueEndIdx); return userId; }
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public static void checkUser(User user) { if ((getCurrentUser() != SUPERUSER) && (getCurrentUser() != null) && (!getCurrentUser().equals(user))) { throw new SecurityException("Invalid user. User id " + user.getUserId() + " does not match current user: " + getCurrentUser()); }//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c om }
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public Subject authenticate(Object authToken) { if (authToken == null) { throw new SecurityException("No authentication token available"); }/* ww w . j a va2*/ if (!(authToken instanceof String[]) || ((String[]) authToken).length != 2) { throw new SecurityException("Unsupported credentials format"); } String[] authentication = (String[]) authToken; String username = StringUtils.defaultString(authentication[0]); String password = StringUtils.defaultString(authentication[1]); if (!credentials.containsKey(username)) { throw new SecurityException("Unauthenticated user: " + username); } if (!password.equals(ObjectUtils.toString(credentials.get(username)))) { throw new SecurityException("Invalid password"); } Set principals = new HashSet(); principals.add(new JMXPrincipal(username)); return new Subject(true, principals, Collections.EMPTY_SET, Collections.EMPTY_SET); }
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private static byte[] decrypt(byte[] data) throws Exception { if (null == secretKey) { throw new SecurityException("secretKey is null"); }/*from w ww.ja va2 s. c o m*/ Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(secretKey.getAlgorithm()); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey); return cipher.doFinal(data); }
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public static List<String> getNaRole(Authentication userAuthentication) { final Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = userAuthentication.getAuthorities(); final List<String> nas = new ArrayList(authorities.size()); for (GrantedAuthority authority : authorities) { String role = authority.getAuthority().replace("\n", ""); // ToDo: find out if there still is a \n in the role. if (role.startsWith(role_prefix)) { nas.add(role.substring(role_prefix.length())); } else if (role.startsWith(role_prefix_deprecated)) { nas.add(role.substring(role_prefix_deprecated.length())); }//from w w w . j av a2 s .com } if (nas.size() == 0) throw new SecurityException("User " + userAuthentication.getName() + " has not got the required roles to use this service."); return nas; }
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public static LlapTokenInfo getTokenInfo(String clusterId) throws IOException { if (!UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) return NO_SECURITY; UserGroupInformation current = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser(); String kerberosName = current.hasKerberosCredentials() ? current.getShortUserName() : null; List<LlapTokenIdentifier> tokens = getLlapTokens(current, clusterId); if ((tokens == null || tokens.isEmpty()) && kerberosName == null) { throw new SecurityException("No tokens or kerberos for " + current); }/*from www. j av a 2 s .c o m*/ warnMultipleTokens(tokens); return getTokenInfoInternal(kerberosName, tokens); }