Example usage for java.lang RuntimeException toString

List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException toString


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang RuntimeException toString.


public String toString() 

Source Link


Returns a short description of this throwable.


From source file:de.unihannover.se.processSimulation.interactive.ServerMain.java

private void printParseError(PrintWriter w, String t, final RuntimeException e) {
    w.println("<b>Fehler beim Parsen von Parameter " + t + "</b><br/>");

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.mapreduce.MapReduceBackupMergeJob.java

public void run(String[] backupIds) throws IOException {
    String bulkOutputConfKey;/*from w  w w . java  2  s.  c om*/

    // TODO : run player on remote cluster
    player = new MapReduceHFileSplitterJob();
    bulkOutputConfKey = MapReduceHFileSplitterJob.BULK_OUTPUT_CONF_KEY;
    // Player reads all files in arbitrary directory structure and creates
    // a Map task for each file
    String bids = StringUtils.join(backupIds, ",");

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Merge backup images " + bids);

    List<Pair<TableName, Path>> processedTableList = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean finishedTables = false;
    Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(getConf());
    BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn);
    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(getConf());

    try {

        // Get exclusive lock on backup system
        // Start merge operation

        // Select most recent backup id
        String mergedBackupId = BackupUtils.findMostRecentBackupId(backupIds);

        TableName[] tableNames = getTableNamesInBackupImages(backupIds);

        BackupInfo bInfo = table.readBackupInfo(backupIds[0]);
        String backupRoot = bInfo.getBackupRootDir();

        for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.length; i++) {
            LOG.info("Merge backup images for " + tableNames[i]);

            // Find input directories for table
            Path[] dirPaths = findInputDirectories(fs, backupRoot, tableNames[i], backupIds);
            String dirs = StringUtils.join(dirPaths, ",");

            Path bulkOutputPath = BackupUtils
                    .getBulkOutputDir(BackupUtils.getFileNameCompatibleString(tableNames[i]), getConf(), false);
            // Delete content if exists
            if (fs.exists(bulkOutputPath)) {
                if (!fs.delete(bulkOutputPath, true)) {
                    LOG.warn("Can not delete: " + bulkOutputPath);
            Configuration conf = getConf();
            conf.set(bulkOutputConfKey, bulkOutputPath.toString());
            String[] playerArgs = { dirs, tableNames[i].getNameAsString() };

            int result = player.run(playerArgs);
            if (!succeeded(result)) {
                throw new IOException("Can not merge backup images for " + dirs
                        + " (check Hadoop/MR and HBase logs). Player return code =" + result);
            // Add to processed table list
            processedTableList.add(new Pair<>(tableNames[i], bulkOutputPath));
            LOG.debug("Merge Job finished:" + result);
        List<TableName> tableList = toTableNameList(processedTableList);
        finishedTables = true;

        // PHASE 2 (modification of a backup file system)
        // Move existing mergedBackupId data into tmp directory
        // we will need it later in case of a failure
        Path tmpBackupDir = HBackupFileSystem.getBackupTmpDirPathForBackupId(backupRoot, mergedBackupId);
        Path backupDirPath = HBackupFileSystem.getBackupPath(backupRoot, mergedBackupId);

        if (!fs.rename(backupDirPath, tmpBackupDir)) {
            throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + backupDirPath + " to " + tmpBackupDir);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Renamed " + backupDirPath + " to " + tmpBackupDir);
        // Move new data into backup dest
        for (Pair<TableName, Path> tn : processedTableList) {
            moveData(fs, backupRoot, tn.getSecond(), tn.getFirst(), mergedBackupId);
        // Update backup manifest
        List<String> backupsToDelete = getBackupIdsToDelete(backupIds, mergedBackupId);
        updateBackupManifest(tmpBackupDir.getParent().toString(), mergedBackupId, backupsToDelete);
        // Copy meta files back from tmp to backup dir
        copyMetaData(fs, tmpBackupDir, backupDirPath);
        // Delete tmp dir (Rename back during repair)
        if (!fs.delete(tmpBackupDir, true)) {
            // WARN and ignore
            LOG.warn("Could not delete tmp dir: " + tmpBackupDir);
        // Delete old data
        deleteBackupImages(backupsToDelete, conn, fs, backupRoot);
        // Finish merge session
        // Release lock
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {

        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error(e.toString(), e);
        if (!finishedTables) {
            // cleanup bulk directories and finish merge
            // merge MUST be repeated (no need for repair)
            cleanupBulkLoadDirs(fs, toPathList(processedTableList));
            throw new IOException("Backup merge operation failed, you should try it again", e);
        } else {
            // backup repair must be run
            throw new IOException(
                    "Backup merge operation failed, run backup repair tool to restore system's integrity", e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.dancres.blitz.jini.lockmgr.VotingAdapter.java

 * This method performs voting on the specific decree between all
 * local voteListeners./* w  w w.jav  a 2 s . c  o m*/
public VoteResult localVote(Object decree) {

    VoteResult voteResult = new VoteResult();

    for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
        VotingListener listener = listeners[i];

        try {
        } catch (VoteException vex) {
            // do nothing here.
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {

            if (log.isErrorEnabled())

            // if we are here, then listener 
            // had thrown a RuntimeException
            return new FailureVoteResult(ex.getMessage());

    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("Voting on decree " + decree.toString() + " : " + voteResult.toString());

    return voteResult;

From source file:org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator.java

 * Implementations that call into the different versions of getNext are often
 * identical, differing only in the signature of the getNext() call they make.
 * This method allows to cut down on some of the copy-and-paste.
 * @param dataType Describes the type of obj; a byte from DataType.
 * @return result Result of applying this Operator to the Object.
 * @throws ExecException//from   w w  w. j av a  2  s  . c  o  m
public Result getNext(byte dataType) throws ExecException {
    try {
        switch (dataType) {
        case DataType.BAG:
            return getNextDataBag();
        case DataType.BOOLEAN:
            return getNextBoolean();
        case DataType.BYTEARRAY:
            return getNextDataByteArray();
        case DataType.CHARARRAY:
            return getNextString();
        case DataType.DOUBLE:
            return getNextDouble();
        case DataType.FLOAT:
            return getNextFloat();
        case DataType.INTEGER:
            return getNextInteger();
        case DataType.LONG:
            return getNextLong();
        case DataType.BIGINTEGER:
            return getNextBigInteger();
        case DataType.BIGDECIMAL:
            return getNextBigDecimal();
        case DataType.DATETIME:
            return getNextDateTime();
        case DataType.MAP:
            return getNextMap();
        case DataType.TUPLE:
            return getNextTuple();
            throw new ExecException("Unsupported type for getNext: " + DataType.findTypeName(dataType));
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        throw new ExecException("Exception while executing " + this.toString() + ": " + e.toString(), e);

From source file:org.kuali.kfs.module.purap.service.PurapAccountingServiceTest.java

@ConfigureContext(session = appleton, shouldCommitTransactions = true)
public void testGenerateAccountDistributionForProrationWithZeroTotal_OneAcct() {
    PurapAccountingServiceFixture fixture = PurapAccountingServiceFixture.PREQ_PRORATION_ONE_ACCOUNT_ZERO_TOTAL;
    PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument preq = fixture.generatePaymentRequestDocument_OneItem();
    List<PurApAccountingLine> distributedAccounts = null;
    try {//w ww.j  a va 2  s.co m
        distributedAccounts = purapAccountingService.generateAccountDistributionForProrationWithZeroTotal(preq);
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
    List<BigDecimal> correctPercents = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
    correctPercents.add(0, new BigDecimal("100"));
    assertEquals(distributedAccounts.size(), correctPercents.size());
    comparePercentages(distributedAccounts, correctPercents);

From source file:org.kuali.kfs.module.purap.service.PurapAccountingServiceTest.java

@ConfigureContext(session = appleton, shouldCommitTransactions = true)
public void testGenerateAccountDistributionForProrationWithZeroTotal_TwoAcct() {
    PurapAccountingServiceFixture fixture = PurapAccountingServiceFixture.PREQ_PRORATION_TWO_ACCOUNTS_ZERO_TOTAL;
    PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument preq = fixture.generatePaymentRequestDocument_OneItem();
    List<PurApAccountingLine> distributedAccounts = null;
    try {/*from  w  w w  . java 2  s .  c o  m*/
        distributedAccounts = purapAccountingService.generateAccountDistributionForProrationWithZeroTotal(preq);
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
    List<BigDecimal> correctPercents = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
    correctPercents.add(0, new BigDecimal("50"));
    correctPercents.add(1, new BigDecimal("50"));
    assertEquals(distributedAccounts.size(), correctPercents.size());
    comparePercentages(distributedAccounts, correctPercents);

From source file:org.kuali.kfs.module.purap.service.PurapAccountingServiceTest.java

@ConfigureContext(session = appleton, shouldCommitTransactions = true)
public void testGenerateAccountDistributionForProrationWithZeroTotal_ThreeAccount() {
    PurapAccountingServiceFixture fixture = PurapAccountingServiceFixture.PREQ_PRORATION_THIRDS_ZERO_TOTAL;
    PurchasingAccountsPayableDocument preq = fixture.generatePaymentRequestDocument_OneItem();
    List<PurApAccountingLine> distributedAccounts = null;
    try {/*from  w ww  . j a  v  a2  s  .c o  m*/
        distributedAccounts = purapAccountingService.generateAccountDistributionForProrationWithZeroTotal(preq);
    } catch (RuntimeException re) {
    List<BigDecimal> correctPercents = new ArrayList<BigDecimal>();
    correctPercents.add(0, new BigDecimal("33.33"));
    correctPercents.add(1, new BigDecimal("33.33"));
    correctPercents.add(2, new BigDecimal("33.34"));
    assertEquals(distributedAccounts.size(), correctPercents.size());
    comparePercentages(distributedAccounts, correctPercents);

From source file:org.nuxeo.runtime.model.impl.RegistrationInfoImpl.java

protected ComponentInstance createComponentInstance() {
    try {/*w  w  w.j  av  a2 s  .  c  o  m*/
        return new ComponentInstanceImpl(this);
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        String msg = "Failed to instantiate component: " + implementation;
        log.error(msg, e);
        msg += " (" + e.toString() + ')';
        throw e;

From source file:org.commonjava.cartographer.graph.spi.neo4j.FileNeo4jConnectionFactory.java

public synchronized RelationshipGraphConnection openConnection(final String workspaceId, final boolean create)
        throws RelationshipGraphConnectionException {
    final File db = new File(dbBaseDirectory, workspaceId);
    if (!db.exists()) {
        if (!create) {
            throw new RelationshipGraphConnectionException("Workspace does not exist: %s.", workspaceId);
        } else if (!db.mkdirs()) {
            throw new RelationshipGraphConnectionException(
                    "Failed to create workspace directory for: %s. (dir: %s)", workspaceId, db);
        }//from  www. j  a v a2s . c o  m
        //            try
        //            {
        //                Thread.sleep( 20 );
        //            }
        //            catch ( final InterruptedException e )
        //            {
        //                Thread.currentThread()
        //                      .interrupt();
        //                return null;
        //            }

    FileNeo4JGraphConnection conn = openConnections.get(workspaceId);
    if (conn == null || !conn.isOpen()) {
        conn = null;
        int attempt = 0;

        while (conn == null) {
            try {
                conn = new FileNeo4JGraphConnection(workspaceId, db, useShutdownHook, storageBatchSize, this);
            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                if (ex.getCause() instanceof LifecycleException
                        && ex.getCause().getCause() instanceof StoreLockException
                        && ex.getCause().getCause().getCause() instanceof OverlappingFileLockException
                        && attempt < 3) {
                    logger.warn("Tried to connect to DB which is not closed (yet). {} Retrying in 5s.",
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ez) {
                        logger.error("The wait delay was interrupted.", ex);
                } else {
                    throw ex;

        openConnections.put(workspaceId, conn);

    return conn;

From source file:com.versacomllc.audit.network.sync.SyncAdapter.java

 * Called by the Android system in response to a request to run the sync
 * adapter. The work required to read data from the network, parse it, and
 * store it in the content provider is done here. Extending
 * AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter ensures that all methods within SyncAdapter
 * run on a background thread. For this reason, blocking I/O and other
 * long-running tasks can be run <em>in situ</em>, and you don't have to set
 * up a separate thread for them. ./*from  www  .j  a va 2  s.c  o  m*/
 * <p>
 * This is where we actually perform any work required to perform a sync.
 * {@link AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter} guarantees that this will be called
 * on a non-UI thread, so it is safe to peform blocking I/O here.
 * <p>
 * The syncResult argument allows you to pass information back to the method
 * that triggered the sync.
public void onPerformSync(Account account, Bundle extras, String authority, ContentProviderClient provider,
        SyncResult syncResult) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Beginning network synchronization");
    try {

        Log.i(TAG, "Streaming data from network: ");

        /** Should sync when Internet connection is available */
        if (Utils.isOnline(getContext())) {

            // Sync customer

            // Add stie work types






    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Error updating database: " + e.toString());
        syncResult.databaseError = true;
    Log.i(TAG, "Network synchronization complete");