Example usage for java.lang Module subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang Module subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Module subclass-usage.


From source file org.marketcetera.client.ClientModule.java

 * The module that sends orders to ORS and emits reports
 * received from ORS.
 * <p>
 * The module only accepts data of following types
 * <ul>

From source file com.ninjas.movietime.conf.vendor.jackson.GuavaExtrasModule.java

public class GuavaExtrasModule extends Module {

    private static class CacheBuilderSpecDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<CacheBuilderSpec> {
        public CacheBuilderSpec deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
            final String text = jp.getText();

From source file org.marketcetera.modules.csv.CSVEmitter.java

 * A module that emits data contained in a CSV file as a series of maps,
 * each instance containing a row of data. The first row of data is
 * assumed to contain the column names. Each Map instance has the
 * column name as the key and the value in the column as data.
 * Each map instance has as many entries as the number of header columns.

From source file com.ninjas.movietime.conf.vendor.jackson.FuzzyEnumModule.java

 * A module for deserializing enums that is more permissive than the default.
 * <p/>
 * This deserializer is more permissive in the following ways:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Whitespace is permitted but stripped from the input.</li>

From source file net.dmulloy2.swornrpg.modules.MobKills.java

 * @author dmulloy2

public class MobKills extends Module {
    private int xpGain;

From source file org.jongo.json.JsonModule.java

public class JsonModule extends Module {

    public String getModuleName() {
        return "JongoModule";

From source file com.kantenkugel.discordbot.modules.AutoRespond.java

public class AutoRespond extends Module {
    private static final Pattern addPattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\w+)\\s\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\s(.+)$");
    private final Map<String, Pair<Set<String>, String>> responses = new HashMap<>(); //name ->
    private final Set<String> channels = new HashSet<>();
    private ServerConfig servercfg;

From source file org.sonar.batch.bootstrap.BootstrapModule.java

 * Level 1 components
public class BootstrapModule extends Module {

    private Object[] boostrapperComponents;

From source file org.jspresso.framework.application.model.BeanModule.java

 * This type of module keeps a reference on a single bean. There is no
 * assumption made on whether this bean is actually a persistent entity or any
 * other type of java bean.
 * <p>
 * Bean modules must have their referenced bean initialized somehow. So it's

From source file org.sonar.batch.ProjectModule.java

public class ProjectModule extends Module {

    private final ProjectDefinition projectDefinition;
    private final Project project;

    public ProjectModule(ProjectDefinition projectDefinition) {