Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Michael Ritter (Kantenkugel) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.kantenkugel.discordbot.modules; import com.kantenkugel.discordbot.Statics; import com.kantenkugel.discordbot.commands.Command; import com.kantenkugel.discordbot.commands.CommandWrapper; import com.kantenkugel.discordbot.config.ServerConfig; import com.kantenkugel.discordbot.listener.MessageEvent; import com.kantenkugel.discordbot.util.MessageUtil; import net.dv8tion.jda.JDA; import net.dv8tion.jda.entities.TextChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.utils.SimpleLog; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class AutoRespond extends Module { private static final Pattern addPattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\w+)\\s\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\s(.+)$"); private final Map<String, Pair<Set<String>, String>> responses = new HashMap<>(); //name -> private final Set<String> channels = new HashSet<>(); private ServerConfig servercfg; private static final SimpleLog respondLog = SimpleLog.getLog("Responder"); @Override public String getName() { return "responder"; } @Override public boolean availableInPms() { return false; } @Override public void init(JDA jda, ServerConfig cfg) { this.servercfg = cfg; } @Override public void configure(String cfgString, MessageEvent event, ServerConfig cfg) { MessageUtil.reply(event, cfg, intConfig(cfgString, cfg, event)); } @Override public Map<String, Command> getCommands() { HashMap<String, Command> commands = new HashMap<>(); commands.put("responder", new CommandWrapper("Used to configure the responder module.", (e, cfg) -> { String[] args = MessageUtil.getArgs(e, cfg, 2); MessageUtil.reply(e, cfg, intConfig(args.length == 1 ? null : args[1], cfg, e)); }).acceptPrivate(false).acceptPriv(Command.Priv.MOD)); return commands; } @Override public JSONObject toJson() { JSONArray r = new JSONArray(); responses.entrySet().forEach(e -> { JSONArray keys = new JSONArray(); e.getValue().getKey().forEach(keys::put); r.put(new JSONObject().put("name", e.getKey()).put("keys", keys).put("response", e.getValue().getValue())); }); JSONArray channels = new JSONArray(); this.channels.forEach(channels::put); return new JSONObject().put("channels", channels).put("responses", r); } @Override public void fromJson(JSONObject cfg) { if (!cfg.has("channels")) { cfg.put("channels", new JSONArray()); } if (!cfg.has("responses")) { cfg.put("responses", new JSONArray()); } channels.clear(); JSONArray arr = cfg.getJSONArray("channels"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { channels.add(arr.getString(i)); } responses.clear(); arr = cfg.getJSONArray("responses"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = arr.getJSONObject(i); Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(); JSONArray keyarr = obj.getJSONArray("keys"); for (int j = 0; j < keyarr.length(); j++) { keys.add(keyarr.getString(j)); } responses.put(obj.getString("name"), new ImmutablePair<>(keys, obj.getString("response"))); } } @Override public boolean handle(MessageEvent event, ServerConfig cfg) { if (event.isEdit() || event.getAuthor() == event.getJDA().getSelfInfo() || (!channels.isEmpty() && !channels.contains(event.getTextChannel().getId())) || event.getContent().startsWith(servercfg.getPrefix())) { return false; } String content = event.getContent().toLowerCase(); Optional<String> response = responses.values().parallelStream() .filter(r -> r.getLeft().parallelStream().allMatch(k -> { int i = content.indexOf(k); return i >= 0 //exists && (i == 0 || content.charAt(i - 1) == ' ') //at beginning or after space && (i + k.length() == content.length() //et end or no alphanumeric || !Character.isLetterOrDigit(content.charAt(i + k.length()))); })).map(Pair::getRight).findAny(); if (response.isPresent()) {"[%s][%s] %s: %s\n\t->%s", event.getGuild().getName(), event.getTextChannel().getName(), event.getAuthor().getUsername(), event.getContent(), response.get())); MessageUtil.replySync(event, cfg, response.get()); } return false; } private String intConfig(String cfgString, ServerConfig cfg, MessageEvent event) { if (cfgString == null) { return getUsage(); } String[] split = cfgString.split("\\s+", 2); if (split.length < 2) { return getUsage(); } switch (split[0].toLowerCase()) { case "add": Matcher matcher = addPattern.matcher(split[1]); if (matcher.matches() && > 0) { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(); Collections.addAll(keys,"\\s+")); responses.put(, new ImmutablePair<>(keys,;; return "Response " + + " added."; } break; case "remove": case "del": if (responses.containsKey(split[1].toLowerCase())) { responses.remove(split[1].toLowerCase());; return "Response " + split[1].toLowerCase() + " removed."; } else { return "Response " + split[1].toLowerCase() + " not found!"; } case "channels": String[] split2 = split[1].split("\\s+", 2); if (split2.length == 2) { switch (split2[0].toLowerCase()) { case "add": if (event.getMessage().getMentionedChannels().size() > 0) { event.getMessage().getMentionedChannels().forEach(c -> channels.add(c.getId()));; return "Channel(s) added."; } Optional<TextChannel> any = event.getGuild().getTextChannels().parallelStream() .filter(tc -> tc.getName().equals(split2[1])).findAny(); if (any.isPresent()) { channels.add(any.get().getId());; return "Channel " + split2[1] + " added."; } else { return "Channel " + split2[1] + " not found!"; } case "del": case "remove": if (event.getMessage().getMentionedChannels().size() > 0) { event.getMessage().getMentionedChannels().forEach(c -> channels.remove(c.getId()));; return "Channel(s) removed."; } Optional<TextChannel> any2 = event.getGuild().getTextChannels().parallelStream() .filter(tc -> tc.getName().equals(split2[1])).findAny(); if (any2.isPresent()) { if (channels.contains(any2.get().getId())) { channels.remove(any2.get().getId());; return "Channel " + split2[1] + " removed."; } else { return "Channel " + split2[1] + " was not added!"; } } else { return "Channel " + split2[1] + " not found!"; } } } break; } return getUsage(); } private String getUsage() { return "**Usage:**\n`add NAME [WORD WORD ...] RESPONSE` (include brackets)\n**Or:**\n`remove NAME`\n**Or:**\n`channels add/remove CHANNEL [CHANNEL ...]`\n\n" + "Registered: " + (responses.isEmpty() ? "None!" : StringUtils.join(responses.keySet(), ", ")) + "\nChannels: " + (channels.isEmpty() ? "All" : .map(id -> Statics.jdaInstance.getTextChannelById(id) == null ? null : Statics.jdaInstance.getTextChannelById(id).getName()) .filter(s -> s != null).reduce((s1, s2) -> s1 + ", " + s2).get()); } }