Example usage for java.lang Math signum

List of usage examples for java.lang Math signum


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math signum.


public static float signum(float f) 

Source Link


Returns the signum function of the argument; zero if the argument is zero, 1.0f if the argument is greater than zero, -1.0f if the argument is less than zero.


From source file:de.christianseipl.utilities.maputils.MapMath.java

 * Erzeugt eine neue Map mit den Vorzeichen der Ursprungsmap.
 * /* www  . j  a v  a2 s. c om*/
 * @see Math#signum(double)
 * @param <K> ein beliebiger Objekttyp
 * @param _map Die Ursprungsmap
 * @return Eine neue Map mit den Absolutwerten 
public static <K> Map<K, Double> signum(Map<? extends K, ? extends Number> _map) {
    return operateOnMap(_map, new NumberTransformer<K, Double>() {

        public Double transform(K _key, Number _number) {
            return Math.signum(_number.doubleValue());


From source file:io.github.malapert.jwcs.JWcs.java

 * Computes CD matrix from CDELT[] and CROTA.
 * The computation is realized as follows:
 * <pre>// w  w w . j  a va  2 s  . c  o  m
 *   cos0 = cos(crota)
 *   sin0 = sin(crota)
 *   cd11 = cdelt1 * cos0
 *   cd12 = abs(cdelt2) * signum(cdelt1) * sin0
 *   cd21 = -abs(cdelt1) * signum(cdelt2) * sin0;
 *   cd22 = cdelt2 * cos0;
 * </pre>
 * @param cdelt increment of position
 * @param crota rotation
 * @return the cd matrix as array
protected static final double[][] computeCdFromCdelt(double[] cdelt, double crota) {
    final double cos0 = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(crota));
    final double sin0 = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(crota));
    double cd11 = cdelt[0] * cos0;
    double cd12 = Math.abs(cdelt[1]) * Math.signum(cdelt[0]) * sin0;
    double cd21 = -Math.abs(cdelt[0]) * Math.signum(cdelt[1]) * sin0;
    double cd22 = cdelt[1] * cos0;
    double[][] array = { { cd11, cd12 }, { cd21, cd22 } };
    return array;

From source file:org.vast.stt.provider.tiling.TiledMapProvider.java

protected double yToLat(double y) {
    double lat = 0;
    if (Math.abs(y) < Math.PI - (1e-4))
        //lat = 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(y)) - Math.PI/2;
        lat = Math.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-y));
    else/*from ww w.  j a  v  a2s.co m*/
        lat = Math.signum(y) * Math.PI / 2;

    return lat;

From source file:com.facebook.presto.operator.scalar.MathFunctions.java

@Description("round to integer by dropping digits after decimal point")
@ScalarFunction//from   w  ww . ja  v  a 2  s.  c  o m
public static long truncate(@SqlType(StandardTypes.REAL) long num) {
    float numInFloat = intBitsToFloat((int) num);
    return floatToRawIntBits((float) (Math.signum(numInFloat) * Math.floor(Math.abs(numInFloat))));

From source file:org.apache.sysml.runtime.functionobjects.Builtin.java

public double execute(double in) throws DMLRuntimeException {
    switch (bFunc) {
    case SIN:/*from www . java  2s.c  o m*/
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.sin(in) : Math.sin(in);
    case COS:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.cos(in) : Math.cos(in);
    case TAN:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.tan(in) : Math.tan(in);
    case ASIN:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.asin(in) : Math.asin(in);
    case ACOS:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.acos(in) : Math.acos(in);
    case ATAN:
        return Math.atan(in); //faster in Math
    case CEIL:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.ceil(in) : Math.ceil(in);
    case FLOOR:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.floor(in) : Math.floor(in);
    case LOG:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in);
    case LOG_NZ:
        return (in == 0) ? 0 : FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in);
    case ABS:
        return Math.abs(in); //no need for FastMath         
    case SIGN:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.signum(in) : Math.signum(in);
    case SQRT:
        return Math.sqrt(in); //faster in Math      
    case EXP:
        return FASTMATH ? FastMath.exp(in) : Math.exp(in);
    case ROUND:
        return Math.round(in); //no need for FastMath

    case PLOGP:
        if (in == 0.0)
            return 0.0;
        else if (in < 0)
            return Double.NaN;
            return (in * (FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in)));

    case SPROP:
        //sample proportion: P*(1-P)
        return in * (1 - in);

    case SIGMOID:
        //sigmoid: 1/(1+exp(-x))
        return FASTMATH ? 1 / (1 + FastMath.exp(-in)) : 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-in));

    case SELP:
        //select positive: x*(x>0)
        return (in > 0) ? in : 0;

        throw new DMLRuntimeException("Builtin.execute(): Unknown operation: " + bFunc);

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.math.interpolation.MonotonicityPreservingQuinticSplineInterpolator.java

 * First derivatives are modified such that cubic interpolant has the same sign as linear interpolator 
 * @param yValues /*from  ww w. ja v a2  s  .c  om*/
 * @param intervals 
 * @param slopes 
 * @param initialFirst 
 * @return first derivative 
private double[] firstDerivativeCalculator(final double[] yValues, final double[] intervals,
        final double[] slopes, final double[] initialFirst) {
    final int nDataPts = yValues.length;
    double[] res = new double[nDataPts];

    res[0] = Math.max(Math.min(Math.max(0., initialFirst[0]), 5. * Math.abs(slopes[0])),
            -5. * Math.abs(slopes[0]));
    res[nDataPts - 1] = Math.max(
            Math.min(Math.max(0., initialFirst[nDataPts - 2]), 5. * Math.abs(slopes[nDataPts - 2])),
            -5. * Math.abs(slopes[nDataPts - 2]));
    for (int i = 1; i < nDataPts - 1; ++i) {
        final double sigma = slopes[i - 1] * slopes[i] < 0 ? Math.signum(initialFirst[i]) : 0.;
        if (sigma >= 0.) {
            res[i] = Math.min(Math.max(0., initialFirst[i]),
                    5. * Math.min(Math.abs(slopes[i - 1]), Math.abs(slopes[i])));
        } else {
            res[i] = Math.max(Math.min(0., initialFirst[i]),
                    -5. * Math.min(Math.abs(slopes[i - 1]), Math.abs(slopes[i])));

    return res;

From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.interestrate.swaption.method.SwaptionPhysicalFixedIborLMMDDMethod.java

 * Computes the present value sensitivity to LMM parameters of the Physical delivery swaption.
 * @param swaption The swaption./*ww w  . j a v a 2s . com*/
 * @param lmmBundle The LMM parameters and the curves.
 * @return The present value.
public double[][] presentValueLMMSensitivity(final SwaptionPhysicalFixedIbor swaption,
        final LiborMarketModelDisplacedDiffusionDataBundle lmmBundle) {
    // 1. Swaption CFE preparation
    AnnuityPaymentFixed cfe = CFEC.visit(swaption.getUnderlyingSwap(), lmmBundle);
    YieldAndDiscountCurve dsc = lmmBundle.getCurve(cfe.getDiscountCurve());
    int nbCFInit = cfe.getNumberOfPayments();
    double multFact = Math.signum(cfe.getNthPayment(0).getAmount());
    boolean isCall = (cfe.getNthPayment(0).getAmount() < 0);
    double[] cftInit = new double[nbCFInit];
    double[] cfaInit = new double[nbCFInit];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCFInit; loopcf++) {
        cftInit[loopcf] = cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getPaymentTime();
        cfaInit[loopcf] = cfe.getNthPayment(loopcf).getAmount() * -multFact;
    double timeToExpiry = swaption.getTimeToExpiry();
    // 2. Model data
    int nbFactor = lmmBundle.getLmmParameter().getNbFactor();
    double[][] volLMM = lmmBundle.getLmmParameter().getVolatility();
    double[] timeLMM = lmmBundle.getLmmParameter().getIborTime();
    // 3. Link cfe dates to lmm
    int[] indCFDate = new int[nbCFInit];
    int indStart = nbCFInit - 1;
    int indEnd = 0;
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCFInit; loopcf++) {
        indCFDate[loopcf] = Arrays.binarySearch(timeLMM, cftInit[loopcf]);
        if (indCFDate[loopcf] < 0) {
            if (timeLMM[-indCFDate[loopcf] - 1] - cftInit[loopcf] < TIME_TOLERANCE) {
                indCFDate[loopcf] = -indCFDate[loopcf] - 1;
            } else {
                if (cftInit[loopcf] - timeLMM[-indCFDate[loopcf] - 2] < TIME_TOLERANCE) {
                    indCFDate[loopcf] = -indCFDate[loopcf] - 2;
                } else {
                    Validate.isTrue(true, "Instrument time incompatible with LMM");
        if (indCFDate[loopcf] < indStart) {
            indStart = indCFDate[loopcf];
        if (indCFDate[loopcf] > indEnd) {
            indEnd = indCFDate[loopcf];
    int nbCF = indEnd - indStart + 1;
    double[] cfa = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCFInit; loopcf++) {
        cfa[indCFDate[loopcf] - indStart] = cfaInit[loopcf];
    double[] cft = new double[nbCF];
    System.arraycopy(timeLMM, indStart, cft, 0, nbCF);

    double[] dfLMM = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        dfLMM[loopcf] = dsc.getDiscountFactor(cft[loopcf]);
    double[][] gammaLMM = new double[nbCF - 1][nbFactor];
    double[] deltaLMM = new double[nbCF - 1];
    System.arraycopy(lmmBundle.getLmmParameter().getAccrualFactor(), indStart, deltaLMM, 0, nbCF - 1);
    double[] aLMM = new double[nbCF - 1];
    System.arraycopy(lmmBundle.getLmmParameter().getDisplacement(), indStart, aLMM, 0, nbCF - 1);
    double[] liborLMM = new double[nbCF - 1];
    double amr = lmmBundle.getLmmParameter().getMeanReversion();
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        gammaLMM[loopcf] = volLMM[indStart + loopcf];
        liborLMM[loopcf] = (dfLMM[loopcf] / dfLMM[loopcf + 1] - 1.0d) / deltaLMM[loopcf];
    // TODO: 4. cfe modification (for roller coasters)
    double[] cfaMod = new double[nbCF + 1];
    double cfaMod0 = cfa[0];
    cfaMod[0] = cfaMod0; // modified strike
    cfaMod[1] = 0.0;
    System.arraycopy(cfa, 1, cfaMod, 2, nbCF - 1);
    // 5. Pricing algorithm
    double[] p0 = new double[nbCF];
    double[] dP = new double[nbCF];
    double b0 = 0;
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        p0[loopcf] = dfLMM[loopcf] / dfLMM[0];
        dP[loopcf] = cfaMod[loopcf + 1] * p0[loopcf];
        b0 += dP[loopcf];
    double bK = -cfaMod0;
    double bM = (b0 + bK) / 2.0d;
    double[] rate0Ratio = new double[nbCF - 1];
    double[][] mu0 = new double[nbCF - 1][nbFactor];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        rate0Ratio[loopcf] = (liborLMM[loopcf] + aLMM[loopcf]) / (liborLMM[loopcf] + 1 / deltaLMM[loopcf]);
    for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
        mu0[0][loopfact] = rate0Ratio[0] * gammaLMM[0][loopfact];
    for (int loopcf = 1; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            mu0[loopcf][loopfact] = mu0[loopcf - 1][loopfact] + rate0Ratio[loopcf] * gammaLMM[loopcf][loopfact];
    double meanReversionImpact = (Math.exp(2.0d * amr * timeToExpiry) - 1.0d) / (2.0d * amr);
    double[] tau = new double[nbCF];
    double[] tau2 = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            tau2[loopcf + 1] += mu0[loopcf][loopfact] * mu0[loopcf][loopfact];
        tau2[loopcf + 1] = tau2[loopcf + 1] * meanReversionImpact;
        tau[loopcf + 1] = Math.sqrt(tau2[loopcf + 1]);
    double sumNum = -bM;
    double sumDen = 0;
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        sumNum += dP[loopcf] - dP[loopcf] * tau2[loopcf] / 2.0;
        sumDen += dP[loopcf] * tau[loopcf];
    double xBar = sumNum / sumDen;
    double[] pM = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        pM[loopcf] = p0[loopcf] * (1 - xBar * tau[loopcf] - tau2[loopcf] / 2.0);
    double[] liborM = new double[nbCF - 1];
    double[] alphaM = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        liborM[loopcf] = (pM[loopcf] / pM[loopcf + 1] - 1.0d) / deltaLMM[loopcf];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        alphaM[loopcf] = cfaMod[loopcf + 1] * pM[loopcf] / bM;
    double[] rateMRatio = new double[nbCF - 1];
    double[][] muM = new double[nbCF - 1][nbFactor];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        rateMRatio[loopcf] = (liborM[loopcf] + aLMM[loopcf]) / (liborM[loopcf] + 1 / deltaLMM[loopcf]);
    for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
        muM[0][loopfact] = rateMRatio[0] * gammaLMM[0][loopfact];
    for (int loopcf = 1; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            muM[loopcf][loopfact] = muM[loopcf - 1][loopfact] + rateMRatio[loopcf] * gammaLMM[loopcf][loopfact];
    double normSigmaM = 0;
    double[] sigmaM = new double[nbFactor];
    for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
        for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
            sigmaM[loopfact] += alphaM[loopcf + 1] * muM[loopcf][loopfact];
        normSigmaM += sigmaM[loopfact] * sigmaM[loopfact];
    double impliedBlackVol = Math.sqrt(normSigmaM * meanReversionImpact);
    EuropeanVanillaOption option = new EuropeanVanillaOption(bK, 1, isCall);
    final BlackPriceFunction blackFunction = new BlackPriceFunction();
    final BlackFunctionData dataBlack = new BlackFunctionData(b0, 1.0, impliedBlackVol);
    double[] blkAdjoint = blackFunction.getPriceAdjoint(option, dataBlack);
    // Backward sweep
    double pvBar = 1.0;
    double impliedBlackVolBar = dfLMM[0] * blkAdjoint[2] * pvBar;
    double normSigmaMBar = meanReversionImpact / (2.0 * impliedBlackVol) * impliedBlackVolBar;
    double[] sigmaMBar = new double[nbFactor];
    for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
        sigmaMBar[loopfact] = 2 * sigmaM[loopfact] * normSigmaMBar;

    double[][] muMBar = new double[nbCF - 1][nbFactor];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            muMBar[loopcf][loopfact] = alphaM[loopcf + 1] * sigmaMBar[loopfact];
    for (int loopcf = nbCF - 3; loopcf >= 0; loopcf--) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            muMBar[loopcf][loopfact] += muMBar[loopcf + 1][loopfact];

    double[] rateMRatioBar = new double[nbCF - 1];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            rateMRatioBar[loopcf] += gammaLMM[loopcf][loopfact] * muMBar[loopcf][loopfact];

    double[] alphaMBar = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
        for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
            alphaMBar[loopcf + 1] += muM[loopcf][loopfact] * sigmaMBar[loopfact];

    double[] liborMBar = new double[nbCF - 1];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        liborMBar[loopcf] = ((liborM[loopcf] + 1 / deltaLMM[loopcf]) - (liborM[loopcf] + aLMM[loopcf]))
                / ((liborM[loopcf] + 1 / deltaLMM[loopcf]) * (liborM[loopcf] + 1 / deltaLMM[loopcf]))
                * rateMRatioBar[loopcf];

    double[] pMBar = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        pMBar[loopcf] += 1.0 / pM[loopcf + 1] / deltaLMM[loopcf] * liborMBar[loopcf];
        pMBar[loopcf + 1] += -pM[loopcf] / (pM[loopcf + 1] * pM[loopcf + 1]) / deltaLMM[loopcf]
                * liborMBar[loopcf];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        pMBar[loopcf] += cfaMod[loopcf + 1] / bM * alphaMBar[loopcf];

    double xBarBar = 0.0;
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        xBarBar += -p0[loopcf] * tau[loopcf] * pMBar[loopcf];
    double sumNumBar = 1.0 / sumDen * xBarBar;
    double sumDenBar = -sumNum / (sumDen * sumDen) * xBarBar;
    double[] tauBar = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        tauBar[loopcf] = -p0[loopcf] * xBar * pMBar[loopcf];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        tauBar[loopcf] += dP[loopcf] * sumDenBar;
    double[] tau2Bar = new double[nbCF];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        tau2Bar[loopcf] = -p0[loopcf] / 2.0 * pMBar[loopcf];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF; loopcf++) {
        tau2Bar[loopcf] += -dP[loopcf] / 2.0 * sumNumBar;
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        tau2Bar[loopcf + 1] += 1 / 2.0 / tau[loopcf + 1] * tauBar[loopcf + 1];
    double[][] mu0Bar = new double[nbCF - 1][nbFactor];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            mu0Bar[loopcf][loopfact] = 2.0 * mu0[loopcf][loopfact] * meanReversionImpact * tau2Bar[loopcf + 1];
    for (int loopcf = nbCF - 3; loopcf >= 0; loopcf--) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            mu0Bar[loopcf][loopfact] += mu0Bar[loopcf + 1][loopfact];
    double[][] gammaLMMBar = new double[nbCF - 1][nbFactor];
    for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
        gammaLMMBar[0][loopfact] = rateMRatio[0] * muMBar[0][loopfact];
    for (int loopcf = 1; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            gammaLMMBar[loopcf][loopfact] += rateMRatio[loopcf] * muMBar[loopcf][loopfact];
    for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
        gammaLMMBar[0][loopfact] += rate0Ratio[0] * mu0Bar[0][loopfact];
    for (int loopcf = 1; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        for (int loopfact = 0; loopfact < nbFactor; loopfact++) {
            gammaLMMBar[loopcf][loopfact] += rate0Ratio[loopcf] * mu0Bar[loopcf][loopfact];
    double[][] volLMMBar = new double[volLMM.length][nbFactor];
    for (int loopcf = 0; loopcf < nbCF - 1; loopcf++) {
        volLMMBar[indStart + loopcf] = gammaLMMBar[loopcf];

    return volLMMBar;

From source file:org.shaman.terrain.polygonal.GraphToHeightmap.java

private void calculateBaseElevation() {
    //assign elevation to oceans
    for (Graph.Corner c : graph.corners) {
        if (c.ocean) {
            c.elevation = -1;/*from ww  w.  j  av a  2s .c o m*/
    Queue<Graph.Corner> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
    for (Graph.Corner c : graph.corners) {
        if (c.coast) {
    while (!q.isEmpty()) {
        Graph.Corner c = q.poll();
        for (Graph.Corner r : c.adjacent) {
            float h = Math.max(-1, c.elevation - 0.2f);
            if (r.ocean && r.elevation < h) {
                r.elevation = h;
    Geometry geom = createElevationGeometry();
    Heightmap tmp = new Heightmap(size);
    render(tmp.getRawData(), geom, ColorRGBA.Black, -1, 1);
    for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
            float h = tmp.getHeightAt(x, y);
            h = (float) (Math.signum(h) * Math.pow(Math.abs(h), HEIGHT_SCALING));
            tmp.setHeightAt(x, y, h);
    Noise distortionNoise = new Noise(rand.nextLong());
    for (int x = 0; x < size; ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y < size; ++y) {
            float s = x / (float) size;
            float t = y / (float) size;
            float ss = (float) (s + DISTORTION_AMPLITUDE * 2
                    * distortionNoise.noise(s * DISTORTION_FREQUENCY, t * DISTORTION_FREQUENCY, 0));
            float tt = (float) (t + DISTORTION_AMPLITUDE * 2
                    * distortionNoise.noise(s * DISTORTION_FREQUENCY, t * DISTORTION_FREQUENCY, 3.4));
            float v = tmp.getHeightInterpolating(ss * size, tt * size);
            heightmap.setHeightAt(x, y, v);
    for (int i = 0; i < SMOOTHING_STEPS; ++i) {
    //reset height
    for (Graph.Corner c : graph.corners) {
        if (c.ocean) {
            c.elevation = 0;
    LOG.info("base elevation assigned");

From source file:org.opencastproject.dataloader.EventsLoader.java

private List<EventEntry> parseCSV(CSVParser csv) {
    List<EventEntry> arrayList = new ArrayList<EventEntry>();
    for (CSVRecord record : csv) {
        String title = record.get(0);
        String description = StringUtils.trimToNull(record.get(1));
        String series = StringUtils.trimToNull(record.get(2));
        String seriesName = StringUtils.trimToNull(record.get(3));

        Integer days = Integer.parseInt(record.get(4));
        float signum = Math.signum(days);
        DateTime now = DateTime.now();//from   ww  w  . ja va 2  s. co  m
        if (signum > 0) {
            now = now.plusDays(days);
        } else if (signum < 0) {
            now = now.minusDays(days * -1);

        Integer duration = Integer.parseInt(record.get(5));
        boolean archive = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(record.get(6));
        String agent = StringUtils.trimToNull(record.get(7));
        String source = StringUtils.trimToNull(record.get(8));
        String contributor = StringUtils.trimToNull(record.get(9));
        List<String> presenters = Arrays
                .asList(StringUtils.split(StringUtils.trimToEmpty(record.get(10)), ","));
        EventEntry eventEntry = new EventEntry(title, now.toDate(), duration, archive, series, agent, source,
                contributor, description, seriesName, presenters);
    return arrayList;

From source file:org.powertac.du.DefaultBrokerService.java

 * Computes a limit price with a random element. 
 *///from  w  ww . j  a v  a 2 s.c  om
private Double computeLimitPrice(Timeslot timeslot, double amountNeeded) {
    // start with default limits
    Double oldLimitPrice;
    double minPrice;
    if (amountNeeded > 0.0) {
        // buying
        oldLimitPrice = buyLimitPriceMax;
        minPrice = buyLimitPriceMin;
    } else {
        // selling
        oldLimitPrice = sellLimitPriceMax;
        minPrice = sellLimitPriceMin;
    // check for escalation
    Order lastTry = lastOrder.get(timeslot);
    if (lastTry != null && Math.signum(amountNeeded) == Math.signum(lastTry.getMWh()))
        oldLimitPrice = lastTry.getLimitPrice();

    // set price between oldLimitPrice and maxPrice, according to number of
    // remaining chances we have to get what we need.
    double newLimitPrice = minPrice; // default value
    Timeslot current = timeslotRepo.currentTimeslot();
    int remainingTries = (timeslot.getSerialNumber() - current.getSerialNumber()
            - Competition.currentCompetition().getDeactivateTimeslotsAhead());
    if (remainingTries > 0) {
        double range = (minPrice - oldLimitPrice) * 2.0 / (double) remainingTries;
        log.debug("oldLimitPrice=" + oldLimitPrice + ", range=" + range);
        double computedPrice = oldLimitPrice + randomSeed.nextDouble() * range;
        return Math.max(newLimitPrice, computedPrice);
    } else
        return null; // market order