Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language
 * governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.powertac.du;

import static org.powertac.util.MessageDispatcher.dispatch;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.powertac.common.Broker;
import org.powertac.common.CashPosition;
import org.powertac.common.Competition;
import org.powertac.common.CustomerInfo;
import org.powertac.common.MarketPosition;
import org.powertac.common.MarketTransaction;
import org.powertac.common.RandomSeed;
import org.powertac.common.Rate;
import org.powertac.common.Order;
import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification;
import org.powertac.common.TariffTransaction;
import org.powertac.common.Timeslot;
import org.powertac.common.WeatherReport;
import org.powertac.common.config.ConfigurableValue;
import org.powertac.common.enumerations.PowerType;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.BootstrapDataCollector;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.BrokerProxy;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.CompetitionControl;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.InitializationService;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.ServerConfiguration;
import org.powertac.common.interfaces.TariffMarket;
import org.powertac.common.msg.CustomerBootstrapData;
import org.powertac.common.msg.MarketBootstrapData;
import org.powertac.common.msg.TimeslotComplete;
import org.powertac.common.repo.BrokerRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.CustomerRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.RandomSeedRepo;
import org.powertac.common.repo.TimeslotRepo;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

 * Default broker implementation. We do the implementation in a service, because
 * the default broker is a singleton and it's convenient. The actual Broker
 * instance is implemented in an inner class. Note that this is not a type of
 * TimeslotPhaseProcessor. It's a broker, and so it runs after the last message
 * of the timeslot goes out, the TimeslotComplete message. As implemented, it runs
 * in the message-sending thread. If this turns out to cause problems with real
 * brokers, it could run in its own thread.
 * @author John Collins
public class DefaultBrokerService implements BootstrapDataCollector, InitializationService {
    static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DefaultBrokerService.class.getName());

    @Autowired // routing of outgoing messages
    private BrokerProxy brokerProxyService;

    @Autowired // needed to discover sim mode
    private CompetitionControl competitionControlService;

    @Autowired // tariff publication
    private TariffMarket tariffMarketService;

    private TimeslotRepo timeslotRepo;

    private CustomerRepo customerRepo;

    private BrokerRepo brokerRepo;

    private RandomSeedRepo randomSeedRepo;

    private ServerConfiguration serverPropertiesService;

    private LocalBroker face;

    /** parameters */
    // keep in mind that brokers need to deal with two viewpoints. Tariffs
    // types take the viewpoint of the customer, while market-related types
    // take the viewpoint of the broker.
    private double defaultConsumptionRate = -1.0; // customer pays
    private double defaultProductionRate = 0.01; // broker pays
    private double initialBidKWh = 500.0;

    // max and min offer prices. Max means "sure to trade"
    private double buyLimitPriceMax = -1.0; // broker pays
    private double buyLimitPriceMin = -100.0; // broker pays
    private double sellLimitPriceMax = 100.0; // other broker pays
    private double sellLimitPriceMin = 0.2; // other broker pays
    private int usageRecordLength = 7 * 24; // one week

    // bootstrap-mode data - uninitialized for normal sim mode
    private boolean bootstrapMode = false;
    //private HashMap<CustomerInfo, ArrayList<Double>> netUsageMap;
    private HashMap<Timeslot, ArrayList<MarketTransaction>> marketTxMap;
    private ArrayList<Double> marketMWh;
    private ArrayList<Double> marketPrice;
    private ArrayList<WeatherReport> weather;

    // local state
    private TariffSpecification defaultConsumption;
    private TariffSpecification defaultInterruptibleConsumption;
    private TariffSpecification defaultProduction;
    private HashMap<TariffSpecification, HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord>> customerSubscriptions;
    private RandomSeed randomSeed;
    private HashMap<Timeslot, Order> lastOrder;

     * Default constructor, called once when the server starts, before
     * any application-specific initialization has been done.
    public DefaultBrokerService() {

    public void setDefaults() {
        // create the default broker instance, register it with the repo
        brokerRepo.add(createBroker("default broker"));

     * Called by initialization service once at the beginning of each game.
     * Configures parameters, sets up and publishes default tariffs.
    public String initialize(Competition competition, List<String> completedInits) {
        // defer for TariffMarket initialization
        int index = completedInits.indexOf("TariffMarket");
        if (index == -1) {
            return null;

        // log in to ccs

        // set up local state
        bootstrapMode = competitionControlService.isBootstrapMode();"init, bootstrapMode=" + bootstrapMode);
        customerSubscriptions = new HashMap<TariffSpecification, HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord>>();
        lastOrder = new HashMap<Timeslot, Order>();
        randomSeed = randomSeedRepo.getRandomSeed(this.getClass().getName(), 0, "pricing");

        // if we are in bootstrap mode, we need to set up the dataset
        if (bootstrapMode) {
            //netUsageMap = new HashMap<CustomerInfo, ArrayList<Double>>();
            marketTxMap = new HashMap<Timeslot, ArrayList<MarketTransaction>>();
            marketMWh = new ArrayList<Double>();
            marketPrice = new ArrayList<Double>();
            weather = new ArrayList<WeatherReport>();

        // pull down configuration

        // create and publish default tariffs
        defaultConsumption = new TariffSpecification(face, PowerType.CONSUMPTION)
                .addRate(new Rate().withValue(defaultConsumptionRate));
        customerSubscriptions.put(defaultConsumption, new HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord>());

        defaultInterruptibleConsumption = new TariffSpecification(face, PowerType.INTERRUPTIBLE_CONSUMPTION)
                .addRate(new Rate().withValue(defaultConsumptionRate));
        customerSubscriptions.put(defaultInterruptibleConsumption, new HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord>());

        defaultProduction = new TariffSpecification(face, PowerType.PRODUCTION)
                .addRate(new Rate().withValue(defaultProductionRate));
        customerSubscriptions.put(defaultProduction, new HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord>());

        return "DefaultBroker";

     * Creates the internal Broker instance that can receive messages intended
     * for local Brokers. It would be a Really Bad Idea to call this at any time
     * other than during the pre-game phase of a competition, because this method
     * does not register the broker in the BrokerRepo, which is a requirement to
     * see the messages.
    public Broker createBroker(String username) {
        face = new LocalBroker(username);
        //face.setEnabled(true); // log in -- do not set this directly
        return face;

    public LocalBroker getFace() {
        return face;

    // ----------- per-timeslot activation -------------
     * In each timeslot, we must trade in the wholesale market to satisfy the
     * predicted load of our current customer base.
    public void activate() {
        Timeslot current = timeslotRepo.currentTimeslot();"activate: timeslot " + current.getSerialNumber());

        // In the first through 23rd timeslot, we buy enough to meet what was
        // used in the previous timeslot. Note that this is called after the
        // customer model has run in the current timeslot, for a market clearing
        // at the beginning of the following timeslot.
        if (current.getSerialNumber() < 24) {
            // we already have usage data for the current timeslot.
            double currentKWh = collectUsage(current.getSerialNumber());
            double neededKWh = 0.0;
            for (Timeslot timeslot : timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots()) {
                // use data already collected if we have it, otherwise use data from
                // the current timeslot.
                int index = (timeslot.getSerialNumber()) % 24;
                double historicalKWh = collectUsage(index);
                if (historicalKWh != 0.0)
                    neededKWh = historicalKWh;
                    neededKWh = currentKWh;
                // subtract out the current market position, and we know what to
                // buy or sell
                submitOrder(neededKWh, timeslot);

        // Once we have 24 hours of records, assume we need enough to meet 
        // the mean of what we have used at this time of day so far
        else if (current.getSerialNumber() <= usageRecordLength) {
            for (Timeslot timeslot : timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots()) {
                double neededKWh = 0.0;
                int index = (timeslot.getSerialNumber()) % 24;
                int count = 0;
                while (index <= current.getSerialNumber()) {
                    neededKWh += collectUsage(index);
                    index += 24;
                    count += 1;
                submitOrder((neededKWh / count), timeslot);

        // Finally, once we have a full week of records, we use the data for
        // the hour and day-of-week.
        else {
            double neededKWh = 0.0;
            for (Timeslot timeslot : timeslotRepo.enabledTimeslots()) {
                int index = (timeslot.getSerialNumber()) % usageRecordLength;
                neededKWh = collectUsage(index);
                submitOrder(neededKWh, timeslot);

    // default visibility for testing
    double collectUsage(int index) {
        double result = 0.0;
        for (HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord> customerMap : customerSubscriptions.values()) {
            for (CustomerRecord record : customerMap.values()) {
                result += record.getUsage(index);
        log.debug("Usage(" + index + ")=" + result);
        return -result; // convert to needed energy account balance

    private void submitOrder(double neededKWh, Timeslot timeslot) {
        double neededMWh = neededKWh / 1000.0;

        Double limitPrice;
        MarketPosition posn = face.findMarketPositionByTimeslot(timeslot);
        if (posn != null)
            neededMWh -= posn.getOverallBalance();
        log.debug("needed mWh=" + neededMWh);
        if (neededMWh == 0.0) {
  "no power required in timeslot " + timeslot.getSerialNumber());
        } else {
            limitPrice = computeLimitPrice(timeslot, neededMWh);
        }"new order for " + neededMWh + " at " + limitPrice + " in timeslot " + timeslot.getSerialNumber());
        Order result = new Order(face, timeslot, neededMWh, limitPrice);
        lastOrder.put(timeslot, result);

     * Computes a limit price with a random element. 
    private Double computeLimitPrice(Timeslot timeslot, double amountNeeded) {
        // start with default limits
        Double oldLimitPrice;
        double minPrice;
        if (amountNeeded > 0.0) {
            // buying
            oldLimitPrice = buyLimitPriceMax;
            minPrice = buyLimitPriceMin;
        } else {
            // selling
            oldLimitPrice = sellLimitPriceMax;
            minPrice = sellLimitPriceMin;
        // check for escalation
        Order lastTry = lastOrder.get(timeslot);
        if (lastTry != null && Math.signum(amountNeeded) == Math.signum(lastTry.getMWh()))
            oldLimitPrice = lastTry.getLimitPrice();

        // set price between oldLimitPrice and maxPrice, according to number of
        // remaining chances we have to get what we need.
        double newLimitPrice = minPrice; // default value
        Timeslot current = timeslotRepo.currentTimeslot();
        int remainingTries = (timeslot.getSerialNumber() - current.getSerialNumber()
                - Competition.currentCompetition().getDeactivateTimeslotsAhead());
        if (remainingTries > 0) {
            double range = (minPrice - oldLimitPrice) * 2.0 / (double) remainingTries;
            log.debug("oldLimitPrice=" + oldLimitPrice + ", range=" + range);
            double computedPrice = oldLimitPrice + randomSeed.nextDouble() * range;
            return Math.max(newLimitPrice, computedPrice);
        } else
            return null; // market order

    // ------------ process incoming messages -------------
     * Incoming messages for brokers include:
     * <ul>
     * <li>TariffTransaction tells us about customer subscription
     *   activity and power usage,</li>
     * <li>MarketPosition tells us how much power we have bought
     *   or sold in a given timeslot,</li>
     * <li>TimeslotComplete that tell us it's time to send in our bids/asks</li>
     * </ul>
     * along with a number of other message types that we can safely ignore.
    public void receiveBrokerMessage(Object msg) {
        if (msg != null) {
            dispatch(this, "handleMessage", msg);

     * Handles a TariffTransaction. We only care about certain types: PRODUCE,
    public void handleMessage(TariffTransaction ttx) {
        TariffTransaction.Type txType = ttx.getTxType();
        CustomerInfo customer = ttx.getCustomerInfo();
        HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord> customerMap = customerSubscriptions.get(ttx.getTariffSpec());
        CustomerRecord record = customerMap.get(customer);

        if (TariffTransaction.Type.SIGNUP == txType) {
            // keep track of customer counts
            if (record == null) {
                record = new CustomerRecord(customer, ttx.getCustomerCount());
                customerMap.put(customer, record);
            } else {
        } else if (TariffTransaction.Type.WITHDRAW == txType) {
            // customers presumably found a better deal
            if (customerMap.get(customer) == null) {
                // should not happen
                log.warn("unknown customer withdraws subscription");
            } else {
        } else if (TariffTransaction.Type.PRODUCE == txType) {
            // if ttx count and subscribe population don't match, it will be hard
            // to estimate per-individual production
            if (ttx.getCustomerCount() != record.subscribedPopulation) {
                log.warn("production by subset " + ttx.getCustomerCount() + " of subscribed population "
                        + record.subscribedPopulation);
            record.produceConsume(ttx.getKWh(), ttx.getPostedTime());
        } else if (TariffTransaction.Type.CONSUME == txType) {
            if (ttx.getCustomerCount() != record.subscribedPopulation) {
                log.warn("consumption by subset " + ttx.getCustomerCount() + " of subscribed population "
                        + record.subscribedPopulation);
            record.produceConsume(ttx.getKWh(), ttx.getPostedTime());

     * Receives a new WeatherReport. We only care about this if in bootstrap
     * mode, in which case we simply store it in the bootstrap dataset.
    public void handleMessage(WeatherReport report) {
        // only in bootstrap mode
        if (bootstrapMode) {

     * Receives a new MarketTransaction. In bootstrapMode, we need to record
     * these as they arrive in order to be able to compute delivered price of
     * power purchased in the wholesale market. Note that this computation will
     * ignore balancing cost. This is intentional.
    public void handleMessage(MarketTransaction tx) {
        // Save all transactions in bootstrapMode
        if (bootstrapMode) {
            ArrayList<MarketTransaction> txs = marketTxMap.get(tx.getTimeslot());
            if (txs == null) {
                txs = new ArrayList<MarketTransaction>();
                marketTxMap.put(tx.getTimeslot(), txs);
        // reset price escalation when a trade fully clears.
        Order lastTry = lastOrder.get(tx.getTimeslot());
        if (lastTry == null) // should not happen
            log.error("order corresponding to market tx " + tx + " is null");
        else if (tx.getMWh() == lastTry.getMWh()) // fully cleared
            lastOrder.put(tx.getTimeslot(), null);

     * Handles CustomerBootstrapData by populating the customer model 
     * corresponding to the given customer and power type. This gives the
     * broker a running start.
    public void handleMessage(CustomerBootstrapData cbd) {
        CustomerInfo customer = customerRepo.findByNameAndPowerType(cbd.getCustomerName(), cbd.getPowerType());
        TariffSpecification tariff = null;
        for (TariffSpecification spec : customerSubscriptions.keySet()) {
            if (cbd.getPowerType().canUse(spec.getPowerType())) {
                tariff = spec;
        if (tariff == null) {
            log.error("Failed to find tariff for powerType " + cbd.getPowerType());

        HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord> customerMap = customerSubscriptions.get(tariff);
        CustomerRecord record = customerMap.get(customer); // subscription exists
        if (record == null) {
            record = new CustomerRecord(customer, customer.getPopulation());
            customerMap.put(customer, record);
        int offset = (timeslotRepo.currentTimeslot().getSerialNumber() - cbd.getNetUsage().length);
        for (int i = 0; i < cbd.getNetUsage().length; i++) {
            record.produceConsume(cbd.getNetUsage()[i], i + offset);

     * CashPosition is the last message sent by Accounting.
     * In bootstrapMode, this is when we collect customer
     * usage data.
    public void handleMessage(CashPosition cp) {
        // collect usage and price data
        if (bootstrapMode) {
            // the wholesale market transactions can be mined for the net cost of
            // purchased power in the current timeslot.

     * TimeslotComplete is the last message sent in each timeslot.
     * This is normally when any broker would submit its bids, so that's when
     * the DefaultBroker will do it. Any earlier, and we will find ourselves
     * unable to trade in the furthest slot, because it will not yet have 
     * been enabled. 
    public void handleMessage(TimeslotComplete tc) {

     * Records the delivered price of purchased power in the current timeslot.
     * If the broker has purchased more than it has sold, this will be a negative
     * number.
    private void recordDeliveredPrice() {
        Timeslot current = timeslotRepo.currentTimeslot();
        ArrayList<MarketTransaction> txList = marketTxMap.get(current);
        if (txList == null) {
            txList = new ArrayList<MarketTransaction>();
            marketTxMap.put(current, txList);
        double totalMWh = 0.0;
        double totalCost = 0.0;
        for (MarketTransaction tx : txList) {
            // only include buy orders
            if (tx.getMWh() > 0.0) {
      "record price: mwh=" + tx.getMWh() + ", price=" + tx.getPrice());
                totalMWh += tx.getMWh();
                totalCost += tx.getPrice() * tx.getMWh();
        }"market totals: mwh=" + totalMWh + ", price=" + totalCost / totalMWh);
        if (totalMWh == 0.0) {
        } else {
            marketPrice.add(totalCost / totalMWh);

    // -------------------- Bootstrap data queries --------------------------

     * Collects and returns a list of messages representing collected customer
     * demand, market price, and weather records for the bootstrap period. Note
     * that the customer and weather info is flattened.
    public List<Object> collectBootstrapData(int maxTimeslots) {
        ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();
        for (Object item : getCustomerBootstrapData(maxTimeslots)) {
        for (Object item : getWeatherReports(maxTimeslots)) {
        return result;

     * Returns a list of CustomerBootstrapData instances, one for each
     * (tariff, customer) pair. Note that this only
     * makes sense at the end of a bootstrap sim run.
    List<CustomerBootstrapData> getCustomerBootstrapData(int maxTimeslots) {
        ArrayList<CustomerBootstrapData> result = new ArrayList<CustomerBootstrapData>();
        // iterate through the tariffs
        for (TariffSpecification spec : customerSubscriptions.keySet()) {
            HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord> customerMap = customerSubscriptions.get(spec);
            // then iterate through the customers
            for (CustomerInfo customer : customerMap.keySet()) {
                CustomerRecord record = customerMap.get(customer);
                ArrayList<Double> usageList = record.bootstrapUsage;
                int startIndex = Math.max(0, usageList.size() - maxTimeslots);
                double[] usage = new double[usageList.size() - startIndex];
                for (int i = 0; i < usage.length; i++)
                    usage[i] = usageList.get(i + startIndex);
                result.add(new CustomerBootstrapData(customer, customer.getPowerType(), usage));
        return result;

     * Returns a single MarketBootstrapData instances representing the quantities
     * and prices paid by the default broker for the power it purchased over 
     * the bootstrap period.
    MarketBootstrapData getMarketBootstrapData(int maxTimeslots) {
        if (marketMWh.size() != marketPrice.size()) {
            // should not happen
            log.error("marketMWh.size()=" + marketMWh.size() + " != " + "marketPrice.size()=" + marketPrice.size());
        int startOffset = Math.max(0, marketMWh.size() - maxTimeslots);
        int size = marketMWh.size() - startOffset;

        // ARRRGH - autoboxing does not work for arrays...
        double[] mwh = new double[size];
        double[] price = new double[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            mwh[i] = marketMWh.get(i + startOffset);
            price[i] = marketPrice.get(i + startOffset);
        return new MarketBootstrapData(mwh, price);

     * Returns the accumulated list of WeatherReport instances
    List<WeatherReport> getWeatherReports(int maxTimeslotCount) {
        int discardCount = weather.size() - maxTimeslotCount;
        if (discardCount > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < discardCount; i++) {
        return weather;

    // ------------------ Property access for configuration ------------------

    public double getConsumptionRate() {
        return defaultConsumptionRate;

    @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "Fixed price/kwh for default consumption tariff")
    public void setConsumptionRate(double defaultConsumptionRate) {
        this.defaultConsumptionRate = defaultConsumptionRate;

    public double getProductionRate() {
        return defaultProductionRate;

    @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "Fixed price/kwh for default production tariff")
    public void setProductionRate(double defaultProductionRate) {
        this.defaultProductionRate = defaultProductionRate;

    public double getInitialBidKWh() {
        return initialBidKWh;

    @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "Quantity to buy in day-ahead market before seeing actual customer data")
    public void setInitialBidKWh(double initialBidKWh) {
        this.initialBidKWh = initialBidKWh;

    public double getBuyLimitPriceMax() {
        return buyLimitPriceMax;

    @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "Initial limit price/mwh for bids in day-ahead market")
    public void setBuyLimitPriceMax(double buyLimitPriceMax) {
        this.buyLimitPriceMax = buyLimitPriceMax;

    public double getBuyLimitPriceMin() {
        return buyLimitPriceMin;

    @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "Final limit price/mwh for bids in day-ahead market")
    public void setBuyLimitPriceMin(double buyLimitPriceMin) {
        this.buyLimitPriceMin = buyLimitPriceMin;

    public double getSellLimitPriceMax() {
        return sellLimitPriceMax;

    @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "Initial limit price/mwh for asks in day-ahead market")
    public void setSellLimitPriceMax(double sellLimitPriceMax) {
        this.sellLimitPriceMax = sellLimitPriceMax;

    public double getSellLimitPriceMin() {
        return sellLimitPriceMin;

    @ConfigurableValue(valueType = "Double", description = "Final limit price/mwh for asks in day-ahead market")
    public void setSellLimitPriceMin(double sellLimitPriceMin) {
        this.sellLimitPriceMin = sellLimitPriceMin;

    // ------------------- LocalBroker implementation -----------------------
     * Here's the actual "default broker". This is needed to intercept messages
     * sent to the broker.
    class LocalBroker extends Broker {
        public LocalBroker(String username) {

         * Receives a message intended for the broker, forwards it to the
         * message handler in the enclosing service.
        public void receiveMessage(Object object) {

    //-------------------- Customer-model recording ---------------------
     * Keeps track of customer status and usage. Usage is stored
     * per-customer-unit, but reported as the product of the per-customer
     * quantity and the subscribed population. This allows the broker to use
     * historical usage data as the subscribed population shifts.
    class CustomerRecord {
        CustomerInfo customer;
        int subscribedPopulation = 0;
        double[] usage = new double[usageRecordLength];
        ArrayList<Double> bootstrapUsage = new ArrayList<Double>();
        Instant base = null;
        double alpha = 0.3;

        CustomerRecord(CustomerInfo customer, int population) {
            this.customer = customer;
            this.subscribedPopulation = population;
            base = timeslotRepo.findBySerialNumber(0).getStartInstant();

        // Returns the CustomerInfo for this record
        CustomerInfo getCustomerInfo() {
            return customer;

        // Adds new individuals to the count
        void signup(int population) {
            subscribedPopulation = Math.min(customer.getPopulation(), subscribedPopulation + population);

        // Removes individuals from the count
        void withdraw(int population) {
            subscribedPopulation -= population;

        // Customer produces or consumes power. We assume the kwh value is negative
        // for production, positive for consumption
        void produceConsume(double kwh, Instant when) {
            int index = getIndex(when);
            produceConsume(kwh, index);

        // store profile data at the given index
        void produceConsume(double kwh, int rawIndex) {
            // in bootstrap mode, we also record everything raw
            if (bootstrapMode) {
                if (bootstrapUsage.size() <= rawIndex) {
                    while (bootstrapUsage.size() < rawIndex)
                } else {
                    bootstrapUsage.set(rawIndex, bootstrapUsage.get(rawIndex) + kwh);
                //"bootstrapUsage customer " + customer.getName()
                //         + "[" + rawIndex + "]=" + bootstrapUsage.get(rawIndex));
            int index = getIndex(rawIndex);
            double kwhPerCustomer = kwh / (double) subscribedPopulation;
            double oldUsage = usage[index];
            if (oldUsage == 0.0) {
                // assume this is the first time
                usage[index] = kwhPerCustomer;
            } else {
                // exponential smoothing
                usage[index] = alpha * kwhPerCustomer + (1.0 - alpha) * oldUsage;
            log.debug("consume " + kwh + " at " + index + ", customer " + customer.getName());

        double getUsage(int index) {
            if (index < 0) {
                log.warn("usage requested for negative index " + index);
                index = 0;
            return (usage[getIndex(index)] * (double) subscribedPopulation);

        // we assume here that timeslot index always matches the number of
        // timeslots that have passed since the beginning of the simulation.
        int getIndex(Instant when) {
            int result = (int) ((when.getMillis() - base.getMillis())
                    / (Competition.currentCompetition().getTimeslotDuration()));
            return result;

        private int getIndex(int rawIndex) {
            return rawIndex % usage.length;

    // test-support method
    HashMap<String, Integer> getCustomerCounts() {
        HashMap<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (TariffSpecification spec : customerSubscriptions.keySet()) {
            HashMap<CustomerInfo, CustomerRecord> customerMap = customerSubscriptions.get(spec);
            for (CustomerRecord record : customerMap.values()) {
                result.put(record.customer.getName() + spec.getPowerType(), record.subscribedPopulation);
        return result;

    // test-support methods
    double getUsageForCustomer(CustomerInfo customer, TariffSpecification tariffSpec, int index) {
        CustomerRecord record = customerSubscriptions.get(tariffSpec).get(customer);
        return record.getUsage(index);

    boolean isBootstrapMode() {
        return bootstrapMode;