List of usage examples for java.lang Math rint
public static double rint(double a)
From source
public static List<Result> perform(Element body, Node parent, List<Node> nodes, boolean lenientUrl, boolean lenientTitle, boolean trim, Map<String, Object> cache) { String baseParentHash = nodeHash(parent, nodes, lenientUrl, lenientTitle); String parentHashTrim = "nodeList-<<trim=true>>" + baseParentHash; String parentHashNoTrim = "nodeList-<<trim=false>>" + baseParentHash; if (trim && cache.containsKey(parentHashTrim)) { return (List<Result>) cache.get(parentHashTrim); }/*from w w w . jav a 2s. c o m*/ if (!trim && cache.containsKey(parentHashNoTrim)) { return (List<Result>) cache.get(parentHashNoTrim); } List<Result> noTrimDissected = new ArrayList<Result>(); List<Result> dissected = new ArrayList<Result>(); double avgTitle = 0; double avgSummary = 0; if (trim && cache.containsKey(parentHashNoTrim)) { dissected = (List<Result>) cache.get(parentHashNoTrim); avgTitle = (Double) cache.get("dissectAvgTitle>>" + baseParentHash); avgSummary = (Double) cache.get("dissectAvgSummary>>" + baseParentHash); } else { dissected = Expand.perform(body, parent, nodes, lenientUrl, lenientTitle, cache); if (dissected.isEmpty()) { cache.put(parentHashTrim, dissected); cache.put(parentHashNoTrim, dissected); return dissected; } boolean useDDMMYYYY = true; for (Result cur : dissected) { if (!cur.isDDMMYYYY()) { useDDMMYYYY = false; break; } } if (useDDMMYYYY) { for (Result cur : dissected) { cur.useDDMMYYYY(); } } for (Result cur : dissected) { if (cur.title() != null) { avgTitle += cur.title().trim().length(); } if (cur.summary() != null) { avgSummary += cur.summary().trim().length(); } } avgTitle /= dissected.size(); avgSummary /= dissected.size(); if (avgTitle > avgSummary && avgSummary > MIN_EXPECTED_FIELD) { for (Result cur : dissected) { cur.swapTitleAndSummary(); } double tmp = avgTitle; avgTitle = avgSummary; avgSummary = tmp; } int totalAlt = 0; for (Result cur : dissected) { totalAlt += cur.isAltUrlAndTitle() ? 1 : 0; } boolean useAlt = totalAlt > dissected.size() / TWICE; for (Result cur : dissected) { cur.useAltUrlAndTitle(useAlt); } List<Double> avgTitleFallbacks = new ArrayList<Double>(); Map<String, Integer> dupTitles = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); double bestTitleFallbackAvg = 0d; int bestTitleFallbackIndex = -1; for (Result cur : dissected) { String title = cur.title(); if (!dupTitles.containsKey(title)) { dupTitles.put(title, 0); } dupTitles.put(title, dupTitles.get(title).intValue() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < cur.altFallbackTitleCount(); i++) { if (i >= avgTitleFallbacks.size()) { avgTitleFallbacks.add(0d); } if (cur.title() != null) { double val = avgTitleFallbacks.get(i); val += cur.altFallbackTitle(i).trim().length(); avgTitleFallbacks.remove(i); avgTitleFallbacks.add(i, val); } } } for (int i = 0; i < avgTitleFallbacks.size(); i++) { double val = avgTitleFallbacks.get(i); val /= dissected.size(); avgTitleFallbacks.remove(i); avgTitleFallbacks.add(i, val); } for (int i = 0; i < avgTitleFallbacks.size(); i++) { if (avgTitleFallbacks.get(i) > bestTitleFallbackAvg) { bestTitleFallbackAvg = avgTitleFallbacks.get(i); bestTitleFallbackIndex = i; } } boolean doFallback = (int) Math.rint(bestTitleFallbackAvg) > (int) Math.rint(avgTitle); int third = (int) Math.rint(((double) dissected.size()) / 3d); Map<String, Integer> dupFallbackTitles = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Result cur : dissected) { if (dupTitles.get(cur.title()) > third) { String fallbackTitle = cur.altFallbackTitle(bestTitleFallbackIndex); if (!dupFallbackTitles.containsKey(fallbackTitle)) { dupFallbackTitles.put(fallbackTitle, 0); } dupFallbackTitles.put(fallbackTitle, dupFallbackTitles.get(fallbackTitle).intValue() + 1); } } double newTitleLen = 0; for (Result cur : dissected) { if (doFallback || (dupTitles.get(cur.title()) > third && dupFallbackTitles.get(cur.altFallbackTitle(bestTitleFallbackIndex)) < third)) { cur.useAltFallbackUrlAndTitle(bestTitleFallbackIndex); } String newTitle = cur.title(); newTitleLen += newTitle == null ? 0 : newTitle.length(); } avgTitle = newTitleLen / (double) dissected.size(); cache.put("dissectAvgTitle>>" + baseParentHash, avgTitle); cache.put("dissectAvgSummary>>" + baseParentHash, avgSummary); for (Result cur : dissected) { noTrimDissected.add(cur.copy()); } cache.put(parentHashNoTrim, noTrimDissected); } if (!trim) { return noTrimDissected; } if (avgSummary > MIN_EXPECTED_AVG_SUMMARY || avgTitle > MIN_EXPECTED_AVG_TITLE) { List<Result> toRemove = new ArrayList<Result>(); for (int i = 0; i < dissected.size(); i++) { String title = dissected.get(i).title(); title = title == null ? "" : title; String summary = dissected.get(i).summary(); String strippedSummary = summary == null ? "" : uncountedText.matcher(summary).replaceAll("").trim(); if (title.length() < MIN_EXPECTED_TITLE && strippedSummary.length() < MIN_EXPECTED_SUMMARY) { toRemove.add(dissected.get(i)); } } for (Result cur : toRemove) { dissected.remove(cur); } } Map<String, Result> unique = new LinkedHashMap<String, Result>(); for (Result cur : dissected) { unique.put(cur.url(), cur); } dissected = new ArrayList<Result>(unique.values()); if (avgSummary > MIN_EXPECTED_FIELD || avgTitle > MIN_EXPECTED_FIELD) { Map<String, Integer> count = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Result cur : dissected) { String key = cur.title() + "<<>>" + cur.summary() + "<<>>" +; if (count.containsKey(key)) { count.put(key, count.get(key).intValue() + 1); } else { count.put(key, 1); } } double size = (double) dissected.size(); List<Result> toRemove = new ArrayList<Result>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : count.entrySet()) { if (((double) entry.getValue()) / size > SIGNIFICANT_RESULTS_RATIO) { for (Result cur : dissected) { String key = cur.title() + "<<>>" + cur.summary() + "<<>>" +; if (key.equals(entry.getKey())) { toRemove.add(cur); } } } } for (Result cur : toRemove) { dissected.remove(cur); } } if (dissected.size() > BANNED_SYMBOLS_FILTER_PREREQ_RESULT_NUM) { boolean firstBanned = false; boolean lastBanned = false; if (isBanned(dissected.get(0))) { firstBanned = true; } if (isBanned(dissected.get(dissected.size() - 1))) { lastBanned = true; } boolean otherBanned = false; for (int i = 1; i < dissected.size() - 1; i++) { if (isBanned(dissected.get(i))) { otherBanned = true; break; } } if (!otherBanned) { if (firstBanned) { dissected.remove(0); } if (lastBanned) { dissected.remove(dissected.size() - 1); } } int numRelative = 0; for (Result cur : dissected) { if (isRelativeUrl(cur.url())) { ++numRelative; } } double size = (double) dissected.size(); List<Result> toRemove = new ArrayList<Result>(); if ((((double) numRelative) / size) < HALF) { for (Result cur : dissected) { if (isRelativeUrl(cur.url())) { toRemove.add(cur); } } for (Result cur : toRemove) { dissected.remove(cur); } } toRemove = new ArrayList<Result>(); for (int i = 0; i < dissected.size(); i++) { boolean found = true; for (int j = 0; j < dissected.size(); j++) { if (i != j && !dissected.get(j).url().contains(dissected.get(i).url())) { found = false; break; } } if (found) { toRemove.add(dissected.get(i)); } } for (Result cur : toRemove) { dissected.remove(cur); } toRemove = new ArrayList<Result>(); int nullSummary = 0; for (Result cur : dissected) { if (CommonUtil.isEmpty(cur.summary())) { ++nullSummary; } } if (((double) nullSummary) / ((double) dissected.size()) < SIGNIFICANT_RESULTS_RATIO) { for (int i = 0; i < dissected.size(); i++) { if (CommonUtil.isEmpty(dissected.get(i).summary())) { toRemove.add(dissected.get(i)); } else { break; } } for (int i = dissected.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (CommonUtil.isEmpty(dissected.get(i).summary())) { toRemove.add(dissected.get(i)); } else { break; } } for (Result cur : toRemove) { dissected.remove(cur); } } } if (dissected.size() > CRITICAL_MASS) { int oneWordTitles = 0; int hashUrls = 0; List<Result> toRemoveTitles = new ArrayList<Result>(); List<Integer> removedTitles = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> keptTitles = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Result> toRemoveUrls = new ArrayList<Result>(); List<Integer> removedUrls = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<Integer> keptUrls = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int index = 0; int firstRemovedTitle = -1; int firstRemovedUrl = -1; for (Result cur : dissected) { if (cur.title() == null || cur.title().indexOf(' ') == -1) { ++oneWordTitles; toRemoveTitles.add(cur); removedTitles.add(index); firstRemovedTitle = index; } else { keptTitles.add(index); } if (cur.url().indexOf('#') != -1) { ++hashUrls; toRemoveUrls.add(cur); removedUrls.add(index); firstRemovedUrl = index; } else { keptUrls.add(index); } ++index; } int numOddTitles = 0; int numEvenTitles = 0; int numOddUrls = 0; int numEvenUrls = 0; boolean considerTitles = false; boolean considerUrls = false; if (oneWordTitles == dissected.size() / 2) { for (int i : removedTitles) { considerTitles = true; if (i % 2 == 0) { ++numEvenTitles; } else { ++numOddTitles; } } if (considerTitles && (numOddTitles == 0 || numEvenTitles == 0)) { numEvenTitles = 0; numOddTitles = 0; for (int i : keptTitles) { if (i % 2 == 0) { ++numEvenTitles; } else { ++numOddTitles; } } } else { considerTitles = false; } } if (hashUrls == dissected.size() / 2) { for (int i : removedUrls) { considerUrls = true; if (i % 2 == 0) { ++numEvenUrls; } else { ++numOddUrls; } } if (considerUrls && (numOddUrls == 0 || numEvenUrls == 0)) { numEvenUrls = 0; numOddUrls = 0; for (int i : keptUrls) { if (i % 2 == 0) { ++numEvenUrls; } else { ++numOddUrls; } } } else { considerUrls = false; } } int firstRemoved = -1; List<Result> toRemoveResults = null; if (considerTitles && (numOddTitles == 0 || numEvenTitles == 0)) { toRemoveResults = toRemoveTitles; firstRemoved = firstRemovedTitle; } else if (considerUrls && (numOddUrls == 0 || numEvenUrls == 0)) { toRemoveResults = toRemoveUrls; firstRemoved = firstRemovedUrl; } if (toRemoveResults != null) { for (Result cur : toRemoveResults) { int i = dissected.indexOf(cur); i += firstRemoved == 0 ? 1 : -1; if (i < dissected.size() && i > -1) { if (!CommonUtil.isEmpty(cur.summary())) { dissected.get(i).summaryMerge(cur.summaryNodes()); } if (!CommonUtil.isEmpty( { dissected.get(i).setDate(; } List<Node> curNodes = cur.getNodes(); for (Node curNode : curNodes) { dissected.get(i).addLast(curNode); } } dissected.remove(cur); } } } String[] summaries = new String[dissected.size()]; int summaryIndex = 0; for (Result result : dissected) { summaries[summaryIndex++] = result.summary(); } dedupStrings(summaries, true); dedupStrings(summaries, false); summaryIndex = 0; for (Result result : dissected) { result.setSummary(summaries[summaryIndex++]); } Util.trimLargeResults(dissected); cache.put(parentHashTrim, dissected); return dissected; }
From source
private Integer computeBeam() { if (beamEntry != null) { return beamEntry.getKey(); } else {/* ww w . java 2 s. c o m*/ if (backPeak != null) {"{}{}", sheet.getLogPrefix(), "No beam peak found, computing a default value"); return (int) Math.rint(0.7 * backPeak.getKey().best); } else { return null; } } }
From source
private Scale.Range computeInterline() { if ((forePeak != null) && (backPeak != null)) { int min = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().first + backPeak.getKey().first); int best = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().best + backPeak.getKey().best); int max = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().second + backPeak.getKey().second); return new Scale.Range(min, best, max); } else {/* w ww . java2 s . co m*/ return null; } }
From source
@Override public X509Certificate generateCertificate(KeyPair keys, X500Principal subjectDn, X500Principal signer, PrivateKey signingKey, Date notAfter) { signer = (signingKey == null ? signer : subjectDn); signingKey = (signingKey == null ? keys.getPrivate() : signingKey); EventRecord.caller(DefaultCryptoProvider.class, EventType.GENERATE_CERTIFICATE, signer.toString(), subjectDn.toString()).info(); X509V3CertificateGenerator certGen = new X509V3CertificateGenerator(); certGen.setSerialNumber(BigInteger.valueOf(System.nanoTime()).shiftLeft(4) .add(BigInteger.valueOf((long) Math.rint(Math.random() * 1000)))); certGen.setIssuerDN(signer);//from w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m certGen.addExtension(X509Extensions.BasicConstraints, true, new BasicConstraints(true)); try { certGen.addExtension(X509Extensions.SubjectKeyIdentifier, false, new SubjectKeyIdentifierStructure(keys.getPublic())); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { LOG.error("Error adding subject key identifier extension.", e); } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); certGen.setNotBefore(cal.getTime()); certGen.setNotAfter(notAfter); certGen.setSubjectDN(subjectDn); certGen.setPublicKey(keys.getPublic()); certGen.setSignatureAlgorithm(KEY_SIGNING_ALGORITHM); try { X509Certificate cert = certGen.generate(signingKey, PROVIDER); cert.checkValidity(); return cert; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.fatal(e, e); return null; } }
From source
/** * Compute the range for line thickness. * The computation of line max is key for the rest of the application, * since it governs the threshold between horizontal and vertical lags. * * @return the line range/*w ww. j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ */ private Scale.Range computeLine() { if (forePeak != null) { int min = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().first); int best = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().best); int max = (int) Math.ceil(forePeak.getKey().second); return new Scale.Range(min, best, max); } else { return null; } }
From source
/** Set the reference points array. * @param t offset from J2000.0 epoch in seconds *//* w w w. ja v a 2s . co m*/ private void setReferencePoints(final double t) { final int n = xRef.length; final int nM12 = (n - 1) / 2; // evaluate new location of center interval final double newTCenter = h * Math.floor(t / h); // shift reusable reference points int iMin = 0; int iMax = n; final int shift = (int) Math.rint((newTCenter - tCenter) / h); if (!Double.isNaN(tCenter) && (Math.abs(shift) < n)) { if (shift >= 0) { System.arraycopy(xRef, shift, xRef, 0, n - shift); System.arraycopy(yRef, shift, yRef, 0, n - shift); System.arraycopy(sRef, shift, sRef, 0, n - shift); iMin = n - shift; } else { System.arraycopy(xRef, 0, xRef, -shift, n + shift); System.arraycopy(yRef, 0, yRef, -shift, n + shift); System.arraycopy(sRef, 0, sRef, -shift, n + shift); iMax = -shift; } } // compute new reference points tCenter = newTCenter; for (int i = iMin; i < iMax; ++i) { computePoleCoordinates(tCenter + (i - nM12) * h); xRef[i] = xCurrent; yRef[i] = yCurrent; sRef[i] = sCurrent; } }
From source
/** * Display the given class in the main window. This does not * change the selection in the class tree. * /*from w ww.j ava2s .com*/ * @param modelClass The class to display. */ public void displayClass(ModelClass modelClass) { graphNodes.clear(); final int width = 80; final int height = 36; final int xcentre = 200; final int yboundary = 20; final int ycentre = 200; graphModel.beginUpdate(); try { graphModel.clear(); //int maxDepth = modelClass.getDepth(); Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); ModelClass mc = modelClass; mxICell mainCell = hierarchyNodes(xcentre, ycentre, mc, width, height, yboundary); List<ForeignKey> allRefs = new ArrayList<ForeignKey>(modelClass.getCollections().values()); allRefs.addAll(modelClass.getReferences().values()); int refCount = allRefs.size(); int collectionCount = modelClass.getCollections().size(); double step, startAngle; if (refCount == 1) { step = 0; startAngle = Math.PI; } else if (refCount <= 5) { step = Math.PI * 0.9 / (refCount - 1); startAngle = Math.PI * 0.55; } else { step = Math.PI * 1.5 / (refCount - 1); startAngle = Math.PI / 4; } Iterator<ForeignKey> refIter = allRefs.iterator(); for (int collNo = 0; refIter.hasNext(); collNo++) { ForeignKey key =; boolean isCollection = collNo < collectionCount; int x = xcentre + (int) Math.rint(2 * width * Math.sin(startAngle + step * collNo)); int y = (int) mainCell.getGeometry().getY() - (int) Math.rint(2 * width * Math.cos(startAngle + step * collNo)); /* ModelClass otherClass = modelClasses.get(key.getReferencedType().getName()); if (modelClass.equals(otherClass)) { String style = isCollection ? SELF_COLLECTION_EDGE_STYLE : SELF_REFERENCE_EDGE_STYLE; graph.insertEdge(parent, null, key.getName(), mainCell, mainCell, style); } else { */ mxICell otherCell = (mxICell) graph.createVertex(parent, key.getReferencedType().getName(), key.getReferencedType(), x, y, width, height, null); graph.addCell(otherCell); graphNodes.put(key.getReferencedType().getName(), otherCell); String style = isCollection ? COLLECTION_EDGE_STYLE : REFERENCE_EDGE_STYLE; graph.insertEdge(parent, null, key.getName(), mainCell, otherCell, style); //} } } finally { graphModel.endUpdate(); } attributeTableModel.setModelClass(modelClass); referenceTableModel.setModelClass(modelClass); graphComponent.scrollCellToVisible(graphNodes.get(modelClass.getName())); }
From source
/** * @return a new vector which has rinted each element. *//*from w w w .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ public DenseDoubleVector rint() { DenseDoubleVector v = new DenseDoubleVector(getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < getLength(); i++) { double d = vector[i]; v.set(i, Math.rint(d)); } return v; }
From source
private Scale.Range computeSecondInterline() { if (secondBackPeak != null) { int min = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().first + secondBackPeak.getKey().first); int best = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().best + secondBackPeak.getKey().best); int max = (int) Math.rint(forePeak.getKey().second + secondBackPeak.getKey().second); return new Scale.Range(min, best, max); } else {/*w ww .j a v a 2s . co m*/ return null; } }
From source
protected NavigableSet<Refinement> getSplitRefs(Transition t, StateColoring sc) { final NavigableSet<Refinement> refs = new TreeSet<>(); //sequential/*w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ final Iterator<Integer> it =; if (it.hasNext()) { int last =; while (it.hasNext()) { final int cur =; int splitTime = -1; switch (splitPos) { case LEFT: splitTime = last; break; case MIDDLE: splitTime = (int) Math.rint(((cur - last) - 1) / 2.0) + last; break; case RIGHT: splitTime = cur - 1; break; default: splitTime = (int) Math.rint(((cur - last) - 1) / 2.0) + last; break; } double score = tester.testSplit(t.source, t.symAlphIdx, splitTime); if (mainModel == t.ta) { logger.trace("Score: {} (SPLIT {} @ ({},{}))", score, t.source.getIndex(), t.ta.getSymbol(t.symAlphIdx), splitTime); } if (score < significance && score >= 0) { score = (significance - score) / significance; final Refinement ref = new Refinement(t.source, t.symAlphIdx, splitTime, score, sc); refs.add(ref); } last = cur; } //parallel (not yet checked for determinism) // final TIntList splitTimes = new TIntArrayList(); // if (it.hasNext()) { // int last =; // while (it.hasNext()) { // final int cur =; // int splitTime = -1; // switch (splitPos) { // case LEFT: // splitTime = last; // break; // case MIDDLE: // splitTime = (int) Math.rint(((cur - last) - 1) / 2.0) + last; // break; // case RIGHT: // splitTime = cur - 1; // break; // default: // splitTime = (int) Math.rint(((cur - last) - 1) / 2.0) + last; // break; // } // splitTimes.add(splitTime); // last = cur; // } // // final NavigableSet<Refinement> safeRefs = Collections.synchronizedNavigableSet(refs); // -> { // double score = tester.testSplit(t.source, t.symAlphIdx, splitTime); // if (mainModel == t.ta) { // logger.trace("Score: {} (SPLIT {} @ ({},{}))", score, t.source.getIndex(), t.ta.getSymbol(t.symAlphIdx), splitTime); // } // if (score < significance && score >= 0) { // score = (significance - score) / significance; // final Refinement ref = new Refinement(t.source, t.symAlphIdx, splitTime, score, sc); // l2.lock(); // refs.add(ref); // l2.unlock(); // // safeRefs.add(ref); // } // }); } return refs; }