List of usage examples for java.lang Math rint
public static double rint(double a)
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@Test public void speciesCounts() { final boolean transpose = false; // generate an example of species sampled on multiple days LongTail<Integer> terms = new LongTail<Integer>(0.5, 0.3) { int max = 0; @Override// ww w. j a va 2 s. com protected Integer createThing() { return ++max; } }; // I picked seeds to get a good illustration ... want a reasonable number of species and surprises terms.setSeed(2); Random gen = new Random(1); SortedSet<Integer> vocabulary = Sets.newTreeSet(); List<Multiset<Integer>> r = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { double length = Math.rint(gen.nextGaussian() * 10 + 50); Multiset<Integer> counts = HashMultiset.create(); for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { counts.add(terms.sample()); } r.add(counts); } if (transpose) { for (Multiset<Integer> day : r) { vocabulary.addAll(day.elementSet()); } System.out.printf("%d\n", vocabulary.size()); for (Integer s : vocabulary) { String sep = ""; for (Multiset<Integer> day : r) { System.out.printf("%s%s", sep, day.count(s)); sep = "\t"; } System.out.printf("\n"); } } else { System.out.printf("%d\n", vocabulary.size()); for (Multiset<Integer> day : r) { vocabulary.addAll(day.elementSet()); String sep = ""; System.out.printf("%s%s", sep, vocabulary.size()); sep = "\t"; for (Integer s : vocabulary) { System.out.printf("%s%s", sep, day.count(s)); sep = "\t"; } System.out.printf("\n"); } Multiset<Integer> total = HashMultiset.create(); for (Multiset<Integer> day : r) { for (Integer species : day.elementSet()) { total.add(species, day.count(species)); } } String sep = ""; System.out.printf("%s%s", sep, total.elementSet().size()); sep = "\t"; for (Integer s : vocabulary) { System.out.printf("%s%s", sep, total.count(s)); sep = "\t"; } System.out.printf("\n"); } }
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private static List<Result> finalizeResults(Results results, String currentUrl, Element body, int page, String query, Leniency leniency, boolean trim, Map<String, Object> cache) { if (WebApp.DEBUG) { System.out.println("Returning: (leniency) " +; }// ww w .j ava2s . c o m if (trim && !results.results().isEmpty()) { Results untrimmed = perform(body, page, query, leniency, false, cache); int trimmedScore = results.fieldScore(true, false); int untrimmedScore = untrimmed.fieldScore(true, false); if (untrimmedScore > (int) Math.rint(((double) trimmedScore) * 1.05d)) { if (WebApp.DEBUG) { System.out.println("Un-trimmed selected."); } return Util.fixUrls(untrimmed.results(), currentUrl); } } if (WebApp.DEBUG) { System.out.println("Trimmed selected."); } return Util.fixUrls(results.results(), currentUrl); }
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private void calcHistBorders(TIntList timePoints, int numHistoBins) { timePoints.sort();/*from ww w .ja v a2 s. c o m*/ histoBorders = new int[numHistoBins - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < numHistoBins; i++) { final double idx = ((double) i / (double) numHistoBins) * (timePoints.size() - 1); final double idxFloor = Math.floor(idx); if (Precision.equals(idx, idxFloor)) { histoBorders[i - 1] = timePoints.get((int) idx); } else { final double vFloor = timePoints.get((int) idxFloor); final double vCeil = timePoints.get((int) (idxFloor + 1.0)); final double val = (vFloor * (1.0 - (idx - idxFloor))) + (vCeil * (idx - idxFloor)); histoBorders[i - 1] = (int) Math.rint(val); } } }
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/** * Mtodo que detecta cambios en nuestra posicin actual y enva notificaciones que recibe android wear para obtener la distancia * hasta el objetivo y para avisarnos si hemos llegado. *///from ww w. j ava 2 s . co m @Override public void onMyLocationChange(Location loc) { //Obtenemos la distancia desde nuestra posicin hasta el objetivo double distancia = Math.rint(loc.distanceTo(destino) * 10) / 10; //Mandamos el aviso de la distancia cada 10 metros if (distancia > 5 && distancia % 10 < 1) { String aviso = "Distancia " + distancia + " m"; Notification notificacion = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplication()) .setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher).setContentTitle("Aviso de Distancia").setContentText(aviso) .extend(new NotificationCompat.WearableExtender().setHintShowBackgroundOnly(true)) .setVibrate(new long[] { 0, 500 }).setSubText("Distancia hasta el objetivo").build(); NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(getApplication()); int notificacionId = 1; notificationManager.notify(notificacionId, notificacion); } else if (distancia < 5) { //Si la distancia es menor que 5, consideramos que ya hemos llegado if (!llegada) { String aviso = "Ya hemos llegado al destino!"; Notification notificacion = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplication()) .setSmallIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher).setContentTitle("Aviso de llegada") .setContentText(aviso) .extend(new NotificationCompat.WearableExtender().setHintShowBackgroundOnly(true)) .setVibrate(new long[] { 0, 1000, 1000 }).setSubText("Distancia hasta el objetivo").build(); NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(getApplication()); int notificacionId = 1; notificationManager.notify(notificacionId, notificacion); llegada = true; } } }
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/** * {@link Expressions#getFingerprintForExpression(io.cortical.retina.model.Model, double)} * @throws JsonProcessingException should never be thrown * @throws ApiException should never be thrown *//*from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ @Test public void testGetFingerprintForExpression() throws ApiException, JsonProcessingException { double sparsity = 0.02; when(expressionsApi.resolveExpression(eq(TERM_1_JSON), eq(NOT_NULL_RETINA), eq(0.02))) .thenReturn(createFingerprint(sparsity)); Fingerprint fingerprint = expressions.getFingerprintForExpression(TERM_1, sparsity); assertEquals( "[124, 133, 146, 181, 192, 230, 249, 279, 442, 447, 514, 597, 612, " + "659, 785, 858, 861, 895, 1150, 1247, 1262, 1315, 1321, 1485, " + "1496, 1518, 1522, 1535, 1580, 1685, 1701, 1882, 1896, 2054, " + "2068, 2097, 2108, 2115, 2231, 2235, 2290, 2404, 2405, 2432, " + "2466, 2474, 2489, 2502, 2520, 2534, 2599, 2623, 2799, 2800, " + "2821, 2838, 2906, 2937, 2963, 3033, 3092, 3210, 3213, 3261, " + "3286, 3401, 3436, 3596, 3987, 4106, 4123, 4160, 4229, 4263, " + "4352, 4492, 4517, 4539, 4546, 4568, 4596, 4623, 4651, 4666, " + "4752, 4763, 4777, 4778, 4871, 4965, 5006, 5058, 5090, 5163, " + "5166, 5186, 5383, 5444, 5513, 5542, 5566, 5627, 5635, 5649, " + "5864, 5902, 5904, 5922, 5982, 6005, 6042, 6047, 6078, 6124, " + "6133, 6161, 6200, 6252, 6268, 6290, 6301, 6333, 6353, 6429, " + "6467, 6484, 6496, 6513, 6586, 6635, 6843, 6862, 6897, 6933, " + "6938, 6955, 7066, 7090, 7121, 7126, 7148, 7151, 7205, 7236, " + "7253, 7302, 7393, 7492, 7501, 7516, 7526, 7541, 7592, 7596, " + "7678, 7684, 7729, 7744, 7869, 7873, 7886, 7927, 7972, 7998, " + "8148, 8274, 8332, 8335, 8505, 8514, 8544, 8732, 8756, 8758, " + "8845, 8894, 8981, 8983, 8993, 8994, 9115, 9172, 9355, 9365, " + "9396, 9503, 9559, 9624, 9642, 9676, 9737, 9762, 9791, 9811, " + "9877, 10061, 10078, 10096, 10264, 10288, 10313, 10338, 10344, " + "10368, 10405, 10430, 10495, 10527, 10545, 10587, 10629, 10732, " + "10766, 10782, 10800, 10822, 10830, 10904, 10986, 11193, 11235, " + "11276, 11286, 11311, 11371, 11402, 11421, 11423, 11466, 11502, " + "11570, 11595, 11688, 11798, 11885, 11896, 11920, 11953, 12091, " + "12208, 12218, 12286, 12308, 12329, 12342, 12413, 12419, 12472, " + "12486, 12530, 12608, 12623, 12633, 12699, 12704, 12792, 12827, " + "12920, 12954, 13023, 13040, 13042, 13079, 13084, 13108, 13140, " + "13195, 13201, 13256, 13264, 13391, 13398, 13442, 13463, 13487, " + "13532, 13554, 13584, 13659, 13662, 13683, 13884, 13931, 14014, " + "14018, 14136, 14183, 14194, 14283, 14310, 14515, 14559, 14603, " + "14647, 14666, 14706, 14722, 14732, 14800, 14804, 14819, 14820, " + "14886, 14953, 15062, 15081, 15247, 15380, 15403, 15434, 15471, " + "15562, 15580, 15765, 15769, 15835, 15851, 15878, 15889, 15958, " + "15991, 16016, 16032, 16137, 16143, 16318, 16354, 16366]", Arrays.toString(fingerprint.getPositions())); assertEquals(Math.rint(16384. * 0.02), fingerprint.getPositions().length, 0.001); verify(expressionsApi, times(1)).resolveExpression(eq(TERM_1_JSON), eq(NOT_NULL_RETINA), eq(sparsity)); }
From source
private void setupVertex(int vIndex, int gpuTVIndex, int triangleIndex, TextureDescription td) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { final int numFrames = getPrimitives().length; final Triangle t = triangleAt(0, triangleIndex); final Vector3D pos = t.getVertices()[vIndex].getPosition(); final TriangleVertexWindow vw = (TriangleVertexWindow) getMemoryWindow(); ////////////////////// V E R T E X ////////////////////////////// if (numFrames == 1) { vw.x.set(gpuTVIndex, (short) applyScale(pos.getX())); vw.y.set(gpuTVIndex, (short) applyScale(pos.getY())); vw.z.set(gpuTVIndex, (short) applyScale(pos.getZ())); final Vector3D normal = t.getVertices()[vIndex].getNormal(); vw.normX.set(gpuTVIndex, (byte) (normal.getX() * 127)); vw.normY.set(gpuTVIndex, (byte) (normal.getY() * 127)); vw.normZ.set(gpuTVIndex, (byte) (normal.getZ() * 127)); } else {// w ww .ja va 2 s . c om float[] xFrames = new float[numFrames]; float[] yFrames = new float[numFrames]; float[] zFrames = new float[numFrames]; float[] nxFrames = new float[numFrames]; float[] nyFrames = new float[numFrames]; float[] nzFrames = new float[numFrames]; for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { xFrames[i] = (float) applyScale( triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getVertices()[vIndex].getPosition().getX()); } xyzAnimator.addFrames(xFrames); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { yFrames[i] = (float) applyScale( triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getVertices()[vIndex].getPosition().getY()); } xyzAnimator.addFrames(yFrames); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { zFrames[i] = (float) applyScale( triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getVertices()[vIndex].getPosition().getZ()); } xyzAnimator.addFrames(zFrames); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { nxFrames[i] = (float) Math .rint(triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getVertices()[vIndex].getNormal().getX() * 127); } xyzAnimator.addFrames(nxFrames); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { nyFrames[i] = (float) Math .rint(triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getVertices()[vIndex].getNormal().getY() * 127); } xyzAnimator.addFrames(nyFrames); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { nzFrames[i] = (float) Math .rint(triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getVertices()[vIndex].getNormal().getZ() * 127); } xyzAnimator.addFrames(nzFrames); } //end else(frames!=1) //////////////// T E X T U R E /////////////////////////// if (td == null) { System.err.println("Stack trace of triangle creation below. NullPointerException follows."); for (StackTraceElement el : t.getCreationStackTrace()) { System.err.println("\tat " + el.getClassName() + "." + el.getMethodName() + "(" + el.getFileName() + ":" + el.getLineNumber() + ")"); } //end for(stackTrace) throw new NullPointerException("Texture for triangle in " + debugName + " intolerably null."); } if (td instanceof Texture) {// Static texture final int sideScalar = ((Texture) td).getSideLength() - 1; if (animateUV && numFrames > 1) {// Animated UV float[] uFrames = new float[numFrames]; float[] vFrames = new float[numFrames]; final WindowAnimator uvAnimator = new WindowAnimator(getFlatTVWindow(), 2, // UV per vertex numFrames, false, getVertexSequencer(timeBetweenFramesMsec, numFrames), new UVXferFunc(gpuTVIndex * UVXferFunc.BACK_STRIDE_LEN)); getModel().addTickableAnimator(uvAnimator); uvAnimator.setDebugName(debugName + ".uvAnimator"); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { uFrames[i] = (float) Math.rint(sideScalar * triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getUV(vIndex).getX()); vFrames[i] = (float) Math .rint(sideScalar * (1 - triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getUV(vIndex).getY())); } // end for(numFrames) uvAnimator.addFrames(uFrames); uvAnimator.addFrames(vFrames); } else {// end if(animateUV) vw.u.set(gpuTVIndex, (short) Math.rint(sideScalar * t.getUV(vIndex).getX())); vw.v.set(gpuTVIndex, (short) Math.rint(sideScalar * (1 - t.getUV(vIndex).getY()))); } // end if(!animateUV) final int textureID = ((Texture) td).getTexturePage(); vw.textureIDLo.set(gpuTVIndex, (byte) (textureID & 0xFF)); vw.textureIDMid.set(gpuTVIndex, (byte) ((textureID >> 8) & 0xFF)); vw.textureIDHi.set(gpuTVIndex, (byte) ((textureID >> 16) & 0xFF)); } // end if(Texture) if (td instanceof AnimatedTexture) {//Animated texture final AnimatedTexture at = (AnimatedTexture) td; if (animateUV && numFrames > 1) {// Animated UV float[] uFrames = new float[numFrames]; float[] vFrames = new float[numFrames]; final WindowAnimator uvAnimator = new WindowAnimator(getFlatTVWindow(), 2, // UV per vertex numFrames, false, getVertexSequencer(timeBetweenFramesMsec, numFrames), new UVXferFunc(gpuTVIndex * UVXferFunc.BACK_STRIDE_LEN)); getModel().addTickableAnimator(uvAnimator); for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { final int sideScalar = at.getFrames()[i].getSideLength() - 1; uFrames[i] = (float) Math.rint(sideScalar * triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getUV(vIndex).getX()); vFrames[i] = (float) Math .rint(sideScalar * (1 - triangleAt(i, triangleIndex).getUV(vIndex).getY())); } // end for(numFrames) uvAnimator.addFrames(uFrames); uvAnimator.addFrames(vFrames); } else {// end if(animateUV) final int sideScalar = at.getFrames()[0].getSideLength() - 1; vw.u.set(gpuTVIndex, (short) Math.rint(sideScalar * t.getUV(vIndex).getX())); vw.v.set(gpuTVIndex, (short) Math.rint(sideScalar * (1 - t.getUV(vIndex).getY()))); } // end if(!animateUV) final TexturePageAnimator texturePageAnimator = new TexturePageAnimator(at, vw, gpuTVIndex); texturePageAnimator.setDebugName(debugName + ".texturePageAnimator"); getModel().addTickableAnimator(texturePageAnimator); } //end if(animated texture) }
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private String adjustResult(String analyzerTestName, String result) { if (ALTL_NAME.equals(analyzerTestName)) { return String.valueOf(Math.rint(Double.parseDouble(result) + ROUND_UP_KICKER)).split("\\.")[0]; }//from ww w.j av a 2 s . c o m if (ASTL_NAME.equals(analyzerTestName)) { return String.valueOf(Math.rint(Double.parseDouble(result) + ROUND_UP_KICKER)).split("\\.")[0]; } if (CREATININ_NAME.equals(analyzerTestName)) { return String.valueOf(Math.rint((Double.parseDouble(result) + ROUND_UP_KICKER) * 10.0)).split("\\.")[0]; } if (GLYCEMIA_NAME.equals(analyzerTestName)) { return String.valueOf(Math.rint((Double.parseDouble(result) + ROUND_UP_KICKER) * 100) / 100); } return result; }
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private String roundTwoDigits(String result) { try {/* ww w . ja va2 s . com*/ Double doubleResult = Double.parseDouble(result); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb); formatter.format("%.2f", (Math.rint(doubleResult * 100.0) / 100.0)); return sb.toString(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return result; } }
From source
/** * Main constructor./* w ww . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ */ public HrDiagram() { List<UpcStar> upcStars = UpcUtils.loadUpcCatalogue(); List<UpcStar> hipStars = UpcUtils.getHipparcosSubset(upcStars); List<UpcStar> unmatchedStars = UpcUtils.getUnmatchedSubset(upcStars); upcStarCrossMatches = XmUtil.getUpcStarCrossMatchMap(upcStars); hipStarCrossMatches = XmUtil.getUpcStarCrossMatchMap(hipStars); unmatchedStarCrossMatches = XmUtil.getUpcStarCrossMatchMap(unmatchedStars);"Loaded " + upcStarCrossMatches.size() + " UpcStars with SSA cross matches");"Loaded " + hipStarCrossMatches.size() + " UpcStars with Hipparcos and SSA cross matches");"Loaded " + unmatchedStarCrossMatches.size() + " UpcStars with no parallax cross-match, and with SSA cross matches"); starsToPlot = upcStarCrossMatches; useHip = false; method = METHOD.NAIVE; fMax = 1.0; final JCheckBox plotAllCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Plot all UPC stars: ", true); plotAllCheckBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (plotAllCheckBox.isSelected()) { starsToPlot = upcStarCrossMatches; updateChart(); } } }); final JCheckBox plotHipCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Plot Hipparcos stars only: ", false); plotHipCheckBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (plotHipCheckBox.isSelected()) { starsToPlot = hipStarCrossMatches; updateChart(); } } }); final JCheckBox plotUnmatchedCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Plot all stars with no external match: ", false); plotUnmatchedCheckBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (plotUnmatchedCheckBox.isSelected()) { starsToPlot = unmatchedStarCrossMatches; updateChart(); } } }); final ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); bg.add(plotHipCheckBox); bg.add(plotAllCheckBox); bg.add(plotUnmatchedCheckBox); JCheckBox useHipCheckBox = new JCheckBox("Use Hipparcos parallaxes when available", useHip); useHipCheckBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { useHip = !useHip; updateChart(); } }); final JComboBox<METHOD> methodComboBox = new JComboBox<METHOD>(METHOD.values()); methodComboBox.setSelectedItem(method); methodComboBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { method = (METHOD) methodComboBox.getSelectedItem(); updateChart(); } }); final JSlider fSlider = GuiUtil.buildSlider(0.0, 2.0, 5, "%3.3f"); fSlider.setValue((int) Math.rint(100.0 * fMax)); final JLabel fLabel = new JLabel(getFLabel()); // Create a change listener fot these ChangeListener cl = new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { JSlider source = (JSlider) e.getSource(); if (source == fSlider) { // Compute fractional parallax error from slider position double newF = (2.0 * source.getValue() / 100.0); fMax = newF; fLabel.setText(getFLabel()); } updateChart(); } }; fSlider.addChangeListener(cl); // Add a bit of padding to space things out fSlider.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); // Present controls below the HR diagram JPanel controls = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 3)); controls.add(plotAllCheckBox); controls.add(plotHipCheckBox); controls.add(plotUnmatchedCheckBox); controls.add(new JLabel("Distance estimation method:")); controls.add(methodComboBox); controls.add(useHipCheckBox); controls.add(fLabel); controls.add(fSlider); // Initialise the ChartPanel updateChart(); // Build the panel contents setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(chartPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(controls, BorderLayout.SOUTH); }
From source
@Test public void testMathRint() { for (double i = 0; i < numItr; ++i) { double val = Math.rint(i); }//from w w w .ja v a2 s. co m }