List of usage examples for java.lang Math max
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static double max(double a, double b)
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { totalMessageCount = 0;/*from w w w .j av a2 s .co m*/ //For parsing the file and storing the information String line; String configurationFile = "configuration.txt"; int lineCountInFile = 0; myProcessId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(configurationFile); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader); while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { if ((!(line.startsWith("#"))) && (!(line.isEmpty()))) { lineCountInFile = lineCountInFile + 1; String[] splitLine = line.split(" "); switch (lineCountInFile) { case 1: numberOfProcesses = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0]); interRequestDelay = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[1]); csExecutionTime = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[2]); maxNumberOfRequest = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[3]); machineNames = new String[Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0])]; portNumbers = new int[Integer.parseInt(splitLine[0])]; break; default: machineNames[lineCountInFile - 2] = splitLine[1]; portNumbers[lineCountInFile - 2] = Integer.parseInt(splitLine[2]); break; } } } conditionArray = new int[numberOfProcesses]; finishFlagArray = new int[numberOfProcesses]; //Initializing vector class VectorClass.initialize(numberOfProcesses); //Fill the arrays with zero false value for (int o = 0; o < numberOfProcesses; o++) { conditionArray[o] = 0; finishFlagArray[o] = 0; } // Write output to file filename = filename + Integer.toString(myProcessId) + ".out"; file = new File(filename); file.createNewFile(); writer = new FileWriter(file); // Write clocks to file filenameClock = filenameClock + Integer.toString(myProcessId) + ".out"; fileClock = new File(filenameClock); fileClock.createNewFile(); //writerClock = new FileWriter(fileClock); fw = new FileWriter(fileClock); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); // // Expo mean insert csExecutionExpoDelay = new ExponentialDistribution(csExecutionTime); interRequestExpoDelay = new ExponentialDistribution(interRequestDelay); // System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("My process id : " + myProcessId); System.out.println("Number of processes : " + numberOfProcesses); System.out.println("Inter-request delay : " + interRequestDelay); System.out.println("Critical section execution time : " + csExecutionTime); System.out.println("Maximum number of request : " + maxNumberOfRequest); System.out.println( "My process name : " + machineNames[myProcessId] + " My port number : " + portNumbers[myProcessId]); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfProcesses; i++) { System.out.println("Process name : " + machineNames[i] + " Port number : " + portNumbers[i]); } System.out.println("********************************************************"); //For hosting server localhost SctpServerChannel sctpServerChannel =; InetSocketAddress serverAddr = new InetSocketAddress(portNumbers[myProcessId]); sctpServerChannel.bind(serverAddr); System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("Local server hosted"); System.out.println("********************************************************"); //For creating neighbor SCTP channels Thread.sleep(30000); socketAddress = new SocketAddress[numberOfProcesses]; sctpChannel = new SctpChannel[numberOfProcesses]; System.out.println("********************************************************"); System.out.println("Neighbor channels created"); System.out.println("********************************************************"); //Thread spanned for generating critical section request new Thread(new LamportBasicVersion()).start(); //while loop to receive all the requests and other messages while (true) { try (SctpChannel sctpChannelFromClient = sctpServerChannel.accept()) { mutex.acquire(); byteBufferFromNeighbor.clear(); String receiveMessage; MessageInfo messageInfoFromNeighbor = sctpChannelFromClient.receive(byteBufferFromNeighbor, null, null); //System.out.println("Raw Message : " + messageInfoFromNeighbor); receiveMessage = byteToString(byteBufferFromNeighbor, messageInfoFromNeighbor); //write to file start writer.write("Received Message : " + receiveMessage); writer.write("\n"); writer.flush(); //write to file end System.out.println("Received Message : " + receiveMessage); if (receiveMessage.contains("Request")) { String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // int requestMade = Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3] + parseMessage[1]); queue.add(requestMade); //Send reply messages to that process for entering CS lamportClock++; //vector clock construction int[] vector = VectorClass.increment(myProcessId); String vectorClockConstruction = ""; for (int g = 0; g < vector.length; g++) { if (g == 0) { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } else { vectorClockConstruction = vectorClockConstruction + "," + Integer.toString(vector[g]); } } // for (int k = 0; k < numberOfProcesses; k++) { if (k == Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])) { try { byteBufferToNeighbor.clear(); initializeChannels(); sctpChannel[k].connect(socketAddress[k]); String sendMessage = "Reply from Process-" + myProcessId + "-" + Integer.toString(requestMade) + "-" + lamportClock + "-" + vectorClockConstruction; System.out.println("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); //write to file start writer.write("Message sent is : " + sendMessage); writer.write("\n"); writer.flush(); //write to file end MessageInfo messageInfoToNeighbor = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(null, 0); byteBufferToNeighbor.put(sendMessage.getBytes()); byteBufferToNeighbor.flip(); sctpChannel[k].send(byteBufferToNeighbor, messageInfoToNeighbor); totalMessageCount++; sctpChannel[k].close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(LamportBasicVersion.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Reply")) { conditionArray[myProcessId] = 1; String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // conditionArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 1; int count = 0; for (int v = 0; v < numberOfProcesses; v++) { if (conditionArray[v] == 1) { count = count + 1; } } if (count == numberOfProcesses) { L1ConditionFlag = 1; System.out.println("Inside L1"); blockingQueue.put("L1"); //Clearing condition array after receiving all REPLY for (int z = 0; z < numberOfProcesses; z++) { conditionArray[z] = 0; } if (L2ConditionFlag == 0 && outstandingRequest == 1) { Integer[] queueArray = new Integer[queue.size()]; queue.toArray(queueArray); Arrays.sort(queueArray); if (queueArray[0] == currentRequestBeingServed) { System.out.println("Inside L2"); L2ConditionFlag = 1; blockingQueue.put("L2"); } } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Release")) { int present = 0; int delete = 0; String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // if (queue.size() != 0) { Integer[] queueArray = new Integer[queue.size()]; queue.toArray(queueArray); Arrays.sort(queueArray); for (int a = 0; a < queueArray.length; a++) { if (queueArray[a] == Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[2])) { present = 1; delete = a; } } if (present == 1) { for (int s = 0; s <= delete; s++) { queue.remove(); } } } if (L2ConditionFlag == 0 && outstandingRequest == 1) { if (queue.size() != 0) { Integer[] queueArray1 = new Integer[queue.size()]; queue.toArray(queueArray1); Arrays.sort(queueArray1); if (currentRequestBeingServed == queueArray1[0]) { L2ConditionFlag = 1; System.out.println("Inside L2"); blockingQueue.put("L2"); } } } } else if (receiveMessage.contains("Finish")) { String[] parseMessage = receiveMessage.split("-"); lamportClock = Math.max(lamportClock, Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[3])) + 1; //vector clock update String[] stringNumericalTimestamp = parseMessage[4].split(","); int[] numericalTimestamp = new int[stringNumericalTimestamp.length]; for (int d = 0; d < stringNumericalTimestamp.length; d++) { numericalTimestamp[d] = Integer.parseInt(stringNumericalTimestamp[d]); } VectorClass.update(myProcessId, numericalTimestamp); // finishFlagArray[Integer.parseInt(parseMessage[1])] = 1; int count = 0; for (int v = 0; v < numberOfProcesses; v++) { if (finishFlagArray[v] == 1) { count = count + 1; } } if (count == numberOfProcesses) { break; } } //logic for other messages //Print the queue to check System.out.println("********************************************************"); for (Object item : queue) { System.out.print(item); System.out.print("\t"); } System.out.println("********************************************************"); } mutex.release(); } }
From source
public static float clamp(float value, float max, float min) { return Math.max(Math.min(value, min), max); }
From source
private static String getVoiceTime(long time) { long seconds = Math.max((time / 1000), 1); long min = seconds / 60; long sec = seconds % 60; return ((min > 0) ? (String.valueOf(min) + "'") : "") + ((sec >= 0) ? (String.valueOf(sec) + "\"") : ""); }
From source
public static double boundaryRestrict(double f, double e, double d) { return Math.max(Math.min(f, d), e); }
From source
public static int clamp(final int num, final int max, final int min) { return Math.max(Math.min(num, max), min); }
From source
public static boolean isShadeOfGray(int red, int green, int blue) { return Math.abs(Math.max(red, Math.max(green, blue)) - Math.min(red, Math.min(green, blue))) < 20; }
From source
public static int adjust(final int value, final int min, final int max) { return Math.min(Math.max(min, value), max); }
From source
public static double calculateMinZoomLevel(int width, int height, int tileSize) { int max = Math.max(width, height); int tilesCount = (int) Math.ceil(1d * max / tileSize); return Math.ceil(Math.log(tilesCount) / Math.log(2d)); }
From source
public static int maxDigit(int n) { return n == 0 ? 0 : Math.max(n % 10, maxDigit(n / 10)); }
From source
public static Float getFloat(float value, float minValue, float maxValue) { return Math.min(maxValue, Math.max(minValue, value)); }