Example usage for java.lang Math E

List of usage examples for java.lang Math E


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math E.


double E

To view the source code for java.lang Math E.

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The double value that is closer than any other to e, the base of the natural logarithms.


From source file:org.gephi.statistics.plugin.DegreeDistribution.java

 * @return The directed version of the report.
 *//*from  ww w .j  a  va 2 s  . c  o  m*/
private String getDirectedReport() {
    double inMax = 0;
    XYSeries inSeries2 = new XYSeries("Series 2");
    for (int i = 1; i < inDistribution[1].length; i++) {
        if (inDistribution[1][i] > 0) {
            inSeries2.add((Math.log(inDistribution[0][i]) / Math.log(Math.E)),
                    (Math.log(inDistribution[1][i]) / Math.log(Math.E)));
            inMax = (float) Math.max((Math.log(inDistribution[0][i]) / Math.log(Math.E)), inMax);
    double inA = inAlpha;
    double inB = inBeta;

    String inImageFile = "";
    String outImageFile = "";
    try {

        XYSeries inSeries1 = new XYSeries(inAlpha + " ");
        inSeries1.add(0, inA);
        inSeries1.add(inMax, inA + inB * inMax);

        XYSeriesCollection inDataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        JFreeChart inChart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("In-Degree Distribution", "In-Degree", "Occurrence",
                inDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false);
        XYPlot inPlot = (XYPlot) inChart.getPlot();
        XYLineAndShapeRenderer inRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer();
        inRenderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(0, true);
        inRenderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(0, false);
        inRenderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(1, false);
        inRenderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(1, true);
        inRenderer.setSeriesShape(1, new java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 1, 1));


        final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());

        TempDir tempDir = TempDirUtils.createTempDir();
        final String fileName = "inDistribution.png";
        final File file1 = tempDir.createFile(fileName);
        inImageFile = "<IMG SRC=\"file:" + file1.getAbsolutePath() + "\" "
                + "WIDTH=\"600\" HEIGHT=\"400\" BORDER=\"0\" USEMAP=\"#chart\"></IMG>";
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file1, inChart, 600, 400, info);

        double outMax = 0;
        XYSeries outSeries2 = new XYSeries("Series 2");
        for (int i = 1; i < outDistribution[1].length; i++) {
            if (outDistribution[1][i] > 0) {
                outSeries2.add((Math.log(outDistribution[0][i]) / Math.log(Math.E)),
                        (Math.log(outDistribution[1][i]) / Math.log(Math.E)));
                outMax = (float) Math.max((Math.log(outDistribution[0][i]) / Math.log(Math.E)), outMax);
        double outA = outAlpha;
        double outB = outBeta;

        XYSeries outSeries1 = new XYSeries(outAlpha + " ");
        outSeries1.add(0, outA);
        outSeries1.add(outMax, outA + outB * outMax);

        XYSeriesCollection outDataset = new XYSeriesCollection();

        JFreeChart outchart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Out-Degree Distribution", "Out-Degree",
                "Occurrence", outDataset, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, true, false, false);
        XYPlot outPlot = (XYPlot) outchart.getPlot();
        XYLineAndShapeRenderer outRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer();
        outRenderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(0, true);
        outRenderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(0, false);
        outRenderer.setSeriesLinesVisible(1, false);
        outRenderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(1, true);
        outRenderer.setSeriesShape(1, new java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 1, 1));


        final ChartRenderingInfo info2 = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection());
        final String fileName2 = "outDistribution.png";
        final File file2 = tempDir.createFile(fileName2);
        outImageFile = "<IMG SRC=\"file:" + file2.getAbsolutePath() + "\" "
                + "WIDTH=\"600\" HEIGHT=\"400\" BORDER=\"0\" USEMAP=\"#chart\"></IMG>";
        ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(file2, outchart, 600, 400, info2);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    String report = "<HTML> <BODY> <h1>Degree Distribution Metric Report </h1> " + "<hr>" + "<br>"
            + "<h2> Parameters: </h2>" + "Network Interpretation:  " + (isDirected ? "directed" : "undirected")
            + "<br>" + "<br> <h2> Results: </h2>" + "In-Degree Power Law: -" + inAlpha + "\n <BR>" + inImageFile
            + "<br>Out-Degree Power Law: -" + outAlpha + "\n <BR>" + outImageFile + "</BODY> </HTML>";

    return report;

From source file:it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.VLPaCoTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction.java

/** Creates a new PaCo-trie-based monotone minimal perfect hash function using the given
 * elements and transformation strategy. 
 * //from w ww  .ja  v  a2 s.c o  m
 * @param elements the elements among which the trie must be able to rank.
 * @param transform a transformation strategy that must turn the elements in <code>elements</code> into a list of
 * distinct, prefix-free, lexicographically increasing (in iteration order) bit vectors.
public VLPaCoTrieDistributorMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction(final Iterable<? extends T> elements,
        final TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform) throws IOException {

    this.transform = transform;
    defRetValue = -1; // For the very few cases in which we can decide

    long maxLength = 0;
    long totalLength = 0;
    BitVector bv;
    final RandomGenerator random = new XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator();
    ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger(LOGGER);
    pl.displayLocalSpeed = true;
    pl.displayFreeMemory = true;
    pl.itemsName = "keys";

    pl.start("Creating chunked hash store...");
    final ChunkedHashStore<BitVector> chunkedHashStore = new ChunkedHashStore<BitVector>(
    for (T s : elements) {
        bv = transform.toBitVector(s);
        maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, bv.length());
        totalLength += bv.length();


    size = chunkedHashStore.size();

    if (size == 0) {
        bucketSize = log2BucketSize = 0;
        distributor = null;
        offset = null;

    final long averageLength = (totalLength + size - 1) / size;

    int t = Fast.mostSignificantBit(
            (int) Math.floor(averageLength - Math.log(size) - Math.log(averageLength - Math.log(size)) - 1));
    final int firstbucketSize = 1 << t;
    LOGGER.debug("First bucket size estimate: " + firstbucketSize);

    final Iterable<BitVector> bitVectors = TransformationStrategies.wrap(elements, transform);

    VLPaCoTrieDistributor<BitVector> firstDistributor = new VLPaCoTrieDistributor<BitVector>(bitVectors, size,
            firstbucketSize, TransformationStrategies.identity());

    if (firstDistributor.numBits() == 0 || firstbucketSize >= size)
        log2BucketSize = t;
    else {
        // Reassign bucket size based on empirical estimation
        log2BucketSize = t
                - Fast.mostSignificantBit((int) Math.ceil(size / (firstDistributor.numBits() * Math.log(2))));

    bucketSize = 1 << log2BucketSize;
    LOGGER.debug("Second bucket size estimate: " + bucketSize);

    if (firstbucketSize == bucketSize)
        distributor = firstDistributor;
    else {
        firstDistributor = null;
        distributor = new VLPaCoTrieDistributor<BitVector>(bitVectors, size, bucketSize,

    LOGGER.info("Bucket size: " + bucketSize);

    final SparseRank sparseRank;
    if (size > 2 * bucketSize) {
        sparseRank = new SparseRank(distributor.offset.getLong(distributor.offset.size64() - 1) + 1,
                distributor.offset.size64(), distributor.offset.iterator());
        if (ASSERTS) {
            long i = 0;
            for (BitVector b : bitVectors) {
                final long d = distributor.getLong(b);
                assert sparseRank.rank(i) == d : "At " + i + ": " + sparseRank.rank(i) + " != " + d;

        select = sparseRank.getSelect();
    } else {
        sparseRank = null;
        select = null;

    if (size > 0) {
        offset = new GOV3Function.Builder<BitVector>().keys(bitVectors)
                .values(new AbstractLongBigList() {
                    public long getLong(long index) {
                        final long rank = sparseRank == null ? 0 : sparseRank.rank(index);
                        if (ASSERTS) {
                            assert rank == 0
                                    || distributor.offset.getLong(rank - 1) <= index : distributor.offset
                                            .getLong(rank - 1) + " >= " + index + "(rank=" + rank + ")";
                            assert rank == 0 && index < bucketSize * 2 || rank > 0
                                    && index - distributor.offset.getLong(rank - 1) < bucketSize * 2;
                        return rank == 0 ? index : index - distributor.offset.getLong(rank - 1);

                    public long size64() {
                        return size;
                }, log2BucketSize + 1).indirect().build();

    } else
        offset = null;


    LOGGER.debug("Forecast distributor bit cost: "
            + (size / bucketSize) * (maxLength + log2BucketSize - Math.log(size)));
    LOGGER.debug("Actual distributor bit cost: " + distributor.numBits());
    LOGGER.debug("Forecast bit cost per element: " + (GOV3Function.C + Fast.log2(Math.E)
            - Fast.log2(Fast.log2(Math.E)) + Fast.log2(maxLength - Fast.log2(size))));
    LOGGER.info("Actual bit cost per element: " + (double) numBits() / size);

From source file:org.libreplan.business.planner.entities.SigmoidFunction.java

private BigDecimal calculateNumberOfAccumulatedHoursAtDay(BigDecimal valueAtOneDay, int totalHours) {
    BigDecimal epow = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.pow(Math.E, valueAtOneDay.negate().doubleValue()));
    BigDecimal denominator = BigDecimal.valueOf(1).add(epow);
    return BigDecimal.valueOf(totalHours).divide(denominator, PRECISSION, ROUND_MODE);

From source file:com.comcast.cns.util.Util.java

 * //w  w  w.  jav  a 2s.  c om
 * @param i The number of retry. Must start with 1
 * @param maxBackOffRetries The total number of retries allowed
 * @param minDelayTarget the minimum retry delay in sec
 * @param maxDelayTarget the max retry delay in sec
 * @param backOffFunction which backoff function to return
 * @return the delay in seconds
public static int getNextRetryDelay(int i, int maxBackOffRetries, int minDelayTarget, int maxDelayTarget,
        CnsBackoffFunction backOffFunction) {
    if (maxBackOffRetries == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxBackOffRetries cannot be 0");
    double x;
    double a;
    switch (backOffFunction) {
    case linear:
        //equation f(i) = slope*(i-1) + minDelayTarget
        //calculate slope given f(maxBackOffRetries) = maxDelayTarget = slope(maxBackOffRetries - 1) + minDelayTarget
        //=> slope = (maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget)/ (maxBackOffRetries - 1)
        double slope = (double) (maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget) / (double) (maxBackOffRetries - 1);
        return (int) (slope * (i - 1) + minDelayTarget);

    case geometric:
        //figure out x using equation: x^(maxBackOffRetries - 1) + minDelayTarget - 1 = maxDelayTarget
        //=> x^(maxBackOffRetries - 1) = maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget + 1
        //=> x = pow(maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget + 1, 1/(maxBackOffRetries - 1))
        // and f(i) = x^(i-1) + minDelayTarget - 1

        x = Math.pow(maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget + 1, 1d / (double) (maxBackOffRetries - 1));
        return (int) Math.pow(x, (i - 1)) + minDelayTarget - 1;

    case exponential:
        //equation to use ae^(i-1) + b - a = y. where b = minDelayTarget
        //=> ae^(maxBackOffRetries -1) + minDelayTarget - a = maxDelayTarget
        //=>a(e^(maxBackOffRetries -1) -1) = maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget
        //=> a = (maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget) / (e^(maxBackOffRetries -1) -1)
        a = (maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget) / (Math.pow(Math.E, maxBackOffRetries - 1) - 1);
        return (int) ((a * Math.pow(Math.E, i - 1)) + minDelayTarget - a);

    case arithmetic:
        //arithmetic is pretty much quadratic for us given euation: ax^2 + b = y
        //f(i) = a(i-1)^2 + b
        //figure out a using b = minDelayTarget & a(maxBackOffRetries-1)^2 + minDelayTarget = maxDelayTarget
        //=> a = (maxDelayTarget-minDelayTarget)/ (maxBackOffRetries-1)^2
        a = (maxDelayTarget - minDelayTarget) / Math.pow(maxBackOffRetries - 1, 2);
        return (int) (a * Math.pow((i - 1), 2) + minDelayTarget);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown backoff" + backOffFunction);

From source file:it.unibo.alchemist.utils.MathUtils.java

 * This method calculates the Gamma function (x) using the Stirling
 * approximation.//from w ww. java 2  s .  c  o m
 * @param x
 *            the variable for (x)
 * @return the Gamma function value with Stirling approximation
public static double stirlingGamma(final double x) {
    return sqrt(2d * Math.PI / x) * pow((x / Math.E), x);

From source file:edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.programs.phylonet.algos.network.NetworkLikelihoodFromGTT.java

protected double findOptimalBranchLength(final Network<Object> speciesNetwork,
        final Map<String, List<String>> species2alleles, final List distinctTrees, final List gtCorrespondence,
        final Set<String> singleAlleleSpecies) {
    boolean continueRounds = true; // keep trying to improve network
    for (NetNode<Object> node : speciesNetwork.dfs()) {
        for (NetNode<Object> parent : node.getParents()) {
            node.setParentDistance(parent, 1.0);
            if (node.isNetworkNode()) {
                node.setParentProbability(parent, 0.5);
            }// ww w.  j a v a  2  s .c o m

    Set<NetNode> node2ignoreForBL = findEdgeHavingNoBL(speciesNetwork, singleAlleleSpecies);
    double initalProb = computeProbabilityForCached(speciesNetwork, distinctTrees, species2alleles,
    if (_printDetails)
        System.out.println(speciesNetwork.toString() + " : " + initalProb);

    final Container<Double> lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork = new Container<Double>(initalProb); // records the GTProb of the network at all times

    int roundIndex = 0;
    for (; roundIndex < _maxRounds && continueRounds; roundIndex++) {
        * Prepare a random ordering of network edge examinations each of which attempts to change a branch length or hybrid prob to improve the GTProb score.
        double lnGtProbLastRound = lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents();
        List<Proc> assigmentActions = new ArrayList<Proc>(); // store adjustment commands here.  Will execute them one by one later.

        for (final NetNode<Object> parent : edu.rice.cs.bioinfo.programs.phylonet.structs.network.util.Networks
                .postTraversal(speciesNetwork)) {

            for (final NetNode<Object> child : parent.getChildren()) {
                if (node2ignoreForBL.contains(child)) {

                assigmentActions.add(new Proc() {
                    public void execute() {

                        UnivariateFunction functionToOptimize = new UnivariateFunction() {
                            public double value(double suggestedBranchLength) {
                                double incumbentBranchLength = child.getParentDistance(parent);

                                child.setParentDistance(parent, suggestedBranchLength);

                                double lnProb = updateProbabilityForCached(speciesNetwork, distinctTrees,
                                        gtCorrespondence, child, parent);
                                //System.out.println(speciesNetwork + ": " + lnProb);
                                if (lnProb > lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()) // did improve, keep change

                                } else // didn't improve, roll back change
                                    child.setParentDistance(parent, incumbentBranchLength);
                                return lnProb;
                        BrentOptimizer optimizer = new BrentOptimizer(_Brent1, _Brent2); // very small numbers so we control when brent stops, not brent.

                        try {
                            optimizer.optimize(_maxTryPerBranch, functionToOptimize, GoalType.MAXIMIZE,
                                    Double.MIN_VALUE, _maxBranchLength);
                        } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) // _maxAssigmentAttemptsPerBranchParam exceeded

                        updateProbabilityForCached(speciesNetwork, distinctTrees, gtCorrespondence, child,
                        if (_printDetails)
                                    speciesNetwork.toString() + " : " + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents());


        for (final NetNode<Object> child : speciesNetwork.getNetworkNodes()) // find every hybrid node

            Iterator<NetNode<Object>> hybridParents = child.getParents().iterator();
            final NetNode hybridParent1 = hybridParents.next();
            final NetNode hybridParent2 = hybridParents.next();

            assigmentActions.add(new Proc() {
                public void execute() {
                    UnivariateFunction functionToOptimize = new UnivariateFunction() {
                        public double value(double suggestedProb) {
                            double incumbentHybridProbParent1 = child.getParentProbability(hybridParent1);

                            child.setParentProbability(hybridParent1, suggestedProb);
                            child.setParentProbability(hybridParent2, 1.0 - suggestedProb);

                            double lnProb = updateProbabilityForCached(speciesNetwork, distinctTrees,
                                    gtCorrespondence, child, null);
                            //System.out.println(speciesNetwork + ": " + lnProb);
                            if (lnProb > lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()) // change improved GTProb, keep it

                            } else // change did not improve, roll back

                                child.setParentProbability(hybridParent1, incumbentHybridProbParent1);
                                child.setParentProbability(hybridParent2, 1.0 - incumbentHybridProbParent1);
                            return lnProb;
                    BrentOptimizer optimizer = new BrentOptimizer(_Brent1, _Brent2); // very small numbers so we control when brent stops, not brent.

                    try {
                        if (child.getName().equals("Y"))
                            optimizer.optimize(_maxTryPerBranch, functionToOptimize, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, 0.6,
                            optimizer.optimize(_maxTryPerBranch, functionToOptimize, GoalType.MAXIMIZE, 0, 1.0);
                    } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) // _maxAssigmentAttemptsPerBranchParam exceeded
                    updateProbabilityForCached(speciesNetwork, distinctTrees, gtCorrespondence, child, null);
                    if (_printDetails)
                                speciesNetwork.toString() + " : " + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents());


        // add hybrid probs to hybrid edges

        for (Proc assigment : assigmentActions) // for each change attempt, perform attempt
        if (_printDetails) {
            System.out.println("Round end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
                    .println(speciesNetwork.toString() + "\n" + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents() + "\n");
        if (((double) lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents()) == lnGtProbLastRound) // if no improvement was made wrt to last around, stop trying to find a better assignment
            continueRounds = false;
        } else if (lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents() > lnGtProbLastRound) // improvement was made, ensure it is large enough wrt to improvement threshold to continue searching

            double improvementPercentage = Math.pow(Math.E,
                    (lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents() - lnGtProbLastRound)) - 1.0; // how much did we improve over last round
            if (improvementPercentage < _improvementThreshold) // improved, but not enough to keep searching
                continueRounds = false;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Should never have decreased prob.");
    //System.out.println("\n" + lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents() + ": " + speciesNetwork);
    return lnGtProbOfSpeciesNetwork.getContents();

From source file:edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.applications.demo.BlackScholesApplication.java

public void calculate() {
    //System.out.println("calculate start");
    double S0 = input[0];
    double E = input[1];
    double sigma = input[2];
    double r = input[3];
    double day = input[4];
    double t = day / 365;
    //   int n = (int)input[5];

    //System.out.println("calculate start: S0="+S0+" E="+E+" sigma="+sigma+" r="+r+" day="+day+" n="+n);
    NormalDistribution nd = new NormalDistribution(0, 1);

    double d1 = (Math.log(S0 / E) + (r + .5 * sigma * sigma) * t) / (sigma * Math.sqrt(t));
    double d2 = d1 - sigma * Math.sqrt(t);
    double c = S0 * nd.getCDF(d1) - (E / Math.pow(Math.E, r * t)) * nd.getCDF(d2);

    p_serie = new XYSeries(info.outputName[0], false);
    p_serie.add(0, c);/* www.  j a  va  2 s  .c  om*/
    p_serie.add(Range, c);

    double u, d, rp, p1, p2, k, CC, dt;
    BinomialDistribution b1, b2;

    s_serie = new XYSeries(info.outputName[1], false);

    /*   for (int i=step; i<=Range; i+=step){
          u = Math.pow(Math.E,sigma*Math.sqrt(t/i));
          d = 1/u;
          rp = Math.pow(1+r, t/i)-1;
       //   rp = Math.log(1+r)/(i/t);
          p1 = (1+rp-d)/(u-d) ;
          p2 = (p1*u)/(1+rp);
          k = Math.round(0.5+(Math.log(E/(S0*Math.pow(d, i))))/(Math.log(u/d)));
          //System.out.println("i="+i+" u="+u+" d="+d+" rp="+rp+" p1="+p1+" p2="+p2+" k ="+k);
          b1 = new BinomialDistribution(i,p1);
          b2 = new BinomialDistribution(i,p2);
          CC = S0*(1-b2.getCDF(k-1))-(E/Math.pow(1+rp,i))*(1-b1.getCDF(k-1));

    // better
    for (int i = step; i <= Range; i += step) {
        dt = t / i;
        u = Math.pow(Math.E, sigma * Math.sqrt(t / i));
        d = 1 / u;
        rp = Math.pow(Math.E, r * dt);

        //   rp = Math.log(1+r)/(i/t);
        p1 = (rp - d) / (u - d);
        p2 = (p1 * u) / (rp);
        k = Math.round(0.5 + (Math.log(E / (S0 * Math.pow(d, i)))) / (Math.log(u / d)));
        //System.out.println("i="+i+" u="+u+" d="+d+" rp="+rp+" p1="+p1+" p2="+p2+" k ="+k);

        b1 = new BinomialDistribution(i, p1);
        b2 = new BinomialDistribution(i, p2);
        CC = S0 * (1 - b2.getCDF(k - 1)) - (E * Math.pow(Math.E, -r * t)) * (1 - b1.getCDF(k - 1));
        s_serie.add(i, CC);

    /*     numSs= (int)(1/N);
         S = new double[numSs];
         double sq = Math.sqrt(Delta);
         double e;
         double ds;
         for (int i=0; i<numSs; i++){
            e = nd.simulate();
            ds = Mu*S0*Dt+Delta*S0*sq*e;
            if (i!=0)
     S[i]= S[i-1]+ds;
         }   */

From source file:it.unimi.dsi.sux4j.mph.VLLcpMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction.java

public VLLcpMonotoneMinimalPerfectHashFunction(final Iterable<? extends T> iterable, final int numElements,
        final TransformationStrategy<? super T> transform) throws IOException {

    final ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger(LOGGER);
    pl.displayLocalSpeed = true;/*  w  ww.jav a2 s.c o m*/
    pl.displayFreeMemory = true;
    this.transform = transform;
    final RandomGenerator r = new XorShift1024StarRandomGenerator();

    if (numElements == -1) {
        if (iterable instanceof Size64)
            n = ((Size64) iterable).size64();
        else if (iterable instanceof Collection)
            n = ((Collection<?>) iterable).size();
        else {
            long c = 0;
            for (T dummy : iterable)
            n = c;
    } else
        n = numElements;

    if (n == 0) {
        bucketSize = bucketSizeMask = log2BucketSize = 0;
        lcp2Bucket = null;
        offsets = null;
        lcpLengths = null;
        mph = null;

    defRetValue = -1; // For the very few cases in which we can decide

    int theoreticalBucketSize = (int) Math
            .ceil(1 + GOV3Function.C * Math.log(2) + Math.log(n) - Math.log(1 + Math.log(n)));
    log2BucketSize = Fast.ceilLog2(theoreticalBucketSize);
    bucketSize = 1 << log2BucketSize;
    bucketSizeMask = bucketSize - 1;

    final long numBuckets = (n + bucketSize - 1) / bucketSize;

    LongArrayBitVector prev = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance();
    LongArrayBitVector curr = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance();
    int currLcp = 0;
    int maxLcp = 0, minLcp = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    long maxLength = 0, totalLength = 0;

    final ChunkedHashStore<BitVector> chunkedHashStore = new ChunkedHashStore<BitVector>(
            TransformationStrategies.identity(), pl);
    OfflineIterable<BitVector, LongArrayBitVector> lcps = new OfflineIterable<BitVector, LongArrayBitVector>(
            BitVectors.OFFLINE_SERIALIZER, LongArrayBitVector.getInstance());
    pl.expectedUpdates = n;
    pl.start("Scanning collection...");

    Iterator<? extends T> iterator = iterable.iterator();
    for (long b = 0; b < numBuckets; b++) {
        maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, prev.length());
        totalLength += Fast.length(1 + prev.length());
        currLcp = (int) prev.length();
        final int currBucketSize = (int) Math.min(bucketSize, n - b * bucketSize);

        for (int i = 0; i < currBucketSize - 1; i++) {
            final int prefix = (int) curr.longestCommonPrefixLength(prev);
            if (prefix == prev.length() && prefix == curr.length())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input bit vectors are not distinct");
            if (prefix == prev.length() || prefix == curr.length())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input bit vectors are not prefix-free");
            if (prev.getBoolean(prefix))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input bit vectors are not lexicographically sorted");

            currLcp = Math.min(prefix, currLcp);

            maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, prev.length());
            totalLength += Fast.length(1 + prev.length());

        lcps.add(prev.subVector(0, currLcp));
        maxLcp = Math.max(maxLcp, currLcp);
        minLcp = Math.min(minLcp, currLcp);


    // Build function assigning each lcp to its bucket.
    lcp2Bucket = new GOV3Function.Builder<BitVector>().keys(lcps).transform(TransformationStrategies.identity())
    final int[][] lcpLength = IntBigArrays.newBigArray(lcps.size64());
    long p = 0;
    for (LongArrayBitVector bv : lcps)
        IntBigArrays.set(lcpLength, p++, (int) bv.length());

    if (DEBUG) {
        for (BitVector v : lcps)
            System.err.println(v + " " + v.length());
        for (BitVector v : lcps) {
            final long value = lcp2Bucket.getLong(v);
            if (p++ != value) {
                System.err.println("p: " + (p - 1) + "  value: " + value + " key:" + v);
                throw new AssertionError();


    final Iterable<BitVector> bitVectors = TransformationStrategies.wrap(iterable, transform);
    // Build mph on elements.
    mph = new GOVMinimalPerfectHashFunction.Builder<BitVector>().keys(bitVectors)
    this.seed = chunkedHashStore.seed();

    // Build function assigning the lcp length and the bucketing data to each element.
    (offsets = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance().asLongBigList(log2BucketSize)).size(n);
    LongBigList lcpLengthsTemp = LongArrayBitVector.getInstance().asLongBigList(Fast.length(maxLcp));

    LOGGER.info("Generating data tables...");

    for (ChunkedHashStore.Chunk chunk : chunkedHashStore) {
        for (long[] quadruple : chunk) {
            final long index = mph.getLongByTriple(quadruple);
            offsets.set(index, quadruple[3] & bucketSizeMask);
            lcpLengthsTemp.set(index, IntBigArrays.get(lcpLength, (int) (quadruple[3] >> log2BucketSize)));


    lcpLengths = new EliasFanoLongBigList(lcpLengthsTemp.iterator(), minLcp, true);

    if (DEBUG) {
        p = 0;
        for (T key : iterable) {
            BitVector bv = transform.toBitVector(key);
            long index = mph.getLong(bv);
            if (p++ != lcp2Bucket.getLong(bv.subVector(0, lcpLengths.getLong(index))) * bucketSize
                    + offsets.getLong(index)) {
                System.err.println("p: " + (p - 1) + "  Key: " + key + " bucket size: " + bucketSize + " lcp "
                        + transform.toBitVector(key).subVector(0, lcpLengths.getLong(index)) + " lcp length: "
                        + lcpLengths.getLong(index) + " bucket "
                        + lcp2Bucket.getLong(transform.toBitVector(key).subVector(0, lcpLengths.getLong(index)))
                        + " offset: " + offsets.getLong(index));
                throw new AssertionError();

    LOGGER.debug("Bucket size: " + bucketSize);
    final double avgLength = (double) totalLength / n;
    LOGGER.debug("Forecast bit cost per element: " + (2 * GOV3Function.C + 2 + avgLength + Fast.log2(avgLength)
            + Fast.log2(Math.E) - Fast.log2(Fast.log2(Math.E)) + Fast.log2(1 + Fast.log2(n))));
    LOGGER.info("Actual bit cost per element: " + (double) numBits() / n);

From source file:com.facebook.presto.operator.scalar.MathFunctions.java

@Description("Euler's number")
public static double e() {
    return Math.E;

From source file:geogebra.common.kernel.cas.AlgoSurdText.java

 * Goal: modifies a StringBuilder object sb to be a radical up to quartic
 * roots The precision is adapted, according to setting
 * // w w  w .  j  a v  a2  s .c  o m
 * @param sb
 * @param num
 * @param tpl
protected void PSLQappendGeneral(StringBuilder sb, double num, StringTemplate tpl) {

    // Zero Test: Is num 0?
    if (Kernel.isZero(num)) {
        sb.append(kernel.format(0, tpl));

    // Rational Number Test. num is not 0. Is num rational (with small
    // denominator <= 1000) ?
    AlgebraicFit fitter = new AlgebraicFit(null, null, AlgebraicFittingType.RATIONAL_NUMBER, tpl);

    ValidExpression ve = sbToCAS(fitter.formalSolution);

    if (fitter.formalSolution.length() > 0 && Kernel.isEqual(ve.evaluateDouble(), num)) {
        sb.append(kernel.getGeoGebraCAS().evaluateGeoGebraCAS(ve, null, tpl, kernel));

    double[] testValues;
    String[] testNames;

    if (list != null) {

        ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
        ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            double x = list.get(i).evaluateDouble();

            if (Kernel.isEqual(x, Math.PI)) {
            } else if (Kernel.isEqual(x, 1 / Math.PI)) {
                values.add(1 / Math.PI);
            } else if (Kernel.isEqual(x, Math.PI * Math.PI)) {
                values.add(Math.PI * Math.PI);
            } else if (Kernel.isEqual(x, Math.sqrt(Math.PI))) {
            } else if (Kernel.isEqual(x, Math.E)) {
            } else if (Kernel.isEqual(x, 1 / Math.E)) {
                values.add(1 / Math.E);
                names.add("1/" + Unicode.EULER_STRING);
            } else if (Kernel.isEqual(x, Math.E * Math.E)) {
                values.add(Math.E * Math.PI);
                names.add(Unicode.EULER_STRING + "^2");
            } else if (Kernel.isEqual(x, Math.sqrt(Math.E))) {
                names.add("sqrt(" + Unicode.EULER_STRING + ")");
            } else {
                int j;
                for (j = 2; j < 100; j++) {
                    double sqrt = Math.sqrt(j);
                    if (!Kernel.isInteger(sqrt) && Kernel.isEqual(x, sqrt)) {
                        names.add("sqrt(" + j + ")");

                    double ln = Math.log(j);
                    if (Kernel.isEqual(x, ln)) {
                        names.add("ln(" + j + ")");

        testValues = new double[values.size()];
        testNames = new String[values.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
            testValues[i] = values.get(i);
            testNames[i] = names.get(i);

            // App.debug(testNames[i]);

    } else {

        // default constants if none supplied
        testValues = new double[] { Math.sqrt(2.0), Math.sqrt(3.0), Math.sqrt(5.0), Math.sqrt(6.0),
                Math.sqrt(7.0), Math.sqrt(10.0), Math.PI };
        testNames = new String[] { "sqrt(2)", "sqrt(3)", "sqrt(5)", "sqrt(6)", "sqrt(7)", "sqrt(10)", "pi" };

    boolean success = fitLinearComb(num, testNames, testValues, 100, sb, tpl);

    if (success) {

    sb.append(kernel.format(num, StringTemplate.maxPrecision));
