List of usage examples for java.lang Math cos
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static double cos(double a)
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/** * Returns a regular <code>num_sides</code>-sided * <code>Polygon</code> whose bounding * box's width and height are defined by this instance's size and * aspect ratio functions for this vertex. * @param num_sides the number of sides of the polygon; must be >= 3. *///from www. j a v a2 s .c om public Shape getRegularPolygon(V v, int num_sides) { if (num_sides < 3) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of sides must be >= 3"); Rectangle2D frame = getRectangle(v); float width = (float) frame.getWidth(); float height = (float) frame.getHeight(); // generate coordinates double angle = 0; thePolygon.reset(); thePolygon.moveTo(0, 0); thePolygon.lineTo(width, 0); double theta = (2 * Math.PI) / num_sides; for (int i = 2; i < num_sides; i++) { angle -= theta; float delta_x = (float) (width * Math.cos(angle)); float delta_y = (float) (width * Math.sin(angle)); Point2D prev = thePolygon.getCurrentPoint(); thePolygon.lineTo((float) prev.getX() + delta_x, (float) prev.getY() + delta_y); } thePolygon.closePath(); // scale polygon to be right size, translate to center at (0,0) Rectangle2D r = thePolygon.getBounds2D(); double scale_x = width / r.getWidth(); double scale_y = height / r.getHeight(); float translationX = (float) (r.getMinX() + r.getWidth() / 2); float translationY = (float) (r.getMinY() + r.getHeight() / 2); AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale_x, scale_y); at.translate(-translationX, -translationY); Shape shape = at.createTransformedShape(thePolygon); return shape; }
From source
private static BufferedImage createTerritoryMap(int idSector) { List<Area> areas = new ArrayList<Area>(DataAccess.getAreasBySector(idSector)); float[][] points = new float[areas.size()][2]; int[] dominatingAllies = new int[areas.size()]; int i = 0;/* ww w. j a v a 2 s. com*/ for (Area area : areas) { points[i][0] = area.getX() * MAP_SCALE; points[i][1] = area.getY() * MAP_SCALE; dominatingAllies[i] = area.getIdDominatingAlly(); i++; } Hull hull = new Hull(points); MPolygon hullPolygon = hull.getRegion(); float[][] newPoints = new float[points.length + hullPolygon.count()][2]; System.arraycopy(points, 0, newPoints, 0, points.length); float[][] hullCoords = hullPolygon.getCoords(); for (i = 0; i < hullPolygon.count(); i++) { double angle = Math.atan2(hullCoords[i][1], hullCoords[i][0]); double length = Math.sqrt(hullCoords[i][0] * hullCoords[i][0] + hullCoords[i][1] * hullCoords[i][1]); newPoints[i + points.length][0] = (float) (Math.cos(angle) * (length + 8 * MAP_SCALE)); newPoints[i + points.length][1] = (float) (Math.sin(angle) * (length + 8 * MAP_SCALE)); } points = newPoints; Voronoi voronoi = new Voronoi(points); Delaunay delaunay = new Delaunay(points); // Dcoupage en rgions MPolygon[] regions = voronoi.getRegions(); // Calcule le rayon de la galaxie int radius = 0; for (Area area : areas) { radius = Math.max(radius, area.getX() * area.getX() + area.getY() * area.getY()); } radius = (int) Math.floor(Math.sqrt(radius) * MAP_SCALE) + 10 * MAP_SCALE; int diameter = 2 * radius + 1; // Construit l'image avec les quadrants BufferedImage territoriesImage = new BufferedImage(diameter, diameter, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) territoriesImage.getGraphics(); // Affecte une couleur chaque alliance HashMap<Integer, Color> alliesColors = new HashMap<Integer, Color>(); for (Area area : areas) { int idDominatingAlly = area.getIdDominatingAlly(); if (idDominatingAlly != 0) alliesColors.put(idDominatingAlly, Ally.TERRITORY_COLORS[DataAccess.getAllyById(idDominatingAlly).getColor()]); } Polygon[] polygons = new Polygon[regions.length]; for (i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { if (dominatingAllies[i] != 0) { polygons[i] = createPolygon(regions[i].getCoords(), radius + 1, 3); } } // Dessine tous les secteurs g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); for (i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { if (dominatingAllies[i] == 0) continue; Polygon p = polygons[i]; // Dessine le polygone g.setColor(alliesColors.get(dominatingAllies[i])); g.fill(p); // Rempli les espaces entre les polygones adjacents qui // correspondent au territoire d'une mme alliance int[] linkedRegions = delaunay.getLinked(i); for (int j = 0; j < linkedRegions.length; j++) { int linkedRegion = linkedRegions[j]; if (linkedRegion >= areas.size()) continue; if (dominatingAllies[i] == dominatingAllies[linkedRegion]) { if (linkedRegion <= i) continue; float[][] coords1 = regions[i].getCoords(); float[][] coords2 = regions[linkedRegion].getCoords(); int junctionIndex = 0; int[][] junctions = new int[2][2]; search: for (int k = 0; k < coords1.length; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < coords2.length; l++) { if (coords1[k][0] == coords2[l][0] && coords1[k][1] == coords2[l][1]) { junctions[junctionIndex][0] = k; junctions[junctionIndex][1] = l; junctionIndex++; if (junctionIndex == 2) { int[] xpts = new int[] { polygons[i].xpoints[junctions[0][0]], polygons[linkedRegion].xpoints[junctions[0][1]], polygons[linkedRegion].xpoints[junctions[1][1]], polygons[i].xpoints[junctions[1][0]], }; int[] ypts = new int[] { polygons[i].ypoints[junctions[0][0]], polygons[linkedRegion].ypoints[junctions[0][1]], polygons[linkedRegion].ypoints[junctions[1][1]], polygons[i].ypoints[junctions[1][0]], }; Polygon border = new Polygon(xpts, ypts, 4); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); g.fill(border); g.draw(border); break search; } break; } } } } } } // Dessine des lignes de contours des territoires g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); for (i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { if (dominatingAllies[i] == 0) continue; g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1.5f)); g.setColor(alliesColors.get(dominatingAllies[i]).brighter().brighter()); float[][] coords1 = regions[i].getCoords(); lines: for (int j = 0; j < coords1.length; j++) { int[] linkedRegions = delaunay.getLinked(i); for (int k = 0; k < linkedRegions.length; k++) { int linkedRegion = linkedRegions[k]; if (linkedRegion >= areas.size()) continue; if (dominatingAllies[i] == dominatingAllies[linkedRegion]) { float[][] coords2 = regions[linkedRegion].getCoords(); for (int m = 0; m < coords2.length; m++) { if (coords1[j][0] == coords2[m][0] && coords1[j][1] == coords2[m][1] && ((coords1[(j + 1) % coords1.length][0] == coords2[(m + 1) % coords2.length][0] && coords1[(j + 1) % coords1.length][1] == coords2[(m + 1) % coords2.length][1]) || (coords1[(j + 1) % coords1.length][0] == coords2[(m - 1 + coords2.length) % coords2.length][0] && coords1[(j + 1) % coords1.length][1] == coords2[(m - 1 + coords2.length) % coords2.length][1]))) { continue lines; } } } } g.drawLine(Math.round(polygons[i].xpoints[j]), Math.round(polygons[i].ypoints[j]), Math.round(polygons[i].xpoints[(j + 1) % coords1.length]), Math.round(polygons[i].ypoints[(j + 1) % coords1.length])); } for (int j = 0; j < coords1.length; j++) { int neighbours = 0; int lastNeighbourRegion = -1; int neighbourCoordsIndex = -1; int[] linkedRegions = delaunay.getLinked(i); for (int k = 0; k < linkedRegions.length; k++) { int linkedRegion = linkedRegions[k]; if (linkedRegion >= areas.size()) continue; if (dominatingAllies[i] == dominatingAllies[linkedRegion]) { float[][] coords2 = regions[linkedRegion].getCoords(); for (int m = 0; m < coords2.length; m++) { if (coords1[j][0] == coords2[m][0] && coords1[j][1] == coords2[m][1]) { neighbours++; lastNeighbourRegion = linkedRegion; neighbourCoordsIndex = m; break; } } } } if (neighbours == 1) { g.drawLine(Math.round(polygons[i].xpoints[j]), Math.round(polygons[i].ypoints[j]), Math.round(polygons[lastNeighbourRegion].xpoints[neighbourCoordsIndex]), Math.round(polygons[lastNeighbourRegion].ypoints[neighbourCoordsIndex])); } } } BufferedImage finalImage = new BufferedImage(diameter, diameter, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); g = (Graphics2D) finalImage.getGraphics(); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC, .15f)); g.drawImage(territoriesImage, 0, 0, null); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC, .5f)); // Charge la police pour afficher le nom des alliances try { Font textFont = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, Action.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("fr/fg/server/resources/TinDog.ttf")); textFont = textFont.deriveFont(12f).deriveFont(Font.BOLD); g.setFont(textFont); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingSystem.getServerLogger().warn("Could not load quadrant map font.", e); } FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); ArrayList<Integer> closedRegions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (i = 0; i < areas.size(); i++) { if (dominatingAllies[i] == 0 || closedRegions.contains(i)) continue; ArrayList<Integer> allyRegions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<Integer> openRegions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); openRegions.add(i); while (openRegions.size() > 0) { int currentRegion = openRegions.remove(0); allyRegions.add(currentRegion); closedRegions.add(currentRegion); int[] linkedRegions = delaunay.getLinked(currentRegion); for (int k = 0; k < linkedRegions.length; k++) { int linkedRegion = linkedRegions[k]; if (linkedRegion >= areas.size() || openRegions.contains(linkedRegion) || allyRegions.contains(linkedRegion)) continue; if (dominatingAllies[i] == dominatingAllies[linkedRegion]) openRegions.add(linkedRegion); } } Area area = areas.get(i); long xsum = 0; long ysum = 0; for (int k = 0; k < allyRegions.size(); k++) { int allyRegion = allyRegions.get(k); area = areas.get(allyRegion); xsum += area.getX(); ysum += area.getY(); } int x = (int) (xsum / allyRegions.size()) * MAP_SCALE + radius + 1; int y = (int) (-ysum / allyRegions.size()) * MAP_SCALE + radius + 1; ; Point point = new Point(x, y); boolean validLocation = false; for (int k = 0; k < allyRegions.size(); k++) { int allyRegion = allyRegions.get(k); if (polygons[allyRegion].contains(point)) { validLocation = true; break; } } if (validLocation) { if (allyRegions.size() == 1) y -= 14; } else { int xmid = (int) (xsum / allyRegions.size()); int ymid = (int) (ysum / allyRegions.size()); area = areas.get(i); int dx = area.getX() - xmid; int dy = area.getY() - ymid; int distance = dx * dx + dy * dy; int nearestAreaIndex = i; int nearestDistance = distance; for (int k = 0; k < allyRegions.size(); k++) { int allyRegion = allyRegions.get(k); area = areas.get(allyRegion); dx = area.getX() - xmid; dy = area.getY() - ymid; distance = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (distance < nearestDistance) { nearestAreaIndex = allyRegion; nearestDistance = distance; } } area = areas.get(nearestAreaIndex); x = area.getX() * MAP_SCALE + radius + 1; y = -area.getY() * MAP_SCALE + radius - 13; } // Dessine le tag de l'alliance String allyTag = "[ " + DataAccess.getAllyById(dominatingAllies[i]).getTag() + " ]"; g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawString(allyTag, x - fm.stringWidth(allyTag) / 2 + 1, y); g.setColor(alliesColors.get(dominatingAllies[i])); g.drawString(allyTag, x - fm.stringWidth(allyTag) / 2, y); } return finalImage; }
From source
/** * Carry out the projection//from w ww . j a v a2 s .c om */ public void project() { setcolours(); final int width = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getWidth(); final int height = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getHeight(); final double lat = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getLatitudeRadians(); final double lon = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getLongitudeRadians(); final double scale = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getScale(); final double hgrid = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getHgrid(); final double vgrid = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getVgrid(); final boolean doShade = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().isDoShade(); depth = (3 * ((int) (log2(scale * height)))) + 6; cacheParameters(); colours = new short[width][height]; shades = new short[width][height]; double x; double y; double z; double x1; double y1; double z1; double ymin; double ymax; double theta1; double theta2; double zz; int i; int j; ymin = 2.0; ymax = -2.0; final double sla = Math.sin(lat); final double cla = Math.cos(lat); final double slo = Math.sin(lon); final double clo = Math.cos(lon); progress.progressStart(height, "Generating Terrain"); for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) { progress.progressStep(j); for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { x = ((2.0 * i) - width) / height / scale; y = ((2.0 * j) - height) / height / scale; z = (x * x) + (y * y); zz = 0.25 * (4.0 + z); x = x / zz; y = y / zz; z = (1.0 - (0.25 * z)) / zz; x1 = (clo * x) + (slo * sla * y) + (slo * cla * z); y1 = (cla * y) - (sla * z); z1 = (-slo * x) + (clo * sla * y) + (clo * cla * z); if (y1 < ymin) { ymin = y1; } if (y1 > ymax) { ymax = y1; } colours[i][j] = (short) planet0(x1, y1, z1); if (doShade) { shades[i][j] = shade; } } } progress.progressComplete("Terrain Generated"); if (hgrid != 0.0) { /* draw horizontal gridlines */ for (theta1 = 0.0; theta1 > -90.0; theta1 -= hgrid) ; for (theta1 = theta1; theta1 < 90.0; theta1 += hgrid) { y = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta1)); if ((ymin <= y) && (y <= ymax)) { zz = Math.sqrt(1 - (y * y)); for (theta2 = -Math.PI; theta2 < Math.PI; theta2 += (0.5 / width / scale)) { x = Math.sin(theta2) * zz; z = Math.cos(theta2) * zz; x1 = (clo * x) + (slo * z); y1 = ((slo * sla * x) + (cla * y)) - (clo * sla * z); z1 = (-slo * cla * x) + (sla * y) + (clo * cla * z); if (Math.abs(z1) < 1.0) { i = (int) (0.5 * (((height * scale * 2.0 * x1 * (1 + z1)) / (1.0 - (z1 * z1))) + width)); j = (int) (0.5 * (((height * scale * 2.0 * y1 * (1 + z1)) / (1.0 - (z1 * z1))) + height)); if ((0 <= i) && (i < width) && (0 <= j) && (j < height)) { colours[i][j] = BLACK; } } } } } } if (vgrid != 0.0) { /* draw vertical gridlines */ for (theta2 = -Math.PI; theta2 < Math.PI; theta2 += (0.5 / width / scale)) { y = Math.sin(theta2); if ((ymin <= y) && (y <= ymax)) { for (theta1 = 0.0; theta1 < 360.0; theta1 += vgrid) { x = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta1)) * Math.cos(theta2); z = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta1)) * Math.cos(theta2); x1 = (clo * x) + (slo * z); y1 = ((slo * sla * x) + (cla * y)) - (clo * sla * z); z1 = (-slo * cla * x) + (sla * y) + (clo * cla * z); if (Math.abs(z1) < 1.0) { i = (int) (0.5 * (((height * scale * 2.0 * x1 * (1 + z1)) / (1 - (z1 * z1))) + width)); j = (int) (0.5 * (((height * scale * 2.0 * y1 * (1 + z1)) / (1 - (z1 * z1))) + height)); if ((0 <= i) && (i < width) && (0 <= j) && (j < height)) { colours[i][j] = BLACK; } } } } } } if (doShade) { smoothshades(); } doOutlining(); }
From source
/** * Create a valid location for an individual * * @param index The index of the individual * @return The valid location// w w w . ja va 2 s . com */ protected Vector2D createValidLocation(int index) { Vector2D location = null; // If we have a location, use it if (index < _locations.size()) { location = _locations.get(index); } // Otherwise, generate it else { // Generate a radius float radius = _simState.getRandom().nextFloat() * _maxRadius; // Generate an angle double angle = (_simState.getRandom().nextDouble() * Math.PI * 2.0) - Math.PI; // Convert to cartesian float x = radius * (float) Math.cos(angle); float y = radius * (float) Math.sin(angle); location = new Vector2D(x, y); } return location; }
From source
public void propagate(double t0, double tf, Printable pr, boolean print_switch, double steps) { double[] temp = new double[6]; // double ta_save = this.ta; this.steps = steps; // Determine step size double n = this.meanMotion(); double period = this.period(); double dt = period / steps; if ((t0 + dt) > tf) // check to see if we're going past tf {//from w ww . ja v a 2 s . co m dt = tf - t0; } // determine initial E and M double sqrome2 = Math.sqrt(1.0 - this.e * this.e); double cta = Math.cos(this.ta); double sta = Math.sin(this.ta); double sine0 = (sqrome2 * sta) / (1.0 + this.e * cta); double cose0 = (this.e + cta) / (1.0 + this.e * cta); double e0 = Math.atan2(sine0, cose0); double ma = e0 - this.e * Math.sin(e0); // initialize t double t = t0; if (print_switch) { temp = this.randv(); pr.print(t, temp); } while (t < tf) { ma = ma + n * dt; double ea = solveKepler(ma, this.e); double sinE = Math.sin(ea); double cosE = Math.cos(ea); double den = 1.0 - this.e * cosE; double sinv = (sqrome2 * sinE) / den; double cosv = (cosE - this.e) / den; this.ta = Math.atan2(sinv, cosv); if (this.ta < 0.0) { this.ta = this.ta + 2.0 * Constants.pi; } t = t + dt; temp = this.randv(); this.rv = new VectorN(temp); if (print_switch) { pr.print(t, temp); } if ((t + dt) > tf) { dt = tf - t; } } // Reset everything to before this.ta = initial_ta; }
From source
/** * Carry out the projection//from ww w.j ava 2 s . c o m */ public void project() { setcolours(); final int width = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getWidth(); final int height = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getHeight(); final double lat = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getLatitudeRadians(); final double lon = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getLongitudeRadians(); final double scale = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getScale(); final double hgrid = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getHgrid(); final double vgrid = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getVgrid(); final boolean doShade = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().isDoShade(); depth = (3 * ((int) (log2(scale * height)))) + 6; cacheParameters(); colours = new short[width][height]; shades = new short[width][height]; double y; double scale1; double theta1; double cos2; int k; int i; int j; k = (int) ((lat * width * scale) / Math.PI); progress.progressStart(height, "Generating Terrain"); for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) { progress.progressStep(j); y = ((2.0 * (j - k)) - height) / width / scale * Math.PI; if (Math.abs(y) >= (0.5 * Math.PI)) { for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { colours[i][j] = backgroundColour; if (doShade) { shades[i][j] = 255; } } } else { cos2 = Math.cos(y); if (cos2 > 0.0) { scale1 = (scale * width) / height / cos2 / Math.PI; depth = (3 * ((int) (log2(scale1 * height)))) + 3; for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { theta1 = lon - (0.5 * Math.PI) + ((Math.PI * ((2.0 * i) - width)) / width / scale); colours[i][j] = (short) planet0(Math.cos(theta1) * cos2, Math.sin(y), -Math.sin(theta1) * cos2); if (doShade) { shades[i][j] = shade; } } } } } progress.progressComplete("Terrain Generated"); if (hgrid != 0.0) { /* draw horizontal gridlines */ for (theta1 = 0.0; theta1 > -90.0; theta1 -= hgrid) ; for (theta1 = theta1; theta1 < 90.0; theta1 += hgrid) { y = Math.toRadians(theta1); j = (height / 2) + (int) ((0.5 * y * width * scale) / Math.PI) + k; if ((j >= 0) && (j < height)) { for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) colours[i][j] = BLACK; } } } if (vgrid != 0.0) { /* draw vertical gridlines */ for (theta1 = 0.0; theta1 > -360.0; theta1 -= vgrid) ; for (theta1 = theta1; theta1 < 360.0; theta1 += vgrid) { i = (int) (0.5 * width * (1.0 + ((scale * (Math.toRadians(theta1) - lon)) / Math.PI))); if ((i >= 0) && (i < width)) { for (j = Math.max(0, (height / 2) - (int) ((0.25 * Math.PI * width * scale) / Math.PI) + k); j < Math.min( height, (height / 2) + (int) ((0.25 * Math.PI * width * scale) / Math.PI) + k); ++j) { colours[i][j] = BLACK; } } } } if (doShade) { smoothshades(); } doOutlining(); }
From source
/** * Get the density probability from angle * @param angle must be in radians from in [0,2pi] * @return pdf function//from w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m */ public double getDensityProbability(double angle) { double density = 0; double tmp = Math.PI / 2.0; if (angle == tmp) { angle = tmp - 0.000001; } //angle = Math.PI/2.0 - angle; ??inversion des coefficients switch (type) { //warning : in wang paper there is an inversion between planophile, and erectophile case PLANOPHILE: density = (2.0 / Math.PI) * (1 + Math.cos(2 * angle)); break; case ERECTOPHILE: density = (2.0 / Math.PI) * (1 - Math.cos(2 * angle)); break; case PLAGIOPHILE: density = (2.0 / Math.PI) * (1 - Math.cos(4 * angle)); break; case EXTREMOPHILE: density = (2.0 / Math.PI) * (1 + Math.cos(4 * angle)); break; case SPHERIC: density = Math.sin(angle); break; case UNIFORM: density = 2.0 / Math.PI; break; case HORIZONTAL: break; case VERTICAL: break; case ELLIPTICAL: break; case ELLIPSOIDAL: double res; if (x == 1) { res = Math.sin(angle); } else { double eps, lambda = 0; if (x < 1) { eps = Math.sqrt(1 - (x * x)); lambda = x + (Math.asin(eps) / eps); } if (x > 1) { eps = Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(x, -2)); lambda = x + Math.log((1 + eps) / (1 + eps)) / (2 * eps * x); } res = (2 * Math.pow(x, 3) * Math.sin(angle)) / (lambda * Math.pow((Math.pow(Math.cos(angle), 2)) + (x * x * Math.pow(Math.sin(angle), 2)), 2)); } return res; case TWO_PARAMETER_BETA: //angle = Math.PI/2.0 - angle; double te = 2 * angle / Math.PI; te = Double.max(te, 1E-09); te = Double.min(te, 1 - 1E-09); density = distribution.density(te) / (Math.PI / 2.0); break; } return density; }
From source
private double distanceBetween(Location location1, Location location2) { double fi1 = Math.toRadians(location1.getLatitude()); double fi2 = Math.toRadians(location2.getLatitude()); double deltaLambda = Math.toRadians(location2.getLongitude() - location1.getLongitude()); return Math.acos(Math.sin(fi1) * Math.sin(fi2) + Math.cos(fi1) * Math.cos(fi2) * Math.cos(deltaLambda)) * Constants.Ints.EARTH_RADIUS; }
From source
public void drawEntity(Graphics2D g) { if (alpha == 0) return;/*from w w w.ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ drawBump(g, false); Composite c = g.getComposite(); if (this instanceof Struct) g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha)); draw(g); g.setComposite(c); if (isHungry()) { g.drawImage(Game.getImage("icon/hunger.png"), (int) x, (int) (y - Tile.SIZE - Math.cos(tick / 10f) * Tile.SIZE / 4), 32, 32, Game.w); } else if (this instanceof Struct && !((Struct) this).isWorking()) { g.drawImage(Game.getImage("icon/sleep.png"), (int) (x + width * 0.75f), (int) (y - Tile.SIZE - Math.cos(tick / 10f) * Tile.SIZE / 4), 32, 32, Game.w); } drawBump(g, true); }
From source
/** * Carry out the projection// w w w . j ava2 m */ public void project() { setcolours(); final int width = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getWidth(); final int height = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getHeight(); final double lat = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getLatitudeRadians(); final double lon = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getLongitudeRadians(); final double scale = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getScale(); final double hgrid = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getHgrid(); final double vgrid = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().getVgrid(); final boolean doShade = getParameters().getProjectionParameters().isDoShade(); cacheParameters(); colours = new short[width][height]; shades = new short[width][height]; double y; double theta1; double theta2; double cos2; double l1; double i1; double scale1; int k; int i; int j; int l; int c; k = (int) ((lat * width * scale) / Math.PI); progress.progressStart(height, "Generating Terrain"); for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) { progress.progressStep(j); y = ((2.0 * (j - k)) - height) / width / scale * Math.PI; if (Math.abs(y) >= (0.5 * Math.PI)) { for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { colours[i][j] = backgroundColour; if (doShade) { shades[i][j] = 255; } } } else { cos2 = Math.cos(y); if (cos2 > 0.0) { scale1 = (scale * width) / height / cos2 / Math.PI; depth = (3 * ((int) (log2(scale1 * height)))) + 3; for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { l = (i * 12) / width; l1 = (l * width) / 12.0; i1 = i - l1; theta2 = lon - (0.5 * Math.PI) + ((Math.PI * ((2.0 * l1) - width)) / width / scale); theta1 = ((Math.PI * ((2.0 * i1) - (width / 12))) / width / scale) / cos2; if (Math.abs(theta1) > (Math.PI / 12.0)) { colours[i][j] = backgroundColour; if (doShade) { shades[i][j] = 255; } } else { colours[i][j] = (short) planet0(Math.cos(theta1 + theta2) * cos2, Math.sin(y), -Math.sin(theta1 + theta2) * cos2); if (doShade) { shades[i][j] = shade; } } } } } } progress.progressComplete("Terrain Generated"); if (hgrid != 0.0) { /* draw horizontal gridlines */ for (theta1 = 0.0; theta1 > -90.0; theta1 -= hgrid) ; for (theta1 = theta1; theta1 < 90.0; theta1 += hgrid) { y = Math.toRadians(theta1); cos2 = Math.cos(y); j = (height / 2) + (int) ((0.5 * y * width * scale) / Math.PI) + k; if ((j >= 0) && (j < height)) { for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) { l = (i * 12) / width; l1 = (l * width) / 12.0; i1 = i - l1; theta2 = ((Math.PI * ((2.0 * i1) - (width / 12))) / width / scale) / cos2; if (Math.abs(theta2) <= (Math.PI / 12.0)) { colours[i][j] = BLACK; } } } } } if (vgrid != 0.0) { /* draw vertical gridlines */ for (theta1 = 0.0; theta1 > -360.0; theta1 -= vgrid) ; for (theta1 = theta1; theta1 < 360.0; theta1 += vgrid) { i = (int) (0.5 * width * (1.0 + ((scale * (Math.toRadians(theta1) - lon)) / Math.PI))); if ((i >= 0) && (i < width)) { for (j = Math.max(0, (height / 2) - (int) ((0.25 * Math.PI * width * scale) / Math.PI) + k); j < Math.min( height, (height / 2) + (int) ((0.25 * Math.PI * width * scale) / Math.PI) + k); ++j) { y = ((2.0 * (j - k)) - height) / width / scale * Math.PI; cos2 = Math.cos(y); l = (i * 12) / width; l1 = ((l * width) / 12.0) + (width / 24.0); i1 = i - l1; c = (int) (l1 + (i1 * cos2)); if ((c >= 0) && (c < width)) { colours[c][j] = BLACK; } } } } } if (doShade) { smoothshades(); } doOutlining(); }