Example usage for java.lang Math atan

List of usage examples for java.lang Math atan


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math atan.


public static double atan(double a) 

Source Link


Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -pi/2 through pi/2.


From source file:com.opengamma.analytics.financial.model.volatility.smile.function.SABRPaulotVolatilityFunction.java

private double getG(final double a, final double b, final double c, final double xCap, final double rCap,
        final double beta, final double t) {
    final double beta1 = 1 - beta;
    double res = Math.atan(t);
    final double y = square(a + b * xCap) - square((beta1 * rCap));
    if (y > 0) {
        final double temp = Math.sqrt(y);
        res -= (a + b * xCap) / temp * Math.atan((c * rCap + t * (a + b * (xCap - rCap))) / temp);
    } else if (y < 0) {
        final double temp = Math.sqrt(-y);
        res += (a + b * xCap) / temp * modAtanh((c * rCap + t * (a + b * (xCap - rCap))) / temp);
    } else {//from ww  w.ja v a2s  . co  m
        res += (a + b * xCap) / (c * rCap + t * (a + b * (xCap - rCap)));
    return res;

From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.features.TwoPointSlopeDifferenceFeature.java

public FeatureResult<Double> checkInternal(Split split, RuntimeEnvironment env) {
    FeatureResult<Double> result = null;
    FeatureResult<Integer> contourDistanceResult = contourDistanceFeature.check(split, env);
    if (contourDistanceResult != null) {
        int contourDistance = contourDistanceResult.getOutcome();

        int[][] verticalContour = split.getShape().getVerticalContour();
        int x = split.getPosition();
        Shape shape = split.getShape();
        int topStart = verticalContour[x][0];
        int bottomStart = verticalContour[x][1];

        SimpleRegression topRightRegression = new SimpleRegression();
        SimpleRegression bottomRightRegression = new SimpleRegression();
        SimpleRegression topLeftRegression = new SimpleRegression();
        SimpleRegression bottomLeftRegression = new SimpleRegression();

        topRightRegression.addData(x, topStart);
        topLeftRegression.addData(x, topStart);
        bottomRightRegression.addData(x, bottomStart);
        bottomLeftRegression.addData(x, bottomStart);

        int[] minTopRight = new int[] { x, topStart };
        int[] minTopLeft = new int[] { x, topStart };
        int[] maxTopRight = new int[] { x, topStart };
        int[] maxTopLeft = new int[] { x, topStart };
        int[] minBottomRight = new int[] { x, bottomStart };
        int[] minBottomLeft = new int[] { x, bottomStart };
        int[] maxBottomRight = new int[] { x, bottomStart };
        int[] maxBottomLeft = new int[] { x, bottomStart };
        for (int i = 1; i <= contourDistance; i++) {
            if (x + i < shape.getWidth()) {
                if (verticalContour[x + i][0] < minTopRight[1])
                    minTopRight = new int[] { x + i, verticalContour[x + i][0] };
                if (verticalContour[x + i][0] > maxTopRight[1])
                    maxTopRight = new int[] { x + i, verticalContour[x + i][0] };

                if (verticalContour[x + i][1] < minBottomRight[1])
                    minBottomRight = new int[] { x + i, verticalContour[x + i][1] };
                if (verticalContour[x + i][1] > maxBottomRight[1])
                    maxBottomRight = new int[] { x + i, verticalContour[x + i][1] };
            }//  ww w.jav a2  s  .  c o  m
            if (x - i >= 0) {
                if (verticalContour[x - i][0] < minTopLeft[1])
                    minTopLeft = new int[] { x - i, verticalContour[x - i][0] };
                if (verticalContour[x - i][0] > maxTopLeft[1])
                    maxTopLeft = new int[] { x - i, verticalContour[x - i][0] };

                if (verticalContour[x - i][1] < minBottomLeft[1])
                    minBottomLeft = new int[] { x - i, verticalContour[x - i][1] };
                if (verticalContour[x - i][1] > maxBottomLeft[1])
                    maxBottomLeft = new int[] { x - i, verticalContour[x - i][1] };

        if (minTopRight[0] == x)
            topRightRegression.addData(maxTopRight[0], maxTopRight[1]);
            topRightRegression.addData(minTopRight[0], minTopRight[1]);

        if (minTopLeft[0] == x)
            topLeftRegression.addData(maxTopLeft[0], maxTopLeft[1]);
            topLeftRegression.addData(minTopLeft[0], minTopLeft[1]);

        if (maxBottomRight[0] == x)
            bottomRightRegression.addData(minBottomRight[0], minBottomRight[1]);
            bottomRightRegression.addData(maxBottomRight[0], maxBottomRight[1]);

        if (maxBottomLeft[0] == x)
            bottomLeftRegression.addData(minBottomLeft[0], minBottomLeft[1]);
            bottomLeftRegression.addData(maxBottomLeft[0], maxBottomLeft[1]);

        // get the slopes
        double topRightSlope = topRightRegression.getSlope();
        double bottomRightSlope = bottomRightRegression.getSlope();
        double topLeftSlope = topLeftRegression.getSlope();
        double bottomLeftSlope = bottomLeftRegression.getSlope();

        // convert slopes to angles
        double topRightAngle = Math.atan(topRightSlope);
        double bottomRightAngle = Math.atan(bottomRightSlope);
        double topLeftAngle = Math.atan(topLeftSlope);
        double bottomLeftAngle = Math.atan(bottomLeftSlope);

        // calculate the right & left-hand differences
        double rightDiff = Math.abs(topRightAngle - bottomRightAngle);
        double leftDiff = Math.abs(topLeftAngle - bottomLeftAngle);

        // normalise the differences from 0 to 1
        rightDiff = rightDiff / Math.PI;
        leftDiff = leftDiff / Math.PI;

        double product = rightDiff * leftDiff;

        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("topRightAngle: " + topRightAngle);
            LOG.trace("bottomRightAngle: " + bottomRightAngle);
            LOG.trace("topLeftAngle: " + topLeftAngle);
            LOG.trace("bottomLeftAngle: " + bottomLeftAngle);
            LOG.trace("rightDiff: " + rightDiff);
            LOG.trace("leftDiff: " + leftDiff);
            LOG.trace("product: " + product);

        result = this.generateResult(product);
    return result;

From source file:org.kuali.kra.printing.service.impl.WatermarkServiceImpl.java

 * This method is for setting the properties of watermark Text.
 * /*from   w w  w  . j  a  v  a 2 s  . com*/
 * @param pdfContentByte
 * @param pageWidth
 * @param pageHeight
 * @param watermarkBean
private void decoratePdfWatermarkText(PdfContentByte pdfContentByte, int pageWidth, int pageHeight,
        WatermarkBean watermarkBean) {
    float x, y, x1, y1, angle;
    try {
        if (watermarkBean.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(WatermarkConstants.WATERMARK_TYPE_TEXT)) {
            Color fillColor = watermarkBean.getFont().getColor() == null
                    ? WatermarkConstants.DEFAULT_WATERMARK_COLOR
                    : watermarkBean.getFont().getColor();
            int textWidth = (int) pdfContentByte.getEffectiveStringWidth(watermarkBean.getText(), false);
            int diagonal = (int) Math.sqrt((pageWidth * pageWidth) + (pageHeight * pageHeight));
            int pivotPoint = (diagonal - textWidth) / 2;

            angle = (float) Math.atan((float) pageHeight / pageWidth);

            x = (float) (pivotPoint * pageWidth) / diagonal;
            y = (float) (pivotPoint * pageHeight) / diagonal;

            x1 = (float) (((float) watermarkBean.getFont().getSize() / 2) * Math.sin(angle));
            y1 = (float) (((float) watermarkBean.getFont().getSize() / 2) * Math.cos(angle));

            pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, watermarkBean.getText(), x + x1, y - y1,
                    (float) Math.toDegrees(angle));

    } catch (Exception exception) {
        LOG.error("Exception occured in WatermarkServiceImpl. Water mark Exception: " + exception.getMessage());


From source file:org.cirdles.ambapo.LatLongToUTM.java

 * Eccentricity helps define the shape of the ellipsoidal representation of
 * the earth/*w w  w .  jav a 2  s  . c o  m*/
 * Conformal latitude gives an angle-preserving (conformal) transformation 
 * to the sphere
 * It defines a transformation from the ellipsoid to a sphere 
 * of arbitrary radius such that the angle of intersection between any two 
 * lines on the ellipsoid is the same as the corresponding angle on the sphere.
 * @param eccentricity
 * @param latitudeRadians
 * @return BigDecimal conformal latitude
private static BigDecimal calcConformalLatitude(BigDecimal eccentricity, BigDecimal latitudeRadians) {

    BigDecimal conformalLatitude;

    double latRadDouble = latitudeRadians.doubleValue();
    double eccDouble = eccentricity.doubleValue();
    double confLatDouble;

    Atanh atanh = new Atanh();
    Asinh asinh = new Asinh();

    confLatDouble = Math.atan(Math.sinh(
            asinh.value(Math.tan(latRadDouble)) - eccDouble * atanh.value(eccDouble * Math.sin(latRadDouble))));

    conformalLatitude = new BigDecimal(confLatDouble);

    return conformalLatitude;


From source file:StatFunctions.java

public static double pt(double t, double df) {
    // ALGORITHM AS 3 APPL. STATIST. (1968) VOL.17, P.189
    // Computes P(T<t)
    double a, b, idf, im2, ioe, s, c, ks, fk, k;
    double g1 = 0.3183098862;// =1/pi;
    if (df < 1)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal argument df for pt(t,df).");
    idf = df;/*  ww w . j  ava 2s. c om*/
    a = t / Math.sqrt(idf);
    b = idf / (idf + t * t);
    im2 = df - 2;
    ioe = idf % 2;
    s = 1;
    c = 1;
    idf = 1;
    ks = 2 + ioe;
    fk = ks;
    if (im2 >= 2) {
        for (k = ks; k <= im2; k += 2) {
            c = c * b * (fk - 1) / fk;
            s += c;
            if (s != idf) {
                idf = s;
                fk += 2;
    if (ioe != 1)
        return 0.5 + 0.5 * a * Math.sqrt(b) * s;
    if (df == 1)
        s = 0;
    return 0.5 + (a * b * s + Math.atan(a)) * g1;

From source file:org.cirdles.ambapo.LatLongToUTM.java

 * tau refers to the torsion of a curve// w w w. ja v  a 2  s  .c om
 * xi refers to the north-south direction
 * @param changeInLongitudeRadians
 * @param tauPrime
 * @return BigDecimal xi prime
private static BigDecimal calcXiPrimeNorth(BigDecimal changeInLongitudeRadians, BigDecimal tauPrime) {

    double cosOfLatRad = Math.cos(changeInLongitudeRadians.doubleValue());

    BigDecimal xiPrime = new BigDecimal(Math.atan(tauPrime.doubleValue() / cosOfLatRad));

    return xiPrime;

From source file:com.joliciel.jochre.boundaries.features.TrueContourSlopeDifferenceFeature.java

public FeatureResult<Double> checkInternal(Split split, RuntimeEnvironment env) {
    FeatureResult<Double> result = null;
    FeatureResult<Integer> contourDistanceResult = contourDistanceFeature.check(split, env);
    if (contourDistanceResult != null) {
        int contourDistance = contourDistanceResult.getOutcome();

        int[][] verticalContour = split.getShape().getVerticalContour();
        int startX = split.getPosition();
        Shape shape = split.getShape();
        int topStart = verticalContour[startX][0];
        int bottomStart = verticalContour[startX][1];

        SimpleRegression topRightRegression = new SimpleRegression();
        SimpleRegression bottomRightRegression = new SimpleRegression();
        SimpleRegression topLeftRegression = new SimpleRegression();
        SimpleRegression bottomLeftRegression = new SimpleRegression();

        topRightRegression.addData(startX, topStart);
        topLeftRegression.addData(startX, topStart);
        bottomRightRegression.addData(startX, bottomStart);
        bottomLeftRegression.addData(startX, bottomStart);

        int lastTopRight = topStart;
        int lastTopLeft = topStart;
        int lastBottomRight = bottomStart;
        int lastBottomLeft = bottomStart;
        for (int i = 1; i <= contourDistance; i++) {
            int x = startX + i;
            if (x < shape.getWidth()) {
                if (shape.isPixelBlack(x, lastTopRight)) {
                    for (int y = lastTopRight - 1; y >= -1; y--) {
                        if (y < 0 || !shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastTopRight = y + 1;
                            topRightRegression.addData(x, lastTopRight);
                        }// ww w. j  a va2 s  .co  m
                } else {
                    for (int y = lastTopRight + 1; y <= shape.getHeight(); y++) {
                        if (y == shape.getHeight() || shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastTopRight = y;
                            topRightRegression.addData(x, lastTopRight);
                if (shape.isPixelBlack(x, lastBottomRight)) {
                    for (int y = lastBottomRight + 1; y <= shape.getHeight(); y++) {
                        if (y == shape.getHeight() || !shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastBottomRight = y - 1;
                            bottomRightRegression.addData(x, lastBottomRight);
                } else {
                    for (int y = lastBottomRight - 1; y >= -1; y--) {
                        if (y < 0 || shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastBottomRight = y;
                            bottomRightRegression.addData(x, lastBottomRight);

            x = startX - i;
            if (x >= 0) {
                if (shape.isPixelBlack(x, lastTopLeft)) {
                    for (int y = lastTopLeft - 1; y >= -1; y--) {
                        if (y < 0 || !shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastTopLeft = y + 1;
                            topLeftRegression.addData(x, lastTopLeft);
                } else {
                    for (int y = lastTopLeft + 1; y <= shape.getHeight(); y++) {
                        if (y == shape.getHeight() || shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastTopLeft = y;
                            topLeftRegression.addData(x, lastTopLeft);
                if (shape.isPixelBlack(x, lastBottomLeft)) {
                    for (int y = lastBottomLeft + 1; y <= shape.getHeight(); y++) {
                        if (y == shape.getHeight() || !shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastBottomLeft = y - 1;
                            bottomLeftRegression.addData(x, lastBottomLeft);
                } else {
                    for (int y = lastBottomLeft - 1; y >= -1; y--) {
                        if (y < 0 || shape.isPixelBlack(x, y)) {
                            lastBottomLeft = y;
                            bottomLeftRegression.addData(x, lastBottomLeft);

        // get the slopes
        double topRightSlope = topRightRegression.getSlope();
        double bottomRightSlope = bottomRightRegression.getSlope();
        double topLeftSlope = topLeftRegression.getSlope();
        double bottomLeftSlope = bottomLeftRegression.getSlope();

        // convert slopes to angles
        double topRightAngle = Math.atan(topRightSlope);
        double bottomRightAngle = Math.atan(bottomRightSlope);
        double topLeftAngle = Math.atan(topLeftSlope);
        double bottomLeftAngle = Math.atan(bottomLeftSlope);

        // calculate the right & left-hand differences
        double rightDiff = Math.abs(topRightAngle - bottomRightAngle);
        double leftDiff = Math.abs(topLeftAngle - bottomLeftAngle);

        // normalise the differences from 0 to 1
        rightDiff = rightDiff / Math.PI;
        leftDiff = leftDiff / Math.PI;

        double product = rightDiff * leftDiff;

        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
            LOG.trace("topRightAngle: " + topRightAngle);
            LOG.trace("bottomRightAngle: " + bottomRightAngle);
            LOG.trace("topLeftAngle: " + topLeftAngle);
            LOG.trace("bottomLeftAngle: " + bottomLeftAngle);
            LOG.trace("rightDiff: " + rightDiff);
            LOG.trace("leftDiff: " + leftDiff);
            LOG.trace("product: " + product);

        result = this.generateResult(product);
    return result;

From source file:com.facebook.presto.operator.scalar.MathFunctions.java

@Description("arc tangent")
@ScalarFunction//from  w w w  .j  av a2 s.  c om
public static double atan(@SqlType(StandardTypes.DOUBLE) double num) {
    return Math.atan(num);

From source file:com.chenupt.springindicator.SpringIndicator.java

public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
    if (position < tabs.size() - 1) {
        // radius
        float radiusOffsetHead = 0.5f;
        if (positionOffset < radiusOffsetHead) {
        } else {/*from w ww  .j  a  va  2  s .  com*/
                    ((positionOffset - radiusOffsetHead) / (1 - radiusOffsetHead) * radiusOffset + radiusMin));
        float radiusOffsetFoot = 0.5f;
        if (positionOffset < radiusOffsetFoot) {
                    .setRadius((1 - positionOffset / radiusOffsetFoot) * radiusOffset + radiusMin);
        } else {

        // x
        float headX = 1f;
        if (positionOffset < headMoveOffset) {
            float positionOffsetTemp = positionOffset / headMoveOffset;
            headX = (float) ((Math.atan(positionOffsetTemp * acceleration * 2 - acceleration)
                    + (Math.atan(acceleration))) / (2 * (Math.atan(acceleration))));
        springView.getHeadPoint().setX(getTabX(position) - headX * getPositionDistance(position));
        float footX = 0f;
        if (positionOffset > footMoveOffset) {
            float positionOffsetTemp = (positionOffset - footMoveOffset) / (1 - footMoveOffset);
            footX = (float) ((Math.atan(positionOffsetTemp * acceleration * 2 - acceleration)
                    + (Math.atan(acceleration))) / (2 * (Math.atan(acceleration))));
        springView.getFootPoint().setX(getTabX(position) - footX * getPositionDistance(position));

        // reset radius
        if (positionOffset == 0) {
    } else {

    // set indicator colors
    // https://github.com/TaurusXi/GuideBackgroundColorAnimation
    if (indicatorColorsId != 0) {
        float length = (position + positionOffset) / viewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
        int progress = (int) (length * INDICATOR_ANIM_DURATION);

    if (delegateListener != null) {
        delegateListener.onPageScrolled(position, positionOffset, positionOffsetPixels);

From source file:com.birdgang.viewpagerheader.indicator.SpringIndicator.java

private void setUpListener() {
    viewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() {
        @Override/*from www  .  ja v a  2  s.  c o m*/
        public void onPageSelected(int position) {
            if (delegateListener != null) {

        public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {
            if (position < tabs.size() - 1) {
                float radiusOffsetHead = 0.5f;
                if (positionOffset < radiusOffsetHead) {
                } else {
                            ((positionOffset - radiusOffsetHead) / (1 - radiusOffsetHead) * radiusOffset
                                    + radiusMin));

                float radiusOffsetFoot = 0.5f;
                if (positionOffset < radiusOffsetFoot) {
                            .setRadius((1 - positionOffset / radiusOffsetFoot) * radiusOffset + radiusMin);
                } else {

                float headX = 1f;
                if (positionOffset < headMoveOffset) {
                    float positionOffsetTemp = positionOffset / headMoveOffset;
                    headX = (float) ((Math.atan(positionOffsetTemp * acceleration * 2 - acceleration)
                            + (Math.atan(acceleration))) / (2 * (Math.atan(acceleration))));

                springView.getHeadPoint().setX(getTabX(position) - headX * getPositionDistance(position));
                float footX = 0f;
                if (positionOffset > footMoveOffset) {
                    float positionOffsetTemp = (positionOffset - footMoveOffset) / (1 - footMoveOffset);
                    footX = (float) ((Math.atan(positionOffsetTemp * acceleration * 2 - acceleration)
                            + (Math.atan(acceleration))) / (2 * (Math.atan(acceleration))));
                springView.getFootPoint().setX(getTabX(position) - footX * getPositionDistance(position));

                if (positionOffset == 0) {
            } else {

            if (indicatorColorsId != 0) {
                float length = (position + positionOffset) / viewPager.getAdapter().getCount();
                int progress = (int) (length * INDICATOR_ANIM_DURATION);

            if (delegateListener != null) {
                delegateListener.onPageScrolled(position, positionOffset, positionOffsetPixels);

        public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
            if (delegateListener != null) {