List of usage examples for java.lang Math atan
public static double atan(double a)
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public double execute(double in) throws DMLRuntimeException { switch (bFunc) { case SIN:// w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m return FASTMATH ? FastMath.sin(in) : Math.sin(in); case COS: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.cos(in) : Math.cos(in); case TAN: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.tan(in) : Math.tan(in); case ASIN: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.asin(in) : Math.asin(in); case ACOS: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.acos(in) : Math.acos(in); case ATAN: return Math.atan(in); //faster in Math case CEIL: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.ceil(in) : Math.ceil(in); case FLOOR: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.floor(in) : Math.floor(in); case LOG: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in); case LOG_NZ: return (in == 0) ? 0 : FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in); case ABS: return Math.abs(in); //no need for FastMath case SIGN: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.signum(in) : Math.signum(in); case SQRT: return Math.sqrt(in); //faster in Math case EXP: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.exp(in) : Math.exp(in); case ROUND: return Math.round(in); //no need for FastMath case PLOGP: if (in == 0.0) return 0.0; else if (in < 0) return Double.NaN; else return (in * (FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in))); case SPROP: //sample proportion: P*(1-P) return in * (1 - in); case SIGMOID: //sigmoid: 1/(1+exp(-x)) return FASTMATH ? 1 / (1 + FastMath.exp(-in)) : 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-in)); case SELP: //select positive: x*(x>0) return (in > 0) ? in : 0; default: throw new DMLRuntimeException("Builtin.execute(): Unknown operation: " + bFunc); } }
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/** * This method is for setting the properties of watermark Text. *//*www .jav a 2 s . c o m*/ private void decoratePdfWatermarkText(PdfContentByte pdfContentByte, Rectangle rectangle, WatermarkBean watermarkBean) { float x, y, x1, y1, angle; final float OPACITY = 0.3f; PdfGState pdfGState = new PdfGState(); pdfGState.setFillOpacity(OPACITY); int pageWidth = (int) rectangle.getWidth(); int pageHeight = (int) rectangle.getHeight(); try { if (watermarkBean.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(WatermarkConstants.WATERMARK_TYPE_TEXT)) { pdfContentByte.beginText(); pdfContentByte.setGState(pdfGState); Color fillColor = watermarkBean.getFont().getColor() == null ? WatermarkConstants.DEFAULT_WATERMARK_COLOR : watermarkBean.getFont().getColor(); pdfContentByte.setColorFill(fillColor); if (watermarkBean.getPosition().equals(WatermarkConstants.WATERMARK_POSITION_FOOTER)) { pdfContentByte.setFontAndSize(watermarkBean.getFont().getBaseFont(), watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()); if (watermarkBean.getAlignment().equals(WatermarkConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)) { pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, watermarkBean.getText(), (rectangle.getLeft(rectangle.getBorderWidthLeft()) + rectangle.getRight(rectangle.getBorderWidthRight())) / 2, rectangle.getBottom(rectangle.getBorderWidthBottom() + watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()), 0); } else if (watermarkBean.getAlignment().equals(WatermarkConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)) { pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, watermarkBean.getText(), rectangle.getRight(rectangle.getBorderWidthRight()), rectangle.getBottom(rectangle.getBorderWidthBottom() + watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()), 0); } else if (watermarkBean.getAlignment().equals(WatermarkConstants.ALIGN_LEFT)) { pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, watermarkBean.getText(), rectangle.getLeft(rectangle.getBorderWidthLeft()), rectangle.getBottom(rectangle.getBorderWidthBottom() + watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()), 0); } } else if (watermarkBean.getPosition().equals(WatermarkConstants.WATERMARK_POSITION_HEADER)) { pdfContentByte.setFontAndSize(watermarkBean.getFont().getBaseFont(), watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()); if (watermarkBean.getAlignment().equals(WatermarkConstants.ALIGN_CENTER)) { pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, watermarkBean.getText(), (rectangle.getLeft(rectangle.getBorderWidthLeft()) + rectangle.getRight(rectangle.getBorderWidthRight())) / 2, rectangle.getTop( rectangle.getBorderWidthTop() + watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()), 0); } else if (watermarkBean.getAlignment().equals(WatermarkConstants.ALIGN_RIGHT)) { pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, watermarkBean.getText(), rectangle.getRight(rectangle.getBorderWidthRight()), rectangle.getTop( rectangle.getBorderWidthTop() + watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()), 0); } else if (watermarkBean.getAlignment().equals(WatermarkConstants.ALIGN_LEFT)) { pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, watermarkBean.getText(), rectangle.getLeft(rectangle.getBorderWidthLeft()), rectangle.getTop( rectangle.getBorderWidthTop() + watermarkBean.getPositionFont().getSize()), 0); } } else { pdfContentByte.setFontAndSize(watermarkBean.getFont().getBaseFont(), watermarkBean.getFont().getSize()); int textWidth = (int) pdfContentByte.getEffectiveStringWidth(watermarkBean.getText(), false); int diagonal = (int) Math.sqrt((pageWidth * pageWidth) + (pageHeight * pageHeight)); int pivotPoint = (diagonal - textWidth) / 2; angle = (float) Math.atan((float) pageHeight / pageWidth); x = (float) (pivotPoint * pageWidth) / diagonal; y = (float) (pivotPoint * pageHeight) / diagonal; x1 = (float) (((float) watermarkBean.getFont().getSize() / 2) * Math.sin(angle)); y1 = (float) (((float) watermarkBean.getFont().getSize() / 2) * Math.cos(angle)); pdfContentByte.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_LEFT, watermarkBean.getText(), x + x1, y - y1, (float) Math.toDegrees(angle)); } pdfContentByte.endText(); } } catch (Exception exception) { LOG.error("Exception occured in WatermarkServiceImpl. Water mark Exception: " + exception.getMessage()); } }
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protected double yToLat(double y) { double lat = 0; if (Math.abs(y) < Math.PI - (1e-4)) //lat = 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(y)) - Math.PI/2; lat = Math.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(-y)); else/*from w w w.ja v a 2 s. com*/ lat = Math.signum(y) * Math.PI / 2; return lat; }
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public double bivnor(double ah, double ak, double r) { double a2;/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ double ap; double b; double cn; double con; double conex; double ex; double g2; double gh; double gk; double gw = 0; double h2; double h4; int i; int idig = 15; int is = 0; double rr; double s1; double s2; double sgn; double sn; double sp; double sqr; double t; double twopi = 6.283185307179587; double w2 = 0; double wh = 0; double wk = 0; b = 0.0; gh = gauss(-ah) / 2.0; gk = gauss(-ak) / 2.0; if (r == 0.0) { b = 4.00 * gh * gk; b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; } rr = (1.0 + r) * (1.0 - r); if (rr < 0.0) { throw new IllegalStateException("BIVNOR - Fatal error!"); // cerr << "\n"; // cerr << "BIVNOR - Fatal error!\n"; // cerr << " 1 < |R|.\n"; // exit ( 0 ); } if (rr == 0.0) { if (r < 0.0) { if (ah + ak < 0.0) { b = 2.0 * (gh + gk) - 1.0; } } else { if (ah - ak < 0.0) { b = 2.0 * gk; } else { b = 2.0 * gh; } } b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; } sqr = Math.sqrt(rr); if (idig == 15) { con = twopi * 1.0E-15 / 2.0; } else { con = twopi / 2.0; for (i = 1; i <= idig; i++) { con = con / 10.0; } } // // (0,0) // if (ah == 0.0 && ak == 0.0) { b = 0.25 + Math.asin(r) / twopi; b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; } // // (0,nonzero) // if (ah == 0.0 && ak != 0.0) { b = gk; wh = -ak; wk = (ah / ak - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gk; is = 1; } // // (nonzero,0) // else if (ah != 0.0 && ak == 0.0) { b = gh; wh = -ah; wk = (ak / ah - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gh; is = -1; } // // (nonzero,nonzero) // else if (ah != 0.0 && ak != 0.0) { b = gh + gk; if (ah * ak < 0.0) { b = b - 0.5; } wh = -ah; wk = (ak / ah - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gh; is = -1; } for (;;) { sgn = -1.0; t = 0.0; if (wk != 0.0) { if (r8_abs(wk) == 1.0) { t = wk * gw * (1.0 - gw) / 2.0; b = b + sgn * t; } else { if (1.0 < r8_abs(wk)) { sgn = -sgn; wh = wh * wk; g2 = gauss(wh); wk = 1.0 / wk; if (wk < 0.0) { b = b + 0.5; } b = b - (gw + g2) / 2.0 + gw * g2; } h2 = wh * wh; a2 = wk * wk; h4 = h2 / 2.0; ex = Math.exp(-h4); w2 = h4 * ex; ap = 1.0; s2 = ap - ex; sp = ap; s1 = 0.0; sn = s1; conex = r8_abs(con / wk); for (;;) { cn = ap * s2 / (sn + sp); s1 = s1 + cn; if (r8_abs(cn) <= conex) { break; } sn = sp; sp = sp + 1.0; s2 = s2 - w2; w2 = w2 * h4 / sp; ap = -ap * a2; } t = (Math.atan(wk) - wk * s1) / twopi; b = b + sgn * t; } } if (0 <= is) { break; } if (ak == 0.0) { break; } wh = -ak; wk = (ah / ak - r) / sqr; gw = 2.0 * gk; is = 1; } b = r8_max(b, 0.0); b = r8_min(b, 1.0); return b; }
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/** * initializes from cartesian coordinates * * @param X//from www . jav a 2 s.c o m * 1st coordinate in meters * @param Y * 2nd coordinate in meters * @param Z * 3rd coordinate in meters * @param ell * reference ellipsoid */ private LatLon Geographic(double X, double Y, double Z, Ellipsoid ell) { double norm = Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y); double lg = 2.0 * Math.atan(Y / (X + norm)); double lt = Math.atan(Z / (norm * (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 / Math.sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z))))); double delta = 1.0; while (delta > epsilon) { double s2 = Math.sin(lt); s2 *= s2; double l = Math.atan( (Z / norm) / (1.0 - (ell.a * ell.e2 * Math.cos(lt) / (norm * Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2))))); delta = Math.abs(l - lt); lt = l; } double s2 = Math.sin(lt); s2 *= s2; // h = norm / Math.cos(lt) - ell.a / Math.sqrt(1.0 - ell.e2 * s2); return new LatLon(lt, lg); }
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public void testAtan() { System.gc();//w ww . jav a2s . c o m double x = 0; long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) x += StrictMath.atan(i * F1); long strictTime = System.nanoTime() - time; System.gc(); double y = 0; time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) y += FastMath.atan(i * F1); long fastTime = System.nanoTime() - time; System.gc(); double z = 0; time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) z += Math.atan(i * F1); long mathTime = System.nanoTime() - time; report("atan", x + y + z, strictTime, fastTime, mathTime); }
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private void layerWGS84BoundingBox(XMLBuilder xml, TileLayer layer) throws IOException { GridSubset subset = layer.getGridSubsetForSRS(SRS.getEPSG4326()); if (subset != null) { double[] coords = subset.getOriginalExtent().getCoords(); xml.indentElement("ows:WGS84BoundingBox"); xml.simpleElement("ows:LowerCorner", coords[0] + " " + coords[1], true); xml.simpleElement("ows:UpperCorner", coords[2] + " " + coords[3], true); xml.endElement("ows:WGS84BoundingBox"); return;/*from ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ } subset = layer.getGridSubsetForSRS(SRS.getEPSG900913()); if (subset != null) { double[] coords = subset.getOriginalExtent().getCoords(); double originShift = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / 2.0; double mx = coords[0]; double my = coords[1]; double lon = (mx / originShift) * 180.0; double lat = (my / originShift) * 180.0; lat = 180 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(lat * Math.PI / 180.0)) - Math.PI / 2.0); xml.indentElement("ows:WGS84BoundingBox"); xml.simpleElement("ows:LowerCorner", lon + " " + lat, true); mx = coords[2]; my = coords[3]; lon = (mx / originShift) * 180.0; lat = (my / originShift) * 180.0; lat = 180 / Math.PI * (2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(lat * Math.PI / 180.0)) - Math.PI / 2.0); xml.simpleElement("ows:UpperCorner", lon + " " + lat, true); xml.endElement("ows:WGS84BoundingBox"); return; } }
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public double execute(double in) throws DMLRuntimeException { switch (bFunc) { case SIN://from ww w . j a v a2 s . c om return FASTMATH ? FastMath.sin(in) : Math.sin(in); case COS: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.cos(in) : Math.cos(in); case TAN: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.tan(in) : Math.tan(in); case ASIN: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.asin(in) : Math.asin(in); case ACOS: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.acos(in) : Math.acos(in); case ATAN: return Math.atan(in); //faster in Math case CEIL: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.ceil(in) : Math.ceil(in); case FLOOR: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.floor(in) : Math.floor(in); case LOG: //if ( in <= 0 ) // throw new DMLRuntimeException("Builtin.execute(): logarithm can only be computed for non-negative numbers (input = " + in + ")."); // for negative numbers, Math.log will return NaN return FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in); case LOG_NZ: return (in == 0) ? 0 : FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in); case ABS: return Math.abs(in); //no need for FastMath case SQRT: //if ( in < 0 ) // throw new DMLRuntimeException("Builtin.execute(): squareroot can only be computed for non-negative numbers (input = " + in + ")."); return Math.sqrt(in); //faster in Math case PLOGP: if (in == 0.0) return 0.0; else if (in < 0) return Double.NaN; else return (in * (FASTMATH ? FastMath.log(in) : Math.log(in))); case EXP: return FASTMATH ? FastMath.exp(in) : Math.exp(in); case ROUND: return Math.round(in); //no need for FastMath case SPROP: //sample proportion: P*(1-P) return in * (1 - in); case SIGMOID: //sigmoid: 1/(1+exp(-x)) return FASTMATH ? 1 / (1 + FastMath.exp(-in)) : 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-in)); case SELP: //select positive: x*(x>0) return (in > 0) ? in : 0; default: throw new DMLRuntimeException("Builtin.execute(): Unknown operation: " + bFunc); } }
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/** * Returns the arc tangent of the number. * // w w w . java 2s. co m * @param a the number * @return the arc tangent of the number * @see Math#atan(double) */ public static Number atan(Number a) { return Math.atan(a.doubleValue()); }
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/** * This method is for setting the properties of watermark Image. * /*w w w. jav a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param pdfContentByte * @param pageWidth * @param pageHeight * @param watermarkBean */ private void decoratePdfWatermarkImage(PdfContentByte pdfContentByte, int pageWidth, int pageHeight, WatermarkBean watermarkBean) { PdfGState pdfGState = new PdfGState(); final float OPACITY = 0.3f; float absPosX; float absPosY; try { if (watermarkBean.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(WatermarkConstants.WATERMARK_TYPE_IMAGE)) { Image watermarkImage = Image.getInstance(watermarkBean.getFileImage()); if (watermarkImage != null) { pdfGState.setFillOpacity(OPACITY); pdfContentByte.setGState(pdfGState); float height = watermarkImage.getPlainHeight(); float width = watermarkImage.getPlainWidth(); int diagonal = (int) Math.sqrt((pageWidth * pageWidth) + (pageHeight * pageHeight)); int pivotPoint = (diagonal - (int) width) / 2; float angle = (float) Math.atan((float) pageHeight / pageWidth); absPosX = (float) (pivotPoint * pageWidth) / diagonal; absPosY = (float) (pivotPoint * pageHeight) / diagonal; watermarkImage.setAbsolutePosition(absPosX, absPosY); if ((pageWidth / 2) < width) { watermarkImage.scaleToFit(pageWidth / 2, pageHeight / 2); } else { watermarkImage.scaleToFit(width, height); } pdfContentByte.addImage(watermarkImage); } } } catch (BadElementException badElementException) { LOG.error("WatermarkDecoratorImpl Error found: " + badElementException.getMessage()); } catch (DocumentException documentException) { LOG.error("WatermarkDecoratorImpl Error found: " + documentException.getMessage()); } }