List of usage examples for java.lang Long signum
public static int signum(long i)
From source
/** Returns an iterator over the chunks of this chunked hash store. * * @return an iterator over the chunks of this chunked hash store. */// ww w.ja v a2 s . com public Iterator<Chunk> iterator() { if (closed) throw new IllegalStateException("This " + getClass().getSimpleName() + " has been closed "); for (DataOutputStream d : dos) try { d.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } int m = 0; for (int i = 0; i < virtualDiskChunks; i++) { int s = 0; for (int j = 0; j < diskChunkStep; j++) s += count[i * diskChunkStep + j]; if (s > m) m = s; } final int maxCount = m; return new AbstractObjectIterator<Chunk>() { private int chunk; private FastBufferedInputStream fbis; private int last; private int chunkSize; private final long[] buffer0 = new long[maxCount]; private final long[] buffer1 = new long[maxCount]; private final long[] buffer2 = new long[maxCount]; private final long[] data = hashMask != 0 ? null : new long[maxCount]; public boolean hasNext() { return chunk < chunks; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Chunk next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); final long[] buffer0 = this.buffer0; if (chunk % (chunks / virtualDiskChunks) == 0) { final int diskChunk = (int) (chunk / (chunks / virtualDiskChunks)); final long[] buffer1 = this.buffer1, buffer2 = this.buffer2; chunkSize = 0; try { if (diskChunkStep == 1) { fbis = new FastBufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file[diskChunk])); chunkSize = count[diskChunk]; } else { final FileInputStream[] fis = new FileInputStream[diskChunkStep]; for (int i = 0; i < fis.length; i++) { fis[i] = new FileInputStream(file[diskChunk * diskChunkStep + i]); chunkSize += count[diskChunk * diskChunkStep + i]; } fbis = new FastBufferedInputStream(new SequenceInputStream( new IteratorEnumeration(Arrays.asList(fis).iterator()))); } final DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(fbis); final long triple[] = new long[3]; int count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < chunkSize; j++) { triple[0] = dis.readLong(); triple[1] = dis.readLong(); triple[2] = dis.readLong(); if (DEBUG) System.err.println("From disk: " + Arrays.toString(triple)); if (filter == null || filter.evaluate(triple)) { buffer0[count] = triple[0]; buffer1[count] = triple[1]; buffer2[count] = triple[2]; if (hashMask == 0) data[count] = dis.readLong(); count++; } else if (hashMask == 0) dis.readLong(); // Discard data } chunkSize = count; dis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.Arrays.quickSort(0, chunkSize, new AbstractIntComparator() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; public int compare(final int x, final int y) { int t = Long.signum(buffer0[x] - buffer0[y]); if (t != 0) return t; t = Long.signum(buffer1[x] - buffer1[y]); if (t != 0) return t; return Long.signum(buffer2[x] - buffer2[y]); } }, new Swapper() { public void swap(final int x, final int y) { final long e0 = buffer0[x], e1 = buffer1[x], e2 = buffer2[x]; buffer0[x] = buffer0[y]; buffer1[x] = buffer1[y]; buffer2[x] = buffer2[y]; buffer0[y] = e0; buffer1[y] = e1; buffer2[y] = e2; if (hashMask == 0) { final long v = data[x]; data[x] = data[y]; data[y] = v; } } }); if (DEBUG) { for (int i = 0; i < chunkSize; i++) System.err.println(buffer0[i] + ", " + buffer1[i] + ", " + buffer2[i]); } if (!checkedForDuplicates && chunkSize > 1) for (int i = chunkSize - 1; i-- != 0;) if (buffer0[i] == buffer0[i + 1] && buffer1[i] == buffer1[i + 1] && buffer2[i] == buffer2[i + 1]) throw new ChunkedHashStore.DuplicateException(); if (chunk == chunks - 1) checkedForDuplicates = true; last = 0; } final int start = last; while (last < chunkSize && (chunkShift == Long.SIZE ? 0 : buffer0[last] >>> chunkShift) == chunk) last++; chunk++; return new Chunk(buffer0, buffer1, buffer2, data, hashMask, start, last); } }; }
From source
/** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to long values. */ public static long sign(long b0) { return Long.signum(b0); }
From source
public List<KRFEntry> getSortedLiveEntries(Collection<DiskRegionInfo> targetRegions) { int tlc = (int) this.totalLiveCount.get(); if (tlc <= 0) { // no need to create a KRF since this oplog will be deleted. // TODO should we create an empty KRF anyway? return null; }/* www . ja v m*/ KRFEntry[] sortedLiveEntries = new KRFEntry[tlc]; int idx = 0; for (DiskRegionInfo dri : targetRegions) { if (dri.getDiskRegion() != null) { idx = dri.addLiveEntriesToList(sortedLiveEntries, idx); } } // idx is now the length of sortedLiveEntries Arrays.sort(sortedLiveEntries, 0, idx, new Comparator<KRFEntry>() { public int compare(KRFEntry o1, KRFEntry o2) { long val1 = o1.getOffsetInOplogForSorting(); long val2 = o2.getOffsetInOplogForSorting(); return Long.signum(val1 - val2); } }); return Arrays.asList(sortedLiveEntries).subList(0, idx); }