Example usage for java.lang Iterable interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang Iterable interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Iterable interface-usage.


From source file io.mindmaps.migration.csv.CSVDataMigrator.java

 * The CSV data migrator will migrate all of the data in a CSV file into Mindmaps Graql var patters, to be
 * imported into a graph as the user sees fit.
 * This class implements Iterator.

From source file com.kibana.multitenancy.plugin.acl.ArmorACL.java

 * Class representation of a ElasticSearch Armor plugin ACL
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class ArmorACL implements Iterable<ArmorACL.Acl> {

From source file com.intelligentsia.dowsers.entity.model.ReferenceCollection.java

 * ReferenceCollection.
 * @author <a href="mailto:jguibert@intelligents-ia.com">Jerome Guibert</a>
public class ReferenceCollection implements Iterable<Reference>, Serializable {

From source file com.ryan.ryanreader.jsonwrap.JsonBufferedArray.java

 * A JSON array, which may be partially or fully received.
public final class JsonBufferedArray extends JsonBuffered implements Iterable<JsonValue> {

    private final ArrayList<JsonValue> contents = new ArrayList<JsonValue>(16);

From source file wicket.markup.MarkupFragment.java

 * A list of markup elements associated with a Markup. Might be all elements of
 * a markup resource, might be just the elements associated with a specific tag.
 * @see wicket.markup.Markup
 * @see wicket.markup.MarkupElement

From source file org.quantumbadger.redreader.jsonwrap.JsonBufferedArray.java

 * A JSON array, which may be partially or fully received.
public final class JsonBufferedArray extends JsonBuffered implements Iterable<JsonValue> {

    private final ArrayList<JsonValue> contents = new ArrayList<>(16);

From source file jcoderwall.Badges.java

public class Badges implements Iterable<Badge>, Serializable {
     * Serial code version <code>serialVersionUID</code> for serialization.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5444933409976871942L;

From source file com.basetechnology.s0.agentserver.script.intermediate.SymbolValues.java

public class SymbolValues implements Iterable<Symbol> {
    static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SymbolValues.class);
    public String categoryName;
    public ListMap<Symbol, Value> symbolValues = new ListMap<Symbol, Value>();

    public SymbolValues() {

From source file com.prowidesoftware.swift.io.AbstractReader.java

 * Base class for message reader iterators.
 * @author sebastian@prowidesoftware.com
 * @since 7.8

From source file org.commonjava.atlas.maven.graph.model.EProjectCycle.java

public class EProjectCycle implements Iterable<ProjectRelationship<?, ?>>, EProjectRelationshipCollection {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private List<ProjectRelationship<?, ?>> relationships = new ArrayList<ProjectRelationship<?, ?>>();