Example usage for java.lang Iterable interface-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang Iterable interface-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Iterable interface-usage.


From source file com.opengamma.financial.security.cds.CDSIndexComponentBundle.java

 * Immutable set of {@link CreditDefaultSwapIndexComponent} that
 * represents the CreditDefaultSwapIndexDefinitionSecurity components
 * <p>
 * It uses a comparator based on the ObligorCode of each components
 * as opposed to natural ordering of weight and name.

From source file uniol.apt.util.DifferentPairsIterable.java

 * Iterable for iterating over all pairs of different elements of a given collection. Note that it is assumed that the
 * order of the elements does not matter, so only one of (a, b) and (b, a) will be returned.
 * @param <E> The type of elements that are investigated.
 * @author Uli Schlachter

From source file com.synopsys.integration.blackduck.codelocation.CodeLocationBatchOutput.java

public abstract class CodeLocationBatchOutput<T extends CodeLocationOutput> implements Iterable<T> {
    private final Map<String, Integer> successfulCodeLocationNamesToExpectedNotificationCounts;
    private final List<T> outputs = new ArrayList<>();

    public CodeLocationBatchOutput(List<T> outputs) {
        successfulCodeLocationNamesToExpectedNotificationCounts = outputs.stream().peek(this.outputs::add)

From source file org.lightadmin.core.config.domain.unit.ConfigurationUnits.java

public class ConfigurationUnits implements Iterable<ConfigurationUnit>, Serializable {

    private final String configurationClassName;
    private final Class<?> domainType;

    private final Set<ConfigurationUnit> configurationUnits;

From source file com.hp.autonomy.iod.client.api.search.FieldNames.java

@JsonDeserialize(builder = FieldNames.Builder.class)
public class FieldNames implements Iterable<FieldNames.ParametricValue> {

    private final Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> parametricValuesMap;

From source file com.insightml.utils.types.cache.Cache.java

public abstract class Cache<K, V> extends AbstractClass implements Iterable<Entry<K, V>>, Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 525992178263628297L;

    private Map<K, V> cache;

    protected Cache() {

From source file ome.services.eventlogs.EventLogLoader.java

 * Data access object for the {@link FullTextIndexer} which provides an
 * {@link Iterator} interface for {@link EventLog} instances to be properly
 * indexed. Also supports the concept of batches. After {@link #batchSize}
 * queries,

From source file org.openengsb.core.edbi.jdbc.sql.ColumnSet.java

 * A Set of Column objects. Uses a map to uniquely map Columns to their respective names.
public class ColumnSet implements Iterable<Column> {

    private Map<String, Column> columns;

From source file com.zjy.mongo.util.BSONLoader.java

public class BSONLoader implements Iterable<BSONObject>, Iterator<BSONObject> {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BSONLoader.class);

    private final BSONDecoder decoder = new BasicBSONDecoder();
    private final BSONCallback callback = new BasicBSONCallback();

From source file org.drools.planner.core.constructionheuristic.greedyFit.selector.GreedyPlanningEntitySelector.java

 * Determines the order in which the planning entities are fit into the solution
public class GreedyPlanningEntitySelector implements Iterable<Object>, GreedySolverPhaseLifecycleListener {

    private List<PlanningEntitySelector> planningEntitySelectorList;